• Published 22nd Oct 2013
  • 21,097 Views, 2,723 Comments

Aftermath of a Fallen Star - Rated Ponystar

The aftermath of Twilight's assassination, and the lives she touched who must now move foward into a future without her

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Many Voices, One Traitor Part 1 (Pinkie Pie)

Aftermath of A Fallen Star

By Rated Ponystar

Edited by The Unnamed Pawn and Commander X5

Pre-Read by: Magic Man

Many Voices, One Traitor Part 1 (Pinkie Pie’s POV)


My name is Pinkie Pie. Normally, I do something funny and silly to introduce myself. Maybe with a song, balloons, and cake batter mixed with confetti. But I’m not in the mood to do that. Why? Because one of my best friends is dead.

I am no stranger to loss. Despite my everloving bubbly personality and smiles, I can still be mad and cry. I know when there is a time to be happy and a time to be sad. I’ve lost ponies I cared about to sickness, old age, and even accidents. When they died, I made sure their farewell parties were memorable and that, no matter what, I always smile and say goodbye, hoping they are at peace.

Yeah, right. Like there is a heaven. You die, and that’s it.

Of course there is silly willy! It’s got endless fluffy clouds made out of cotton candy! Rains bubblegum! And a big chocolate pool of melted cocoa! With marshmallows!

But I’ve never lost a friend to murder before.

I miss Twilight. She was such a nice pony. I wish it was me instead of her.

Buck that manure! I just wish we could have killed those bastards ourselves! I would loved to skin them alive, burn their organs, and piss on their bones!

P-please stop being scary.

There are only two deaths in my life that have ever crushed me to the point where no smiles could heal my soul. The first was my Granny Pie. She was the one who taught me so much in my life. I owe so much to her. No little filly should see a family member hanging from the ceiling with a noose around their neck. It haunted me for a long time, still does today.

Hey, remember when Granny Pie made that potato cannon and fired it into your neighbor’s farm a hundred yards away and nailed the windmill? That was awesome!

It’s also my biggest fear that one day I’ll end up like her. Because of these guys.

It... it wouldn’t be so scary if you did it right. A peaceful end...

I can't shut them off completely, even with medication, but I can easily ignore them. But I’m not able to concentrate on shutting them up this time. Mainly because of on thing,

Princess Twilight Sparkle.

The ten ponies who did it are dead. And, quite frankly, I’m happy they are. I hate them. I never hated anypony until now. I know it’s wrong, but I hate them. I really do. I do wonder what their families are thinking and my heart goes out to them.

You shouldn’t. Only feel sorry that Celestia didn’t make their deaths more painful.

But what caught my attention was the fact that the weapons used to kill Twilight were made from a special kind of metal known as orichalcum. It is one of the rarest minerals in the earth, but also one of the strongest. It can cut through dragon scales, stay sharp for over a hundred years, and could negate magic.

Most of the mines were on the southeastern islands where the minotaurs ruled. but we Pies had one as well. It was discovered by our ancestors and we swore to use it carefully. It’s why our farm has existed for so long, many nations around the world pay for our orichalcum. We’re very rich, but we don’t live a rich lifestyle like those in Canterlot. I don’t think we could fit in anyway. Especially with the lifestyle those nobles like to live in the capital.

Buck those nobles. Every one of them deserves to be chucked out of the city. It’s there fault she’s dead in the first place!

Aw, they’re not all bad. Some of them just need to let loose their manes and get down with themselves!

Can you guys cut it out!


Ah, shut up yourself!

“Pinkie Pie?” asked my sister who sat next to me in our train. I turned from my window to her as she placed her hoof on mine. Her eyes narrowed an inch and her nose twitched a bit to a left, letting me know she was worried. My sister was an easy pony to read if you watched the signs. I never knew why it was so hard for others to understand her. “Are you alright?”

“Y-yeah, just nervous about...” I gulped as I saw my hometown, Mineral Town, getting closer. When Granny Pie died, I left my house because it had too many bad memories. I soon met Mr. and Mrs. Cake and asked my parents if I could live with them. They didn’t mind and felt that is would be best since Granny and I were so close.. My family always came to see me in Ponyville, but I didn’t visit home that often.

Why would we? That place is a dump and depressing. We should have gotten out of there years ago!

It was a very unhappy place to live...

“It’s the voices again, isn’t it?” asked Maud. I answered with a deep sigh, which makes her shake her head. “Just take more of your medication. It helps.”

“Not until we get this settled,” I answered, stubbornly. I could feel Maud staring at me from the back of my head, but I ignored her.

Bitch should learn to mind her own business.

Leave my sister alone.

Or what?

Happy? Annoy him!

Yay! I know a song that gets on everypony’s nerves! Everypony’s nerves!

Buck you!

That will keep those two occupied. I guess I should introduce them now, huh? Those are the voices in my head. They’ve been with me ever since Granny Pie died and they’ve only grown worse over time. It’s part of the Pie Curse.

