• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 1, Episode 11: Bloodsuckers

It was another beautiful Saturday in Canterlot.

The sun was shining. The birds were singing. And Flash Sentry was busy picking up trash. That's right, the super powered teen of ten aliens was on litter patrol. And he wasn't the only one.

Multiple members of Canterlot's youth were cleaning up the park. Fluttershy had organised this event to help the wildlife of Canterlot and make the place look more pleasant. Flash and Trixie were litter picking with Rarity, Rainbow Dash and a couple more kids from school.

The area they were cleaning up was around a large lake that was also suffering from a lot of trash being thrown in it. As such, nothing lived within its waters. This was what prompted Fluttershy to start this whole event in the first place. There, she, Sunset, Pinkie and Applejack were working on cleaning it up.

Twilight was also there, using her magic to lift large amounts of filth out of the lake.

"Thanks everyone," Fluttershy told them after they filled what was probably their hundredth garbage bag. "I know this is a lot of work, but helping animals in need is always worth it. Soon this lake will be thriving with life. Cute little duckies, happy insects and maybe even a few frogs. And they'll have you all to thank for it."

"No problem," Shining told her. He had been roped into this by Twilight, the police officer happy to help the community when he could. "I'm just sorry we can't clean the place up faster."

"Yeah," Flash nodded, "what I wouldn't give for super speed." A lot of them assumed he was thinking of Rainbow, but in actuality the teen was thinking about one of his aliens that he wished he could turn into at that moment.

"Alright everyone," Pinkie smiled as she added another bag to the trash pile. "We've been working hard. I think it's time we take a break and enjoy ourselves." Everyone cheered as Rainbow rushed off, then zipped around handing out bottles of everyone's favourite juice that Pinkie had gotten them.

Flash was handed an orange and passion fruit which he moved over to the shade of a tree to enjoy. As he sat down, he saw Spike was resting in the shadow chewing on a fake bone. The puppy noticed Flash but didn't say anything, not having a problem with him sitting there.

But as he sat there, he couldn't help but be annoyed by a light that was suddenly shining onto his face. He growled and rolled out of the way, looking towards the source and seeing it was something on Flash's wrist. "Do you mind? Your watch is reflecting the light right into my face."

"Sorry," Flash pulled his arm up out of the sun's path and allowed Spike to get a better look at the watch.

"That thing looks pretty cool. Where'd you get it?"

"Um...cereal." Spike had a feeling that wasn't the truth, but then Twilight and the others sat down besides them.

"This turned out to be a lot more fun than I thought it'd be," Sunset told them as they nodded in agreement. "So, how long do you think it'll be before this place is done? I can't wait to see what it looks like spotless?"

"Probably another hour or two," Twilight suggested. "We managed to get the bulk of it done, so I think we should be able to finish it sooner than we thought." Everybody liked the sound of that.

"It's a shame Trixie's darling Glamour doesn't enjoy a lot of exercise," the magician stated after downing a lime and kiwi. She was talking about her pet gerbil, which many of them had seen her push around the pet show in a baby stroller. "With all the hard work she put it, she would like a reason to come and see this place more often."

"You don't need a pet to come enjoy this place," Shining told her.

"Just come and enjoy the great outdoors every now and then," Flash looked around. "Though a part of me is worried this place won't be so great for long." The others looked confused. "This place got trashed before. Who's to say it won't happen again after we finish cleaning up?"

"Thanks for the thought," Rainbow frowned. "Can't let a girl enjoy her hard work, huh?"

"It is a little strange this place has become so filthy," Sunset pointed out. "You'd think this park would have someone working the grounds."

"I think it does," Rarity stated. "I'm sure I've seen him around in other parts of the park." She looked over at the lake, "I guess he's not getting paid to keep this area clean. I can't think why though." The others all wondered the same thing, as they finished off their drinks and decided to get back to work.

Flash had joined the lake cleaning crew, having agreed to go into the actual lake when Twilight was sure doing so wasn't dangerous. He and Applejack had changed into swimwear and dived down towards the bottom, looking around for anything that might have sunk there.

As they skimmed the lake, scooping several objects up in nets, they spotted something in the very middle of the lake. That something was a giant round wooden object that was so big, Flash could have lain on it and his entire body could have touched it.

They couldn't help but take a look at it, Flash touching it and finding the edges of it were rather sharp when he suddenly felt his finger slice open.

They swam back to the surface and when they did, the others noticed Flash flexing one of his fingers. "Are you okay?" Shining asked, as Flash wrapped all the fingers of his other hand around it.

"Yeah. Just nicked myself on something in the lake."

"You didn't cut yourself on anything metal, did you?" Fluttershy looked worried, "you might need a tetanus shot."

"No," Flash shook his head, "it was...I don't know what it is. It's stuck at the bottom of the lake."

"Looked kinda like a giant bath plug ta me," Applejack stated. The others frowned and wondered what it was, the lot moving over to duck their faces into the lake. It was pretty far down, so they couldn't really see it. "A'h think it's wedged into something," Applejack stated. "We could probably get it out if we had some rope."

"Ooh!" Pinkie pulled something out of her hair, revealing it to be the end of a rope. She kept pulling more and more of it out until there was more rope then Pinkie as a person. "That enough?" She asked after unleashing about twelve meters of it.

"Uh...sure," Applejack and the others just stared at the girl. They didn't think they should be surprised anymore, but still Pinkie proved to be a complete mystery.

"Let's get to work," Shining stated.

"WAIT!" They all stopped and turned towards the voice, seeing someone walking into the area.

It was a man of around fifty or sixty, who had like blue skin like Rainbow but his hair was a graying peach colour. He also had a large graying peach beard, which went down right to his stomach. He was dressed in an orange shirt and brown pants, carrying a walking stick he used to stay upright.

The man walked towards them as fast as he could, looking rather worried. "You must not touch that plug!"

"Why?" Twilight asked, "who are you?"

