Closet Pony

by DouglasTrotter

First published

A person finds a pony in their closet.

There are scientific facts that are proven time and again through simple observation. Gravity. The earth's orbit and rotation. Water freezes when it gets cold. Science fails in the face of magic. Somehow, a pony ends up in my closet. Now I have to deal with two things, finding a job and keeping this pony out of trouble.

January 15th

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>>>Date: January 15th<<<

"What is this thing?" is all that I could think of at that point. Inside the dark corner of my closet, watery eyes stared back at me. They disappeared, buried into front appendages that could only be described as hooves.

Through the sobs, I heard the creature tell me four little words. "Ah wanna go home."

This day started out ordinary enough. I'm fired, from my first job. Well, I guess that's not ordinary for some. Still, I find it ordinary enough for me. I needed my usual shower to relieve some stress with that bit of news delivered. Life dumps gasoline on you then strikes the match against its sinister toothy grin before flinging the burning stick onto your body, a body which life just beat the crap out of in the middle of a dark alley for giggles.

Fifteen minutes later, who knows how much money flushed down the drain because I liked long hot showers, I put some fresh clothes on. That's when it started.

I heard that soft sobbing from my closet. It had the tone of a child. When I opened the closet door, I found the creature curled up. My hand reached forward, and it spoke. The creature repeated those four little words, over and over again of wanting to go home. I couldn't even tell if the thing understood me. Each time I came closer, it flinched. Perhaps the creature was afraid of me?

Those five minutes were timeless to me. I felt it best to leave the creature alone but left the door to the closet open.


I had just sat down at my laptop when I heard a door slam shut. The creature was out of my closet. It actually went into my bathroom.

"Ah! Am! Busy!" it said after I knocked on the bathroom door.

It knew what a bathroom was and how to use it.

"That's one well mannered -- let's put a stop to this..." I said to myself.

I shrugged and left the creature alone in the bathroom. A few keystrokes later and, from the results, I determined in a "Captain Obvious" moment that "it" was indeed an equine.

"Perhaps a horse? No, too small to be a horse. Legs... err, I mean it's hooves are similar yet different. A pony maybe?"

The more I skimmed over, the more lost I felt. Still, I did determine it was a pony. One factor, well, several factors struck me as odd. It's height stuck out the most. I found few answers on the websites I combed through. Equine Daily FAQ said the proper measurement of a pony is relative to hands, with a hand being about four inches. The pony came up near my waist, I thought it was my waist at the time. I knew my stature was below average for a typical male, me being five feet six inches, so that meant the pony came to near three or four feet?

"Is it male or female though? A colt perhaps?" I remember muttering.

"Filly," a voice said.

I turned. The pony looked at me then glanced to one side. It wiped away another set of tears. Though I'm no expert in anything beyond being a failure, I remember how red the pony's eyes were. There's no way of telling how long it was in my closet, how long it had been crying. I'm just glad I had enough bat-sense to remember the two of us briefly spoke, so I didn't make a fool of myself trying to communicate with an alien race. The pony understood me. I understood the equine.

"Pardon?" I said.

"Ah said, 'filly.' Ah'm a filly." she said.

So it's female. Ehh, I mean it's a filly. Fillies turn into Mares while Colts turn into Stallions. All ponies are born as foals. At least, that's what the info on the website said.

"You sure you aren't a foal?" I said as I scratched my head. And I ticker her off as I remember watching the filly turn away from me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to offend. It's just... unusual to see a talking pony. A candy colored pony at that."

"Ya ain't somethin' normal yourself. You'd fit right at home in a circus," she said.

Sassy little thing, I had to give her that. The website further said that the top part was a mane while the -- well, duh! I know what a tail looks like. Thanks, ya stupid site.

"Hey, whatcha got there? Let me look." She said to me. Her hooves were actually quite delicate. It didn't feel like she tried to stomp me.
I had to brush her away. I wasn't too proud of what I looked up from time to time, all about "humanity" and our precious inventions.

"O no, this isn't a toy. It's a sophisticated device, meant for --" I said

"Ya sound like Twilight, being all snooty." She said, interrupting me. The pony turned away, giving a "hmph."

This is ridiculous. I mean, there is no way a talking horse can exist. It's impossible. Well, perhaps not impossible to those theoretical scientist types that talk about extra-dimensional universes, entanglements, and what not I can barely understand.

"Ok, ok, let's calm down. I'm just as startled by the situation as you are, umm..."


What did she mumble. "Sorry, I didn't quite catch that."

"Apple Bloom," she said with a grumble.

Ok, ok, there's no reason to get testy with me. Is it wrong to know a name?

"It's only fair I know yours." Apple Bloom said while she pointed a hoof at me. At least, I guess it was a hoof.

"I uhh, well -- how about some food?" I said, wanting to change the subject. I could hear my stomach growling, but her stomach had to be growling too.

----End Entry----

>>>Date: January 15th, 5:00 pm<<<

"Sorry." Apple Bloom said, her eyes glancing at me before they darted back to her plate. Note to self, Apple Bloom hates the taste of meat. She hates the taste of turkey meat specifically.

"Well, the floor is intact. Still, you didn't have to run off to my closet again." I said to her. If someone were to tell me a candy colored equine could throw a hissy fit and almost break my house, I would have called the cops on them. I remember her bolting back to my closet. It must have been her little safe haven of sorts. How in the heck did she manage to put a dent in a solid, reinforced concrete floor is beyond me. Her legs, hooves, whatever look normal. I don't buy this "magic" business she keeps talking about.

I guess I'll just make my "guest" some apples tonight. The potato chips seem to be a good combo with their saltiness.

"Ah just --"

"I know, you 'want to go home' Apple Bloom. I'm sorry. Really, I am. I just don't know how to get you back."

I thought about offering her a chair, but I don't want those hooves breaking this glass table. It's near impossible to find a slab this thick, this size at a reasonable price. That'll be the least of my worries if this pony eats me out of house and home. If Apple Bloom can eat as much as the websites' FAQs say, I'm screwed. What money I have keeps me afloat. What am I going to do?

"You look worried." Apple Bloom said to me with a raised eyebrow. I waved my hand, shook my head, and watched her finish off the apple slices I carved up for her. "So, ya got a name?"

"You want some more slices?" I said

"Ya stallin' there." Apple Bloom said. She gave me a devious look. Incredible. This filly actually gave me a devilish grin. Well, at least she's proper by putting her plate in the sink. "Ah'm waitin'."

"Apple Bloom, you're nice and all, but I just don't feel like giving out my name. It's not you. I just like to keep to myself." I said.

I excused myself, and then fear took hold. In the bathroom, I heard the sound of the TV. It took me a minute to finish my business. Apple Bloom had indeed turned the TV on. I'm just thankful it goes to a cartoon channel. Looks like my laziness saved me there. Her eyes were glued to those dancing images. Perhaps she's never seen a TV or cartoons. Apple Bloom did talk about this Twilight figure and her machine.

"Do you want a drink?" I said. This isn't weird at all, heh. (Mental note: Sarcasm doesn't come across well in these diaries). I guess I should be gracious to my guest. I made a mental note that I didn't want to give her any soda. Last thing I need is some psycho, magically strengthened equine running around my house like a bat outta hell.

"Got any milk?" she said with a slight smile.

I had to pause for that moment. I don't drink the stuff myself. Tastes like chalk to me. O right, I baked some stuff yesterday for that stupid job I got fired from, wanting to be "nice" to them.

"Yea, I have some. You're welcome to it. Hot or cold?" I said after a nod. She gave a firm smile back, asking me to heat it up a little for her. I popped it in the microwave, pressed a few buttons, and heard her "whinny" I guess. It was funny to see her hide behind the couch. A bit of coaxing and she came out. Took me forever to explain to her it was a microwave. I'll just have to say it's a "machine" next time, and that is that. "Sorry for spooking you. Here's your milk. It shouldn't be too hot."

She slugged the cup's contents down, asked for more, and I poured the last bit into the glass.

"Mind if ah use the 'my-crow-wave' thing?" Apple Bloom said to me. Ok, one of two things happen. Either she puts it too high and the milk explodes everywhere, or I can help teach her how things work. "Ya sure? Ah just work it like this?"

A few button presses later, after some finagling, and she did it.

"Careful, make sure the cup isn't too hot. It heats up the milk and its container." I said to her. She seemed to relax a bit, yet I could see her tears forming while she watched TV.

I glanced to the cable box's readout to see it being around 10:30 pm. I needed some sleep. Today was rather trying.

"Ya mind stayin' out here with me tonight? Please?" Apple Bloom said. I had no idea a pony could give me a sad eyed look, similar to that of a puppy.

"Ok, let me do one last thing." I remember telling her, Apple Bloom giving me a smile.

Now I sit here, typing up this journal from today's events. I have to keep a journal. It helps give me some form of release from the day's events. A guy keeping a journal. Some stupid shrink would have a field day with me, probably wanting to Baker Act me. Whatever.

"Ya ok there?" Apple said to me from the family room where the TV stood on its stand.

"Yea, just finishing something up." I said to her. I guess I'll just sign off for now. I need some rest, and Apple Bloom needs to get some as well.

January 17th

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>>>Date: January 17th, Time: 8:50 am<<<

I have a guest, and it looks like she'll be staying with me for quite some time. To be honest, that's not what I find strange. What I find unusual is the fact she's adjusted to the current situation better than expected, given the circumstances.

