• Published 2nd Jul 2022
  • 1,152 Views, 226 Comments

Unchanging Truths - Rego

After Applejack meets a mysterious Equestrian Collie from the Everfree Forest, her stable farming life takes a turn for the stranger when the pompous pup needs more than just her affection.

  • ...

Chapter 17: A Day Gone to the Dog

Being away from home always made Applejack sleep in later than she wanted. Be it an adventure across Equestria or just a day with the girls, breaking her routine tuckered her outright. Her responsibilities to her family and the farm had her in bed earlier than her friends to boot. Throwing those hours off was always rough on her mornings unless the sunshine woke her up. That was a smidgen more difficult this morning on account of the room’s curtains being drawn.

Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Applejack saw Chrys was already up and at them in her all-natural changeling self. It was better than the silent collie treatment she’d gotten from the girl yesterday. She was sitting in front of a mirror looking at herself with a blank stare, and there was no telling what she was thinking. AJ decided that a little gentleness was in order, considering how last night ended. Judging by how pristine the other bed was, Classy had slept at the foot of AJ’s all night.

Instead of calling out for her, Applejack went for a soft tap against Chrysalis’ hoof. The caring touch shook her from her idleness with a start. The larger mare quickly looked down her shoulder to see the farmer that had joined her. After catching her breath, she brushed the shock off and turned back to the mare in the mirror.

“I dead bolted the door and put a sign up so they wouldn’t bother us,” Chrysalis said.

“Guess that explains the oversleeping on my part, but that ain’t neither here nor there.” She risked getting a little closer to the mirror and Chrys’ face. “You doing better, Sugarcube?”

“You’re hungry,” Chrysalis noted, ignoring the question.

Not wanting to push her luck with getting a better reply, Applejack played along. “How ya figure?”

“It’s past the farm’s breakfast time. You should’ve eaten by now.”

“Eeyup. And I ain’t alone in that observation.”

Chrysalis sighed. “I’m always hungry.”

“I know.” Applejack scratched the back of her head. “Want something yourself before we go meet the girls?”

“No. You're running late. Twilight’s irritating when things don’t go according to her stupid schedules.”

Applejack stole a quick glance at the clock in their room. “Ain’t that late. The first thing we’re doing today doesn’t start til ten.” She grabbed her trusty hat off the bedpost and donned it with a smile. “Still, better to eat with friends, right? We shouldn’t keep the girls waiting.”

“No. You shouldn’t.”

Applejack took a sharp breath. She knew what Chrys was doing, and she didn’t much like it. “I’ll be right back then. Gotta go let the girls know to go on without us again today.”

Chrysalis nodded at first, but then her ear flicked. “W-wait, what?”

“Can’t rightly leave you here locked in a staring contest with yourself. Not without a bit of love to start your day. If you don’t feel like going anywhere, guess we’re staying in.”

“B-but…” Chrysalis trailed as a war waged in her eyes. After a brief moment, her face soured into that deep, sullen frown AJ hated seeing. “Fine. I’ll go.”

“Now hold on a sec, I didn’t say you needed—”

“I don’t need you trying to guilt trip me!” the bitter changeling roared. “Do you want me to go or not?”

“I just want ya to eat, Chrys. We can stay here if you really want to, maybe try out the makeup iff’n you’re up for it, but no matter what we do today ya still gotta eat something.”

“But I don’t want you to stay here!”

“So you want me to leave you alone?”

No! I just—” Chrysalis scowled, threatening to bite her lip as she fought with herself. After a few moments, she shook her head and flared her magic, bursting into Shutterbug. “Just shut up and let’s get going already!”

Applejack blanked, unsure of exactly what to say. “You sure, sugarcube?”

“Stop asking stupid questions! You need to eat.”

“You do too.”

“I’ll… I’ll eat after you do,” Shutterbug said, pushing her loose bang out of her face.

“Alright then.” Looking for a bit of levity, AJ peered at the mare’s face and pointed at something that wasn’t quite right about it. “By the way, I think you missed a spot right there.”

“What are you talking about? This is the exact same disguise I wore yesterday.”

“Eeyup. It’s mostly right, but I think something should go right about…” Applejack brushed her friend’s troublesome bang to one side and pointed at her forehead. “Here.”

Shutterbug mustered a small smirk. “Like mares with horns, AJ?”

“If they can help my friend keep her stubborn mane outta her muzzle, then I guess I do.”

Whatever happiness the mare felt flickered away and she grumbled to herself again. Another fiery spark burned a solid unicorn horn into existence. AJ let go of the hair and let it gently fall against Shutterbug’s horn.

Applejack smiled. “There we go. Looking better already.”

“Right. Thanks.”

“Course, Chrys. Now let’s go see how the Hearthwood Hotel’s continental breakfast stacks up to Granny’s.”

Stepping out of the elevator into the lobby was night and day from the empty hotel hallways above them. Ponies were running around like chickens with a fox on their tails. They were checking out, checking in, grabbing coffee, and whatever else city folk did to start their days. Dodging the busy hoof traffic, Applejack led Shutterbug to the dining area where they were supposed to have been thirty minutes ago.

The two entered into one mess of a hall, brimming with enough tables and chairs to fit a hundred hotel guests. The buffet along the wall stretched behind the seats with an assortment of breakfast staples that smelled heavenly to the hungry farmer. Before helping herself to the fixins, she looked up and down the aisles until she spotted a waving pearly leg followed by an “Over here, darlings!” AJ picked up the pace and met her friends, who were already finishing up their meals.

“Good morning, you two,” Twilight said between sloppy bites of her triple-stacker hay breakfast sandwiches.

Applejack quickly plopped down in one of the cozy seats. She patted the one next to her, signaling for the changeling to sit next to her. “Morning, y’all. Sorry we’re late.”

“It’s quite alright,” Rarity assured as she cut into her omelet to enjoy a dainty forkful. “I hope you don’t mind that we started without you. We were going to wait, but you know what Twilight is like these days when she gets hungry.”

Sensing Rarity’s eyes on her, Twilight stopped her morning feasting and smiled with a nervous squeak. She wiped a dribble of syrup from her mouth. “Sorry about that. Buffets sometimes get the better of me.”

“You’re a growing girl again thanks to your ascension, Twilight. I just wish you’d remember you’re a princess every now and then too.”

