• Published 22nd Oct 2013
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Aftermath of a Fallen Star - Rated Ponystar

The aftermath of Twilight's assassination, and the lives she touched who must now move foward into a future without her

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Farewell My Rival (Trixie)

Aftermath of A Fallen Star

By Rated Ponystar

Edited by Unknown Pawn

Farewell My Rival (Trixie’s POV)


The Great and Powerful Trixie refused to believe it. It was unthinkable for Trixie to even think that such a thing was possible. There was no way that Trixie’s rival, and admittedly only friend, was dead. It had to be a plot, or a trick. Perhaps Twilight Sparkle was merely faking her death to fool the assassins into thinking they had succeeded. Trixie did not believe the papers, the rumors, even the photographs of the trial that had been taken. There was no way that Twilight Sparkle was dead. It was not possible to even believe unless Trixie saw it for herself. Hence, why she was waiting in line, waiting to see the so called casket of Equestria’s departed princess.

Trixie had been working on a show in Vanhoover when she first heard the news. Without any hesitation, The Great and Powerful Trixie cancelled her future shows and journeyed non-stop to Canterlot. She wasn’t going to believe it, even after it was announced by Celestia herself on the day Trixie arrived in the city.

I-Trixie needed to see it with her own eyes

All of Canterlot was in a state of mourning. Flags for the princess they only had for a single year were held up in every household. Citizens wore black for days, some holding candlelight vigils at Trixie’s old school where she was expelled; and that was only because they didn’t see Trixie’s potential back then. All the while Trixie had tried to gain as much information as possible. Not that Trixie believed it was true. It had to be staged. It just had to be. Twilight Sparkle was the one pony who Trixie needed in her life.

There was no pony more worthy of being The Great and Powerful Trixie’s rival than the Element of Magic. Trixie would often tell Twilight Sparkle in her letters of just how successful she was, and how much her magic had grown since her unfortunate days in Ponyville. Why Trixie was so great that Sparkle even admitted she was impressed and encouraged Trixie to do more. She even still talked to Trixie when she became a princess.

You heard right. The Great and Powerful Trixie was associated with a princess.

IS! I mean. I mean ‘is’. Twilight Sparkle was still alive. She had to be.

There was no possible way that Twilight Sparkle was dead. It was inconceivable. She was the Element of Magic. Hero of Equestria. Princess of Magic and Friendship. She was not dead because some stupid ponies didn’t like her politics and feared her magic. Those with great power such as Twilight Sparkle-and of course The Great and Powerful Trixie herself-were supposed to be loved and adored by all. Not murdered because of disagreements and foalishness. Besides, Trixie had yet to beat Twilight Sparkle and show her who was the most powerful magician in the world. And this time it would be without some stupid alicorn amulet. The Great and Powerful Trixie needed to show everypony, including Twilight Sparkle, that she didn’t need to be rescued and that Trixie could learn from her mistakes.

All. Her. Mistakes.

And now, Twilight sought to fool everypony, and whomever was her enemy, into thinking she was dead. Ha! The Great and Powerful Trixie has faked her own death many times before! It was part of her act sometimes. A simple potion would put Trixie in a death like sleep to trick others into thinking The Great and Powerful Trixie had left this world. And during her funeral Trixie would rise from her coffin, announce that she had cheated death, and all would applaud her. Or scream about zombies and chase her out of the town. Whichever you choose.

Either way, the Great and Powerful Trixie was determined to prove them wrong. When the so called ‘state funeral’ came, Trixie went of course. She may have been wearing a black version of her usual cape and hat, but it was only for appearance sake. Trixie even had to make it look like she was sad. But I-I mean-Trixie was not! Hours had passed as Trixie slowly followed the line into the palace where hundreds of flowers and wreaths decorated the halls along side black ribbons. Large pictures of Twilight Sparkle’s life could be seen from her birth to her final days on the walls.

It was funny in some ways for Trixie. She and Twilight Sparkle were both talented in magic but had lead completely different lives. Twilight Sparkle was born from a low noble family and was accepted as Princess Celestia’s personal student, loved by all. The Great and Powerful Trixie, orphaned at a young age, was removed from the school because she didn’t ‘match’ their criteria. Twilight Sparkle had conquered ancient evils and proved to be a living avatar of magic itself. The Great and Powerful Trixie had to spend each day fighting and acting to put food on her table. And Twilight Sparkle had friends, family, and others who adored her. The Great and Powerful Trixie had nopony, and was even hated because ponies couldn’t understand her brilliance.

