• Member Since 19th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen February 24th


K.o.t.O.R. No. 511 (Knight of the Old Republic), dedicated to keep the peace and security of my home and country, I slain evil beasts, do the knights justice, and fulfill the bidding of my liege!


Improved "Cultures" chapter. · 8:59pm Jun 23rd, 2015

After learning of the great support some of my readers gave this story, I felt obligated to improve the story a bit.

I fixed some errors, rearranged some sentences, and changed the ending a bit.

If you have some time and would like to have a quick laugh at this new development, feel free to read the story again, the changes though aren't that huge, just minor details.

For every new reader, enjoy the story with some humor.

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Comments ( 28 )
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Thank you for being a pervert.

I've seen you pretty much every where I've read so, I've often thought you were famous in a way. If we do proceed then do you want to do it over voice or rather text everyone has a preference I guess a proof reader is still good for me just let me know.

Quick question?
New Marvel or old DC which do you prefer?

Depends, my overly dramatic poetry attempt for self description was more or less made in haste since I got this profile picture from a game of another talented author on this site by chance. (a really skilled artist)

So don't take the slogan too seriously, however even right now I am reading a story that has tons of typos and grammar mistakes, ruining or decreasing the fun in reading it. I always wanted or felt the urge to edit those stories, even though I am not very familiar with any text editing programs to make it easy.

I'm not a native English speaker or writer, but I'm confident enough to help with grammar correction if necessary.

I'm not really confident in story writing or plot development though, sure you can gather a second opinion on a story/script from me, but it's up to you to decide if you'd like to do it that way or not.

Generally, I have very little experience in writing stories, even though I have to admit being astonished regarding the amount of fics I have already read on this site, so I do believe that I can recognize good quality and balanced quantity equally.

As I said, depending on the the story, I might consider to a be a proofreader? Don't know if I'm capable enough to be a co-writer.

Regarding suggestions of helpful sources... I'm not really in contact with anybody right now.

Perhaps you could sent me a draft of your current story? Could be helpful.


I have been surfing through fim fic and saw you made a reply to a story that I am also following. so I decided to give your profile the once over and from what I have read...

dedicated to keep the peace and security of my home and country, I slain evil beasts, do the knights justice, and fulfill the bidding of my liege!

you are a peace keeper enthusiast.
So I am wondering.....
I am working on a story that might peak your interest but here is the thing, I don't plan on posting the story till I feel its finished (because lets face it no one likes an incomplete story that sits for years with out an update...) do you, or some one you know that could give me a small hand on editing the first chapter?
not looking for anything long term just this one chapter.

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