• Published 22nd Oct 2013
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Aftermath of a Fallen Star - Rated Ponystar

The aftermath of Twilight's assassination, and the lives she touched who must now move foward into a future without her

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I Watched Her Life (Donut Joe, written by Grand Moff Pony)

Aftermath of A Fallen Star

By Rated Ponystar

This chapter was written by contest winner: Grand Moff Pony

pre-read/edited by: Loyal

I Watched Her Life (Donut Joe’s POV)


So, you want to know my story too, huh? How everything has impacted me?

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you thought of me and all... But surely there's more important ponies to talk to besides me, right?

Oh, well, I guess I did see her more often than most. This is, err, was her favorite eatery in the entire city. Now, there's a bond between the customers and myself; especially the regulars. It's a pact of silence, really... They've got tales to tell, and I've got ears to listen. Only difference between me and the barstallion is I'm slinging coffee instead of booze.

But you know what, perhaps this is the one time that I can waive that rule. Much has been said about her - most of it vile and disgusting - nearly all of it either outright lies or ludicrous rumor. Even now, I grit my teeth until they hurt every time I hear somepony in here drag her through the mud, even all these years later.

It was never fair to her. Not then, not now, not ever.

Her story - or should I say my story about her - needs to be told. She deserves at least that much from me, after all. So, belly up to the bar and get out an extra quill while I pour some Prench roast.

Oh, what'll it be? I've got plain cake and chocolate frosted with sprinkles... Those were her favorites you know.

All settled? Good.

So, Princess Twilight Sparkle...


I still remember the first time I saw her. Heck, I remember it like it was yesterday. After all, how could I forget such a cute little foal, especially after she detonated my coffee machine trying to refill her dad's mug?

Yeah, her dad had stopped in, as he usually did every Friday morning. It was 'Bring Your Foal to Work Day', so Night Light had an extra guest with him when he came in. Cutest little foal I had ever seen, too. Those eyes could have melted a Windigo's frozen heart, heh.

Anyway, I guess Night Light had polished off his first cup of coffee before I could get back to him, and little Twilight must have gotten it in her head to just take care of it herself. I saw a coffee mug hover past me out the corner of my eye, but I was too busy levitating a tray of éclairs into the case to turn around. I heard the coffee machine whir to life, and the next thing I knew, half the cafe was getting a free wake-up call in the form of a coffee shower.

She sat there in shock, as if she had just blown up the world... Until she saw her dad's mane dripping with coffee of course. Then she nearly rolled off of her booster seat in a fit of laughter. Celestia bless Night Light's heart, he took it all in stride. He had way more patience than I ever did. Maybe that's why I never had foals of my own... Or maybe it was my ex-wife. Anyway, moving on...

I was pretty good friends with Night Light, and his wife too. They were some of my first regulars when I got the shop from my parents and re-opened it. Night Light and I would chat often, and occasionally go out for a cider or two when Velvet was having her book club over at the house.

But I was still a bit shocked when Night Light asked me to watch his daughter for a bit between school dismissal and the end of his shift at the observatory. I had no idea how to handle a foal when I was alone, much less in the middle of running a cafe. But old Nighty assured me she wouldn't be any trouble - especially not to my coffee machines.

And was he ever right on that.

She'd come in everyday after school with a smile on her face and saddlebags full to the brim with books and notes. If things were slow, she'd tell me all about her day, sometimes in excruciating detail. Who knew a little one could talk so much? But after a while, she'd make her way to the counter, open a book or two, and that was the last I'd hear from her most days. She'd read, and read, and read some more. And if she wasn't reading, she was scribbling notes onto her parchments faster than I thought was possible.

After a while, I had to coax her into switching to one of the booths, as her books were spreading out to cover nearly the entire counter. In exchange though, I had to promise never to run out of hot chocolate while she was there. I figured it was a fair trade, especially if I could avoid being subjected to her 'pretty please' stare again. That thing had a magic all its own, I swear.

That good, huh? See? I told you these were the best donuts in Canterlot! Need a top-off, by the way? Sure, comin' right up.


Now, where was I? Ah, yes...

