• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 24,018 Views, 1,282 Comments

Friendship is Scaleless - Limescale

Seath the Scaleless was meant to be slain by the Chosen Undead, instead he finds himself wrenched from Lordran just before dying and abruptly tossed into a new role as the teacher of a kindred spirit: a pony called Twilight Sparkle.

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Chapter 12

Luna sat wearily on her throne, her head resting heavy on her front hooves and her mind turning in somersaults over what Seath had revealed to her. In front of the alicorn lay a half-finished letter, the quill limply sitting beside a fragment of a sentence. It was her fifth attempt at putting something down into writing, but yet again her troubled thoughts had proven difficult to phrase. She needed further clarification on a few aspects from her night time venture into the white dragon’s dreams, but since Seath has made it abundantly clear he wasn’t going to share anything more with her for the present, the moon princess was having to rope in a third party to help out. Now she faced the problem of how to accurately express what she suspected, without sounding like a conspiracy nut and without making Seath sound like a complete monster. Granted there was a lot to argue in favor of the latter, but Luna didn’t want to jump to conclusions yet. There was something else behind his insanity, behind his seeming lack of a conscience. She had many profiles for what a monster was like, all of them locked up in Tartarus and readily available for reference, and Seath, despite his heinous crimes, didn’t quite fit any of their profiles.

“Another party invitation to Princess Cadence? I thought she already R.S.V.P-ed you.”

Luna looked up to see Celestia trotting into the throne room, looking as cheery as ever.

“Oh, good morning, Tia. Yes she did, but I have new need to insist that she attend and wished to pass my reasons along.” Luna picked up the quill in her magic and tried to resume writing. “I ventured into Seath’s dreams last night.”

The cheer was promptly flushed away from Celestia’s face. “And…?”

“It would seem his mind is as enlightened as it is broken. He sensed my presence in his thoughts and…pulled me aside for a little chat.”

Celestia’s body grew cold. “Did he attempt to hurt you?”

“No, nothing like that. His confession when I gently pressed him for information was venomous enough without the need for violence."

Celestia was cautiously relieved. “So you got him to open up a bit?”

“Yes…” Luna replied, not sounding at all proud of her accomplishment.

“And?” The solar diarch hesitantly asked. She immediately regretted doing so when Luna put down her quill and rose to pace the throne room, darkness clouding her features as she struggled for a way to phrase her opinions.

“He is…a most complicated individual. As tortured and twisted as he is powerful, a soul unmatched in intellect, driven mad by pain and suffering, yet so pitiful that I honestly cannot summon any malice for him.”

Celestia clenched her jaw as she followed her sister around the room.

“Was I wrong to allow him access to Twilight? Is she in danger?” She asked in panic.

Luna flinched as she thought about the prospect. Her steps slowed to a tense stop.

“No…well…not yet anyway.”

Celestia cocked her head.

“It is clear that Seath’s prior existence was not at all pleasant. Indeed I now see why you suspected he may be a victim rather than a monster, but that said, even for such dire circumstances his means of dealing with them seemed most extreme.” Luna groaned and held a hoof to her head. “Then again, as a third counterpoint to my previous two, he gave me his word that he intended no harm to Twilight or to Equestria. While his trustworthiness remains up for debate, I feel that he was sincere in that part.”

Celestia swallowed heavily. She knew this was a risky venture, had prepared herself for facing some heavy obstacles, but unfortunately that had all been for her own safety. Seeing her sister looking so torn on what to make of Equestria’s newest resident still stabbed at her like a red hot blade to the heart.

“Do you feel he can be redeemed?” She asked. Luna looked to the stained glass window that depicted Discord being welcomed back by the ponies.

“I…I don’t know if redemption is what he seeks. Right now what I think he needs is just a chance to prove something….to confirm and understand a concept that’s been plaguing him for eons, something far beyond our own comprehension of the universe.” The moon princess snorted in weak amusement. “On that point I now believe you did the right thing by giving him somepony who thinks in the same way he does. Who not only can help him but wants to help him.”

Celestia nodded and took these words for the comfort they were intended as.

“Do you think he trusts you?” She asked.

“For now. I hate to admit it but you were also right on my being able to empathize with him. As evil as he may be, I still can’t shake the notion that there is a lot of myself in him.”

Celestia politely cringed as she sat down on her throne. “Do YOU trust him?”

Luna turned her gaze to the floor, staring intently at some immensely fascinating aspect of the rich purple weave.

“That….is a bit of a double edged question. I WANT to believe what he says, but I fear for what it may do to my mind if I immerse myself in his way of thinking for too long.” Luna caught the return of panic to her sister’s face and held a hoof up. “Don’t worry, I’m fine, Tia. Just shaken up.”

Celestia took a deep breath and calmed herself.

“Still, what goes into making a mind as brilliant yet shattered as that?” The solar diarch queried with a shiver.

“I have a few suspicions, just things I picked up on while we were talking.” Luna trotted over to her throne again and resumed writing her letter. “Hence why I need Cadence and Seath to meet each other. Let her give her opinion on him and compare it with my own. If she agrees with me, then that may give me a little more insight into what made Seath the being he is now.”

Celestia sighed with a small smile as the doors to the throne room were drawn open in preparation for the day’s court.

“Well with that in mind, dealing with the nobles’ petty issues should be a welcome relief.” She chuckled.


“Please understand sir, we have no doubt a dragon of your size and caliber would be able to handle themselves just fine in the Everfree Forest, but as we’ve already had one report today of a pony going missing in this area and the scouts confirming continued signs of Diamond Dog activity we must abide by Celestia’s order. No one is permitted entry until we know the forest is safe.”

Seath sighed as he stared down at the royal guards. Despite their polished brass armor and sharp pointy spears he could probably plow them all into the ground with one firm sweep of his tentacles. Indeed by doing so he would both accomplish what he’d originally set out to do today and save time in the process, but the aftermath might be a bit messy to deal with.

“And no offer of assistance from me towards thine duty will convince thee to step aside?” He asked.

The royal guard swallowed. “I’m sorry but we can’t let anyone enter the forest right now.”

Seath grumbled but seemed to accept this.

“Very well, by my troth I am off.” He turned and departed, making a show of having his attention be drawn to a hill in the distance. He approached and slipped behind it, then bent down as if examining something on the ground. Gauging that he was now adequately hidden from view, the white dragon gripped his catalyst and cast a spell, turning himself invisible. He re-emerged from behind the hill and checked that the guards were now distracted with their duties of watching for movement amidst the trees before raising his catalyst and casting an Aural Decoy spell. A ball of energy shot from his hands and flew into a bush in the distance, releasing a sound on impact that resembled a foal crying in pain.

All of the guards turned at the noise, and Seath duly played this to his advantage by casting the spell again, aiming it at an outcrop of rocks even further along the edge of the forest. Like good little soldiers, the royal guards grabbed their spears and ran off to investigate, leaving the entrance to the Everfree open for everyone.

