• Published 2nd Jul 2022
  • 1,152 Views, 226 Comments

Unchanging Truths - Rego

After Applejack meets a mysterious Equestrian Collie from the Everfree Forest, her stable farming life takes a turn for the stranger when the pompous pup needs more than just her affection.

  • ...

Chapter 8: Brought to Heel

As Applejack, Ocellus, and the disguised Chrysalis pulled closer to the castle, it was readily apparent that the changelings weren’t the only ones to arrive in town this morning. The Castle of Friendship rarely had any guards patrolling the skies or stationed at the gates since Fleur was the sole member—at least if they were ignoring a certain draconequus’ antics. While Applejack recognized the golden armor of the Royal Canterlot Guard in the air, the ones posted at the entrance were dressed in Imperial sterling silver.

Approaching the double doors, she saw a pair of pegasus wings on the yellow guard on the left while the stern fella on the right was a genuine crystal pony. Without the influence of the Crystal Heart, it was hard to tell them apart from Equestrian earth ponies. The only difference she could spot was the way the light hit their eyes, leaving a few sharper shapes in the white reflections. Righty was definitely flashing his sharp eyes with the daggers he was staring at them.

“Guess Princess Cadance got here today too,” AJ whispered to Ocellus.

“State your business, citizen!” the crystal pony guard demanded.

“Business? Reckon that’s getting this girl back to her family in the castle.”

“H-hello…” Ocellus said while nervously shapeshifting back into her pony disguise.

“Hang on,” the other guard said. The pegasus looked over Applejack and nodded with a welcoming smile. “I think she’s the Element of Honesty. I recognize the hat.”

Applejack chuckled as she tilted the rim to greet the fellow Equestrian. “Eeyup. I’m guessing we met before?”

“Briefly, but I mostly know you from our briefings,” the stallion chuckled at his own cheesy joke. The other guard next to him sighed with a dismay that mourned a thousand puns before, slowly whittling away his sanity. “I’m Lieutenant Flash Sentry, and this cheerful fellow is Lieutenant Natrolite.” Flash turned his attention to the jumpy changeling. “And I’m guessing the little one here is the little girl the others are out looking for.”

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble.”

“It’s okay!” he assured as the pegasus flashed a smile. “We’re just glad you’re okay. I don’t blame you for wanting to stay out of the castle with that creepy Chrysalis lurking about. I’ll be sure to keep you safe.”

“Speaking of…” Applejack said as she kicked the cart. “Well, c’mon out now. Don’t be rude, girl.”

The collie popped her head out and growled.

“Aww! What a cute puppy!” Flash gushed while pressing his cheeks together despite his helmet. “What’s her name?”

“She goes by Classy when she’s running around like that, but usually she’s really—”

The dog leapt out of the cart and exploded into green fire. Flash’s chipper grin sank in horror as the looming shadow of the tall and proud villain fell upon him.

“Chrysalis,” the former queen finished with a predatory leer towards the puny pegasus. She side-eyed the farmer and flourished her mane. “Next time, wait until they’ve given me all of their adoration before you so carelessly reveal me, Applejack.”

“I was gonna say crabby, but I’ll keep that in mind, sugarcube,” Applejack clarified while unhitching herself from the wagon.

Chrysalis growled lowly, causing both guards to ready their spears. She rolled her eyes at the show of force. “Oh please. May I remind you I am a guest of Princess Twilight Sparkle? Put those things away before somepony gets hurt.”

“Oh my goodness!” Ocellus shouted as she covered her mouth in shock at the sight of the towering tyrant. “Are you okay?”

Chrysalis jerked her head around and stared down the stammering changeling before she could utter another word. “Did anyone ask you to speak?” Ocellus ducked down, shaking her head quickly while quaking in fear of her former ruler. “Exactly! Then keep quiet, Ocellus!”

“B-but you’re so—”

Chrysalis hissed, flaring her serpentine tongue. “Do not make me repeat myself, youngling!”

“Alrighty, all of y’all need to settle down! She ain’t here to cause any real trouble, right, Chrys?” Applejack said warily.Chrys frowned, scoffed, and looked away. “See? Ain’t gonna do anything untoward. Plus she’s staying at the castle, so you’d have to let her in eventually, right?”

Natrolite’s frown never faltered as he slowly lowered his spear and stepped to the side. Flash quickly followed suit and opened the front door for the three of them.

“See? Was that so hard?” Chrysalis cooed. She straightened up and trotted up to the gateway, only to be stopped by a thrusting spear blocking her way.

“Don’t try anything,” Natrolite stated evenly.

“Oh-ho? Are you sure that’s what you want?” Chrysalis purred as she stared the brave tin soldier in the face. “And here I thought you’d like a do-over of the last time you failed to protect your lovely little Imperial family from me.”

Natrolite’s nostrils flared in anger, barely keeping his spear in check. Chrysalis tilted her head up, daring him to attempt a stab at her throat.

“Chrys! Ya ain’t gonna cause any trouble, ya hear?”

