• Published 2nd Jul 2022
  • 1,152 Views, 226 Comments

Unchanging Truths - Rego

After Applejack meets a mysterious Equestrian Collie from the Everfree Forest, her stable farming life takes a turn for the stranger when the pompous pup needs more than just her affection.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Housebroken

“Come’n get it y’all!” Granny Smith hollered as she clanged the lunch bell. It echoed across the orchard, just before Applejack was about to start on the next row of trees. Brushing the sweat from her brow, she knew she was still way too far behind on her work for her liking thanks to the queenly no-show.

AJ had fought hoof and hair to get the family ready for their additional laborer. Everypony had been thankful to hear she’d wrangled some more help until she’d explained exactly who she’d hired. While Big Mac and Apple Bloom had screamed in a two part harmony, Granny was a bit more open to the idea. Admittedly, that was more on account of having no clue who Chrysalis was in the first place. It’d taken AJ the better half of last evening to get their family’s matron up to speed after Apple Bloom had tried filling Granny’s head with nonsense. The old mare had finally settled on any bug being good in her book as long as it wasn’t hurting the trees.

Good lot of wasted effort that turned out to be. When it was painfully obvious Chrysalis wasn’t coming, she’d started scrambling to catch up on the work she’d been set aside for the new trainee’s sake. She wished she could be surprised by the absence, but skipping out of a job made far more sense. As far as AJ figured, Chrys wasn’t the hard working type as much as she was the delegating kind.

Applejack sighed, trying to rein herself in. There was no point in being disappointed in a liar. Lying’s just what liars did. After wiping the dirt off her hooves, she walked through the backdoor to enter the homestead’s kitchen. Apple Bloom was already helping Granny divvy up the midday meal: mixed vegetable sandwiches and creamy potato soup. She was thankful for the hearty menu. It’d take every last bit of energy she could eat if she was gonna do the job of two and a half ponies before sunset.

Washing up at the sink, Applejack noticed a fifth place being set at the table as she entered the dining room. “Don’t bother setting up another spot, Granny,” Applejack complained as she shook the water from her hooves.

“Oh, I know,” Granny Smith remarked with a glint in her eye. “Been seeing ya fuming out there working your tail off. I still ain’t seen hind or hair of this beetle princess y’all been mentioning coming round here. There’s still plenty of daylight left though.”

“For the last time, she ain’t a beetle, Granny,” Applejack sighed as she took her seat at the table. “But at this rate, she’s just begging for a face full of bug spray.”

“Oh, oh! Can I spray her, sis?” Apple Bloom bounced up and down on her cushion at the idea.

“I was joking, AB.”


“At least for now,” AJ added with a grumble.

“Come now, Applejack. Give your friend a chance,” Granny admonished. She carefully labeled one last bowl of soup, setting it along with some sandwiches at a fifth spot. “I remember the first time Rainbow Dash came around to help with the zap apple jam.”

“You mean how she didn’t?” Applejack clarified, her patience running thin with the topic of tardiness.

“Yep! Found her sleeping in the zap apple trees waiting for the fun to start, not knowing they really had a kick!” Granny guffawed at the memory. “She was ripe n’ ready after that shock. Poor girl’s mane was zappier than the apples!”

“Yeah, but we were younger then, barely outta fillyhood. I’m pretty sure Chrysalis is older than you, Granny.”

Granny paused her preparations as her features wrinkled even more in confusion. “Did I hear y’all right in saying ya hired a hoof older than me to help with the harvest?”

“It ain’t like that. Long as she’s fed proper, she’ll probably just keep on living forever like the princesses.”

“And ya said she eats love?”

“Yeah!” Apple Bloom shouted, inserting herself in the conversation. “And it’s gross! She sucks the love right out of you!”

“Apple Bloom!” AJ admonished. “What did I say about calling her gross?”

“But it’s true, Applejack! That’s what they did when they attacked Canterlot!”

Applejack grimaced at recalling the first changeling invasion. She was so scared, but not for herself. She and the girls had been in some dicey situations before, but the crusaders getting wrapped up in something like that frightened AJ something fierce. Poor Scootaloo had nightmares for weeks after that, and she was sure Apple Bloom had a few herself. There was a bit more desperation in her tenor when AB was asking her how she could help stop them.

But things were different now, and she wasn’t about to let such a feeling fester. “And I told you the changelings are different. They eat the same things we do now.”

“But you said Chrysalis isn’t like them! She’s still evil!”

“I know what I said, but she’s trying not to steal love neither!”

