• Published 2nd Jul 2022
  • 1,152 Views, 226 Comments

Unchanging Truths - Rego

After Applejack meets a mysterious Equestrian Collie from the Everfree Forest, her stable farming life takes a turn for the stranger when the pompous pup needs more than just her affection.

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Chapter 19: Cats and Dogs

“A changeling infiltrator?” Twilight asked, the tremble in her voice hoping that Chrysalis had misspoken. “Like an actual love-consuming, mind-altering, pony-replacing infiltrator?”

Chrysalis, still disguised as Iridescent, averted her gaze with a ponderous frown. “Not exactly how I infiltrated Canterlot, but close enough.”

“Are you sure?” The princess flew up into the changeling’s face, panic already setting in. “Absolutely, positively, without-a-doubt sure Prim Hemline isn’t a pony?”

“I always know one of my drones when I see them.”

“Th-then that means… Oh-my-gosh! This is a total disaster! I need to file a missing pony report!” Twilight whisked a scroll and quill out of the aether and started feverishly scribbling.


Her quillwork stopped as a thought occurred to her. “But wait, how am I supposed to do that for somepony who nopony knows is missing?”

“Twilight Sparkle,” Iridescent called again with mounting impatience.

“Sweet Celestia, is she even still alive? If it’s been four years—”

The scroll burned away in a flash of green flame as Chrysalis shed her disguise. She tore Twilight’s attention away from the brink, picking her up in her magic and getting right in the alicorn’s face. “Would you stop your useless stammering for two seconds and listen to me, you feeble little princess?

The former queen’s commanding roar silenced Twilight and anypony else who might’ve had an idea or two about interrupting her again. For her part, Twi just nodded, doing her best not to nick her nose on the clenched maw inches away from her muzzle. While Applejack would’ve preferred a bit more civil approach than bearing fangs at her friend, she couldn’t argue its effectiveness.

“Good!” Chrysalis spat as she dropped the alicorn like a sack of potatoes. “First off, if that is truly Iridescent underneath all of that spellwork, then there’s no actual pony to worry about. Prim Hemline would be as real as AJ’s beloved Classy.”

“You can’t be serious!” Rarity argued. “Prim Hemline is one of the most famous and powerful names in all of Equestrian fashion and has been for decades!”

“Really now?” Chrysalis purred as she approached the fashionista. “You just said that her name only cropped up a few years ago. All it really takes to weave one’s self within the fabric of society is a couple powerful names behind you. Maybe a little nepotism if you’re really aiming high. Easily accomplished with enough memory manipulation.”

“I’ll have you know that it took years of hard work and dedication to get to where I am in my field! Surely somepony would’ve noticed a no-nothing fraud coming out of nowhere by now, even if she did have references.”

“Who said she’s faking it? Little Iridescent is so colorfully named because she’s always had an interest in art. It’s only natural that her unique disguise would be a pony like Prim.” A smug, satisfied grin crept across Chrys’ face, along with a dark giggle. “Good on her for inserting herself so flawlessly into your pony fashion world. Doesn’t even need to do any real work, just pass judgments and siphon the adoration from ponies idolizing her whims with no magic necessary. Delectable and energy efficient.”

“Okay, so let’s say you’re right and Prim Hemline’s a changeling like ya said,” Applejack interjected. “She should’ve recognized you too, right? You and Ocellus saw right through each other the second y’all looked at each other.”

Chrysalis’ grin fell flat into a frown at that. She started nibbling her nerves on her lips with worry, to Applejack’s surprise. Finally, after working up the gumption, she shook her head, but didn’t say anything more.

“What? But, why not?”

“That’s…” Chrysalis gritted her teeth through a simmering of anger, but then sighed and smacked her forehead. “Why am I questioning this? It’s not like there’s a point in keeping my kingdom’s secrets.” She pulled her hoof down and groaned. “The answer is no. Considering I can’t sense her at all, she must be using Enveloping Identity, my most powerful infiltration method. Prim has no idea who she really is by design. To her, there is no Iridescent.”

Pinkie Pie gasped with dramatic exuberance as she shot into the air while pressing on her cheeks. “Are you saying that Prim Hemline is like a super-doubly-duper-secret agent sleeper spy-ling?”