Applejack chuckled heartily seeing the other full plate of food Twilight was planning on packing away. “Well I’m glad y’all got started for Twi’s sake. Pretty sure the good eating wafting in from across the way woulda been rough to wait through. Still, y’all know full well that I wouldn’t have minded being woken up.”

“We know, but your guard dog wasn’t gonna let us,” Rainbow said as she eyed Shutterbug. “I’ve seen ‘do not disturb’ but never ‘disturb and I will destroy you.’”

Applejack blinked before turning to her hotel roommate. “Chrys!”

Shutterbug grumbled and looked away. “They kept you up last night.”

“I think that was mostly Glamour’s fault, seeing how she kinda ate up most of the evening at the photo shoot.” She smirked and nudged the changeling with her shoulder. “And I recall a certain someone enjoying their time with it to boot.”

“I thought that was the point?” Shutterbug defended. She dug around her saddlebag with her magic and pulled out her new camera. “I even brought this stupid thing.”

“I’m glad for it, sugarcube. We didn’t start the trip on the right hoof, so we gotta make sure we get today right.”

Twilight smiled softly. “Those were my thoughts exactly, Applejack. Which is why I owe Chrysalis an apology. Several apologies actually.”

Shutterbug raised her eyebrow. “What?”

“Nothing that happened yesterday should’ve happened at Manehattan Escapes. I was so worried about breaking a rule as a princess that I didn’t stop to think about how unfair the rule itself was in the first place. I should’ve stood up for you like I would’ve for anypony else here, but I didn’t and let them kick you out. I was a weak leader and a terrible friend. For that, I’m really sorry, Chrysalis.”

The changeling glared back, but said nothing.

“So, I talked about it with the others, and we decided to give you final say in whatever we do today!” The nervous princess tried to smile, but it strained under the pressure. She tapped her hooves together before her magic flashed her Friendship Retreat file into existence. “For example, I know I already have the tickets for Heartland Stride, but if you’re not interested in Off-Bridleway musicals, just say the word and we’ll skip it! Also, the free period between now and the showing? It’s all yours! The six of us already know about what we like, but we want to find out more about you.”

An uncomfortable silence sat in the middle of the table as everypony looked between each other at the quiet changeling. After a few moments, Shutterbug began rapping her hoof against the table as her breathing quickened.

Applejack leaned over. “Chrys?”

Shutterbug’s eyes flashed over to Applejack as she continued to tap her hoof on the table. There was definitely anger roiling underneath wanting to explode out, but she mostly looked too scared to say anything.

“Well, we had fun on our own, didn’t we?” Applejack smiled as she nudged her tongue-tied friend.

The mare appeared more visibly in distress as her eyes bore into Applejack. She was doing a mighty decent impression of Big Mac, unsure if it was okay to say what was on her mind. Taking a gander at the mannerisms on display, she could tell there was something fiery on the tip of Chrys’ tongue, but for some reason she didn’t want to say it. The hoof she had been leaning against had shifted over her mouth to keep it closed.

“It’s okay, sugarcube. Just try not to hold a grudge over it, okay?”

Shutterbug froze and her eyes widened in surprise.

“When you’ve got a brother who says as little as mine, you get a good feel for what’s weighing on somepony’s withers.” Applejack took the changeling’s loose hoof and could feel her shivering still. A little bit of love dripped through her caring touch. “You gonna be alright?”

Shutterbug quickly yanked her hoof away. “Don’t.”

“Sorry, but I said I wanted you to eat something before we got down here.”

The other mare growled in frustration. “Would you stop worrying and get your own food already?”

“Alright. I’ll be back in a second. Why don’t you start looking over Twi’s work here and see if there’s anything you’d wanna do instead?”

“It’s not like I’d know what I’d want around here.” Despite her apparent disinterest, she pulled the schedule closer to her and began browsing it while refusing to make eye contact with the rest of the table.

Standing up from the table, Applejack followed her nose towards the buffet tables and grabbed a plate for herself as she began browsing what was available. Spying a serving dish brimming with fluffy pancakes, she set her plate down to scoop up a few for herself, only for a purple aura to envelope the tongs.

“How many do you want, Applejack?” Twilight asked as she approached with another plate of her own.

“Thanks for the magical assist there, Twi. I think a couple will do me. Don’t wanna fill up too much on one thing when there’s plenty to sample.”

“I know. One of the reasons I chose this place was their breakfast buffet reviews. It’s all so good!”

“It’s got a lot to live up to if they wanna top Granny Smith. Limiting it to one lil plate per trip is a bit criminal with so much here.” Applejack watched as her friend popped six pancakes out and doused them with maple syrup for herself. “Though I guess a lil magic might help if you’re stacking things up like that.”

Twilight’s face flushed red and she scratched the back of her head. “Y-yeah… I think I’ve had four plates already.”

“And you’re putting together another Mac-sized stack of grub? Hoo wee, girl! Just where are you fitting it all?”

“I know. Even when I was a teenager, I didn’t eat this much. Just part of being an alicorn, I guess.” Twilight cleared her throat and tried to suppress her blushing. “B-but, that’s not important right now.”

“Right. So, what else is good around here?”

“The omelet station is really good—” Twilight stopped and shook her head. “Stop distracting me with food! I need your help.”

“Oh?” Applejack shuffled over to the next buffet table and began looking over the selections. “What can I do ya for?”

Twilight cleared her throat and looked back over towards the table to ensure they were out of earshot. “How do I apologize to Chrysalis?”

“For what?”


Applejack blinked. “I thought ya just did.”

“No, I mean properly apologize. She’s clearly still upset with me, and I don’t know what to do about it.”

“You and me both. It’s hard to get a read on her sometimes. If it’s any consolation, I don’t think it’s you that she’s angry at anymore.”

“But how do you know? She hasn’t said anything, and asking her not to hold a grudge isn’t exactly reassuring,” Twilight fretted as her eyes darted back to the table.

“True, but she looked pretty shocked ya apologized at all. I’m thinking she might not know what to say or how to say it. Luna said that Chrys has got a few personality quirks that’d rub us rougher than we’re used to, but I can at least tell she’s trying.”

“I hope you’re right.” Twilight’s shoulders sagged. “I just want everyone to have a good time, but I feel like I already ruined it for Chrysalis.”

Applejack took another look at the table. Shutterbug was flipping through the file’s pamphlets and flyers. Fluttershy had joined her side and was pointing out things with a sweet smile. The changeling didn’t appear to give the pegasus much thought, but every so often she’d nod along.