Chrysalis snorted and shrugged. “Have it your way, AJ. Get that toothpick out of my face!” Chrysalis spat as she swatted the spear out of her way and waltzed through the castle doors like she owned the place.

Applejack nodded a quick apology to the guards as she guided Ocellus through the doors. She quickly trotted up to Chrysalis’ side to give her a piece of her mind. “Now, what the hay was that all about?”

“You said it yourself: I’m crabby.”

“That ain’t no reason to get somepony all riled up! Especially a guard!”

Chrysalis scoffed. “I don’t know if you could tell or not, but he hated my guts on sight.”

“You could at least try to be a little nicer about it. Don’t need to go around proving ‘em right.”

“And what do I have to prove otherwise? Everyone already knows who I am.”

“And ya ain’t that no more.” Applejack trotted in front to cut Chrysalis’ gait through the castle. “You’re not Queen Chrysalis, you’re just my friend Chrys.”

“Friend?” Chrysalis tilted her head back and cackled. “We are not friends.”

“Then what the hay are we?”

“You, my lovely little apple, are confused,” Chrysalis answered as she stroked Applejack’s mane with her hoof. She let it drop and walked around the stubborn mare, leaving AJ behind. “The sooner you realize that, the better off you’ll be.”

“And what’ll happen to you after that?” Applejack called after the solitary queen.

Chrysalis said nothing as her gait stopped for a second. Shaking it off, she continued her proud stride through the castle.

Applejack stamped the ground. “Dang it, Chrys…”

Ocellus trotted up to Applejack and hugged her unexpectedly. Applejack felt the youngling tremble and returned the hug to comfort her.

“She’s just as cruel as I remember,” Ocellus said quietly, afraid Chrysalis would overhear.

“I’m sorry, Ocellus. She’s just been in a bad mood since yesterday. It’s partially my fault.”

“No, it’s nobody’s fault. That’s just how she is. She always talks down to everyone and tears them apart. She hates everybody, but she especially hates those who fail her, like me.” Ocellus rubbed her head against Applejack’s fur, trying to wipe her old fears away. “The only love she ever has is for herself.”

“Trust me, sugarcube. That ain’t true.”

“How would you know?” Ocellus shouted into Applejack’s side, muffling her voice in the orange fur. “You weren’t there!”

“Okay, well it ain’t as true as you think it is. She’s changed, or at least trying to, I think.” Applejack couldn’t make heads or tails of her. Chrysalis just slipped right back into evil queen mode the moment she saw the guards.

“Then why does she still look like that? Why didn’t she metamorphose like the rest of us? Why is she still devouring love like a monster?”

“I don’t know, Ocellus. We’re trying to figure that out.”

“Applejack! Ocellus!” Chrysalis called from the bottom of the foyer staircase. “If you two are done whispering behind my back, I’d appreciate getting a move on already! Let’s drop the youngling off, have everyone yell at me for a few minutes, and then get back to your absolutely riveting sales class. I still need to learn more of your brilliant apple stacking strategies.”

Applejack couldn’t help but laugh at Chrys’ snide humor. Despite her short temper, Chrys was at least paying enough attention to form a good insult. AJ turned to her new friend and ruffled her gossamer mane. “By the way, Ocellus, if you’ve got any suggestions, I’m all ears.”

Chrysalis’ return to the castle did not go unattended for long. Captain Fleur and several crystal guards rallied to the foyer to meet the three arrivals. While the dethroned queen was still a free mare, none of the Imperials were willing to take a chance with the villain around. Fleur did her best to keep them amicable for Twilight’s sake despite her own animosity towards the changeling. When they asked her why, Fleur reminded everyone that she was a member of the Twilight guard and needed to reflect her patron princess’ ideals of friendship.

As they were led through the castle, Applejack was the first to notice their unexpected path. They walked right past the empty map room they’d been using so far, so she wasn’t sure where they were heading now. The overgrown castle had taken a note from the Tree of Harmony and sprouted with branching paths that all looked the same to her. She wasn’t sure how Twi or Spike found anything in here before Trixie had started labeling doors after getting lost one too many times.

Spying one of her markers signifying the kitchen, AJ figured only one room around here would be able to sit a bunch of bigwig royals in one place comfortably. She looked down the hallway towards the double doors and saw a Solar and Lunar guard stationed outside the Dining Hall of Friendship. Or at least that’s what she guessed it was called. Seemed that every little nook and cranny around these parts was an “of something” or another.

Upon opening the double doors, the three of them were met with most every ruler she knew about sitting around a long dining table with three empty chairs. Twilight was situated between Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance while Luna was across the way talking to Thorax and Pharynx.

“Announcing the arrivals of Applejack, Ocellus, and Chrysalis,” Fleur stated for everyone as they entered. Chrysalis frowned at the captain’s low-key blow to her pride by announcing her last, but shook it off quick enough to play to the party.

“This is a surprise. Still ruining your inverted sleep schedule on my account, Luna?” Chrysalis remarked as she proudly strode into the room, shoving the guards out of her way. “I’m quite the talk of the town these days.”