“Sleep would be an apt description. It’s also why that mare acted the way she did. Xenophobia not only keeps her away from influences that might break the spell, but it is a very useful trait if you want to convincingly infiltrate any resistance efforts. Or at least it was until that stupid salve of yours showed up. Otherwise, the only way she will reemerge is if I appear before her as myself.”

“Okay, so what’s the big deal?” Rainbow flew over to the window and pointed towards Regality. “Let’s just fly you back over there and snap her out of it. She’ll stop sucking all the love out of the room and then we can get her changed like the rest of changelings. Problem solved!”

“Because then, Prim Hemline won’t exist anymore,” Chrysalis stated.

“Sure she would. She’d just be a changeling instead.”

“You’re not getting it. Unsealing an enveloped identity isn’t just breaking a few spells. Iridescent’s reemergence would shatter the illusion she’s under in its entirety, leaving nothing behind that could distract her from her original mission.”

Rarity shrank back as the true extent of their situation dawned on her. “So, you mean to say that my friend, Miss Hemline, will just disappear if you wake her up.”

“It is a necessary precaution. I can’t…” She took a patient breath to stem her growing irritation. “I couldn’t risk any drones ever sympathizing with prey.”

“You mean becoming friends with us!”

“Call it whatever you want. I didn’t see any of you making small talk with your smoothies earlier.”

“Because smoothies aren’t ponies!” A shrill grunt escaped Rarity as she stomped a hoof. “Honestly. If Prim Hemline could make it as far as she has as a changeling, then perhaps Iridescent wouldn’t be so quick to throw away the successful life she’s built here in Manehattan.”

“I know that!” the former queen seethed through clenched teeth as her eye twitched. “Why do you think I didn’t break the spell immediately? It’d be pointless now!”

Fluttershy shook her head. “No it wouldn’t. What about Iridescent? If you don’t wake her up, then what happens to her?”

The question slowed Chrys’ roiling anger to an embittered seething. “She stays sealed, obviously. Consuming what love she can subconsciously as long as the spells hold. Your guess is as good as mine if she can stay like that forever. Either Iridescent breaks it herself by accident somehow, or she lives her life as Prim Hemline until she dies.”

“But you can’t just leave her like that.”

“And why not? Rarity’s made it perfectly clear that she’s doing fine. Great, even. She doesn’t need me ruining what she has.”

“That might be okay for Miss Hemline, but not for Iridescent.” Fluttershy trotted up to Chrys and put a caring hoof on the changeling’s back. “If I was in her situation, I know that I wouldn’t want to live as somepony I’m not. Iridescent needs your help now more than ever.”

Chrysalis said nothing, but Applejack didn’t need her to say anything to get the point. She and Rarity had worn that sort of worry on their withers before with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, though it was usually less ornery. Usually.

“Fluttershy’s right,” Twilight agreed. “Even if it was originally part of a larger plan to take over Equestria, Iridescent became Prim Hemline under the assumption that she’d one day reemerge as herself. It wouldn’t be right to just leave her essentially trapped inside another pony.”

“But what about Prim?” Rarity asked in growing alarm. “I agree that we mustn't ignore Iridescent’s situation, but shouldn’t Miss Hemline get a say in this as well?”

Chrysalis stood up and checked herself in the mirrors again. “Illusion spells are built upon lies.” She shot a bolt of magic that split into two, changing the reflection of the left and right into Prim Hemline and Iridescent. “To tell the truth now would be just as bad as her seeing the real me face-to-face.” The Prim reflection looked between the other two mirrors, seeing Chrysalis and Iridescent. She screamed in terror as she burst into green fire, leaving another Iridescent in her wake. “Without a plan, you’ll just end up dispelling her.”

“Alright then,” AJ said as she joined Chrys on the platform. “What’s the plan, Chrys?”

The changeling raised her brow. “What makes you think I have one?”

“Because you trusted us enough to tell us the truth. If ya wanted to solve this yourself, you’d have kept your mouth shut and gotten Iridescent yourself later.”

“If that mare disappeared overnight, I’d be the first suspect on the chopping block,” Chrys deflected half-heartedly.

