• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 2, Episode 13: Freeze Ups and Melt Downs

All was calm up in space. Or as calm as a place could be, when it had giant chunks of rock and ice flying through it at a thousand miles an hour.

Part of the Solar System then warped and curved, as something suddenly appeared out of nowhere. A spaceship, which had just come out of hyperspace, that looked like it was so old it was a miracle the thing was staying together at all. But it was and it was currently rocketing towards its intended destination. Planet Earth.

Inside the ship, the one controlling it did not look happy.

It was a tall humanoid alien, standing at around twelve feet in height. The only part of his body that was on display was his head, which was green in colour, his neck and some of his body below the neck. The rest of it was covered in a strange armor that was black and dark green. The armor was covered in spikes, mostly around the shoulders and knuckles, and seemed to resemble some kind of mech-suit since the arms and feet appeared completely robotic. His green head had a silver plate covering the forehead and sticking out of his chin, were two black spikes that curved inwards to point at one another.

He growled as he stared the planet down. "Why the heck are we here? You break us out of Prison, just to bring us to this backwater planet?" He turned towards his partner, who was hidden in the shadows.

"I have my reasons," the figure replied. "I have unfinished business here." As he said that, he breathed out a cloud of mist. "And as long as that device we stole from the plumbers is legit, I'll have it."

The other guy rolled his eyes, as he turned back to the planet. "Of all the placed for the great Hectrix to come, I get stuck here." He then held something up, "this thing better be worth it." The object he held up was a key. A key with a round top that had a familiar symbol on the top. A green circle with black triangles, creating an hourglass shape.

Down on earth, Flash and Trixie were heading to Shining's place.

The pair had been invited to a barbeque, since it was a rather nice day despite it being the middle of fall. Speaking of fall, Flash thought back to what he had seen yesterday. Whilst at school, he found the place was covered in posters for the Fall Formal.

Flash could hardly believe it had only been a year since the last one. It felt like a lifetime ago, given everything that had happened since then. Even so, the Fall Formal was coming and everyone was looking forward to it. Flash, however, had to make a difficult decision.

"Why not just ask Adagio to the dance?" Trixie told him. "You wanna take her, so what's the problem?"

Flash frowned as he pulled up to Shining's place. "Are we forgetting that Adagio and her sisters brainwashed the entire school? I doubt she's gonna be welcomed back there."

"Sunset was able to get everyone to forgive her in less time," Trixie pointed out. "Just ask her. She might not even say yes." That didn't make Flash any happier. "What is even going on with you two? Are you dating or not?"

"It's...complicated," Flash sighed. "I've met her sisters, but she hasn't met my parents yet. I think I need to get their opinion on Adagio before I can confirm anything with her." Trixie shrugged as they got out of the car and headed for the door, Flash thinking more about Adagio.

They had been on several dates and Flash had even invited her to this barbeque, though she had declined since she and her sisters had gotten themselves a wedding gig a town over. Flash had offered to come over and help set up the music, but Adagio had reminded him she had been working in the music bus since before he was born.

The pair stepped into Shining's house and when they did, they heard a bunch of laughter coming from the living room.

There they found Shining, Cadance and the Rainbooms all sitting around the edge of the room. In the middle, Flurry Heart was playing with a bunch of cuddly toys surrounding her. "Hey guys," Flash waved as the others smiled. Flurry also noticed him and grabbed one of her toys.

"Fla!" She cried, making Flash smirk as he assumed she wanted him to play with her. But then he noticed what the toy was.

"Hey," he knelt down and looked the toy over as Flurry handed him it. He looked at it from every angle and sure enough, it was him. Well, technically it wasn't. It was Riot-Horn. It was a perfect recreation of his alien strong man, made out of fabric and stuffed with something.

Flash then looked around and saw every single one of his aliens were around Flurry, who picked them up and played with them in a way that was just too cute not to love. But that didn't answer the question.

"Where did you get all of these?" He asked Shining, "is someone using my likeness to sell toys?"

"Of course not," Cadance laughed. "I made them. When you told me how much Flurry loved your alien forms, I thought I would make her some so she would always have her outer space friends whenever she needs them. Now she loves them all almost as much as her Whammy." Flash smiled, liking that idea as he looked through all the toy versions of him.

Cadance really had remade all of his aliens. Even his newest one, Bloxx, was there in all his building block glory. But as he picked up a Volt-Edge plush and looked at its face, he frowned. "I don't look this...cute, do I?" The way his aliens were made, they looked less cool and more cute and cuddly. If it was a TV show, these things would be a kid's cartoon whilst he was normally more anime.

"Well I had to take some liberties," Cadance told him. "They are kids toys, remember."

"I guess," Flash nodded as Rainbow reached down and picked up the XLR8 toy. She looked it over and laughed as she did, the others turning to her curious what she found so funny.

"Can you imagine Flash with a cute alien. It'd probably be kinda useless. I mean, Flash's aliens are all badass." Cadance gave Rainbow a look a pointed at the listening Flurry, "sorry. But you know what I mean. If something's cute, it's normally not cool and wouldn't stand a chance in a fight." The others frowned, but had a feeling she might be right.

However, before any of them could say anything, Shining's phone went off. "Hello?" He listened and his eyes went wide, "what?" The others looked at him, worried about the suddenly edge in his voice. "I'll be right there!" He hung up and turned to the others, "something's attacking downtown. Something that's apparently not human."

Flash and the girls all knew what that meant. It was either something alien, magical, or maybe even both. Either way, they needed to stop it before it caused too much trouble.

Shining turned to Cadance, who didn't even hesitate to nod. She knew they had to go and she would wait for them to get back. With that agreed, the lot of them rushed out of the house and to their vehicles. Flash, Trixie, Sunset, Rainbow and Fluttershy got in his car, the lot of them racing off towards the area Shining had been told about.