“C’mon! She kidnapped you and replaced ya with Twilight and all the rest! You agree with me, right Big Mac?”

“Uhh…” The stallion's eyes flittered, trying to find anywhere else to look than his feuding sisters. The big lug hunkered down, trying his best to make his bright red coat blend in with the green wallpaper behind him.

Applejack frowned. “Got something to add, Big Mac?”


“Look, it’s fine. I know she’s not exactly the most lovable critter. It’s just a little upsetting when someone says they’ll show up and they don’t show up. Especially when I’m already behind!”


Applejack stomped a hoof, glaring at her big brother. “And don’t go saying you’ll do my part, too! You’ve already been pulling double-duty when I get called away for map stuff. We don’t need you injuring yourself on my account.”

“Maybe I should help out more?” Apple Bloom suggested with a toothy grin.

“Nice try,” Applejack teased as she bopped her sister’s nose with her hoof. “Miss Cheeilee told me y’all are having tests coming up at school. Ain’t getting no more early releases than ya got already on account of harvest season. If it gets real bad, I’ll just ask Braeburn if he’s got anypony to spare.”

“Give it time, dearie,” Granny Smith said calmly as she took her seat at the table. “Just because this beetle princess of yours hasn’t shown up doesn’t mean she won’t. You weren’t exactly up and at ‘em on your first day apple-bucking either.”

“I know Granny, but this ain’t any pony we’re talking about. Chrysalis is a… mixed bag to put it mildly.”

“Cause she’s evil,” Apple Bloom whispered before taking a bite out of her sandwich, earning a slight nod from her brother.

“For the last time, she ain’t evil!” Applejack yelled, her temper firing before she could wrangle it back down. Her sister backed away with a wince, causing the older sister to sigh to herself. “Sorry, but really. She ain’t evil. At least not irredeemably so.”

Apple Bloom blinked owlishly before swallowing her bite. “Wait, so does that mean she’s still evil or not?”

“Look, what I’m more upset about is her leaving me high and dry in the middle of harvest time when she agreed to be here! I wouldn’t say that’s evil, but it’s—”

Before anypony could say another word, there was a knock at the front door. Apple Bloom sunk lower in fear along with Big Mac who was shaking far more than the strongest pony in the room had any right to.

Applejack sighed as she pulled herself up with a slam of her hooves on the table. “I swear, if that’s her…”

Quickly trotting through the family room, Applejack ripped open the door ready to give that sorry changeling a piece of her mind. Her anger fizzled in the face of one of her friends standing at the door instead. It was a former villain, but the wrong one.


The unicorn smirked and shot a glance over her shoulder. “See? Told you she’d be angry.”

“What?” Applejack asked as she tilted her head.

“Is this your dog?” Starlight stepped aside, revealing a beautifully familiar Equestrian Collie standing behind her, keeping her head down.

“Chrysalis? What the hay are you doing looking like Classy?”

“‘Classy’ was sleeping under that tree in town square. Hasn’t said a word since I found her.”

That was a bit strange. Applejack lowered her head trying to get a better look at Chrysalis’ face, only for the critter to turn away more. She sighed seeing the changeling was so not in the mood for talking that she’d swapped species. Applejack straightened back up and shook the curiosity out of her system.

“Better late than never I suppose,” Applejack remarked bitterly, causing one of the fake dog’s ears to perk up. “Y’all wanna come in for a meal, Starlight? There’s enough to go around.”

“Thanks, but no thanks. I was in the middle of some errands when I ran across her. Then I remembered she was supposed to be here for her rehabilitation.”

“Ain’t no rehab going on here, Starlight. Just honest work.” Applejack looked down out of the corner of her eye at the mangy mutt skipping out on chores. “And trust me, there’s a whole lot of it to go around.”

“Well then don’t let me keep you from keeping her honest,” Starlight remarked, earning a low growl from the canine Chrysalis. The proud dog harrumphed and strutted uninvited inside past the two ponies, into the house and jumped up on the couch.

“Touchy,” Starlight muttered.

“She’s a doll, ain’t she?” Applejack sighed as she rolled her eyes. “Well, I guess thanks for bringing her all the way over here.”

“Sure. She probably wouldn’t have made it otherwise.”

“The sad thing is you’re probably right.”

Chrysalis barked sharply in reply before laying her head back down on the couch.

“Good luck with that one, Applejack,” Starlight whispered as she waved goodbye.

“Thanks, Starlight.” With that, the unicorn departed, and AJ shut the door behind her. Turning her attention back to the less-than-helpful hired hoof masquerading as a dog, she took a breath to calm herself. “I ain’t gonna be the one needing luck around here.”

