• Published 8th Sep 2022
  • 6,296 Views, 1,074 Comments

The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Behind the Alien: Hybrids

Drift let out a groan, as he felt himself starting to wake up. As he did, he heard voices and sounds all around him.

Slowly opening his eyes, he looked up and found himself staring at a ceiling made entirely out of crystals. The last thing he remembered, was saying goodbye to his friends and getting into the pods. Had it worked? Was he where he was supposed to be?

"Are you okay?" He looked around and saw a pink pony with purple hair staring at him, offering a hoof for him to take.

He did so and was pulled up to his feet, only to find he couldn't properly stand on them. "WOW!" He fell onto his hands and found he was now quadrupedal. He was shocked by this, but then remembered what his friends had told him. This was what he was supposed to look like, now that he didn't have human DNA within him.

"You okay?" The pony asked, Drift nodding.

"Yeah. Just...gonna take some getting used to."

"I hear that. I've been to that world and going from four legs to two is weird. Probably the same going the other way around." Drift nodded and looked around, only to see the rest of his fellow hybrids were also waking up.

He wasn't the only creature whose body had changed, since Pearl was also now in a quadrupedal form.

He moved over to her, walking proving tricky since he had to use all four limbs. "You okay?" Pearl looked herself over and noticed how she was, then smiled at him before nodding.

"I'm fine. I'm used to having a different number of legs." Drift nodded and looked over at the others, seeing they all looked pretty much the same. He then turned to see the pony he had seen on the computer screen, being a pony version of Twilight.

There was also a smaller creature that looked like Scales, the little dragon smiling as Twilight stepped forward. "Hello every-creature. Welcome to Equestria. I know you've all been waiting a long time for this, so I hope this world doesn't disappoint."

"It certainly looks great," Scales licked his lips seeing the crystals that made up the walls. But before he could take a bite, Twilight rushed over to him.

"Please...don't eat my castle. It's a real hassle to fix." Scales huffed, as Twilight stepped back. "I'm sure you're all eager to see what this world has to offer. And we actually have representatives from four of the nations you each come from. They'll be here shortly."

"What do you mean by representatives?" Drift asked, only for the doors of the room to fly open.

They all looked around and saw that another creature that looked just like him had flown in, only this one was female and wearing a saddlebag. "I'm here!" She called out in a cheery voice. She then spotted Drift and gasped, "you must be the new griffon!" She flew over to him and grabbed his claws, "pleased to meet you! I'm Gabby!" She started shaking his claw at high speed, making his entire body shake. "It's so great that we finally get to meet each other."

"Err...yeah," Drift wasn't sure how to answer that.

A moment later, someone else walked through the door. This time, it was a blue dragon holding a strange staff. "Ember!" The little purple dragon cheered, "you made it."

"Sorry I'm late," Ember landed and looked Scales over. "So, this is the dragon I've been hearing about."

"Yup," Spike nodded, "this is..." He turned to him, "what's your name again?"

"Scales," the hybrid replied. "Friends call me Scales. So," he looked Ember up and down, "you're...in charge of the dragons?" Ember smirked and gave him a tough expression.

"That's right. So if you don't behave, you'll have me to deal with." Scales gulped, as two more individuals arrived.

The first was a large yak and the other was a hippogriff in armor. "Yak here!" The giant horned creature roared, "come to see new yak citizen!" Twilight flew over to them.

"Prince Rutherford. Commander Seaspray. It's nice to see you both."

Seaspray bowed. "It's a pleasure to see you again also." He then noticed Pearl and smiled, "and this must be the young hippogriff we were told about." He moved over to her, "greetings. I am Seaspray. Queen Novo has charged me with coming to bring you back to Mount Aris. I'm sure you have many questions about life there, or in Seaquestria if that is where you wish to live."

"Oh," Pearl nodded, "okay. Is that where my friends are going?" She looked over at the other hybrids, as Rutherford stared at Charger.

"No. They'll be going to live with their own kind. They have much to learn about themselves, just as you do. But I'm sure you can visit them." He gestured for Pearl to follow, the hybrid sharing one last look at the other hybrids before leaving.

Rutherford continued to examine the new member of his trip. "You yak?" Charger nodded, "you no look like yak. Look more Minotaur."