As they did, Shining tuned into the police radio to try and pick up some clues about what was happening. But apparently, every officer in the area had stopped responding. The only one who had managed it had only said something not human was attacking them, only for the line to have gone dead.

"What do you think it is?" Sunset asked, but nobody was sure.

"I hope it's something we can deal with quickly," Fluttershy gulped. As they turned a corner, something in the middle of the street made the drivers put on the breaks. A large column of ice, sticking out of the road.

"What the?" Sunset asked, several other members of the group getting a horrible sense of deja vu when they saw it.

There was no way they could make it around the ice in their vehicles, so the lot of them got out and made their way around it. They looked around the street and sure enough, several more areas were covered in ice. Lampposts tops, walls and an entire mailbox were all frozen solid.

"Guys," Flash gulped, "am I the only one feeling like we've been in this situation before?" Suddenly, one of the buildings exploded as a large shard of ice stuck out of it. The lot of them were forced to leap back to avoid getting rammed by the ice, whilst someone walked out of the store and laughed.

That voice was familiar to several of them and slowly, the looked around to see the voice's owner walking up to the top of the ice shard. Gelidafur.

"Not this guy again!" Flash groaned, Trixie put on her Luna Cat mask and Shining activated his plumber suit. As they did, the arctic lizard turned towards them. He quickly recognised Twilight and Applejack, which made him look around and see Flash before noticing the device on his wrist.

"So," he smirked, "you're the one." Flash raised an eyebrow, "the wielder of the Omnitrix." This was a surprise, since Flash was pretty sure he managed to keep Gelidafur from seeing him transform. "Don't be too shocked. You were the talk of the prison block back at the plumber holding facility. Kraab and SixSix had a lot of interesting things to say about you."

"So that's it," Flash frowned before holding up the Omnitrix. "So you know who I am? Big whoop. I'll just fry you like we did last time."

Gelidafur glared at him, "you can try." His eyes glanced over at a nearby alleyway, where he spotted Hectrix for a moment before he hid away. "Go on. Give it your best shot. I won't even dodge your first blast."

"Oh," Flash activated the Omnitrix, "you're gonna regret those worlds." But as he dialed up Firefly, Hectrix prepared himself. He placed the key inside a slot on his arm and as he did, numbers appeared on a screen next to it.

Zero, zero, five, two, seven, eight, three.

Hectrix smirked and as Flash was about to slap the dial down, he thrust his fist at him and unleashed a red laser that struck the Omnitrix. Flash didn't notice this, but the others did. But they couldn't react in time before Flash slapped it down.

The street filled with green, as Flash transformed. But when the light faded away, they looked at where he had been only to have to look down. Standing in Flash's place, was a two foot high bipedal skunk with faded blue fur in place of black. It was wearing gloves and boots that were mostly white with black trim, along with a black bandanna with the Omnitrix on it. Its tail, which was mostly blue with a white streak on the underside, was almost as long as it was tall. On the tip of his tail, there appeared to be an opening that was squeezed shut.

Flash blinked as he looked himself over, realising what must have happened. "Another new Alien?" He spoke in a high pitched voice, "AWESOME!"

"I don't think you got that by chance," Twilight told him. Flash looked up and saw Twilight was looking backwards at something, the skunk looking around and seeing Hectrix standing there with a smirk on his face.

"Who are you?"

"My new partner," Gelidafur laughed. "And thanks to him, you're no match for us." Flash looked himself over and realised the lizard was right. Flash had no idea what he could do or how it would help him beat these two.

And before he could ask what they should do, Gelidafur leapt into the air and unleashed a blast of ice towards him. "Look out!" Fluttershy screamed, grabbing Flash and lifting him off the ground as they leapt to the side. The ice ray hit the ground and caused it to completely freeze, making Rainbow frown since her powers were now useless.

Applejack and Shining had landed near where Hectrix had been hiding, Shining holding up his blaster pistol. "FREEZE!" Hectrix laughed before he charged at them, Shining firing only for the lasers to bounce off his armor. He then threw a punch at Shining, but Applejack jumped in front of him and grabbed the fist in her hands.

"Augh!" She cried at the impact, but as able to hold her ground. At least until Hectrix raised his other fist. However, Twilight quickly grabbed the fist in her magic and pulled it back. The two girls managed to hold the guy in place, whilst Shining changed to his shotgun blaster and prepared to fire again. But before he could, Hectrix's boots unleashed a blast of fire that rocketed him into the air.

Applejack and Twilight were knocked down, whilst Shining's blasts missed.

At the same time, Trixie used her staff to pole vault over the ice and tried to slam Gelidafur in the head. But the icy reptile charged up a freeze blast and fired. Luckily, Rarity was able to shield Trixie and give her something to bounce off of and safely land back on the ground.

As she did, Pinkie threw some sprinkles at Gelidafur and they exploded around him. "Augh!" He cried, staggering back. But then he fired his laser wildly and froze a good section of the street.

As this was happening, Sunset and Fluttershy had taken cover whilst Flash remained in Fluttershy's arms.

"Ahhh!" Flash growled, "I gotta figure out what the heck this alien does. It must be able to do something." Sunset looked him over and realised something...something that made her look worried.

"Well...I have an idea. But you might not like it."

"What?" Flash asked. "You know what I can do?"

"Well...you look like a skunk." Flash looked himself over, having not been able to notice this detail since he couldn't see his whole body. But as his mind switched the blue of his body with black, he realised what she was getting at.


"I guess there had to be one species out there with that power," Fluttershy pointed out. "But if you can do that, it's kind of weird how two planets managed to create a creature that looks almost identical and has the same power."

"Well forget it!" Flash crossed his arms, "I'm not doing it. I've done a lot of crazy stuff since getting this watch, but I draw the line there." As he said that, Gelidafur slammed his fist into Trixie and knocked her backwards. Shining also got slammed by Hectrix, the pair hitting the ice and sliding towards one another.