“How easily lead astray art the simple mind.” Seath mused to himself as he used a Hush spell to silence his movements and leisurely strode into the forest. While he respected the need to keep folk out of danger, the timing of this little upset was too perfect to pass up. With Twilight preoccupied for the day, working on her spell practice as well as the foundations for his birthday gift to Luna, Seath had a few hours to run a crucial but rather unpleasant errand. Most of the materials needed for his contribution to the moon princess were easy enough to get ahold of, and Spike had been all too happy to grab them, but there was one component the white drake knew his student and her assistant might take issue with, despite it being the most vital one.

For what he planned to create, Seath needed souls, enough to combine into a single essence of considerable magnitude. Obviously such would require a much greater sacrifice this time around so Seath was going hunting, and according to what he’d read from Twilight’s books the Everfree was a veritable hot bed of magically powerful creatures. Well, it was supposed to be at least…

Seath turned as he detected the scurrying of feet across the forest floor. Seeing it was nothing more than a squirrel though he scowled and let it be. Overhead birds chirped merrily away in their praise of the sunny weather, but the dragon gave them a berth too. Even if every creature here was a soul waiting to be captured he didn’t want to waste time pursuing pitiful little pests. He needed big game and he needed it fast! Now if only something more suitable would hurry up and reveal itself!

Seath sighed as he trekked through the wooded vista, again taking note of how much it resembled the Darkroot Garden back in Lordran. Ironically while that place was much of a death trap as any other location the abundance of savage plant life and vicious beasts made it a gold mine for one in need of souls. He’d spent many a week amidst its dark, dismal trees, back when he first struck out into researching sorcery. Some of his earliest efforts in animating crystal golems had seen their birth amidst the glowing fauna, and then of course had been the hydra he’d successfully reared and left to bask in the basin lake. Fie, what a distant time that seemed now, an eternity so far removed from the present he almost couldn’t believe he’d been around to witness it.

The white drake stopped in his tracks upon realizing his thoughts had yet again turned to the fonder times he’d had back home, few as they had been. Strange that he should think of them at all considering how much better Equestria was treating him. Was he actually exhibiting regret at having left Lordran? Surely not! There was nothing left for him back there, not even his Archives nor his Channelers were worth returning to! Especially not with this new life and new purpose he was forging.

Seath glanced up at the canopy of foliage holding back all but mere slivers of sunlight. Yes in its darkened state, the Everfree did resemble Darkroot, but unlike the latter there was no Forest Covenant out to cause problems for whomever they deemed as trespassers into their domain. He also didn’t have to worry about being ambushed by carnivorous ferns, or living trees, or running into that loathsome knight Havel the Rock, who seemed adamant about proving that no dragon could ever be trusted and that they all needed to be hunted down and killed.

No, Seath was better off here, leaving Lordran in the past as another unhappy but finished chapter, along with his time as a god of Verdite. He needed to move forward now, cut his losses and try to make a difference with this new chance he’d been given. Perhaps he could turn this forest into his new retreat, make use of the less vicious animals as test subjects for his experiments while he worked with Twilight to reclaim his immortality. The third time was supposed to be the charm in these sort of things after all, right?

Seath turned his head as there came a rustling from the bushes. This time there was no mistaking that whatever it was, it was big! And as it broke through the wall of leaves and branches, he stopped upon seeing it was strangely familiar too.

Had he not known better, the white dragon could have sworn he was looking at a sanctuary guardian, displaced straight out of Lordran just like himself. The only aspects that could state otherwise were that it lacked the horns of the aforementioned, and its wings were leather and webbed like that of the everlasting dragons, rather than the more angelic feathered formations commonly seen on guardians. Aside from that, the lion head that roared at him was the same, and the segmented tail with the venomous stinger on the end that whipped itself at him was as he remembered.

Seath’s desire to slay this fine specimen was momentarily forgotten as he cocked his head, the scientist in him wishing for a little time to study if this creature was indeed what he thought. He recalled a book in Twilight’s library mentioning it by name, stating it was known to the ponies as a ‘manticore’. To him, however, there was no mistake to be made. If this was not a sanctuary guardian it most certainly had to be a descendant, possibly another example of how Equestria had evolved parallel to Lordran…or maybe…


Seath was brought out of his pondering by the sound of teeth attempting to snap shut around a vitally need part of his body. Fortunately while his age may have been great, it hadn’t managed to slow the white drake’s reflexes yet as he was able to bring his catalyst up in time to jam it in the manticore’s mouth. The beast growled and thrashed as the dragon twisted his staff around, forcing his foe off its paws and onto its back. The manticore tried to counter by whipping its tail under its belly in a sneaky effort to bury its lethal stinger in Seath’s abdomen. Seath retaliated by grabbing the tail with his free hand and blasting the tip with his breath.

Frantically the manticore wrenched its mouth free of the staff, rolling over onto its feet and backing away as the white drake sized it up. Again Seath let his mind slip back into research mode for a moment, resuming his previous line of thought as to how something with such a strong resemblance to one of Lordran’s own monsters could be standing before him. The number of possible explanations steadily grew as he compared its behavior and physical appearance with that of its distant relative. Its breathing sounded normal, lacking the crackling echo that sanctuary guardians made as a result of their lightning breath ability (a welcome absence that was). It also was favoring its teeth more than its paws, the distinct opposite of its relative’s preferred method of attack. That said, it had still tried to use its tail at the most opportune moment, and now it was trying to fly up and ram him from above just like the guardians did.

As Seath spread his wings and took flight as well he almost found himself lamenting having to kill this magnificent beast. Ah well, there’d no doubt be another one for him to study later.

The manticore roared in confusion as it found itself robbed of the advantage of altitude. Despite this set back it still charged at the white drake, displaying an impressive streak of what was either tactful bravery, or suicidal stubbornness. Seath elevated himself safely out of harm’s way, then used his tentacles to grab the manticore by both its wings and its tail. Another confused roar issued forth as the beast found itself suddenly being wrenched back from its advance, its opponent dragging it behind as it executed a midair loop-de-loop. Seath growled in delight as he easily built up momentum, letting go of the manticore at the perfect moment to send it crashing back down to earth. Animals of all kinds scattered as the poor beast sank several inches into the ground, its body remaining limp as the pain of the impact took its toll. From above Seath watched the manticore carefully as it mewled in wooziness and agony, its tail twitching uselessly due to being weighed down by the mass of crystal on its end. It seemed the beast was ready to admit it may have made a mistake in challenging Seath…however, the dragon had no intention of letting it get away.

Returning to an upright position, Seath let himself just drop out of the sky, landing heavily on top of his wounded opponent. The manticore roared with fresh agony, and Seath wasted no time in finally putting it out of its misery. Grabbing it by the mane again, he wrenched the beast’s head back and exhaled his crystal breath all over its face. The manticore was immediately silenced as its features were encased in a mess of jagged white formations, and to make sure it would struggle no more, Seath then slammed its head against the ground. The sound of flesh and bone shattering on impact was positively melodious.