Twilight rushed over to him. "Charger was created using both yak and minotaur DNA. In a way, it's like one of his parents was a minotaur and the other a yak. But we're sure he'll be much happier in Yakyakistan. With all that fur on his body, he'll be much more comfortable someplace cool."

Rutherford hummed, "you strong like yak?" Charger nodded, "we see. Come. We return to Yakyakistan and help you learn yak ways." He turned to leave, running towards the door with Charger following.

Ember and Gabby also told their new kingdom mate that they would need to leave as well, Drift and Scales sharing a look before following the pair. This just left Scoop, who looked around hoping another member of his race would soon arrive.

"I'm sorry," Twilight told him. "I'm afraid we couldn't find any Diamond Dogs to come and show you what life is like for you." Scoop let out a disappointed whine, Twilight patting him on the head. "Don't worry. I'm sure you'll find a place to call your own. And until you do, you can stay here. So long as you behave." Scoop smiled at this and nodded, Twilight smiling before she flew off.

The trip to his new home was certainly an interesting one.

Riding the vehicle called a train was an odd experience, with Gabby asking a hundred questions about his life until now. Drift told her about how he had been created by a madman, who wanted to use him and his friends to create an army of hybrids to sell. He explained how he had been accidently lost by that man, and awoke to find himself lost and in pain thanks to a damage tracker.

He then told her about how he had met Flash Sentry, who managed to stop his pain and promised to protect him. How he had learned about many things from Fluttershy and grew into a griffon that could survive on his own. Now, he was ready to start his life anew.

The train eventually arrived at the station near Griffonstone, the pair getting out and flying the rest of the way. But when he saw Griffonstone, he wasn't exactly impressed.

The place was a mess and he spotted a lot of griffons avoiding one another. He frowned at this, as Gabby led him towards one of the buildings. "This is the house of Grampa Gruff."

"And is he...like the leader of Griffonstone?"

Gabby hummed, "we don't really have a leader here. But I guess he's the closest thing to one we've got." Drift nodded, as Gabby moved up to the house and knocked. Moments later, the door flew open and an old buzzard of a griffon leapt out.

"What!?" He cried, shocking Gabby and making her fly back. "What do you want? I'm trying to sleep here!"

"Oh," Gabby smiled, "sorry Grampa Gruff. I just thought you'd want to meet the new griffon." Gruff turned to Drift, who gulped as the old griffon moved over to take a closer look.

"So...you're the one I've heard about." He circled around him, "what makes you so special, huh?"

"Well," Drift looked up and saw nopony was in the air. "Check this out." He took a deep breath before letting out a sonic squawk, the sound blast flying into the air and deafening any-griffon that was nearby.

"Wow," Gabby gasped, "that was amazing."

"Hardly," Gruff rolled his eyes. "So you can yell really loudly. That ain't gonna bring in the bits around here." He moved back towards his house. "Princess Twilight wanted me to teach you how to be a griffon. Well here's your one and only lesson. Griffons do what they want, when they want. You wanna live here, live here. You wanna make bits, find a way to make bits. If you can't, you're nothing but a waste of space." With that, he stepped back into his house and pulled the door shut with a slam.

Drift flinched at this, turning to Gabby. "Well...he seemed nice."

Gabby smiled, "he takes some getting used to." She gestured for him to follow. "Come on. You can live at my house, until you can get one of your own." Drift followed, as they headed for her place.

"Thanks," Drift told her. "I know you don't have to do all this for me."

"I'm happy to help," Gabby smiled. "I'm a Cutie Mark Crusader, after all." Drift had no idea what that was, but he was thankful for her all the same.

As Pearl and Seaspray rode the train to Mount Aris, the hippogriff gasped at the beauty of it.

The train pulled into the station and as she got out, she saw the many hippogriffs that all looked exactly like her. They were all flying around, having a great time and enjoying being hippogriffs. And as she looked out into the ocean, she saw a bunch of seaponies swimming about.

"Wow," she whispered, "this place is amazing."

Seaspray smiled, "glad you like it. This'll be your new home." As he said that, something leapt out of the water and was surrounded by light. That something was soon revealed to be a majestic hippogriff, besides two hippogriff soldiers and a younger hippogriff. "Queen Novo." He bowed and Pearl followed suit, "may I introduce Pearl of Earth. She is most gracious to be here."

"Yes," Pearl nodded, "thank you."

"No thanks needed darling," Novo smiled. "Princess Twilight told us what happened to you. I'm only sorry it had to happen."