Thorax gasped and leapt out of his seat to buzz over to his former ruler. Landing next to her, she recoiled from his sudden proximity to her. Chrysalis still stood slightly taller than her reformed drone, but her wiry limbs and faded green coloration were made all the more apparent standing next to Thorax’s healthy, love-filled body.

“My word, it’s worse than you said, Pharynx!” Thorax uttered as he walked around the blackened stick bug. “What in the world happened to you?” he asked with palpable worry.

“I believe you did, Thorax,” Chrysalis spat. “You and the rest of your harmonious friends solved your little food problem.”

“But you’re still starving! You’re barely glowing at all. How are you even standing?”

“Stop being so dramatic. I’m just trying a new weight loss technique called ‘Drone Rebellion.’” Chrysalis joked as she brushed Thorax aside to take her seat at the table. “Perhaps you will have one yourself someday if you can manage to become even half the ruler that I was.”

“It’s not like that anymore, Chrysalis. No one changeling rules over another. We’re a collective commune.”

“So much love you don’t even need to fight over it anymore?” Chrysalis cackled as she admired the big lovebug. “And I guess you’re just a little more equal since you’re producing ten times the love as our little Ocellus now. Though really, you’re just a drop in the ocean compared to the lovely pink princess over there.”

“Be that as it may, we were all drones once, and we will always be equals no matter where our strengths lie. We all will work for the betterment of our hive.”

“We’ll see how long that lasts, your highness. I learned this morning that it takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch.” Chrysalis’ predatory gaze shifted to Pharynx who sneered back at her silent accusation.

“That’s enough, Chrysalis!” Cadance shouted bitterly. “You’re interrupting an important meeting.”

“Is that what this is? And here I thought you were waiting for me to show up before you started bad-mouthing me. I always found it more cathartic tearing down someone to their face.” Chrysalis’ eyes wandered around the table, noting the notable lack of another chair and child. “But I see we’re missing a couple of ponies, right Cadance?”

“Don’t you dare, Chrysalis,” Cadance warned icily.

“Aww, but I was the victim,” Chrysalis whined while fluttering her eyelashes. “Is our precious Shiny Hiney too scared to face me after leaving me at the altar?”

“Yes! They both are, no thanks to your cruelty!” Cadance screamed back in righteous fury. Her resolve wavered as she began to tremble in her seat, trying to contain the panic and anger that was bubbling to the surface. “Shining wanted me to send an envoy in my place, but I refused to live in fear of you. I won’t let you control our lives any longer!”

“Control?” Chrysalis laughed again as she shook her head. “Oh, my dear Cadance, you give me far too much credit. But, please, do go on. I just love tasting your fear.”

Chrysalis cackled at the angry tears forming in her nemesis’ eyes. Having heard her fill of it, Applejack interrupted her vile fun with a swift buck to the back of her chair, tumbling the bug out of her seat.

“Alright, Chrys. That’s enough of evil outta you for now,” Applejack said as she plopped down next to her royal new-hire.

Cadance’s anger melted away to confusion as the disheveled bug picked herself up off the floor. “‘Chrys?’”

“That’s Queen Chrysalis to you, Applejack!” Chrysalis growled back as she pulled herself from the floor.

“Is it? Reckon you’re down one crown too many to be called anything like that.” Applejack highlighted Chrysalis’ lack of headgear by lifting the hat off her head and placing it on Chrys. “There, you can borrow it if you’re needing the ego boost, big girl.”

Chrysalis ground her teeth, yanked the hat off her head, and threw it back over AJ’s face. “Cease your prattling at once! You swore you would show me the respect I deserve!”

Applejack placed her daddy’s hat back on her head and tipped the rim down, raring for a fight. “I recall agreeing to something like that, but only if you were gonna show everybody else here a lil’ common decency!”

The alicorns and the other changelings’ gazes followed the argument bouncing back and forth between the peasant standing up to the royal pain in the flank. Twilight and Cadance shared a quick glance between themselves before watching Applejack put Chrysalis on the defensive with little effort.

“W-why should I show my enemies any respect?” Chrysalis flared back.

“Cause maybe you’d like some respect yourself? And since when are they all your enemies again? Last I checked, you got off the hook after we blasted the fool outta ya!”

“Back on your failed reformation attempt are we? Thanks for that, by the way. Petrification turned out to be quite exfoliating for my carapace. Perhaps you’d like to try it sometime!”

“I already said I was sorry about that! Why’re ya being so difficult, Chrys?”

“Stop calling me that, AJ!” Chrysalis hissed through her gritted teeth.

“That is enough! Both of you!” Luna shouted over the feud, bringing it to a sudden close. “Chrysalis? You are correct. You are the main topic of discussion this day, but I believe you ran away this morning to cower like a dog instead of facing those you have hurt in the past.”

Chrysalis’ eye twitched at the impudent princess, but without a comeback prepared to match, she crossed her legs and looked away.

“As for you Applejack. While I thank you for reining in your ward, perhaps now is not the time for such matters?”

“Sorry, Luna. Just wanted to make sure the drama queen here was being cordial is all.” Applejack smacked Chrysalis’ flank with a smirk, earning a withering glare from the changeling for her continued impudence.

