• Member Since 7th Oct, 2011
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Compendium of Steve

The One Who Writes. Intermittently, Without Fail.


MERRY CHRISTMAS YA MOVIE HOUSES!! · 1:46am Dec 25th, 2016

Hey that year 2016, right? Real mess up of a 365 days, ya. But it's the holidays so get holly for jolly's sake. Spark the hearth, light the menorah, hit the nog, guzzle the sherry, mince the pies and live in excess for a day, like the Ghost of Christmas Present would want you to, that bearded goodfellow glutton him. And hey, expect some neato surprises from me in the coming months. No specifics, but it'll be swelly delly I swear on me mum, Millennium Hand and shrimp and all that jazz. Then

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The Follow-up · 4:35am Oct 27th, 2016

Right, so I'm fully recovered with my wits intact. After several glasses of red wine I got off with only a mild hangover this morning. (How'd I'd love to skip merrily alongside Snoop Dogg. Some people have all the luck...)

Time to wrap this season up in the spirit of sobriety. Here we go.

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Probably a bad idea but whatevs · 5:39am Oct 26th, 2016

Well season six is finally over and that means watching/reviewing the last half. I had planned on holding off until next week cuz I'm a sissy baby coward have stuff to do the next few days, but work has gotten me riled up and gave me a crazy idea for late night shenanigans to both relax and get this thing over with. I'm loaded down with red wine and a bottle of Guinness actually no that's for a special occasion to marathon my way through this silly horse show, see how many

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Abrupt Update to Thing · 4:14am Aug 21st, 2016

*Brews up relaxing cup of pumpkin spice tea, sits down at computer while humming classical music. Pulls up site while taking slow sip. Reads blurb on latest episode. Tea Spray Mother-F***ing Everywhere.*

Screw the mid-season hiatus. I'm doing this.


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That Other Thing Once Again · 3:39am Jul 3rd, 2016

Hmph, three weeks without a new episode? Guess that means it's the mid-season break, which opens up a swanky new opportunity to do a Season 6 review/reflection on the episodes currently up, since I actually watched them up to now (which utterly disregards both my policy of not watching the episodes til end of season, and in not doing another one of these things. Gasp!). Doing this would certainly cut down on the the workload of writing up a full season wrap-up, and save me on some serious body

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On Obscurity · 7:58pm Feb 17th, 2016

Looking at this site on my occasional browsing, it occurs to me just how much dang pony fics there are that have arisen these past five or so years. Mountains of literature ranging from the inane to the sublime, and all of it for one particular subsection of fan fiction. Can be overwhelming to the casual reader, and intimidating to those who want to get into the writing chaos. Which begs the question: why so much? Why devote so much time and words to stories that are essentially for a niche

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That Hearts and Loneliness Day · 5:34am Feb 14th, 2016

Yep, it's that loving time of year again, where loners lone harder and lovers dip into the hefty ardor. So yeah happy Valentines to all of you. Hopefully it's none depressive for any of you. As for me, I'll be spending it with me good ol' chums and our long-time lover boy Deadpool.

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Another Thing · 10:19am Feb 3rd, 2016

Howdy-owdy-mowdy, FiMFiccers. Now, some of you may have been wondering why my latest stories have had practically zero Season 5 content (for those of you who bothered reading my latest stuff). Well aside from not wanting to hop on the bandwagon and follow the hottest fandom pony-gushing trend, the truth of the matter is I hadn't watched a single episode of the latest season... until just now. Yes, only a few months after the season finale have I gone to see the dang thing in its entirety, well

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Just some things · 5:36pm Jan 31st, 2016

So that's another story out of the way, and the end to that particular sequence of material. I have to say, I wouldn't have gotten so big on Miku were it not for the IWBTG community. Those games really broadened my horizons in a number of different ways.

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Winter Update · 2:54am Jan 22nd, 2016

So it's been a while since I've used this thing. How has everyone's fresh new year been? Surviving the winter chill now that it's finally here? Hopefully the drop in temperature can improve one's productivity, in some backwards sense. New ideas, new outlooks; still eleven and a half more months to do something different in this world. After that... well, there's always next year :)

But yeah, what could these ramblings entail? Wait and see.

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