Applejack placed a supportive hoof on the mare’s side. “Don’t worry. If you know a way to help ‘em both, we’ve got your back if you wanna help your kin.”

“Cut that out before I knock you out again!” Chrysalis batted AJ’s hoof away with a buzz of her wings. Her frown didn’t last long, curling into a ghost of a smile. “But, thanks, AJ. There is a way that gives the fake pony a chance to live, but you’re not going to like it.”

“Any chance is better than none, Chrysalis,” Rarity assured as she tossed her mane and straightened up. “Just tell us what to do and we’ll follow it to the letter.”

“Good. I’ll need your help the most to lure Prim into an ambush.”

The fashionista fluttered her eyelashes. “Pardon?”

When Twilight first brought up the idea of a fun, team-building trip with their friends, “a girl’s night stake-out” was not an activity Applejack had in mind. So why Pinkie already had a couple black stealth suits squirreled away at Rarity’s for just such an occasion was beyond her. Moreover, while Pinkie’s was perfectly fine, AJ’s was covered in patched-up tears all over, like it’d lost a fight with Rarity’s cat. Twilight had also gone suspiciously quiet the moment Pinkie pulled them out of the closet.

Applejack knew better than to ask questions. At least the sneaky outfits seemed to be doing their job. She was parked with Pinkie and Chrys in a dark alley across the way from Regality. Nopony had noticed them yet, nor the suspicious stack of cardboard boxes she and Pinkie were hiding behind.

“See anything yet, Pinkie?” Chrysalis whispered from her perch on a fire escape overhead.

The mare did another scan with her binoculars. “Well, there’s a model. Another model. And another. Oh! The store across from us is having a sale on saddles!”

The changeling grumbled. “I mean our targets, Pinkie Pie! Do you see our targets?”

“Noperoni! No sign of our fake pony!”

“A simple ‘no’ will suffice. And for the last time, would you keep your voice down? It’s bad enough that our eye in the sky’s best camouflage is a suspiciously low-hanging cloud.”

“Well, duh. Spike’s suit wouldn’t fit Dashie.”

AJ clapped her hooves around Pinkie’s muzzle. “Y’all stop your fussing and focus. This whole situation’s already nerve-wracking enough without the two of ya bickering like foals.”

“You’re saying it as if I’m in the wrong here,” Chrysalis barked back.

“All I’m hearing is ‘she started it.’ This here is me finishing it. Now pipe down!”

“Okie-dokie-lokie!” Pinkie whispered chipperly as she went back to her binoculars.

“I hear you loud and clear. Which, by the way, is the whole problem to begin with!” the former queen seethed.

“Psst! Hey! Hey!”

Chrysalis buried her face in her hooves at the shrill sounds coming from the clouds above. “How in the world did I lose to you idiots?”

Rainbow dashed down from the clouds above. “I spotted the others leaving out a back door of the convention center. It looked like they were trying to lead Prim this way, but she wasn’t going for it. We might need to move it.”

“Nothing can be easy, can it?” she growled as she grabbed AJ and Pinkie in her magic. Chrys launched skywards with the two in tow and set them down on the roof with her. “Dash, keep an eye on these two in case they fall behind. Now move those hooves! I’m burning through too much love already!”

The three followed her command and joined her as she started galloping to the edge of the building. She leapt over the side and looked back, waiting for them to follow. Pinkie, of course, giggled quietly and whispered “Wee!” as she hopped over the alleyway. AJ wasn’t far behind, clearing the gap with ease. Together, they jumped from rooftop to rooftop until they reached the intersection.

After a quick scan of the street below, they spotted Prim Hemline with the rest of their friends trotting down the far side. Applejack felt Chrys wrap her forelegs around her as she buzzed around to the other end, with Rainbow carrying Pinkie across herself. They landed a few alleys ahead of the group and waited.

“This street is better lit,” Chrysalis cursed under her breath.

Applejack peeked her head out a little. “There’s fewer ponies around, though. How long is it gonna take to do whatever you're planning on doing?”

“I should only be a few seconds once I connect with her, but I can’t be interrupted.”