“Ah, t'was a needed kill.” Seath sighed as he released his first kill and reached for a bag slung over his shoulder. Out of it he drew a purple crystal which he then held over the manticore’s body. A fury of golden white fire surged from the cavity of the creature’s face and filled the gem with its light.

“A fine beast and a fine soul to commence the labor with.” The drake sighed in satisfaction as he studied his new treasure. He’d need more, but that had still been a worthy start to the hunt. Perhaps a little easier than he’d expected but one would have to be a great fool to complain about that. Indeed it made perfect sense considering he felt so much stronger and energetic since coming to Equestria.

Storing the crystal back in his bag, Seath flexed his arm and watched it swell with pristine white muscle. If the simple act of being outdoors had already done this much good for him then he really had no cause to ever want to leave. The benefits of staying seemed to grow more numerous with each passing day!

Shouldering his catalyst, Seath surveyed the terrain ahead of him. What other remarkable creatures would he have the pleasure of encountering next?

It was only after the drake had been standing around for a full moment of quiet contemplation that he became aware of the sound of clapping.

“Well, today it seems is our lucky day. Bravo, dear freak. Bravo!”

Seath turned as a net suddenly fell down over him. The weights tied the hem quickly pulled him down to the ground as three figures step out of the bushes. Their forms were that of bipedal canines, clad in dull colored fur with ratty vests and spiked collars.

“First we find a young set of legs and a strong back to help us find gems. Now we find one who doesn’t need to find, he just creates them out of thin air!” The tallest of the dogs slowly clapped. “Did you think we’d ever happen upon such a treasure?”

Seath arched an eye ridge as a fourth dog joined the group. This one dragged a struggling pony tied up with rope. She was a unicorn, draped in a coat of deep azure, complimented by a purple cape and conical wizard’s hat, both of which were speckled with stars.

“I’d say we’ve hit the jackpot here for sure!” The fourth dog smirked. “May not even need this spunky little treat after all.”

The blue mare glared venomously at her captor as she wrestled in her bonds.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is no one’s treat! And if you don’t let her go this instant she promises you will regret…mmmph!”

The fourth dog pulled a wad of cloth from the pocket of his vest and forcefully stuffed it into Trixie’s mouth. She gagged and coughed pitifully as the cloth was shoved further and further back till she felt she was in danger of swallowing it.

“I dunno. With the fight she put up I think teaching her a few lessons in manners first couldn’t hurt.” The first dog replied as he cracked his knuckles. “Anyway this guy will need someone to carry the gems he’ll be making for us. Mmmm, so many sweet gems.” The dogs began to drool at the thought. Seath sighed as he saw the tell-tale signs of greed and possibly debauchery were all too apparent on these canines.

“Help me tress this dragon up and get him back to camp, boys! By midnight we’ll be bathing in diamonds the size of our fists!” The first dog declared as he grabbed Seath by his muzzle and pulled another length of rope from his vest. Behind him Trixie continued to unleash muffled protests around her gag, prompting the canines to pause and glower at her.

“One moment, boss. Think I’ll take you up on the offer of teaching this little pretty some manners!”

Trixie snarled at the dog holding her. He responded by grabbing her neck and hoisting her off the ground.

“Sorry what was that? Didn’t quite hear you.”

Trixie choked and kicked helplessly at the air.

“What? Nothing to say now?”

The dog squeezd her neck tighter. Trixie gurgled with the urge to vomit.

“Lost your voice huh? Realised your error? Good.”

Trixie was promptly punched across the face, knocking her hat off. Seath took another look at his unwelcome visitors and came to a decision as they all laughed at the mare’s suffering.

“The multiple villainies of avarice do swarm about thee.” He commented, drawing the canines’ attention back to him.

“Oi! Did we say you could talk, pale freak! Shut yer hole!”

Seath saw two of the dogs draw knives. Another pulled out a crude club with nails hammered through it.

“Thou seeketh fortune and brandish steel, yet thou comprehends not the dangers invited by thine ambition.” The dragon scornfully intoned.

“I said shut it!” The lead dog ordered, poking Seath’s nose through the net. “You may be big, but that just means you’ll bleed more if we have to get nasty!”

Seath looked at the canine as if to check that he was serious about threatening him.

“Bold art thine words and sharp is their edge, but dost thou bear the fortitude to back them up with actions?” He queried, getting another stab on his nose for his efforts.

“Last warning, pale freak! Be silent or be si-“

Seath opened his mouth and expelled a gust of his breath. The dog promptly jerked his arm back, screaming as it was covered in crystals.

“We shall see.” The dragon said as he promptly pushed himself up off the ground. To give credit, the net was impressively heavy and woven of strong, high tensile material. Previously it would’ve presented a challenge, but now the dragon found himself managing to get back to his full height, his renewed strength proving superior as he grabbed the net and began tearing it off himself.

“BOSS! Ack, get another rope on that dragon! Now!”

Another of the dogs grabbed for the lasso their leader had dropped. Seath attempted to aim his catalyst but found it was still tangled up in the net’s weave. Thinking quickly he instead snaked one of his tentacles out underneath and tripped the canine up, wrapping his legs in a tight bind. This did the job of immobilizing the canine, however, it also left Seath open to receive another blade in his flesh.

“Mikey! Let him go you bastard!” Another dog demanded, twisting the blade embedded in the dragon’s tentacle while drawing a second with his other paw. Seath growled from the pain and stared in shocked rage at his opponent.

“Let him go or I’ll cut him free from you! I’ll do it!” The diamond dog threatened. Seath gave him another moment to re-think his words, then unwrapped his tentacle from the fallen dog. Satisfied, the other canine leaned down to help his comrade up.

Seath took the opportunity to show him why he was wrong to take his eyes off his opponent.

“Chris! NO!” Mikey cried as his fellow canine suddenly found himself enveloped in another stream of Seath’s breath. Crystals broke out all over the diamond dogs’ body, making him resemble his namesake more and more as he collapsed on the ground and let out a final paltry breath. The curse effect of the breath would soon put an end to him, but Seath was not feeling merciful enough to wait for that. He grabbed the statue-ifed dog with his other tentacle and swung it full force at the fourth dog holding Trixie. Wisely sizing up whose life mattered more, the canine dropped his captive and leaped for safety as Chris’ body shattered like cheap glass against the ground.

Getting one of his arms free, Seath grabbed for his collection gem and held it out, grunting with minor satisfaction as another soul was absorbed into it. Out of the corner of his eye the dragon spied Mikey scrambling to retrieve the weapons Chris had dropped. He turned to nab the portion of the net holding his catalyst with his teeth and pulled furiously as the diamond dog came at him with a howling want for vengeance. The net proved most resilient, even to Seath’s powerful jaws, yet with grim determination the dragon pulled and bit till finally it gave way. He wrenched his staff free and brought it about to parry Mikey’s attack. The canine tried to compensate by swinging the club clutched in his other paw but with a quick twist of his staff, Seath managed to stop that too.

