• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 5th, 2022




I used to go exclusively on fanfiction.net which is why there's pretty much nothing here right now. However, getting new readers would be nice which is why I've expanded to here.

My fanfiction.net profile is: Riclo | FanFiction

Comments ( 10 )
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It's alright. We all make mistakes in the heat of passion, after all.

Sorry about that. I was off my meds and the voices took over. I need to refill my prescription tomorrow, so thanks for the reminder.

Don't Fuck With a Marine is singlehandedly the funniest story I've ever read (Be it a book, fanfic, general piece of writing etc.). This shit is gold and it baffles me to no end that there are so many smoothbrains in the comment section who genuinely believe it was made to be taken seriously. How anyone thinks it was written in earnest is absolutely beyond me. I don't think I've ever physically laughed whilst reading a story online but Viceroy's adventure had me in stitches. I just feel bad for you that you have to deal with these troglodytes (like the schitzo under my comment) who were seemingly dropped on the head as a child and think it was a genuine attempt at making a super-dooper serious fanfic.

I only check up on you from time to time because of the trainwreck you’ve left in your wake while still failing to realize it’s a trainwreck. You’re too fascinating to ignore.

This is the reputation you’ve earned for yourself and it’s something you’re just going to have to learn to live with.

If that’s not something you can accept, it might be best if you take your own advice and just disappear from this corner of the internet and never come back.

BTW, it’s a little early for April Fools Jokes. Save your fantasies for an appropriate time.

Riclo #6 · Mar 31st, 2022 · · 1 ·

Not sure why you're still so obsessed with me after all these months. I've been busy with life. Got some new guns, been seeing a new girl recently and have had some good times. Might go into a semi-retirement and start traveling sometime next year. The internet will suck the life out of your soul so I've been staying away from all that crap and have never felt better or achieved more. I've got big exciting plans that I've been working towards for many months now. Just ordered a new book last week: The End of Your World by Adyashanti. Looks like it's going to be a great read and I can't wait for it to come in.

I think you have more important things to be concerned of in your own life instead of trying to shit on some guy who doesn't know or care about you.

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