• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 2, Episode 15: Secrets of the Omnitrix

Flash hated his life right about now.

He had thought the worst he had to worry about tonight was taking Adagio to the Fall Formal. But now, his secret identity was revealed. His home had been invaded by his mortal enemy. And now, he was stuck in a strange realm and had almost been eaten alive by a bunch of eel aliens.

The teen walked over to the edge of the rock he was on and after spotting another one a ways away, he took a deep breath and several steps back. He then ran forward and leapt off the rock, flying through the air and floating on his own until he reached the other rock.

Once he was in its gravity, it pulled him down onto it and he staggered along the ground. "This place is just too weird," he sighed as he looked up at the red sky. "Hopefully, I can find a way out of here and back home." He wasn't sure how long he had been in this place. One moment, it felt like only an hour. Another moment, it felt like a week. Who knew how long he had been there and what had been happening back on earth whilst he wandered around aimlessly.

Back on earth, the sun began to rise upon a very different looking Canterlot.

Vilgax's ship continued to float above the city, ready to blast anything and anyone who attempted to fly at it for an attack. Meanwhile, down on the ground, the city was a mess. Multiple buildings had been destroyed and cars were either flipped over, cut to ribbons or simply melted into piles of molten crud.

On one of the streets, a family of people were attempting to make their way through it. But as they ran down the street, a trio of drones appeared and flew after them.

The drones began firing nets at the people, one catching a man and his son, another catching a woman and the third catching the last two children. The drones then flew down and picked up the nets, carrying the people inside towards the spaceship.

Inside of said ship, Vilgax sat on his throne and stared out at the deverstation he had brought.

This should be making him feel better, but it wasn't. As long as the Omnitrix remained out of his grasp, he would not be satisfied. But with it now trapped in the Null Void, all he could do was capture as many humans as he could before destroying this miserable excuse for a planet.

"I'll stick as many of these worthless creatures in a zoo back on Vilgaxia as possible, to show the rest of the universe what happens when a planet tries to stand against me." He pressed a button on his throne, causing a screen to appear in front of him and shot one of his robots someplace else. "What of the Null Void Projector?"

"I'm sorry master," the robot replied. "But the damage done to it is beyond our capability to repair. You will need to locate another projector in order to enter the Null Void." Vilgax growled at this, shutting it off.

"Flash Sentry, you will not elude me forever."

At the same time, inside one of the few buildings left standing on its block, Shining Armor and his friends were all hiding.

Shining was currently up on a higher floor, trying to get a signal to Cadance to make sure she and Flurry were safe. But Vilgax was clearly blocking the signal, as he had tried contacting the Plumbers in order to get backup with little success.

He growled as the call refused to go through, so he headed back downstairs. There, he found the rest of his friends all sitting around a trash can they had set alight for warmth. Flash's parents were also there, still coming to terms with the fact their son had been an alien hero and was now trapped who knows where.

Trixie had been the one to tell them everything that had happened since he got the Omnitrix, having been there from the very beginning.

"Still can't get through?" Twilight asked her brother, who nodded as he sat down next to her. "Don't worry, you guys live pretty far away from where Vilgax attacked. Cadance would have known to get Flurry and run."

"I hope you're right," Shining nodded. "But still, not knowing is killing me." He looked over at Flash's parents, knowing they were probably feeling even worse. "I'm sorry, for what happened to him." The looked up at Shining, "Flash is a tough kid. I don't know where he is, but I'm sure he's okay."

"How can you be so sure?" Trail asked.

"Because I've seen him do the impossible countless times. He'll find a way back here. And when he does, we'll be ready to help stop Vilgax."

"How?" Rainbow asked, "Flash couldn't stand up to that guy even with his new aliens. He's just too strong." They wanted to argue, but each of them were starting to think the same thing. Defeating Vilgax appeared impossible.

"Are you kidding?" Adagio stood up and looked around at everyone, "you're really just gonna quit? We can't just give up."

"What do you want us to do?" Sunset asked, "Flash and the Omnitrix were the only things that could stop Vilgax."

"You didn't need Flash and his watch to defeat me and my sisters," Adagio stated. "And you don't need them to stop this guy. You're all super powerful magical girls. You can lift three tons of weight. Turn sugar into grenades and make super realistic illusions."

"And we didn't stand a chance when we fought against Vilgax."

"So you're just going to stand around and hope for a miracle?" Adagio asked, "I'm actually glad Flash isn't here right now." This statement shocked them, "he would be ashamed to see you all just giving up. He never stopped trying, even when the Omnitrix was out of power. I hope he'll be back but if he doesn't, then you have to take over for him and live up to the standards he set for you."

Shining let these words sink in and realised, "she's right." Everyone turned to him, "I can't just sit around and do nothing. I became a plumber to help people. I refuse to let Vilgax win." He moved over to a nearby window and looked out of it, at the ship still floating above the city. Drones were also flying in and out of it. "I'm going to find a way to save the people Vilgax captured." He turned to them, "you guys with me?" They all shared a look and then nodded.

Trail and Misty both looked worried, fearing that a bunch of children would soon have the same fate as their son.

Flash continued to make his way through this insane universe, jumping from one rock to another as he tried to figure out how the heck he was supposed to get home.

After taking a large leap, he managed to float over to a large stretch of land with several rocks that acted as caves. He worried something would come out and attack him, but when nothing did he assumed the rocks were empty.

He frowned and continued to look around, only to see a purple flash form another portal up above him. This portal wasn't close enough to suck him or anything around him up into it, but it did suck several nearby rocks into it before disappearing. "Maybe I can get back home through that?"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Flash gasped and spun around, now seeing a large eye illuminating one of the caves. "Those rifts only lead to other places in the Null Void. And you never know what part of it you might appear in. It could either be a place like this, or something you couldn't possibly survive."

"Who's there?" Flash asked, as the eye moved towards the exit of the cave. When it did, the rest of its body was revealed. The eye turned out to be on the chest of its owner, its head being eyeless but its shoulders, arms and hands were covered in a bunch of smaller eyes that were all gazing at him. "I don't want any trouble," Flash told him. "I just wanna get out of here."

The alien smirked, "I don't think you'll be going anywhere for a long time."

"Yeah?" Flash smirked, "and who's gonna stop me?" He got his answer when a loud howl filled the air, making him look around and see something leap out of a bunch of spiky rocks. That something was a wolf-like alien, which had a jaw that opened up four ways.

He then heard the crackle of lightning and looked around to see a frankenstein-like alien leap out from beneath the rock they were on, along with a bunch of bandages that flew around before swirling together into a mummy form. Finally, a blue humanoid moth alien flew down and started phasing in and out of existence as it breathed out a cold mist.

They all moved closer, now circling Flash as they stared him down. "Don't make this any harder than it has to be," the eyeball stated. "Just give us the Omnitrix."

Flash's expression shifted to shock, "who do you know about the Omnitrix?"

"Everyone in the galaxy knows about it," the moth wheezed. "And that Vilgax wants it. Imagine how much he'll pay us, when we hand the device over to him. Now, give it up."