Rainbow tried to slide out to help them and as she did, Gelidafur launched his ice blast. "AUGH!" Rainbow screamed at the icy chill, as her feet were frozen to the ground. Gelidafur then spun his ray around and hit Shining and Trixie as the pair tried to pick themselves up.

However, the pair were both frozen to the ground and unable to pull themselves free. "Hang on!" Applejack cried, running over to help them. But as she did, Gelidafur prepared to freeze her as well.

Rarity would have put up a shield, but Flash chose now to leap out of Fluttershy's arms and run over to them. "Back off!" He squeaked, "don't make me do something we'll all regret." He spun around and pointed his tail at him, as Hectrix landed next to the lizard.

"Oh please," Gelidafur laughed. "You wouldn't dare." He prepared to freeze Flash in place, the skunk turning to the others who were giving him unsure looks. But as Gelidafur was about to fire, he sighed and closed his eyes. Sure enough, his tail seemed to inflate for a moment.

Then, the opening at the tip of the tail opened up and a yellow green cloud shot out of it towards the pair. It completely consumed them both, the alien's eyes going wide before they covered their mouths.

"AAAAARRRRRHHHHH!" They screamed, their eyes watering as they started staggering around.

Some of that mist drifted over to the heroes, Flash wondering if it really smelled that bad. But when he took a whiff, he smelled nothing. "Huh, wonder why they're so-"

"GYAH!" He heard a bunch of screams and looked over at his friends, who were all holding their noses or covering their mouths. "That is the most disgusting thing I've ever smelled!" Trixie screamed.

"How the heck is something like that allowed to evolve?" Twilight cried, making Flash feel a little self conscious. But Gelidafur and Hectrix had taken the worst of it, the pair staggering out of the cloud but the smell refused to leave them.

"Maybe that alien was a mistake," Hectrix guessed.

"YOU THINK!?" Gelidafur roared, as Flash turned back to them and prepared to fire at them again. "GET US OUT OF HERE!" Hectrix nodded and pressed a button on his arm, the pair beginning to glow as their transporter activated. But before they vanished, Shining pressed something on his belt.

Something shot out of it and flew towards Hectrix, hitting him on the leg without the guy noticing. A second later, the pair vanished leaving Flash and the still suffering humans alone with the smell.

Once they were back on the ship, Hectrix quickly activated the ventilation system.

Fresh air was being blown in and the old air, including that polluted by the stench, was sucked out. Until then, the two grabbed some oxygen masks designed for haul breaches and used them to avoid smelling that horrible smell. "So what do we do now?" Hectrixi asked, but the mask made his voice muffled so Gelidafur had no idea what he was talking about. As such, he took a deep breath and pulled the mask off of him before repeating the question.

"I don't know," Gelidafur stated. "But the first thing you need to do is check through that list you uploaded and make sure there aren't any more aliens that'll cause us problems." Hectrix sighed, but brought the list up anyway. He looked through the list of aliens and couldn't see any others that should cause him any harm.

"These creatures are so small, how the heck could they possibly cause use any problems? Everyone knows that the bigger you are, the better. That's why I'm one of the best."

"Whatever," Gelidafur growled, "let's just focus on how we're gonna turn this place into our private kingdom before that brat gets in our way."

"Oh please," Hectrix laughed. "What's he gonna do against us when he becomes a walkatrout? He's not gonna be a problem." Gelidafur hoped he was right. But he also knew those other humans could be just as problematic. He would need to find a way to deal with them.

Back on the planet, they had managed to free those stuck in the ice and took Flash over to back alley.

The skunk alien was sitting a good six meters away from everyone else. Though technically, they were sitting six meters away from him. "Come on guys," he cried. "It can't be that bad!"

"You don't have a sense of smell," Trixie told him. "When you turn back to human, trust me. You're gonna realise just how bad it is." Flash rolled his eyes, as the others continued to smell the lingering foul odour.

"And hopefully, you turn back soon." The others agreed with Rarity, whilst Twilight thought about what Hectrix had done. His plan couldn't have simply been making Flash into this small and stinky alien, could it?

She got her answer when the Omnitrix beeped. "Finally," Flash leapt off the trash can he was sitting on as he was consumed by light. But when the light vanished, Flash found he wasn't back to normal. "What?"

Everyone saw that he was now a foot high blue skinned fairy, that had dark blue hair. He had four purple insect wings on his back, whilst he was wearing a white sleeveless jumpsuit that was black on the legs and had a black line running up the middle. This was where the Omnitrix was located, whilst a pair of a white elbow-length gloves were on his hands. He had three pink dots on his face, one below each of his blue eyes and one on his chin.

"What's happening?" He asked, speaking in a cutesy almost feminine voice. "My voice?" He looked himself over and saw his wings, which he beat to lift himself up. "Why aren't I human again?"

"I don't know," Twilight gulped as the others looked him over. "But one thing's for certain." She, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity and Trixie all looked at him like a newborn baby. "YOU'RE SO CUTE!" They all said together, as Flash and the others rolled their eyes.

"Getting back to the problem at hand," Shining spoke up. "Why did Flash not turn back to human?"

"This has to be that Hectrix guy's doing," Twilight crossed her arms. "He somehow hacked the Omnitrix. And now he's got Flash swapping between aliens he didn't have before."

Flash frowned. "So every time I transform back, I'm going to turn into another alien?"

"Likely," Twilight nodded as Flash huffed.

"Great." He looked himself over. "I hope this one at least has a cool power." He flexed his fingers and as he did, they started giving off a strange glow. It was pink and full of some kind of sparkly twinkle, the light flowing off his hands and forming a cloud between them.

"Ow," Pinkie looked closely at it, "pretty." But then she got to close and some of the mist expanded out to hit her in the face. As soon as she did, Pinkie staggered back and let out a yawn. "Me go sleepy now." She fell backwards and Rarity was barely able to catch her.