When Nighty and Velvet came by to tell me that Twilight had been accepted to Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, I have to admit I was mildly surprised. To think that she'd graduated from exploding my coffee pots to Princess Celestia's own student had me reeling. I have to admit though, I felt a little bit of pride for the bright-eyed young filly too.

I figured I'd hardly see her anymore, now that she was essentially living at the castle, but as it turned out, I saw her even more. The cafe is barely a ten minute walk from the castle gates, so she'd stop by nearly every day after her lessons were complete. She'd grab the corner booth, and just like before, she'd crack open her books and keep working. Sometimes I had to threaten to cut off the hot chocolate unless she took a break now and again.

The breaks were good too, and not just for Twilight's 'always-on' mind. It gave me a chance to talk to her, to get to know her as she continued to explore new spells and branches of knowledge. It was then that I began to see the true genius that was locked inside of her. In my mind, these old, overly-painted walls played host to a unicorn with more knowledge, more talent, and more insight than I had ever seen in any pony, save the Princesses themselves.

I know how much of a struggle it can be for we unicorns to use magic effectively for even small tasks, but as Twilight told me all of the spells and constructs that she was mastering, I couldn't help but be awestruck. Spell forms that normally require years to master she had perfected in a few months. I knew then that whatever her calling was in life, magic would be at the very heart of it all.

The years went by in a blur after that point. To say that Twilight was another one of my 'regulars' would be doing her a disservice. She wasn't just a regular, she was a part of my daily existence. No offense to Shining Armor, of course, but I felt like a big brother watching his baby sister grow up in front of him, one afternoon at a time. While I poured coffee and slung dough around the kitchen, one of the greatest minds in Equestria was formed in that corner booth, surrounded by a stack of books, a bottomless mug of hot chocolate, and a plate of donuts. With sprinkles, of course.

When she told me that the Princess was sending her to Ponyville to supervise that year's Summer Sun Celebration, I couldn't have been more proud of her. Needless to say, I was shocked to see her so grumpy about it.

Normally, Twilight had an answer for everything, and if she didn't, she'd work non-stop until she found it. But this time, she was facing a problem that wasn't in a book, and she had no idea what to do. When she came in here late one evening, right before close, she looked as lost as a tourist without a map. She slumped into her usual booth and did something that I had never seen from her before.

She asked for help.

She asked for help... And that's when I made a split-second decision; I poured her coffee instead of hot chocolate. She never asked why I did it, but I'll tell you why. I did it because in that moment, I saw her begin the transformation from filly to mare. She was facing a problem that took heart and mind to solve, and she was willing to ask for help instead of relying on her pride.

I passed the mug to her as I sat down, and we talked for over an hour. She rambled and ranted, and even cried. But in the end, I helped her make sense of what she was facing - of why the Princess had trusted such a seemingly mundane task to her. Or, at least I like to think that I did, my own lack of wisdom notwithstanding.

When Twilight left that night, she was still a bit uneasy about leaving her studies and her comfortable environment behind to plan a festival, but she at least had a better appreciation for what she might get from it... Along with the beginnings of a wicked addiction to coffee. Besides the construction workers and guards that I see in here, to this day she's the only other pony I've seen take their coffee straight up. No sugar or nothin'.

Oh, looks like a customer... Ah, it's Plumb Line. Must be five o'clock then. Excuse me one moment...

Hey, Plumb! Your usual?


Okay, sorry about that. You still nursing that coffee, or would you like some more? Oh, another donut then? Ha, and Joe claims yet another convert!

Be right back!


Now where were we... Oh! Right, the Summer Sun Celebration. Well, I think we all know how that turned out, so no need to rehash that. Point is, after that, everything changed for Twilight.

She came back to Canterlot afterwards, but it was only for a few days. She said that the five mares she met in Ponyville were chosen along with her to bear the Elements of Harmony, and that it was really they who rescued Princess Luna from the Nightmare. Not only that, but Princess Celestia had granted her a new home in Ponyville to continue her studies in magic and friendship.

I was sad to see her go, of course, but I was so happy for her too. She was a grown mare now, with a home of her own, a day job, and a boundless ability to succeed. I got together with her folks, and we threw her a little going away party at the cafe the night before she left. We danced, sang, reminisced, and carried on well into the night. Of course, a platter full of her favorite chocolate frosteds helped too.

