• Published 13th Apr 2015
  • 24,019 Views, 1,282 Comments

Friendship is Scaleless - Limescale

Seath the Scaleless was meant to be slain by the Chosen Undead, instead he finds himself wrenched from Lordran just before dying and abruptly tossed into a new role as the teacher of a kindred spirit: a pony called Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...

Chapter 27

“So this is Lordran, huh?” Applejack queried as she beheld the surrounding vista of grand desolation from the edge of Firelink Shrine. “Well, Ah can see why you were so appreciative of the change of scenery, Seath.”

The white dragon grumbled as he took in a breath. The air tasted as stale and empty as he remembered, a sad contrast to the vibrancy that permeated Equestria. There was no life to be had here, no cheer, no energy. Just the ever present signs of a kingdom long since destroyed.

Destroyed as much by his own machinations as that of time and tragedy.

“For generation upon generation, this land stood as a monument to the power and magnificence of the gods. For a thousand generations more, it remains as testament to the price of hubris, and shrine to the fury of fate when one strives to stand against it…” Seath’s head wilted. “As has happened before, after and as long as this vicious cycle continues.”

“Well if nothing else it allows for some lovely photo ops!” Discord declared as he snapped shot after shot of the scenery. “Oh the destruction, the ruin, the complete collapse of society and order, everything here is so beautiful!”

Taking a deep breath, Applejack left the draconequus and headed back to the throng of souls gathered around the bonfire. Introductions between the ponies and the humans had mercifully gone better than last time. Though the sight of Seath standing amidst the equines had given Siegmeyer, Laurentius, and Griggs cause to keep their distance and their arms at the ready, the Chosen Undead had done a masterful job of assuring her allies that all would be well, and if Seath did not act in everyone’s best interests then the ponies would all too happy to help in teaching him a lesson. Seath had politely bit his tongue and glared in silent loathing.

“Okay, so now that we’re all here, what’s the plan fer fixin’ Pinkie and yer condition, Twilight? Not to mention seein' about who or what round’ these parts is so keen on terrorizin’ Equestria?” Applejack queried. Twilight made a quick addition to the checklist she’d been writing and stood.

“Well, after a lengthy talk with Seath and Aurelia, I’ve come up with the following to start us off. First, as Aurelia correctly pointed out, this shrine is far too exposed and unprotected to use as a base of operations. If Seath can promise his archives are as well fortified as he claimed, we’d be much safer there, not to mention the amount of research material we’ll have to work with will be invaluable for learning more about this place.”

Seath turned to glower at the Chosen Undead. “Much as thou hast excelled in destroying mine fortifications and butchering my channelers, what remains will still prove a worthy haven.” He swore before adding in a low grumble. “And where credit is due, thou was kind to spare my books from thine rampage.”

The Chosen Undead shrugged. From where he was sitting in his usual spot behind a wall, Logan perked up.

“I would most welcome a return to such a font of knowledge. Before I deemed myself privileged to stand amidst such a paradise on my own merit, but to work with the Grandfather of Sorcery himself? Bliss!” The sorcerer declared in an almost dreamy voice. Seath arched a wary eyebrow.

“There is still much to explore down in the Crystal Cave too…I’ve been pondering about what I sensed while down there. Perhaps Seath and you could lend a fresh perspective, Princess Twilight?” Griggs queried. Beside him Seigmeyer awkwardly ran a whetstone across the blade of his zweihander.

“Also we were a bit remiss in clearing out the golems and hollowed that you’ve got infesting the place. Would you prefer to have those corralled or might I offer my services for a bit of pest control?” He asked, trying not to sound too excited at the prospect of adding a few new trophies to his collection of slain beasts. Seath rolled his eyes and tried not to think about how thrilled he’d been the last time he got to indulge in similar bloodlust.

“If thou must. I ask only that thou spare any channelers of mine that hath not yet fallen to the power of another. While I still breathe they will not hesitate to assist us.” He replied. Twilight quickly added another note to her list.

“Good, Faust knows we’re going to need it, especially for this next part.” The alicorn set down her quill and took a deep breath. “Now, from what I’ve seen of how these bonfires work, we all could technically just teleport there immediately… however, considering what else we need to investigate, I’m pondering if it might be more efficient taking the long way.”