"PINKIE!" They all cried, the lot of them gathering around her in absolute shock. "What did you do?" Applejack asked the alien, Flash having no idea and fearing he had accidently killed her. But Pinkie was breathing, technically snoring, and she didn't seem at all harmed.

"I think she's asleep," Fluttershy pointed out.

"Huh," Shining turned to Flash, "so you have a sleeping mist. That...could be useful." Flash raised an eyebrow, as he looked at Pinkie and tried to shake her away.

"Come on. Time to get up." But then he touched her skin and when he did, his eyes shot open as everything around him went white for a moment. The next thing he knew, he was in a land made entirely out of candy. Pinkie was dancing around there and as she danced, the world changed to show a dark forest. Then they were in a world made of clouds, then a volcano with a dragon and then they were in Sugarcube Corner that was full of different cakes.

"Yum," she licked her lips and opened her mouth so wide, she was able to shovel the cake inside whole.

"What the?" He was completely weirded out and everything went fuzzy. The next thing he knew, he was back in the alleyway with everyone else looking at him. "Wow."

"What happened?" Twilight asked, as Flash held his head.

"I'm...not sure."

Rainbow then spoke up. "You're eyes kind of went like Sunset's, when she reads people minds?"

"Is that what you were doing?" Applejack asked, as Flash continued to hold his head.

"I don't think so. I think I was in her head...but, I think I might have been inside her dream." That surprised them, as Pinkie seemed to be coming around. "Pinkie!" He flew over her, "you okay?"

"Yeah," Pinkie yawned, "I just had the greatest dream ever." She sat up and stretched her body, "you were there." That seemed to confirm to Flash, that he had somehow entered Pinkie's dream. Though it didn't have many combat capabilities, he had a feeling it could be useful...if he ever figured out how to turn back to normal.

Flash looked down at the Omnitrix and started tapping it, the others watching him as he tried pressing the dial in and twisting it. "What are you doing?" Trixie asked, "you're gonna break it."

"I'm trying to turn on the recalibrator," Flash explained. "If I can get the Omnitrix to reboot, maybe I can turn back to normal and undo whatever that guy did to me." But the Omnitrix remained as it was, making Flash sigh. It seemed recalibration couldn't be done whilst transformed. "This thing needs a voice command function."

Shining sighed. "If we wanna turn Flash back, we're gonna need to figure out what that Hectrix guy did to the Omnitrix. Which means we need to find him, wherever he and Gelidafur are." He took out his badge and activated it, causing a holographic image of the earth to appear above it. A red dot was floating a few inches above the American continent.

"What's that?" Rainbow asked.

"Tracking device. I was able to get it on Hectrix before he vanished. But, it looks like he's not on earth anymore. Probably up in a spaceship. Which means we're gonna have to wait until he comes down." This did not sit well with the lot of them, especially Flash.

Up in space, Hectrix finished going through the list.

"Okay," he told Gelidafur, "I've triple checked it. Other than that stinky alien, there's nothing that guy will be able to do against us with the aliens he's stuck as." The freeze lizard stared at him, wondering if he should look over the list himself. But he had been working on something himself.

"Alright," Gelidafur showed him a map, "this is what we're gonna do. We're gonna make those humans bow down to us."

"How?" Hectrix watched him point at the city. Specifically, at an area of the map that was on the very edge of the city near the woods. It was a large complex of some kind, which made him raise an eyebrow.

"Cause if they don't, we'll turn them into a giant smoking radioactive crater." Hectrix smirked, understanding completely. He quickly went to the computer and activated the transporter, locking in the coordinates.

"Ready?" Gelidafur nodded and he activated it, the pair disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Back on earth, Shining's tracking device beeped. "We got a hit."

"Great," Trixie smirked as Shining zoomed in, "where'd they go." They watched as the hologram zoomed in on America, then in on their state. Then in on their city, "they're still here? I would have thought they'd pick somewhere else to mess with."

Shining frowned as the tracker locked in on a specific location. "What?" The others looked concerned, "they're at the nuclear power plant." Their eyes went wide at this, since there was no telling what damage they could do if they messed with that place.

As such, they all rushed towards where their vehicles had parked. Flash flew above them, managing to reach the cars before them. Luckily, nobody was around to see the fairy as he flew into his car. Unable to drive in his current form, Flash was forced to let Trixie drive as he sat in the back on Fluttershy's knee.

They headed towards the power plant and as they did, the Omnitrix beeped again. "Oh no!" Flash didn't know what he was gonna turn into, but feared this one might end up being made of a small ball of acid. But before he could think to jump out of the car, he was consumed by light and changed in Fluttershy's lap.

When the light faded, Flash found he was actually an alien he knew. Molestache. "Hey!" Trixie smiled back at him, "you're an alien you know. Though...not your strongest."

Molestache moaned as he sat back on Fluttershy's lap, "this is so embarrassing." Fluttershy smiled as she patted him on the head.

"It's okay. I'm sure we'll get you back to normal in no time."

"Yeah. But how many more weak aliens am I gonna be stuck as until then. What if I need to go to the bathroom or something? I've never done that as an alien before."

"Really?" Rainbow asked from her spot besides Fluttershy, "that would have been like...the first thing I'd wanna try out if I was an alien." The others rolled their eyes, as Fluttershy continued to pat him on the head.

"I know this is frustrating, becoming a bunch of aliens you don't know. But I'm sure you'll find they can all be really useful. You had trouble with Lindwhirl until you figured out how to work him."

"I guess," Molestache sighed. "But Lindwhirl at least had the size going for him. These aliens would likely have trouble opening a pickle jar."

"I know how you feel," Fluttershy sighed. "I mean, my magic isn't very useful in a fight. I can't run at super speed, lift heavy objects of create protectives walls. But I don't think it's weak. It just needs to be used in the right way." Molestache nodded, understanding what she meant. "Instead of focusing on what you can't do. You should focus on what you can do with what you have. You didn't need super strength or laser eyes when you saved us all during Flurry's birthday."