"I'm the man in charge of keeping this park safe," he stated. "I've been the groundskeeper here almost my entire life, taking over from my father who took over from his father. My family has kept this park safe for years."

"Well you kinda dropped the ball in this area," Rainbow pointed to the giant pile of litter they had picked up.

The man shook his head. "Long ago, my ancestors trapped a creature of unimaginable power within this lake. That wooden seal was used to contain them and is the only thing between that monster and the outside world. You must no remove it."

"Seriously?" Trixie asked, "you trapped an ancient monster under a lake in the middle of a park?" The man nodded, "how?"

"I don't know," he told them. "But the story has been passed down in my family for generations. You must not remove that plug, or you may doom us all."

"Don't take this the wrong way oldtimer," Shining stated. "But I'm betting that story was just something your ancestor told his kids to make his job sound cool. Obviously along the way, someone forgot to tell their kid they were joking."

"This is no joke!" He cried, looking very angry. "If you removed that plug, you'll regret it."

"I think we can handle it," Rainbow smirked. "Not to brag or anything, but we've handled a bunch of stuff that's probably way worse then whatever your great great grandpappy stuck down there." The man glared at them but turned to leave, clearly seeing he could not stop them.

"You'll regret this!"

Once he was gone, Trixie turned to the others. "Someone clearly forgot to take his meds today."

"I don't know," Fluttershy frowned. "What if he's right? What if there's an Equestrian creature down there?" Sunset had also been thinking the same thing and moved over to the lake, holding her geode and putting her hands in the water.

"I'm not sensing any Equestrian Magic," she stated. "I think we're safe from that problem."

"But there could still be something down there," Rarity pointed out. "Maybe it's best we leave it alone."

"Why?" Flash asked, "if there's something down there we can't just leave it there. What if someone else comes along and lets it out. At least you girls have the powers to fight off whatever it is. And even if you couldn't beat it, I'm betting one of those aliens will show up and help out. Maybe it's better for us to release it."

"Flash has a point," Twilight nodded. "If it's nothing, no harm done. But if it is something dangerous, we'll deal with it." The others realised they were right and so, they prepared to remove the plug.

Flash and Applejack swam back down and tied the rope around the plug, Twilight and the others up on the shore getting the rest ready.

They used a pulley wheel Twilight had for some unknown reason and looped the rope around it, Twilight using her magic to lift it up above the lake. When Flash and Applejack returned, they all grabbed the rope. "On three," Twilight announced. "One...two...THREE!" They pulled and found the plug was stuck on tight. Whatever had been used to stuff it into the hole, it had done a pretty good job.

They tugged and tugged and tugged and tugged, but still the plug remained in place.

Applejack then touched her geode and called upon her Equestrian Magic, giving the rope one good pull which caused the plug to finally move. They kept pulling and with every Applejack powered yank, the plug came more and more undone. "Almost there!" Twilight cried as they all put everything they had into one final pull, only to all fall back as the plug came out and shot up to the surface.

Applejack quickly pulled on the rope some more and the plug finally came out of the water, the lot of them getting the chance to see it and realise it was shaped like a bottle cork. They quickly pulled it over until it was no longer above the lake, the lot of them carefully dropping it.

"Wow," Twilight looked the cork over, "this is amazing. It must have been under the water for over a hundred years, but it doesn't appear to have sustained any warping from it. Whatever they made this out of must have been some pretty strong stuff."

"But what about the creature?" Rarity asked, the lot of them turning towards the lake.

They waited and waited and waited, but nothing came out of the lake. "So where's this unstoppable monster?" Spike asked, finally bored of waiting.

"Knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up," Rainbow frowned as Flash decided to take a closer look. He dived under the water and Applejack followed, the pair swimming down to the bottom of the lake. When they got there, they saw the area where the plug had been and saw that it was hiding a dark hole.

Swimming to the edge of it, they looked down but the hole was pitch black. They couldn't even see the bottom, and neither wanted to swim down into it in case they got stuck.

When they swam back up and told the others, Shining suggested they leave the hole alone. They all agreed, now confident the old man had truly been off their rocker. If only they knew how wrong they were.

As they continued to finish up their work, something floated down through the water towards the hole. A drop of blood, which disappeared into said hole. As it did, a strange noise began to echo through the water. A sound that was being muffled by the water, but grew louder with every passing minute. The sound...of croaking

And as the hours passed and night eventually fell, the park was completely deserted.

If someone was there, they would have been in for quite a sight. As the sound of splashing filled the air, caused by something moving through the water. Something that soon changed when the source of the splashing finally pulled itself up from the water, ready to find the one it needed.

The next morning.

Flash let out a yawn as he slowly began to wake up, the teen's natural clock telling him to wake up a few minutes before his alarm was to go off.

He rolled onto his back and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, all the while shifting his body to try and get the stiffness out of them. Around seventy percent awake, the teen sat up and blinked his eyes open. And as he did, she saw something sitting on the end of his bed looking at him. A giant frog.

"WOW!" Flash leapt out of his bed, now completely awake as he stared at the creature. "Wha...wha..."

"Flash?" He heard his mother call out to him, "are you okay?" He heard footsteps and didn't want his mother to come in and see this.

"I'm fine!" Flash assured her. "Just...stubbed my toe waking up." His mother seemed to believe this and asked if he was coming down for breakfast. "Um...maybe." His eyes remained focused on the on his bed, taking in its appearance.

It was a giant frog or toad, whose body was bright orange and it had big blue eyes. But the strangest thing about it was how it had a head of blue hair on its head. This was no ordinary amphibian.

"Er...hey little guy," Flash quickly got out of his pajamas and put his day clothes on, his eyes not leaving the creature. "Where...where did you come from?" The frog leapt onto the ground and hoped towards him, Flash staring at it and thinking it was harmless. He then crouched down and stared it in the eye, smirking as he realised the colour of its skin, hair and even eyes were exactly like his. "Well aren't you handsome." He reached over to pet the creature, wondering if Bananas would be jealous if he kept it. But before it could make plans to buy a frog tank, the creature reached out and sucked Flash's entire hand into its mouth. "YOW!" He leapt up, but the frog remained latched to him.