It was not Trixie’s fault that two stupid colts drove a Ursa Minor into a town based on a fabricated tale told by Trixie. It was not Trixie’s fault that she tried to control a corrupting magical amulet and took over a town with tyranny and hate. It was not Trixie’s fault that she didn’t know the first thing about being a good pony until she met Twilight Sparkle. Who may have changed Trixie a bit. Just a bit mind you.

But as Trixie entered the throne room, she couldn’t help but have... doubts. What if this was no trick? What if Trixie was only kidding herself? It wasn’t like Trixie was crying at the time. No way. Trixie tried to think of other things besides the potential of her being wrong; which was a rare thing for Trixie. She had looked to her left to see the remaining princesses of Equestria for the first time. It was like nothing Trixie had expected. These were the most powerful and regal ponies in Equestria and yet they looked anything but. Draped in black, veils over their heads, the two alicorns seemed no different from the rest of the mourners. Tears streamed down their eyes like open waterfalls as they held each other like the sisters that they were. To see Princess Celestia of all ponies in utter despair was such a stunning sight that The Great and Powerful Trixie didn’t have the words to describe it.

But even after seeing this, Trixie refused to believe it. Surely, having lived for nearly a millennium and a half the two alicorns were experts in acting.

Trixie tried to find something else to take her mind off the nagging voice in her head that told her to accept the truth. A truth that had to be a lie! A lie Trixie tells you!

That’s when she saw them. The other Elements of Harmony. The five best friends Twilight Sparkle had constantly told Trixie about in her letters. The five ponies Trixie terrorized and hurt with her own magic. Trixie’s doubts of this all being an act continued to grow as she saw their hurt and broken expressions. The pink one’s hair was as draping like seaweed from a sinking ship. The two pegasi held each other, the yellow one bawling into the rainbow manned one who was doing her best not to cry but obviously failing. The farmer one was staring at the direction of the coffin, looking lifeless and unmoving. Almost like a statue. And the white one, with the fanciest mourning gown of them all, was comforting the little dragon that always hung around Twilight Sparkle.

Trixie remembered how Twilight Sparkle wrote to her, saying that the dragon, Spike, was like a son to her. Trixie had rarely ever wanted to give anypony a hug. She wasn’t much of a touchy feely kind of pony. Yet that dragon, who looked so confused and hurt, in his state of grief was enough to make Trixie want to rush over and hug him. Hug him and tell him to stop crying. Even use Trixie’s magical cape to dry those eyes of his and tell him everything was alright. Trixie didn’t even know it back then, but she was crying as well at that point.

Because that was when Trixie... no, I knew the truth. I could deny it no longer.

Twilight Sparkle, my only friend, my eternal rival, was dead. While standing there in mental shock, realizing that the only pony who truly knew me was gone forever, I realized that the six of them were staring at me. My insides froze as I saw their stares range from confusion to downright anger. Despite making peace with Twilight, I never found the courage to apologize to her friends for what I had done. I was afraid of them, afraid of what they would do to me if we ever saw each other again. And here we were. At Twilight’s funeral. Not really the best of places I suppose.

The rainbow one looked ready to rush over and attack me, but she was stopped by the white one. She shook her head and then looked at me with a stoic expression before nodding. Realizing I was going to be left alone, I quickly nodded back in thanks and turned my head back forwards. I didn’t dare look back to see their reactions.

And yet a part of me wishes I did. For soon enough, minutes later I was there. Flowers surrounded a glass coffin of pure gold. Emeralds, diamonds, and other jewels adorned it in the designs of the Elements of Harmony. Inside the glass bed was none other the Twilight herself. She was so... peaceful looking. Her smile was angelic and her expression similar to a pony having a good dream while sleeping. She wore the dress I saw on the papers after her coronation, only it seemed a bit different; more... somber looking. Covered by her crossed hooves, I saw a bouquet of flowers, all fresh looking. A fitting farewell for a princess. A hero. A true friend.