Molestache thought about that and realised she was right. Molestache might not have been what he chose, but he had been able to save everyone when they were trapped in those bubbles. And Molestache had done plenty of amazing things against stronger opponents. And it wasn't like the other two aliens had been completely useless. The gas attack had scared away the villains and the sleeping fairy could put people to sleep. Maybe being small like this wasn't such a bad thing.

"Thank you, Fluttershy." The girl smiled down at him, as they continued to make their way through the town's traffic.

Luckily, Shining was able to use his sirens to clear a path for them. They managed to reach the outskirts of the city and drove up towards the power plant, Molestache remembering the last time he had been there. If he could beat a bunch of electric aliens, he could stop whatever those two idiots were planning.

They arrived at the entrance to the power plant and when they did, they found the place was deserted. The parking lot was empty and the gate was wide open, with nobody at the security box to keep it shut.

As they drove in, Shining noticed one of the walls had a massive hole in it. "That must be where they entered from." They pulled up to the building and all got out, Fluttershy putting Flash down as she noticed a bunch of ants on the ground.

"Excuse me." They all stopped and looked up at her, "did you happen to see what happened here?" She cupped her ear and everyone saw her listening. "Huh huh. Huh huh. Oh, dear." She turned to the others, "they said two monsters arrived out of nowhere and broke down the wall. Then, people started fleeing from the building whilst screaming."

"So they are here," Sunset frowned. "I hope Gelidafur didn't freeze anyone solid."

"We need to go in and find them if they are," Molestache stated. But in that moment, the Omnitrix beeped again and he was transformed. Everyone waited to see what he became this time and were surprised, when they saw a strange yellow blob-like creature that was about the same size as Molestache. The only piece of clothing he was wearing, were a pair of black and white undies. He had short black claws on the end of his pudgy arms and the Omnitrix was sticking out of his bellybutton.

"Oh," Rarity looked disgusting, "this one looks horrible."

Flash looked himself over and groaned, unable to dispute Rarity's cry. "This one's The Worst." As bad as Flash's alien looked, they all knew they had to head inside.

As they did, they found the place was a complete mess. Walls had been knocked down and several areas were covered in ice. However, they didn't see anyone inside. "I'm only getting two life-signs that are deeper inside," Shining exclaimed. "And neither of them are human. Looks like they scared everyone away and didn't freeze anyone. That's good."

"But what the heck are they doing in here?" Flash asked from Applejack's shoulders. "You think they plan on charging their ship up like those Conductoids?"

"I don't know," Shining told him. "But whatever the reason, we need to stop them." They nodded and continued through the power plant, following the life-signs until they eventually arrived at a large room Flash and the others hadn't been to the previous time they were there.

As they ran through the doors into a large room, Shining's suit flashed up a warning. "Wait!" They stopped as he looked through the message. "Not good. I'm getting a radiation warning."

"Radiation!?" Rarity screamed, "they're going to cause a meltdown?"

"I thought they wanted to rule this place?" Rainbow asked, "what's the point in blowing it up?"

"There's a big point." They all looked around and saw Hectrix and Gelidafur step through some doors and glare at them. "This power plant is our ticket to becoming kings!"

Flash then realised what these two were planning, "an ultimatum."

Gelidafur nodded, "you humans will hand this country over to us or we will turn this city into a crater."

"You're insane!" Twilight cried, "the country would never bow down to you. Even if you did blow up the city." The pair chuckled at one another, as Hectix spoke up.

"If you won't give us this country, we'll make sure nobody wants to live here. There are ninety one other reactors spread around this place. If they don't learn their lesson after this place blows up, we'll see how many more radioactive craters need to be made before they give up." Warning lights started going off, as the pair chuckled.

"You guys are twisted!" Trixie cried, "we're not gonna let you get away with this!"

"And what are you going to do about it?" Gelidafur asked before unleashing a blast of ice from his mouth, the ten all leaping away to avoid getting frozen to the spot.

Flash fell from Applejack's shoulder and as he did, he ended up hitting the frozen ground and sliding along it. "WOW!" He cried before crashing into a large stack of boxes that had been placed in the room, causing a bunch of equipment to fall out of it. "Ow," he moaned as Hectrix rushed up to him over the ice. "Uh oh!" He got up and tried to run to safety, but all that happened was him running on the spot.

Hectrix finally reached him and grabbed Flash in his colossal metal hands. "Now I got you!" He slammed Flash into the ground, making him cry out before Hectrix lifted him up and slammed him on the ground again. Flash fought through the pain and tried to scratch at the hands, but his claws didn't even damage him. "Nice try!" He then threw Flash into the air and as he felt back down, he spun around and kicked him right in the face.

"AUGH!" He was sent flying backwards and crashed into the wall, the yellow alien sliding down it whilst Gelidafur continued to blast ice at the others.

Shining had turned his Multi-Striker into a shield and blocked the ice, Rarity doing the same with her magic whilst the others hid behind it. "What do we do?" Fluttershy asked.

"I can't run on ice," Rainbow cried. Trixie then stood up and ran out from behind the shield.

"Sky Butterfly!" She screamed, as her mask and costume transformed. As soon as she had her wings, she shot into the air and flew towards the ice lizard. The alien unleashed an ice blast towards her, but she managed to shoot to the side to avoid it. She then slashed at him with her rapier, but the reptile leapt away and managed to grab hold of the side of the wall. He fired another ice blast and she dodged it, whilst everyone who had been shielding themselves before managed to rush into action.

Applejack, Twilight, Shining and Fluttershy ran over to Hectrix, who was currently trying to squish Flash under his foot. And whilst he was pushing down on the putty-like alien, causing him a bunch of pain, Flash didn't feel like any damage was being dealt.

"FLASH!" Twilight used her magic to push the armored alien backwards, making him stagger off of Flash as Shining started blasting at him. Hectrix shielded himself from the blasts with his hands, whilst Applejack tackled him. The pair pushed against one another, as Fluttershy picked Flash up.