A low groan from something that could possibly have been human, and was very likely not, echoed across the air. Twilight tried to not feel queasy at how all the warriors and sorcerers around her immediately reached for their weapons.

“Uh, Twi, are you sure that’s a good idea?” Rainbow asked while flying up to get a better aerial view of the terrain. "It's not looking too friendly beyond the immediate area."

“To an extent, it’d probably be safer. I’d certainly feel better if I had more time to study the Lordvessel before sending a large number of souls through it.” Laurentius replied. “I admit, while I’m glad you all made it back safely, the fact you arrived here in the shrine rather than the altar below us gives me cause to worry.”

Twilight hummed.

“Well, maybe I can have a look with you. I do know a few things about teleportation myself. Also, Seath, you said you wanted to see the Princess Gwynevere who’s residing in Anor Londo, and we also need to track down this Kaathe character you mentioned and ask if he has any further information on what’s going on.” Twilight said while staring intently at her list. Seath looked to the ring on his finger and nodded.

“There are indeed many affairs we must put to rest. I dread to think what has become of the last two Lord Souls if the Witch and I have already found our way to thine world.”

The Chosen Undead rubbed uncomfortably at her chest plate, though no one seemed to notice.

“Heck yeah! We gotta find that Manus jerk and make sure he doesn’t cause any more trouble! See to it he rues what he did to you and Pinkie, Twilight! Rue it right to his final breath!” Rainbow Dash declared while viciously smashing her front hooves together. Underneath her, Twilight looked up, surprised at her friend’s bloodlust.

“Rest assured, Rainbow, we will. Damn straight we will.” The alicorn said with a darker edge. “Okay so here’s what we’ve got so far: Get to Seath’s Archives. See Gwynevere. Find Kaathe. Stop Manus and retrieve Sombra’s remains. Find a means of curing the Darksign curse. Hmmm… anything else?”

Siegmeyer raised his hand. “While I have no doubt you’re all fine warriors in your own rights, these are rather treacherous lands. You might want to visit a few of the blacksmiths around here and see if they can fashion you some armor to protect your hides. There’s a lovely Andre fellow just up there in the parish!” He gestured to a set of stairs leading away from the shrine.

“Alright, that’s worth checking out too. Anything else?” Twilight asked as she added it to her list.

“Just one thing.” The Chosen Undead rose. “I need to know if Seath’s claims about my quest are true. Hear it from the lips of the one who sent me off on this chain of events in the first place.”

She walked away from the bonfire, through the crumbling shrine till she got to the chamber where Frampt was slumped against the floor, sleeping like a baby. A very loud and atrociously smelling baby.

“The surfeited groom doth mock his charge with snores while death and nature do swarm about him.” Seath growled sarcastically as he followed in behind. “What joy is such constants, e’en with the great passage of time.”

The Chosen Undead demonstrated her full agreement by drawing her chaos blade and smacking Frampt on the head with it.

“Hm? No, no, I’m fine! I’m fine! Well and wide awake!” The serpent yawned. “Do not treat me like an old withered snake!”

The female warrior leaned heavily upon her sword. “Frampt, we need to talk.”

The black snake stretched his jaw and clicked his teeth together.

“Hrmmm, yes. I am pleased to see you well. Is it something… urgent?” His voice wavered as Seath rose up to stare with dripping hatred into his blood red eyes. “I see thou has succeeded in bringing Seath the Scaleless back for the summary harvesting of his Lord Soul.

The female undead drummed her fingers on the hilt of her sword.

“That depends, first I just want to ask you something. Something that’s been on my mind as of late.” The warrior replied. “You claimed succeeding the Great Lord Gwyn was my fate, that you looked into the seeds of time and could see that I was destined to come to you and undertake this quest of linking the fires, cast away the Dark and undo the curse of the Undead…”

Frampt nodded sagely.

“Such were mine words, and by retrieving the Lordvessel and placing it upon the altar thou proved thyself to be the successor of Lore!” He said. The Chosen Undead nodded cautiously.

“Then tell me…what did you see of this new Age of Fire that I am destined to rule over? What’s it like?”

Frampt idly clicked his teeth.

“An age of true magnificence it shall be! Glorious and everlasting, it will shame even Gwyn’s great empire!” He proudly declared, to another cautious nod.

“And who shall be running it along with me? Will Siegmeyer, or Logan, or Laurentius be joining me?”