See, in the Pie Family, there is one in every generation that is... special. We can sense things, know things, and even do things that aren’t normal. Some say we can break reality, but I really just see it as doing freaky and awesome stuff. Nopony knows how it got started. Some say we’re descendants of an alicorn that went mad. Others say we were cursed by a gypsy clan. But whatever causes it, there is a reason why they call it a curse.

Over time, the pony with these powers grows... unstable. Hearing voices, erratic behavior, etc. The doctors call it schizophrenia, and maybe that’s what it is, but it feels different. Like each voice is a different soul, waiting to take over. Most of the time, the pony with this curse dies either by killing themselves or by going insane and doing something crazy that gets them killed. Rarely, do they ever die peacefully. That’s why I do my best to be happy and help others. To always keep a positive attitude. Because I don’t want to end up like that. I don’t want to die crazy or by my own hoof. I want to live a full and happy life.

At first my family were afraid I’d have to learn to deal with it without help. There is no magical cure yet in development for me or various other mental illnesses. That’s when we learned that while Equestria had no means of treatment, others do.

My current medicine comes from the minotaur islands. It helps me keep most of the voices down, allows me to be myself and still use my special talents. That was a big reason I supported Twilight’s efforts to advance our own medical science in ways magic can’t help. Magic can’t cure everything like some like to believe, and there are many ponies like me who suffer in their minds and nothing is done. Those in magical research call us lost causes, and rather put us in sanitariums because they can’t find a magical way to deal with us.

But the griffins and even minotaurs had been dealing with mental illnesses for years. Thankfully, we have minotaur contacts through our rock farm. Apparently, they have rock breaking contests and we grow good rocks. Thanks to those contacts, I’m able to get a yearly supply of medicine to help me. However, in times of stress or depression I still hear them regardless o the medicine. Such as now. These are the tamer ones though. I can handle them.

Besides, they’re not my main worry now. It’s my family. The only farm in Equestria that has access to the means that killed my friend.

I can’t wait to see everypony again! We’re gonna have so much fun!

Why bother? Let’s just beat them up, take them to the guards, interrogate them, and then see who talks first!

Do we really want to know though? If we learn that they did help k-kill Twilight...

I’ll handle the talking here, thank you.

I turned to Maud, the only pony I knew who wasn’t involved since she was studying overseas for her geology degree. And I trusted Maud with my life. I felt her nuzzle me and whisper. “I’m always here for you. No matter what.”

“I know...” I murmured.

I just wonder who else in my family is gonna be there for me at the end?


We stood in front of the Pie household, the usual dark clouds above us. It was gonna rain tonight.

I didn’t want to believe that my family was involved. I didn’t know what I was gonna do if it turned out that they had a hoof in all this. Because of Twilight’s death everything has changed. Rainbow is a drunk. Applejack is overworking herself. Fluttershy has been stuck in her house, crying everyday. Rarity has lost the light in her eyes. Spike refuses to talk to anypony. And all of Ponyville is in a state of mourning.

Even Princess Celestia has locked herself up in her castle, leaving Luna to deal with the nation.

Everypony is so sad. Why does it matter if we find out about our family? Twilight is dead. Nothing is gonna be the same anymore. Nothing will ever be happy again.

Hey, don’t be like that! Any frown can be turned upside down! We just have to do our best and remember that Twilight is in a better place!

“Pinkie,” said Maud, snapping me out of my thoughts. “We don’t have to do this.”

I shook my head and pressed forward. “I don’t want to do this, but I have to know the truth.”

I knocked on the door, my sister right behind me. The door opened and my father, Igneous Rock, opened and was surprised to see us. A small smile decorated his muzzle as he turned to Maud. “Maud. It’s good to see you. I thought you were back at your college. And Pinkie... you...” His eyes widened and he looked nervous. Probably cause my mane was as flat as the rest of my sisters’. “P-Pinkie,” he muttered before hugging me as tight as he could. I felt his hoof rub my back as he nuzzled my mane. “Are you doing okay? Since Princess Twilight’s death?”

“I... I’m fine...” I lied, closing my eyes and let his hug warm me up from the cold chill in the air. Even if my father might have been the one responsible, I still wanted to feel his love and comfort.

Let’s see how you feel about that when it turns out he’s the one who supplied those assassins with the blades to kill Twilight.

He ushered us in, saying a storm was coming and it was best to stay for the night. Maud and I went into the living room where we saw our mother, Cloudy Quartz, looking up from her knitting. “Girls, this is a surprise. What are you doing here?” she asked, getting up and kissing us on the cheek. She turned to me and said, “And you, Pinkie Pie? Are you feeling alright?”

“I... I just came by to see you guys. I felt like I needed to be with my family, all of you,” I lied and it hurt to do so. I never once lied to my parents before, but I had to remind myself I couldn’t trust them. Not yet. Not until I know if it’s true or not.

Look at it this way! If they aren’t guilty we can have a big laugh and all have fun! Like a family sleepover! We haven’t done that in ages!