"You guys want it?" Flash asked, activating the Omnitrix. "You got it!" He slammed it down and in a flash, he was transformed into Volt-Edge. The alien lizard quickly unleashed a powerful blast of lightning, hitting them all and knocking all but the frankenstein backwards.

The frankenstein shrugged off the lightning before thrusting its fists forward, unleashing a blast of lightning from the conductors strapped to his back. Volt-Edge quickly fired his own lightning blast, the two attacks colliding and exploding as the mummy and wolf shot forward.

The mummy tried to wrap him up, but Volt-Edge quickly used his blades to slash through the bandages as the wolf got in close. Its mouth opened four ways before it unleashed a powerful sonic howl, which slammed into Volt-Edge and knocked him backwards as his eardrums screamed.

He slid backwards past the eyeball and moth aliens, who got up and attacked. The eyeball alien unleashed a bunch of lasers from its many eyes, which Volt-Edge barely managed to avoid by leaping into the air. But the moth flew up and Volt-Edge tried to fry him, only for him to vanish for a moment and causing the lightning to miss.

The next thing Volt-Edge knew, a cold chill ran through him before he felt a pair of hands on his back spikes.

Before he could look around, he was suddenly flung towards the ground and smashed into the rock hard. He groaned as he tried to pick himself up, only for the moth to fly down and breath out a blast of white mist. This mist surrounded Volt-Edge and solidified, forming a block of ice that he was trapped inside.

"There," the moth landed, "that'll keep him fresh until we're ready for him." The others nodded, only for the ice to start cracking. "What?" The next thing he knew, the ice block exploded in a burst of lightning. The ice and electricity shot out and slammed into the aliens, knocking them all back.

Volt-Edge fell to the ground, panting as he did so. He looked up at the five as they recovered, the hero knowing his fight wasn't over yet.

But as the moth looked ready to charge, a new voice spoke up. "Necrofriggian, that's enough!" The voice made the five suddenly look scared, as they all turned towards its source.

Volt-Edge looked over at a nearby floating rock, where a familiar looking alien wearing green robes could be seen. "Gray Matter?" Volt-Edge asked, seeing one of his newly acquired aliens standing there. He looked back at the five, as they all looked terrified.

"My apologies," the moth stepped backwards. "He's all yours, Azmuth." He quickly leapt into the air and flew away, the others escaping as well.

"Don't think you've seen the last of us," the eye guy stated before walking away. "Sleep with one eye open."

"They're scared of this guy?" Volt-Edge asked, looking confused as the alien turned his attention on him. He then glared at the hero before speaking.

"Give me the Omnitrix! No need to struggle!" Volt-Edge glared at him, electrical energy pulsing off of him as he built up power.

"If Vilgax wants it so bad, he should come get it himself. Not send some shrimp!" With that, he exploded off the rock and shot towards the alien like a bolt of lightning. But the older looking Gray Matter didn't at all seem scared, simply holding out his hand as Volt-Edge got close.

The next thing the hero knew, a sudden flash of light filled the void and he was sent rolling along the rock. When he stopped rolling, he realised he wasn't Volt-Edge anymore.

"Wait?" Flash looked himself over, "did he just time me out?"

"This is what defeated Vilgax?" The one called Azmuth asked, "you're just a larvae."

"Larvae?" He growled, "look who's talking you shrivelled up Gray Matter!" As he said that, his watch turned green. "Oh, timed in already." He activated it and quickly transformed, turning into Riot-Horn who let out a mighty roar before charging.

Azmuth didn't seem at all worried and jumped up, avoiding the punch Riot-Horn sent him and leaping towards his chest. Hitting the dial again, he made it flash green before Riot-Horn found himself changing again. This time, he was turned into Molestache and kicked away by Azmuth.

"Augh!" He landed on the rock, holding his head as he picked himself up. "I say, how did you do that?"

"The fact that you can't despite having that device for so long, shows just how inept you truly are." Molestache growled before charging, attempting to wail on Azmuth with his stache fists. But the frog alien easily avoided them all before grabbing the hair, then leapt up and over Molestache only to land behind him and tie the mustache up.

"What?" Molestache tried to free himself, as Azmuth jumped back around and slammed the Omnitrix again.

He quickly found himself being human once again, Flash staggering to the ground as Azmuth leapt up and onto his arm. "I grow tired of these games." He grabbed onto the Omnitrix's dial and gave it a few turns, Flash attempting to stop him only for Azmuth to pull. The next thing Flash knew, the Omnitrix's dial had been pulled out of the watch.

"HEY!" He couldn't believe this. Azmuth leapt away from him, still holding the now detached part of the Omnitrix. "What did you do? Give that back?"

"Why should I?" He asked as he started walking away, "it's my watch. I made it after all."

"What?" Flash could hardly believe it. "You created the Omnitrix?" Azmuth didn't reply, instead jumping over the side of the rock. Flash's eyes went wide as he rushed over to the side, only to see Azmuth down the vertical surface. "Wait! If you created the Omnitrix, why are you here?"

"I came to retrieve the device," he replied. "It's clearly not safe in your hands." Flash glared at him and, though scared, slid himself over the edge and found he could still walk on it. "I created the Omnitrix as a way to help foster peace and understanding throughout the galaxy. To allow species that are very different from one another, to understand each other by walking in one another's skin."

"Really?" Flash asked, "wow."

"Yes. But then Vilgax discovered what it could do and decided it was better to use it as a way to conquer the galaxy. He attacked my lab and attempted to steal the Omnitrix. I could not allow that to happen."

"So you sent the Omnitrix away." Azmuth nodded as he leapt off the edge of the rock and landed on another one.

"Vilgax foolishly believed I would never be parted from my masterpiece, so when I escaped he assumed I had the Omnitrix and gave chase. This allowed the plumbers I had asked to help to escape with the Omnitrix and Access Keys I had given them. By the time he realised the Omnitrix was not in my possession and tracked it down, the device was near your planet."

"So that's how I got it," Flash looked at the now depowered device. "But ever since then, I've used the Omnitrix to help others. I've saved people from disasters and stopped those like Vilgax from using it. Please, I need the Omnitrix. Without it, I don't stand a chance against Vilgax."

"You clearly don't stand a chance with it," Azmuth leapt away again and Flash took a large leap to chase after him. He wouldn't let this be the end.

Back on earth, people continued to be captured as they attempted to escape from the city.

One group of drones were carrying several nets, with one of them holding a pair of familiar individuals. "You can't do this!" Luna screamed, as she and Celestia struggled to try and break through the net. "Isn't there some kind of intergalactic law against this kind of thing?"

Celestia looked over at one of the other nets, which held Derpy, Bulk and Wallflower Blush. Another net held Ringo, Brawly, Vinyl and Octavia. "Please. If not us, then let the children go." But the drones didn't respond and flew into the ship, flying through the corridors that filled it until they reached an area full of square holes leading to cube-like rooms.