“Why don’t we just use the alley?” Dash suggested. “It’s pretty dark back here.”

“No. Prim’s perception of reality needs to remain consistent. Drastically changing locations will call attention to the gap I’ll be leaving in her memory.”

“Here they come!” Pinkie whispered, bouncing up and down. “Get ready for a surprise party, changeling style!”

Applejack hunkered down, ready to play her part with Pinkie Pie. Her heart was beating a mile a minute, adrenaline jittering through her legs. All she had to do was wait for Chrys to strike and keep Iridescent from high-tailing it out of town once she was loose. Wrangling a drone like her was going to be easier said than done, if the former queen’s words were anything to go by.

“—a daring display of costumed creativity!” Rarity gushed as she got in earshot.

“I know, I know!” Prim agreed enthusiastically. “Miss Pommel’s debut should be extraordinary, so she needs extraordinary models to fit her unique designs. They need to be characters in their own right to bring her designs’ theatrical flair to life.”

“I completely agree. I would’ve gladly volunteered to help had I known about it. The new store in Canterlot has been keeping me so busy these days. I hardly have the time to—”

When their voices drifted close enough to the corner, Chrysalis darted out into the streets. Applejack followed her out with Pinkie and Dash like they’d planned, providing what little cover they could to block anypony that might look their way. Nopony seemed to be coming their way as she scanned the horizon. Everything seemed clear, at least until Fluttershy’s stifled scream turned her attention towards the rest of the group.

Pharynx had mentioned something back at the castle about how dangerous it was going to be keeping Chrysalis around. She’d seen it firsthoof when Thorax tried to help his ailing all-mother, but now she was seeing exactly what the Queen of the Changelings was capable of.

Chrysalis’ fangs had pierced Prim’s neck. The poor pony’s eyes were blank as she twitched with every pulse of magic pumped directly into her spine. For her part, Chrys didn’t seem to be enjoying the experience herself, wincing as she focused all of her strength into her spellwork. AJ couldn’t even find it in herself to scream. All she wanted to do was throw up into the nearest trash can.

After enough endless seconds slipped by, Chrysalis drew her fangs back and pulled away. Prim’s disguise flickered out in a green flare, leaving a limp Iridescent behind. The royal changeling spun the smaller one, biting her lip as she looked into her eyes. The drone blinked back into focus, bringing just a little relief to Chrys’ face.

Before the tender reunion could last too long, Chrysalis tumbled back and bucked Iridescent away before bursting into flame as well. In her wake, Prim Hemline landed on her stomach with an unladylike grunt as she shook the stars from her vision.

“Watch where you’re going, you imbecile!” Prim complained as she drew herself up from the ground. “Do you have an idea who you just—You!”

Iridescent groaned as she rubbed the closed-up wound on her back.

“I knew you were lying, you filthy shapeshifter!”

Iridescent perked up in alarm. “Shapeshifter?” Her eyes bulged seeing who was screaming her down in the middle of Manehattan. “Wha—how—me?”

“Yes, you! I have half a mind to call the authorities! Was it not enough to drag my show to a halt with your incessant demands?”

“Sorry, Miss Hemline!” Applejack yelled over the raging fashion critic. She grabbed the lost drone by her hoof and pulled her back up. “I swear this is all just a huge misunderstanding, so we’d best get going now!”

Prim raised an eyebrow at the others, her curiosity bouncing between the earth pony pair. “And why are you two dressed as if you’re filming some kind of movie?”

“Applejack!” Rarity shouted as she scrambled for something else to say. “What did I tell you about… about trying to apologize in-costume for your rude behavior? I said to let me smooth things over first!”

“What in the world are you talking about, Rarity?”

“N-nothing you need to worry much about, Miss Hemline!” Applejack tightened grip and pulled Iridescent closer. “Right! Well, I think this attempt’s a lost cause, don’t ya think, sugarcube?”

“What is even happening?” Iridescent cried.

“Exactly what I was thinking! Let’s skedaddle, lickity-split!”

AJ’s team retreated back into the alleyway, dragging the perplexed drone along with them. She kept glancing back, making sure they weren’t being followed as they went as deep as they could between the buildings. As they put some distance between their groups, AJ could hear Prim pitching a fit. Hopefully Rarity would be able to smooth things over before it was too late.