“I wouldn’t say that. For what it’s worth, I think she’s enjoying herself. She came down with that camera instead of chucking it in the trash. That’s different in a good way.”

“I guess. I just wish I knew what to do. She’s so different from anyone I’ve tried to be friends with before. It feels like I’m taking a test for a class I never attended.”

Applejack laughed. “I’m sure she’ll let you know after she’s figured herself out. It’s new for all of us.” Having assembled a hearty breakfast for herself, she began to head back to the table.

“Wait a second, Applejack!” Twilight called out from behind, balancing her fully dressed stack of buttery fruity pancakes in her magic.

“What’s up, Twi?”

“I just wanted to say that I appreciate what you’re doing to help Chrysalis. You already have so much to do with the farm and your family, and throwing her reformation on top of it must be overwhelming.”

“I could say the same thing, your highness,” Applejack said with a tip of her hat. “It’s had its ups and downs, but on the whole I can honestly say I like having her around. She can be a real sweetheart sometimes.”

“S-sweetheart?” Twilight nearly dropped her plate. “But how is that possible? She literally said she can’t love anyone else. You saw what happened at the castle!”

“I get that, but I swear it’s true. It comes out in other ways,” Applejack said as she pointed her head to Shutterbug. “You just gotta pay close attention.”

The two friends watched as the changeling flipped to another pamphlet. At a glance, she still wasn’t saying anything, keeping her eyes glued on the page. However, her ear was swiveling towards Fluttershy and following her every movement as she chatted to the others at the table before going back to the file.

“You know, Twi, she reminds me a little bit of you when you first got to Ponyville.”

Twilight’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head. “W-what?”

“It’s true. Don’t mean nothing bad by it. You were just a little out of place is all. Always in your books, bossy, a little bit of a know-it-all. You were always trying to figure friendship out with your back and forth with Princess Celestia. I didn’t know how to deal with you at all half the time, and the other half I was too busy trying to keep up with what was going on. Once we all clicked together though? Ya found your stride right quick and snagged a pair of wings while you were at it.”

The table erupted into laughter, aside from Shutterbug, who was still hunched over her schedule. Her eyes had wandered from the page, and she was stealing glances at the others around the table.

Applejack smiled. “I think Chrys just needs a turn to try her hoof at friendship. Getting away from the farm and around you all I think will do a world of good.”

After everypony had their fill of the buffet and a hug for the changeling, Chrysalis was given full control of the schedule to do whatever she wanted. Manehattan in the morning had plenty of things to see and do with museums, ferries, and more, but the changeling had opted for a simple start to the day right outside the hotel.

“Sure this is what you wanna do first, sugarcube?” Applejack asked as they stepped through the threshold of Canter Trail Park. “We already live out in the countryside. No reason we need to explore the little nature they got growing in here.”

“No.” Shutterbug replied with a shrug. “But Fluttershy described it as ‘picturesque.’ Figured I might as well try taking pictures.”

“Sounds like as good a plan as any to me.”

Canter Trail Park was one of the few remaining spots of pure greenery to be found in the sprawling city, though its sheer size made up for it. The park was big enough to host its own Running of the Leaves every fall around its large, circling tree-lined trails to get a good gallop going. There were plenty of joggers out in force, along with a few families around to enjoy the feeling of fresh dirt beneath the hooves.

Applejack took a deep breath through her nose, savoring the fresher air in the midst of the metropolis. “Can’t think of a better way to start a day in the big city.”

Shutterbug hummed halfheartedly in agreement and snapped a picture of a random tree.

“Might wanna put a bit more thought into what ya take a picture of with the camera there. Only got so many.”

“Uh-huh.” The budding photographer took the freshly printed photo from the camera and looked over it. “It’s black.”

“Give it a moment to develop,” Rarity said as she approached the pair wearing a lavish sundress and hat. “And I know it’s tempting to shake it, but it can absolutely ruin the picture.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Then don’t worry about it. Forget I said anything.”

A few moments passed, but nothing seemed to be happening. Applejack tilted her head and chuckled. “Think ya forgot to take the cap off, Chrys.”

“Cap?” She flipped the camera around at herself and noticed the black, plastic circle covering the front. “Stupid useless…” With a grumble, she took it off and threw it over her shoulder.

“Chrysalis!” Rarity shouted as her magic shot around the flying plastic.

“It’s Shutterbug! Remember?” the changeling corrected harshly. “Do you want to freak everypony out?”

Rarity flinched at the hot temper and smiled shyly. “Of course. Sorry about that. However, you simply mustn’t dispose of the lens cap. It’s there to protect the glass from being scratched.”

The changeling looked again at the cap again and saw “open” and “close” written on it. “So it is.” Shutterbug sighed. “I have to hold onto this while taking pictures, don’t I?”

“Or simply stow it in your camera bag like so,” Rarity suggested as she magically unzipped the camera bag and placed the cap inside. “There. Now you can put it back on when you’re done with your little photo shoot.”


“Think nothing of it.” Rarity walked in front of the pair and took out a small mirror to give herself a once over. “Now, let’s get some photography practice! There’s a wonderful flower garden at the northern end near the entrance to Saddle Row. Perhaps we could try some shots there first? Plus, it will put us close to the Fashion District so I can check on the store.”

Shutterbug frowned and turned to Applejack. “Do you want to?”

“Why not? I like flowers about as much as the next earth pony. Wanna head over there to take a few pictures?”

“Sure,” she claimed, though AJ couldn’t tell how much with the copious amounts of cynicism layered onto her voice.

Rarity nodded and turned back to the rest of their friends. “Then it’s decided if that’s alright with you all.”

“Eh, whatever,” Rainbow said as she fluttered above the others while stretching. “I can do my warmups anywhere in the park, right Twi?”

Twilight opened up the map she’d picked out of the visitor center and looked over it. “As long as it does not upset the natural beauty of the park or the other guests, and follows the Manehattan airspeed limit, you should be fine.”

“So don’t go all out. Got it. I’ll meet you over there then. Maybe if you’re lucky you’ll snap a good pic of me in action.” Rainbow rolled around in the air before rocketing off towards the other side of the park.

Shutterbug rolled her eyes. “She’s so humble, isn’t she?”

“I don’t think of it like that,” Fluttershy said with a soft smile as she watched her friend’s fading contrail. “Rainbow Dash is a performer. She likes making others happy with her flying, just like I enjoy taking care of animals.”