“And I believe we all appreciate your efforts at reformation, but you seem to be a bit ‘on edge’ as well, as they say. You three are welcome to remain as long as you remain civil.” The princess turned her attention to Ocellus and smiled softly as she stood up from her chair. “In fact, it is my understanding that you were meant to be with us from the start.” Luna motioned for the youngling to take her seat next to her guardian, Thorax.

Ocellus nodded and quickly flew into her seat with a sheepish smile. “Sorry, your highness.” Thorax patted Ocellus on the head, welcoming her back to his side.

Luna nodded as she trotted around to take her new seat next to Chrysalis. “Now, you said you wished for Chrysalis to return to the hive with you?”

Chrysalis balked. “What?”

“Yes. We thought it’d be best for you to come home with us, Chrysalis,” Thorax clarified.

“You’re kidding.”

“Not at all. If you’re wanting to turn over a new leaf, we want to be there for you. We’re your family.”

Chrysalis’ face scrunched in contempt at the mere notion.

“Please, Chrysalis,” Thorax begged. “Your place is with us. We want to help you! You don’t have to be hungry if you can metamorphose.”

“And you expect to help me do that? Not even the Elements of Harmony were powerful enough to change me. What hope does your puny community of traitors have? You already failed me countless times before you betrayed me.”

“Chrysalis, it’s not like that. Sure you’ve made mistakes, but—”

Chrysalis raged and slammed her hoof on the table. “I’ve made no mistakes! Miscalculations, perhaps, but never mistakes!”

“Okay, sorry,” Thorax said, trying to calm his former queen down. “What I mean is we’ve all done bad things together.”

“Did you not hear me, you ungrateful whelp?” Chrysalis banged the table again. “We weren’t wrong, we were hungry and I found food for you!”

“But it wasn’t right,” Thorax reiterated.

“Yes it was! How else was I supposed to keep you from starving? There were times I lost half the hive to lovesickness! I kept us alive!”

“But we’ve found another way.”

You found another way, you accursed usurper!” Chrysalis yelled in fury.

“Yes,” Thorax agreed as he held firm to his conviction, “and the first step to healing the rift our kind has created is to apologize for all we’ve done.”

Chrysalis’ mouth dropped as her words failed her. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “You can’t do that! We did nothing to apologize for!”

“How can you even say that with a straight face?” Cadance screamed back at her bitter villain. “Forget how you terrorized countless creatures for centuries, my family is suffering because of you! Shining is anxious around green lights! Flurry Heart wakes up in the night crying in terror for us to hold her! You were going to use me as food while you lived my life forever!”

“I was feeding my hive!” Chrysalis defended.

“By ruining our lives!”

“Well a lot of good that all did, right?” Chrysalis dismissed in a huff. “I’m sorry you won in the end! What do you want from me?”

“It’d be helpful at the very least to know you're actually sorry for attacking us!”

Chrysalis’ indignation spiked as she glared at Cadance. “I’m not sorry! I did nothing wrong! Do you apologize to the flowers every time you eat a daisy sandwich?”

“That’s not even remotely the same thing!”

“And neither would you be! I was going to seal you away beneath my throne, cultivating your love while keeping you safe in a little dream world. I would siphon everything you’d ever feel to keep my subjects fed.”

“That’s horrible…” The princess caught the growing panic in her throat with a deep, calming breath. She placed her hoof on her chest and then released it along with her tension with an exhale that pushed her anxiety aside. “How could you even think of doing something so evil?”

“Evil? How dare you!” Chrysalis reared up from her seat and slammed the table in front of her. It should’ve shifted from the weight, but there wasn't enough strength to do much more than rattle the silverware. “You would’ve only ever known endless joy! I was going to use the power of your love to usher in a new age for my kingdom. My subjects would never go hungry again!”

“So why’d you have to drag the rest of Equestria into it then? If I was so valuable to you, why risk it all by trying to take over everything? Why sacrifice your children’s fulfillment for your selfish desires?”

Chrysalis’ grumbled, but she said nothing as she sank back down into her seat. She locked her gaze onto the table space in front of her at nothing in particular.

Thorax sighed. “Because it wouldn’t have been enough. She’d still be hungry.”

“Be quiet, Thorax,” Chrysalis ordered weakly, refusing to look up from the table.

“But that’s what it was, right? That’s why you changed the plan; your plan. It’s because even with the Alicorn of Love under your control, it wouldn’t be enough to satisfy you. You still needed more. But then again, you always needed more.”

“Silence. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You always told us even though you were hungry, it was okay. You’d always look out for us. What changed?”

“Nothing changed,” she seethed. “An opportunity for more love presented itself and I took it. That’s all. It was a simple miscalculation.”

“But you said you could never be full. If you cared about us, why didn’t we just stick to your original plan?”

Unable to stand it anymore, Chrysalis glared at the traitor. “I provided all of you food for centuries and this is the thanks I get?”

“Now we can provide our own food, and we see how wrong we’ve been. We’ve realized that we need to make up for what we did.”