He spun around the room and tried to shake the creature off, but it was stuck on good. He then felt something touch the cut on his finger, making him flinch as he felt it reopen. He then sensed another feeling running through that finger and spreading to the rest of his hand. It was going numb, like there wasn't any blood flowing through it.

"Are you, sucking my blood?" The creature just remained latched to him and Flash kept swinging his arm around, with little success. At the same time, he heard his mother calling up to him again.

"Get off me!" And before the creature could start sucking blood out of his arm, his alarm clock suddenly rang.

The sudden sound made the creature flinch and let go, falling to the floor as Flash staggered back and grabbed a baseball bat out of the corner.

"Stay back!" He cried, expecting it to attack him. But instead, the creature turned to his clock and opened its mouth before a long tongue shot out and grabbed it. "Hey!" He cried as the clock was pulled into the frog's mouth, the creature swallowing it hold. "Great," he sighed, only for the frog to then vibrate. "What now?" He got his answer when the creature spat out a ball of slimy stuff the same size as it, Flash ready to vomit at the sight of it.

He was then in for a major shock when he saw the slime begin to harden before legs popped out the sides and a blue hair grew from the top. In seconds, another identical frog creature was standing next to the first.

"Wow." They then turned towards him, Flash's eyes going wide as he saw hunger within theirs. "Um...you don't want my blood." He moved back towards the window, "I eat a bunch of junk food. I'm super high in sodium." But the creatures continued to hop forward and Flash knew it was time to go, the teen pushing open the window and jumping out. He was glad there was a tree outside his window, the teen grabbing onto it and swinging onto the trunk.

He slid down to the ground as he looked up, the frogs bouncing over to the window. He ran out onto the road, not expecting them to follow. But then they leapt from the window and landed upon the ground without injury, Flash gulping at this.

As they approached, Flash quickly activated the Omnitrix and looked around. Seeing nobody was watching him, he slapped the dial down. In a burst of green, Flash was replaced with Firefly and shot into the air. "Hahaa," he smirked, "can't get to me now." But as he was considering roasting these creatures, something happened to them.

The backs of their bodies began to slowly bubble as slime popped out of them. Firefly watched in confusion as the slime moved outwards, then began to take shape. To the alien insect's shock and horror, both frogs were suddenly sporting a pair of wings. And not just any wings. Wings the same shape and pattern as Firefly's.

"What the..." He frogs took to the air, flying towards him as he was absolutely shocked. "How is something like that possible?" But the frogs didn't answer, instead flying closer to him. "Stay away!" He launched a bunch of fireballs at them, but the frogs avoided them all and Firefly quickly flew off in the opposite direction.

But despite being bigger, the frogs were able to keep up with him. Down below, the people of Canterlot were surprised to see one of the alien heroes flying through the sky when there wasn't any emergency for them to deal with. They then noticed the two smaller creatures following and wondered if that mad scientist was back and making a bunch of new mutations.

Firefly did everything he could to try and shake the beasts. He flew through power lines hoping to zap them, but the frogs seemed to sense the danger and avoided them as well. He then tried to fly as fast and as randomly as possible, hoping to lose them. But every time he seemed to be out of sight of them, it was like they were sniffing him out or something. Finally, he flew into heavy traffic hoping to get them to splat on a windshield.

He dived down into the oncoming vehicles, surprising those driving, zigzagging around cars whilst the frogs followed after him. And as a giant truck approached at high speeds, he flew straight at it with the creatures hot on his tail. And seconds before he slammed into it, he shot straight up. But the frogs were not so lucky and splatted again the metal front.

"Gotcha!" He chuckled, seeing the truck come to a stop in front of some lights whilst the driver looked out of his cab and gave him a look that told him he was nuts. "Sorry. Had a bit of a pest problem." He stared at the slime covering the front of the truck, hoping it would wash off. But then it slid off the front onto the ground in two slimy piles. But before he could think to clean it up, the slop began to move on its own. "Huh?"

The slime began to bubble and morph, slowly taking shape before solidifying in areas.

"No...way." Within seconds, the two frogs were back to normal and turned to the truck. Firefly had a feeling he knew what was about to happen. "Get out of there!" He cried to the driver, who looked confused until part of his truck was suddenly ripped off the rest by a very powerful tongue.

He cried out and threw his door open, only for that door to be grabbed and pulled off its hinges. As he leapt out, the two frogs pulled the metal pieces into their mouths and swallowed them whole. After a few seconds, they spat out slime that hit the ground and took form. Now four giant frogs were filling the street. And it wasn't stopping there.

The people around the truck that saw this quickly got out of their cars and ran, as the frogs turned to the truck and once again pulled pieces of metal off of it. Doing so caused each of them to replicate again, the now eight frogs all ripping apart the last of the truck and duplicating themselves again.

"Oh geez," Firefly gulped at the sight of the sixteen frogs. Each one were exactly the same and all had the same pair of Firefly wings. When the last eight finished replicating, they turned to the alien and began to take flight after him. "Leave me alone!" He flew off and they all gave chase, Firefly continuing to try and lose them for a good few minutes.

As he flew into another suburban area, Firefly guessed he was a minute or so from changing back.

Looking around, Firefly tried to think of something he could do. But as far as he could tell, Firefly had no chance of stopping these things. But just as he was about to moan, he remembered who lived in this area and flew towards the house. As it came into view, the Omnitrix began to beep.

"Not now!" He dived down and landed right as the light exploded around him, causing Flash to be thrown forwards and roll out of the light. "Ow!" He groaned as he quickly sat up and rushed towards the door, "oh please be home." He slammed his fist against the door, praying the one who answered was the one he wanted.