The drones threw the nets into these rooms before a flash of light revealed the appearance of a force field, keeping those trapped inside from getting out.

Celestia and Luna got out of the nets and as Celestia helped her students, Luna rushed over to the invisible wall and tried to punch through it. But all that got her was a shock. Looking into the other cells, There she saw many others who were trapped behind the energy walls.

Most of them were people Luna didn't know, but some of them were individuals she recognised. Some more students and their parents, the guy who worked at the hairdressers she liked to go to and even a pizza man she remembered being mad at because he didn't give her any change.

They were all trapped inside these cells, the prisoners of this alien psychopath they had never done anything to.

"Is everyone okay?" Celestia asked, Luna turning towards her cellmates and seeing the teens looking unharmed.

"Yeah," Derpy nodded, "but what are we gonna do?" She looked around, "we're gonna get out of this, right?" They didn't answer, mostly because they had absolutely no idea. "The alien heroes will save us, right?"

"You mean Flash?" Ringo sat on a metal bench, "he vanished last night. Who knows where he is?"

"You think he abandoned us?" Octavia asked, "ran when this monster arrived and revealed his identity?" That question didn't sit right with anyone. Even before this whole alien thing started, they all knew Flash wasn't the kind of person to leave others in danger to save his own skin. But if Flash really was the alien heroes, why wasn't he doing his thing right now?

"Come on Flash," Brawly sighed. "Where are you?" They all hoped that if Flash really was the hero he had claimed to be, he and whoever else could help would arrive soon to save them.

Outside the ship, something had taken to the air from an area Shining and the others had been hiding inside. It was a large jet, made of hard-light energy, that Shining was piloting as the others were riding in seats behind him. The lot made a beeline towards Vilgax's ship, Trixie wearing her Luna Cat costume and touching the ship as she channelled its energy.

Misty and Trail were terrified that the ship was gonna blast them out of the sky. But the others assured them they wouldn't be, as Trixie's illusion caused the entire ship to vanish from the outside. Hopefully, this would be able to fool Vilgax's sensors.

Flash leapt from one rock to another, but had lost sight of Azmuth a while ago. But considering he had been going in a straight line, Flash hoped he would be able to catch up to him at some point.

"Raaaah!" Flash leapt off of one rock and flew through the strangely gravitational air before reaching the next. He panted as he did so, this whole day being an exhausting one. But he didn't let that stop him, as he took another breath and ran towards the edge. "HYAAAH!" He flew through the air and as he did, he noticed something on a rocky in the distance. A metal structure.

He landed and continued to run towards it, seeing the structure was actually some kind of metal ship. It didn't look like any of the spaceships he had seen so far, this one being about the size of a jumbo jet. It was white with bits of green and legs that looked like they belonged to a frog.

Flash managed to get over to the rock it was on and carefully made his way towards it, worried he might accidently set an alarm off or something. But as he drew closer, the Omnitrix beeped. This seemed to cause the ship's airlock to open, allowing Flash inside.

He found there was very little space in the airlock, which was about the size of a standard bathtub. He squeezed in as the door shut, the other door opening up and making him fall to the floor. He found the hallway he was now in was the same size as the airlock, forcing him to crawl on his hands and knees.

"Guess I shouldn't have expected such a small alien to have a human sized ship." As he said that, he came to a door and looked inside. When he did, he found the room didn't have Azmuth inside. What it did have, was a computer that was switched on.

Curious, Flash took a closer look and saw the computer was showing the image of a red and white alien covered with a few spikes. Despite these spikes, it didn't appear particularly impressive. He looked up and saw a title, along with a bunch of other text, but it was all in a language he couldn't understand.

But then, the Omnitrix beeped again and the text began to change. In seconds, it was now written in english.

Specimen sample 0542310: To'Kustar

Flash read the rest of the information and his eyes went wide seeing the height data. He read most of it, skipping a few more words he didn't understand, but was amazed by what he saw.

He then heard a sound coming from down the hall, Flash quickly pulling away from the computer and crawling towards it. The sound was coming from behind another door and as Flash stepped up to it, it slid open and Flash saw Azmuth and the Omnitrix dial.

Said dial had a wire plugged into it, which was also plugged into a large computer Azmuth was sitting at.

"What are you doing?" Flash asked, as he stared at the computer. As he did, he realised he was watching something he had already seen. An image from his point of view as Riot-Horn.

"I tapped into the Omnitrix's memory database," Azmuth told him. "Everything you've seen since putting the Omnitrix on is recorded. And I've been going over it to see what's been happening since you acquired it."

"Everything?" Flash asked, fearing this little frog dude might have seen him doing...private things.

"I skipped passed most of the boring parts. Mainly focusing on the times you transformed, though I had to rewind most times to understand the full situation. I must say, you've used my Omnitrix in some rather interesting ways. But I also noticed you sometimes have an issue looking at the females of your species in the eye." Flash blushed hearing that, "I'd be amazed if you could describe this Cadance woman you know since you seem to spend so much time staring at her-"

"Can we change the subject!?" Flash begged.

"Very well. I'll admit, you've certainly used the Omnitrix in interesting ways. I can see you weren't lying about trying to use it for good, though you have used it selfishly a few times." Flash felt a bit sheepish at this. "But the good certainly outweighs the bad."

"Then you understand I need to Omnitrix to stop Vilgax." Azmuth frowned and pressed a button, causing the screen to show the fight with Vilgax before Flash had been sent here.

"You can't defeat Vilgax. Not as you are. If I let you have the Omnitrix back, you would simply die at his hands and he would have my device."

"You don't know that. I beat him once."

"You did not beat him." Azmuth spun in his chair to stare at him. "You merely escaped him, and even that was by pure luck. You might have done amazing things with the Omnitrix, but you've only scratched the surface of what it's capable of. The Omnitrix is more then just a device. It bonds to the wearers DNA and becomes a part of them. But you still use the Omnitrix like a device. If you had learned how to tap into the Omnitrix's true potential, you wouldn't find yourself limited to one transformation at a time."

Flash remembered how Azmuth had made him change aliens and returned him to human. He also remembered how Vilgax had done the same when they first met. "Then teach me. Teach me how to use the Omnitrix like that."

Azmuth frowned, "that way of using the Omnitrix cannot be taught. Only learned. I'm sorry, but I will not be letting you have the Omnitrix back." He turned away from him and back to the computer. "I will remove the device from you and hide it somewhere Vilgax will never find it. And I am willing to send you to any planet you wish. There are many where you can start a new life."

Flash frowned, "the only planet I'm going to is earth."

"Your planet is probably already gone. And even if it wasn't, it will be."

"Not if I can help it!" Flash cried, "I'll find a way to stop Vilgax with or without the Omnitrix." Azmuth turned to him in shock, "he's been stopped before without the Omnitrix."

"Maybe, but those times weren't exactly easy. You would really be willing to go up against Vilgax, even if I took the Omnitrix away from you?" Flash nodded. "You're either very brave or very foolish."