"Yeah," the younger hippogriff smiled, "but it's okay. Now we can have fun whenever you want. You, me, Shelly and Sheldon." She held up a pair of shells with googly eyes, Pearl raising an eyebrow at this.

Novo sighed before stepping forward and holding something out. "Here you go. With this, you'll be able to live in both the sea and sky." Pearl looked down and saw a tiny shard of something. "This is a small part of the Pearl of Transformation. It's what gives us all the power to become seaponies."

"Oh," Pearl smiled, "thank you. But that's not necessary." She rushed over to the beach and dived into the water, transforming into her seapony form as she popped her head out of the water. "I have that ability built in." The hippogriffs and seaponies were shocked by this, as Pearl began to swim around before leaping into the air and returning to her hippogriff form.

"How are you doing that?" A hippogriff asked, as Pearl landed.

"I have the DNA of hippogriffs and seaponies inside of me," Pearl explained. "Plus some alien fish DNA that lets me switch between them. No big deal." From the looks of the hippogriffs and seaponies, it was a big deal.

Ember and Scales flew across the land and eventually, they reached the place known as the Dragon Lands.

"Wow," Scales whispered, "not bad." They flew down and landed on the rocks, Scales continuing to look around as Ember sat down to take a rest. "So what exactly do we do around here?"

"Anything you want," Ember told him. "Just don't do anything that'll upset me and you have free reign." Scales frowned at this.

"What exactly would upset you?"

"Lots of things." Scales slumped, "like emptying out the lava in a nearby lake. That almost stopped us from being able to hatch the eggs. Also, no attacking ponies or any other creature that the dragons are allied with."

"Got it," Scales nodded. "So...other then that, I can do whatever I want?"

"Pretty much." Ember stood back up, "I gotta go make sure nothing went wrong whilst I was gone. You look around and try to figure out what you like doing." She took off and Scales began to head towards a nearby crater, wondering what he might find when he got there.

As he got closer, he heard a bunch of roars and cheers and picked up the pace. He soon reached the edge and looked down to see a bunch of teenage dragons, who appeared to be wrestling each other.

Scales watched as a red dragon overpowered another and lifted him into the air, then threw him out of the ring carved into the ground. When the dragon hit the ground outside of the ring, the other dragons cheered as the red one started flexing and cheering for himself.

Scales wasn't too impressed. After seeing Flash fight against Tirek, that dragon overpowering another was pretty tame in comparison.

The dragons suddenly realised he was there, the red one staring at him and humming before flying up. "Who are you?" He asked, pointing his claw at him.

"Just a dragon new to these lands," Scales replied.

"I thought you didn't look familiar," a brown dragon stated as they all flew up towards him. "So, where you from? Don't tell me we got another dragon that grew up around ponies."

"No," Scales frowned, "I didn't grow up around ponies. Where I come from is...kind of a long story."

"Who cares," the red one flew behind him. "Let's see how tough you are!" He shoved him over the crater's edge and the dragon hybrid cried out, as he fell towards the ground and eventually stopped in the middle of the circle.

He groaned as he pushed himself up and the red one landed in front of him, "hey!"

"What's the matter?" He asked, "gonna cry? Gonna ask your mommy to give you a hug?" He and his friends started laughing, as Scales growled and stood up. "Come on. Show us what you got!" That was all Scales needed and he rushed forward, attempting to grab the red dragon and throw him to the ground.

But the dragon managed to grab his arms and squeeze his wrists, making him flinch as they struggled against one another.

"Go Garble!" A purple dragon cheered, as the pair tried to overpower the other. But eventually, Scale's feet lost their footing and Garble was able to throw him away.

Scales cried out as he flew through the air and smashed into the ground, rolling around until he came to a stop and groaned. The other dragons laughed as they made jokes, then took to the air and flew off with Scales frowning.

Charger was freezing cold.

He and Rutherford made their way through the snow until they reached the entrance of Yakyakistan, the hybrid seeing the large wooden fence front of him. Rutherford pushed the gate open and they stepped through them into the village. "YAKS OF YAKYAKISTAN!" Charger looked around and saw many yaks stepping out of huts and making their way over to him. "We have new yak joining tribe!"

The yaks looked at Charger and seemed confused. "He not yak!" One stated, "just hairy minotaur!"