“That’s one way to put it. Just like how I didn’t kidnap and replace Cadance, I was practicing my method acting.” Shutterbug smirked viciously with an emerald glint in her eyes.

Fluttershy shuddered and stepped back. “I guess that’s true too.”

“It was a joke.”

“O-okay.” The meek pegasus shrank back further as Shutterbug’s frown deepened.

“Ooo! I got one!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she stepped between the two. “Why does paper always lose to scissors?”

Fluttershy and Shutterbug looked between each other and then back at the bouncing pink pony.

“Because scissors cut paper?” Fluttershy guessed.

Pinkie Pie shook her head. “Nope! How about you, Chryssi?”

“I don’t care.”

“Nuh-uh. Good guess though.”

Shutterbug stammered being thrown off by the bubbly mare. “Wait, no. That wasn’t a guess.”

“Alright, we give up. What is it?” Applejack asked before the guessing game got out of hoof.

Pinkie Pie giggled nasally to herself. “Because it’s not cut out for the job!”

The changeling took a patient breath through her nose and looked away. “Hilarious.”

“Thanks! If you liked that, I’ve got plenty more where that came from!”

Shutterbug’s eyes shrank back, and Twilight quickly ran over to Pinkie and closed her mouth. “How about we save the jokes for later?”

Pinkie gasped in shock. “You’re right, Twilight! I can’t burn through all my best jokes at once. Let’s go cheer Dashy on!” She took Fluttershy by the hoof and chased after Rainbow.

Once they were far enough ahead, Applejack leaned over to the alicorn. “Thanks, Twi. Not sure how many of those Chrys can take in a row.”

“Not a problem. I don’t think Chrysalis has warmed up to her yet.”

Applejack couldn’t help but chuckle. “What was your first clue?”

“You know I can hear everything you’re saying,” a none-too-pleased Shutterbug called back, leering at them before dismissing them with a scoff. “Doesn’t matter since you’re right. I lack the patience to deal with that sugary nightmare, now or ever.”

“Now, Shutterbug, don’t be like that,” Rarity admonished. “While it’s true that Pinkie Pie can be a tad foalish at times, she can also be remarkably observant. Just give her a chance. I’m sure you’ll be seeing her in a different light before too long.”

“If that’s all it takes, then she just needs to stay as far away from me as possible and keep her inane antics to herself.”

“Shutterbug, please. You’re not going to make many friends beyond us if you keep an attitude like that.”

Shutterbug furrowed her brow. “And since when did we become friends?”

“Since yesterday, darling,” Rarity answered with a wink. “Do try to keep up.”

“So, I just needed to take a passing interest in makeup and that was enough for you?”

“Not at all, though I suppose having another mare around with a good taste in cosmetics is certainly a plus. However, I must echo Twilight’s earlier sentiments. It was so generous of you to sacrifice your own enjoyment for the rest of us, though admittedly I was already prepared to storm out of there seeing how those ruffians heartlessly kicked you out.” Rarity huffed to herself and brushed her mane with her hoof. “Honestly. You can’t just dole out punishments based on unwritten etiquette!”

Applejack tilted her head. “Don’t those fancy-schmancy garden parties you like in Canterlot do the same thing?”

Rarity opened her mouth to deny it, but faltered as she considered the thought. “Touché, Applejack. Still, I refuse to accept such lofty standards for a mere amusement center. The least they could do is provide a quality experience for their customers. I know I’d never treat a client like that without some warning of their misbehavior. I shan’t be going back there unless it is when they are groveling at your hooves to apologize.”

“I couldn’t have said it better myself, Rarity,” Twilight said wholeheartedly. “Even if the puzzles were fun, and well-researched, and rewarding to logic your way through…”

“Aww, cheer up. I’m sure we could find another one. Perhaps we’ll have a Ponyville Puzzlebox or something that will spring up now that our little town is growing. And we can make sure that they allow everyone to have fun, right Shutterbug?”

Shutterbug shrugged and said nothing.

“I’m glad you agree,” Rarity said as she quickly gave Shutterbug a hug. The changeling went rigid from the sudden contact, but Rarity quickly let go and shook it off with a shiver. “My word, that is a rather strange sensation. While somewhat invigorating, I’m not sure I’d call it a pleasant experience.”

The changeling blinked. “Weird ice cream?”

“That’s right. Applejack mentioned her love tasted like apples to you. I’m partial to cookies and cream, but most any frozen treat will do. Alas, I can’t have much of my comfort food without piling on the pounds. But…” Rarity’s eyes wandered over to Twilight as she leaned up against the princess. “Perhaps I should find a way to become an alicorn too so I can eat all the ice cream I want.”

Twilight smiled and rolled her eyes before they both laughed.

Shutterbug balked. “How does this keep happening?”

“Oh no, was that an unwelcome gesture?” Rarity asked in concern. “I apologize if I made you uncomfortable. Our little circle of friends is known for giving hugs quite often, and I thought since you literally live off of our love, it’d be fine. I suppose I should’ve asked first though instead of assuming.”

“But… I didn’t do anything.”

Rarity tilted her head. “Whatever do you mean?”

“Why did you hug me?”

“Well, I…” Rarity paused as she put her hoof to her chin. “Now that you’ve put me on the spot, I’m not sure. A simple ‘because I wanted to’ feels lacking in a way. I suppose I wanted you to feel included. You’re on this friendship trip of ours after all, so it’s only natural I’d treat you as such.”

“But your love… I didn’t do anything for it.”

“That’s just how we are,” Twilight explained. “As Luna said, love springs eternal from our harmonious hearts. Everypony’s got more than enough love to go around for our friends. Speaking of which, do you mind if I give you a hug too, Shutterbug?”

Shutterbug tilted her head, utterly perplexed by what was happening. “Why?”

“Inclusion, friendship, a little tactile scientific analysis?”

The changeling rolled her eyes and sat down, extending both of her forelegs once again to give Twilight a limp hug. Accepting the half-hearted offer, Twilight rushed in, though the princess looked more nervous than anything. After a few seconds, Twilight perked up. “Oh? Oh! I felt something! I felt something, Applejack! It was very brief, but it was oddly warm and needly. Like my leg had fallen asleep, but it was coming out of it.” She couldn’t help but giggle like a filly as she felt out the situation. She looked up at the changeling excitedly. “So? What does it taste like? I bet it’s soupy!”

“Yeah. Tomatoes, noodles, and other warm, wet stuff. You can let go now.”

Twilight quickly let go and pulled back. “Sorry. Curiosity got the better of me.”