From where she was helplessly tied up on the ground, Trixie cringed as her unexpected savior worked his way through the dogs. She felt somewhat humiliated at not being able to get her own back in turn, but as the battle continued she also had to acknowledge that staying on the sidelines might be better for her overall health. Though the dogs weren’t too shabby at holding their own, the foolishness of going up against a beast greater than them in all areas was steadily becoming apparent. As the one that had previously been belittling her leaped into the fray, Seath persuaded him otherwise by coating the ground around him with crystal spikes. The canine managed to again jump out of the blast radius, only to then make his own mistake of pausing to growl smugly at having outwitted his opponent.

Seath promptly smacked him for his insolence. More specifically he smacked the diamond dog upside the head with a tentacle, causing him to lose his balance and fall forward onto the spikes. The wet ‘shlllurk’ of a body being penetrated in multiple areas simultaneously was as sickening as it was comical.

Driving Mikey away with his catalyst, Seath brought out his collection gem again and captured another soul for his needs. As bothersome as this encounter had started out as, it was proving surprisingly profitable now. Not to mention the ease at which Seath was dispatching these canine pests was providing a welcoming calm. He felt more like his old self again, from when the Age of Fire had first begun. The years and the toll they had taken on him seemed to just melt away, taking with them the pain and depression that had weighed for so long on his soul. He was back in his element, a top tier beast of the land once more, and nothing these dogs did was going to bring him down!

As Mikey recovered and went on the offensive again, Seath summoned one of the darkest sorceries he’d had the pleasure of creating. A literal and figurative embodiment of the wrath of the Abyss itself, forged in the lands of Oolacile and kept as a treasured secret among only the highest ranking sorcerers in the lands. His opponent lunged with intent to kill, and Seath unleashed a fog of pure black poison in his face. Mikey crashed blindly upon the earth, coughing up thick globs of his own blood. Blindly he tried to find purchase with which to get back to his feet but his body felt like it was melting from the inside out. His lungs were turning to liquid, his muscles leaking like rotten bags of flesh, his eyes were sluicing from their sockets down his cheeks.

Seath permitted himself a moment to admire how the canine fruitlessly tried to ignore the degeneration of his body and resume the fight. He may have been a weak excuse of a being, but he harbored a very strong soul. Deciding it was time to re-purpose that soul, Seath grabbed the canine and threw him against a nearby tree. The dog burst like a water balloon, leaving a bloody stain across the trunk. The collection gem came out and now Seath had four bright and shiny essences. He almost was willing to leave it at that, but of course the last remaining member of the diamond dogs had to remind him of his presence, snapping a dead branch underfoot as he frantically ran from the scene.

“Tis tragic when one fails to respect their aim oft lies beyond their reach.” The dragon commented as he focused on his fleeing opponent. Even with his crystalized arm slowing him down the diamond dog was maintain a swift pace. Not quite swift enough to outdistance the soul arrow that was then cast at him, but it was still impressively swift.

“AGHHHHH!” The canine wailed as something light and cold speared him through his leg. “Mother….oh please mother mercy! Mercy please!” He cried as the dragon caught up to him.

“But then who art truly to blame for our misguidance in life? T'is our parents devotion that leadeth us astray? Our pious desire to become more than our mere physical forms? Or art we all devils who merely vary in how we sugar o’er our evil acts?” Seath muttered despondently.

“P-Please! I surrender! Take me to the princess! Throw me in jail! Just don’t hurt me anymore!” The diamond dog whimpered as the dragon stared at him quizzically.

“Do we redeem ourselves in higher eyes by putting down our brethren? Or condemn ourselves further to damnation?” The dragon wistfully followed as he lifted his gaze to the canopy overhead.

The canine pitifully looked up at his assailant. “What are you talking about?”

Seath snapped back to attention. “Apologies, oft wander do my thoughts.”

He dismissively raised his catalyst and brought it down on the diamond dog’s head. His skull cracked like an egg shell as the crystalline spikes buried themselves in his brain. Seath quietly admitted he’d been wrong to doubt Glittering Aurum’s craftsmanship as he added a fifth soul to his collection. That pony clearly did know how to create a durable, all purpose tool of trade after all.

Hearing a muffled sound behind his back, Seath pulled his catalyst free from the dog’s corpse and turned to approach the one who still lay trussed up like a prisoner. She squirmed and tried to wriggle away from him but the dragon could understand why. With the high of victory now dissipating, Seath looked around and saw that he may have perhaps gone a bit overboard in dealing with the dogs. The thought struck him as odd seeing as he’d caused plenty of carnage before and had not thought it too much….yet now he was a bit unsettled by how good it felt to kill again.

Shaking his head, Seath laid his catalyst down and bowed before the helpless Trixie.

“I can assure thee, I mean thee no harm.” He soothed while pulling the cloth gag out of her mouth.

“*cough*…The Great and Pow…*cough*…Powerful Trixie fears nothing from any old dragon!” The blue unicorn declared, before adding in a more humble tone. “However, she is grateful you came along when you did.”

Seath hmphed in quiet amusement as he untied her rope binds.

“The guards at the edge of the forest didst speak of an equine lost amidst these trees. Prithee, if thou art that equine, what persuadeth thee to venture into this most perilous of domains?” He asked. Trixie shook off her bonds and grabbed her hat.

“Trixie has…a reputation to repair. In the past she claimed to have achieved a few things which weren’t….entirely true, then made a fool of herself when she tried to prove her power to the ponies of Ponyville. She was hoping to return with a few more genuine feats of greatness after studying abroad.”

Seath cocked a curious eyeridge. “And what didst thou seek in here as such a feat?”

A bloodcurdling roar tore through the trees in response. Seath looked midly perturbed. Trixie looked delighted.

“That which the Great and Powerful Trixie warned her captors about. She told no lie that they’d regret holding her captive while it was still in the area.”

The trees shook as something large and very hungry forded through them.

“Trixie needs to get back to her supplies. She advises you follow her….whomever you are!”

Deciding to humor the unicorn, Seath trailed after her as she galloped through the woods, to where a small camp site had been set up in a clearing. Bottles of various chemicals were scattered around a small fire, along with a collection of flasks, funnels and small glass bulbs filled with a mixture of liquids. Seath also noted a scent of cooked fish and honey, or something similarly sweet coming from the ashes in the fire pit.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie has spent many a night researching the art of alchemy. Since she wasn’t able to do this with her magic, she re-purposed her great intellect into a means that is sure to work!”

The sound of approaching danger steadily grew in volume. Seath wisely charged his catalyst as he scanned the terrain.