I couldn’t take anymore. I needed no more proof. Twilight Sparkle really was dead. It was hard running out of the castle with misty eyes, but somehow I managed to do it and found myself in the castle’s courtyard. I screamed. Screamed in anger and despair. I hated Twilight Sparkle for just dying like that. Now I would never prove to her how much better I was. Never hear from her in a letter again. Never get a chance to properly speak to her and call her my friend.

This was wrong. This was all wrong. Why was such a great and powerful pony like Twilight Sparkle dead while I, a failure, was still alive? The world didn’t need me, a stupid magician with cheap parlor tricks. The world needed Twilight Sparkle.

I sat there, wretched with torn feelings, until I heard somepony walking towards me. I turned around, and saw the white unicorn of Twilight’s entourage looking at me with sympathy. She offered her hoof for me. I stared at that hoof for some time before I slowly took it. She helped me up and I looked at her, confused.

“I didn’t expect to find you here,” she said, casting me a sympathetic look. “Then again, I suppose what Twilight said was true. You have changed.”

“She... she told you about me?” I asked, wiping my eyes.

The white unicorn nodded. “Indeed, darling. She sometimes spoke of you, saying how you were trying to become a better pony. Some of us... didn’t believe her, but now I guess this isn’t the time to hold old grudges.”

“I... I’m sorry... for everything,” I muttered, looking downward in shame. I didn’t know if it was a proper time to apologize for my actions against her and all those in Ponyville, but I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

She sighed. “I suppose it wasn’t all your fault that the Ursa Minor came into our town. And Twilight did say the amulet caused ponies to become evil.” I slowly raised my head and saw her give me a sad smile. “And I know that Twilight would want me to do this so... I forgive you, Trixie.”

I gave a weak smile and nodded, feeling as if a burden on my shoulders had been lifted. If this pony could forgive me, maybe there was a chance the others could too. “Thank you, um...”


“Right, Rarity,” I replied.

“So what will you do now?” Rarity asked.

I didn’t give an answer immediately. Truth be told, I had no purpose now. Ever since Twilight had forgiven me for the amulet incident I had done my best to prove that I could be just as good a magician as she was. But without her, my rival, what could I do? Go back to being a show pony who was only good at tricks and telling stories?


My eyes widened as an idea so great came to my mind that only somepony as great and powerful as Trixie could have thought it up. Smiling, I puffed up my chest and said, “Why, Trixie shall do what she does best! Go around the world and give them a show! But this time Trixie will not be spreading tales about her greatness alone! No, Trixie will let the world know about the Great and Powerful Twilight Sparkle as well! She will make sure her tales of grandeur are spread all throughout the world so that she remains immortal to the tides of history!”

Rarity gave me a satisfied smile. Pleased by Trixie’s proclamation. “I think that is a noble idea, Trixie. One that I’m sure Twilight would be flattered by.”

“It is the least Trixie can do for her,” I muttered, slowly closing my eyes. It was right then that I wished her only true friend a safe passage into the next world. And vowed that when it became time for the Great and Powerful Trixie to depart for the same world as well, she would finally settle their score once and for all. I opened my eyes and nervously asked, “You know, if Trixie is going to tell of the greatness of Twilight Sparkle. Trixie would like to hear about it from those who knew her best.”

Rarity smiled at Trixie and nodded. “Come down to Ponyville some time then. The girls and I would love to tell you everything.”

I smiled and said my goodbyes to Rarity. Trotting down the street, I vowed to make the Legend of Twilight Sparkle known throughout the world. And only a Great and Powerful unicorn such as Trixie could make such a vow happen.


And so the tale of the Fallen Star spread across every nation.

Her deeds remembered for ages to come.

The Wandering Storyteller never stopped spreading them.

Not until she could speak no more and joined her rival in the stars.

Author's Note:

I mostly got the inspiration for this design of the story from BronyWriter's Ripples, which are about the lives affected by the reveal of Rarity's murders. In this story, all of the chapters are first person views of the characters affected by Twilight's death. Some will be before The Assassination of Twilight Sparkle's events with Celestia (Like Trixie's was) others will take place after or even in the far future.

You are welcomed to suggest one shot ideas and if I like them I'll consider adding them, they're are just two characters you can't touch: Celestia, because she already had her story in the first fic, and Spike, I have plans for him.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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