"I'm both," Flash stated. "That's what makes me a hero." Azmuth actually chuckled at this.

"Very well then. I will give you the chance to prove you can defeat Vilgax. But first, you must pass a very dangerous test. Pass, and the Omnitrix is yours. Fail and I take it away, leaving you to your doom on earth. Are we in agreement?"

Flash smirked, "bring it on." Azmuth smirked before unplugging the dial from the device. He then took out a remote of some kind before pressing it, the pair vanishing in a flash of light and appearing right outside the ship. "Thank you," Flash stood up and cracked his back.

"Don't thank me yet," Azmuth walked away. "Follow me." Flash did and they headed deeper into the Null Void, Flash wondering what this test was meant to be.

Vilgax's cell block had been completely filled up.

The alien warlord was ready to leave this planet and find a way into the Null Void. But before he did, he had one final bit of business left on this planet. "Is it ready?" He asked a robot, who was currently working on a large bullet-shaped device even bigger then Vilgax.

"Yes master," the robot nodded. "The explosive is ready and will activate as soon as you give it the command."

"Good," Vilgax nodded, "then let us finally be rid of this planet." He turned to walk away but as he did, an alarm suddenly sounded and Vilgax growled. "Now what?" One of the robots ran up to a computer.

"Energy weapons have just collided with the outside of the hull. Sensors indicate it is of a tech level far beyond what this planet should have."

Vilgax brought up a screen and showed footage from outside the ship, attempting to locate the weapon that had attacked. But he couldn't see anything. At least until a bunch of lasers flew out of nowhere and collided with it. "What?" He activated the external sensors, but he wasn't picking up any energy signatures. "Cloaked? How?"

"Nice shot," Twilight told her brother.

Shining's hard-light jet continued to fly around, launching lasers at the same spot. "Get ready. Vilgax is probably gonna send out some drones or something to fight us!" He swung around again and fired at the same spot, doing more and more damage.

As he did, several drones flew out of the ship and headed towards them. "I got them!" Twilight focused her magic and managed to grab two of the machines, then smashed them together. Several drones attempted to fire at them, but Rarity quickly put up a shield that blocked the lasers and Twilight made the drones turn towards one another and fire at each other.

Trixie panted, "I don't think I can keep us invisible much longer." More drones also appeared, as Shining swerved towards the ship.

"Increasing power to maximum!" He cried, his Multi-Striker humming as he pulled the trigger. The jet unleashed an extra powerful laser, which hit the damaged metal and finally broke through it. "Yes!" He shot towards the hole as Trixie's illusion finally failed.

At that moment, a drone suddenly appeared and fired at them. Rarity tried to put up a shield, the the laser passed it before it formed and struck the back of the jet. "We're hit!" Pinkie cried, Fluttershy screaming as Shining tried to control the vehicle.

Luckily, he was able to get them into the hole seconds before the hard-light jet vanished and they all went flying down the hallway. Shining and Trixie managed to roll onto their feet, as the drone flew into the ship and fire at them. Trixie deflected the blast away, Shining quickly forming a blaster and firing.

The drone blew up and hit the ground, but an alarm sounded as soon as they did. "I think they know we're here," Adagio groaned as they all got up.

"Then let's not stick around," Applejack suggested. Shining activated his helmet and managed to find the life signs on the ship. One was Vilgax, whilst the other was a giant group that registered as human.

"This way!" He rushed down the hall, the others following as Shining activated a bunch of blasters. He passed one to Sunset, Fluttershy, Adagio, Misty and Trail. The oldest pair of the group felt a little unsure about holding a weapon, but they quickly got over it when some drones appeared with saw blade arms.

Trail quickly fired and blasted the saw off its arm, whilst Applejack ran forward and leapt into the air. Before the drone could react, she kicked her foot right through it and it was dead. "Hurry!" Shining cried, the lot of them making their way through the ship.

It was a long trip, filled with many encounters with Vilgax's drones. But Trixie had recovered enough to make some illusions, allowing them to become invisible and get close enough to destroy the robots. And eventually, they reached the room where the captured humans were.

"Coming through!" Applejack kicked her way through the door, sending it flying all the way to the opposite wall. This caught the attention of those inside, who looked out and saw eleven of them stepping through.

"Twilight!" Celestia cried, relieved but shocked to see her student here.

"It's the Plumber!" A teen cried.

"And Lady Masquerade!" Another cheered, "we're saved!" They began to look over the room as try to figure out how to undo the locks on the forcefields. "We are saved, right?"

"We're working on it," Sunset stated. Rarity created a diamond and placed it into the forcefield. She hoped the gem could pass through and allow her to make doorways. But it didn't work.

Twilight found a computer screen, but it was written in an alien language she couldn't understand. "If I knew what this all said, I might be able to hack into it."

"Here," Shining pressed his badge and it unleashed a light that hit the computer. "Universal translator." The computer beeped several times before the symbols changed to english. Twilight smiled and started typing away, as the others assured them they would be out soon.

"Where's Flash?" Ringo asked when the Rainbooms reached their cell. "We figured he would be here trying to save us."

"He would be," Rainbow told him. "But Vilgax..."

"Flash is gone," Fluttershy looked ready to start crying. The others all gasped, realising what she was talking about. Those that knew Flash could hardly believe it.

"I think I'm in," Twilight stated from the computer.

"You got into the cell's controls?" Trixie asked.

"I got into everything!" Twilight cheered, as the cell's force fields suddenly vanished. Everyone cheered as they got out of their prisons. "Everyone hold on!"

"Why?" Pinkie asked, only to suddenly got flying when the ship flew downwards at high speed.

"Twilight!" Sunset cried, "is this you?" Twilight nodded as the ship levelled out, everyone able to pick themselves up.

"Sorry. I got control of the attitude systems. I had them make the ship head down to the ground. Once we land, I've programmed them to shut down. That should hopefully give us enough time to escape." Everyone liked the sound of that, Applejack motioning for everyone to follow them.

They all made their way out of the prison and headed back the way they came, hoping to find the hole they had entered through. They expected to run into some more robots, but the halls were strangely empty.

However, they turned a corner and came face to face with something even more terrifying. "Vilgax," Shining growled as the squid alien glared at them.

"So...you thought you could free my prey?" He slowly stepped towards them, "you humans are truly a foolish species."

Shining pointed his blaster at him, "we're taking these people out of here. We won't let you stop us." Vilgax stopped and stared at him, then laughed. This was not the reaction any of them had been expecting.

"You humans don't realise how idiotic you're being. If you escape this ship, you will only doom yourself."

"What?" Twilight asked.

"At this very moment, my robotic minions are preparing to place a bomb down on your planet. A bomb so powerful, it will wipe this entire continent of the face of your planet." Their eyes went wide at the sound of this. "And the shockwaves will likely rip the rest of the planet to pieces, completely exterminating all life on it."

Fear flew through the hearts of everyone there. "You would destroy this planet, just because we beat you?" Adagio asked.