The first night was beyond stressful as we got ready for bed. I watched Apple Bloom with a trained eye to make sure there wasn't any problems. Though the filly had to be exhausted, I remember how gentle she was with that ribbon, placing it at the foot of the makeshift bed. Apple Bloom's head barely hit the pillow before her eyes closed. I should have taken the bed for myself and given the couch to my guest. It's what I get for being polite as I awoke with a good crick in my neck. Apple Bloom was still curled up under the red blanket I placed on her the night before. The more I stared the more it bugged me. Does that pink ribbon she was so gentle with hold some significance, beyond the idea that it's the only thing from Apple Bloom's world to remind her of home?

Typical could describe the subsequent morning after my usual morning ritual to relieve myself. I passed Apple Bloom in the hallway as I exited the bathroom, and she yawned a "good mornin'" to me in that southern, cowgirl-esk accent before the door closed behind her.

When I came to the family room, I knelt down at the spot Apple Bloom slammed her hooves into the prior day. She was still in the bathroom, from the sounds of it, while I investigated the spot. I pressed my hand against the spot. There wasn't a dent in the concrete; instead, it had a soft, sandy texture beneath the dingy old carpet on top of it. Her hooves, from what I could tell, pulverized the concrete into dust. The shiver down my spine was proceeded by an all too familiar feeling: it was a cold sensation of dread.

"Hey, what ya got for breakfast? Whoa! Ya ok there?" Apple Bloom said to me.

"Yea, you just startled me." I said.

I fixed us both some breakfast, after picking myself up off the ground from that little jolt. Apple Bloom ate some chips with her apple slices, drank some water, and watched TV. I found it kind of cute the way she just stared at the TV and its dancing images. She's more like a pet at times.

(Note to self: I have to be vigilant. Though Apple Bloom doesn't appear to understand human language in its written form, she does understand it verbally. Program the cable box to block all channels but the network with the cartoons on it. I don't want her finding information about historical events of violence, wars, weaponry, and what not. Apple Bloom doesn't need to know how cruel and sadistic humans can be to one another. Also, password protect this computer and these journals as a precaution.)

I stayed off my laptop the entire day to keep an eye on my guest, much to her annoyance. She gave me the oddest, deserved stares at times. Not to mention Apple Bloom flicked her tail at me a couple of times.

Last night seemed to be the same as before, though, thankfully, it was less stressful. Apple Bloom took off her ribbon, her head hit the pillow, and her eyes closed. I awoke this morning to her sound asleep under that red blanket. Today presents a different kind of challenge. I've got one filly in my house that will be eating the last apple for breakfast.

----End Entry----

>>>Date: January 17th, Time: 10:00 AM<<<

I should trust Apple Bloom. From the looks of it, she just sat there and watched TV. At least she didn't have to deal with the clerk.

"You baking an apple pie with all those apples?" the clerk said with a cheery smile. I can't stand that smile. It's the same as all the other checkout people. They give you that happy, false smile they're trained to give customers. The truth is most, if not all of them, would sooner spit at me than give me a proper hello. Their job was on the line if they didn't greet me in a "proper" manner.

As for her comment about baking something, that had to be a joke. Sure, any idiot can follow a recipe, but I'm not about to experiment. I don't have the time or funds for it. The store compounded my excursion. It was quiet enough, but why are there so many freaking varieties of apples? That problem made the little trip three times longer.

I'm just glad to be back home right now. Another thing I'm thankful for is the fact Apple Bloom doesn't seem to mind eating apples on a consistent basis, though I do wonder if it would be wise to learn about the different varieties. Perhaps Apple Bloom has a preference for one over the other. I know there are green and red ones. That's about the extent of my --

"Ah meant to ask ya," she said to me in a calm tone, "what's the name of some of ya'lls apples?"

"I believe the one I carved up for you is called a Macintosh." I said.

----End Entry----

>>>Date: January 17th, Time: 11:45 AM<<<

Wow. What happened there? I said Macintosh and, despite the TV being on, the whole house had an unnerving silence to it. Apple Bloom stood at the glass table in the dining room. Her eyes remained focused on the apple. Not too long afterward, heavy tears ran down her cheeks and onto the apple slices on her plate. Soon, I felt the house shake a little as she bolted back to my room.

"Here we go." I muttered to myself when I heard the brown wooden door to my closet slide open.

Apple Bloom's eyes fixated on my closet's contents. Her rear-end plopped onto the cream colored carpet remnant near my bed. I can't even describe it. It was her eyes. They were so happy and cheerful. All I saw were the glazed over eyes of an individual that lost something precious to them. Her eyes remained fixated on the terrazzo floor, and I sat beside her. hand reached toward her and I said, "Let's go back to the family room."

"Ah wanna go home!" Apple Bloom bellowed, succeeded by a heavy cry; her voice had that familiar tone of a child, a lost child. She latched onto my waist in a strong yet gentle grasp, with her front hooves, just as I finished my sentence.

This is my fault. I was too quick to believe things were calm. I believed Apple Bloom had come to terms with the current situation. As I sat beside her, I thought, "this is what I get for my assumptions, for my beliefs."

The usual cavalcade of crap existed in my closet; clothes, bits and pieces, old junk from my childhood, all of it a common sight for any human.

Apple Bloom buried her head deeper into the front hooves she propped up on my right leg. In that small space of time we sat near my closet I felt dead inside. My hand rested on her back. I said nothing beyond my selfish desire of wanting to go to the family room. Am I a horrible person?

----End Entry----

>>>Date: January 17th, Time: 8:05 PM<<<

"Sorry," Apple Bloom said to me, an apple slice halfway in her mouth.

"You shouldn't talk with food in your mouth." I said, trying to be the "adult."

"Ah know...." she said. Her voice trailed off.

The house maintained its awkward, eerie silence while we ate lunch together. The crunch from her fresh apple slice didn't break the tension. It added to it while I sat with her, eating a sandwich with a cup of soup for my lunch.

"If you, I mean...." I said. Typical. I'm so useless.

"Ah'm fine. Thanks for bein nice and all." She said.

"Sure," I said. I thought about changing the subject. I wanted to speak. I wanted to talk. I just -- the words were there but wouldn't come out. Perhaps it's for the best. Apple Bloom has to go back. She needs to go home. If I become too attached, it will hurt when she leaves.

"Sometimes, life has no easy answers. Sometimes, it has no answers at all. It only has more questions."

I knew the quote by heart. I can't remember when I flipped the picture frame down on my desk. Though, now that I think about it, I wonder if the word "Macintosh" set Apple Bloom off. Does she have a family member , deceased or alive, named Macintosh?

Our lunch ended and I encouraged Apple Bloom to take a nap. She slept for three hours, and relief came when I looked at the stove's digital readout to see it was 6:25 PM. Our dinner was easy enough to prepare. Slice a couple apples up and serve them for my guest. I eat my sandwich. Dessert was a treat for Apple Bloom since I had some brown sugar and cinnamon, making some cinnamon apples via the microwave then topping them with vanilla ice cream.

I secluded to my laptop after dinner, letting Apple Bloom watch TV. I guess I'm just afraid. There's nothing --

"You ok?" she said, coming around the corner.

"Yea, I'm ok." I said. I wonder if she would like to go outside for a bit. She hasn't seen the backyard yet. "You want to sit outside for a bit? It's supposed to be a full moon tonight, and the sky will be pretty clear."

I guess I'll end this journal here. A bit of fresh air will do us both some good.

----End Entry----

January 19th

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>>>Date: January 19th, Time: 9:09 AM<<<

As I look past her outward appearance, more and more, it's hard to tell Apple Bloom isn't a pony at times. Apple Bloom's hooves couldn't carry her fast enough after we stepped outside, darting around the yard like an excited child. While she continued to stretch her hooves under the brilliant moonlight, the air remained cool yet not so cold to warrant a heavy jacket. I found it enjoyable myself, sitting outside while gazing at the sky. I'm thankful I didn't come across as a jerk when I had to caution Apple Bloom about running on the concrete pool deck. Though my neighbors are good, all of us keeping to ourselves, the noise from her hooves might have aroused suspicion.

Soon, Apple Bloom's footsteps, hoofsteps I guess, ceased, and she stood beside me. Her entranced eyes locked onto the moon. She froze.

In the calm moment, I swear I heard her ask, or perhaps pray, for some figure named Luna to "please protect and guide" her home. Apple Bloom didn't seem melancholic, but her happiness wasn't there either. The change in her demeanor unnerved me, however, her demeanor changing back to normal, we continued to gaze at the sky. I took a cushion off of a nearby bench then placed it on the ground for Apple Bloom to sit on. For us, those fifteen minutes blossomed into a full hour. It may have been her hooves grinding against the deck that made me realize Apple Bloom started to nod off.

Both of us came back inside to prepare for bed, and I was ready to strain myself after Apple Bloom finished her business in the bathroom. She collapsed. Her eyes closed. She started to snore. I find it kind of cute that a pony can snore. From my past experience, I knew dogs could snore but didn't think ponies could snore. It wasn't so cute at the time as I imagined how hard it would be to carry pony of her size to the bed. I'm astounded, still astounded now that I think about it, that Apple Bloom weighed next almost nothing to me; she had to weigh fifteen pounds, maybe twenty-five at most.