“Whatever.” Shutterbug stood up, brushed her fur off, and began walking towards the flower gardens. The three ponies shared a mix of worry and confusion before following after her. Applejack joined the changeling’s quiet gait and leaned in to try to catch her face.

“You okay, sugarcube?”

“Never better. Your friends are throwing me scraps of food. What’s not to love?”

“C’mon, Chrys. Don’t think of it like that.” Applejack patted the mare’s withers in support. “I know it ain’t much now, but I bet that’ll change if you give it time. Just get to know them and they’ll love on ya just like I do.”

Her friend’s frown only deepened at that idea as her pace slowed. “I guess. You all seem eager enough to feed me for whatever reason.”

“That’s because we’re all good friends here. I promise if you stick with it and put the effort in, you’ll grow your own little garden of friendship and be swimming in more love than you’ll know what to do with. You won’t even need to hang around lil ol’ me anymore.”

Shutterbug stopped in her tracks and looked down at her hooves. “Is that what you want?”

“Sure do!” Applejack smiled widely, trying to cheer the changeling up. “Just think, you could go anywhere you wanted if you had friends all over the place. Maybe with enough love, you’ll even figure out a way to change like the rest of your kin and live in the Concordant with all of ‘em. That’d be one big, happy family reunion in my book.”

The changeling said nothing, only offering a small nod before keeping on down the path again with a frown.

This was a head scratcher for sure that Applejack wasn’t quite figuring out. She’d felt so confident after reading Chrysalis’ mood at breakfast. If the mare was always hungry for love, the opportunity for endless amounts of it seemed like a surefire way to get her smiling again. Looking back to the others, Twilight and Rarity were just as confused as AJ was. Hopefully taking some pictures would bring a smile to her newest friend’s face.

It’d been a few years since Applejack had visited the Canter Trail Flower Bed. The volunteer project started a little before she was born as a city beautification idea that had gotten a little lost in the weeds, to put it lightly. What had once been a modest little garden run by a few local florists had at some point burst into a full on war of one-upmareship to see who could cultivate the biggest and brightest plants. These days, it was more of a maze of vegetation than a garden, with living walls of vines, bushes, and flowers of every color.

Even with her experience in cultivating plants, Applejack had no idea what even half of the stuff she was looking at was. They all had funny-looking names that read more like one of Twi’s spells. She didn’t know how to start pronouncing Dionaea Muscipula or Amorphophallus Titanum. Between this place and the Canter Park Zoo, AJ wasn’t sure which was more exotic at this point.

Rainbow Dash had gotten the fast flying out of her system by the time the group had shown up, and joined everypony to split off and explore the inner city jungle. Rarity was putting her keen eye for colors to help Shutterbug start taking a few pictures of the plants before moving on to group pictures with everypony. Even if her cutie mark wasn’t real, she was quickly getting the hang of taking pictures, though whether it was her ideas or just copying Rarity’s, AJ wasn’t sure.

“Excellent work, Shutterbug. These pictures are absolutely wonderful!” Rarity proclaimed as she shuffled through the small collection of pictures they’d taken so far.

“They look like all the others,” Shutterbug said as she looked at them. “They look just like you usually do, just still.”

“A very dispassionate way to describe your art. But, take in the scene along with the frame around it. Look at what’s there as well as what isn’t there. The composition is just as important as the subject matter.”

“You said that already when you were explaining the rule of threes.”

“I did, and the composition here is wonderful. Now comes the most difficult shot: the self portrait!”

Shutterbug raised an eyebrow and frowned at the claim. She quickly flipped the camera around and hovered it in front of her face before shooting a picture of herself. “Done.”

“Shutterbug, please! There is more to it than just turning your camera around and clicking the button. You must consider—”

“—All of the things you keep harping on constantly?”

Rarity took a short, sharp breath before answering. “Yes, and I will continue to harp on them until your artistry becomes second nature to you. This is a hobby. While not the same as, say, a cutie mark talent or a profession, you should at least try to enjoy exploring the deeper aspects of it. Take me, for example.”

“I have been all morning.”

“A simple turn of phrase. Please let me finish before you chime in with any more of your sarcastic comments! Is that clear?”

Shutterbug said nothing.

Rarity continued staring, waiting for an answer. Finally, impatience got the better of her. “Well?”

The changeling looked away and shrugged. “You said to let you finish.”

“Merciful heavens. It’s almost like I’m talking to Sweetie Belle. Is she like this with you, Applejack?”

AJ chuckled knowingly. “Pretty much, but the snarky back and forth grew on me pretty quick since Dash gives me lip all the time.”

“Of course it did.” Rarity massaged her forehead with her hoof. “Harmony, give me strength.” She shook the frustration out of her system and snatched the printed picture out of the camera with her magic. “Let’s take a look at your first attempt.”

As the picture came into focus, Shutterbug frowned deeper and deeper. “It’s terrible.”

“It’s not terrible, it’s just a little boring. You’re in the center of the frame staring right at the lens without much forethought. Also, you’re so close to the camera that your muzzle looks longer. What we need to do is angle yourself from the camera and—”

Before the artist could finish her critique, Shutterbug took the picture back with a sneer. Her magic split it down the center as it burned away in magefire. “There. Now you don’t have to look at it.”

“Goodness! You didn’t have to go that far.”

“Won’t happen again,” Shutterbug swore half-heartedly as she began to pack up.

Rarity raised her hoof. “Now hold on just a moment. Why are you putting your camera away?”

“I think I’m done.”

“But what about you? Aside from the poor picture you just reduced to ashes, we haven’t taken any with you in them.”

The changeling paused and turned to the unicorn. “And?”

“The whole reason we came here was for you to practice photography. We can’t just leave you out of the tapestry of our retreat!”

The changeling raised her eyebrow. “Why? You all know I’m here already.”

“But you’ve taken so many lovely pictures of the park and us enjoying it that it seems criminal to not have at least a few of the beautiful photographer herself. At the bare minimum, there needs to be a picture taken with all seven of us together.”

“Beautiful photographer? Don’t make me laugh. The only reason I can even be out here is because I’m disguised like one of you ponies,” she spat venomously.

“Well… that is true. But that isn’t because you’re ugly. You’re still beautiful just as you are in any form,” Rarity assured with a supportive smile.