"This planet is a stain on my reputation. Every time I have come here, I have been met with defeat. There is only one way to reclaim the fear I have throughout the universe and set an example to all those that would dare oppose me."

"You're sick," Shining growled. "Twilight, you've gotta get off this ship and find that bomb. Do whatever you need to in order to deactivate it." Twilight nodded, as she and many others in the group ran down another hallway. The only one that didn't leave, were Shining, Trixie, Applejack and Rainbow Dash. "Let's take this guy down. For Flash!"

"FOR FLASH!" They all charged forward, Vilgax charging at them as well.

Back in the Null Void, Flash and Azmuth made their way through the alien world.

They leapt from one rock to another, Flash surprised they weren't being attacked by anything. But given how scared those other aliens had been of Azmuth, maybe the guy had an aura to him that made things wanna keep their distance.

They finally reached their intended destination, which was a giant rock shaped like a pipe that had purple veins running along it. "This is my test?" He asked, with Azmuth nodding as he turned towards the teen.

"Kneel." Flash did so, "stick out your arm." Again, Flash did so and Azmuth placed the Omnitrix dial into the device. "I'm reactivating the Omnitrix and setting a timer."

"So it is a watch," Flash smirked.

Azmuth said nothing as the device powered up and glowed orange. As it did, the watch dial showed a symbol Flash didn't know but assumed was a number. "Until the time runs out, the Omnitrix will return you back to normal every time you take damage. But you'll also be able to transform as soon as you're human again."

"Wow, really?" Azmuth stepped into the tube, turning back to Flash as he did so.

"Your trial is a simple one." He patted the ground and a lump of rock broke off with him atop of it. "Reach me before the timer on the Omnitrix ends, and you'll have proven yourself worthy. Fail, and the Omnitrix will power down and deactivate."

"That's it?" Flash asked, Azmuth smirking.

"That's it. See, simple."

"Yeah," Flash looked around the tunnel, "it's simple. But is it easy?" He slowly began to walk forward, not wanting to transform into the wrong thing if he needed a particular alien. At first, everything seemed fine. It appeared to be just a normal rock tube. But then, the tube began to vibrate. "Huh?"

Azmuth smirked as the first test appeared, a spike of rock exploding out of the ground and almost stabbing Flash.

"WOW!" He leapt back, as more spikes appeared out of the inside of the tunnel. He began dancing around, keeping himself from getting stabbed as he was forced back out of the tunnel. When he finally reached the end, the rocks stopped attacking and retracted back into the tunnel. The place looked exactly the same. "Okay, definitely not easy."

"Come on kid," Azmuth crossed his arms. "How do you expect to beat Vilgax, when you can't even get through a tunnel." Flash frowned and activated the Omnitrix, slapping it down and transforming into Vapaw.

The alien lion leapt forward, the rocks sticking out of the ground only to be slashed apart by him. Vapaw smirked as he managed to get passed them. "See, I'm not gonna let a bunch of puny rocks stop me from saving the world."

Azmuth rolled his eyes, as he pulled a tea kettle out of nowhere. "You should focus on saving yourself first." As he said that, the rocks Vapaw cut apart melted and morphed into a single liquid, which flew into the air and formed a sphere.

"Huh?" Vapaw looked up, as the sphere formed a barrel that pointed at him before lighting up. "Lasers? No fair!" He leapt away, barely managing to avoid the lasers. But then, a rock shot out of the ground and Vapaw ran into it. "Augh!" He staggered back, as the laser fired and blasted him backwards.

As he hit the end of the tunnel, he morphed back to human. "Ow." He knew he didn't have time to wallow in pain. As such, he rolled onto his back and ran forward, transforming into Diamondhead as he did so. He quickly started firing crystals at the orb, cutting through it. But all this did was make it divide into a bunch of smaller orbs that started firing at him.

Diamondhead quickly made a bunch of shields, protecting himself as he got further into the tunnel. But before he could think he was gonna make it, stone pillars shot out of the wall on either side of him.

"Gyah!" He was crushed between them, transforming back when they retracted. He fell to the ground as they flew forward again, trying to crush him again. But he quickly transformed into Riot-Horn and used his strength to stop them. But the lasers fired into his back and he cried out.

The impact knocked him staggering forward as he transformed back to human, a spike shooting up and grabbing him by his jacket's hood. "WOW!" He suddenly found himself pulled backwards towards the entrance of the tunnel, the teen quickly transforming into Arctiguana to escape.

Azmuth smirked as he poured himself a drink. "I'll admit, you are quite adaptable." He sipped his tea as Arctiguana attempted to freeze the rocks in place. "Those aliens all have vastly different powers and body types, yet you're able to use them without much thought in the blink of an eye." The rocks broke through the ice and slammed into him, knocking him backwards as he crashed into the ground and returned to human form.

"Of course!" Flash groaned as he pushed himself back to his feet.. "These aliens aren't just suits I slip into. They're me and I'm them. Even if it takes me a while to learn how to use them properly, once I'm used to them they're just another part of me I can use. That's all there is too it."

"And yet you are unable to use them whenever your want or need," Azmuth sipped his cup as Flash looked around. "Many of your fights would have been over in seconds, if you had used a particular alien, But because the Omnitrix is still a prototype, it sometimes gets the codon stream signals mixed up. And you're stuck as the alien it gave you, unable to do anything except try to use what it gave you to the best of its advantages."

Flash frowned, as he glared at the tube. No matter what, he would find a way through here.

Back on earth, Vilgax's ship had finally landed upon the ground.

it slammed into the street and ground along it, crushing several buildings at it did so. The suddenly shaking had knocked everyone off balance and sent many of them staggering down the hallway. "We're gonna die!" Someone screamed, getting into the fetal position.

"Not if I can help it!" Sunset grabbed him and pulled him back to his feet, as the large group of people made their way through the halls. They eventually came to a door and Twilight slammed the button to open the door and as it slid into the wall, they found themselves in a large room with very little light.

"What is this place?" Derpy asked, but they got their answer when the lights came on.

When it did, they were greeted to the sight of many robots, hanging from the ceiling and in pieces. They quickly realised they must be in Vilgax's robot factory. And as they moved through the room, they spotted something else. Something that looked a lot like a bomb.

Three robots were working on the device, one of them shutting a panel on the side as it lit up. "Stop that thing!" Sunset yelled, as the humanoid robots turned to them.

Each of them pressed several buttons, causing the other robots around them to all activate. Those that were whole fell down from the ceiling, The machines quickly turned on the humans, many of them screaming as the Rainbooms worked to protect them.

As they did, several drones flew down and grabbed the bomb in their mechanical arms. Then, an opening appeared in the back of the room that led outside. Twilight quickly realised this was where the robots and drones were deployed from, which meant it was there way out.

"Everyone, quick, head for the door!" The robots attacked, but Rarity brought up a shield to protect as many as possible. Pinkie then threw the last of her sprinkles in an arch around the robots. The explosion that followed knocked them all staggering back, allowing the humans to make for the exit.