"Charger yak!" He stated, "but with minotaur parents." The yaks didn't seem to buy this, Charger frowning as Rutherford stepped forward.

"Give him chance. Me sure he prove himself worthy yak." The yaks all nodded, open to letting Charger show his worth. "Wood gathers! Take new yak out to help knock down trees. Big arms carry many logs!" A bunch of yaks nodded and they took Charger out of the village, the lot of them heading down the snowy hill with Charger needing to be careful he didn't slip in the snow.

They eventually reached a large group of trees. There, the yaks rushed forward and smashed their heads into the trunks. This caused it to break apart and the tree fell right on top of the yak, who caught it on his back with another yak behind him to take the weight as well.

Four more yaks did the same and managed to get two more trees, whilst Charger stepped forward and grabbed the trunk in his hands.

He wrapped hair around his body to increase his strength and lifted, the tree quickly getting pulled up by the roots. The yaks watched this and were amazed, as Charger pulled the tree completely out of the ground. He laughed at this and carried the tree himself, allowing him to head back towards the village without a problem whilst the others had to carefully move so as to not drop their tree.

By the time those six yaks reached the bottom of the Yakyakistan hill, Charger was almost to the top.

He was feeling pretty good, thinking he had made an good impression on them. But as he was about to get to the top, the snow he stepped on gave way and his foot jerked. This caused him to lose his balance and eventually fell over, dropping his tree into the snow and causing it to roll down the hill.

This caused the snow on the hill to be ploughed further down, causing a small avalanche that the yaks gasped at. Before they could escape, the snow slammed down on them.

Charger flinched when he saw the six dig themselves out, not looking happy. "Sorry."

"What happen here?" They looked up to see Rutherford at the top of the hill, the yak chief making his way down. "Trees covered in snow? Too wet for fire!"

"New yak fault," one of them blamed. "He slip! Make snow fall." Rutherford turned to Charger, who frowned as he realised he was likely in trouble.

Scoop was still in the castle, staring out at the window as night fell.

Rarity and Spike had taken him to where the Diamond Dogs were last seen around Ponyville, but they had apparently moved to a different location. The pup whined as he lay on the ground, feeling lonely. The ponies in the town were nice, but he didn't feel like they really understood him.

He was starting to miss his hybrid friends, even though he had only known them two weeks. They had accepted him as a fellow creation of Tirek and they had fought together. That kind of bond was something Scoop was missing.

Twilight and Spike were watching Scoop from down the hall, both feeling sorry for him. "Poor guy," Spike sighed. "He's really lonely."

"Diamond Dogs are social creatures," Twilight explained. "They're pack animals. They need to be in a group they trust. Not on their own."

"But we can't find any Diamond Dogs," Spike pointed out. "What do we do if we never find a pack for him to join?"

Twilight sighed. "I'm sure he'll open up. We just need to give it time." Though she wasn't entirely sure how much time. She just hoped it wouldn't be too long.

One month later.

Drift was still bunking with Gabby, having been unable to find a job that paid enough to get his own place.

He had taken a bunch of small side jobs, but none of them really worked out. And they definitely didn't pay great, griffon greed being a main factor in that part. But today he would be starting a new job, that would hopefully allow him to make enough bits to start his new life right. He was helping Gabby with the mail.

"Alright!" Gabby smiled as she gave Drift his own mail bag. "We've got a bunch of mail to delivery to a bunch of different kingdoms."

"Really?" Drift asked, "why would griffons have mail meant to go to different kingdoms?"

"Don't know," Gabby told him. "Not my job to know what's in the mail. Just my job to deliver it." She opened the bag to show him the mail. "There are a bunch of letters that have to go to the hippogriff on Mount Aris."

"Mount Aris?" Drift's eyes went wide as he remembered, "that's where Pearl is. Can I deliver theses?"

"That's the plan," she stated. "Then there's a letter that needs to be delivered to Dragon Lord Ember in the Dragon Lands. You can deliver that one too." Drift smiled, since that meant he could visit Scales as well.

He quickly took the bag and flew into the air, Gabby following after him. He had spent the month he had been there looking through some of the books Gabby had in her house, one of them being a book of maps that Drift had been rather interest in. Thanks to that, he knew how to get to each of the kingdoms that his fellow hybrids were now living.

He eventually split off from Gabby and headed towards Mount Aris, excited to see how Pearl was doing after so long.