At the sound of the door closing, Apple Bloom rushed into the room, causing the disguised changeling to perk up from the couch at the sight of the filly. “Who was that at the door, sis?”

“Starlight Glimmer.”

“Really? For a sec I thought it might’ve been Fluttershy with a puppy.”

“Nah, she was just bringing Chrysalis over.”

“Chrysalis! She’s here?” Apple Bloom shouted in concern, causing the dog to sink back down. “Where?”

Applejack tilted her head towards the sullen critter on the couch. Apple Bloom darted to the other side of her sister before taking a nervous peek. Her fear slowly evaporated seeing the collie curled up on the couch, grousing at them with tired eyes.

“You mean that’s Chrysalis?” Apple Bloom asked in disbelief.

“In the fur. She was pretending to be that collie I told y’all about the other day.”

Apple Bloom grimaced. “Glad I didn’t go anywhere near her this morning on the way to school.”

Chrysalis gave a classy snort to agree.

Applejack paused. “Wait, ya saw her on the way—”

Before AJ could finish her thought, Chrysalis popped up from the couch and started barking up a storm.

“Land sakes, Chrys, use your words!” Applejack shouted back at the fake dog. If something was really bugging her, AJ wished she’d just come out and say it. “Now, what was that about seeing her this morning?”

“On our way to meet Sweetie Belle, me and Scootaloo saw—”

The couch exploded in green fire, revealing Chrysalis simmering with rage. Finding her fear again, Apple Bloom ducked back behind her sister’s legs.

“What the hay has gotten into you?” Applejack fumed at the changeling.

Still refusing to say anything, Chrysalis clicked her tongue and laid back down on the couch, or at least tried to. She’d hopped a little too close to the side as Classy to make room for her natural form’s larger size. She nearly fell down, but caught her head in her hoof and planted her knee firmly on the corner, attempting to play it off.

AJ snickered. “Smooth, Sugarcube.”

“Shut up,” the silent bug finally said, her dual-toned viciousness seeping through her bitter words. Apple Bloom shuddered even more, causing Chrysalis’ snide frown to sink.

“What’s all the fuss in here? Soups gonna get cold if y’all don’t get back to eating!” Granny complained as she tottered into the family room. Her old eyes were immediately drawn to the weird-looking girl striking a pose like one of those Prench mares. “Is this the beetle princess y’all were talking about, Apple Bloom?”

“Uhh, yeah?” the filly answered as her eyes flitted between the former queen of the changelings and the current queen of the homestead.

“She don’t look like a stink bug to me. Maybe a stick with how wiry she is, but we Apples can fix that in a jiffy. You need to mind your manners, Apple Bloom.”

The filly forced a nervous laugh as Chrysalis narrowed her slitted eyes. She swallowed her fear and trotted towards the kitchen. “H-hey! Let’s just go back to the table, Granny Smith!”

“Alright then. That means you too, big girl. We set a place for ya even if you were later than a spring chicken in autumn.”

“Sure you won’t lose your appetite with me—” Before Chrysalis could finish her taunt, Granny lightly kicked the back of the couch, knocking the frail queen out of her unstable lounging.

“Not as long as you're minding your manners and wash them holey hooves of yours before sitting at the table.”

“How dare you!” Chrysalis shot to her hooves angrily and stormed over to the geriatric pony. “You can’t just treat me—Oww!” she cried as Granny Smith smacked the changeling on her royal rump.

“Now that’s enough of that hogwash outta you. Ain’t gonna let a guest be treated unneighborly. Especially by herself.”

Not putting up with any more delays in lunch, Granny Smith spun the changeling around and began pushing her towards the kitchen. To AJ’s and Chrysalis’ surprise, Granny Smith was able to overpower the starved changeling as she shoved her from behind. The former queen did her best to stop her advance as her hooves skid across the floorboards. She looked like Winona getting shoved towards bathtime.

“Wait! I don’t even eat your food! I eat love!”

“Well good thing that’s a key ingredient in our victuals. Now go on, get washed up so we can eat!”

With one final shove, Chrysalis tumbled into the kitchen. She caught her fall just in time for Big Mac to see her gracelessly stabilize herself. With a dignified cough, she straightened up with poise fitting her regal stature, only to bang her gnarled horn on the wood rafters overhead. Fighting through the pain, she looked over at the table to see Big Mac grimacing sympathetically from her harsh impact before realizing what he was doing. He quickly wiped the pity from his face and started whistling while looking away from the irate changeling.