Naturally, I didn't see her too often after that, as she lived in Ponyville and all. But, when she did come back home - whether to see her folks or to meet with the Princesses - she always stopped by to say hello. She brought her friends with her a few times too, and let me tell you, she couldn't have found better friends if she had written an equation for finding the perfect friend. Wait, on second thought, she probably did, didn't she? Anyway, her friends were great. To this day, nopony has even come close to Rainbow's feat of ten ursa claws in one sitting either.

On occasion, she even brought the Princesses with her for a snack. I've never been so intimidated in my life as when both Princesses walked in here at the same time to place an order. Passing them a couple of donuts felt like I was submitting my soul to final judgment or something... Thank the stars they liked them though. I know Princess Luna loved them in particular, as she's made a number of clandestine runs here right at closing time for a box of donut holes. But you didn't hear that from me, got it?

Anyway, as the years went by, the adventures and the achievements just kept piling up for Twilight. That pony got herself into more far-flung adventures than Daring Do, yet each time, her and her friends would find a way. And every time, when she'd come back to Canterlot to share her adventures with her family, she'd stop by. Same corner booth, same cup of coffee, same chocolate frosted donut. It was like she never left at all.

And never once, did I hear her take more than a shred of credit for any of it. She'd talk for hours about all that her friends accomplished, or what she learned about friendship and magic, but she'd hardly ever take any credit for it. Sure, she was proud, but she never boasted; at least not to me.

Oh ponyfeathers, that's the oven. Can't let those crullers over-bake for even a moment, or the edges get crispier than hay fries. Hold that thought!


Whew! Got to 'em in time. Those are the most sensitive donuts I make, but they sell well, so I can't complain. Well, I could, but it never helps... If it did, I'd still be married.

More coffee? That's more like it! Comin' up!


I'm sure I've rambled your ears off by now, but I promise I'm almost done. Besides, the after-dinner rush will be here soon, and they won't be happy to find empty trays.

So, I made a habit of keeping up with the goings-on in Ponyville, through conversations with guards during their breaks, or with Nighty when he'd make his usual Friday stop in. It kept me partially in the loop on Twilight and her adventures, but nothing could have prepared me for the day that Nighty walked in and showed me the day's paper. 'A New Princess is Born'... I'll never forget the headline as long as I live. And right beneath it, a picture of Twilight Sparkle, with wings on her back and a crown on her head. I even kept an extra copy and framed the front page.

I remember sitting in the front section at her coronation. Nopony else noticed me of course, but that's okay. I'm just the donut hawker, after all. But to be there with Twilight's closest friends and family was the greatest honor of my life. It was the first coronation since that of Princess Cadance, so for most ponies, it was the first one they had ever seen in the flesh. And what a party it was afterwards. Music, dancing, food, and cider until daybreak. Ambassadors came from all over the world, and at that point, even jaded old me could feel the magic of friendship humming through the air.

If the world had ended at that very moment, at least it would have ended with a smile on its face. Because what happened after that was nothing short of evil.

The party had barely been swept up when the rumors started to percolate. I'd hear them occasionally myself; whispers and hushed conversations in these very booths, at this very bar! They thought I couldn't hear them, or maybe they didn't care, but I heard them.

They doubted Twilight. Who she was, what she had achieved, even where she had come from. They who only weeks earlier had sang her praises and pledged their loyalty to her now sat feet away from me, sullying everything that she stood for. Everything that I knew she believed in.

And it only got worse when Twilight unveiled her proposals to modernize Equestria and open lines of communications to nations both known and unknown. The whispers turned into shouts, then to yells, then to screams of rage and defiance. It was maddening! Twilight was trying to bring us into the future, not destroy us!

I seethed behind this counter. I desperately wanted to rip their throats out, to dump scalding coffee all over them, to throw them out through the bucking window! Yet, all I could muster was a soft word here or there, to try and dissuade them without alienating them.

What else could I do? Report them? These were nobility, for Celestia's sake! Reporting them would do no good. I simply held my tongue, and prayed that this would all pass away, like some grotesque fad. But damn me to Tartarus, I should have done more! I–I should have… Oh, damn it all!