“You alright?” Applejack finally asked, hoping they were out of earshot.

“About as much as can be expected, all things considered,” the drone buzzed back. She rubbed her neck, itching the two spots on her chitin. For what looked like a lethal bite, it’d sure healed over quick. “Thanks for the extraction. I guess my disguise wasn’t as original as I thought.”

“Well, about that…”

“Wait.” Iridescent leered at AJ and the other two behind her. “You aren’t changelings.”

Applejack opened her mouth to explain, but she could only squawk as an emerald bolt knocked her to the ground. Iridescent was already on top of her before she knew what was happening, tumbling over and under as she stole the farmer’s face. As they rolled back up, Pinkie and Rainbow were seeing double.

“Oh great. Now she’s doing the ‘who’s the real one’ thing,” Rainbow complained.

“Took the words right outta my mouth, sugarcube,” the copycat agreed.

Applejack shook the stars out of her eyes as she pulled herself back up. She put a hoof over where Iridescent had shot her and sucked in a sharp breath from the sting. Looking over to her assailant, she was already doing the same while staring daggers back.

“That’s mighty impressive work there,” Applejack said. “Even got all the rips right.”

“I could say the same to you, faker,” the doppelganger growled back.

Pinkie raised a hoof. “Is this the part where we ask questions only the real Applejack would know? Or we could play twenty questions instead! What number am I thinking of?”

“We ain’t got time for this, Pinkie!” Applejack trotted over to her other self. “Would you knock it off, Iridescent?”

The fake AJ winced at the sound of her own name. “What did you just call me, sugarcube?”

“Iridescent, changeling infiltrator that Chrys, err Chrysalis, sent here to Manehattan to do… whatever it was you were supposed to do.”

“I have no idea what you’re—”

“You were pretending to be that mare Prim Hemline after you put yourself under for a spell with… what was it called again?”

“Oh, I know!” Pinkie reached into her suit and pulled out a red button to buzz in an answer. “It was the Enveloping Identity spell. You became secret-agent Prim Hemline, fashion critic by day and globetrotting changeling super-spy by night!”

Rainbow rolled her eyes, but didn’t bother correcting the tall tale.

Having clearly heard enough, Iridescent dropped her disguise and flashed her fangs. They weren’t as sharp as Chrys’, but still good enough to leave a nasty bite. “You have thirty seconds to explain why I shouldn’t kill all of you right here.”

“We’re trying to help you if you’d just listen!” What little patience Rainbow had left was draining faster than her mug during cider season. “Besides, we already kicked your buzzing changeling butts twice already.”

Pinkie tapped her chin. “We did? But I thought it was their buzzy butts that kicked our flanks before Cadance and Shining Armor saved us. And then it was Thorax who beat Chryssi so we could all share love and be friends!”

Iridescent’s clenched jaw fell completely slack. “Did you say Thorax beat Chrysalis? That overgrown nymph?”

“Yup! He’s really overgrown now! Almost as tall as Chryssi, but not quite. He’s a lot greener, though. And oranger. And purple-ly-er. He’s actually taller than Pharynx too, but not as purpley. Maybe if Ocellus stood on top of Pharynx, then they’d be—”

“Enough!” Iridescent yelled over Pinkie’s yammering. She took a calming breath and stood up straight. “Let’s say I believed your story for some reason. Why would I need help from ponies?”

“Things have changed a whole lot since you were, well, you last,” Applejack answered with a strained smile.

“Clearly they have if you know Ocellus.”

“That I do. Little nymph’s as cute as a button.” Applejack heaved a sigh of relief. “For a moment there I was really worried you weren’t gonna give us a chance.”

“Don’t get me wrong. I’m still not convinced, but I’m hearing you out anyway.” She lit her horn and turned herself into a prim and proper griffon. “I do hope for your sakes that you’re not lying.” She opened up a claw, revealing lethally sharp talons. “I’m not in a very forgiving mood.”

“I’ll let you take the first shot if I am, deal?”


“Great! Now, before we get going, can I get changed? Sweating something fierce in this suit.”