“Soaps in the wooden apple with the pump,” Applejack explained for their guest.

“Figures. Everything is apples here,” She noted, as her eyes wandered about the room. There were apples on the cabinets, on the rafters, dotted on the curtains, and plenty more outside in the orchard. After a quick wash, Chrysalis carefully ducked under the door into the dining room behind AJ.

“Your spot’s right there across from Apple Bloom,” Granny Smith said as she pointed to the guest’s spot.

Applejack took her seat next to her sister as Chrysalis sat down where she was told. Her eyes wandered to the stallion sitting next to her who was sweating up a storm in the presence of the fearsome villain. Her gaze wandered to the filly who had pulled herself closer to her big sister. Chrysalis smirked confidently, flashing a little bit of her razor teeth at the prey around her.

Finally, the former queen looked down at her food, and raised her brow. “What, no apples?”

Granny shook her head. “Every Apple loves an apple, but we don’t eat ‘em all the time.”


With the additional presence at the table, the meal resumed in earnest. Big Mac and Apple Bloom did their best to focus on their food, keeping a furtive eye on their guest while Chrysalis ate silently. The only sound coming from the changeling was the unnatural hum of her sickly green magic levitating her utensils as she forced down what was in front of her.

“Well, whatcha think?” Granny asked between bites.

“I think it’s pony food,” Chrysalis answered vaguely.

“Darn tootin!” Granny laughed as she shoveled another spoonful into her mouth. “This here is my cream potato soup. It’s got carrots, onions, potatoes of course, and everything else that’ll help put some weight on those withered withers.”

Chrysalis sighed. “Thanks.”

“I even tried cooking it with extra love considering AJ said that’s what you eat,” the old mare bragged. “Make sure you eat all that up.”

The changeling eyed the soup and took another bite. “I don’t taste any love in this.”

“Nonsense, dear. I put my heart n’ soul into every dish I make. It’s what gives my cooking that extra kick.”

“You can’t cook love. I’ve tried.”

“Load a hooey, that is! I’ve been cooking dinners for this family for years and I always make sure to put it in there.” Granny hummed to herself, eying Chrysalis’ soup to figure out what was wrong with it. “Ya tried stirring it up a bit? The love might’ve all sunk to the bottom of the bowl by now.”

Apple Bloom cleared her throat at the changeling’s low growl. “Granny? Maybe you shouldn’t—”

“Shouldn’t what? Try to make our new friend here feel comfortable?” Granny shot back sternly.

It was Chrysalis’ turn to be surprised by Granny Smith. She nearly dropped her spoon back in the soup at the fiery temper from the elder.

“Lookie here, y’all, I’m just trying to make our guest feel welcome, unlike the rest of you. Where’d y’all put that Apple Family Hospitality y’all were taught? She might’ve been late, but she’s here now to help with the harvest!”


“No buts! Maybe she’s being a grump because y’all treated her wrong from the moment she stepped through the door!”

Apple Bloom slumped her shoulders. “Sorry, Granny Smith.”

“I ain’t the one needing your apology.”

Apple Bloom sighed and looked up to the fearsome villain across from her who was equally shocked by what was happening. “S-sorry.”

Granny Smith turned towards her other two grandfoals. “Well? What’re you waiting for?”

“What?” AJ stammered.

“Y’all been ornery since this morning, AJ. Been complaining nonstop about how she was a no-show, but now look who showed up! And Big MacIntosh, you know better than to just sit there agreeing with Apple Bloom’s behavior. She might be a princess beetle or whatever, but if uhh…” Granny’s tirade trailed as she turned to their strange guest. “What'd you say your name was again?”

“Chrysalis,” she mumbled in reply, completely thrown by the old mare.

“Christoper? That’s a weird name for a lovely critter like yourself. Mind if I just call ya Chris?”

Chrysalis blinked. “No, that’s—”

“Thanks, dearie. Now as I was saying, if she’s willing to work, then Chris is welcome in our home! Now, apologize!”

“You’re right Granny,” Applejack admitted. “Sorry I lost my temper Chrys. You might’ve gotten here late, but ain’t no reason for me to be cursing up a storm behind your back.”

Big Mac frowned at himself as he dragged a hoof across the floor. “My apologies, Miss Chrysalis.”

Chrysalis flinched, like most ponies did, upon hearing the big lug’s deep voice for the first time. She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. She shook her head and returned to her soup.

“Good. Now that we got that settled, let’s enjoy a meal together and get back to work before Princess Celestia puts the sun down for the day.”