Frampt clicked his teeth a little more hesitantly.

“If…If they possess the fortitude to endure by your side it shall happen!”

The Chosen Undead cocked her head. “You don’t know for certain?”

The clicking grew more rapid.

“T’is their decision, Chosen Undead, not mine. I merely guide thee along the way to thine destiny.”

The warrior gripped her sword. “Like you guided the residents of Oolacile?”

The clicking abruptly stopped.

“Forgive me, Chosen Undead, but of what dost thou speak?” Frampt asked.

The warrior looked to Seath. He silently nodded for her to keep going.

“The one who kidnapped me in Lost Izalith left me in a very unexpected place: specifically the land of Oolacile, 300 years before now, right when it was consumed by the Abyss.” She explained. “There I was spun a very disturbing tale: of a toothy serpent who allegedly tricked the populace into awakening an ancient power, that in turn was the real reason it fell to ruin.”

She stopped and looked to Frampt for comment. Frampt ground his teeth slowly.

“A tragic tale, but one I most certainly held no involvement in. If a serpent it t’was that deceived man it could only have been one who sought to undermine my own friendship and loyalty to the Lord Gwyn!” He said. The Chosen Undead looked to Seath again. The dragon nodded that this could easily be true.

“Many like thou do crawl through the filthy earth and rotten sod, Frampt, all with their own ambitions and aims. Indeed some do seek to counter thine own good intent…” Seath dressed the last two words with a particularly heavy amount of sarcasm. “But to what end can one be assured thine aim is nobler than they?”

Frampt slammed his teeth together. “Thou speaketh heresy and blasphemy as ever, wilted relic! My faithfulness to our Great Lord is unquestionable!”

Seath nodded slowly. “As was mine for many a generation, till those of his court sought to dissolve our trust. By such logic, if I now stand as traitor and disgrace, what proof is there that thou is any different?”

A wave of putrid stench hit the drake in the face as Frampt growled. He held his breath and tilted his nose above the rancid air.

“Such foul and wicked words are all too common amidst traitors, and shall not be stood for any longer. Chosen Undead, do as thou is fated and purge this blight from Lordran!” Frampt ordered.

The warrior looked to the drake. Her hands tightened around her sword in evident desire to shed the blood of something.

“Answer me this first, Frampt. During my escape I was reunited with the one who told me the sordid tale of Oolacile’s downfall. When I bested him in combat he declared I was to bring about a very different fate to the one you speak of; that in reality I’ll actually end up plunging the entire world into darkness and destroy what vestiges remain of the gods and the Age of Fire. They were quite insistent that you were aware of this.”

Frampt gnashed his teeth harder.

“Lies! Thine quest shalt save this land and perpetuate the Age of Fire, this I know!” He countered.

“But such may be brought about by many means, and still thou evades the request for knowledge on what may come of thine most needed warrior.” Seath intoned. The Chosen Undead got a funny look on her face.

“Griggs and Siegmeyer also report that you seemed very hesitant to contribute to my rescue effort, until they basically forced you to let them into the altar.” She replied to more frantic and angry gnashing.

“Such was an unfortunate turn of events, and wrong I was to doubt the ingenuity of thine peers. This I admit and apologise for. Now, do as thine destiny demands, and harvest Seath’s soul!” Frampt commanded. The undead’s chaos blade was raised, but at the serpent’s throat rather than Seath’s.

“Not before you prove your own honesty! What is the Age of Fire going to look like under my rule? Will I get to install my father as the head of my Royal Knights as he always wanted to be?”

Frampt glared at the warrior yet tilted his head back as the burning edge of the blade pressed upon his flesh.

“If such is his cause then it shall be so.” He replied, only to be met with a look of sudden fury.

“Then I’ll be able to bring him back from the dead? Because I fear that’s where he is!” The Chosen Undead replied coldly. “No more evasive answers, Frampt! Am I to succeed Gwyn as the ruler of Lordran, or is Seath right in that I’m actually intended to go into the Kiln of the First Flame and burn for eternity as he did?”

Frampt opened his mouth in aghast, his position deteriorating as rapidly as his anger was rising.

“Who…Who hath told you this?” He demanded as the blade dropped from his throat.

“So it’s true then! Seath was right!” The warrior exclaimed, getting another blowing gale of rancid breath in her face.