“Really now? What do you find beautiful about my natural self?” Shutterbug dispelled the magic around her foreleg and stuck it out in front of them. “My gaping holes?” She flared her leg back to her disguise and brushed the redness out of her hair, leaving its natural, silken blue. “My wispy mane?” She closed her eyes and tossed her head back, flipping it back to red before fluttering her predatory emerald eyes open with a fang-filled grin. “My carnivorous complexion?”

Rarity tittered as she backed away from the other mare. “You have a lovely… uniqueness about you. Tall, dark, and regal. Your presence commands the attention of everyone in the room.”

“Oh!” Shutterbug exclaimed with a bright smile before the fake joy collapsed in on itself. “What a nice way of calling me terrifying.”

Applejack stepped forward to cut off the advancing mare. “Now hang on, Chrys. That ain’t exactly fair.”

“Fair? What does fairness have to do with anything? You both know what will happen if I show off my ‘regal uniqueness’ on Mane Street. I bet the stampede of terror would put Ponyville to shame!” The mare shoved the camera into its case and zipped it up tight. She closed her eyes and tried to steady her breathing. “Shoot’s over.”

Rarity took a couple of cautious steps towards the changeling. “Chrysalis—”

The shoot is over!Shutterbug boomed, forcefully cutting Rarity off. She tore the camera bag off her shoulders and shoved it into the unicorn’s chest. “If you want to keep taking pictures, go right ahead. Burn through the rest of the film for all I care. Just keep me out of them!” Having lost all patience for the conversation, Shutterbug blazed her horn away and sprouted a pair of wings and soared out of the maze.

“Chrys, wait!” Applejack cried after her.

“Did you know which direction she went off in?” Rarity quickly asked.

“West I think, but it’s hard to tell in the middle of all this.”

“I’ll apologize later once we actually find her.” Rarity swifty clasped the camera bag around her neck and shoulder with a tug. “We need to get the others before she gets too far.”

Applejack nodded firmly, grateful that Rarity had her priorities right when time was essential. “Took the words right outta my mouth. Let’s go!”

After regrouping outside the garden, everypony split up to start looking for their missing friend. With Dash, Shy, and Twi covering the skies, it was up to Rarity, Pinkie, and herself to cover the area around the park. Rarity had followed Applejack’s guess and gone west into Saddle Row while Pinkie decided to stay in the park to look around for her. Figuring she might’ve gone back to the hotel, Applejack made a break for their room.

She tried to gather her thoughts as she stepped into the elevator. Still, she knew that their only hope was that on some level, Chrys wanted to be found. If the changeling wanted to disappear, Manehattan would be the perfect place to vanish forever. Applejack would never see her again. The thought was making her mouth run dry like somepony had stuck a sock down her throat.

Even after all of her adventuring, what could make her right panic was when her family was in trouble. Apple Bloom had calmed down a bit since she’d gotten her cutie mark, but that filly’s precociousness struck every now and again and took another couple years off of AJ’s life. While she’d learned not to let fear get the best of her, Chrysalis was doing her best to scrape a few off herself.

The elevator door finally opened after an eternity and a half to their floor. Applejack nearly fumbled the room keys as she galloped for the door. She clicked the lock and burst into the darkened room. “Chrys!”

She threw open the curtains to get a better look, revealing nothing but a modest business hotel room. The only change since they’d left was that the housekeepers had come around and tidied up.

“C’mon, girl. Ya gotta be around here somewhere.”

She ducked to the floor and looked under the bed to see if anything was out of place. No Chrysalis, Classy, Shutterbug, or Kittalis to be found. Applejack tried to spot anything else amiss, but she didn’t know how big or small the changeling could make herself. She headed into the bathroom, checking for copies or toothbrushes or combs, trying to see if Chrysalis would hide in the toiletries.

“Please. Ya didn’t wanna leave this morning. I thought for sure you’d be here.”

That was true, at least if Chrysalis wanted to be found. If she really didn’t…

“No!” Applejack shouted as she shook the foolishness out of her head. “Ya gotta trust her, Applejack. Like Fluttershy said, Chrys wants to be better, so she wants to be found. Which means if ya ain’t answering, then ya ain’t here.”

With resolution, the mare shut off the lights and left the hotel room. She double-timed it out of the hotel, skipping the elevator and bolting down the stairs. With a good sweat built up, she stopped to wipe her brow outside and figure out her next spot to check. The massive park still had plenty of spots to hide, so she decided to meet up with Pinkie to help search.

Applejack trotted through the park at a healthy clip, following the paths under the trees, over the little hills, towards the center of the park. The space opened up to Greentree Pond, a popular space for playing, picnicking, and prancing. It was also the largest, uninterrupted line of sight to hopefully spot Pinkie. She started to run towards a large, brick bridge over a creek to get a better look until she caught a pink puff of hair popping up from a park bench near the water.

“Pinkie!” Applejack called out as she ran towards her.

Perking up at the sound of her own name, Pinkie Pie leaned back over the back of the bench and smiled upside down. “Oh, hey AJ!”

“What’re you doing just sitting around? We’re supposed to be looking for Chrys!”

“I know. I finished!”

“What’d ya mean?”

“She means she found me,” Shutterbug answered.

Coming around the other side, Applejack found the familiar disguised changeling laying on the bench, her face away from Pinkie’s, who had taken the spot next to her. Even though she was angry, AJ couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear and embrace the troublesome critter.

“Thank heavens she found ya!”

“I’m really good at hide-and-seek,” Pinkie bragged smoothly.

“Unfortunately,” Shutterbug added.

What relief she felt was sapped through her hooves in a second as a surge of love shot through her hooves. With her patience fully gone, Applejack smacked the changeling upside the head with her hat. “I’m so mad at you right now!”

“W-what? What did I do?” the flummoxed changeling had the nerve to ask genuinely.

“Ya can't be running off like that! You nearly gave me a heart attack!”

The villain cackled menacingly. “Worried I might have broken bad again, AJ?”

“I was worried I’d never see you again!”

The changeling blinked. “I’m the one that shapeshifts into a dog. Why are you the one struggling with object permanence?”

“Stop it with the jokes already!” Applejack screamed. She could feel her eyes stinging from her frustration building up in them. “I don’t wanna hear it! What if you changed into somepony or a rock or something and ran away?”

“Why would I run away from my only source of food?”

Applejack couldn't stand it anymore. She was already over the edge from her mind running wild, and hearing Chrysalis’ stupid reasoning wasn’t helping things. For the first time, Luna’s warning about how distressing her lack of love could feel was really hitting home. She felt a hoof on her shoulder, but she already knew it wasn’t Chrys.