Oh...Oh gosh, I'm sorry. I guess I... I kinda lost it there. My apologies.


It was painful to watch - and even more painful to hear about - because Twilight would begin returning to her booth nearly every night. Everything was the same, except for Twilight. I had never seen her more shaken in her resolve, or weakened in her confidence that she could succeed. Some nights she would just cry endlessly, watering her coffee down with her tears. She'd send messages ahead of her on particularly bad days, and I'd close the shop early to give her more time to talk. Funny how that one oven keeps going down on me, you know?

When she'd tell me about her plans, the light in her eyes, the enthusiasm in her voice would roar back to life. After a bit of prodding on my part, she even opened up about a particular guard that she had become, shall we say, 'close friends' with. Whoever that guard was, he was one lucky stallion, I'll say that. She was in love over her hooves, that's for sure.

But then she'd tell me about the latest rumors spread about her, or the newest vile language that was thrown into her face in open court. I just couldn't believe that ponies could be so cruel, so heartless; and to one of their rulers too! It broke my heart to see Twilight like that; not like the strong Princess that she was, but as the scared foal that blew up a coffee pot and had no idea what to do next.

The last time I saw her? To my eternal torture, I'll never forget that either.

It was a Saturday night. Three days before... Before she was murdered. She came in about thirty minutes before close. I still had a hooffull of customers, but she just went to her booth and waited in utter silence. You know, she wasn't even safe from those monsters in here? Right as the last customer was leaving, a couple of hotshot nobles must have seen her through the windows as they passed by, because they started knocking on the windows, yelling things at her that would make any mother cringe in disgust.

One of them even had the nerve to trot in here and throw curse after curse at her, with no regard for anypony else around. I half expected Twilight to finally snap and banish this plothole to the moon, but she just sat there and took it, her eyes locked on the table in front of her until the louse was out of breath. Then she raised her eyes, and with the same soft voice she always had, invited him to sit with her and hear the truth.

That pitiful excuse for a pony simply spat on the ground and stormed out.

I locked the door and shut the blinds as fast as I could, but when I turned around, I saw that poor mare in a state of pure shock. She didn't move, and was barely breathing it seemed. Her eyes seemed devoid of spirit, of life, of energy... As if a part of her died in that very moment. I ran over and held her as tight as I could, and waited for the tears to come. And come they did; more than I had ever seen a pony cry.

We didn't say much after that. I just held onto her as tightly as I could and let her tears run dry.

When she left that night, she turned back right before she walked out the door, ran back, and hugged me like I was her second brother. She looked me in the eye – pretty easy to do at her height now – and told me thank you for being there for her.

I looked right back at her and put on my best 'big brother' smile, and I told her... I– oh, gosh, this is tougher than I thought…

I told her that I was proud of her, just like her parents and her brother, and I did what any good friend would do for another pony. And... And I told her to never stop believing that there is good inside of every creature, no matter who they are, or what they have done. That when troubled times arise, to look for the light and gallop towards it... And when she gets it, to turn around and shine it out, so nopony has to live in the dark.

She gave me another hug, and for a moment, I saw that same happy smile that had crossed her lips a million times before. And then she walked out the door.

The morning that they discovered her body, I was just opening my doors for the day when Celestia's screams of agony ripped through the air like a banshee.

Somehow, I knew. In some deep, dark corner of my soul, I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. I knew what had happened; I knew Equestria had lost a Princess, a family had lost a daughter, a brother had lost a sister, five special mares had lost their centerpiece... And I had lost my hope for the future.

At least the last thing I remember of her was a smile. Perhaps that's my silver lining, if that's the right term. But those screams, those cries of utter sorrow that echoed through this city–

Those screams will haunt me for the rest of my days.


So, there you go. That's my story of Twilight Sparkle; not the Princess, but the pony behind the crown. The pony I watched grow up before my eyes and change the face of Equestria. An extremely talented young mare that gave her all for the whole world, only to have it thrown back in her face. May she rest in peace, and as far away from this wretched place as possible.

As for me… I'm not sure what I'll do, or where I'll go, but I'm not staying here any longer. I–I just can't.