“And I said we have nothing to apologize for!”

“And we disagree,” Thorax declared, not flinching from pressure from his former ruler. “I’ve already apologized on the behalf of all our fellow changelings for the pain we’ve inflicted upon Equestria and her allies.”

Chrysalis’ eyes bugged in horror. “You did what? I never agreed to that!”

“We didn’t need you to. We all voted without you, and agreed unanimously that apologizing was the right thing to do after everything we’ve done.”

“No! I refuse to accept that!”

“We did,” Cadance said, shooting a victorious grin at the fumbling changeling. “We’ve all accepted the Changeling Concordant’s apology and want to work together to make our nations better places for everyone.”

Chrysalis tilted her head. “Changeling Concordant?”

“It is what we are now calling ourselves after dissolving the monarchy,” Thorax explained. “And as our first official act, we’ve decided to pursue harmony by issuing a formal apology for our actions in the past.”

“You—you mean what I did! What I did for you!” Chrysalis barked back.

“It’s fine if you don’t apologize,” Cadance said with a sorrowful sigh. “Part of me was hoping since the Elements didn’t seal you away, you had changed for the better, but I really don’t know what I expected. A blackheart like you would never admit they were wrong.”

Chrysalis shuddered away as she looked around the table at all the steely gazes glaring at her. “N-no! Everything I did was to keep you fed! I’m not wrong!”

“But we don’t have to live off of preying on others. We can all live in harmony now.”

“That was never an option for me! I’m not wrong!”

Applejack felt something was amiss as she leaned forward to try to catch Chrysalis’ gaunt stare at her former minions. “Chrysalis? You alright, sugarcube?”

Agreeing with her friend, Twilight stood up as well. “Please, everyone. We’re all friends here. Let’s just calm down a second and—”

“You ungrateful parasites!” Chrysalis screamed as she recoiled back from her former family in disgust.

Thorax’s firmness faltered. He stood up and began trotting over towards Chrysalis in concern. “No, honest. We appreciate everything you did to keep us alive, but now it’s our turn to help you.”

“Help me?” Chrysalis laughed, but it cracked under the pressure. “What can you possibly do to help me? You hate me! You betrayed me!”

“No, no! We can feed you now, like how you fed us,” Thorax suggested with a smile.

“I am a queen! I do not feed off my subjects!”

“You don’t have to be our queen. We’re all equals now. We can share our love with you like we share it among ourselves. You don’t need to prey upon others anymore.”

Thorax extended a hoof to Chrysalis’ shoulder, but she swatted it away as she fell out of her seat. She scrambled to her hooves and backed away with her tail tucked between her legs.

“Keep your hooves away from me! I will not be patronized by the likes of you, Thorax!”

“I know that’s your hunger talking, but I promise you can get better. We just want to help you, all-mother.”

“Keep that name out of your mouth! You want to keep me in some little hole you’ve set aside for your feeble queen who can’t feed herself! Maybe these are reparations for all the lives I ruined for you?” Chrysalis chuckled as her eye twitched. “You think you all are so great now that you can eat normal food and live harmonious lives with the rest of these fools? The audacity! I could devour you in a second, worm!”

“Just try it, ‘Chrys’, I still owe you for choking me the other day,” Pharynx warned as he perked up from the threat.

“Don’t push me, Pharynx, I will not be treated like a useless invalid by my food!”

Thorax shook his head. “But you wouldn’t—”

“And what makes you say that? You said I’m always hungry, right? I threw you all away two months ago, what makes you think I wouldn’t do it again if you take me back?” Her rage boiled over as she got into Thorax’s face. “I could easily drain every last bit of love out of your entire ‘Concordant’ until there was nothing left but a graveyard of desiccated chitin! The mere thought of my return should inspire terror in…” Chrysalis’ tirade trailed as an eerie calmness overtook her. “But it does, doesn’t it? One of you already knows that, right Ocellus?”

Ocellus gasped, hearing her name. “W-what?”

Chrysalis disappeared in a flash of green flame and reappeared next to the fearful youngling. She reached a hoof and turned Ocellus’ head towards her as the others in the room readied themselves to stop her. “You said you came here to face your fear. To face me. Well, child? Tell me: what do you see?”

“I…” Ocellus tried to shrink away, but there was no escape.

“Out with it!” Chrysalis commanded.

“I see a hideous monster!” Ocellus cried as she tried to hide behind her hooves.

“Oh? Hideous?” Chrysalis chuckled darkly. “That’s a new one. Is it my holes that you were once riddled with? The fangs you once bore that could tear into your prey’s spine? Maybe the consuming black we shared didn’t suit you as well as your lovely shade of blue does now?” The queen held her black hoof next to Ocellus’ baby blue carapace to compare. She caressed the side of the shivering youngling’s face as she admired her former drone.

“That’s enough, Chrysalis. Get away from her, now,” Celestia ordered as the temperature of the room began to rise.

“You’ve changed into something so beautiful, Ocellus. So lovely. So… harmonious.” Chrysalis’ gentleness faded, replaced by a hollow rage as she pushed away from the girl. “It’s only natural to fear what you were before: a hideous, despicable monster that devours the love of others!