"Are you okay?" She asked, as Flash held his head.

"I think so," he looked himself over and everything felt alright. "Weird. It hurt, but I don't think it actually did any damage to me." The others wondered why that was, as Applejack and Hectrix continued to push against one another.

Meanwhile, Trixie and Gelidafur continued to square off. As they did, Rainbow, Rarity, Sunset and Pinkie ran over to help.

Pinkie grabbed some sprinkles out of her hair and threw them at Gelidafur, who leapt away to avoid the explosion that occurred. He replied by firing his ice laser at the girl, but Rarity was able to shield them from the blast as Sunset looked around. She spotted a door labeled control room and rushed inside, where she found a bunch of computers she barely understood.

Stepping up to them, she saw a screen on the console that stated the reactor was beyond its recommended heat limit. "We need to find a way to cool this thing down." But she had no idea what she was supposed to do, "I really need Twilight."

Twilight was a little too busy fighting Hectrix, who had managed to throw Applejack away and begin fighting against Shining as the plumber used his Multi-Striker sword to try and cut through his armor. Twilight, meanwhile, grabbed several pieces of machinery that had been in the boxes and threw them at him. But they simply smashed off of Hectrix's armor and did nothing to him.

Fluttershy continued to hold onto Flash, as he watched and frowned seeing his friends fighting these criminals. "Ah!" He cried, "I can't do anything!"

"That's not true," Fluttershy told him. "You said this body didn't take any damage."

"Yeah, but it's not like that's gonna help me if I can't do anything else. If all this alien can do is take a beating, I'm useless in this form." As he said that, Hectrix slammed his fist into Shining and knocked him flying back. At that moment, his arm beeped and another set of numbers appeared on the screen.

zero, zero, zero, zero, zero , zero...one.

Moments later, the Omnitrix started beeping and Flash sighed before leaping out of Fluttershy's arms. Moments later, he was consumed by a light and transformed again.

This light caught everyone's attention, making them look around to see Flash's new from. He was now a four inch tall grey frog-like creature, standing on two feet with large hands wearing a white jumpsuit with black on his neck and just below it. A black belt was also around his waist and he was wearing black fingerless gloves, with white squares on the back of them. He also had black toeless boots and the Omnitrix was on his back.

Flash sighed, seeing he had once again turned into something small and likely useless in battle. But then he heard Gelidafur let out a horrified scream. "HECTRIX! You idiot!"

"What?" Hectrix asked, "there's no way he can fight us in that form."

"You turned him into a galvin!" Gelidafur yelled as he avoided another of Pinkie's explosions. "He doesn't need to fight in order to win. Out of the millions of aliens you programmed into that thing, why did you pick the smartest race in the galaxy!?"

"Smartest race in the galaxy?" Flash asked, his voice having a slight croak to it. He looked around and as he did, he realised he understood what every piece of machinery in the room did. He didn't know how he knew it, but he did. And he knew how to take it all apart, put it back together and maybe make it better. This discovery was kind of a shock to him, as all this new information flowed through his mind and made him feel like his head was gonna explode.

But then he saw Hectrix's armor and as he did, he suddenly understood everything about it. Including how to stop it and the device that had put him into this position in the first place.

"That's it!" He turned to Shining and Applejack, "can you two keep this guy busy for a few minutes?" They looked at him, confused, then saw the determined look in his eyes and nodded. "Great. Twilight and Fluttershy, you two are with me!" They nodded as the frog leapt over to where the pieces of machinery were scattered about.

"Stop him!" Gelidafur cried, attempting to rush over there. But before he could, a wall of gems appeared in front of him and blocked his path. He turned to the Rainbooms and Trixie, the three smirking at him as he glared back.

Hectrix charged at Applejack, who braced herself and was able to catch his punch. She only slid back a few inches, but she held her ground as Shining ran up to them. His Multi-Striker morphed into a rod that shot out energy, which turned into a flail that he spun around.

He then leapt up at the alien and swung it at his head, Hectrix using his other fist to block it but the impact knocked him off balance and allowed Applejack to push him backwards.

As he fell to the ground, Flash and the girls reached the machinery with Flash looking through it all. "Let's see. Yes!" He held up a few pieces of tech, "Twilight. Start taking these things apart." He picked something else up, "Fluttershy. Start ripping the wiring out of this." The girls looked very confused, "hurry!" Despite not knowing what Flash was doing, they grabbed their allotted devices and started taking them apart. As they did, Flash took something else apart and start building something completely new.

Gelidafur launched a freeze ray at the girls, but Pinkie threw some sprinkles at it and caused an explosion. Trixie then flew down and swung her leg at him, but the alien reached up and grabbed her by the ankle.

Trixie's eyes went wide, as Gelidafur prepared to freeze her. But before he could, a crystal gem slammed into his face. He growled and trew Trixie around, the girl barely managing to spread her wings and fly up before she slammed into Rarity. Gelidafur then unleashed an extra powerful blast, which started freezing the entire ground.

Trixie flew up as Rarity created a floating platform for her and Pinkie to step onto.

At the same time, Hectrix threw punch after punch after punch at Applejack and Shining Armor. The pair barely managed to keep themselves from getting hit, Shining using his flail to try and hit him on the head. But Hectrix avoided it as as he did, his fists started clicking as they extended a few inches.

This confused the pair, until the fists suddenly started spinning around. First slowly, then at a higher and higher speed.

Their confusion turned to shock, as Hectrix started swinging the spinning spheres of death towards them. All they could do was avoid it, Shining changing his weapon to a blaster and firing. But Hectrix blocked with his fists and the laser was deflected off, straight towards the wall of Rarity's crystals.

The wall was struck and shattered, freeing Gelidafur. This made him smirk and as Trixie charged at him, he blasted the ground and formed a wall of ice that she almost slammed into. The only thing that stopped her was Rarity, who made a slanted wall that made Trixie curve and miss the ice wall.