“Fine by me.” Iridescent smirked. “It’s a fashion disaster anyway.”

The day was starting to catch up with Applejack again as they arrived at the hotel. Pinkie Pie had regaled their new friend with all the things that had happened since she’d started masquerading as Prim Hemline. The crash course might’ve made more bunny trails than a herd of drunk rabbits, but it was still keeping Iridescent’s attention, what with how many changelings Pinkie knew by name.

Heading inside, they were met with Twilight and Fluttershy waiting in the lobby. They were both relieved to see an unfamiliar griffon with their friends. Meanwhile, Iridescent didn’t know what to say being greeted by a genuine alicorn princess besides Celestia. She didn’t even get a chance to question it before Fluttershy was all over her. She’d been worried sick about Iridescent since the bite and was almost in tears seeing her still alive.

Before everypony parted ways for the night, Fluttershy gave the changeling a tender and caring hug. Applejack didn’t have to ask, seeing the griffon go rigid from the sudden surge of love being given to her. The changeling didn’t say a word the entire way up to Applejack’s and Chrysalis’ room.

“And here we are,” AJ announced as she opened the door. “Go on and make yourself comfortable, Iridescent.”

“Thanks…” she mumbled, finally dropping her disguise the moment the door closed.

“Iridescent, Iridescent… ya got something shorter I can call ya? To be honest, it’s kind of a mouthful.”

“Desi is fine. It’s what I was called by the other nymphs growing up.”

“Sounds good to me, Desi! Now, let me show you my last bit of proof that I got on hoof, just in case you’re still on the fence about us.”

Going back to the nightstand, AJ fetched the folder of pictures from the day before and gave them to her guest. Iridescent popped it open and balked at what she saw inside.

“There’s more where that came from, too. I’d show you what we got today, but I think we left the camera back at Rarity’s.”

“Her Majesty is so… beautiful in these. In all my years of service, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her simply happy before.”

“We had a lot of fun that day, despite what happened before we got gussied up. Glamour even sold Chrys some makeup for her to try out when we get back to Ponyville.”

“You both have quite the striking ensemble,” she remarked as she slowly cycled through the photos. “Complimentary, even if a bit slapdash in its approach. I can see why Her Majesty might take an interest in makeup after seeing such stellar results.” Iridescent grimaced at the next picture. “Though, your form could use some work, Applejack.”

The farmer guffawed at the critique. “You sure you don’t remember a thing about being Prim? You sound just like her.”

“As she should. I saw no reason to stray too far from my own interests when making her. I guess I’m a better artist than I thought if she lasted this long in such a cutthroat industry. I was slightly worried that I’d aimed too high.”

“Not at all. You’re a famous and well-respected critic in the fashion world.”

“Prim was, I’m not.”

“Well, you could be again. I meant it when I said we were here to help you.”

Iridescent sighed and flopped down on her bed for the night. “Very well, and what was it that you had in mind?”

“Wasn’t my idea. Chrys is the one that suggested it.”

“Please show Her Majesty, Queen Chrysalis, the respect she rightly deserves.”

“She ain’t a queen anymore, but I hear ya, Desi.”

“So it would seem,” she muttered as she looked up at Chrysalis’ uncovered head in the picture.

“Well anyways, she figured that you’d be better off keeping everything you’ve got going on here in Manehattan, so she wanted to make sure you kept all the memories you made as Prim. I think she called it ‘integration’ or something.”

“Integration with what? If I’m awake, then you must know that Prim Hemline is gone for good. I infiltrate a society, establishing myself as one of them. Once ready, Her Majesty reawakens me, destroying the identity, and assumes the guise so she can finish up weakening any defenses she needs to from the inside before we strike.”

“I think she did a little more than usual this time around.” Even though she wasn’t the one bitten, Applejack couldn’t help but rub the back of her neck. The ferocious, predatory image was burned into her mind. “There was a lot of magic behind that bite of hers.”

“Is that what Fluttershy was so worried about before? All I can recall is waking up being yelled at by my former disguise for some asinine reason.”