“You’re right to fear me! Just like all the rest of you miserable failures should! When you have nymphs of your own, I will be remembered fondly as the hideous, old queen that nearly brought her hive to ruin. And it will be ‘Thorax the Loving’ who saved you all from her eternal reign! After all, I was the tyrant you had to apologize to the whole world for following!”

Chrysalis’ voided laugh rang emptily as the mad queen stumbled back. She could barely contain herself as she laughed until she lost her breath. She leaned against the wall and banged her head against it over and over to get herself to stop to her audience’s horror.

“And it will be lies!” Chrysalis screamed in despair, bitter and broken tears streaming down her face as she confronted her accusers. “All of it! You won’t ever remember how I raised you, how I kept you safe, how I cared for all of you! You don’t think I loved you? Of course I didn’t! I never have, and I never will, because I never could! That would require love in the first place, and I never have any to spare, you ungrateful leeches!

“How dare you apologize after everything I did for you! I… I hate you! I hate all of you! I should wipe your entire commune off the face of the world! Maybe then I can atone for my mistake of keeping every last one of you alive in the first place!”

Silence fell upon the room as the mad dog curled up in the corner, ready to lash out at anyone foolish enough to come close. Even Cadance was rendered speechless by Chrysalis’ rage. Only Pharynx kicked back while keeping his eye on the love-starved queen.

Luna was the first to address the situation. She stood up and approached slowly with a blue shield of midnight magic at the ready. “Chrysalis, please. You must calm down. We only wish to help you. You have been given a second chance.”

Chrysalis shook her head, her pupils narrowing to predatory slits as the princess drew closer. “No… No! I won’t calm down! I don’t need your help! I’m not wrong!” She bent down, ready to strike if Luna took another step. “I’m not wrong because it’s all of you who are wrong!”

The shattered queen pointed a hoof at her former subjects while keeping a close eye on Luna. “They’re not supposed to be like this! They’re not supposed to be able to love each other! They’re supposed to look to me to find their love, and I’m supposed to provide it! I’m not wrong!”

“Be still, Chrysalis. You are not wrong,” Luna assured the disturbed royal. “Changelings of all kinds have a right to live like any creature of this world, and to maintain themselves as needed. It is not wrong to feed yourself.”

“I’m not wrong. I’m not wrong.” Chrysalis buckled under the weight of reality barring down all around her as she covered her face with her legs. “I’m not wrong…”

Everyone stared in shock as Luna took another step towards the quivering queen. Applejack had seen her break down like this in the orchard, but this was on a whole other level. It was painful to watch. She got up and reached into her hat to dig the comb she’d secreted away inside it when Thorax couldn’t take it anymore and began galloping towards Chrysalis.

Luna gasped as she reached a hoof to stop the charging changeling. “Thorax! You must not—”

Ignoring the princess’ plea, he passed by the shield and reached his hoof out. “All-mother, please, we just want to help you!”

On instinct, Chrysalis lunged forward, her fangs barred to crush Thorax’s neck in her maw. There was nothing but feral rage burning in her unfocused pupils as she dove to consume her prey. Before her deadly bite to reach him, Luna expanded her shield and pushed it forward. It bounced the changeling off-course, while enveloping her in a blanket of nebulous magic. Before she hit the ground, Chrysalis was sent into a deep slumber as she bounced across the floor.

“By heaven’s light…” Celestia gasped as she joined her sister’s side as Fleur and another guard rushed to point their spears at the changeling.

“Lower your spears. She will not be stirring from her sleep anytime soon.” Luna shook her head as she looked upon the restless queen. “My deepest apologies, Thorax, Pharynx, Ocellus. I would not have permitted her to join us had I known the depths of her despair.”

“Is she alright?” Cadance asked as she joined Celestia’s side with Twilight.

“No. She is not. She is very unwell, and it was reckless of me to discount the signs. I had my suspicions when she lashed out at Pharynx, but one perceived betrayal does not make a pattern of behavior. I did not appreciate the damage she has suffered.”

“Damage?” Applejack gulped. “I swear I’ve been doing my best to feed her, but—”

“You’ve been feeding her?” Thorax asked, marveling at the feat. “You mean you can love her?”

“It ain’t like that. I just give her a hug to keep her going. Why is that always such a shocker to y’all?

“Do not blame yourself for doing your best in harrowing circumstances, dear Applejack,” Luna assured as she rested a supportive hoof on Applejack’s shoulder. “It is true that it stems from her endless hunger, but I fear the roots run far deeper. I know this consumption all too well. I once fell to such darkness.”

“Wait, she ain’t gonna turn into some kinda Nightmare Chrysalis or something, right?”

“She is unable to succumb to such malevolence. The Nightmare is a corruption of harmony. Chrysalis is not a harmonious being, but something else entirely.” Luna sighed as she hugged Applejack. “I beg your forgiveness, dear Applejack. I thoughtlessly saddled you with her recovery without bothering to understand the depths of what we were dealing with. I am truly sorry for my error.” Luna released and turned back to the slumbering queen. “This will be nothing like Discord’s reformation, that is if it is possible at all. Chrysalis must come to Canterlot with me at once.”