“Thou sorry fool. How my fondness for thine kind is tainted by the sadness of how easily lead astray thou art. No more! If thou will not end Seath as was intended, I shall do it myself!”

Seath raised his catalyst as the serpent opened his massive mouth. A final battle between the two long lived beings seemed imminent…

And then, fortunately, a cupcake landed right in Frampt’s maw and sent him reeling.

“Whooo, okay, things are getting heated in here. I think we all need to calm down and take a breather. Who’s up for a little ‘Welcome to Lordran’ party?” Pinkie declared as she threw streamers into the air and tossed cupcakes to everyone. “Come on, we’ve got the perfect set up here! Nice big room, plenty of dance space. Just need to set up some lightning and music and we can…”


Frampt promptly spat the cupcake back onto Pinkie’s head, showering her in crumbs and frosting.

“What horrible and foul concoction is this thou seeks to poison me with? Never have I suffered such an atrocious confection!” The serpent growled. “If it is souls thou seeks to obtain thou shalt earn naught from me with thine efforts!”

The chamber promptly went silent as Pinkie Pie turned around, staring up at the giant snake with a look of pure shock and dismay.

“But…But that was one of my Prized Pink Velvet and Peanut Butter Swirl specials! Everypony in Equestria loves those!” She protested. Frampt glowered at her.

“Thou shalt garner no sympathy from me with trinkets! Begone, this concerns thee not!” He said, warranting a fierce clop of hooves.

“Oh yes it does!” Twilight stepped in, looking rightfully pissed at what she’d just heard. “Thanks to the continued influence of forces originating from here, she’s now cursed as an undead, just like I am. We need your help to try and break the curse, just like you said was supposed to happen!”

“Not to mention we have a vested interest in seeing Seath stays alive… least for a bit longer.” Applejack stood before the white drake. “You want to do him in, yer gonna have to deal with us first!”

“All too right! Heck, you might have to anyway after what you just did.” Rainbow Dash declared while hovering into view. “Word to the wise, no one insults Pinkie’s cupcakes!”

Frampt looked from dragon to human to equine as the chamber slowly filled and the numbers against him kept increasing. Grinding his teeth, the serpent blew another gust of stink at everyone.

“Enough…this course of action shall accomplish nothing. I shall slumber, until summoned again.” He grumbled before vanishing down the hole in the floor. The gathered souls tolerated this for roughly a quarter of a second.

“The hay you will!” Rainbow Dash flew down into the hole and the sound of a fierce scuffle ensued. Presently she burst back into the chamber, hauling Frampt up by his mustache like flaps of skin.

“Unhand me, thou loathsome harridan! I am not some aged relic to be abused!” He shouted, causing the pegasus to wince and hold her nose.

“Well you sure smell like one! Ugh, seriously, what have you been eating?” She grumbled while forcing Frampt onto the floor.

“Anything and everything, though he seems most fond of these.” The Chosen Undead drew out a cake of what appeared to be dried dung. The ponies all looked suitable disgusted.

“He literally eats…feces? Well that explains a lot.” Rarity murmured through the cashmere scarf she’d wrapped around her face as a crude air filter.

“Least we can do something about it. Come on Applejack, help Rainbow Dash get his mouth open.” Pinkie Pie pulled a packet of extra strong mints. “If we’re going to question him we should do something about his breath!”

Frampt struggled with the ponies, but it proved a futile struggle. Between his teeth being too big to conceal and Applejack’s superior earth pony strength, it was easy work for the orange mare to pry his jaws apart.

“Alright Mr. Party Pooper Poop Breath, welcome to winter freshness!” Pinkie Pie tossed a mint down Frampt’s gullet. The serpent promptly screamed in agony.

“BY GWYN’S BEARD IT BURNS! THOU SEEKETH TO KILL ME, FOUL WRETCH!?” He bellowed. The ponies reeled and covered their mouths.

“Euughh…guess we’re going to need more than one to counteract that stench.” Pinkie Pie whinnied.

Holding her breath, Applejack forced the snake’s mouth open again and her friend tossed another mint in.

“ARRRRRGH! SUCH WRENCHING BITTER COLD! WHAT MANNER OF DARK SORCERY IS THIS?” Frampt wailed. From where he was respectfully staying out of the ordeal, Seath munched on his cupcake.

