• Published 22nd Oct 2013
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Aftermath of a Fallen Star - Rated Ponystar

The aftermath of Twilight's assassination, and the lives she touched who must now move foward into a future without her

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Many Voices, One Traitor Part 2 (Pinkie Pie)

Aftermath of A Fallen Star

By Rated Ponystar

Edited by The Unnamed Pawn and Commander X5

Pre-Read by: Magic Man

Many Voices, One Traitor Part 2 (Pinkie Pie’s POV)


I felt a sharp pain in my head as I was coming too. The feeling wasn’t unfamiliar to me, and the first thing I had to wonder was who did I hurt? When I black out like this, one of them takes over and does something. Sometimes its harmless, like the time I spent the whole day doing cartwheels all over Ponyville. The only bad side effect was my tummy when I finally regained control.

Other times... have not be pleasant; like the time I thought everypony no longer wanted to come to my parties and be my friend anymore. I retreated into my mind and let one of my other voices take over. It wasn’t until I heard, deep inside my mind, that it was my birthday that I could surface. That’s why what I have is different from schizophrenia. I don’t hear voices from noponies or have different personalities. I have different me’s, literally, inside me. Whenever I retreat into mind, I can feel each and everyone of them, like small prickles against your fur. They all want to go out. They all want to say or do something, and I have to keep them in check.

There are some that want to do such horrible things...

I opened my eyes and slowly lifted my head where I saw Maud looking at me. The moment I noticed a slashed mark on her cheek, I gulped, already expecting the worst. I also realized, upon finding out I wasn’t moving, that I was tired to a chair with tight ropes. “What happened?” I immediately asked.

“You attacked Marble, with a knife,” answered Maud, a small and very hidden tone of worry in her speech. “I had to knock you out. Fed you more of your medication to keep you controlled.”

That explained why the voices were now just mere whispers. Going on about how we need to still kill Maud for getting in the way, or apologize to her, or dance like chicken ponies.

“Is she seriously hurt?” I asked, my flat mane covering my entire face. Even if she was the one who ultimately gave the murderers the tools to kill Twilight, I didn’t want to see her too hurt. Regardless of what happened, she was still my sister, and nothing could change that.

“She’s more scared than hurt. She’s been crying non-stop. Apologizing,” said Maud, before reaching down and hugging me. “She wants to explain.”

I wanted to yell at her that it didn’t matter because I was ready to just leave and never speak to Marble again, but I didn’t. I just nodded and watched as Maud walked away and left. Now that I was alone at last, I could cry. I didn’t weep out loud or moan in sorrow. I cried. Silently. Sofly.

My sister had betrayed me. My younger sister, who I used to read to every night when she was growing up, helped to kill my best friend. Marble had always been the most innocent of us, even though Limestone was younger then her. She was always asking us to play games with her when we were growing up and tried her hardest to impress us.

I love Marble, but I also love Twilight Sparkle.

Not like romantic love, but a love that only the six of us Elements had. A special kind of bond. And I lost that love when she died while all my friends became shadows of their former selves. And my sister took part in causing that.

My worst fear had come to life. Ever since I heard that it was orichalcum that had helped to kill Twilight, I wished, I prayed for the first time in years that it wasn’t my family. Just goes to show how some prayers go unanswered, huh? I still wanted to know why Marble did what she did, and after that... I didn’t know what I would do. Maybe turn her in and watch her get prosecuted? Maybe just head home and become a bitter pony? Maybe get better and go back to the way I was… if only I could.

Or maybe I’ll kill myself? I didn’t know what to do, I just had my life shatter in front of me the past few weeks. It seemed like everything I had believed in was destroyed and nothing remained but sorrow.

Twilight was dead.

My friends were unhappy with no sign of getting better.

And now my sister was involved in the worst way possible.

I just... I just needed a hug and somepony to tell me everything was alright. Anything that would take this sorrow away.

I raised my head as I saw my family coming in. Limestone and my mother were nuzzling and hugging my sister as she continued to cry. My father stumbled around a bit and his eyes showed a bit of blitz in them. I rarely ever saw my dad drink, but I didn’t blame him. Learning that one of your daughter’s helped kill a princess was probably enough to even make a priest drink. The one thing they all shared were tear marks on their faces. Me included. I guess a family that suffers together also cries together too.

Marble made an effort to speak, but I stopped her by speaking first, “Stop and listen to me.” She closed her mouth and nodded. “You have one chance to explain yourself. Depending on what you say, I may or may not turn you to the guards. I may or may not forgive you. I might not even see you as a sister anymore. You have one chance. Just one.”

“... I understand...” whispered Marble as my mother wailed again. It hurt me to see my mother weep for both of us, but this had to be done.

“Pinkie, you can’t just declare her no longer your sister! She’s family! Whatever she did, I’m sure she’s sorry!” shouted Limestone Pie.

“You’re taking her side?!” I shouted.

“I’m trying to keep my big sister from making a big mistake!” shouted Limestone. “Do you really want to forget all the good times you had together? She loves you, and so do we!”

I closed my eyes to fight back tears as a memory entered my head. It was the night before I left for the Cakes, not to long after Granny Pie killed herself. Marble came up into my room and hugged me, saying she didn’t want to see me go. I told her I would always be there when she needed me and I let her sleep beside me. Soon Maud and Limestone came inside upon hearing Marble crying and the four of us shared the room together. I felt all my worries go away as I held my sisters in embrace and slept peacefully. Sure, it was all four of us together, but Marble had been the first to come in, crying at the thought of me leaving.