My family has been operating some kind of store in this city for generations, from produce stands to smithies to this very cafe; and believe me, the business has been good to me over the years… But I can't stand to see any of these ponies anymore.

Sure, most ponies’ opinions changed after Twilight died, and to an outsider, things might even look somewhat normal again. It’s anything but normal though, and this farce that passes for normal now only makes my blood boil. Do those hypocrites really think they’re fooling anypony? Or are they just that shallow? I saw them tear poor Twilight apart at every turn, yet all she wanted to do was usher this nation into a brighter future.

Only after Twilight had been murdered in cold blood did they suddenly change their tune. Now it was a national tragedy, and all of those common ponies that gleefully jeered and mocked Twilight scattered like leaves in the wind when their perverted wishes actually became reality. What’s more, most of the nobles that goaded the crowds to turn against one of their Princesses had the gall to attend the state funeral! They were all dressed in black and full of every vapid platitude that they could spit out of their mouths. Even the grave could not shield Twilight from their venomous words.

The whole thing sickened me… It still sickens me, to be honest. Some days I barely resist the urge to throw coffee in their faces when they come in here, acting like they were never involved. Twilight's killers may have already met their fate on the gallows, but the real instigators - and the hypocrites that blindly followed them - still roam free! I see them everywhere; in the streets, in these booths, at this bar! I wish... I wish I could throw them in the gallows myself!

Even the ponies that supported her - and there were many of them, mind you - aren't the same. You can see it in their eyes; it's as if they're living in a world that is no longer their own.

Nighty and Velvet only come in occasionally now, and when they do, it’s like meeting strangers all over again. They always cover themselves in long cloaks and clutch little Mystic Sparkle to their sides as if she could disappear at any moment. I try to get them to talk, to say anything, but they just get a to-go order and shuffle off with hardly a word between them. Sometimes I wonder if they’re even the same ponies anymore.

Shining Armor? The last time I saw Shining was about three weeks after the funeral, when he came in for a snack. I had just brought him a fresh coffee when two nobles walked in. They didn’t say anything at first, but as they walked behind Shining, they very loudly cracked a sick joke about Twilight's relationship with that other guardpony. Before I could even process what I had heard, Shining had punched both of them in the face and bucked them straight out the front windows. I told him it was alright, and frankly, those two plotholes deserved more than they got. But, he just hung his head and walked off; his train returned to the Crystal Empire a few days later, and I haven't seen him since.

Despite all of that, what hurts me the most is right in front of me, all day, everyday. It’s been three years, and my heart still aches every time I look over at that corner booth. I try to tell myself that I’ll get used to it - yet nearly every afternoon I glance at that booth at around three-thirty, expecting Twilight to be sitting there like she always was, surrounded by a pile of books, a plate of chocolate frosteds, and a pot of coffee.

S-she’s never there, of course. I stare at the empty booth each day, and every time I do I feel another piece of my soul wither away.

Winter's nearly here, but come next Spring, I'm packing my stuff and leaving. I don't know where I'll go - and I'll miss the heck out of this cafe - but I’m leaving. I hope my family will forgive me for abandoning our roots, but I’m willing to live with it if they don’t.

They might choose to stick it out, to try and make the best of it. But me? I just can't do it. I'm not that strong. Heavens knows that I tried... I've been trying for the last three years! But it's just too much! So many callous hypocrites, so many empty hearts, so many broken souls. I spend half the day holding back my rage and the other half holding back my tears while I become less of a pony and more of an empty shell.

Hmm... Now that I think about it, I've done a miserable job of following my own advice. But really, I just can't. I told Twilight to always find the good in everything, to find the light, grab it, and shine it out into the darkness.

Well, I tried… But there's no light left here; at least not for anypony with a soul left in their body. Now all that is left of the light is its shadow.

Perhaps in time the light will re-emerge over us and the sun will truly shine once again.

Yet the shadow over that corner booth will remain, now and forever.

That shadow can never be pierced.

Not even by the sun.


He moved from place to place.

Never staying in one city to long.

The Empty Donut would keep searching.

Searching for a light to end his darkness.

Author's Note:

This chapter was written by Grand Moff Pony as the winner of the contest I held for this fic. This fic is in cannon with the universe I have created.

Pinkie Pie is next.

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