That time outside was the happiest Apple Bloom has been since her arrival. It was one of my betters nights, now that I think about it. Last night didn't work out. Apple Bloom murmured the word "pegasi" when the gentle rain turned into a downpour, and we were forced to stay inside. From what mythology I knew about, I wondered if she meant the mythical creature Pegasus. How could he clear the clouds?

I need to get down to business. It's just so hard to concentrate on these numbers. We need, I need to figure out a food budget. Sure, what I have keeps me afloat, but I'm not sure how to factor in a pony. How much does she eat? That's wrong of me. Apple Bloom is a kind, innocent individual with a heck of a wit to boot. She's not some dog, cat, or domesticated pet. I need to be more respectful.

"Hey," a familiar voice said.

"Hey yourself," I said.

"Thanks for takin' me outside that night." Apple Bloom said in a cheerful tone, "Ya mind if ah take a dip in the pool?"

"I wouldn't. Though we're on the lower east coast, the water is pretty cold since it's the middle of January." I said.

"Jan-u-air-e? East coast? What east coast?" Apple Bloom said, turning to me for a second.

Heh, right, she doesn't know that stuff. I wonder if it would be a good idea for us to sit down and have a... "doctored" lesson of sorts. I can learn about her world, not to mention our cultural differences. This will be a good distraction from my "business" if anything else.

I'm such a procrastinator.

----End Entry----

>>> Date: January 19th, Time: 11:09 AM<<<

"Stop snickerin'," Apple Bloom said.

I swear I can barely type. I stepped outside for a minute to check the house after last night's storm, came back inside, rushed toward the kitchen after hearing a semi-loud pop, and saw Apple Bloom rear back then fall onto the floor. She actually turned red. Well, her face actually turned red. I didn't think it was possible for ponies to become embarrassed. It was better than any comedy act the way she slipped on the terrazzo floor in the kitchen with the towel landing on her face.

I think my first priority should be teaching her about the microwave. She needs to learn about what can and can't be "nuked" in it. Eggs explode. Why would she eat an egg anyways? Our little experience taught me she hated the taste of meat.

"Ya best not be writing about what happened!" She said to me with a shout.

"I'm not." I say in return, giving a hidden devilish smile. That whinny of hers was the icing on top of the cake when she fell. Poor thing thought I would be angry.

Alright, enough shenanigans. I need to do some research. She'll need to give me a helping hand, ehh... hoof I guess, in return. I'll need her help to understand the differences between our written languages. Last night she grabbed a pencil, and then drew some symbols on a piece of paper I handed to her. I don't know if they were words to her and foreign to me, or if they were just doodles a child would make.

----End Entry----

>>> Date: January 19th, Time: 12:09 PM<<<

"Are we done? Mah head hurts." Apple Bloom said.

"Ya. Thanks for the information." I said.

Unicorns, Earth Ponies, Pegasus Ponies, and Alicorns; princesses rule over ponies; all of that is just the start. One hour down and I have enough for a light novel. It's just a matter of where to begin with this information, and, I guess, the first thing to know is that Apple Bloom comes from a world completely different from ours; that's a Captain Obvious moment, I know. I'm not sure if "Equestria" is the name of the planet or the land. For now, I will consider Equestria to be the land. It would be nice if Apple Bloom knew more about the groups of ponies themselves.

As for the three distinct pony races, these groups form a triangle that support one another in a form of "harmonic" relationship. Each has their strengths and benefits to contribute to a greater whole, all of this sounding like some instruction set for an MMO game imho.

Earth ponies are the strongest of the equines; they have more stamina and strength than the other two groups, inherent knowledge of the land, and an innate ability to communicate with animals. Pegasus ponies/Pegasi control weather, Apple Bloom's comment making more sense now that I understand this part; this group also specializes in various weather phenomenon, and they also handle the changing of the seasons in various parts of Equestria. The third group sounds the same in respects to our world's mythology; unicorns have access to magical talents which enable them to use a variety of, I hate to use this word since magic is nothing but parlor tricks, "spells" in day-to-day living, and some have access to even more powerful magical spells to perform higher feats.

A potential fourth race exists, however, in my opinion, they sound like a bunch of freak videogame characters with a cheat-mod activated to give them access to all skills of the talent trees. I'll have to come back to this one after I've put my personal feelings aside.

All of that jotted down and it's just the start. I still need to jot down notes on the governing bodies, the talents of these alicorns/princesses, and other misc. information. The more I delve into things, the more I find myself disheartened yet fascinated by them. On one hand, I'm disliking these princesses, yet, I'm fascinated by their diversities and those of regular ponies. Also, what intrigues me is how all of them manage their lives. I feel so conflicted. I hate this.

"Apple Bloom?" I said.

"Ya?" she said.

"I think this will be a great start to understanding things. Maybe you can help teach me how to write in your language." I said.

"This is creepin' me out. Feels like Twilight is talkin to me, buggin me for information about somethin' ah just found. She'll pester ya till the sun goes down and moon comes up." Apple Bloom said.

A little piece of me just clicked, and I felt my heart sink with my body growing a little cold. It was my curiosity, and curiosity killed the cat. Apple Bloom is a guest. She's not here for my amusement. Not to mention my guest may not want to talk about home without it upsetting her. I've failed. I've already failed at trying to be more respectful towards.

----End Entry----

>>>Date: January 19th, Time: 1:45 PM<<<


O well, I guess this little experiment will have to wait till later. The mic on this cheap, piece of garbage headset barely works anyways.

----End Entry----

>>>Date: January 19th, Time: 8:27 PM<<<

Things got pretty hairy when the county maintenance came by around two o'clock.

Apple Bloom opened the back door, which I shouldn't be surprised about since she's quite the intelligent creature, and jumped in the pool; the compliment about her intelligence ends there since I warned Apple Bloom about it being cold. Her whinny caught me off guard. The minutes slowed down to a crawl with the firm knock that came from the front door. I hurried Apple Bloom inside, grabbed several thick towels, and placed her in my room. I opened the door to a small set of question, as well as a stern voice telling me it was illegal to have a horse in my home despite the fact I own the place. I can't stand these homeowners association people, and I can't stand the county people. Neither want to help but they're on the spot when they want money. It was pure luck that a couple of fake smiles sent the jerk away.

My concerns about Apple Bloom being discovered almost came true today. Due to my conspiracy theorist brain going into overdrive at the time, I wondered what would happen if Apple Bloom were discovered. In our complicated, mess of a freakish world, minds driven by scientific curiosity wouldn't be so gentle with her as humans have the capacity for such evil in the pursuit of knowledge. We're such horrible creatures.

"Hey," Apple Bloom said.

"Sup?" I said.

"Ah heard somethin funny comin' from the closet." Apple Bloom said, her ears perking up.

"Was that it?" I said.

"Ya," She said. Apple Bloom grinned at me.

There's no sugar coating this answer.


I better insert that mark there since an hour has passed. I have to remind myself to close out these journals.

Those perked ears couldn't have lowered any faster after I told Apple Bloom about the "machine" in that small space. The AC makes funny noises since it isn't in the best of shape, and she just gave me a saddened "O" before heading to the family room.

"Apple Bloom, do you want to play some video games." I said.

"You have video games?" Apple Bloom said.

I thought it would be interesting. It was interesting since the unique part came from the fact a dang magical talking equine beat me. She made a little wager with me. I accepted it, like an idiot, without asking what we were wagering. What did she have to offer me?

"Ya owe me..." Apple Bloom said, giving me a smirk while I sit at my laptop.

Stupid game. Whatever, a bet was a bet. I shouldn't have agreed to anything without asking what she had in mind.

"Ok, so what do you want as a 'prize,' Apple Bloom?" I said.

"Can we watch the closet tonight?" Apple Bloom said.

Watch the closet? O, I get it. I would have done it if she just asked. "I have no objections. I'll need to pull out a sleeping bag for you. The carpet isn't too comfortable."

After a nod, I heard Apple Bloom boot up the console. I've still got a mountain of notes to go over, yet they feel incomplete. What bugs me the most is this machine that transported her here. There were a couple of knobs with some levers protruding from it, yet the odd part comes from the cables; they attached to some strange crystal that sounds like something out of a fantasy realm. Since Apple Bloom is a talking pony, I shouldn't be surprised about the crystal part. What unnerves me is not the fact the gem sounded like a red emerald with a star inside of it. I find myself unnerved at the fact Apple Bloom spoke in such a casual manner about where it came from.

"Maud gave it to Twilight. She said somethin about it bein from the Lazarus Pools near Tartarus. Maud's braver than any of us for venturin around there." Apple Bloom said to me.

Tartarus, as in "the" Tartarus from those mythological stories?

----End Journal----

January 28th

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>>>Date: January 28th, Time: 10:20 AM<<<

Apple Bloom's sighs became my morning alarm-clock. Like clockwork, I heard the door open, her all-too quiet sigh, and then the door sliding shut. Today may have been the last straw. I heard door slam shut before I watched her exit my room. It doesn't take a psychic to see she's disheartened. Two, maybe three nights ago I heard Apple Bloom crying as she slept in the sleeping bag near my bed. She cursed herself, saying how she was a "foalish, silly filly" for running off to the basement of Twilight's library. Her voice cracked while she struggled to get to sleep, continuing to blame herself for what happened.

Did she run away from home?

"How long was ah out?" Apple Bloom said to me, getting off the couch.

"It's 10:30 AM right now." I said.