“And prithee what is this task thou hopes to accomplish?” The dragon began, wincing as a tremendous THUD! shook the ground beneath his tentacles. “If so bold to ask might I be?”

Trixie checked the glass bulbs and gathered them up in her magic. With a deep breath she faced the direction of the cacophony as it drew nearer still.

“Finally making good on what was previously only a wild boast!” She declared, narrowing her eyes in intense concentration. “Here, little ursa major! The Great and Powerful Trixie is ready for you again.”

Seath increased the distance between him and the unicorn as a tree fell over. He became aware of a pattern of what appeared to be stars glimmering in the darkness of the forest, moving but never changing their formation. Though he knew it would be fatal to drop his guard, Seath let his more inquisitive side emerge as the fresh threat did likewise. It bore the shape of a massive bruin, but one composed not of any earthly matter like flesh or blood. Instead its shape seemed to consist entirely of pure energy, merely hewn together to resemble a bear. A bear speckled with stars across its flank.

“Okay, that’s it. Just a little closer. Stand your ground Trixie, you can do this….”

The ursa major sniffed hungrily at the air, leaning its nose down to the ashes of the camp fire.

“That’s right, smell the lure of your two favorite snacks. Just smell and come a little closer…”

On some level Seath acknowledged he should do something. On the other levels, however, he couldn’t decide what. The diamond dogs were a clear cut case of self-defense, the manticore had proven to be as aggressive as its Lordran equivalent so he’d reacted appropriately there as well. This, however, this was an entirely new creature. Nothing like what he’d been expecting. He could obviously kill it, a beast of that size and magical energy level would yield a very strong soul….however it’d also make a very interesting research subject, not to mention Seath already had everything he needed in terms of souls.

“Little closer….”

Trixie’s words were nothing but white noise on the air. Seath was too caught up in indecision to focus on anything else. Some part of him demanded more death, to bring back the peace of mind that came from killing. Another part queried if he should let Trixie proceed with her plan to fight this thing on her own considering it was a far superior threat. A third part was working away at possible theories on how beings made of pure magic could exist in Equestria. He knew it was a possibility, having created several such life forms in the course of his research, but never had he encountered one as a natural occurrence. This demanded further investigation! He’d need to incorporate this into his chronicles of how life and magic worked together, re-evaluate his theorems, run several experiments and…


Seath looked down and promptly snapped back to the present as Trixie hurled her glass bulbs at the ground in front of the ursa. They exploded unleashing a thick black cloud in the creature’s face. It roared and swiped wildly at the cloud, forcing Trixie to duck and Seath to have to throw up a magical barrier. Twitching its nose, and clawing at its face, the now very angry ursa rounded on its opponents.

“And now you fall!” Trixie declared as the beast charged. She jumped out of the way and looked noticeably less confident as the starry bruin turned to face her again. “Uh…you fall!”

The beast flinched and clawed again as if something was in its eyes. It appeared disoriented but otherwise seemed perfectly fine to continue the battle.

“Fall! I don’t understand, that was supposed to knock you out!” Trixie said, her voice now very alarmed, and very afraid. From his position Seath groaned and focused a soul arrow through his catalyst. The research would have to wait, he needed to kill this beast after all.
The ursa roared with demand for blood as the magical projectile speared it through its midsection. It looked back at the offending object and snarled as the stars on its flank glowed and the soul arrow was absorbed into its body. Seath found this both worrying, but also fascinating. As the ursa turned on him he tried to up the ante by using a crystal soul arrow. The ursa cried as it took the next shot through the chest and reared back as if in pain. After a moment however, it seemed to recover from its suffering and absorbed the crystal into itself just like the soul arrow.

A very high magical resistance doth bless this beast. How magnificent! Seath thought as the ursa came at him again. He spread his wings and took to the sky, giving himself a new vantage point with which to survey the situation and how to deal with it. The ursa ceased its roar and dug its claws into the ground upon realizing its foe had evaded it. Turning around it growled upon seeing Trixie was still where it had left her, frantically leafing through a tome of some manner and trying to mix together chemicals.

“I advise thee to flee, Great and Powerful Trixie. Thou art no match for this creature.” Seath warned, only to get a look of utter offense from the unicorn.

“I ran last time, and the time before that. This time I…I mean the Great and Powerful Trixie will prove herself! She just needs to get the formula right…” Trixie’s voice wavered as she looked up to see the ursa charging at her again. Sighing in frustration, Seath swooped down and spewed his crystal breath along a line in between the beast and the mare. The ursa stopped as it acknowledged the terrain in front of it was suddenly covered in sharp, pointy spikes that would no doubt present a danger to run across.

“Must I remove thee by force?” Seath demanded as he alighted on the ground again. Trixie frantically poured her potions into a bowl and began to stir them in a panic.

“One more try. This time for sure!” She assured. Seath glanced to the bottles and arched an eye ridge upon recognizing the writing on their labels. Noticing a small amount of the mixture had spilled thanks to Trixie’s stirring, he leaned down to touch it and then sniffed his fingers.

“Rotten pine resin…” He stared curiously at Trixie, then turned to the ursa which was skulking around the edge of the spikes, trying to figure out a safe way across them.

“Okay, now to get this into a bulb and…” Trixie grabbed for a funnel. Seath reached out and stopped her.

“Nay, pony. Try this instead.”

Seath lifted the bowl to Trixie’s lips.

“Blow it in its face with a strong exhale.”

Trixie shot the dragon a confused look, but then the ursa roared and made ready to jump over the spikes. Without a second thought, the unicorn blew hard upon the mixed chemicals, sending a vapor of blackness into the ursa’s visage. Unable to stop itself, the beast took a breath of the acrid mix. It coughed and then shook as the effects finally took hold. With its vision starting to swim, the ursa tried again to pounce its foes, only it missed and ended up crashing onto the ground as Seath and Trixie moved out of the way. Giving another strangled gasp, the starry bear slumped limply, its eyes closing as it lost consciousness.

Silence held as the two waited for their foe to try to get up again. When it remained steadfastly asleep, Trixie trembled, then leapt into the air.

“I…I did it! The Great and Powerful Trixie has finally downed an ursa major!” She tossed her hat up in triumph, before turning to the dragon. “Wait…how did you know that would work?”

Seath returned the confused expression.

“Pine resin doth require a firm infusion of air. Glass doth prevent it from breathing and thus dulls the effects.” The dragon explained. “If there be any query worth asking, t'is how thou came across the knowledge to use such outside of Lordran?”

Trixie narrowed her eyes at the dragon, as if pondering what sort of nonsense he was talking about.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie knows not of ‘Lordran’. She merely took a page from her former rival’s book, literally speaking, by reading up on some ancient practices that are meant to work alongside magic.”

Seath looked to the tome Trixie had been reading from and picked it up. Sure enough there was the formula for creating the same enchanted powder that had been used by warriors and assassins for years to amplify their weapons with a poison ability…though the text stated it could also be watered down and used to induce unconsciousness.