“A manner I regret to not have thought of sooner. It maketh for a most entertaining scene, if nothing else.” He said thoughtfully as Pinkie fed Frampt a third mint.

“GRRRGH! THE PAIN! THE AGONY!” Frampt exhaled a fetid mix of crisp coolness and searing hot stink. Pinkie Pie scratched her head in confusion.

“I don’t understand. These are the strongest mints Bon Bon makes. Hmmm…maybe I should try mouthwash instead.”

She reached into her mane and pulled out two bottles of total protection.

“Think he’d prefer wintergreen or cinnamon?” Pinkie asked before Frampt slammed his head against the wall of the chambers, knocking Applejack and Rainbow Dash off.

“No, no, please! No more! I cannot endure against such merciless torture!” He said while coughing and hacking. “My mouth burns with the chill of death! Oh horrid is this machination!”

Shrugging, Pinkie set down the mouthwash. “Well hopefully that’ll teach you to not say such mean words about humble baked goods!”

Tossing the dung cake in her hand, the Chosen Undead approached the retching serpent.

“How about we make a new deal, Frampt. Start answering truthfully and I’ll help you get the taste out of your mouth. We’re going to need the extra souls anyway.”

Gasping for breath and moaning at how painfully fresh each inhale felt, Frampt eyed the fecal patty and hung his head in defeat.

“I….I yield to the will of thine allies, Chosen Undead. Yes, I confess I hath not revealed the truth in its entirety, but permit me some small mercy to explain that such was the demand of my station.”

The female leveled her blade at the serpent again in demand for him to clarify.

“Since Gwyn first welcomed me as friend and confidante I was sworn to be his Kingseeker. Since the time that the First Flame did burst forth from the embers I vowed to find a worthy successor to fuel the fire and keep the Dark at bay whenst the time did come.” Frampt gasped.

“And you felt the only way to do that was to send someone to act as a living sacrifice?” Twilight demanded. Frampt glared at her but kept his distance.

“I yearned for an alternative to present itself. My fondness for humans is no lie, nor was my affinity to Gwyn! When last I was forced to accept that sending one to do as the Great Lord did before was the only means I was devastated, but as one sworn to uphold the will of Gwyn and his Fire, I did as my purpose demanded. To humor the alternative would be to betray the gods, as many have done before.”

Frampt glared at Seath. Seath pointed to the bottles of mouthwash and curled his tentacle around one.

“And what alternative is that?” Twilight continued. Frampt closed his eyes and shook his head.

“That which those who have brought thee into this matter no doubt hope to enact.” Frampt sighed. “I beg of thee, seek to know no more. Instead permit me to cast aside the lies and tell thee where thou may find the truth of the matter that plagues us all.”

The alicorn eyed him suspiciously. “And why should we barter any deal with you?”

Frampt lowered his head in pleading. “Because then I may rightfully say that I did not falter in my duty as Kingseeker. Whatever thou finds and whatever thou chooseth, I will have found and instructed Gwyn’s rightful successor to do as destiny intended.”

Seath delicately placed the mouthwash back on the ground. “Thou desires to fulfill thine purpose so badly?”

Frampt stared at him again with pitiful loathing. “For all the centuries I hath watched pass, I am still no more than a tool of fate, able to do no more than as it sees fit and then be forgotten…while the legacy of others will yet live on.”

Seath narrowed his eyes. There was something else in the serpent’s words, some hidden message apparently related to the true reason he hated Seath with such passion.

“And if we agree? What will you tell us?” The Chosen Undead asked. Frampt took another breath and groaned as it tortured the raw skin of his throat.

“Return to Anor Londo, seek out she who gave thee the Lordvessel. She may not be able to tell thee what thou yearns to know, but one close to her may.”

Seath’s suspicions were momentarily forgotten as he felt the warmth of the ring on his finger again.

“And what of the curse? How do we break it?” Twilight demanded. Frampt slowly clicked his teeth.

“For that one must understand what brought forth the Dark in the beginning. I cannot say, for I was not there to witness it. However, one of my kindred was.”

Twilight’s ears rose. “Kaathe?”

Frampt nodded. “If he is to be found anywhere, it is where the Abyss still lingers. Thou must brave the Dark to seek him out, though I warn thee that the Abyss is not so easily traversed.” He turned to the female warrior. “I plead thee, Chosen Undead, may thou now deliver as thou offered? Each breath I draw cuts my throat as the blade of Gravelord Nito himself!”