"AM? You mean mornin?" Apple Bloom said.

"Yea, AM is the morning while PM is afternoon to night time." I said.

She yawned at me, stretched her legs, went into my room, slid the door open once more, and then slid it closed. What does she want to find? What does she want to see behind that door? Somehow, I've got to this cycle. I'm worried she'll get sick, and that'll be one heck of a mess. I'll have to tell a vet I have a candy-colored equine living in my house. Not to mention the pony can talk.

----End Entry----

>>>Date: January 28th, Time: 2:25 PM<<<

Ambivalent might be the best word to describe my emotions when I opened the front door to the house. On one hand, I was happy for Apple Bloom. On the other hand, I wasn't "thrilled."

I had to take a moment, after coming inside with some groceries, to steady myself. With that moment taken, all of us sat at the table. Well, I sat while the two stood. Apple Bloom stood to my right while my newest guest faced me. In the best possible, "calm" tone I said, "So...."

Several, horse-like sounds emanated from the pony in front of me. The wings on her sides remained motionless as she continued her attempts to talk, my attempts to understand her being to no avail. I'm just glad Apple Bloom can act as a translator of sorts. From what I remember, this is Apple Bloom's friend, and her name is Scootaloo.

"Ah knew it! Ah knew it!" Apple Bloom said in a boisterous tone.

"Ow. Ok. Ow, that's a little loud Apple Bloom." I said.

"Sorry, "Apple Bloom giggled. She turned and gave her a monstrous hug before smiling. After she let god, that smile faded fast. Apple Bloom faced me. Her puppy-dog-eyes focused on me. They began to water. "Can she stay? Please?"

"First, please tell me what's going on?" I said. More animal noises emanated from Scootaloo before I held out my hand. "Sorry, I'll have to let Apple Bloom explain." I pointed to my ear then shook my head while shrugging my shoulders, "I can't understand a word you're saying, Scootaloo."

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow. She turned away in a huff. I guess she understands me, but I can't understand her for some reason. It felt like my first encounter with Apple Bloom. I wondered if all ponies were so huffy at the time. Apple Bloom moved closer towards her and chatted in private. Ten minutes passed. Scootaloo faced me. Apple Bloom returned to her previous spot off to my right side.

"Alright, ah'll try to explain this as best ah can." Apple Bloom said. Her story dragged on. I shouldn't be surprised since it sounded similar to the story a child would tell. Forty minutes passed by before we got to the actual "meat and potatoes," as one of my college professors would say, of the matter. "After that happened, ah ran to the library in Ponyville. Ah'm still angry at the fact --"

"So, you did run away from home." I said, receiving a firm nod. I apologized for the interruption, letting Apple Bloom continue her story. Twenty more minutes passed. Apple Bloom's stomach worked like clockwork when that growl resounded within the dining room. "Why don't you get something to eat. I brought home some fresh Apples. They're in the cabinet over there. Your friend can help herself to them as well."

Complicated. Things have grown complicated.

To summarize it all for this entry and my sanity, as internet slang would dictate in a tl;dr scenario, Apple Bloom ran away from home after a fight with her family; it involved some kind of potion she made and them not willing to test it on their orchards. Whatever the case, her friends -- Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle -- tried to comfort her. Both were dismayed to watch Apple Bloom activate Twilight's machine by mistake, the filly propelled into some vortex. These two fillies formulated a plan to rescue her. The best laid plans of mice and men, I guess. Perhaps it would be better to say the half-baked plan of two children.

The so-called "plan" involved a rope placed around Scootaloo, her going through the portal, pulling Apple Bloom back through, and their friend being returned to Equestria. I found the rope laying on the carpet near my bed, it being cut off by the vortex's closure. Another person would think this is just another piece of rope. It baffles me though. The end of this rope feels heavy. It feels like there's something on the other end of it, but I can this small length of rope around the house with a minor amount of effort. Another fact puzzling me is the end of it: the quality of this cut is well beyond anything of current human, 2015 era technology.

Magic. I hate the notion of having to explain away things by that five lettered word. It's like a parent saying "because I said so" to their child, demanding an end to their senseless prattle.

"Did you need something?" I said. Scootaloo's feathers were quite soft the way she brushed up against me. I turned to see her stare at me, make a few audible noises, and then let out what sounded like a sigh. This doesn't make sense. Again, how can Apple Bloom understand me and vice versa while I can't understand this, this pegasus? Scootaloo seems to understand me. At least, I believe she understands me to a certain extent.

"She's asked what ya have to eat around here, besides apples." Apple Bloom said.

"You mind helping her in the kitchen? Please don't show her the microwave though." I said, getting a stern glare. I chuckled to myself. "By the way Apple Bloom, Scootaloo can stay. I'm not about to kick either of you out on the streets."

Apple Bloom peaked around the corner, smiled, and returned to her lunch. As I hear that fridge door opening, it reminds me that I never made the food budget. I'll have to make one now. A human and two ponies -- this whole thing sounds like some moronic TV drama a drunken writer made up at the last moment for their bosses to read over. Whatever the case, I doubt this will end well.

----End Entry----

>>>Date: January 28th, Time: 9:25 PM<<<

It should be noted that a creature with wings can fly. I was shocked that Scootaloo managed to fly to the top of a nearby tree. What surprised me even more is the fact she has the strength to carry Apple Bloom on her back. Great, just what I need, two curious little ponies in my house, one them having the ability to fly. My saving grace, this is probably wrong of me to say, is the fact Scootaloo's wings cause her to exert so much energy she needs to rest after using them. She can fly for thirty seconds at most before having to return to the ground. How in the hell can she fly though?! It shouldn't be possible. I can't use magic to explain everything away.

"...." a voice emanated several garbled noises.

I looked to my side, seeing Scootaloo stare at me. She raised her hoof and scratched her head. Her eyes darted about for a second before she lowered her hoof. Soon, her eyes fixated on me.

"You need to use the bathroom?" I said, receiving a head tilt reaction from her. I pointed her to the hallway, she looked at the bathroom, came back, and shook her head at me. "It would be nice if I could talk to you like Apple Bloom."

Looks like I have one filly standing near me, I don't know what she wants, and the interpreter is exhausted, splayed out on the couch-bed in the family room. I'll just have to figure out what she wants. Besides, it's not like anything out of the ordinary happened. Well, ordinary if you ignore my new guest who can fly. Tomorrow better have no new arrivals. One pony I can handle. Two I can deal with. I better not leave the house and come a whole herd of equines. Part of me shudders at the thought of a unicorn coming to our world, using their magic to manipulate things. No telling if that "butterfly effect" is real or not in the face of this, ugg, magic.

----End Journal---

February 7th

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>>>Date: February 7th, Time: 4:25 am<<<

A voice bellowed, yelling in some incomprehensible language. Blue mist slithered along the invisible floor then wrapped around my neck; I wasn't choked, but I might as well have been choked. After my right hand let go of the ethereal circle around my neck, I pulled my index finger back.

The blue mist dissipated. In my right hand was a gun. The type didn't matter as its sound was enough to unnerve the entity behind the voice. For a second time the mist restrained me, given no time to react, however, the weapon in my restrained right hand dematerialized into nothingness then reformed in my left hand. With the boisterous second shot the creature shouted at me once more in that unusual, garbled tongue, releasing me from its grasp.

Dark clouds coalesced into a single mass. The pounding in my chest wouldn't stop. That feeling of dread told me I was free and not, this thing was toying with me. Three successive shots followed, each noise seemingly louder than the next.

The deep gasps for breath resounded within my room. Hot couldn't describe how I felt as I opened my eyes after a solid blow from behind. It's nice these terrazzo floors are so cold at night. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a large glass, which was shoved under the faucet. The digital readout on the microwave told me it was 3:00 am.

As I sit here at my laptop, it requires a lot of concentration to keep these pale hands from shaking. I'm not sure what's more unnerving. The dream, perhaps I should say that nightmare, being up there as my more horrendous ones, or there being a painful mark on my back. I caught a glimpse of the red mark in the bathroom's mirror. It's like someone twisted a towel then snapped it hard against a person's back. Geez. What is going on? What the freaking heck happened?!

Though my hands are hard to calm down, I know, in my heart, I'm just glad my guests are still asleep in the family-room. I never want Apple Bloom or Scootaloo to see me in this kind of state. They need someone to be there for them, someone strong. I can't let them down.

----End Entry----

>>>Date: February 7th, Time: 11:25 AM<<<

"Are you alright?" Apple Bloom said. The cup in her hooves slipped and crashed to the ground. She stared at it for a second then reared back when her eyes met mine. Her hooves shivered. After a couple of steps, she pressed her right hoof, in a soft manner, against my leg. "Ya ok? Sorry about breaking the cup."

"I... it's ok. I'm was just a bit startled, that's all. I had a bit of a nasty dream last night." I said. With "nasty" and "dream" exiting my mouth, Apple Bloom's eyes widened. She whispered something to Scootaloo, her eyes dilating soon afterward. The two chatted, a childish game of twenty questions started with Apple Bloom pestering me for answers. I held out my hands, said "It's ok. It's ok," and then proceeded to clean up the mess of broken glass, "Bad dreams, nightmares, or whatever you call them are common for humans. Our dreams are one of the more... 'unnatural' areas that isn't fully understood."