“Don’t be sad, Applejack,” Pinkie said with a wide smile. “I found her looking at herself in the lake. We were just about to come find you when you found us! Now we should find the others so we can keep the fun times rolling today!”

Applejack grabbed the friendly hoof for strength and pulled the other earth pony into a hug.

“Come here you,” Pinkie said as she hugged back, filling Applejack’s nose with the familiar smell of cupcakes and candy. She might not be able to experience love like a changeling, but with how much her friend always smelled like a bakery, she could almost taste her friend’s compassion. It was almost impossible to feel sad with a Pinkie Pie hug.

“Thanks, Pinkie.”

“You’re always welcome, Applejack.” The other mare giggled. “Now, we just need Chryssi to tell you what she told me and we’ll be ready to go!”

Applejack paused and pulled back from the hug. “What she told you?”

“I didn’t tell you anything,” Shutterbug growled.

“Oh yeah, that’s right. I’m a good guesser, so I guessed it!”

“And it was wrong!”

Pinkie put a hoof to her chin. “Nah, I don’t think so. I already told you I felt the same back in Rockville. It makes total sense to me.”

Shutterbug looked away. “And your total sense is nonsense.”

“But you did that thing when you get caught lying and go less frowny before doubling down on the frown. You were all ‘Grr! Rawr! I’m an angy, changey, grumpy Chryssi who will use words like asunder!’”

“Because you are incredibly annoying!”

“That’s enough outta both of ya!” Applejack shouted as she stomped a hoof, nearly cracking the pavement under her. Pinkie and Shutterbug shut their mouths immediately. AJ tried to take a moment to calm down, reaching for the last shreds of love she could find in her heart. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to lose my temper. Still Chrys, you know I’m a bit slower on the draw. If something’s bothering ya, ya gotta tell me straight, okay? You can trust me, I promise.”

The changeling shuddered under the heated glare. She opened her mouth to say something, but sighed and gave up. “Fine. You tell her,” she ordered, kicking Pinkie softly with her hind leg before curling up on the bench.

“Okie dokie!” Pinkie bounced off the bench and leaned into Applejack’s ear to whisper the secret information. “Chryssi doesn’t want to be disguised anymore.”

Applejack’s eyes widened. She’d been picking up on Chrys being dissatisfied with something, with how much she looked in the mirror all the time, but the thought hadn’t even crossed her mind that the changeling wouldn’t want to shapeshift. She figured it was like unicorns using magic or pegasi flying around.

“You sure that’s what’s eating at her, Pinkie?”

“Yep!” Pinkie said as she bounced over to the fake pony laying on the bench. “She doesn’t want to keep going around all dressed up. She wants to be her true, naked self!”

Ignoring the phrasing, the reasoning felt lacking. Like it was almost there, but not right. They were dancing two steps short of the do-si-do. She shot a glance over at the changeling who shrugged and sank further into her legs.

“She’s half right,” Shutterbug admitted with a sigh.

“Then what’s the other half?”

The changeling turned her attention to the party mare. “Well? Go on.”

“Go on what?” Pinkie asked innocently.

“Tell her what you told me.”

“I did.”

“No, not that. The other thing.”

“Oh, the other thing. Right.” Pinkie nodded and winked.

Shutterbug glared angrily. “Tell her!”

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“I Pinkie Promised I wouldn’t.”

“Pinkie Pro—Who cares? Break the stupid promise, it doesn’t matter!”

“No can do, Chryssi-poo. I promised, and I can’t break that promise because that’s the quickest way to lose somepony’s trust! And since Applejack trusts you, and I trust you too, that means I want you to trust me too like she does to you, so if I go back on it, then breaking the promise will be like double-trouble trust busting!”

The changeling’s eyes narrowed as she tried to process whatever Pinkie had just said. Shaking the confounding thoughts away, she pointed an accusatory hoof. “Then why would you make a stupid promise like that in the first place?”

“Because you told me not to tell anypony. Plus, if you want to be your true self, you should tell the truth to your friends.”

Shutterbug’s mouth fell open in shock as she started catching on to the bubbly mare’s game. “So you’re saying that I have to say it.”

Pinkie Pie shook her head and looked away innocently enough. “Nope! I’m just saying that I can’t say it if you want it to be said. You didn’t Pinkie Promise yourself not to say it like I did.”

“Fine. What if I do that?”

“Well you could’ve before, but I promised I wouldn’t let you make a silly promise like that.”


Pinkie giggled to herself. “Just now.”

Applejack couldn’t help but laugh at the circles of sensical nonsense she was running around the changeling. “That’s Pinkie Pie for ya, Chrys. I promise I won’t tell any—”

“Don’t you start!” Shutterbug shouted over Applejack. “I lack the patience to deal with her nonsense. I don’t need you fueling it!”

“Alright then, sugarcube. Mind telling me what it is I’m missing here?” Feeling a bit renewed after her good friend’s antics, Applejack stepped closer to the bench and put a supportive hoof on Shutterbug’s shoulder. She could feel a little more love for the changeling running through her. “You can tell me anything.”

Responding to the touch, Shutterbug shut her eyes and stiffened. She freed a hoof from the ball she’d curled into and grabbed onto AJ’s hoof. “I… I’m scared.”

Applejack smiled softly. “I know, but you don’t need to be. Just tell me what’s going on with ya and we can work on it together.”

What little gentleness between them faded away with her sneer. “No, you bark-brained dolt. I mean I’m scared to show my face.”

Applejack’s oh’d silently to herself before clearing her throat. “But why?”

“You have to ask? Because everypony will freak out!”

“I mean, yeah. I just didn’t think that was what was bothering ya. Not to bring up ancient history, but that didn’t seem to stop ya before in Canterlot.”

“Of course it didn’t. The fear served my purposes then. Disorganized panic made it easier to subdue prey—I mean, ponies. Now it’s just… terrifying. Everyone screaming and running away at the mere sight of me? It’s pointless now. I’m alone.” Applejack could feel the changeling’s grip tighten as she nibbled on her lip. “You saw it too when we were walking to the station yesterday. The fear, the disgust, the hatred. What if they attack? I-I can’t fend off an entire town by myself! Even if I could, it’d just make it worse when all of Equestria came after me. I’d be torn apart.”