“Are Limestone and Marble here?” asked Maud.

“Yes, they are setting up dinner,” said Mom. Maud and I headed towards the kitchen.

After greeting and hugging my surprised sisters, we sat down as the family. I could hear raindrops hit the windows surrounding us. My family began to pass the food around while I stayed perfectly still. Everypony but Maud seemed to notice as they only spoke in hushed voices, eyeing me every half second. I tried to listen in. Sometimes I heard the word “Twilight” during their small talk.

They’re talking behind your back. Talking about her. You need to strike now.

You should probably get it over with. Less pain in waiting.

Start the party already! Let’s get this mystery game underway!

I clenched my teeth as my hoof began to shake. Limestone who was sitting across from me, gulped and asked, “Pinkie Pie? Are you alright?”

No, I am not alright!

I slammed my hoof on the table just as thunder boomed and lightning flashed outside. Everypony, but Maud, jumped back from my outburst and were quickly silenced. I huffed and puffed as images of Twilight, lying there on the morgue with the ponies I loved crying upon seeing her. I thought of my friends and how hurt they were when we learned that Twilight was dead. I can still hear Spike’s cries of denial as he begged for his mother to come back. And it was because of them. Them!

“The weapons that were used to kill Twilight... they were made from orichalcum,” I said, starting at each of them as their eyes widened. “There are only two places in the world where you can get that special kind of metal. The minotaur islands, where I’d like to believe they were from, or our farm.” I took a nearby knife and stabbed it into the fried eggplant nearby. “I want to know who did it. Who helped kill my best friend?”

There was a long silence between the five of us. Only the rain was continuing to make noise while everything else was as silent as could be.

M-maybe we scared them too much?

Let them be afraid! We’re gonna do a lot worse to them then we did to that eggplant!

Man, this party sucks. Can’t we get some dramatic music at least?! Bum bum bum, bum bum bum!”

While my sisters cuddled closer to each other and my mother held her mouth with her hooves, my father got up and shot a glare at me. “Pinkamena Diane Pie! I have no idea what on earth you're thinking, but I will not have you come here and accuse us of conspiring to have your friend killed! Nopony here has told anypony else about the deposit!”

“Yeah?! Well, Prince Blueblood also told us he was sorry for Twilight’s death before we learned that he was the mastermind! So forgive me if I’m not in a trusting mood today!,” I accused, glaring back. “Now who did it?!”

“Pinkie, please, let’s just calm down and...” said my mother.

That was when Maud slammed her hoof down on the table and broke it in two, Marble screamed as the food flew all over the room, landing on top of us. Any other time, I would have shouted food fight, but all I wanted to shout was a frustrating cry. “Sit,” ordered Maud, narrowing her eyes at the rest of us. “Confess.”

“We didn’t do anything! Pinkie, honest!” shouted Limestone, standing up with tears in her eyes. “None of us would want to hurt you! And we loved your friends! Please, big sis! You’re scaring us!”

I bit my lip, staring into my sister’s pleading face and a bit of sympathy entered my heart. I still needed to know and had one card left to play. Closing my eyes, I whispered, “If you really didn’t do anything. If you really are innocent... Pinkie Promise right now.”

That froze them up. The Pinkie Promise had been a thing in my family for generations, since the very first Pinkie Pie. Nopony in my family ever breaks a Pinkie Promise. It’s almost like a religion in our family. It’s something all of us are taught to respect and uphold. For a Pie to break the Pinkie Promise would be one of the worst crimes you could do.

Some could say this was cruel, but I didn't care. Now is the time for answers.

And revenge.

Aww, but there is always time for fun!

The four suspects that were my family looked at each other before my father sighed and started it off. “I, Igneous Rock, was not involved in anyway in the death of Twilight Sparkle, nor did I give the location of our secret orichalcum deposit. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

I felt nothing. No Pinkie Sense of any kind. My father was telling the truth.

He nodded to my mother who took a deep breath. “I, Cloudy Quartz, was not involved in anyway in the death of Twilight Sparkle, nor did I give the location of our secret orichalcum deposit. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

Nothing again. My mother was cleared.

“I, Limestone Pie, was not involved in anyway in the death of Twilight Sparkle, nor did I give the location of our secret orichalcum deposit. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” said my youngest sister as she did all the motions.

That left only one.

We all turned to Marble who was looking at us all, sweat beading down her brow. I didn’t say anything. I didn’t change my face. All I could think about was the many times we used to play, catch the rock together. How she once got in a fight with some bullies and I scared them off with fake rubber snakes. The day she went to prom and I helped her with her dress. How when she was born, I took her into my hooves and said I would always love her.

Her head fell as tears fell down from her eyes. “...I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Pinkie.”


Author's Note:

I wanted to do something different with Pinkie Pie. I don't know if it worked out or not, so I'm hoping it did.

As always, please add to the TV Tropes Page: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/TheAssassinationOfTwilightSparkle

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