After finishing lunch, Granny Smith shooed Applejack and Chrysalis out the door to get to the first day job training, which was gonna be a bit more miserable of a time practicing bucking out in the afternoon sun without some sort of relief. Luckily, daddy had left her with a little memory to help with that. So, following in her own steps, Applejack led Chrysalis down near the river.

Chrysalis, for her part, was following behind, silently scanning the trees as they passed them by. After Granny’s apologies’ stunning effect had worn off, she hadn’t said much of anything unless she was asked directly. Even then, she only gave curt answers, but Granny didn’t seem to mind. That tune would probably change if the changeling didn’t brighten up a bit by tomorrow. Chrys’ poor attitude would only fly as long as she was being treated poorly. After that, it was up to “Christopher” to lighten up.

But something was still clearly eating at her after all the making up. Applejack was trying to connect the dots in her head. The last thing she wanted was to stir the pot with questions. She had an inkling that the direct approach wouldn’t go so well. The changeling might not be able to hide much when she talked without a mask, but she was doing a fantastic job at giving her nothing to work with considering the silent treatment AJ was getting.

There was nothing for it if Chrys wasn’t in a talking mood. Applejack sighed and turned to her new helper, hoping to actually get some help from her. “Alright, Chrys. Ready for your first lesson in apple-bucking?”

“Wait, you’re serious? I’ve got a horn.”

“That ain’t how we Apples do things around here. We treat the trees here with love and respect,” she explained with pride.

“How is bucking a tree respectful?”

“We don’t just whack ‘em willy-nilly. We’re sure to spark a bit of magic in the kick to thank ‘em for their hard work.” She trotted next to the tree she’d led them to. It grew a short trot away from the water’s edge. “Take Alonzo here.”

“Alonzo? You name the trees?”

“Sure do! We call him ‘Lonnie’ for short. By the way, there’s also a golden delicious tree on the other side of the orchard named Christopher.”

Chrysalis frowned with contempt. “Very funny, AJ.”

“I thought you might like that one,” she teased to Chrys’ bitter sigh. The farmer felt a twinge of annoyance at the stubborn bug’s outright refusal to cheer up, but buried it to get on with the lesson. “Now, Lonnie is of the sweetwater variety. They won’t be blooming again until next year, but he’ll be good to get your form down. I wanted you to be near some water to cool off in case you end up tuckering yourself out.”

“Okay, but why can’t I just take the apples with my magic?”

“Cause the tree doesn't get anything in return when you do it rough like that. You can pick a couple off a branch for a quick bite if ya want, but if we’re taking everything they have, best to thank them for their hard work by giving them something back.”

“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m not exactly the giving type.”

“Well, you’d be using up love to pick them with magic, right?”

“True, but I could just as easily turn into an owlbear and shake them down,” Chrysalis pondered aloud with a sinister smile.

Applejack sighed into her hoof. “Look. Harvesting fruit is a gift exchange. We get fruit from them and they get a boost in magic from us. We live in harmony with—”

“Stopping you right there, Applejack. In case you forgot, I’m not exactly filled with harmony here. I’d probably only get as far as the ‘harm’ part,” she complained while lightly smacking the tree’s trunk with the back of her fetlock.

“That’s why we’ll be asking Lonnie for some help in that department. He’s one of the oldest sweetwaters around and can take a beating. He’s liable to break you before you can break him.”

“Great. Can’t wait to lose a fight to a tree.”

“That’s what I did when I was learning how to apple-buck back in the day. Me and Lonnie go way back. Despite the name, a sweetwater tree’s gotta be hardy as they can get to survive near the water. Most other trees’ll get sick or even die, but old Lonnie here's been doing his best ever since Sweet Apple Acres has been growing sweetwater apples.” Applejack smiled fondly and patted Lonnie’s bark in appreciation of his years of stalwart service. “He’s a rough one alright, but he’s also kind enough to be the closest tree to the river, so you can always take a swig of water if he wears ya down.”

“Alright already. I don’t need the botany lesson. Just show me what to do.”

Applejack swore under her breath for patience with the buggy mare. “Okay, first off, each tree has a sweet spot to hit to get all the apples in one go, but as long as you’re persistent, you can usually get everything down with a single buck. Lonnie’s been at this for years, so you can see where he likes to get hit.” Applejack pointed to a slight indentation in the bark. “Still gotta put some muscle behind it, but—”

“What’s the first position?” Chrysalis asked impatiently.

Applejack took a deep breath through her nose and shot a glare over at the unhelpful hired hoof. “Look, do you want to do this proper or not?”