Scootaloo concerned me a bit. Her eyes were still dilated, like she was frightened. Was it my reaction and Apple Bloom's words or just my action alone? Apple Bloom patted Scootaloo on the head. Just as they are odd to me, I must appear odd to them. Or, perhaps, I'm a monster. Though Apple Bloom doesn't seem afraid of me, it may very well be a rather thin shell. She could be afraid of me, much like Scootaloo.


"You ok, Scootaloo?" I said.

"She's wondering what happened in that nightmare." Apple Bloom said.

"It's best not to talk about --" I said.

"No. You're my friend. You're our friend." Apple Bloom said. She nodded at Scootaloo then put her hoof on my arm as I bent down. "Aren't you?"

"Apple Bloom..." I said in a trailed voice, ending with a sigh. Those puppy dog eyes were on a little internal switch. They were ready at a moment's notice when Apple Bloom needed them. I nodded to her, "Ya."

"Good." Apple Bloom said. She returned to Scootaloo's side, "If ya don't wanna talk, ah won't force ya. We Cutie Mark Crusaders learned about privacy."

"Cutie Mark Crusaders?" I said. Scootaloo rolled her eyes, received a jab from Apple Bloom, and then smiled at me. After a quiet chuckle, I turned toward my house guests. "Well, I think it's time we all had some lunch."

"How about we make ya some lunch?" Apple Bloom said.

"Actually, it's the duty of the host to serve the guests. You can help." I said.

I wonder if Scootaloo is growing tired of --

----End Entry----

>>>Date: February 7th, Time: 4:00 PM<<<

Why me? Why?

"Sacre Bleu," A voice said.

"She's speakin fancy," Apple Bloom said.

"I assume this is Sweetie Belle." I said, pointing a finger at the new face. The filly tilted her head at me then Apple Bloom whispered something to her.

"Si," Sweetie Belle said, closing her eyes as she smiled at me.

First she speaks French. Now it's Spanish. Whatever the case, there are three fillies here. My worst fears have come to light as this one is a unicorn. I've already seen an apple float towards her. No wires. No strings. No mirrors or tricks. It just... "floated" out of the bag. It moved towards Sweetie Belle, and she munched on the green apple like it was nothing.

"Fassen sie mich nicht an," Sweetie Belle said. She batted away my hand with her hoof as I tried to touch her horn.

Ok, now she speaks what sounds like German. What am I going to do? Things were pretty peaceful when I was writing that previous entry. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo finished their lunch, sitting down to play some games on the console. I'll never forget hearing that low, guttural, bass fueled sound from my bedroom. I opened the closet door after I entered the room and things started all over again as it reminded me of Apple Bloom when she came to this world.

Two watery eyes gazed back at me. Some kind of perfume permeated the air. It might have been from the stuff used on the filly's hair/mane that appeared freshly styled. Those eyes darted about before some kind of weird whimper reached my ears when I stretched a hand towards her. The sound must have been familiar to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo because I heard hooves tapping against the floor and turned to see them right behind me. Sweetie Belle darted out of the closet then hugged her friends while they wiped away her tears.

"What are they planning?" is all that I could think about when the three huddled together after Sweetie Belle batted away my hand. I knew that look in Apple Bloom's eyes. They came back to the table. Apple Bloom prepared to speak. I stopped her. With my hands together on the table, I said in a calm tone, "Before you even ask, Sweetie Belle can stay."

Apple Bloom muttered something to the three. They smashed their hooves together, smiled, and then faced me once again. A lengthy discussion ensued with that small bit of business out of the way.

Questions were asked by both sides. Some were answered while others were left for a later date, their questions about this world being a good portion left alone. The particular question I wanted answered was how. How did these three get to our world? Also, I wanted to know why Sweetie Belle spoke several different languages, Scootaloo spoke none, and Apple Bloom understood what I said without a problem.

"Ah think ah get it now." Apple Bloom said, discussing the issue with her friends. She retrieved a pencil from the cup on my desk. With the clipboard in front of her, a crude sketch was made, refined by Scootaloo, and tweaked by Sweetie Belle. Apple Bloom pointed at a small area on the... *sigh*, "rendition" that was provided, "Right here, on Twilight's machine. There's a weird lever. Ah remember a crystal being in the slot near it. Scootaloo said there wasn't a crystal there when she came through. Sweetie Belle said there was a different one for her."

"A crystal just 'mystically' translates an entire language, inscribing it into your head? " I said. The tone in my voice caused Apple Bloom to huff at me. "I'm sorry, but there has to be more to it. I can't accept the fact a crystal just allows you to understand me."

Before an argument ensued, Scootaloo used her wings to cover Apple Bloom's mouth then Sweetie Belle's.

"Cad a dhéanaimid anois ?" Sweetie Belle said.

"She asked what do we do now?" Apple Bloom said.

"You know what she said?" I said.

"Yea, kinda." Apple Bloom said.

All of that happened an hour ago. Now I find myself here, typing this up while testing Apple Bloom on various human languages. At the moment, we're up to fifteen different languages that she can comprehend. Also, to my confirmed worries, she can read the various languages. I'll have to be careful. From the looks of it, Sweetie Belle doesn't understand a word I say. It's rather odd though. She's gained some control over her languages, switching between languages at her own will, but Sweetie Belle can't speak English or anything near English. It threw me for a loop when she spoke Japanese then transitioned to perfect Icelandic mid sentence. Scootaloo is the mystery. What she's speaking isn't "their" language, according to Apple Bloom.

"Can ah please take a break?" Apple Bloom said.

"Vanligen..." Sweetie Belle said, letting out an exhausted sigh.

Scootaloo remained silent, but sighed as well.

"Sorry, the time got away from me. All of you should take a break. I bet Sweetie Belle needs to get acclimated. I'll just need to figure things out." I said. Heh, "figure" things out. That is an understatement. "Apple Bloom."

"Ah thought we were done." Apple Bloom said.

"Yes, we are done. I just wanted to say that you need to be in charge of the group." I said. Seemed like all heck broke loose when she told her friends. Apple Bloom needs to be in charge of this little group since she's the only one who can communicate with me. "Hey, careful with that!"

----End Entry----

>>>Date: February 7th, Time: 8:35 PM<<<

Children, I'm watching over a group of children. It was a nightmare to keep these three from fighting one another. Apple Bloom said she was the leader and all heck did break loose. I'm just glad the county maintenance doesn't do their usual drive-by until next month. What. A. Mess.

"You need something?" I said. Sweetie Belle is starting to creep me out. She's followed me around all day. I caught her trying to go through the drawers underneath my bed, several times for that matter. What does she want? "Apple Bloom, is Sweetie Belle ok?"

"She's just a tad curious about ya, that's all. Her sister is a... a..." Apple Bloom said, scratching her head. Sweetie Belle whispered to her and then put her hoof on my shoulder, rubbing it against my shirt. "Sorry, Sweetie Belle's sister is a 'fashionista' or somethin. Sweetie Belle's just wonderin' about your clothes. She says they don't have fabric like that stuff in Ponyville."

It's just cotton. At least, I think my shirt is cotton. My sweatpants, or "give up on life pants" as one has said, might be some synthetic blended material. I know one shirt has a hydrophobic coating of sorts on it.

"If she checks the tag, it'll say what it's made off. Opps, I'm sorry. I forgot she can't read them. Do you mind helping her look at them?" I said. That was a mistake. Several opened drawers later and my room looked like a warzone. My mouth was agape at the clothes strewn everywhere. Sweetie Belle bowed, grinned, and left. Apple Bloom giggled at me before she left as well. "These fillies will be the death of me."

It took near twenty minutes of my time, though it isn't as precious as time for others, to sort through that mess. 7 o'clock rolled around, and it was time to eat.

"What ya mean ya want somethin' different. Apples are great." Apple Bloom said as she looked at Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle gave her friend a firm nod in return. "Hey, he went to a lot of trouble to get these. We better eat em."

"Actually... it's not that hard Apple Bloom," I said. I pointed at a can of tomato sauce in the cabinet. With the can placed on the counter, I rummaged through the cabinet and pulled can of diced tomatoes. "If you like, I can make some spaghetti tonight. No meatballs. I promise. I don't have the stuff to make them. We'll have some apple desserts."

I couldn't help laughing at the three fillies when we started to eat. The red sauce covering their faces was kind of cute. That's when it hit me.

"You guys better take a bath tonight. I'll change the covers on the bed." I said. I didn't know what to expect, but Apple Bloom nodded at me. With the shower turned on, I left the three alone. Twenty minutes passed. The three exited the bathroom with towels were wrapped around their heads, another around their bodies. I inspected the bathroom, finding everything in order. I guess I expected the back wall of the bathroom to be destroyed with Scootaloo flying around outside, Sweetie Belle chucking chunks of debris into the pool, and other sorts of chaos. From the bathroom I said, "Apple Bloom, I've setup the console for you and your friends."

Out in the family room, the three played to their hearts content with the console I pulled out of my room. I had to blow into the cartridge a couple of times to get it to work. A rolling yawn started with Scootaloo letting out the first one, progressing to Sweetie Belle, and then Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle was the first to crash with Scootaloo following suit. I removed the towels from their heads, and then placed Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle at opposite ends of the bed. With the blankets placed over them, I turned to see Apple Bloom fast asleep on the couch. At that moment, I realized they were children, and I also realized things had grown beyond complicated.

Three fillies. I have to contend with three fillies now. One is a unicorn, the other is a pegasus, and the third is a rather strong earth pony.