“Prithee, where didst thee find this work?” He asked.

“On her travels did Trixie find that.” The mare replied as she reached for her saddlebags and drew out a knife. “A vendor from the Crystal Empire was offering it for an exorbitant price, stating it was old and rare and full of forgotten knowledge, but Trixie beat him down to something more reasonable. Well, more specifically she suggested what was reasonable, then got a passing donkey to beat him down.”

Seath flipped through the pages, finding an entry for repair powder, then one for gold pine resin. To discover such knowledge had apparently made it all the way from his homeland to this distant realm, where little else of Lordran and the gods was known was puzzling indeed to the dragon. Course, then again, the same could be said of the glasses Twilight had given him, and then of course there was the manticore, and Twilight’s familiarity with the soapstone’s abilities….

Seath winced as he felt something prod at his mind. Such familiarity should be comforting, but instead he felt a sense of dread come upon him. Something was wrong with the way aspects of his old domain kept cropping up in the most unlikely of places around here.

Deciding to save such thoughts for later, he put the tome down as Trixie carefully approached the ursine.

“I would still advise caution. A soul as strong and resistant as thus will not succumb to the effects of rotten pine resin for long.”

The unicorn nudged her hoof against the bear’s side, and smiled smugly when it failed to react.

“Trixie is aware of the risk. She needs only one thing, and then she shall take her leave.”

Levitating the knife in her magic, Trixie sheared off a thick clump of fur, making sure she didn’t cut deep enough to actually wound the creature.

“With this, Trixie will have all the proof she needs of her great feat!”

Seath screwed up his face in disgust.

“Thou didst fell this beast for but a mere portion of its hide???” He asked in anger. Trixie stored the fur in her saddle bags and snorted defiantly.

“Trixie needs nothing else. She sought only to prove she was true to her word. When she next meets her rival she will prove herself a changed mare, powerful but now also kind.”

Seath looked to the ursa. “Thou deems this an act of kindness?”

Trixie nodded as she packed up her bottles of chemicals. “Ursa are hardy creatures. This one will awaken soon and be no worse off than before. Trixie did not intend to kill it.”

Seath winced as he tried to work his head around this. To take down such a magnificent specimen, then just leave it behind? Was everypony in this realm insane in their own way?

“Thou hast the opportunity to acquire a soul of great power from this beast, and yet thou strives only to walk away?”

Again that look of demeaning puzzlement.

“Trixie has no use for souls. She is powerful enough as is.”

Seath was shocked into dumb silence as the unicorn finished packing up her campsite.

“Now Trixie must go and prepare for her big comeback! She yearns to see the look on Twilight Sparkle’s face when she appears again and shows how much she’s changed thanks to our previous clash!”

The name only barely registered on Seath’s brain as he turned to see the unicorn holding up a small powdered ball of some sort.

“Trixie again thanks you for saving her life, by the way. She’ll make sure to dedicate her next show to you…Mr….umm…White Dragon.”

Trixie hurled the ball on the ground, creating a huge wall of smoke which almost immediately began to dissipate. Seath watched as the unicorn materialized back into view, her cape billowing behind her as she galloped for the edge of the forest.

First the pink one, now this blue one. Dost these ponies e'en acknowledge what waste they make with their neglect?

Seath turned back to the ursa major. If Trixie had no desire for its soul then he might as well take it for himself. The dragon raised his gem, preparing to catch yet another worthy treasure for himself…

Then his arm lowered again.

Pause…didst thou not see this beast as a brilliant phenomenon of nature not more than ten minutes ago? Didst thou not seek to know how it came to be?

Seath shook his head and raised the gem again. “Thine soul is mine, savage creature!”

He paused again.

Yes its soul is thine, as were the souls of every human thou captured and experimented on. As were the channelers thou bound to serve thine will forever! As were the golems, the hydras, the man-eating clams, the pisacas…and every other being thou unjustly claimed as thine own.

Seath snarled and clamped a hand over his face. This was stupid. He’d killed five souls already, what did a sixth matter?

Yea, t'is always the way. One more test subject to be taken, one more experiment to be done, one more mistake to be written off, one more failure to add to the list. Hast thou ever pondered where it shalt all end?

The ursa grumbled as it began to recover from the effects of the rotten pine resin. Seath knew if he was going to take its soul it had to be now. His sorcery would be useless against its magical resistance once it was back to full strength.

That mare was content to leave with but a token. Canst thou do the same? Dost thou truly only know peace when thou kills?

Seath was suddenly beset by a terrible chill. The weather may have been moving into summer but for him it might as well have been the dead of winter. He looked to the collection gem again as the ursa slowly woke up…


“Oh hey Seath, you’re back!” Spike declared as the dragon strode through the doors of Twilight’s castle. “Get what you need?”

“Quite. I trust thou was similarly successful in acquiring the other needed parts?” The white drake queried. He was answered by a thump coming from beneath the floor, followed by a muffled series of excited chatter.

“Yes we were…perhaps more successful than we needed to be.” Spike looked down at the section of the floor he was sweeping. “Once we got everything you listed, Twilight thought your design might benefit from a few…erm..’adjustments’. I’ve been helping her draft additional documentation ever since we got back.”

Seath looked very wary as Spike put his broom aside and gestured for his giant counterpart to follow him downstairs to Twilight’s lab. Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, Seath found his caution had not been unjust. The lavender alicorn had parchment strewn all over the place like party streamers as she pranced around a large assembly table with a sheet drawn over it. Numerous glowing inscriptions and pictures also burned quietly across the walls, evidence that Twilight had been making use of the soapstones too.

“Right so if I instead nix the extra set of wings and use the space to attach some bioluminescent pods, then it could have a searchlight function for finding ponies at night! Except it already has the ability to emit light through its entire body by default…hmm..maybe if I added another pair of legs instead so it had more mobility…”

Twilight grabbed a quill with her magic and searched for a blank portion of parchment to jot down the new idea…only to find every square inch of the unrolled scrolls around her were completely covered in ink.

“Not again! Spike, I need you to put in another order of paper!” The mare called out.

“We’re right here, Twi, you don’t have to shout.” Spike replied, trying not to giggle when the mare looked up and ironically gave herself more of a scare.

“Oh! Uh, well great! And hello, Seath!”

“Good Morrow.” The white drake replied as he surveyed the disarray of the lab. “Thine residence grows to resemble my own abode with each passing day it seems.”

Twilight dropped her quill as a deep blush of embarrassment burned onto her face.

“Yeah…uh…well this project you set has really gotten me excited. I’ve never had the chance to create a homunculus before…erm…or a golem…or…uh…well, actually what exactly would you define this as?”

Seath lifted the cloth covering the table and peered at what was underneath it.