And sure enough, the door opened and Trixie looked out at him. "Flash, what are you-" She stopped when she saw the frogs flying down towards them, "what the heck!"

"We have to get out of here!" Flash told her, "those things won't stop chasing me and every time they eat something metal, they multiply!" Trixie looked shocked at this and pulled Flash inside, "Trixie!" She slammed the door shut as the frogs landed, the lot of them staring at the door and deciding which of them should eat it.

But before they could, the garage suddenly opened and something shot out after them. That something was Trixie, riding her bike with Flash riding on the spokes behind her. They quickly shot off down the street, the frogs staring at them before taking off to give chase.

"Where the heck did these things come from?"

"There was only one at first!" Flash cried, "I woke up and it was in my room. Then it ate my alarm clock and doubled itself. Then they ate a truck and...well that's the result."

"So where did the first one come from?" Trixie spun around a corner hoping to lose them, but that didn't work.

"I have no idea." He frowned, knowing he needed to call Shining Armor. But in his haste to escape, he left his phone charging in his room. "Do you have your phone on you?"

Shining sighed as he rolled towards the precinct in his police cruiser, a cup of coffee in his cup-holder.

He grabbed the mug to take a sip and as he did, his phone rang. "Hello?" He answered on speaker-phone, only to hear something very strange coming from the other side.

"Shining!" Flash's voice instantly made him alert, the cop putting down his cup and focusing his attention on the teen. "We need help!"

"What's wrong?" Flash began to explain and Shining sighed, wondering how the heck one kid can get himself into so much trouble. "Alright, I'll be there as soon as I can. Try and lead them to an area that's not well inhabited."

"I'll try," Flash nodded. "But the only person these things seem interested in is me."

Trixie swerved away from a busy street as the sixteen frog creatures followed after them without any trouble. "I think I might know where we can lose them!" She zigzagged through the streets, focusing on the backroads that might be less crowd. And then they found what she was looking for.

"A junkyard?" Flash asked, as they flew through the gates towards the maze of junk. "Trixie, this is a really bad idea!"

"Why?" Trixie asked, only for them to look back and get the answer. As the frogs flew into the junkyard, they saw the large amount of scrap metal surrounding it. One of them reached out and grabbed a rusty exhaust, but let it go as soon as its tongue tasted it. It looked sickened by it, Flash realising they must not be able to eat rusted metal.

"Trixie, I take back what I said. Smart move." Trixie smiled as she flew around another corner, the frogs still giving chase. But then they arrived at an area full of metal that wasn't rusted yet, the teens gulping as six of the frogs pulled these pieces into their mouths. Within moments, the number of flying frogs rose to twenty-two. "I'm giving back what I said. Not a smart move."

Some more frogs found non-rusted metal and devoured them, the number of these creature raising above what Flash could quickly count. The teen frowned at this, but then his watch turned green. "Yes!" He activated it as Trixie pulled to a stop, Flash getting off her bike and rushing forward. "Lets see how well these things like the taste of Volt-Edge's steel!" He slammed the dial down and in a burst of green light, Flash was replaced with Molestache. "Of course," he frowned.

Trixie wanted to laugh, but then notices something that made he get serious. "Look!" Molestache focused on the frogs as the lot of them stopped moving. As they did, their faces started to bubble.

"Now what?" He asked, wondering what the heck they were doing now. They got their answer when each of the frog's upper lips began to grow hair. Hair just like Molestache's, "I say!" The frog's mustaches began to stretch and grab a bunch of metal, Molestache realising the mistake he had just made. "They...they're copying the powers of my aliens."

"Maybe it's a good thing you got the wrong alien," Trixie stated as the frogs doublicated themselves again. Now they were facing a small army of them. "But why are they still following you?"

Molestache didn't answer as one of the frogs tried to attack him, the alien quickly using his mustache to form boxing hands. "Back off you insidious cur!" He punched the frog away and several more attacked, each of them extending their mustaches to try and grab him. "I said leave me alone!" He began punching the mustaches and attacking the frogs, but there were just too many of them.

At one point, a few of the frogs managed to grab his stache in theirs and lift him up. "Flash!"

"Unhand me you amphibious miscreants!" He tried to punch them with his stache, but more frogs grabbed it whilst the others licked their lips ready to drain more of his blood. "Why are you so insistent on sucking my blood? My blood isn't even human anymore."

The frogs didn't answer and some of them prepared to fly up to him. But before they could, a bunch of smoke bombs slammed into the faces of the frogs holding Molestache. They flinched and accidently dropped him, allowing Molestache to fall and use his mustache as a glider to fly away.

Trixie biked after him and as they escaped, the frogs reached out and grabbed pieces of metal in their staches. But instead of eating them, they threw them at the pair.

"WOW!" Trixie pulled herself to the side and barely avoided a car that would have crushed her. But this made her lose her balance on her bike and she fell off it. "Ow." She held her head and looked around, as the frogs flew towards her. She tried to get up and grab her bike, but one of the frogs grabbed it in their staches and pulled it into their mouths. "HEY!" As it multiplied, she steamed. "You know how much a new bike costs!?"

"Not now Trixie!" Molestache flew down and grabbed her by the back of her hood, turning his stache into a helicopter that lifted them both into the air. They flew out of the junkyard, the frogs flying behind them. Molestache was having trouble keeping ahead of them, since carrying both him and Trixie was strength the strength of his stache's power. "Sorry, I'm going to have to put you down!"

"Huh?" Trixie looked up at him, as he dived towards the street and released her. "WOW!" She fell two feet before landing, staggering forward Molestache flew back up. "WAIT!" She chased after him as as she did, she saw the frogs all shift positions in the air for some reason.

Molestache then did a quick turn around a building, clearly trying to escape them. But the way the frogs had positioned themselves in the air allowed them to turn without a seconds thought. Trixie stared at this and wondered how the heck they knew Molestache was going to do that, then realised something. "They look like Flash and take the attributes of the aliens he becomes. They...they're connected to him." That always made her realise something else. How they were able to predict his tricks and maybe even track him.