“I can if you’d get on with it.” The former queen buzzed her wings impatiently.

“Okay, fine. We’ll try it your way. First you’ll wanna get a little low,” Applejack explained as she hunkered down, sizing up her mark. She looked back at Chrysalis’s form and did a double-take.

Chrysalis was staring wide-eyed at her in rapt attention in the same position. She sat perfectly still to an unnerving degree, unblinking and unmoving. The changeling’s predatory gaze bore right through as it took in every inch of her stance. AJ nearly toppled over until Chrysalis caught her in her magic.

“I’m going to take a wild guess and say the fall isn’t part of it?” Chrysalis mocked while setting Applejack upright.

“Good gracious, girl!” Applejack gasped, trying to find her breath again. “Gotta warn folks when you’re gonna stare at a pony like that!”

Chrysalis sighed and rolled her eyes. “Get over it. What’s step two?”

“Right.” After clearing her throat, Applejack got back into position, while watching Chrysalis this time. She bent down, and so did Chrysalis. She reared back, and so did Chrysalis. She slowly stretched out her leg, and so did Chrysalis.

“Umm, Chrys?”

“What is it?”

“Are you trying to copy me?” AJ asked.

“No, I am copying you.”

“I mean, like exactly?”

“Obviously,” Chrysalis remarked flatly. “Would you just get on with it?”

“Hold up, Chrys,” Applejack said while straightening back up.

“What is it now?” Chrysalis complained while following suit.

“You can’t just copy what I’m doing.”

“Yes I can. I’m doing it right now. Watch.” Chrysalis’ horn lit up, and for a second, Applejack felt a fly brush past her head. Her ear flopped from the touch, but she thought nothing of it. Chrysalis simply stared back at AJ, patiently waiting as well.

“Well? Ain’t ya gonna—Whoa Nelly!” Applejack yelped.
“Well? Ain’t ya gonna—Whoa Nelly!” Chrysalis yelped.

Applejack flinched, taking three steps back from the perfectly mirroring changeling.
Chrysalis flinched, taking three steps back from the perfectly mirroring pony.

“Okay, that’s enough of that. You made your point.”
“Okay, that’s enough of that. You made your point.”

Applejack galloped to her left, trying to circle around to Chrys’ backside.
Chrysalis galloped to her left, trying to circle around to AJ’s backside.

AJ sighed in frustration. She was getting nowhere with the mimicking changeling.
Chys sighed in frustration. She was getting nowhere with the mimicking pony.

Applejack sighed in frustration. “Seriously, knock it off!”
Chrysalis sighed in frustration. “Seriously, knock it off!”

Finally, AJ had enough and stomped forward.
Finally, Chrys had enough and stomped forward.

“Fancy fried fritters feature five fantastic flavors for fun-filled fillies frequently!”
“Fancy fried fritters feature five fantastic flavors for fun-filled fillies frequently!”

Seeing as how Chrysalis repeated her flawlessly, Applejack frowned deeply.
Seeing that she’d repeated it flawlessly, Chrysalis smirked victoriously.

“See? Easy,” the bug bragged with the haughty arrogance of her former royal station. “You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve managed to fool somepony’s lover when I got caught thanks to that little trick.”

Applejack furrowed her brow. “That’s mighty cruel, Chrysalis.”

“Hey! That’s not why I…” Chrysalis trailed with a growl and frowned at herself. “Whatever. I can mimic you exactly and copy this apple-buck of yours.”

“So, what? You’re gonna watch me buck every tree in the orchard?”

“No. Just this one. Why would I have to watch you more than once?”

“Chrys, every tree is different. Ya can’t just stamp each one with the same kick and expect apples to rain down.”

Chrysalis scoffed. “Then I’ll just keep kicking until every apple falls.”

“You can’t do that, Chrysalis! You’ll hurt the trees! It’s not just about getting the job, but getting it done right.”

“I’m trying to do it right, but you won’t show me!”

“And I’m trying to tell ya that you can’t just copy what I do and expect it to work! Ya gotta do it proper!”

“The way I would is by copying you! I don’t have time to learn to do it ‘proper!’”

“Well whose fault is that?” Applejack shouted.

“Yours!” Chrysalis shouted back furiously.

“What in the world are you on about?” Applejack had just about had enough of this treatment from the other mare. “I told you we were starting at five! I waited an hour at the front gate for you to show, but you never did!”

“That’s because you didn’t—!” Chrysalis’ conviction stopped cold in its tracks. Her rage faltered and she snapped her mouth shut.