Pearl was swimming through the caverns of Seaquestria, having just attended a sea tea party with some other seaponies.

The hybrid had had an okay time, but wasn't a big fan of eating things underwater. All the food tasted incredibly salty, making her frown since there was nothing to drink underwater that wasn't also incredibly salty.

As soon as the tea party was over, she swam up towards the surface. Along the way, she saw other seaponies enjoying themselves. They looked around her age, but when they saw her they quickly swam away. Pearl frowned, but had gotten used to this.

Many of the younger hippogriffs and seaponies didn't seem to like that she could transform without the pearl fragment. When she told them she wasn't fully hippogriff or seapony, being part fish alien, they had been freaked out and started keeping their distance.

The adults were much more accommodating, but Pearl felt like they were just taking pity on her.

She hadn't really felt at home in either place. Mount Aris was nice, but it was a little too scenic for her. And the weekly hippogriff pride festival got kind of repetitive. As for Seaquestria, the salty food was just the tip of the iceberg.

She finally reached the surface and leapt into the air, transforming into her hippogriff form and flying up towards the village. As she did, she noticed more hippogriffs playing a sport in the sky.

She flew down to the main square and rushed towards one of the cafes, ordering something that could wash the salty taste out of her mouth.

She sighed and sat at her table, bored out of her mind. But then something happened that caught her attention. "Delivery." Pearl's head shot up before she looked around, seeing none other then Drift handing a letter to a hippogriff.

She gasped and flew over to him, her drink order completely forgotten. "Drift!" He spun around as she reached him, throwing her arms around him. "You're here!" She hugged him, as Drift smiled. "What are you doing at Mount Aris?"

"Delivering mail," he replied. "Figured it'd be a good excuse to come and see you." Pearl smiled as she pulled back, Drift heading to the next address to deliver the rest of his mail with her tagging along. "So, how's life with the rest of your kind."

Pearl sighed, "it's fine. But...it doesn't really feel like home, you know?"

"More than you could possibly imagine." Drift knocked on a door and when the hippogriff answered, he handed the letter over and they happily took it. "Griffonstone's a total dump. Living in that bird cage on Earth was way better than living there. That's why I decided to take this mail gig. Gets me away from the depressing place for a bit."

The pair continued to deliver mail to the hippogriffs until Drift's bag was almost empty. "Does that mean you have to leave?" Pearl looked upset, Drift frowning as well.

"I need to deliver a letter to Dragon Lord Ember in the Dragon Lands."

Pearl gasped, "that means you're going to see Scales!" Drift nodded. "I wanna go see him too. Can I tag along?"

"Sure," Drift opened his wings, "just try to keep up." He took to the air and Pearl shot off after him, the pair beginning to race as they tried to get ahead of each other and laughed as they did so.

Scales sighed as he sat on a rock, munching on one of the few gems he was able to get his claws on.

His time in the Dragon Lands had not been a fun one. All the larger dragons wouldn't even give him a second look and the dragons that were his size were even worse. Ever since getting to the Dragon Lands, he had been completely alone.

Scales remembered the first night he had been there. Ember had called all the dragons around a large fire, where they started telling stories. Ember had asked Scales to tell them his story, interested in hearing about the dragon from another world.

Scales had begrudgingly told them his story, about being created by a madman in order to become a weapon for him. The dragons were shocked to hear the whole story, though some didn't seem to believe he was really less then a year old.

By the time the story came to an end, the dragons were all looking at him like he was some kind of freak. Technically, he was the least unusual out of all the hybrids since all his abilities were the same ones a normal dragon had. But that wasn't good enough for the dragons. The lot of them had decided they didn't want a fake dragon hanging out with them.

As such, he had spent every day since coming there on his own.

Ember had tried to cheer him up occasionally, but her duties as Dragon Lord left her way to busy to really hang out with him. So, Scales remained on his own and had spent his days laying around the Dragon Lands doing nothing.

He finished off his gem and sat up, wondering if maybe he should head somewhere. But he couldn't think of anything that would be fun to do by himself. So he just walked and tried to think of something to do, with nothing really coming to mind.

But that all changed when two dragons passed him by. "Hey," one said, "did you hear? A pair of bird ponies just showed up. Think Ember will let us roast them for dinner?"