Molestache flew into a nearby park, hoping to lose them within the trees.

As he entered it, his stache stopped spinning due to overuse. He fell to the ground and managed to grab a tree branch to stop his fall, as the frogs flew down towards him. He sent his stache out to grab another branch and pulled himself forward, quickly using his stache to swing from branch to branch.

"How on earth are these horrible things keeping pace with me?" He kept swinging but eventually ran out of trees, so dropped down and ran for his life. "This is absurd. I've fought and defeated many more powerful creature and villains before. How is it that a bunch of frogs have me running for my life?" Several frogs suddenly flew down and landed in front of him, with others landing behind him and even more staying above him.

Molestache looked around, but couldn't see any gap in their defenses. He then looked down and realised this was his only hope, so started tunnelling straight down. The frogs hopped towards his hole, but he quickly collapsed it behind him and dug fast before he could run out of air.

Moments later, he hit something located ten feet beneath the park. A piece of stone. "Huh?" He quickly punched it with his stache, the stone breaking away and allowing him fresh air. Well...fresh wasn't a good word to describe it. "AHHH!" He plugged his nose and looked down, seeing he had broken through to the sewer.

He leapt down and swung onto the tunnel's sidewalk, the rodent alien running as fast as he could to escape from the frogs.

"There's no way those creatures will be able to locate me down here." But his british accent proved false for when he turned a corner, he heard a manhole being opened from above and looked up to see the frogs flying in. "Oh come now. This is getting quite ridiculous." He ran in the other direction, the frogs giving chase as they sped through the sewers.

The amount of frogs and the narrowness of the sewers made flying difficult for them. As such, they landed on the ground and hoped after him instead.

After a few minutes of this, Molestache had had enough of the smell and spotted another manhole up ahead on the other side of the river.

He leapt forward, using his stache to grab the ladder and pull him over the river. As he climbed to the top, several frogs leapt over the river only to fall short. Several fell into the murky water, the creatures attempting to get out but couldn't. They seemed unable to swim, causing them to sink. And after a few seconds, their bodies began to break down and melt.

"Incredible," he whispered in amazement. This had to be put on hold, however, as the non-melting frogs began to bounce towards him. As such, he punched the lid off the manhole and pulled himself through. When he did, he found he was in the middle of a busy street and several cars were driving towards him.

One almost hit him, but stopped just in time. "HEY!" The driver yelled, "get off the road you nutcase!" Molestache quickly ran and as he did, more of the frogs flew out and chased him down.

He ran through the alleyways and eventually, he couldn't run any longer. "Must...rest." He came to a stop and panted, trying to catch his breath. As he did, the Omnitrix beeped and he groaned before changing back.

Flash sighed as he looked behind himself, seeing the frogs flying forward. "Can't you just leave me alone!" He kept running and did so without any plan of where he was going. He knew that water could beat them, but how the heck was he going to get them damp? "Ten aliens on this thing and out of all the elements they don't control, water was the one it decided to leave out!"

He kept running for a good five minutes as the frogs kept up with him, clearly trying to tire him out before diving down to finish him off. He eventually arrived at the park again, but was still clueless about how the heck he was gonna free himself of these creatures.

But before he could scream, someone grabbed his jacket and pulled him behind a tree. "Shh," Trixie told him, "I know how they're following you."


"Those things are connected to you somehow. They look like you and can mimic any alien you become, so it's clear they have a link to you. And I think that link is partly psychic. That's why they're always able to find you and why you can't trick them. They're reading your mind."

"Seriously?" He asked, as the frog's croaking got closer. "So I can't escape them."

"They might if you stop thinking," Trixie explained. "You have to completely shut off your brain so they can't hear your thoughts."

"How the heck does that work?" Flash asked, the croaking getting loader. "You can't just shut off your brain and stop-" He didn't get to finish as in that moment, Trixie grabbed his head and pulled it towards her. Before Flash knew what was happening, his lips were on hers and the pair were kissing.

Trixie's plan worked and Flash's mind went completely blank, the teen unable to put thoughts to this.

They kept this up as the frogs flew passed him, being completely oblivious to the two and fly off in a completely different direction. But Trixie didn't stop, wanting to make sure the frogs lost his trail before stopping. But as she did, seven individuals happened to be walking through the park at that moment.

Twilight, Applejack, Sunset, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rarity had all decided to take their pets out for a day of fun in the park. But as they stepped through the park, they spotted two people they recognised doing something they had assumed they had done many times before.

Flash's brain finally started to reboot and as it did, his eyes happened to spot the girls and their pets off to the side. Of course, this led to him pushing Trixie away from him as the Rainbooms smirked. "This is not what it looks like!" He cried, Trixie turning to see them.

"Hey now," Applejack smirked. "No need to be embarrassed. We've known for a while now."

Flash's heartbeat soared. "Known what?"

"That you two were dating," Sunset smirked before the Rainbooms saw the pairs eyes turn to that of shock. They glanced at one another, as if having a mental conversation. Then...they burst out laughing. "What's so funny?"

"You think we're dating?" Trixie asked, "that's hilarious. Like I'd be caught dead dating this goofball."

"Oh like you're any better," Flash told her through his laughs. "Girls, we're not dating."

"You're not?" Pinkie asked, "but you were just kissing."

"I was trying to make him stop thinking," Trixie explained. "Listen, we'll explain the details later. But right now, we need to get Flash somewhere safe. Something's after him." The Rainbooms looked worried.

"Who?" Sunset asked, only for them to hear a bunch of croaking coming from behind them.

"Them!" Trixie cried as the girls turned to see the flying mustachioed frogs heading towards them. "We don't know why, but they're after Flash."

"What the heck?" Rainbow asked, as the frogs dived towards them.

"Everyone get together!" Rarity cried, the lot of them bunching up with their pets as she touched her geode and created a dome of crystals around them. "What are these horrible things?"