What are we going to do now?

----End Journal----

February 21st

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>>>Date: February 21st, Time: 11:15 AM<<<

My job applications, should say my failures have started to pile up. Time and time again they all give that stupid, monotone reply "thank you for your interest but we're sorry to inform you that we have nothing available at the time" to me in those emails. I'm just grateful to not be pinching pennies right now. Two weeks have passed since the arrival of the third house guest. All of us had a hard scare when Scootaloo came down with a cold. It sucks when you have to step up to the plate and be the adult in a group. Sure, I'm thirty something, but there are times when I feel like I'm treated like a child. I'm just glad it turned out to be a simple cold. A few days of bed rest got the filly back to her usual silent self. I do find myself concerned at the prospect of a foreign disease. Last thing we need is some "Xenopathenogenic substance" or whatever those scientists would call it.

In my spare time, I've managed to tinker with the headset. Days came when I wanted to take this thing out to the car, place it under the back tire, run over it in reverse, and then run over it after putting into drive, repeating things a few times. A bittersweet moment came by accident when I left the headset alone three days ago. The three fillies were examining it when I was out getting a spare part. Sweetie Belle must have been startled when I came home, seeing her levitate it into the air. It felt like I was blinded by the flash of a camera when whatever happened ended. After a couple of moments for my vision to return, the headset floated to the ground. Though intact, it wasn't the same.

To my amazement, when I turned the device on with my word program opened on my laptop, Scootaloo whispered something into the microphone and her words appeared on screen. No matter how many times I fiddled with the thing, I couldn't understand how it worked. Yesterday I gave it a mini-test. Today was a full test, Scootaloo being the first guinea pig/filly.

Scootaloo came to me rather easily but backed away when stood up. She gave a nervous look to me then came to the laptop. Part of me laughed at the situation while another understood how she felt, probably being scared. With the device on her head, I nodded at the filly.

*Note: Copy and paste for my personal entry*

"So it's really ok? I can give it a try? Those words are mine? Hey, they're appearing as I speak. This is awesome. Can't I try it out for a bit longer? Let me try it out a bit longer. Please. PPPPLLEEEAAAASSSEEE!"

*End copy and paste*

Scootaloo bounced around when she saw the words appear on screen. She hovered in the air for a couple of seconds before giving a rather elated smile. The smile faded when I came closer to her. Her headshake was firm, telling me there was no way she would give up the headset. I had to harden my heart a bit, receiving a puppy-dog eyed look, to get the headset back. I wasn't sure if I could explain it well enough to Apple Bloom for her to translate. Scootaloo let out a loud groan, followed by a grunt when the headset was taken. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a wing reached for the headset on my desk. I moved it away further.

Apple Bloom's eyes widened as Scootaloo muttered something in an incomprehensible language. I raised an eyebrow at the pegasus filly. She giggled at me. Scootaloo darted toward the family room. If I knew anything about children, it had to be some swear word.

"Sorry bout that, heh heh." Apple Bloom said, giggling much like Scootaloo. "Scoot is just a might tired of being unable to heard round here. Not to mean she isn't grateful for the free room and board."

"It's alright, Apple Bloom." I said. I gave Apple Bloom a swift pat on the head. "I'm set if you want to return to the family room. I'll do a few minor tweaks to the headset, and Sweetie Belle will be next."

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes at me then headed towards the family room. The charge indicator gave me consistent false readings. Despite the 80% reading, I knew it had to be more like 25%. I've put a fresh battery into it, and I'm lucky enough to get ten minutes out of the thing before a recharge. Recharges are the worst since it takes close to three hours. If it were plausible to convert this thing to work off regular batteries, I'm not sure how long it would last. That could be a big money waster there.

"Avez-vous besoin de moi?" Sweetie Belle said. I pointed at the device. She shook her head. Apple Bloom came behind her. Both of us locked our eyes on Sweetie Belle. With some words of encouragement from Apple Bloom, I placed the device on Sweetie Belle's head.

*Note: Copy and paste translation for Sweetie Belle's words."

"Hey! Don't mess up my mane. Wow, it really does work like Apple Bloom said. Are those words mine? This is so neat. Where do I even begin. Don't take it --"

*End Note*

"Je veux me voir parler un peu plus." Sweetie Belle said, the headset's power cutting off before I took it from her. Her little huff is kind of cute. She tried to use Apple Bloom's puppy dog eye routine, much like Scootaloo tried, but I shut it out. This device will have to aid Scootaloo since Sweetie Belle can speak. Sweetie Belle's newfound skill is quite interesting. It took less than a week to gain control over the languages at her disposal. The reason she picked French is beyond me, but I guess it's personal tastes. Still, she can't seem to speak anything remotely near English. Sweetie Belle shouted from the family room, "Ce est tellement ennuyeux!"

It seems, much to my own chagrin, magic has played a role in this device's current form. Another thing I find myself perplexed at is the headset refusing to work with the cord plugged into the laptop. It only seems to work with the batteries --

"Hey! Stop takin the shortcut. We agreed to a fair race on that rainbow road." Apple Bloom said.

Now I sit here, trying to tinker with this blasted thing. The more I hear from the family room, the more I regret letting those three play that racing game. Still, it's best for them to have some entertainment. I can't risk them being out during the daytime.

"Que sommes-nous en train de manger pour le déjeuner?" Sweetie Belle said. Apple Bloom helped with the translation, saying Sweetie Belle wondered about lunch.

"Well, I do have a coupon for some pizza. I think we can squeeze some money out of the food budget to have some delivered." I said. That was my first mistake, being bombarded by questions. My second mistake was saying, out loud, I would order myself some wings. Poor Scootaloo looked at me then bolted toward the back door. I had to stifle my snickering while I explained to Apple Bloom what I meant while she translated it for Scootaloo. The moment stuck in my mind since the word "wings" appeared to be one of the few words Scootaloo could understand.

O well, no wings for me.

----End Entry----

>>>Date: February 21st, Time: 3:25 PM<<<

This is so awesome. I get write on this thing. Should I say speak? Whatever, this weird stallion thing is giving me a nod with two "thumbs" up as Apple Bloom says he calls them. All of this wouldn't have happened if Apple Bloom had calmed down. So Applejack and Big Macintosh didn't want to use her potion, big deal. She didn't have to storm off to Twilight's library. I'm not sure if the others even know we're gone. Babs is watching the machine for us. Sucks her vacation to Ponyville has to be guardin some machine.

Sweetie Belle I can barely understand with that weird crystal messing her up. All I know is that stupid rope got cut. Now I'm stuck here.
It's kinda weird. This place hasn't felt right ever since I got here. I can fly. I can really fly, but it takes way more energy. Thought I was going to pass out after I got back down after flying for the first time.

Hey, come on. Can't I talk for a bit more?

----End Entry----

>>>Date: February 21st, Time: 3:34 PM<<<

The charge didn't last as long as I had hoped. Scootaloo is beyond PO'd right now. It took two minutes to prove the thing's power was drained. Are these new batteries junk, or does it take a lot of juice for this thing to translate? Still, at least we had our pizza. It was funny when the delivery driver came. The three stared curiously stared out the window at the front of the house. When I came back inside, Apple Bloom said, "Can we go outside?"

I had to be stern with them. Of course, being stern in my mind and actually being stern in real life are two different things. I'm just glad I had my pepperoni pizza to sedate my appetite. Closet thing I could order for them was some kind of weird amalgamation veggies and extra cheese along with three orders of breadsticks. Four pizzas, sticks, and dessert, all for the low, low, LOW price of fifty-five bucks, coupon included. Had to hand over sixty bucks, telling the driver to keep the change. He wasn't too thrilled with that notion. O well, we won't be doing this anytime soon again.

Time for an experiment to see the charge times makes a difference.

----End Entry----

>>>Date: February 21st, Time: 10:35 PM<<<

Now I'm starting to see things. This is beyond weird. The three were excited to have some time in the pool around 9 pm. With it being so late, the neighbors were in bed. I had the towels laid out, I got me a drink, and sat outside. Fifteen minutes passed by and I had to come inside to relieve myself. With my business finished, I turned toward my room to see one of the ropes moving. The thing started wiggling around. Each time my hand neared the rope it would wriggle away from it. Out of caution, perhaps paranoia, I put on a heavy welding glove to grasp the thing.

It continued to jump around. I tugged on the rope. The rope didn't budge. I pulled harder and found myself being dragged toward night stand. With the rope let go, it stopped flailing about. Apple Bloom came inside, followed by Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Clutched in her teeth, Apple Bloom gave a massive tug to the rope.

"What are ya goin on about? There's nothin on the other end?" Apple Bloom said before she left. Sweetie Belle shook her head at me before leaving with Scootaloo. I tried to talk to Apple Bloom, but I received a stern gaze. Her voice matched the previous gaze when she said, "That ain't funny. Ah got mah hopes up for nothin!"

No words could undo what I had done. I didn't lie. There was something firm on the other end. It refused to wriggle when I neared it with the gloves a second time, trying several more times on my own. Those successive times were failed attempts as the rope behaved like a normal length of rope.

I'm sorry Apple Bloom. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt Sweetie Belle or Scootaloo either. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

----End Journal----

February 22nd

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>>>February 22nd, Time: 3:09 AM<<<

"A person doesn't appreciate what they have until it is lost."