Scales stopped when he heard this, curious about these bird ponies they were talking about. There were only two things he could think of that could be called bird ponies.

Spreading his wings, he took off and began to search for these bird ponies. He looked around and eventually, he spotted Ember along with two more individuals. And when he saw who it was, he gasped. "GUYS!" Drift and Pearl looked around and gasped when they saw him.

"Hey," Ember smirked, "wondered where you'd gotten to." She turned to the two guests. "Oh yeah. You were those other hybrids that I saw at Twilight's castle." They nodded as Scales landed, Pearl pulling him into a hug.

"It's so good to see you!" She smiled whilst Scales patted her on the back, then fist bumped Drift. "Are you having a good time here in the Dragon Lands?" As soon as she said this, she knew Scales wasn't.

"Let me guess," Drift sighed. "The other dragons are kind of ignoring you."

"They flat out hate me," Scales told them. "Just because I was made a dragon and not born a dragon, they don't want anything to do with me." Ember wanted to argue, but she had to admit she had noticed this. She was tempted to just order the dragons to hang out with Scales, but knew that wouldn't be much help.

"Geez," Drift sighed, "this world isn't turning out to be the perfect place for us after all. Hopefully, Charger and Scoop are enjoying it more then we are."

"Why don't we go see?" Pearl asked. "We can go see how Charger's doing with the yaks, then go see Princess Twilight to ask where Scoop is." The other two liked the sound of that, Scales turning to Ember.

"Is it okay if I go?" He asked, Ember nodding.

"Sure. Sorry this place wasn't the paradise you were hoping for. You can come back whenever you want. Go have fun with the rest of your friends." Scales nodded and after one last bow, the three flew off as Ember opened the letter she had been sent.

The trio quickly headed north, towards the icy cold of Yakyakistan and their fellow hybrid.

Charger sighed as he worked on knitting the new clothing for a member of the tribe.

He had actually discovered he liked knitting, though it being the only thing he was allowed to do had gotten old fast. Ever since the wood collecting incident, he hadn't even been allowed outside the village. Day in, day out, he was given no new tasks.

He could understand why. Whilst being two-legged meant he could carry stuff better, it didn't make him very graceful. Especially in a snowy environment like this, one slip on something frozen and he had no chance of stopping himself from falling over. It was useless.

He sighed as he added the last cross stitch and placed the finished garment down. He then got up and headed out of the hut, wanting to get some air.

Stepping out into the village, he saw that all the yaks around him were wary. Understandable, given it was only three days ago that he tripped over a rock and accidently knocked over a hut.

He sighed as he tried to find some place he could relax without being in the way. And as he did, he passed Rutherford. "Yak look sad!" He told him. "Yak no like Yakyakistan?"

He sighed. "Charger not meant be here! Not built for slippery ground and fragile homes!"

"Yak agree!" Rutherford nodded. "But yaks no mean. Yaks not kick you out. Give time and yak sure, you find place here."

"Charger doubt that."

"Prince Rutherford!" They both turned to see another yak rushing towards them. "Three creatures at gate! Want see new yak!" Charger was surprised by this and headed for the gate, being careful not to slip as he made his way over. And when he did, he was shocked to see three creatures he had truly missed.

"Friends!" He cheered, seeing Drift, Pearl and Scales. He rushed over and grabbed them, pulling them all into a hug. "Charger happy see you!" He held them tightly, causing the trio to all gasp as they lost their breath.

"We're...happy to see you...too," Drift told him. "But...big guy...air!" Charger let them go and they all gasped, as he smiled at them. "So, how's life in this frozen tundra?" They turned to Charger and saw a frown on his face. "Things not going well for you either?"

"Charger not built for this place," he stated.

"Really?" Scales rubbed his arms to try and warm himself up, wishing his could breathe some fire. "With all that fur, you can't be cold?"

"Two legs bad for snowy place," Charger explained. "Charger keep making mess of things. Yaks not liking me here."

Drift growled. "That's it!" He cried, "this is getting ridiculous! We were sent here because we were promised it'd be the perfect place for us to live. But so far, the four of us have been miserable."

"Well not miserable," Pearl shrugged. "I just wished the other hippogriffs and seaponies didn't think I was some kind of weirdo."

"Same," Scales frowned. "Guess looking like a dragon and acting like a dragon doesn't make you a real dragon." Drift heard this and realised he was right.