“Chrysalis told me that she was gonna get Prim out of your head and into hers. Had no idea she was gonna chomp down on you harder than a half-starved quarray eel. To tell ya the truth, I’m surprised you’re still kicking after that.”

“Queen Chrysalis’ fangs are nothing short of a miracle of magic. I’ve seen Her Majesty do everything from fell an Ursa Major to rewrite entire memories with a single bite.” The seasoned infiltrator pulled herself up and showed the back of her neck. It was getting harder by the hour to see where she’d been bitten, with only two suspicious dots running alongside her frill of a mane. “I consider it a great honor to have been bitten so carefully by Her Majesty. I wish I could do half the magic she can with mine, but to reach her mastery of illusions would take more years than a drone has in this world, if it’s even possible at all.”

“Different strokes for different folks.” Applejack forced a laugh to clear the lump in her throat. “But, from what I saw of Ocellus and the others, y’all’s teeth lose a bit of their edge once ya change. Only saw him looking more like you for a minute or two, but I’m pretty sure Pharynx’s teeth were a lot smaller after he shifted.”

The infiltrator hummed thoughtfully. “And Her Majesty expects me to undergo this metamorphosis myself?”

“Kinda figured you’d want to, knowing you wouldn’t have to keep prowling for love all the time. You should’ve seen Ocellus after she took her first real bite of an apple. The girl was grinning ear to ear with joy.” Applejack laughed and smiled the more she thought about that precious little changeling.

“Joy?” Iridescent chortled lowly as she shook her head. “That sounds unimaginable.”

“Why’s that? Ocellus is such a sweetheart.”

“To me, entertaining such a strong reaction is utterly wasteful. Joy is a powerful happiness, filled with profound love. To feel it over a meager fruit? I’d expect stupidity like that from you Equestrians.”

“Here’s the thing about that. If you have a change of heart too, you can feel that way about being artsy all you want! From what Rarity told me, ya might’ve been a bit stand-offish sometimes, but you were always proud of your work and really inspired everypony you helped.”

“I see.” Desi focused on the photos, shuffling through a few more quietly as she gathered her thoughts. “About Prim Hemline. Did… did Her Majesty order me to go through with the integration?”

“Well, no. But you did a lot of things as her. Good things, from what I hear. It’d be a bit difficult to hop back in the saddle without everything she knows.”

“Why should I care? Prim Hemline was a means to an end. If I was successful, I was promised to reemerge into a new world, one where I could devour all the love I could consume! Now I’m supposed to ‘open my heart’ to my prey and decide if I want to keep working in the pony fashion world? Prim was a critic so I could enjoy a steady stream of guaranteed love! I wouldn’t even get to enjoy making anything!”

“Slow down, girl. No one’s forcing no pony or changeling to do nothing. We don’t even know what Prim thinks of the whole situation.”

“What do you mean what she thinks? That mare’s not even real.”

“I guess not in the normal sense. Honestly, this whole situation is throwing me for a loop.” Applejack fell back on her bed and stared at the ceiling. She caught sight of the dreamcatcher on the wall. Luna was probably gonna throw a fit not finding Chrys tonight. She wondered if Prim would show up in that Dreamscape Luna mentioned. “There’s a whole lot I don’t get about what’s going on, but what I do know is that Prim Hemline has a life and friends around these parts. She’s real enough to them, and I bet Prim herself would have a few words to say on the matter.”

Iridescent scoffed at the idea and flipped to the next photo. Whatever comeback she was about to say was immediately silenced as her eyes bugged out. Applejack leaned up to see it was the last picture of the set, the one Glamour called the best shot of the night. That peaceful little smile on Chrys’ face was sweeter than a freshly picked honeycrisp.

“May I ask you a strange question about Her Majesty, Applejack?”

“Fire away, Desi.”

“Has Her Majesty changed as well?”

Applejack turned over on the bed. “Not like the rest of the changelings, but I think she’s changing in her own way. Still pretty prickly though.”

“Why hasn’t she done so if it promises limitless love?”

“I wish I knew. I’m pretty sure she wants to. Got real riled up about it after we, uhh…” AJ fished around for the right words to say, but the less she said about rainbow-blasting Chrys with the Elements, the better. “After we tried to help her along with some special pony magic.”

