• Member Since 25th Mar, 2018
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Silver Dragon Blade Wing

Just a guy who likes to write stories. The Changelings brought me here. :)


Not going to be online for a few days · 10:49pm Jul 2nd, 2023

Don't worry, I'm not leaving Fimfiction, I'm just having technical problems.

Last night as I was closing the net to head off to bed my computer did one of its bluescreens, which it does once in awhile. So I restarted it thinking it was nothing, since this is far from the first time its done it and only if I'm closing several tabs at once and even then it only happens once in a while.

This time however, it didn't start up.

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Another Update · 4:24am May 15th, 2023

Since it's been awhile since my last update I'd thought I'd let you all know what's going on. I want to say right off the bat that my stories are not dead, I just haven't really had any drive to actually work on them this last while.

However, ideas, plans, and such are starting to come back to me and I'm thinking this will be the plan moving forward;

The Hidden Tribes

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Update on Stories · 4:44am Jan 28th, 2023

Hey everyone, thought I'd mention what's going on with my stories and their upcoming chapters.

I want to say off the bat that none of them are "dead" and I have no plans to cancel any of them, I fully intend to finish them at some point, Life has just been chaotic lately and my focus has been elsewhere.

The Hidden Tribes

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A Second Update · 1:23am Jan 24th, 2023

So it's been a bit a bit since my last blog, and I thought I'd give an update to whats going on.

So my Mom's father figure did ultimately end up moving in with us, and to my surprise very little has actually changed, other than the obvious stuff. Looking back at my past self worrying about it to the point of panicking (I have trouble with change on this level, always had) and now I can just laugh for I'm happy to have been proven wrong in this case. :twilightsmile:

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An Update · 6:22am Dec 31st, 2022

Well things are going a lot better now, I've de-stressed and while things might change in the future things are good. As it turns out; Mom was, by complete accident, coloring my perception of her father figure which was in turn stressing me out. I don't know him as well as my Mom, even though I've encountered him a few times, but I will say that with my head is clear he's actually a cool guy and it's clear he cares for Mom like a daughter. Now whether or not we'll have to move him in with us is

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Need to Vent some stress · 1:00am Dec 21st, 2022

Hey everyone, I wish this was a more positive Blog but things are not going to well right now and I need to vent.

So my Mom has a guy she see's as a father figure, who's 93 or so years old and physically doing very well... mentally is a totally different story.

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Status Update 3 · 9:15pm Sep 26th, 2022

Hey guys, just wanted to give you all a quick update on what's going on. I know I haven't been too active lately but this year has been a bit of a crazy one for me and my family and I've been focused on other, more personal projects. Now thankfully nothing too serious has been going on, though my mom is dealing with things regarding family among other stuff that needs to get done around the house.

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Status Update 2 · 2:08am Mar 12th, 2022

Since it's been awhile after my last update I thought I'd let you all know what's up.

The next chapter for High Seas is close to being finished and I'm hoping to have it out by next Friday, but no promises.

The next chapters for Hunting Grounds and Dragonfly Hive are in the works with the former currently at over 2,000 words in.

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Status Update · 7:30am Nov 27th, 2021

Hey everyone, sorry I haven't posted any new chapters in awhile, been going through some things (nothing serious thankfully) lately and been stuck in a bit of a dry spell.

JNKing and I have been working on another story though it likely wouldn't be seeing a release until at least Survival of the Wolves is done, and I'm not going to give any spoilers. :trixieshiftright:

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Small Update #7 · 3:17am Oct 2nd, 2021

Hey guys, sorry for the lack of new chapters lately, a lot of things have been going on and I've been having trouble getting the writing juice flowing, heck I was in a pretty strong dry spell for awhile. But I do have good news: The dry spell seems to be over and I'm back to writing again, funny enough the Gen 5 Movie might had helped somewhat. :twilightsmile:

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