Applejack thought back to that night Discord had unmasked her, when Chrysalis had retreated and hid as Apple Bloom. She could still feel the ghost of the knot in her skin where the shivering filly had been gripping her back. She remembered the curses Chrys had thrown out, how the whole town was right to be afraid of her. With all the talking about prey and predators, Applejack had dismissed the notion that Chrysalis was as scared of the townsfolk as they were of her.

“Changelings always had to hide in the shadows to steal love. It was key to our survival, but at least my children could be themselves in my presence. Now, it’s just me who must hide everywhere I have to go.” Shutterbug’s eyes glistened in sadness and fear and she grit her teeth. “It’s not fair! I’m beautiful! I know I am! Y-you like my mane! You said I was adorable! I tasted your admiration! It was the sweetest thing I’d ever…” Shutterbug sank into her forelegs and cried. “I just want to be me!”

Without a moment’s hesitation, Applejack knelt down in front of the bench to offer whatever tender support she could. Honestly, she didn’t know what to say to all of that. All she knew was that she wanted to help and show that she was there for Chrys. The changeling briefly opened her eyes, and practically dove into AJ’s shoulder for support. Applejack pulled her friend in tightly and joined her on the bench to let her lean into her for support.

As she hugged the changeling, Applejack’s mind began reeling with nagging thoughts as the last of her love drained out of her embrace. She fought back the sinking drag of her emotional exhaustion as much as she could to comfort Chrysalis. Sensing the lack of love, the changeling began to pull back, but AJ held on tighter.

“Not happening, sugarcube. Just let it all out.” Applejack hissed through gritted teeth.

That was when Pinkie Pie rang a wrestling bell next to her ear, causing Applejack to reflexively let go and cover her ears. “Tap out, AJ. It’s my turn!”

Applejack barely managed to eek out a strained grunt before Pinkie Pie tore her away from the changeling and hopped onto the bench. She squeezed Chrysalis tightly, who seemed just as surprised as Applejack to suddenly be hugging a different mare.

“Let go of me, you imbecile!” Shutterbug screeched as she struggled in Pinkie’s iron grip.

“But you still need cuddles, Chryssi,” Pinkie said as she rocked the changeling back and forth. “And I’ve still got plenty left.”

“I said let me go! I don’t want your love!”

“I know you don’t, but AJ needs a break. She’s all loved out.”

Shutterbug opened her mouth to say something, but as she looked towards the emotional exhausted Applejack, she went quiet.

“There, there. Just let those tears all dry up and then let’s try being ourselves!”

The suggestion set the changeling off immediately. “Are you—why am I even asking? Of course you’re crazy.”

“Mmhmm! It’s why I left the rock farm. I couldn’t be who I wanted to be there. Sure, my family loves me and I love them, but Pinkamena Diane Pie wasn’t me. Once I got my cutie mark, I needed to go where more ponies were to bring smiles to as many friends as I could find! So I went to Ponyville and started living my best Pinkie keen life!”

“How delightful,” Shutterbug grumbled. “It’s so easy, a foalish child can do it.”

Pinkie nodded with enthusiasm. “Yepperoni! All you have to do is be who you are and we’ll be with you every step of the way. And if Ponyville attacks, we’ve got a princess with a big crystal castle to retreat to.”

“I find it hard to believe that you or any of your friends would side with me over your home.”

“That’s what Apple Bloom did for Zecora. She helped me see how absolutely awful I was being because I was scared of someone I didn’t understand. Now Zecora and I are friends! I know we can be too if we try.”

Shutterbug mocked the idea with a laugh. “And how do you propose we can do that?”

“Easy. We start doing it!”

The house lights went low in the Impulsion Theatre as the curtains opened up to an orchestral fanfare. The wide open space of the Grandeur Heartland Plains were revealed to the audience. A stalwart stallion explorer with a sextant in hoof strode onto the stage, surveying the wildlands sprawling out before them.

“Such a fine day for surveying these wonderful lands, wouldn’t you say, Rushwind?” the commanding earth pony proclaimed.

“If you find a whole mess of nothing appealing, Patagon,” Rushwind the pegasus said as he flew in from the side. “There’s not even a cloud in the sky.”

“Not to worry, my friend,” he said while turning slowly to survey the audience. “Where you see wild wastes, I see a sprawling land just waiting to be—change…” The actor flubbed his lines as he spotted a rather tall and fearsome someone sitting in the back row. “Changed for the b-better.”

“So much for the brave plainstrotter,” Chrysalis whispered with a chuckle.

“Well, you are kinda glowing, sugarcube. Might be a little distracting.”

The changeling blinked her glowing green eyes. “Oh, right. Forgot about that.” Her horn glowed a sickly green as she turned down her bioluminescence.

“Didn’t realize your green bits had a dimmer switch.”

“Simple shapeshifting is nymph's play. After all, a changeling is only seen when she wants to be seen.”

Rainbow shushed the two mares loudly. “Would you two pipe down? I’m trying to watch this!”

Applejack flinched. “Sorry, RD.”

“She likes theater shows? Color me surprised. Didn’t think she could sit still for more than five seconds,” Chrysalis said with a smirk.

“Shoulda seen her at Hinny of the Hills. She was doing flips in the stands by the end of it.”

“Always the acrobatics with that one.”

“Okay yeah. I like flying and musicals. Now would you shut up, please?” Rainbow begged.

Chrysalis shrugged and leaned back in her seat to enjoy the show. She didn’t say it out loud, but AJ could tell Chrys was grateful for the extra size and privacy at the princesses’ disposal.

After everypony regrouped and found Shutterbug safe, they’d gone ahead with their initial plan, but with the added twist that Chrysalis would be the one to go with them to the Impulsion Theatre. They’d played it safer with the changeling only shifting back into herself once they were inside, but with the princess there to royally reassure everypony, they’d managed to only scare about a third of the guests away. Twilight pulled a few princess strings last minute to open up the Royal Balcony for them so the changeling could sit comfortably at her full height. Applejack couldn’t argue the results, even if they were a bit mixed.

It was a start, but for the first time, she really felt like she was on the right track with helping Chrysalis adjust to her new, reformed life. It was probably gonna be a long and arduous task with its ups and downs, but seeing the smile on Chrys’ face made it all worth it, even through all the emotional exhaustion. With her friends helping them along the way, there was no challenge they couldn’t face as long as they stayed together.

Author's Note:

If you find a simple mistake in the GSP (Grammar, Spelling, or Punctuation), please let me know through a private message rather than leaving it in the comment section. Thank you for reading!