“Wait, didn’t what?”

Her slitted eyes flickered briefly with fear before Chrys growled through them. “Nothing! Just show me how to kick these stupid trees already!”

Applejack shook her head. That had been the first honest thing Chrys had said all day. “Now hold up, what didn’t I do?”

“It’s not about what you didn’t do, it’s about what you’re not doing right now!” Chrysalis lied as she looked away with that sullen frown from earlier.

“I know better than to buy a spoiled bushel barrel like that, Chrys. Something’s been eating at ya like a termite chewing up a two by four.” Applejack tapped her chin as she tried placing that frown’s source. “Actually, probably before you got here too. Weren’t exactly in a talking mood when Starlight brought you over.”

Chrysalis’ eyes shrank briefly before her rage returned with vengeance. “I said it’s not important! Stop thinking about it!” the dethroned queen commanded.

Seeing the fire in Chrys’ eyes, AJ knew she was on the right track to something. She brushed off the royal order and rubbed the side of her head. All of this double-talk was starting to wear her down. Why couldn’t the dang girl just tell her plainly when something was bothering the mare this much?

Applejack paused as déjà vu tugged her by the tail. She’d had a similar thought earlier.

Apple Bloom was trying to tell her something about seeing Chrysalis on their way to school, and the changeling had started barking up something fierce. Why? Did she not want them talking about that? If those two fillies saw “Classy” on the way to grab Sweetie Belle before school, that’d have to be sometime around seven. They would’ve probably trotted through Town Square to get there quicker. That was where Starlight had found Chrysalis napping, likely under that big old tree where her family had always set up the apple stand…

Likely the only place Chrysalis had ever seen her working.

“Yesterday, did I tell you exactly where to meet me?” Applejack asked hesitantly.

Chrysalis’ eye started twitching in boiling rage, her teeth grinding together like saw blades. More than that though, she saw the changeling’s face heat up from embarrassment. Had she been waiting for her under that tree all morning?

“Shoot Chrys. I’m sorry. I figured you’d know what I meant when saying—”

“I knew what you meant! I’m not stupid, Applejack!” Chrysalis barked defensively as her eyes searched for excuses. “I-I was just blowing you off because I didn’t want to denigrate myself to the level of a miserable little peasant like you!”

“Hey now. No need for that kind of talk. If I confused you, then it’s my fault for steering you wrong in the first place.”

Chrysalis turned away with that same sullen frown she’d been wearing most of the day. The former queen’s legs were shaking from her emotions roiling underneath. “I’m not stupid.”

“I know you’re not. I should’ve been clearer—”

“You should have!” Chrysalis interrupted before catching herself. She sat down, and pulled at her mane, trying to steady her breathing while staring at nothing in particular. She tore at it so fiercely, Applejack worried she was going to make the holes bigger.

“Calm down, it’s okay.” Applejack stood up and approached the disturbed changeling.

“I’ll be okay once you’ve shown me what I’m supposed to do already so I can hurry up and have something to eat!”

“If that’s all, then let me at least—” She tried to reach her hoof out, only for Chrysalis to swat it away and recoil back from it.

“Don’t you dare! I haven’t worked for it yet!”

“Well, how are you supposed to do any good work if you’re hungry?”

“I’m always hungry!”

“Well, at least let me help by apologizing first.”

“I don’t want your apology! I want your love!” Chrysalis demanded adamantly.

Applejack coughed from the sudden, furiously passionate confession. Seeing how Chrysalis failed to notice what she just said, Applejack shook it off. “Well, you can have it, alright? I hate seeing ya tearing yourself up for no good reason.”

“I’m not. I’m not…” Chrysalis trailed as she pulled furiously at her mane. “I’m not!”

“Look, Chrys. One thing y’all gotta understand about harmony-filled critters like me is that most of us don’t like seeing others suffering if we can help it.”

Chrysalis’ face scrunched up in disgust. “Bleeding hearts,” she spat under her breath. “All of you ponies are just pathetic weaklings.”

Applejack took a sharp breath and stomped her hoof. “Alright, that’s enough outta you!”

Chrysalis’ face fell in shock from the sudden outburst. “What?”

“Look, I’m real sorry if I made you feel bad, alright? I feel bad for making you feel bad, but that don’t mean ya gotta make me feel worse about it! And we ain’t weaker for it neither! Last I checked, you were the one putting up less than a fight against my Granny!”