The drones flew out of the ship with the bomb, attempting to fly far away to keep it safe for an explosion. But before they could, Twilight grabbed many of them in her magic. She pulled them away and the other drones had trouble carrying the bomb, managing to only get a few meters away from the ship before they were blasted by the humans still carrying the weapons Shining had given them.

Now free from the ship, the people ran for their lives into the alleyways and other locations hoping to get to safety. But if that bomb went off, there would be no safe place.

Adagio, Flash's parents and the remaining Rainbooms ran over to the bomb, hoping to stop it. But as they did, an explosion occurred on a higher area of the ship.

They looked up and saw Shining and Applejack, both of them falling towards the ground. "NO!" Twilight screamed, using her magic to grab the pair and slow them down. As she did, Rarity created some gem to shield them so they didn't fall if Twilight lost them.

The pair were lowered to the ground and as they were, someone else leapt out of the ship and came crashing down upon the ground. Vilgax.

The alien warlord held onto Rainbow and Trixie, clutching them by the shirts. He then threw the pair away as he focused on the others. "Do you see how hopeless it is now?" He asked, as Shining groaned.

"It's...not hopeless!" He held onto his blaster and started firing it, but Vilgax laughed as the lasers bounced off his body. At that moment, something flew out of the ship. Drones.

The robots quickly fired a bunch of ropes at them, managing to tie up Rainbow and Trixie before they could pick themselves up. Fluttershy, Sunset and Adagio were next, Misty and Trail firing their blasters at them but getting tied up as well. Rarity shielded herself against a few of them, but eventually fell as well.

Twilight, Applejack and Shining continued to attack, Twilight trying to grab the ropes and throw them at Vilgax. But the warlord's claws tore through them, as Shining swung his sword at him only for it to be deflected. Applejack threw a punch that he dodged, allowing a drone to tie her up.

Now all that were left were the siblings, both exhausted and clearly outmatch. They needed to find a way to turn the tables, but how?

Back in the Null Void, Flash had turned into the alien gorilla known as Bloxx.

He tried to swing from one spike to another, whilst trying to use his segmented body to avoid the lasers and rocks. And he was doing quite well, managing to get a good way into the tunnel. But then, a large ring began to fill the tunnel and expand inwards.

Bloxx's eyes went wide as he tried to leap for the centre, but the hole grew to small and he ended up slamming into it as the wall completely sealed. Then, the wall shot through the tunnel and as Flash returned to human, it stopped and threw him all the way back to the entrance.

"AUGH!" He cried, rolling to a stop as the wall retracted. Flash let out a groan as he picked himself up, looking the tunnel over. "None of my aliens can get me through this thing. It's got too many ways to stop me. One alien can get through one area, but the next stops it cold." It was then that he realised what he needed to do, Azmuth's words echoing in his head. "You're trying to make me learn how to switch between forms. But I can't."

"Not with that attitude," Azmuth stated. "If you can't master this ability, Vilgax will eat you alive. You claim the aliens you become are a part of you, but if so you should be able to become any of them whenever you wish. It's not a matter of thinking, but doing. You must truly become one with the Omnitrix."

"I don't understand!" Flash cried, only for his arm to suddenly be grasped by something.

"Then perhaps, you should let us give it a try." Flash cried out as his arm was hoisted into the air, as the humanoid moth suddenly appeared and held his arm tight.

"You," he growled before turning to Azmuth. "Hey, aren't you gonna help me. They're trying to take the Omnitrix."

Azmuth sipped his tea, "aren't you supposed to be the hero? You'd better hurry, cause your time's running out." Flash began to struggle against the mothman, kicking at him as he tried to pull himself free.

"Let me go you big chilly brute!"

The moth laughed, "maybe you'll like my Opticoid friend instead!" He threw Flash away from the tunnel, the gravity making him fly towards a rock where the eyeball alien was waiting.

"WOW!" Flash transformed into Firefly, using his fire to blast himself away from the alien.

"Hey!" He dodged the flames coming his way and fired a laser, but Firefly managed to avoid it and shoot back toward the tunnel. As he did, the moth appeared and threw a punch at him. Firefly spun to avoid it and landed on the tunnel, causing spikes to appear out and attack him.

He began flying around, avoiding the ice and lasers coming from the pair that were trying to kill him. But whilst they weren't able to hit him, a rock fly out and smashed into him. "Augh!" He reverted back to human and hit the ground, as Azmuth finished his drink.

"You're wasting your time. And you don't have much of it left."

Flash groaned as he pushed himself back up, the opticoid and necrofriggian rushing forward. "He's right, I've got no time for this." He slammed the dial down and became Lindwhirl, "I've got a world to save!" He leapt forward and rolled at the pair, the moth unleashing an ice blast that made a wall Lindwhirl broke through. But then the opticoid fired a laser that made the ground besides him explode.

Lindwhirl was sent flying into the air, a spike shooting out at him that he grabbed and swung around. He attempted to fly past the pair and through the tunnel, the moth phasing through the floor.

He rolled up and smashed his way through several spikes, but then the necrofriggian appeared in front of him and created another ice wall. He broke through it, but this slowed him down enough for a rock pillar to slam into him and knock him back. "Augh!" He turned back to human and hit the ground, as the ice moth flew towards him.

"Enough games. Time to reap my reward." But as he said that, a broken piece of rock suddenly moved towards the end of the tunnel.

It passed Flash, catching his attention, then towards the opticoid. "What are you looking at?" He asked, only to then feel the pull. "Huh?" He looked around, only to see the swirling purple vortex that was beginning to form at the entrance of the rock. "Uh oh." He tried to run, but the pull was too strong.

Flash and the eyeball were sent flying backwards, Flash managing to grab onto one of the vines whilst the other guy was sucked all the way to the edge. The force of the vortex was so strong, he didn't have a chance of holding on long enough to outride.

"Well," the moth stated, "I'm out of here." He phased through the floor and flew off.

"Hey!" Eye-man stated, "I thought we were in this together?"

"That's no longer my concern." With that, he was gone and Flash could only pull himself along. But each try only earned him a few inches.

"I...have to make it! For Shining. For Trixie. Adagio. Twilight. EVERYONE!" But the force of the portal was just too strong and he didn't know which of his aliens could overpower it. Then, he heard the opticoid scream.

"Help me!" He looked back and saw he was seconds away from losing his grip. "Please. You gotta save me!"

Flash groaned, "how can I save him when I can't even pass this dumb test!?" He looked through the tunnel, at all the obstacles he had to overcome. Each one had an alien he knew could overcome it, but he still couldn't figure out how he was supposed to make the Omnitrix change him. "What am I missing...THINK!" But as he said that, he heard the alien behind him scream.

Looking back, he saw him falling towards the portal.

"NO!" Flash let go and jumped forward, activating the watch and transforming without a thought. In a second, he was replaced by Goop and the slime alien quickly grabbed hold of the opticoid. "Gotcha!" He stated, as his slime consumed everything but his head.

"We're still heading for the portal though."