The Chosen Undead thought about it, and then tossed the dung cake into Frampt’s maw. The serpent gulped it down and sighed in relief as he felt the welcome aroma of vile decay fill his gullet again.

“Thou hast my gratitude, and my deepest apologies. I truly wish there was another way.”

Frampt exhaled a flurry of white souls which the undead gathered and stored in her pack.

“There may yet be, as these ponies believe. If nothing else I think there may be a way to safely search the Abyss. An unexpected presence in Oolacile gave me a clue about it.” The Chosen Undead brought out another dung cake. “Is there anything else you wish to tell us?”

Frampt sighed heavily. “Only that our paths may yet cross again, as I hope they will. Thou hast proven thyself a very worthy successor indeed.”

Another dung cake found its way down the serpent’s maw, and while the sight disgusted many of those present, the souls Frampt gave back were most welcome.

“You gave me a job, I aim to get it done. No matter what it takes.” The Chosen Undead replied simply.

“Indeed, as do we all. Come on girls, let’s have another quick chat about how we’re going to approach this now that we know a bit more.” Twilight gestured for everyone to leave the chamber. “And Frampt, sorry if we got a bit rough there. I appreciate your being honest with us.”

“Just remember, if we think you’re trying to trick us…” Pinkie waved the mouthwash at the snake and he duly reeled back.

“The creativity of thine cruelty will serve thee well while here, equine. Rest assured, I have no further cause to deceive thee.” He hastily replied, then looked seethingly at Seath. “T’is thine own instruction that hath guided such brutality?”

“Nay, they are naturally thus, and a great service it has done for their world.” The dragon replied, sounding almost like he was laughing. “Enough even I cannot bear to think the tragedy of Lordran may befall them.”

Frampt narrowed his eyes.

“Thou knows this changes nothing, dragon. However thou seeks to humor this subversion of the given order, thou hast no hope so long as the Lord Soul still burns within thee!”

The cheer left Seath’s visage. His wings tensed and his tendrils rose, betraying that the snake could still get under his skin. Frampt relished it for all it was worth.

“That shalt be decided at the appropriate time, and no sooner.” Seath slowly intoned as he departed. Frampt turned to stare the hole in the roof of the chamber as he was finally left in peace.

“Indeed it shall. T’is on him now whether to maintain the illusion, or bare the truth. No more shall he subvert my own purpose for his gain! Come what may in this hopeless mess, I shall see the rightful king take the place of our Great Lord!”


“So…did you have a good talk?” Griggs asked awkwardly. “It sounded quite…erm, emotional in there. We thought about intervening but your equine friends volunteered first.”

Slipping on her helmet, the Chosen Undead calmly sat down and composed herself by the flames.

“We learned enough to move on. Right now I personally need to return to the Darkroot Garden and find the Forest Hunter Covenant. Their leader may know something about how we can traverse the Abyss and find Kaathe.”

Siegmeyer raised a wary eyebrow under his helmet.

“Are you sure? I can’t imagine they’ll be all that pleased to see you. Word across the lands is they’re really not keen on seeing anyone who’s not of their number these days.” He cautioned. The Chosen Undead steepled her fingers and contemplated.

“Back when I was trapped in Oolacile she visited me down where you rescued me. Admittedly I could be misinterpreting what was said between us, but I believe she wants me to seek her out again for some purpose.”

Nodding, Siegmeyer stood and held up his sword.

“Well you can count me in on that venture then! Not about to let a good woman venture into the dangers of those woods without a little aid!” He stated proudly. “Who knows? My little Siegliende might even be there somewhere!”

Griggs twisted his catalyst around in his hands as he stared again at the stairway leading up into the parish.

“You might want to tag along, equines. Andre’s shop lies in the same direction so you could see about suiting yourselves up along the way.”

Rarity perked up considerably at that.

“Well, if it’s fitting and sensible fashion that’s to be done then I certainly join you. I couldn’t possibly let one who doesn’t know all of my friend’s measurements off by heart work on any manner of ensemble without my input!” She summoned a notepad and pen. “Fluttershy, I’d like you to tag along. You’re one of the best models I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with after all.”