Applejack could see that last jab wasn’t helping as Chrysalis flashed her fangs. This wasn’t helping. She knew that after getting into plenty of fights with Big Mac growing up, but she needed to get it off her chest or Chrysalis wasn’t gonna be the only mare exploding around these parts.

“Now, you listen up, Chrys! I don’t know what I’m supposed to do to make this right. Heck, I don’t fully get why you’re this upset about my mess up, but the least you could do is let me know what I can do to make it right. If you don’t wanna help on the farm neither, that’s fine too. Just tell it to me straight, ya hear!”

“N-no!” Chrysalis shuddered back. “You said you’d give me love if I worked for you!”

“I said that, yeah, but if you don’t wanna be here I ain’t gonna force ya.”

“Then what am I supposed to do for love?”

“Just ask for it!” Applejack urged. “You can just have some if you want!”

“But you said I had to work for it.”

“Cause you kept harping on me pitying you when I wasn’t! Figured the only way I could help without you raising a big stink about it is by letting ya work here. But I don’t want ya here if you don’t wanna do the work right!”

Chrysalis looked away. “Right. It’s not like you’d really want me around.”

“What did I tell ya yesterday about putting words in my mouth? Between the farmwork and helping Twi with her new princess stuff, I’m getting further and further behind on helping provide for my family. I figured you’d know a thing or two about that. I don’t wanna starve anymore than you do!"

Chrysalis said nothing.

Applejack sighed and pulled her hat over her face, taking a deep breath through her nose of the sweaty fabric for strength from her daddy. After a pat on her back, she put his hat back on and looked Chrys square in the eyes. “I'm sorry I lost my temper, Chrysalis. Honestly? You can be real frustrating. If ya won’t tell me what’s going on up here,” Applejack pointed to her head, “I cant’ help ya with what’s going on in here,” she explained as she moved her hoof down to her heart.

Chrysalis still said nothing. Her face burned brighter as she dug into her lip with her fangs. She slowly fell down onto the grass and crossed her forelegs over her face as she fumed in frustration. AJ could still see the changeling’s pained grimace through a couple of the holes in her legs and the mare’s breath quickening. Chrysalis was struggling something fierce with herself, but she just wouldn’t talk about it.

Applejack had no idea what was going on or why, but it was plain to see that whatever was going on inside was tearing Chrysalis at the seams. Looking over the other mare, it was almost like she was trying to hide. She’d seen Fluttershy duck behind that flowing mane of hers plenty of times, but with Chrys there was no getting away from something on the inside.

“Dag nabbit, girl,” AJ cursed under her breath as she trotted over to Chrysalis’ side and sat down. She’d seen the mare get blindingly violent before, so instead of tempting fate, she simply leaned her head against the big girl’s barrel.

Applejack felt the mare flinch, but she was too busy wrangling with herself. Despite sticking close to the shade, her black exoskeleton was pretty baked from being out in the sun. It was weird to the touch; not quite bare skin, but not a stiff beetle shell like she would’ve figured. This close and in the daylight, she could make out the trace outlines of tiny hexagons woven together in her outer coating.

What was pretty solid was the plating on her back. It resembled a weird, stiff saddle with the feel of a boat’s underside, but had a little less give than the black of her barrel. She recalled it being a lot greener before too. Just like the rest of her, everything about her was mysterious. If today was any indication, getting Chrysalis to explain anything about herself was gonna be trickier than shaving a sneezing porcupine

But for now, there was nothing for it. The farmer was gonna fall further behind her work today until Chrysalis calmed down. It irked her, but what was more upsetting than anything was all the nothing she was doing to help the critter doubled over in stress. So, AJ did the only thing she knew she could and grabbed a bundle of Chrysalis mane.

AJ smacked her hoof a couple times on one of Lonnie’s roots, shaking the bit of mud she’d collected off. Then, she polished her hoof on her fur, inspecting it to ensure she’d have a clean, straight edge to brush with. It wasn’t perfect, but it’d have to do. At this rate, she’d need to start carrying a comb or something in her hat if this was gonna be a normal thing. With long, sweeping motions, she began brushing Chrysalis’ mane, feeling the slight drain through the contact as the familiar light pulsed with her rhythm.

Applejack said nothing. She simply stroked the silky mane, hoping she was helping. At least Chrys wasn’t putting up a fight. Saying she was sorry hadn’t worked, so maybe showing she was would do the trick. Either way, the apple trees were gonna have to wait a little longer while she worked on another friendship problem.

Author's Note:

If you find a simple mistake in the GSP (Grammar, Spelling, or Punctuation), please let me know through a private message rather than leaving it in the comment section. Thank you for reading!