• Published 22nd Oct 2013
  • 21,097 Views, 2,723 Comments

Aftermath of a Fallen Star - Rated Ponystar

The aftermath of Twilight's assassination, and the lives she touched who must now move foward into a future without her

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I Am A Big Sister (Maud)

Aftermath of A Fallen Star

By Rated Ponystar

Edited by The Unnamed Pawn and Commander X5

Pre-Read by: Magic Man

I am a big sister (Maud’s POV)


I watched the various rocks pass by on the train as we got closer to Ponyville.

I knew them all, but my mind wasn’t focused on rocks.

It was focused on my sister.

Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie and I always had a special connection ever since we were fillies.

She was the only one who could really read me. Showing emotions... wasn't something I was good at.

I was also the only one who really understood Pinkie. Seeing her intentions and feelings under her chaotic and energetic personality, understanding what she was saying under the endless wave of words that would confuse the most brilliant minds. Only I could could understand her.

We’re not all that different in some ways. I hide my thoughts by expressing no emotion. She uses tons of emotion to hide hers.

But there are times when she lets it all out; like recently.

Three weeks ago, her friend Twilight Sparkle died. She was murdered.

I was there with my family for Pinkie Pie during the funeral. I never saw her cry so much, not even when Granny Pie passed away.

Twilight was a good pony. We never were close, but she was a good pony.

Boulder liked her.

I had been worried about Pinkie, leaving her alone in Ponyville instead of coming home with us. I wanted her to, but she wanted to be with her friends.

I sent mail asking how she was doing.

No replies.

I sent a message to the Cakes, asking what was happening.

They said Pinkie was smiling. Still being fun. Still making sweets.

There was one problem though, and I noticed it in the letter.

She was not throwing parties.

I got a ticket to Ponyville first chance I got.

I know my sister. And she needs me. She’s not fine. She is far from fine.

I arrive at the station. I make my way towards Sugarcube Corner. I may not have look like it, but I am scared for my sister.

After greeting the Cakes, I walk up to my sister’s room and open the door. Confetti flies into my face.

“Surprise! I knew you’d be coming, Maud! I got a Pinkie Sense Combo that said my best and favorite sister is coming to visit me!” She then hugs me and nuzzles my cheek. “Oh I missed missed missed missed missed you so much! It’s been ages since we saw each other!”

She shows me her room. There are her usual party things: balloons, streamers, punch, cupcakes.

But no ponies, apart from us.

“Well, let’s shake our behinds to some tunes and get this party started!” says Pinkie as she heads over to the record player.


That’s all I need to say to freeze her. She knows I never use her real name unless it’s serious. She turns around, her smile slowly fading, but it was never a real smile to begin with. The moment she hit me with confetti she thought she could fool me.

But I’m her older sister. I know.

“Y-yes?” she asks.

I look into her eyes. I can still see it. The suffering. The sorrow. The confusion. My sister never handles loss well, especially when it’s somepony close to her.

I walk over to her and hug her, let her head rest upon my chest. “It’s okay.”

It’s all I need to say to get her to start crying. Her hair falls and straightens, and all she can do is sob. She keeps crying and I hold her. Time passes. A lot of time.

It’s near dark by the time she finally starts to stop. Three weeks of holding your tears does that to you.

“I’m sorry... I got your shirt wet...” mutters Pinkie Pie.

“It’s okay...” I say, patting her on the back. “She was important to you.”

“Twilight...I just want her back...” Pinkie whispers. “I loved her so much. I love all my friends so much. To lose her without saying goodbye...I...I...”

A thought comes to my head as I give her a narrowed eyed look. “Have you been taking your medication?”

She looks away in shame. I had my answer.

“Pinkie, you need to take it...”

“I know... but.... among the voices...I can hear hers.”

I tighten my hug around her. Memories of the first time she started hearing “them” in her head make me shiver. Those were dark, tearful days.

“I can hear her voice... with the others... asking what I learned about friendship... what parties I’m planning... even just a simple ‘Hello’...” she looks at me with her big wide teary eyes. “I know she’s dead but I don’t care! I’m hearing my best friend and I want to hear her speak over and over again! Even if I have to hear all those other scary voices!”

I shake her. “Do you remember what happened to Granny Pie?!” I say this in a loud voice, something I rarely used. “Do you remember... how she died?”

I close my eyes. I can still see her body. Swaying on the rope around her neck.

Pinkie is crying again as I hold her tighter. “I don’t want to see that happen again. I don’t want to see that happen to you.”

“... I’m sorry...” she mutters. “I just really miss her.”

“I know...” I said. “I know...”

Pinkie then suddenly leaves my embrace as she turns away. “Can I make a deal with you?”

I say nothing, but I nod.

“If... if you help me with something... I’ll take my medication...”

“What is it?”

Pinkie lowered her head. “The swords that were used to kill Twilight? They weren’t ordinary swords.”

That made sense. Alicorns were tough. Very few things could kill them and no ordinary blade could do it.

“The blades... they were made with orichalcum.”

My eyes widen. Orichalcum was a very rare metal. It was so strong yet light. It could cut through a dragon's scales like hot butter, but never dent. Orichalcum was rare because it only could be found in the minotaur islands.

Except for one other place.

My eyes widen and, for the first time in a long time, my mouth drops. Because I know who else has orichalcum in Equestria. But I don’t want to believe it. It was a secret that had been passed down to my family for generations.

Pinkie looked at me with anger in her voice. “Help me find out if our family sold our secret orichalcum deposit.”

The Stoned Faced Sister and the Pink Balloon worked together

They found the truth

They cried in each other’s embrace

They then made their journey to confront their family

Author's Note:

If your wondering why this is short and structured like this is because this is how I figured writing Maud would be like. Fits her personality.

The story with these two continued in Pinkie's POV in the future

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