"And where did they come from?" Twilight asked, the lot of them turning to Flash.

"I don't know. I just woke up and it was in my room!"

"It?" Sunset asked.

"There was just one at first. But wherever they eat metal, they puke up a perfect copy of themselves."

"Fascinating," Twilight whispered before turning to take a closer look. Then she noticed something about their appearance. "Those wings. The mustaches. They...they look familiar."

Flash panicked, unsure how to explain it to her. Maybe it was time to tell her the truth. "It's the aliens," Trixie spoke up before he could. "They showed up to try and help him. But nothing they did could stop them. What's worse, every time one of them show up the frogs mimic the best aspects of them." One frog punched a shield with a stache fist, "so the aliens realised they couldn't call in their friends since it might make them even stronger."

Twilight looked amazed by this, pushing up her glasses. "Amazing. Could these be aliens as well?"

"But why are they after Flash?" Spike cried, Flash wanting to know that answer as well.

"They want your blood." They all turned to Fluttershy, shocked she would say that. "It's all they're saying. Blood, blood, give us blood. Every drop, gives us life."

"Every drop?" Flash looked at his hand, "the first one managed to grab hold of my hand and sucked a lot of my blood out."

"Gives us life?" Twilight whispered, "did it start replicating after it sucked your blood?" Flash nodded. "Maybe that's it. Maybe these things need blood in order to copy themselves. Metal must be one ingredient, but your blood must be another. Maybe every time they copy themselves, the amount of blood they have is split. That's why they haven't done it again."

"So they want to drain Flash and use his blood to make an army of froggy monsters?"

"Great," Flash groaned, "they're not gonna stop until they get every last drop."

Sunset hummed, wondering something. "The first one. Did it look like they do now, minus the wings and stash?" Flash nodded, "so that means it must have gotten a sample of your blood before...right?" They realised she was right, Flash trying to think about when he could have gotten his blood to them.

Then, he held up his finger and stared at the still healing cut that the frog had sucked his blood out of. Slowly, he was putting the pieces together. "The lake." The girls turned to him, "I cut myself in the lake yesterday. Don't you remember?"

"That man," Twilight caught on. "These must be the evil he was trying to warn us about!" As she said that, a cracking sound made them look up and see the frogs were starting to break through the shield.

"We need to talk to that guy," Sunset told them. "But we have to get Flash to safety first."

"That's gonna be tricky," Trixie stated. "These things seem to have a psychic link with Flash. As long as he's thinking, they'll be able to hear his thoughts and know where he is."

"That could be a problem," Twilight gulped before he brain started calculating ideas. "Alright, I know what to do." Trixie rushed over to plug Flash's ears, explaining him knowing the plan was a bad idea. Flash watched as Twilight pointed at the others and spoke, his brain automatically trying to put her plan together. Knowing that wasn't smart, he closed his eyes and waited until Trixie unplugged his ears.

"Let's do this!" Rainbow cheered as Pinkie pulled out a pair of sprinkle cans, channeling her magic into them. Rainbow then grabbed Flash and before he could ask what was happening, Rarity then dropping the shields around them.

The frogs prepared to charge, but Pinkie was faster and thrust the sprinkles onto the ground to make them explode.

In the blink of an eye, they were all engulfed by a multiple coloured cloud of smoke. Flash then felt Rainbow pull him along, her superspeed allowing them to zoom through the park. Flash tried his best to make his mind go blank, hoping it was working but guessing it wasn't.

Eventually, Rainbow came to a stop and Flash opened his eyes. He found they were back at the lakeside, with the plug still there. As he looked out at the lake, he remembered what had happened in the sewer. He couldn't believe he had forgotten to tell them about the frogs apparent weakness to water.

"HEY!" Rainbow cried out, "weird dude. You out here?" No one replied, "come on. We really need your help. Look, you were right okay!" There was still no reply and the pair let out a sigh. But then-

"Let me guess." They spun around to see the old man moving towards them, his walking stick being dragged along the ground with every step. "A strange creature has appeared and you have no way to stop it."

"Yes!" Flash told him, "those creatures are after me. They wanna suck my blood and make an army of them." He strode towards him, "you've got to tell me how to stop them before they drain me dry."

"There's only one way to stop them," he explained before poking Flash in the chest. "Keeping them locked inside the lake under the seal. But no. You decided to move it because young people think they know best."

Flash sighed at the old man, really not in the mood for a lecture after the day he had had.

"Flash!" He looked around and spotted Shining, who was running towards him. "Glad I finally found you. Trixie sent me a text saying where you were going. You okay?"

"I'm being chased by a bunch of vampire frogs that won't stop pursuing me," Flash replied. "I have had better days." He turned back to the old man, "there has to be something we can do. Those creatures were sealed up before."

"There were," he nodded. "But how has been lost to time. That's why it was so important to keep the plug where it was. You kids should have listen to me." They frowned, knowing he was right. Flash deserved what was happening.

"FLASH!" They looked around and saw Trixie, the Rainbooms and their pets running towards them. The frogs were right behind them, their focus quickly locking of Flash. "RUN!" Trixie cried as Rarity slid to a stop and created a large wall of crystals.

Flash frowned, knowing he had to find a way to stop them. "Try and get them in the water!" He cried, pointing to the lake. "These things melt in water." Twilight heard this and nodded, the girls turning her attention to the frogs before activating her magic. Several frogs suddenly glowed and were thrown downwards, splashing into the water and beginning to sink.

Twilight smiled at this and tried to grab so more, but before she could one of the frogs threw a mustache punch at her. "WOW!" She barely managed to avoid it and tripped, falling to the ground as the other saved the frogs that fell in the water. "There's too many of them!"

"Flash, get out of here!" Sunset yelled, Flash seeing no choice but to run as Shining and Trixie went with him. As they did, the Rainbooms continued trying to fend off the frogs. But some of them managed to get passed and chase after the three of them.

They kept running and Shining had them hide behind a tree.