Now that I've encountered these three, I see that quote doesn't apply to just humans. Apple Bloom's mind had put off the notion of her being stuck here, possibly the same for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. The three of them made the best of what they could. Last night brought those thoughts back to the three of them. Each time I got up to check on Apple Bloom, she seemed to be crying. The tears refused to stop. Though Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo act mature, I didn't understand their childlike nature until now. Their situation must be horrible. They're so far away from home yet so close to it.

I'm running on fumes here. In all, I may have gotten three, maybe four hours worth of sleep. It sucks, but I will have to take a step or two back. There's nothing I can do right now since Apple Bloom needs to work this out of her system. Better shut down the laptop and force myself to get some sleep. I'll be of no use to them if I can't keep my eyes open.

----End Entry----

>>>February 22nd, Time: 9:05 AM<<<

*Note: Copy and Past translation from Scootaloo's entry for my personal notes*

Things have been really off today. This stallion thing isn't himself, and Apple Bloom isn't much better. I'm just glad she's willing to be the mare-in-the-middle for us. I can't understand what the stallion says, and Sweetie Belle can't seem to talk with him. Not to mention this 'fancy talk' is starting to get on my nerves. Can't Sweetie Belle speak something else beside it? Whatever, at least she can talk. I have to use this thing on my head.

This stallion got really mad at Sweetie Belle and me. We tried to explore a bit, and he shoved us out of some room. Sweetie Belle snuck back inside though. When I went in, it seemed like a mare's room. The closet had a bunch of weird clothes in it; they're way weirder than his stuff. Anyways, that's what Sweetie Belle said. I got close to one of the corners, and then he walked in on us. The stallion started yelling something. We bolted for the hallway. Rainbow Dash would have been impressed with my speed.

Anyways, this stallion put a lock on the door so me and Sweetie Belle couldn't get in again. Apple Bloom said something about the room being one for a family member that passed away. That's all she overheard from him after the stallion clammed up. Dang, *audible sigh*, this thing is beeping at me. I guess these "batteries" are out of "juice" from what Apple Bloom said.

Hey, can't we try for a bit longer --

*End Translation Notes*

----End Entry----

>>>February 22nd, Time: 9:35 AM<<<

I guess the battery needs a longer charging period. An overnight charge from my phone's adapter yields about thirty minutes. A little over eight hours for a thirty minute talk time, sounds like a rip off from a crappy cell phone carrier plan.

In my heart, I know it's wrong I yelled at Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Still, they should have known better. If a person shakes their head from side-to-side at something, it should be a universal idea that means don't do it, don't go there, and/or generally meaning no. Of course, I'm dealing with kids, more or less. I need to make sure I don't get too frustrated.

I've fiddled with the ropes in my room, and they still refuse to move. I don't drink, so I wasn't inebriated. My meds don't cause drowsiness, hallucinations, or any weird side effects, so that's ruled out. What happened?

----End Entry----

>>>February 22nd, Time: 2:23 PM<<<

There's no getting around what just happened. The password to the cablebox was found, and my parental lock was disabled. I wasn't thinking. I saw a different channel, and I just didn't think about things. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, or all of them somehow turned it to the national news. It seems an "incident" occurred. This person, probably having who knows what in their system, took a hostage, and fought back against the authorities. The hostage didn't survive.

Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle saw the whole news report. I came back inside, having gone outside to check the pool and yard to see how much work needed to be done, to them staring at the TV. Sweetie Belle's mouth was wide open. Scootaloo covered her eyes with her wings.

"Ce qui s'est passe," Sweetie Belle said through a quivering tone.

It took several minutes to register what had happened before I darted to the table, grabbed the remote, and turned the TV off. Scootaloo lowered her wings. Sweetie Belle closed her mouth. Apple Bloom's eyes fixated on me. Soon, all of them starred at me. It hurt. It hurt me to see their eyes so full of terror. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo leapt off the couch. All of them bolted passed the dining room. They galloped toward my room, as fast as their hooves could carry them.

"Get away! Ah swear to Celestia Ah'll plant a hoof so hard against your skull it'll ring like a bell if ya come any closer." Apple Bloom shouted. She stood between me and her friends. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo continuously yanked on the rope pieces. "This place is horrible! Why did that stallion do that?!"

The ticking from the clock on that cabinet in the room with my laptop became inaudible. I sat on the floor. After what seemed like eternity, the three calmed down. I offered them a chance to return to the living room, but they refused.

"Why did he do that?" Apple Bloom said.

Due to Apple Bloom's history lesson on Equestria, I knew there were "good" and "evil" individuals in Equestria. The most evil individuals were locked away in a place called Tartarus, however, I wasn't sure, until today, if these three fillies had ever heard or witnessed anything like what they saw on TV. How could I explain this situation to a visitor from another world? Even worse, how could I explain what occurred young minds like theirs? It's wrong to lie. It's worse to lie to a child.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo seemed to relax when Apple Bloom calmed down. All of them faced me.

"I apologize if this is vague, but what you saw is a complicated mess. Humans, what I am and what those were on TV, in general are complicated creatures. Also, just like there is good and evil in your world, there is good and evil in our world." I said. I tried my best to formulate a reasonable train of thought, words being hard to come by. Sure, it's not hard for me to tell another adult, another human adult my feelings about our species. To tell these three kids, these three fillies how I feel about us, what we have the capability to do, and what happened, that's something I wasn't sure I could do. I didn't want to sugarcoat things either. Apple Bloom, probably sensing my struggle, placed her right hoof on my hand and said I didn't have to say "anythin'" about what happened. "Apple Bloom, I'm sorry. I didn't... I didn't want you to see that kind of stuff, or your friends. I don't want you to hate humans. I don't want you to hate me."

"Have you --" Apple Bloom said.

"No," I said with a soft firm voice, "I haven't done something like that to anyone, ever."

"Souhaitez-vous jamais faire cela?" Sweetie Belle said.

I had a slight idea of what Sweetie Belle said. Apple Bloom's translation confirmed it. The unicorn filly asked if I would I ever do that? Or, more to the point, could I ever hurt someone? I believe it's wrong to take a life. On the other hand, I believe it's wrong to stand by and let someone else take a life. I'm just a hypocrite.

"I promise I will protect you and your friends, Apple Bloom." I said. Apple Bloom talked with her friends, and they nodded at me. We moved to the family room, and I re-programmed the locking code for the cable box then turned all of it off. "I will answer whatever questions you have to the best of my abilities. For now, let's not dwell on what happened? How about we order out tonight? There's an Italian place nearby, and we can order some spaghetti and breadsticks."

I unplugged the cablebox and disconnected the HDMI cable as well. This is what I get for using the TV to entertain them. It's a good thing I'm not a parent.

Though my watch said all of that unfolded twenty minutes ago, I can't help feeling like its later than that. In all honesty, it feels like that happened two hours ago. Whatever, I gave my word. I've got my keys, my wallet, and my cellphone. I guess we'll see how "good" these three can be while sitting in the car while I run in to get our food. To see a bit of our world, beyond what that stupid news program showed them, it may help take their minds off things.

----End Entry----

>>>February 22nd, Time: 8:14 PM<<<

The crisp night air of this nearby park is rather nice. I'm also glad the sun set about 7 pm. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle can enjoy a bit of peace. In all honesty, watching these three play, it feels like I gave a genuine smile in a long time. I just hope that news report doesn't tarnish their view of humans. I've brought my laptop out, for once.

As I look at the sky, part of me wonders about that world they call home. It would be exciting to see their world. I could leave this miserable little mudball of a planet. Though I say that, I'm not sure if I could fit in with their societal norms. Apple Bloom did speak about various races of ponies mingling together, giving a brief mention of other creatures. Being under the rule of princesses -- ponies that may be immortal -- isn't something I would enjoy though. I mean, who's to say those ponies aren't watched over with a heavy eye. If they foul up, a merciless judgment is handed down. It seems my cynical side is still intact, despite the smiles I'm giving the three.

----End Entry----

>>>February 22nd, Time 10:25 PM<<<

"Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

This time I kept my mouth shut. I know that rope moved. It almost wrapped around my leg and tried to tug on me. The second rope remained limp. What is the cause of this? I wanted to bring Apple Bloom into my room and show her what's going on, but I didn't want to hurt her again. She and the others have been through enough. I'll keep this to myself, and perhaps see if I can replicate things. There has to be something more to this weirdness.

----End Journal----

March 15th

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>>>March 15th, Time: 12:05 PM<<<

Procrastination is the bane of everyone's existence, including my own. I mean, it's not like there hasn't been time to make a journal entry. Today is as good as ever to write one with it being two months since Apple Bloom came here.

The weeks have been somewhat peaceful as of the last entry. I'm thankful we haven't had any scares or incidents... scratch that. It's better to say the scares were few and far between.

Scootaloo is not only inquisitive, but one unpredictable filly. I don't know if the police were searching for someone, if there was an accident, or what, but there was a helicopter flying overhead one night. The inquisitive little pony, in her infinite wisdom for some asinine reason that I cannot understand even now, decided that it would be fun to check the thing out. I'll never forget that cold chill running up my spine when the latch for the back door slide open. Scootaloo going out the back door coincided with the increased rate of pounding in my chest.