My rage began to falter as I looked at Marble, and saw the little crying filly who wanted to hold me all night. I closed my eyes. “Why, Marble? Why?”

“I didn’t even know what I had done until I learned it from the news,” whispered Marble, clearing her eyes of tears. “It... it’s just... I loved him...”

All of us Pie’s quickly turned to Marble with wide eyes. “L-love?” asked my father as he leaned against the wall. “You were seeing a stallion?”

Marble sighed and sat down. “I’ll... start at the beginning...” She took a deep breath. “It was my turn to go to Canterlot for this years Rock Farm Expo, to showcase our work, right? I was doing fine, getting new clients, and impressing ponies with our rocks. I was showcasing the... orichalum, but only a small part of it!” I looked at my dad and he nodded, cementing the story so far.

I usually go to the Rock Expo if it was in a nearby city to see my family and even help out. However, I was busy helping Twilight and the other Princesses that week by making a welcome party for the newly discovered Kitsunes out in the far east. Let me tell you, those foxes know how to party!

“But then I saw somepony on the second day of the expo that I didn’t expect to talk to me. He said that he was interested in our farm and work. So he asked me out for dinner. It was amazing, I never... I was never asked out before, and the place he took us to eat was so fancy, I almost forgot we were rich ourselves.” A small smile decorated Marble’s lips. “I know we never lived the fancy life, but just being part of that group for a single day was like... entering a fantasy.”

“Why did you even agree to go out with this stranger?” demanded my father, glaring at a squirming Marble.

Playing with her hooves, my sister answered, “Well... one doesn’t really refuse a prince.”

My mouth dropped. I think everypony’s did, even Maud. I was too busy focusing on my blushing sister. My younger sister... dated Prince Blueblood? I didn’t know if I was going to gag or faint.

“Wait... he was the one you gave our location to the deposit for?!” shouted mother. “Don’t you know how much trouble he was giving to your sister’s friend? Princess Twilight Sparkle?!”

“I know that! I knew it back then too, but I just wanted to feel special for once!” shouted Marble, stomping her hoof. “Everypony else was special. Maud was super strong and knew everything there is about rocks. Pinkie was famous and had hundreds of friends. Even Limestone had a coltfriend and was the better farmer out of all of us. Sure, he was older than me but I was of age and....I thought if I dated a prince... I’d be special too!”

Marble covered her eyes. “But I was an idiot! A fool! I was so... so stupid to think he liked me!”

Limestone and my mother hugged my sister again as she began to tear up. I was stunned again to hear Mable say such a thing. I never thought she would be jealous of me. She was always so kind and shy. Hay, I thought she was the kindest pony there was until I met Fluttershy.

“So instead of helping out with miners that whole month like you said in your letter, you were dating that... monster?!” demanded my father who looked redder and redder.

“He... he was so nice to me. So charming... no stallion ever treated me like he did,” whispered Marble, hiding her face in shame. “He took me out to the fanciest of places. Gave me my own hotel room that he paid for to let me stay in. He... he said he loved me... I didn’t think for one second he was using me. I thought we were destined to be together.” Shivering, she shook her head. “But that last night... he made me drink too much. I got drunk.. really drunk. I can still remember it though. He asked about the deposit... and... and I told him! I told him, okay!”

“Oh, Marble,” whispered my mother, nuzzling her as she began to cry again. “My dear filly, how could you? You should know better to never tell anypony outside the family. I can’t believe you would do such foolish thing.?”

“I was drunk! I know that’s a poor excuse, but then he kissed me... I asked him to make love to me... he said yes... my first...” sobbed Marble, barely standing as she placed one hoof on her stomach and another on the floor like she was going to be sick. “When he sent me home, saying he had business... I thought I would see him again... a week later I saw the papers. Twilight Sparkle, his political enemy, was dead. I realized what he had done. What I had done. I’m so sorry, Pinkie Pie. I’m so sorry!

“Oh, Faust help me...” whispered my father, closing his eyes and muttering a prayer.

“I’m sorry, Daddy,” responded Marble with squeaky voice.

“I’m not angry at you, Marble,” he said, walking over and kissing her on the cheek. His sympathetic eyes soon turned to anger. “I’m angry I can’t hang that son of a bitch who did this to you.”

I just stood there, eyes widen as I stared at my sister. I thought she had told it on purpose, but now it was clear that Blueblood had twisted my sister into his little doll. He used her feelings and her love for him to take advantage of her. At that moment, I didn’t know what to think. Or what to feel. I felt like a sea of emotions swirling with no end. Even the voices were silent as they tried to process this information.

I... I just didn’t know what to do.

That was when we learned something else that changed everything in my family.

“I’m a whore... I’m a whore who got somepony killed...” muttered Marble.

“No, you’re not,” my mother whispered, her eyes misting. “You were in love... you were used... you aren’t at fault... only Blueblood.”

“But I... I gave them the orichalum...” whispered Marble. “I got Princess Twilight killed. And... and...”

Limestone touched her shoulder. “Marble... whatever it is we can understand... we’re family... and we’ll love you no matter what.”

Marble nodded and took a deep breath.

“I’m pregnant.”

Author's Note:

This is not the end. Still one more part left to go. And no, Blueblood did not rape Marble nor was she under age. It was consensual.

How do you like this little twist?

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