"Are we?" Goop chuckled as his UFO kicked up the gravity, the force overpowering the portal's pull. The next thing the eye-dude knew, he was being pulled away from the portal and back towards the tunnel. But that didn't help Goop, who doubted even this alien could overcome this test.

However, he then realised something. He had just saved this guy without any effort. He hadn't thought, but trusted his instincts and the Omnitrix to. 'Wait? Was that what Azmuth was talking about before?' He drew closer to the tunnel and as he did, he cleared his mind and thought about all the aliens he could become. Then he stopped thinking and just felt, as one alien suddenly appeared in his mind. "I can do this!"

"What?" Eye-person asked, as they reached the tunnel. The next thing he knew, Goop threw him out of his body and made him hit the ground.

"Arctiguana!" He slammed the Omnitrix and in a flash, he was suddenly transformed into the alien lizard.

The ice alien launched his freeze ray, hitting the guy and trapping him onto the rocks. "Hey!" Arctiguana then leapt forward, as the rocks stuck out and tried to skew him. But he hit the Omnitrix.

"Kagenobi!" In a flash, he switched aliens again. This time, he was the shadow ninja that melted into the ground and flew through it before the lasers reached him. "Diamondhead!" The crystal alien appeared and blocked the lasers has he made his way through, only for the rocks to fly out and try to crush him. "Riot-Horn!" He morphed into the alien rhino and punched his way through the rocks without injury, with more rock spikes attacking him. "Squidstrictor!" The alien squid began swinging from spike to spike, contorting his body as he got closer to the tunnel's exit.

"Not bad," Azmuth nodded as Squidstrictor fell to the ground.

"XLR8!" In a flash, the alien raptor hit the ground and sped forward. He managed to outrun the remaining attacks. But as the end came up, the rock ring appeared the filled the tunnel up again. XLR8 leapt straight for the centre, "Molestache!" The alien mole replaced him and managed to squeeze through the hole, seconds before it slammed shut. "I'm gonna make it." But as he said that, the timer on the watch hit a number and stayed like that.

Inches from the exit, Molestache was consumed by light and reverted back to Flash.

The teen fell to the ground. "No, no, no, no, no!" He looked at the Omnitrix, trying to power it up with no result. "I WAS SO CLOSE!" He slammed his fists into the ground, as Azmuth leapt down and walked towards him. "I can't believe I lost. Everyone was counting on me and I...I..."

"Saved him." Flash looked up at Azmuth, as he stared at the boy. "Had you not tried to help that individual, you might have made it. But you chose to save him, even though he tried to kill you, take the Omnitrix and threatened the time you had to save your planet."

"Of course I did," Flash stated. "Even if he's a bad guy, nobody deserves that. Letting someone else get hurt, even if it meant I saved more people, isn't something I can do."

"That way of thinking isn't one that's shared by a lot of beings in this universe."

"Doesn't matter," Flash sighed. "I failed and now Vilgax will destroy my world."

"Oh quit the theatrics, kid." Azmuth started fiddling with the Omnitrix, "you've earned yourself a bit more time."

"What?" Flash's eyes went wide, "why?"

"Call me surprised that altruism still exists in this galaxy." Flash had no idea what that meant, but knew it meant he could use the Omnitrix again. "I'm going to trust you with the Omnitrix. Now that you've learned to shift between the forms, you might actually stand a chance against Vilgax."

"I don't really know how I did that," Flash told him. "I just knew I needed an alien and the next thing I knew, I was it."

"Yes. The Omnitrix responded to your heart and allowed you to synchronise with it on a deeper level. You're still a long way from mastering it, but it's starting to look possible." Flash smirked, "but be careful. Each switch will drain the Omnitrix of energy. Use it too much and you'll find you're transformations will only last a minute or so."

"Got it," Flash nodded before looking around. "Now all I need to do is find a way out of this place."

"I can do that," he took out the remote and pressed a few buttons on it. "Your friend, Shining, has a plumber badge doesn't he?" Flash nodded, "I can open a portal to earth and have it lock onto a plumber badge's location. Since your friend is the only Plumber there, you'll be sent straight to his location."

Flash smiled, unable to believe this. "Thank you. What...what can I do to repay you?"

"Keep the universe safe from Vilgax," Azmuth stated. "Stopping his reign of terror is the most important thing that must happen. And to do that, I have one final gift for you." He took something out of his cloak and held it up, Flash's eyes going wide at the sight of it.

Back on earth, Shining and Twilight had managed stay free of the robot's ropes. But the pair were completely exhausted.

Vilgax, meanwhile, was as fresh as a daisy. The others were still trapped, unable to even budge. "Come on guys!" Rainbow cried, "you can beat him." She hoped she was right, but it wasn't looking like it.

Several drones fired their lasers at the pair, who were forced to take evasive maneuvers to escape. As they did, Vilgax charged and slammed his fist into the ground. This sent out a shockwave that knocked the pair flying and forced everyone to try and protect themselves from flying debris.

One of the drones finally managed to hit Twilight, the ropes wrapping around her body and completely trapping her. "Twilight!" Shining cried, then turned to charge at VIlgax. He roared as he fired at the warlord, but the blasts didn't even phase him.

"Pathetic!" Vilgax stated before rushing forward and punching Shining before the plumber could escape. Shining cried out as he was knocked backwards, as a drone fired a piece of rope. It hit him before he landed and wrapped around his body. He could only lay there as Vilgax stepped over to him, placing his foot on the man's waist. "You really thought you could defeat me?" He pushed down on the badge and it broke, Shining crying out at the pressure as his suit vanished.

"Shining!" Twilight cried, only for the ship to begin to take off. Seems they had undone her hacking and now, the ship was ready to leave the planet.

"Now, to end this miserable world." The drones began to fly down and grab the tied up humans, dragging them along the ground as Vilgax moved over to the bomb. "Activate." The device beeped several times before switching on, the alien countdown beginning.

As the defeated heroes were being dragged away, they couldn't believe this was how it ended. Their world destroyed by an alien psychopath and them thrown in an alien zoo. It seemed nothing could save them now.

But then, suddenly, a blast of purple light filled the street and everyone turned to see a portal appear in front of them.

And from that portal, someone leapt out. Someone many of them believed they would never see again. "FLASH!" Shining cheered, as the alien hero landed on the ground before the portal he came from vanished.

Flash quickly looked around and assessed the situation, activating the Omnitrix and transforming. In a flash, XLR8 appeared the shot down the street. "Sentry!" Vilgax roared, attempting to swat the alien only for XLR8 to slid under his arms.

He laughed as he got behind Vilgax and shot towards the others, spinning around them to undo their bindings and freeing them. Once they were all free, he slid to a stop and hit the Omnitrix. In a flash, and much to his friend's shock, Volt-Edge replaced the raptor.

"Flash?" Twilight was shocked, "how did you-" She didn't get to finish, as several drones flew down to attack. But as they did, Volt-Edge charged himself up.