Applejack shook her head in surprise. “Wait, what? Why? I’m still trying to help her.”

Luna shook her head resolutely. “I know your heart is in the right place, but she is far too dangerous, far too unstable, to remain here.”

“Well, what if she doesn’t want to? You said it yourself, Harmony judged that she was fine as is!”

“I said no such thing! She served her penance, but had the Elements worked on her—”

“She woulda been turned to stone forever, right?” Applejack finished. “But it didn’t stick because the Elements figured it wouldn’t help her. You already made me give up on her once, and I ain’t keen on doing it again!”

“I do not intend to imprison her, Applejack. She requires extensive therapy if she is to be saved!”

“For once, I couldn't agree with ya more, Luna. But that don’t mean ya can just up and take her against her will!”

“Please, you fail to understand the direness of the situation, Applejack! If we do not act now, she will return to darkness! Perhaps she will be even worse than before!” Luna shouted back. “I will not turn my back on Harmony’s verdict, nor will I abandon my duty to maintain it, but I cannot abide endangering all of you.”

“It’s going to be okay, Lulu.” Celestia draped her pure white wing over Luna’s back. “You said to ‘be still,’ which means you should still your troubled heart as well. Didn’t we just say the other evening we need to trust the Element’s judgment?”

“Yes, but they proved insufficient! They failed us!”

“Maybe those old rocks did, but what about the Element in front of you?” Celestia tilted her head towards the Element of Honesty stubbornly standing up to the Princess of the Night. “I think Applejack has proven herself to be a good influence on Chrysalis.”

“What are you talking about, sister?” Luna replied in disbelief. “Applejack is simply doing what I asked of her!”

Celestia hummed to herself as she rubbed her chin with her hoof. “Really? I don’t recall you asking her to save Chrysalis in the Everfree Forest.” She giggled as she leaned down to nuzzle the side of her sister’s face. “It might’ve slipped my mind though. Still, I wonder, if she’s only doing what you’re asking her to do, why is she trying to stop you from taking her friend away?”

“You dare call this mockery of harmony a friendship?”

“I think you’d have to ask ‘Chrys’ and ‘AJ’ about that one, isn’t that right?” Celestia remarked as she turned her attention to the changeling’s only friend.

“Luna?” Twilight interjected as she stepped forward. “Friendship isn’t all harmony and rainbows. It can be messy and require work to maintain. I know from experience that some friends require all the help they can get to arrive at a better place. It helps me to know I always have Applejack and the others to help me when I feel trapped in darkness.”

Luna took a deep breath, but shook her head. “Please. Do not fight me on this decision. I wish to protect you from what might be lurking underneath her veil of pride. Holding out for a change that may never occur could destroy you.”

Captain Fleur dismissed her summoned spear and stood at attention. “Permission to speak freely, your highness?”

“You as well, Captain Fleur?” Luna smiled wistfully. “Permission granted. Knowing what I know, I wish to hear your unvarnished perspective. You of all ponies would rejoice in her departure.”

“Normally, yes, I would be, but I must stand with my princess. From my understanding, Chrysalis needs friends, correct?”

The princess raised her head, looking down in disbelief at her former guard. “Are you saying you want to be her friend after everything she has done?”

“No. At least, not now. But perhaps one day I will want to, if I can forgive her for what she’s done to all of us. Even if she doesn’t ask for it. But that is not what I wished to say, your highness. I believe you may be responsive to something a bit more grounded in reality.”

Luna smirked. “Fair enough. What is it, Captain?”

“I believe you told me that a therapist cannot be the friend of their patient for as long as therapy is required. Are you suggesting it is good to take Chrysalis away from the only friend she has? That’d be the exact opposite of what helped me.”

Luna blinked in disbelief. She shook it away and smiled gently. “My own words turned against me so easily?” A snort escaped her nose as she closed her eyes. “As usual, the Mythril Lily’s defenses are impregnable. Very well, I will allow her to stay in Ponyville, but there will be conditions. Conditions that will be up to you to ensure are followed to the letter. Is that understood, Captain?”

Fleur saluted. “Understood, your highness. Perhaps this will help me as well.”

“If it becomes too much for you, you will detain her until she can be taken to Canterlot by me. Do I make myself clear, Captain?”

“Yes, Princess Luna. By your will.”

“I do not agree with this, Princess Luna,” Thorax interjected, barely containing his guilt. “Chrysalis needs us. She needs her family!”

“Perhaps eventually, yes. For now, I cannot allow that in good faith. I do not believe she was lying when she said she could drain the entire Concordant of its love.” Luna turned to meet the demanding changeling with pity in her eyes. “Unless you can tell me with absolute certainty that she poses no danger to you, it would be dangerous to allow it. Are you sure that you are completely free of any control she can exert?”