This allowed Gelidafur to run over to where the others were, then look back and fire a blast of ice. Within seconds, a new wall appeared where the old one stood. One that blocked Trixie, Rarity, Pinkie and Sunset from the others.

Meanwhile, Flash continued to use the parts the girls had gathered for him to build something. "Almost...done. Got it!" He held up a remote-like device almost as big as him. "This will cause Hectrix's suit to shut down and free me from the signal he's using to mess with the Omnitrix.

"Well hit it!" Twilight cried, but Flash shook his head.

"None of this stuff had anything to transmit the signal. It needs to be touching the suit to send it." But just as he was about to leap over to Hectrix, Gelidafur landed besides them.

"I don't think so." He swung his large hands around and slammed the girls away, then grabbed Flash. "I always did like frogs legs. Especially when they've been frozen." Flash gulped, as he held the remote in his hand. But then he noticed Fluttershy getting up, the girl looking at him and nodding.

"Catch!" He threw the remote towards Hectrix and Fluttershy ran forwards, whilst Gelidafur saw this and prepared to freeze her in place. But before he could, the wall of ice shattered due to an explosion.

Pinkie was standing behind it, whilst Rarity leapt through the hole. And when she saw the lizard had Flash and was about to freeze Fluttershy, she threw a crystal at his face. It flew at him and just as he was about to fire, slammed into his face and caused the beam to fly towards Hectrix instead.

"Now I got you!" The alien cried, as he was about to slam his spinning fist into Applejack. But before he could, the ice beam struck his arm. "HEY!" His entire arm froze, his spinning fist stopping. This distraction was enough to allow Shining to fire at his other spinning fist, hitting it at the wrist and causing something to break.

HIs second weapon out of commision, Hectrix didn't notice Fluttershy reach him as she grabbed the remote. And he didn't notice her trust the device into his armor, right as Gelidafur slammed Flash into the ground and pushed his palm against the Omnitrix.

Fluttershy hit the button and sent the signal, causing Hectrix's entire body to seize up as soon as he broke the ice. "What?" He cried, as he tried to make himself move but nothing worked. "What's happening?" Suddenly, his right arm sparked before a puff of smoke blew out of it. Then his left leg did the same and he fell onto one knee, "no!" His other leg blew and he fell onto his back, as his chest sparked before the smoke shot out. Finally, his left arm blew and something flew out of it. That something was the key, which hit a nearby wall and broke apart.

As soon as it did, the Omnitrix started beeping and Gelidafur pulled his arm off of Flash to see the device glowing yellow. It then beeped blue for a few seconds before unleashing a green light.

"Augh!" He cried, staggering back as the light faded. And when it did, he saw Flash kneeling where the galvin used to be. "Uh oh."

"Uh oh is right, lizard lips!" Flash stood up and activated the watch, seeing it was working perfectly again. "Omnitrix is fixed." As he said that, he saw a new silhouette appear on the screen. One of an alien he had never been before, but recognised easily. "And thanks to you..." He smiled, "I got me a new alien." Everyone wondered what he meant, only for Flash to slam the dial down.

In a mighty burst of light, Flash was replaced by a perfect copy of Gelidafur. Except this one was wearing a black open jacket, with holes for its spikes and fingers along with white pants. His eyes were blue and surrounded by the black lines on his head, whilst the Omnitrix was on his chest.

Gelidafur stared at his fellow Polar Manzardill, completely shocked that Flash had just become him. That shock quickly turned to anger, "you dare insult me!" He launched his freeze ray and Flash didn't even more, the attack hitting him and creating a large cloud of mist.

Everyone gasped, fearing Flash had just been frozen solid. But then the mist faded and Flash was revealed to be completely unharmed. "That all you got?" Gelidafur was surprised by this, as Flash smirked before leaping forward and throwing a punch right at the alien.

The lizard roared as he was struck in the face and knocked backwards, slamming into his ice wall and causing it to crack. Flash then charged forward and laughed as he did so. "I've been hoping I'd one day get to use this alien, after how much trouble we had against you last time." Gelidafur leapt forward and tried to punch him, but Flash jumped back and then body slammed him. "I even thought up a name for myself if I ever got the chance."

Gelidafur fired a freeze ray and Flash did the same, the two attacks slamming into one another and creating a large ice spike between them.

Flash then leapt up and landed atop the ice spike, smiling down at the alien. "Call me...Absolute Zero." He looked at the others, who all frowned at him. "What, you don't like it?"

"Doesn't seem to really fit," Twilight told him as Trixie, Rainbow and Pinkie climbed through the hole in the ice.

"Oow!" The party girl cried, "what about...Arctiguana?" Flash thought about it before a smile appeared on his lips, the freeze lizard letting out a cold mist as he spoke.

"Cool." Gelidafur growled at this and leapt up to try and fight Flash, who avoided the punch by jumping onto one of the nearby walls. Gelidafur followed and everyone watched as the pair started leaping at one another to try and overpower the other.

Shining smirked as he looked over at Hectrix, glad to see the guy wasn't going anywhere. "Don't worry." He held up a capture cube, we'll have you in a nice cell where you can rest your damaged body.

Hectrix growled, "I don't think so." As he said that, the chest and shoulders of his body suddenly opened and pulled away from the rest of his head and neck. This allowed him to literally leap out of his own body, revealing his true form. He was a little green alien whose body was the size of a toddler's, being just a little bigger then his head. He was also almost completely naked, with the only thing covering his shame being a metal diaper of sorts. "I'm getting out of here!"

"Get him!" Shining cried, as they watched him run away on his stubby little legs. Applejack leapt at him, but he managed to avoid her, whilst Rarity tried to trap him in a small dome. But he managed to avoid that as well, only for Rainbow to use her super speed and grab him.