"Yeah," he nodded, "we've been doing this all wrong." They all gave him a curious look. "We might look like normal Equestrians, but we're not. We're all a jumbled up mess of different creatures from an entirely different world."

"So?" Pearl asked.

"So, we don't need to live like the creatures we were made from. I might look like a griffon, but I'm sure as heck not going back to Griffonstone."

"Yeah," Scales nodded, "I'm not going back to the Dragon Lands."

Pearl hummed, "so where will you live?" Drift thought about that and slowly, an idea formed in his head.

"Who says I need to live anywhere?" The others looked confused, as Drift looked out at the mountainous terrain they had just passed. The harsh winds, tall mountains and monsters they had had to fly over. It had been a tough trip and it had been exciting as heck. "I've spent most of my life confined. First by Tirek, then when I had to stay at that plumber base. I'm not gonna let myself get stuck in Griffonstone. I'm gonna see the world."

"So you're gonna be a nomad?" Scales asked, Drift nodding his head. "That's cool! Mind if I join you?" Drift smiled and nodded again.

"I'll come too," Pearl smiled. "Let's see what's out there. Maybe we'll find a place to call home, maybe we'll spend the rest of our lives wandering. It sounds like an adventure."

"Charger come too!" The minotaur yak fusion smirked, "maybe Charger find place he not clumsy in." The four smiled at this and happily welcomed him to their group of explorers.

"I guess it makes sense," Scales told them. "We were sent here to be with our own kind, but we were with our own kind already. The hybrid kind."

"But we're missing one hybrid," Drift pointed out. They all knew what Drift was talking about and knew where they were going. Maybe Scoop had found a place he belonged and they would be happy if he had. But if he hadn't, they would be there for him.

Twilight was walking through her castle looking for its most recent occupant.

They had been searching for Diamond Dogs for a while and still had no luck. She was starting to think that maybe they should search further outside of Ponyville or asked Celestia if she knew where some where. But she would keep looking for a little bit before then.

Heading outside the castle, she stepped around the building. "Scoop?" She called out, "you out here? It's almost lunch-GYAH!" She fell into a hole in the ground and fell a good six feet before landing on her head. "Ow!" She stood up and rubbed her head, groaning as she spread her wings to fly out of it. When she looked around, she saw a bunch of holes around her tree-shaped home. "SCOOP! What did I say about digging hole around the castle?"

Scoop stuck his head out of a hole and whined, as Twilight sighed. She brushed herself off, trying to stay calm. She knew digging was in a diamond dog's nature, so couldn't be too angry with her. She just wished she wouldn't do it near the castle.

"Looks like somepony's having training issues." Twilight rolled her eyes and turned towards the voice, only to stop and be shocked by what she saw.

Drift, Pearl, Scales and Charger smiled at her, waving as Scoop rushed over to them with a happy expression on his face. "What are you doing here?" Twilight asked.

Drift smirked as he stepped forward, "things didn't really work out in the other kingdoms. So we decided to leave and begin searching for a new place to call home. A place that's all our own." Twilight frowned, wondering what could have happened to drive the hybrids away. "We came to see if Scoop wanted to join us in our adventures." Pearl scratched him behind the ear as he said that.

The Diamond Dog panted in excitement, "Scoop join! Scoop join!" The other four smiled as Twilight looked concerned.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" She asked, the five turning to her. "It's a big wide world out there and you five don't really know that much about it. I'd hate to see you all get hurt because you were wandering through the world alone."

"We'll be fine," Scales assured her. "We've fought tough opponents before and come out on top."

"We'll be together," Pearl stated. "And together, we can handle anything." Twilight thought about this and nodded, smiling as she did so.

"Then I have no right to stop you. But just know that if you ever find yourself in trouble, I'll be here and willing to help." The five nodded as Twilight invited them to stay the night and prepare for their big adventure. They all happily agreed and headed inside the castle.

The next day, the five headed out on their grand adventure. They had no idea what the future held for them, but was looking forward to see what insane situations they would come across. The five hybrids would stick together, no matter what came their way. And the world of Equestria wouldn't know what hit it.

Author's Note:

Well, if you were wondering what happened to the hybrids after being sent to Equestria, there's your answer. I didn't start this with the plan of getting the hybrids back together, but it just felt like a better outcome then having them stay apart. Hope you enjoyed it.

Next week, season 4 starts off with a bang.

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