The yellow pegasus smiled meekly. “Okay, Rarity. What about everyone else?”

Seath stared off into the distance. “The entrance to Anor Londo lies beyond Sen’s Fortress, a wretched hive of villainy and death traps. Its halls hath claimed souls by the thousands, but with mine knowledge our passage shall meet with greater success.” The drake removed his glasses and massaged his eyes. “Sen did consult with me for much of its design.”

Rainbow landed by Twilight and placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“Then I’m definitely coming with you! Not lettin’ Twi face any more danger on her own, no matter how prepared you think she is!”

Twilight trembled as she felt a comfortable warmth bloom inside her at her friends' concern.

“Guess that leaves me to go with Rarity and Flutters. They’re going to need muscle in some manner!” Applejack replied.

“Trixie will follow…just in case.” The blue unicorn added.

“And I’ll go with whichever promises more entertaining pictures!” Discord proudly proclaimed. An explosion of fire behind him neatly illustrated the power of his sincerity.

The next three explosions that followed, however,…well...

“Oh, and I might possibly have disturbed some of your…erm…companions up there by the cliff side, when I was trying to snap a picture of them!” The draconequus replied right before dodging a falling axe. Five corpses dressed in ragged armor and wielding rusted weapons charged the shrine. “Uh, that’s not going to be a problem is it?”

The human warriors promptly shot to their feet and formed a barrier in front of the ponies as the hollowed soldiers threw themselves full force upon the party. The Chosen Undead parried another axe swing and kicked its wielder back against a crumbling wall. Griggs provided support with soul arrows and Siegmeyer methodically sliced the arm off another that was attempting to flank the party.

“You all may want to back up a bit more, this is going to get…”


“Erm…messy.” Laurentius finished as blood splashed across his vest and a head rolled onto the ground by his feet, having been liberated from its body. Another hollow hurled a firebomb in his direction, the pyromancer sidestepped and thanked his opponent by setting it alight with a combustion spell.

“Uh…should…should we be doing something?” Twilight asked with slight nausea as she watched the burning corpse collapse and cease to move.

“Only observe, Twilight, and heed. This is what thou shalt be met with each step from here on.” Seath replied glumly as the warriors slaughtered the rest of the hollows. Tearing her blade from the torso of her latest kill, the Chosen Undead took a deep breath and shook her head.

“Yes, on that, as one critical rule to follow for your continued survival while here: stay close to the bonfires as you come across them and assume everything you see is going to kill you. Aside from a few good souls like those who’ve joined me, Lordran has no desire greater than to see all who enter it dead.” She turned to glare at Discord. “That means keep your distance and be cautious with your approach!”

The draconequus looked halfway between offended and squicked.

“I DID keep my distance! Never got within 30 feet of them. And I made sure my flash was off! I fail to see how I could’ve been a more considerate tourist.” He sighed and raised his camera. “Here, let me make it up to you all! A nice big victory portrait with your new trophies! Come on now, everyone bunch together…”

The chaos god looked through the viewfinder, only to see the hollow vanish in a fiery aura.

“Huh? Wait come on that isn’t fair! I almost had the angle just right!” He groaned while the ponies just stared in confusion.

“What happened? Where did they go?” Spike asked.

“To be reborn by the flames. Momentarily they’ll appear right where your patchwork friend found them…and if we kill them again the same thing will happen.” The Chosen Undead gestured in the direction of the cliff side. A dry, deathly cough and the clank of armored bodies moving into position from that direction was all the ponies needed to have their flesh crawl with dread

“Welcome to Lordran, girls.” Twilight stated desolately.

Author's Note:

Annnnd he gets it in in the dying seconds! Ironically I finished this earlier than I do most installments due to its shorter length. Then my editors thought it might be a bit too short and a bit too bland so I brainstormed and redid a few bits to make it longer. Glad I did now that I think about it since I originally had Frampt come off as a lot more of an asshole. Granted some may deem that an apt description considering how pretty much all he tells you in game is of questionable accuracy, but after thinking it over I came up with a slightly more sympathetic reason for why he might want to hold back on the truth, or alternately why he literally can't tell you everything due to other forces holding his leash.

What do I mean by that? Well, we'll have to see in the next few chapters now won't we? :raritywink:

Editing and proof reading again comes courtesy of Gogito
and lunarstallion