"Hey!" He struggled, but Rainbow quickly threw him up into the air before he could punch her. Twilight then grabbed him in her magic, keeping him from being able to escape. "Let me go!"

"I don't think so!" Twilight cried, right as Arctiguana and Gelidafur slammed down into the ground. Arctiguana had his fellow ice lizard pinned, the creature groaning as he tried to pull himself free but couldn't.

"How?" He groaned, "I've been this species my entire life. You've barely been one five minutes. How are you stronger?" Arctiguana smirked.

"Guess I'm just a natural." As he said that, Twilight used her magic to grab Gelidafur and hold him down. Arctiguana jumped off and she placed Hectrix right in front of the lizard's mouth, stopping him from breathing ice. Shining then took out a capture cube.

"This isn't over!" Hectrix roared as Shining threw it at them. "We'll be back." The cube expanded. "And when we are, you'll be-" He didn't get to finish, as the cube completely consumed the pair before shrinking back down. Shining quickly picked it up and smiled, the others doing the same. At least until the alarms rang again.

"GUYS!" Sunset yelled over the intercom. "I can't stop whatever those two did. The core's going to go into meltdown." They all gasped and Shining checked the radiation levels again, seeing they were dangerous close to the red.

"If we don't find a way to stop this, the entire city's gonna become a nuclear blast zone."

"What do we do?" Rainbow cried, as Twilight tried to think.

"What did they do to it?" Trixie asked, Sunset unsure but explaining that the console stated something about it being over its recommended heat limit. This gave Twilight a flash of inspiration.

"We need to cool the reactor down!" She cried, turning to Arctiguana. "Use your ice breath and freeze it. It's the only way." The alien nodded and ran towards the door, throwing it open and running through a long corridor. As he did, he could feel the place getting hotter.

He quickly unleashed a blast of ice that froze the place, dropping the temperature until he arrived at the open vault doors leading to the reactor chamber. He stepped inside and when he did, she saw a large room with many weird machines inside. One said machine was sticking out of a pool of water, which was beginning to bubble.

"Hurry Flash!" He heard Twilight over the intercom, as he stepped up to the pool.

"Chill out, Twi." He took a deep breath and fired his ice ray, freezing the water solid. Once the entire pool was frozen, he stopped only to see the ice beginning to steam up and melt. As such, he froze it again and kept freezing it to make sure it stayed cool.

He kept this up for as long as possible, hoping he didn't time out. But after a few minutes, the alarms stopped and Twilight spoke up. "Flash, you did it. The core's temperature is back in the green. And we were able to reactivate the cooling system" Arctiguana sighed, falling onto his butt in exhaustion.

"Don't stay in there," Shining's voice told him. "There's still radiation in there. Get out before you turn back to human." Arctiguana nodded before turning to run, the lizard deciding to test out his new powers more as he unleashed a blast of ice from his mouth.

And so, he started ice skating along the path of ice that he made for himself. He could see what Gelidafur did it so much. This was fun.

By the time he reached the area with the others, the Omnitrix beeped and he leapt off his ice path and transformed back to human in midair. Landing on the ground, he tripped and staggered before regaining his balance. The others smiled, happy he was back to being human again.

After that, the lot of them decided to make a break for it before anyone else showed up.

Luckily, the plant workers returned a short while later with the police. When they investigated the plant, they found signs of a fight but nobody around. Nothing had been damaged and the reactor had not gone haywire, allowing them to take control of the situation.

Back at Shining's place, Flash and everyone else was watching the man flip burgers.

Cadance was bouncing Flurry on her lap, all the while Twilight showed her some images of Flash's new aliens. "That one looks cute," she smiled seeing the fairy. "I'll definitely have to make a plush of her." Flash coughed, reminding her that the fairy was actually male. "Sorry."

Flash rolled his eyes as he looked through the Omnitrix. When he had checked to make sure it was working properly, he was surprised to find that the four small aliens he had become were in his playlist. Whatever Hectrix had done had unlocked them for Flash, meaning they were each available for him to use in the future.

This made Flash smile, though he doubted the skunk and yellow alien were going to get much screen time.

Even so, he had a feeling these new aliens would come in handy. Arctiguana's ice powers had already saved many lives, whilst the frog alien he was thinking of calling Gray Matter had some serious brains. Meanwhile, the fairy he was still working on a name for had an interesting power and would also come in handy. It was just like Fluttershy said. It didn't matter what you can't do. It mattered what you could do. And Flash was able to do anything, with or without the right alien.

A week later, a plumber ship was flying through space whilst towing the criminal's ship in its tractor beam.

It had just made a trip to earth, having collected two prisoners the earth branch officer had captured. Shining Armor had also given a complete report about what had happened, the plumbers happy their prisoners had been recaptured and that the Omnitrix Access Key that had been stolen wouldn't be an issue.

As they flew through the solar system, the plumbers were talking about how often they had to make long trips back and forth to this planet. Apparently, the idea of building a plumber base on earth was being considered.

However, as they were leaving the solar system, something happened.

A laser flew through the dark void and exploded against the ship, rocketing it and causing their systems to go offline. Those on board attempted to figure out who had attacked them, but their scanners were down. If only they knew, the one attacking them was drawing closer.

It was a warship, much larger then the plumber's ship, being mostly brown and gray with red glass areas. Red lightning sparked between certain parts and it gave off a rather menacing aura. But despite this aura, the ship looked rather beaten up. Much like the criminal ship, it appeared to have suffered some serious damage.

The plumber ship finally got their view screen back online and when they did, those inside saw the ship and instantly knew who it was. As it charged up its blasters, the plumbers tried to send a warning to their closest base and the plumber on earth. But before they could, the ship's weapons fired.

Author's Note:

This was an interesting one. An old enemy returns alongside a new one, bringing with them some serious trouble. But it also brings four new aliens, three being canon ones whilst one is an alien of my own creation. What did you think.

We're entering the home stretch of the season. How will it end? Only time will tell.

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