“T’is a life form. A very unique one, but a life form and nothing more.” He replied in satisfaction. “Thou hast been most efficient in accomplishing thine part of its inception, I do admit.”

Twilight beamed with glee. “Well if this is anywhere near as incredible as your notes make it sound, Luna’s going to get the best birthday present she could ever hope for!” The blush promptly returned. “I just…um, I hope you don’t mind but I also jotted down a few things that might make it even better…”

She levitated one of the scrolls up to Seath. He took it and quietly perused through its contents. Twilight swallowed hesitantly as the dragon furrowed his brow, possibly finding her ideas disdainful.

“Thou is aware it is already blessed with an alternate means of sight, nay?”

The alicorn nodded. “Yes, but it just didn’t seem right without a head. Knowing Luna she’ll probably prefer it have a few more recognizable features like the creature it’s based on.” Twilight explained.

Seath hmmed as he studied the schematics that had been drawn up alongside the added notes.

“An artist I did not take thee for.” He mused

“Oh, those would be mine actually.” Spike proudly replied. “Comes from practicing the techniques of my favorite comic book artists.”

Seath hmmed louder as he kept reading. Inwardly his Lord Soul was enflamed by a pang of ire that his student felt the need to try and improve upon what he saw as an already perfect design…however, at the same time he couldn’t deny Twilight had some pretty good ideas.

“So…what do you think?” Twilight finally asked after a few more minutes of tense silence. Reaching the end of the scroll, Seath tore it in half and threw the top portion away.

“I believe these parts could be incorporated. There is naught to be gained by not at least trying thine approach.” He replied while setting the bottom half on the table. The delighted smile promptly reappeared on Twilight’s face.

“Let’s get to work on adding them then! Right now! Ooooh, I can’t wait to see this once it’s finished!”

Seath set his carrying bag on a nearby counter, feeling a rather pleasant spark shoot through him. He gathered this latest task would please Twilight, but seeing her look so enthralled with it just made him feel…infected, in a way that he strangely welcomed.

“I wish to query thee about something in addition: previously didst thou ever encounter a mare dubbed ‘The Great and Powerful Trixie’?”

Twilight and Spike both halted in their tracks.

“Uhhh, you…might say that we did.” Spike replied.

“Didst she and thou form a rivalry at any point?” Seath continued, noting the increasing awkwardness both equine and dragon exhibited.

“You…erm…might say that too…though it was more her doing than mine.” Twilight said. “Why do you ask?”

Seath drew out his collection gem and set it on the counter.

“I encountered her during my travels in the Everfree Forest, a prisoner of a rogue band of brigands. They sought to unite us in slavery. I retaliated in kind and freed her from their clutches.”

He tapped the crystal, drawing Twilight’s attention to it and the souls swirling about inside it. It was a calculated move, a test to see if she could first work out what he was inferring, and then how would she react to it.

“Well, that was awfully heroic of you! Did it come down to hard blows? A pitched fight to the death?” Spike asked with wide eyes.

“Surprisingly so. For scoundrels they were quite worthy combatants.” Seath said in passing. His smaller counterpart grinned with want to know more. Twilight drew back as she deduce what more there was to know.

“Did you…did they leave you no other choice?” She asked in a still and strangled breath.

“Nay, they did not. When humor the alternative did I, they responded with more violence.” Seath held up the tentacle with the deep knife wound. Twilight took a deep breath and turned away.

“So you gave them a sound beating? Rescued the damsel and everything?” Spike continued, apparently blind to the darker edge of Seath’s tale.

“Thou could say I did.” Seath replied, feeling a chuckle bubble up inside him at how enraptured the little dragon was.

“Well darn! Now I wish I’d gone with you! That’d have been awesome to see!” Spike declared. Beside him Twilight choked on a lump in her throat. “Oh, uh, though,Trixie isn’t still mad at Twilight is she?”

Seath looked to the aforementioned alicorn. She hesitantly gestured for him not to correct Spike’s misunderstanding.

“T’would seem not. She intends to visit thee soon, and show she has taken the message thou conveyed to her at thine last meeting to heart.” Seath replied.

Spike’s eyes widened again.

“Wow, okay now that is a surprise.” The smaller dragon commented.

“Indeed, well I guess that’ll make for an interesting time when she does…hopefully without the destruction of before.” Twilight replied. Her voice sounded somewhat lightened by the news.

“Destruction?” Seath queried.

“Yeah, when we first met she was quite an…um…enthusiastic show pony. Apparently I did something to offend her and she then spent a long time trying to prove herself the better magic user, up to and including stealing an ancient artifact that enhanced her powers and then using them to banish me from Ponyville so she could turn it into her own little domain.”

Now Seath had to go wide eyed.

“Eventually I was able to show her the errors of her ways and she left swearing she was going to improve herself. I’m glad that it sounds like she was serious about that.”

“Indeed.” Seath mused, wincing at the familiarity of the tale. “So thou would claim to have influenced her to do better?”

Twilight pondered and then shrugged. “I guess I did. I mean I just wanted her to see that her ambition was misplaced, and misapplied.”

Seath grabbed for the counter, suddenly feeling weak. Yet again here was another parallel to his own strife, yet again fate sought to torment him with another echo of a past he never seemed able to run from.

“Seath? About…um…those…”

Twilight pointed to the collection gem. Seath braced himself for the worst.

“I assure thee, Twilight, what was done was what had to be done.” He intoned.

Twilight nodded. “I understand that, as much as I understand your concept of right and wrong is different from mine. I’m not asking for details, and I’m not going to try taking the moral high ground here. I just want to ask one question: if you had been able to resolve things in a…less aggressive manner, would you have done so?”

Seath blinked, again finding himself blindsided by Twilight not reacting in the way he expected to. A being from her background should have been disgusted at the thought of him shamelessly slaying in cold blood, yet instead she chose to look past the black and white standards she’d been taught and instead entertain the grey area Seath lived in. Much like with Luna, she was willing to accept him warts and all, provided he gave a good defense to his actions.

“Twilight, since I entered thine dominion I hath been offered many chances to resume mine old behavior, and every time I strove not to. The reasons for why are numerous, and would require a very lengthy discussion as even I do no fully understand them all. Wouldst I vie to do likewise if I could?”

Seath looked to the collection gem, watching the five souls in it endlessly swirl about like dust specks caught by the wind.

“I cannot deny that killing grants me peace, such is my inescapable nature as a beast…and to create new life such sacrifice is vital…but t’were I to have an alternative….I cannot guarantee my success, but yes, I would attempt it at least.”

Seath dared to meet Twilight’s eyes again, finding she wore an indecipherable expression on her face. Taking a deep breath, the alicorn approached her teacher, and nuzzled into his mid-section.

“Okay, thank you for being honest with me.” She whispered while rubbing her face against Seath’s skin. It felt warm, smooth, strangely comforting. The crystal formations covering it may have attested to the pain the dragon had endured (and caused) but underneath…Twilight could still sense there was something beyond the hatred, the suffering, the madness. She pondered if this was what Fluttershy had felt when she’d been charged with reforming Discord.