"Rarity!" The girl didn't need any other instruction, putting up shields that protected them and Volt-Edge unleashed a powerful discharge of lightning. The electricity surged through the street, Vilgax roaring as he felt himself getting zapped.

He was able to withstand it, but his drones were quickly short circuited. One by one, the machines exploded and fell to the ground in a heap.

When the surge stopped, Volt-Edge turned towards Vilgax. The smoking alien growled. "You think you can win? I will destroy you, then I will destroy your planet!"

Volt-Edge glared at him, "that's what makes me mad." He suddenly vanished in a flash of light, Vilgax looking around before seeing a blue blur flying towards him. "Bad enough you wanna ruin my day!" He reached Vilgax and morphed into Riot-Horn, "but now you wanna wreck everyone else's!" He threw a super-speed punch into Vilgax's face, knocking him backwards as Flash transformed into Squidstrictor and grabbed his arm. He pulled him back towards him, then switched to Firefly in order to roast him.

He then changed to Diamondhead, slashing at Vilgax, before switching to Bushwhacker and slamming a wooden hammer into his face. All the while, his friends were watching in utter shock. "How is he doing that?" Trixie asked, everyone else unable to answer.

Flash changed into Arctiguana, leaping into the air and blasting Vilgax with ice. Once the alien was frozen solid, he landed and hit the Omnitrix to transform back to normal. Flash panted, really tired after everything he had gone through. But he knew the fight wasn't over yet.

The ice quickly cracked before shattering off of Vilgax, who roared in anger as he had had enough. "Enough of this. You know you can't defeat me. Even if you can suddenly transform into any alien, it must use up a lot of power. You can't stop me before the Omnitrix runs out of power."

He expected Flash to look worried, angry or annoyed. But instead, Flash just smirked. "Guess it's a good thing I have an ace in the hole." He stood up straight and took something out that Vilgax and the others instantly recognised.

"An Omnitrix Access Key. But how?"

"A gift from a new friend." Flash slotted the key into the device and as he did, he accessed the Omnitrix's DNA files. "Unlocking sample Zero, five four. Twenty-three...TEN!" Something about that number gave Vilgax a sense of dread, like Flash knew what transformation he had just unlocked.

And sure enough, when Flash slapped it down the green light it emitted was so strong, it blinded everyone.

When the light faded, the sun was suddenly blotted out. And when they looked up, they saw the alien Flash had turned into. "Wow," Rainbow whispered, "he got way big." Sure enough, Flash was now a giant red and white alien, who was over a hundred feet tall with large red fin blades on its elbows and the top of its head. The Omnitrix was on its chest and just by looking at the alien, everyone knew it was probably one of the most powerful creatures in the universe.

Flash looked himself over and then looked down at the mouse-sized people he called his friends. "Oh yeah! This is awesome!" As he said that, several drones flew at him along with several robots. But Flash wasn't worried.

He swatted the drones out of the sky with a single swing of his arm, the robots following swiftly by being crushed under Flash's enormous feet. Then, he heard a sound coming from behind and spun around to see Vilgax's ship moving closer. And as it did, the weapons began to power up.

Flash smirked before taking a deep breath, then brought his arms together to form a cross. As the lasers fired, a sphere of energy formed in front of Flash that exploded into a beam. It shot forward and connected with the ship's attack, the impact creating a shockwave that shattered several windows.

The two lasers pushed against one another, but then Flash's attack began to overpower the ship's. It pushed the attack back towards the vessel and eventually, the energy collided with the ship.

Vilgax's eyes went wide at the side of his warship being ripped apart, the laser causing the whole thing to explode into millions of pieces. "Impossible." Flash then turned towards him and smirked, the alien slowly leaning down and reaching out a hand. Vilgax tried to run, but couldn't escape from the giant hand. Everyone watched as Flash lifted Vilgax up and was soon face to face with him. "Unhand me! Or suffer the consequences!"

Flash smirked, "such big talk from such a puny guy!" VIlgax finally managed to pull an arm free and stabbed his claws into Flash's hand, making him roar in pain and anger. "That's it! Time for you to get out of here!"

"FLASH!" He stopped and looked down, seeing Twilight pointing at a strange device. "He's set off a bomb! If it blows, it'll destroy the entire planet.

Flash's eyes went wide before he glared at Vilgax, "disarm it!"

"Never!" Vilgax growled, "this planet will pay for the humiliations it has brought against me. If I cannot have the Omnitrix, you cannot have a planet to protect." Flash glared, wanting desperately to squish him like a grape. But then he had another idea.

"Oh, I don't think so." He turned to Twilight, "get me some strong stripes of metal." Twilight looked confused, but did so. She started pulling bits of metal away from the destroyed robots, as Flash picked up the bomb.

"What are you doing?" Vilgax asked, only for Flash to pin him against the bomb as Twilight brought the metal over to him. Flash then pushed the metal against Vilgax, bending it all the way so it wrapped around the bomb and trapped Vilgax to it. "Let me go!"

"Gladly!" Flash smirked, as he held his captive like a baseball and got into a pitchers stance. "Everyone, you'd better cover your ears." They didn't argue and covered them, Rarity putting up another shield as Flash threw his arms around before pelting Vilgax and his explosive into the air.

The force that he threw them at created a sonic boom, Vilgax screaming as he was sent flying into the sky with enough speed to reach escape velocity. He could barely handle the enormous G force that assaulted his body, until he finally left the earth's atmosphere.

"SENTRY!" He roared, as he shot through space like a comet with nothing stopping him from moving. As he did, the bomb continued to count down. And when it was a few thousand miles past the moon, the device finally blew and Vilgax was consumed by a huge explosion.

The explosion had been so far away, only Flash could see it with his alien's incredible eyesight. The explosion was big, but not as big as it would have been had it happened in the planet's atmosphere.

Once the explosion completely vanished, Flash sighed before reaching up and touching the Omnitrix. A burst of light reverted him back to human, the teen falling on his butt due to how exhausted he was. The Omnitrix was in the red and with everything he had done with it that day, he wouldn't be surprised if it stayed red for hours.

"FLASH!" He looked around and saw his parents and friends running towards him.

He pushed himself to his feet, but was tackled back to the ground by his mother. "Do you have any idea how worried we were!?" She cried, holding him tightly. "We thought we'd never see you again." Flash frowned, hugging them both back.

"I'm sorry." The others arrived and crowded around him, amazed that Flash was actually back and had defeated Vilgax so easily.

"How did you change like that?" Sunset asked, "you were so many different aliens it was almost hard to keep track." Flash smirked, knowing he had a lot of explaining to do. However, before he could start, he heard movement and looked around to see people coming out of nearby alleyways.

More people were also appearing at the windows of buildings that had luckily survived Vilgax's attack, many of them with phones that had recorded the whole event. Flash knew they had seen everything and that meant one thing. His secret was well a truly out.

Everything had changed.

Author's Note:

And thus, the second season of the story comes to an end. Hope you all enjoyed it and look forward to season 3. But first, we need to visit the homeworlds of some of our new alien friends. See you then.

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