Iridescent shifted on the bed to face AJ, but her eyes remained locked on the picture in her hooves. “Is… is she often this happy around you?”

“Well, I like to think so, even if she doesn’t always show it.”

The mare fiddled around with the photo for a bit, running a hoof up and down the side. While she’d looked over the others with an artsy eye, her gaze remained transfixed on Chrysalis. She looked almost lost, utterly perplexed by the image in front of her. AJ liked it too, but that flicker in the changeling’s eye told a much deeper tale than what she saw.

“Joy from the all-mother is a rare and precious gift,” Desi finally said as she put the folder back on the nightstand. “To bask in the presence of such a blessing; I hope you were able to fully appreciate it, Applejack.”

It was Applejack’s turn to say nothing as her roommate for the night waited for an answer. She knew the picture was good, but she was definitely missing a piece of the puzzle if Desi revered it more than Dash did her signed Daring Do books. Sure, AJ hoped she helped bring that smile to Chrys’ face, and she was glad that she had enough love to show she was having a good time. This was something deeper than the happiness she felt seeing that smile.

“I’ll consider what you said about Prim Hemline,” Desi said as she laid down on the bed. “And thanks, I guess, for letting me sleep here.”

“Not a problem, sugarcube. Give it some thought and get some rest. We still gotta figure out how to sit you two down to talk this out.”

“And how are we supposed to do that? Even if Her Majesty somehow overcame the fundamental lie underpinning her illusionary framework, the moment she finds out the truth of what she is, she should succumb to an existential crisis that will destabilize the spells keeping her together.”

“Guess we’ll have to cross that bridge when we come to it. Chrys said she had—err, Chrysalis said she had a plan, and I trust her.”

Desi let out a trilling snicker as she made herself comfortable. “It’s so strange hearing a pony say that.”

“We’ll see if you’re still singing that tune once you reconnect with your friends and family. Twi already sent word to Thorax, so maybe once you see him, being friends with us too might not sound so far-fetched.”

“Maybe. Still, an earth pony trusting Her Majesty, knowing full well what she is capable of doing to prey like you...” Her snickers grew a little sharper as she pulled the covers up. “A certain griffon tale about frogs and scorpions comes to mind.”

“What’s it about?”

Iridescent grinned, showing her fiendish fangs to the pony across from her. “Trust, betrayal, and two creatures drowning together in a river.”

Applejack frowned and turned away from her guest for the night. “Why can’t griffon stories ever be nice?”

“Griffonstone is a brutal place.”

“Good thing we’re in Manehattan then. We have a busy day tomorrow at those Tryouts, so let’s get some shuteye.”

“Fine by me. At the very least, it will be interesting to see what my disguise got up to while I was away. It’s never mattered before now.”

Applejack undid her ties and tossed them on the bedpost before getting cozy herself. They’d gotten over the first set of hurdles; now they just needed to keep up the pace and make it around the rest of the track. There was plenty that could still go belly-up before they’d even get to giving Prim Hemline a chance or whatever that meant with this integration stuff. Also, that last bit Desi said wasn’t sitting right with her.

A pattern was forming that the mare didn’t care much to give the time of day. Every changeling she met was saying the same thing when it came to Chrysalis. Jaws dropped to the floor every time one of ‘em heard that AJ was helping the former queen; giving her love and affection, keeping her around and caring for her well-being, and on top of it all, not being annihilated by the big mare herself. Chrys was saying the same thing, calling her confused and a fool for trying to help at all.

Frustrating as all get-out is what it was! Why was it so wrong to care about Chrysalis if Fluttershy was getting away with keeping Discord around her home? Before that, she still had snakes, bears, and even that manticore from the Everfree that came around her place sometimes. A complete double-standard.

There was no use getting worked up over it now. Applejack needed to calm down and rest up for tomorrow. She took a deep breath and rolled over until she found a good sweet spot to get to sleeping. It was the last day of their friendship retreat, and they needed to make the most of it.

Author's Note:

If you find a simple mistake in the GSP (Grammar, Spelling, or Punctuation), please let me know through a private message rather than leaving it in the comment section. Thank you for reading!