"This isn't gonna work," Flash told him. "Those things are linked to me. As long as I know what we're doing, they're gonna be surprised." Flash groaned as he heard croaking approaching.

"You need to go alien!" Trixie told him, grabbing his arm and hitting the Omnitrix button. But before she could chose an alien, Flash pulled his arm away.

"No way! If I transform again, those things are just gonna gain whatever powers my aliens have!" Before he could switch it off however, the frogs arrived.

"Get away!" Shining pulled out his gun and fired, but the frogs dodged and charged at Flash. The teen leapt back to avoid the attack and as he did, he tripped and fell towards a tree. As he did, the Omnitrix's dial hit the trunk and was pushed down.

A burst of green light filled the woods and as it did, Trixie and Shining were greeted to the sight of the plant alien known as Bushwhacker. "You okay?" Trixie asked, as Bushwhacker looked himself over then stared up at the frogs as they stared at him. However, they didn't change or start to bubble.

"What's going on?" He asked, only for the frogs to dive towards him with their mustaches ready. He quickly reached and called upon the trees, getting them to move and slam their branches into the frogs. The lot of them were sent flying backwards, as Bushwhacker remained confused. "Why didn't they change?"

"Maybe they couldn't," Shining told him. "You said they were using your blood, right?"

"Right," Bushwhacker nodded as he used his leaf wings to blow some more frogs away.

"And you had a link. Maybe that link caused the blood they had to change whenever you changed. That's why they gained your alien powers." He stepped up to Bushwhacker and grabbed his head, pulling it off the rest of his body which suddenly went limp. "This form might not have any blood, so the frogs didn't change either."

"And they can't drain your blood in that form!" Trixie cheered, "it's the perfect alien to fight them as." Shining returned his head and Bushwhacker smiled as he turned his attention back to where the frogs had first come from.

The Rainbooms continued their fight against the frogs, Rainbow running beneath them at high speed to form a tornado whilst Applejack batted at them with a tree branch.

Twilight was trying to grab as many as she could, but she couldn't catch all of them and any she didn't catch ended up freeing the others. Rarity kept throwing her shields at them whilst Pinkie threw sprinkles, only to soon run out whilst Sunset, Fluttershy and the old man watched them struggle.

"It's impossible," the man cried. "Nothing will stop these creatures now."

"I wouldn't be so sure!" They all looked around, seconds before a wood fist shot forward and punched a frog. Bushwhacker rushed towards them, smirking as he prepared for battle. "These things don't seem to like the taste of vegetables!" He whipped his extend arms around and started clobbering the frogs, knocking them into the water before they could react.

For the frogs, they were all very confused. They knew this creature was the one they were after, but for some reason they couldn't hear his thoughts. As such, they couldn't react in time to stop the alien as he attacked.

He grabbed several in his hands and threw them into the water, whilst the leaves that made up his upper body rustled before shooting off like a bunch of ninja stars. They struck the frogs and made them croak in pair, as their wings and mustaches were cut. As several charged forward, the vines that made up his arms released the wood hands and split into multiple long tendrils.

He swung them around and struck the frogs, sending them flying as everyone watched in surprise. But Twilight quickly recovered and used this chance to grab as many of the dazed ones as possible before throwing them into the water. Rarity also recovered and quickly form a large barrier that covered most of the water, leaving a single opening in the middle that allowed Twilight to throw them in.

This prevented the frogs from flying back out, whilst the opening constantly being bombarded by new frogs.

Several of the creatures tried to attack from below, hoping they would go under Bushwhacker's radar. But as they got close, a bunch of roots broke out of the ground and wrapped around them. They squeezed them all until they exploded, Rainbow seeing this and rushing over as Pinkie threw her a bucket she pulled out of nowhere.

Before the slime hit the ground, Rainbow grabbed it all inside the bucket and ran over Rarity's shields to deposit it into the water.

Seeing this, Bushwhacker smirked and started upping the power. He grabbed his fists again as the wood transformed into hammer shapes, which he started swinging around to crush the frogs into paste that Rainbow quickly picked up. And he wasn't the only one doing this.

Applejack started stomping on the frogs with all her strength, flinching a bit at the feel of the slime sticking to her boots. Luckily, it all came off with a quick scrape on the ground and Rainbow was able to pick it all up and throw it into the water.

The old man watched in amazement as the tide was suddenly turned, with the number of frogs quickly dwindling. "Incredible," he whispered as he looked into the water and saw it being filled with the slime that was slowly mixing together. "But wait..."

"There's only one left!" Pinkie cheered, the lot of them looking at the creature that was hovering high above the lake.

"Bring it on!" Bushwhacker cried. "If you know what's good for you, you'll leave and never come back!" But the frog didn't do that. Instead, the creature dived down and seemed to commit suicide as it flew into the water. "Huh?"

"That was easier than I thought it'd be," Rainbow frowned. "Kinda expected it to do something surprising as the final boss." The others agreed and wondered what was happening, but quickly got their answer.

As the final frog melted, its form merged with the rest before it slowly started bubbling. Then, the giant puddle of goop began to raise up. "What's it doing?" Sunset asked as the goop pushed against Rarity's shield, the girls flinching as she tried to keep it contained. But she couldn't and the crystals shattered, allowing the back of the creature to leave the lake before the slime shot upwards.

Everyone watched in horror as a giant pair of Firefly wings formed and began to beat, unleashing a powerful gust that blew everyone except Bushwhacker back. His roots kept him secure and he was able to watch as the force of the wind pushed the goop up and out of the water. Doing so allowed the rest of the body to solidify, creating a giant version of the frogs that was the size of an elephant. "No...way."

As soon as its entire body was free, its giant mustache shot towards him in an attempt to catch the alien. Bushwhacker unrooted himself and ducked under the first threat, then jump back to avoid the next few. As he did, he sent some more leaves shooting forward to cut through the facial hair. But the strands simply grew back.