“Again…thine gratitude is returned. If only for thine acceptance.”

Twilight sighed as she let herself rest against her teacher. “I can’t pretend to like what you do at times, but for now I can live with it. You said every sorcerer has to decide for themselves what they will condone for the sake of their art. For this, I’ll forgive what you did as it was to save the life of someone else, as well as allow a second life to be birthed.”

Seath felt his eyes sting as the pony stepped away from him.

“I just…wish there was some way I could help you heal from all the terrible things you’ve had to endure, show you that you don’t always have to be so vicious.” Twilight said sympathetically. Rather than soothe Seath this just made him more uneasy.

Heal from the sins thou committed of thine own volition. If she did know wouldst still she deem thee worthy of such generosity?

If she knew?

Seath thought back to Luna’s demand that he eventually confess his past crimes to Twilight. As counterproductive as it had seemed at the time, the lavender alicorn was proving she could handle more than he had originally given her credit for.

“Perhaps there is. In due course shalt we see. For now, let us continue preparing our gift for its grand awakening.”

Seath picked up the collection gem and clutched it tightly in his hands.

“As harmony between forces of nature may be achieved, the same is thus done for the essence of multiple lives. Powerful art they while separate, together as one they art even more so!”

He demonstrated by focusing multiple beams of magic from his fingers into the walls of the crystal. Each latched onto a soul and coaxed it towards the others. Together the five swirled closer and closer, till at last they merged into one brilliant ball of energy.

“Insert this into the central core socket. It shalt act as the heart of our creation.”

Twilight whipped the cover off the table with her magic and slotted the gem into the instructed area. With a rainbow aura the half-finished project stirred, its completed aspects glowing in every color imaginable as it experienced its first moments of consciousness.

“It’s alive….IT’S ALIIIVE!” Spike cried. Seath shot him a look. “Sorry, theatrics. Couldn’t resist.”

For the first time, quite unexpectedly, Seath just smirked as he rubbed the little dragon’s head.

“Do as thou wisheth, Spike. Reacted might have I in a manner most similar when first I did attempt this.” He admitted much to the mirth of his student.


Elsewhere, even as darkness and death descended upon it again, another soul was slowly healing.

By this point the Chosen Undead was certain that her still being in the fight had to at least be partially on account of Leeroy’s shield. It was the only explanation for how she was managing to endure the injuries Artorias had dealt her, as well as still have enough energy to inflict a few of her own in return. The fallen knight was bleeding like a stuck pig from the enchantment of the female husk’s golden tracer sword, while also swaying from the poison coursing through him after repeated stabbings from her silver one. By this point the sheer force of his will, and possibly his faith, was the only reason he was still on his feet and still madly trying to cleave her in two. Even in her paralyzed, undead state, the husk felt a bit nauseous at the thought that such incredible character was one of the virtues she had molded her own personae on while growing up. This…this was a fate undeserving of such a paragon, but still she wished it did not have to be her that had to fix it.

Artorias lunged, she parried and gave him another gaping wound. He leaped back and the dark ichor enveloped him again in an explosive aura. So their dance of death repeated, interrupted only by the Chosen Undead falling to another blade through her gut, or losing one of her limbs and bleeding out on the ground. With every new round, her spirit sank, every time she re-emerged from the bonfire she saw Artorias being thrown at her like a puppet, his aggression clearly not of his own, but his lingering self too gripped with pain to resist his captor’s will.


The Chosen Undead’s mouth flopped open but no sound issued forth. Even at her best times, talking had never been a strong point for her, and voicing anything in this moment of utter despair would have been useless. Artorias didn’t need words of comfort, he needed to be put out of his misery, as horrible as that sounded.

“Strong…so strong…ch-AIERRRGHHHH!” Artorias roared as he launched another wave of the black ichor at his opponent. The Chosen Undead rolled safely out of the way, then spun her swords into position to catch the follow up slash between them and force it aside. Silently she begged Artorias to tire, to give her an opening to end his suffering.

“The Abyss…..must be stopped….stop…stoooOOOORRGHHHH!”

The mist gripped him again, forced him to leap and try to pin the female husk to the ground. She rolled underneath him as he flew through the air, stood, spun in place, and fought to keep her balance as Artorias split the coliseum floor in two with his sword.

With her opponent momentarily stuck trying to extract his weapon, the husk wasted no time in burying her own two blades in Artorias’ back.

The knight screamed in a voice that could not possibly have belonged to anything roaming the lands. So harsh, so guttural, so black and monstrous was it that the Chosen Undead knew she would never stop hearing it. It was the Abyss itself howling through the shell of its greatest defeat, lamenting that it could torment Artorias and corrupt him no longer. Blood flowed like ink down Artorias’ armor as the Chosen Undead lifted him off the ground and let his weight impale him further on her blades. Gold and silver tore through the front of his chest as he writhed in his death throes, his screams quieting and his sword at last falling from his hand.

“Si…Sif…*cough*…there you are….Cia….Aurel….please…forgive me.”

The Chosen Undead buckled under her opponent, her strength leaving her along with his life.

“Forgive me…child…I have availed you…nothing….urghhhhh…”

Silence slowly gripped the coliseum. Unable to bear the burden of Artorias’ corpse anymore, the undead pushed him off onto the ground and pulled her blades free from his torso. As the last few drops of blood left the knight a brilliant white energy burst from within him. Slowly Lordran’s greatest warrior and protector vanished from the mortal world, finally free of his duty, his pain, and the hell of the land. In his place a black flame burned soundlessly above the ground; another powerful soul now ripe for the taking.

Dropping her blades, the Chosen Undead fell to her knees and scooped it up, letting its warmth comfort her. Around her not even a bird could be hear chirping, just the never ending silence of a land that was now as dead to the world around it as that world was to the rest of time.

As one soul celebrated the creation of a life, another soul wept for the loss of one.

Author's Note:

So finally we get the pay off to an obscure hint mentioned way back in Chapter 3 (and if no one noticed it then don't blame yourselves, I probably could have done a better job of slipping it in :twilightoops: ). From the get go I knew I wanted to have Trixie show up in some manner in this series, if for no other reason than to again provide a parallel between Twilight and Seath, both having had rivals at some point in their lives, not to mention Trixie's using the alicorn amulet to enhance her own power for personal gain echoes strongly of Guyra absorbing the power of Melanat's black crystals maintain the upper hand against Seath in the King's Field games. Still torn on what role she will ultimately serve but I will have our favorite show pony do something significant as the series continues.

Also interested to see how everyone reacts to Seath finally letting a bit of his old monstrous self show again. Tried to not make him too much of an asshole but still show what happens when he no longer lets himself be held back by his developing conscience.

As always, read, comment and enjoy!