Thorax opened his mouth to object outright, but he stopped as he considered her question. “No. There’s still so much we don’t know about her or our new bodies. Before the Grand Metamorphosis, every drone’s first taste of love was given by her. She called it her ‘Mother’s Blessing.’ It was the only direct love we would ever receive from her in our lives that she said ‘bound us to her will forever.’ I don’t know how seriously she meant it, but I still love her after everything. Maybe it’s not mine…”

Luna softened with compassion as she laid a caring hoof on Thorax’s shoulder. “I’m sure your caring heart would be breaking for your all-mother, but even still, that love might prove too tempting for her in a moment of weakness. We ponies must first succumb to an illusion before she can banefully feed upon us, whereas she might be able to consume your love freely.”

“That isn’t exactly right,” Pharynx chimed in from his repose at the table. “She can probably still bite straight into your neck and drain your emotions that way if she has the strength to do it.”

Thorax turned to his brother. “What?”

Pharynx opened his mouth, showing his smaller canines. “Her fangs, stupid. We were never strong enough as drones to do it to anything more than a cat, but if Chrysalis can sink her teeth deep enough into your nervous system, she can trigger a seizure that lets her drain every emotion out of you as love at once.”

“I-I didn’t know that,” Ocellus whispered.

“Why am I not surprised?” Pharynx scoffed with a shrug as he buzzed over to the small gathering around the slumbering queen. “You two were always terrible at being ‘evil drones.’ I can’t imagine either of you draining a squirrel or two while undercover. Probably for the best anyways, considering it’s fatal.”

Applejack and Fleur shared a look before turning their eyes back to Chrysalis’ fangs. AJ recalled the trail of broken timberwolves while chasing after “Classy” in the Everfree. They’d had all of their energy devoured and left to rot in brittle piles of wood. Fleur had been right about a predator capable of draining energy, she’d just thought it was normal self-defense, not savagely sucking the life out of them.

“So, still thinking of trying to befriend someone that could horrifically murder you on a whim?” Pharynx asked knowingly.

“Yes. Chrys ain’t like that anymore,” Applejack said resolutely. “I plan on helping her stay that way. She wouldn’t hurt me on purpose.”

“I don’t think purpose has anything to do with it, but hey, your funeral. I say we put her out of her misery while we have the chance.”

Thorax gasped in horror. “Pharynx! The whole point of us coming was to take her back with us.”

“That was your goal. I came to keep an eye on you two so your stupid plan didn’t wind up backfiring bad enough to kill the two of you.”

“She’s starving, brother. She’s hurt us, but she’s still the all-mother. I just want to help her.”

“How? Using Ocellus to tell everyone they shouldn’t be scared of her after conquering her fear?” Pharynx leaned into his brother’s face and poked his hoof into the soft-hearted changeling’s chest. “Chrysalis saw right through you, just like she saw right through me trying to take her back to the hive the first time. It was a bust before you could even try.”

“So, what do you think we should do then?”

Pharynx turned back to Chrysalis. “The last order she gave me as my queen was to protect the hive from monsters.” He held up his hoof as it flashed with a vermillion wave, and he thrusted it at Chrysalis. As the magic faded, a chitinous blade rested at the base of her throat. “Monsters like her.”

“Dispel your weapon immediately, Pharynx!” Luna warned as she flared the magic wrapped around Chrysalis, bouncing his leg away. “I will not allow blood to be spilled within these harmonious walls!”

Pharynx flashed his leg again, returning it to its proper shape. “Idiots.”

“You were the one who pretended to be me trying to take her back in the first place!” Thorax said as he slammed a hoof down.

“That was before I knew she would harvest the hive for love!” Pharynx yelled back. “She nearly killed you in a blind rage just now! As far as I’m concerned, she is the greatest threat to the Concordant, and I will tear her to pieces if she comes within a mile of the hive!”

“Hey now!” Applejack warned the rowdy changeling. “Ain’t no need for that kinda talk. Y’all changed for the better, right?”

“Right. I did.” Pharynx leered at the impudent mare and glared at her. “Then you better listen up Applejack: if you can’t fix this problem, then I will fix this problem for you. Some of us can still see her for the threat she truly is!”

The bitter changeling looked to Princess Cadance and nodded. Seeing his silent request for her support, she shuddered and took several steps back, unable to meet him in the eyes. He sighed and turned his head away from the pathetic pink pony.

“Your solution is noted, Pharynx,” Luna said evenly as she approached him. “We shall do everything in our power to ensure you will never have to strike her down. After all, I could never forgive myself if my failures forced you to commit matricide.”

Pharynx’s face sank as he turned his glare towards Luna. “Chrysalis is no mother of mine. She lost that title the moment she tried to crush my windpipe under her hooves.” He began trotting to the door, not even bothering to look back in case he caught sight of the monster on the floor. “Let me know when we’re leaving, Thorax. I need to get back to my patrols. If she’s still filled with holes the next time I see her, I’ll be adding some more myself until she stops moving.”

Author's Note:

If you find a simple mistake in the GSP (Grammar, Spelling, or Punctuation), please let me know through a private message rather than leaving it in the comment section. Thank you for reading!