Thinking fast, Bushwhacker turned his hands into blades and started swinging them around as fast as he could. This allowed him to cut through the strands and slowly move closer to the frog, but it flew up to keep out of range.

The old man and the Rainbooms finally recovered and were amazed to see the giant frog. "Since when could they do that?" Rainbow asked, Sunset stepping forward.

"No more holding back girls!" They touched their geodes and transformed, amazing the old man as the girls rushed forward. Rainbow and Twilight flew up with Rainbow speeding towards the frog and dealing a good kick to its face. But the creature was like rubber and she simply bounced off of it with Twilight catching her.

Bushwhacker finally got closer enough to throw his blade hands at the creature, whipping his arms around and cutting into its flesh. But the gash simply closed the second the blade left it, leaving the creature completely unharmed. "This isn't working!" He cried, unable to believe merging had made them so strong. "What do we do."

Sunset looked around, then spotted the plug before looking into the water. "The same thing the people that did it last time did." They all looked confused about this as Sunset motioned for the fliers to come back down. "Girls, we're gonna rainbow blast it. It might not work, but it should blind the creature long enough for Bushwhacker to take it out."

"How?" The living plant asked, but the girls didn't answer and instead joined hands.

The giant frog looked down at them, as their magic began to pulse and join together. And as it prepared to attack the with everything it had, the magic exploded upwards and morphed into a rainbow that struck it. This caused it to croak in surprise, but the magic washing over it did nothing to the creature except blind it for a second.

"Now Applejack!" Sunset cried, the farm girl letting go of her friends and rushing over to Bushwhacker.

"What are you doing?" He asked, only for Applejack to grab him by two of his feet. "WAIT!" But Applejack threw him up with all her strength, the alien crying out as he shot into the air and up passed the frog.

"Rarity!" Sunset yelled, the fashionista summoning her magic and thrusting her hands towards the alien plant creature. As she did, one of her shields appeared behind him and he got the picture.

Spinning around, he thrust his feet into the shield as all the energy from Applejack's toss flew through him and into the shield. This caused them both to be thrown in opposite directions, Bushwhacker falling towards the still blind frog. As he did, he morphed his fist into a drill and spun it around.

As the frog looked away from the source of the rainbow light, Bushwhacker found he was going to fly right into its mouth. "CHEW ON THIS!" He cried before flying down its throat.

The girls stopped their rainbow blast and watched, as the frog subconsciously swallowed the alien and they all began to worry. Shining and Trixie arrived at this time and also saw it, gasping when they did so and fearing the worst. But then, the frog suddenly looked sick and began gagging as its body started spazzing out.

They got their answer why a moment later, when the frog suddenly exploded and Bushwhacker fell out of that explosion and into the water.

The slime began to rain down and likely would have reformed all the frogs, but Sunset turned to Twilight. "NOW!" Twilight called upon all her power and grabbed every last piece of the goo before it could hit the ground. Without it trying to escape, this was a lot easier and she was able to funnel it all into the lake towards the bottom.

At the same time, Bushwhacker was under the water by the edge and saw the slime flying down and into the bottom of the lake. Twilight's aim was good as she managed to direct it all into the hole, Bushwhacker acting quickly and sending his vines up out of the water.

Rainbow saw this and when she saw the vines feeling around, she rushed over to grab one and pull it towards the plug. As soon as the vine touched it, the rest followed and wrapped around the heavy object. Applejack ran over to help and together, they lifted the plug off the ground and pushed it back into the lake.

As Twilight managed to get the last of the slime into the hole, Bushwhacker pulled the plug through the water until it was hovering right above the hole. He then pushed it down, the plug hitting the hole and sealing it shut as he pushed down with all his force. Eventually, the plug was wedged firmly into place. The frogs were trapped once again.

Bushwhacker sighed but as he did, the Omnitrix began to beep and he panicked.

Back up on the edge of the lake, the Rainbooms and old man watched and wondered if Bushwhacker had done it.

But suddenly, a green flash flew out of the water. "What was that?" Rainbow asked, the others unable to answer. Shining and Trixie knew, which made them panic once again as someone's head broke out of the water.

"Flash?" Twilight asked as the teen took a deep breath, "what were you doing down there? And where's Bushwhacker?" Flash's brain completely stopped, the rocker unable to think of a good excuse.

"Flash!" Trixie cried, rushing over to him. "Thank god you're back. When Bushwhacker took you, we were really worried." Flash and the girls all looked confused.

"What do you mean he took Flash?" Rainbow asked, as Fluttershy helped Flash out of the water.

Shining caught on. "Right when the frogs were about to get Flash, he suddenly vanished in a green light and was replaced with the alien. Bushwhacker said they warped him up to their ship out of harm's way."

"You got to go to their spaceship?" Rainbow asked, looking super jealous whilst the rest of the girls stared at him in amazement.

Flash looked over at Trixie and Shining, but both motioned for him to play along. "Yeah," he nodded, "but...I don't remember anything. The last thing I remember was a green flash and the next thing I know, I'm underwater almost drowning."

"Amazing," Twilight whispered, "we've got to get to my lab. Maybe you'll have some of that transporter energy on you." Flash frowned at this and turned his attention to the old man, who was staring down at the lake.

He stepped over to him and when they were side-by-side, Flash gave him a look. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you. That we didn't believe you. If we had, none of this would have happened. I deserve what I got today."

"Your apology is received," he nodded. "I just hope this has taught you the importance of listening to your elders. I didn't get this old by accident, you know." Flash and the others nodded as they looked down at the lake, wondering what the frog creatures were doing.

Were they even still alive by now? Had they melted away into nothing, or were they just waiting for the next foolish person to release them. Hopefully, that fool wouldn't come around for a long long time. Whatever those creatures were, they were best left where they were.

Author's Note:

I admit, this is probably my most random chapter of this story. Consider it Flash's version of Tourist Trap. Maybe I'll even bring the frogs back, but probably not. Hope you enjoyed it.

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