I darted outside with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle near me. The little pegasus flew up to the helicopter like it was nothing. The helicopter hovered in mid air near the house. Scootaloo must have gotten spooked since she bolted toward the ground and out of sight. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and myself headed back inside. With the thing gone, Sweetie Belle used her magic to bring Scootaloo back inside. I wasn't sure if my heart would ever stop pounding. Luck was on our side when the local paper attributed the sighting to some lunatic putting a doll on a drone then flying it around.

Beyond that incident, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle have managed to entertain themselves here and there. One mistake I'll never make again is expecting the TV to be their babysitter. That's one mistake I can't make again. I'm just glad the procrastination beast didn't ensnare me until I had dealt with the cablebox. Things have been taken a step further with some channels permanently disabled for good.

In terms of myself, things feel off at the moment. When I think about getting a job, my thoughts turn towards these three. I need a job. We can't subsist like this forever, but I'm not sure if I can leave them alone for extended periods of time. Who's going to pay some reject to do work for an hour then bolt home? It doesn't matter. I might as well be in a desert in terms of job hunting. College is too expensive. It all boils down to the fact I screwed up my life, and there's nothing to do about it.

"Hey," Apple Bloom said.

"Yea?" I said.

"Scootaloo wants to know if we can go out to the park again tonight?" Apple Bloom said.

"I don't see why not." I said.

It seems the park is their new favorite spot. These three have grown accustomed to hiding amongst the bushes, shrubs, and what not when other people come around.

On another serious note, regarding my "personal" notes here about what I've seen and can tell with those ropes, it takes a decent amount of effort to drag them around the house. Well, I guess that's not a true finding. It's a necessary to start though. The other fact is that they will twitch at times. I'm sad to say that their movements are chaotic while the times they twitch are random. I've tried to monitor them in the day, but nothing happens. Apple Bloom walked into my room on her way to the bathroom one day when I was studying the ropes. She murmured a quiet apology after watching the ropes for a second. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo also believed us when they saw the ropes twitching four days ago.

The three want to watch the ropes constantly, but I had to say no to it. This was my first time having to be stern with all three of them. I don't want Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle exhausting themselves. They need to get back home, however, I can't allow them to harm themselves in the process.

About the only other odd thing is the fact the ropes zapped me one time. Felt like some kind of shock from static electricity. Apple Bloom touched it and felt nothing. Either these ponies need to be shocked by a greater force, or I'm just a wimp. I'll go with the idea that I'm a wimp.

---End Entry---

>>>March 15th, 5:19 PM<<<

I wanted this day to be uneventful. It wasn't. Just my luck.

Two cops were standing outside when I went to the door after hearing a hard knock. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle knew the drill. With the trio out of site, I stepped outside. Both of the officers asked about the night the helicopter was circling overhead. One said she was the person flying it. Without thinking, I allowed the officers inside when they asked if they could come in. I'm a freaking idiot spacing out like that, not mention it felt like an "o crap" scenario when the female officer glanced toward my desk. Her eyes just automatically locked onto the headset I had been tinkering with.

"So, do you fly drones?" She said.

Blunt couldn't describe the situation. It's a miracle I kept my composure, saying "no" in a calm voice. Semi-truths and half-lies were told throughout the conversation, including when I had to tell the officer the device was for a friend.

The female officer's partner kept scanning the room like some robot. Four minutes later and the two seemed satisfied.

"O, by the way," the female officer said in a cold tone, "that headset needs a better battery. It's never going to work right unless you get a 2.4v, 700mhA. Just an FYI."

"Thanks for the information." I said.

Despite that happening two hours ago, I can still feel my skin twitching. This is beyond dangerous if the cops try to arrest these three. We'll need to figure out a solution.

>>>March 15th, 9:25 PM<<<

"Ya'll would earn a cutie mark in cookin'," Apple Bloom said to me with a cheery smile, "those were great."

"Thank the cookbook, not me. I just followed the recipe." I said.

"Les fraises etait bon," Sweetie Belle said.

Tonight was rather pleasant. Though Scootaloo wanted to go to the park, we sat outside and ate our dinner while I cooked on the grill. Apple Bloom had a field day when I connected the hose and popped it on. She almost backed into the pool from the "funny smell" that came from the burners before they were ignited. I may not understand Scootaloo or Sweetie Belle, but laughter is a universal language.

The strawberry sugar reduction came along rather nicely for our desserts. Despite my concerns about what may happen, in my heart of hearts I enjoy these interactions with the three fillies. They're odd, quirky, weird, whatever a person might want to call them. In their defense, those features make them unique.

With no helicopters in sight, the neighbors away on vacation, Scootaloo flew around for a bit to her heart's content. I managed to scrap together some coin and got Sweetie Belle some bolts of fabric from the local craft store for her to mess around with since she found that old sewing kit in the closet. Home-economics, that's a course I remembered well when I saw that sewing kit.

We stayed outside for a good hour before coming back in. I'll need a double dose of my allergy meds to keep these mosquito bites from itching tonight.

---End Entry---

>>>March 15th, 10:40 PM<<<

I once copy and pasted a quote into this journal about those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Seems like I should have learned, but I didn't. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and myself saw a brilliant flash of light come from the side of my house. Our collective mouths dropped when we saw one of the ropes gone from my room.

Without missing a beat, Apple Bloom latched onto the other rope. She bellowed at me to help her tie it to something. It seems we were on the same page as both of us dragged it to the family room then tied it to the sturdy, makeshift bed near the TV. If they go home and take the piece with them, so be it. That little event over, it only took a few seconds to register with the others what happened. Sweetie Belle broke down, sobbing in the foreign language she had chosen. I guess sadness is another universal language when you hear someone or something cry.

After some time with her friends, Sweetie Belle passed out from exhaustion. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo soon followed. The three are sleeping on the makeshift bed, despite the cramped conditions, so they can make it home if the rope gets tugged on.

I want these three to get home. Let them write this off a some adventure to tell their family. It'd be horrible if they were stuck here forever, but I've found myself growing fond of them. For all their awkward behavior, I feel happy around them.

----End Journal----

March 20th

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>>>March 20th, 3:00 AM<<<

Five days, five days have come and gone since that night when Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo passed out from exhaustion. The next night was even worse when all of them stayed up till 7 am, soon passing out again. None of us have gotten any real sleep, and we're all running on fumes right now. On a personal level, I can't fathom the horror these three fillies would go through if they were permanently stuck here with no way to get back to Equestria.

Things are getting dangerous. For me, there's something, something I can't even describe about the dreams I've had as of late. They seem to be getting stronger, more powerful in a way. All of it started after that dream about the blue smoke that tried to choke me. One night, I woke up, drenched in sweat. I had to be hallucinating from the lack of sleep cause it looked like a mark was on my back where that blue mist tried to scratch me. Right now, I can't let these three know what is going on with my dreams. They have enough problems to worry about.

In terms of our blessings, they could be counted on a single hand. One of the few saving graces is the fact these three -- despite the fact they appear to eat like horses -- their digestive systems can handle most human food. Vegetables and fruits are cheap. The grocery bill is only up $50, but it makes things tight. I mean -- I need some sleep. It's hard to keep my hands still to write this stuff. If I'm lucky, I can coax these three off the bed so I can clean it.

---End Entry---

>>>March 20th, 10:29 AM<<<

"We ain't leavin this bed, and that's final. Ya hear!" Apple Bloom said to me.

To that I had to say to myself, "Challenge accepted."

Apple Bloom and friends got off the bed when the mattress was flipped off it. The mattress needs to air out, not to mention it needs a fresh change of sheets. It took a good minute or two for the fillies to realize the bed wasn't about to ride off without them. Still, their concern is understandable. Who knows what may happen. They could be trapped in this horrid place.

"Anythin' going on with the rope?" Apple Bloom said.

"Sorry, nothing from what I can tell. How are Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo doing?" I said.

"Like two cats who strolled into a dog-show. " Apple Bloom said.

Before I could ask, Apple Bloom just said "high strung" and moved towards the bedframe.

It'd be nice to have some kind of manual to life's quirks, but if life had a manual then everyone would be a millionaire, or billionaire, without a care in the world. This is infuriating. Why can't I do anything to help them? I guess, I guess there's nothing I can do for them, except be there for them, reassuring them everything will work out in the end. Me playing the role of adult, me. How pathetic is that for a role.
Now is good a time as any to test it out, I guess.

---End Entry---

>>>March 20th, 10:35 AM<<<

*Note to self: Copy and paste entry from Scootaloo's voice*

Sweetie Belle? Apple Bloom? You two can hear me? Hey, you can hear me too, awesome! Except, it's not awesome. It's like, forever since I could use this thing. To be honest, all of it stinks right now. If that string snaps, it's game over. We're not going home to Equestria, let alone Ponyville.

I know our friend has got to be tired of helping us keep watch on the bed. This wouldn't have happened if Apple Bloom -- yea, it's your fault. If you hadn't have run off, we wouldn't be in this mess!

*End Copy and Paste*

>>>March 20th, 12:35 PM<<<

"Ok, time out. All of you need to chill." I had to almost yell at the three fillies. They just looked at me with Apple Bloom muttering a translation to the others.

I can't believe Apple Bloom lunged at Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle, from a few bits and pieces of what I could understand, played negotiator to help remind the two they are friends. Well, that's my interpretation of the situation. The unicorn filly can't speak a lick of English or anything near it. My Spanish is rusty at best, so I can just pick apart the little bits she spouts off.

"... Sorry." A half-hearted voice said to me, its owner tugging on my shirt while I type this up.

"Apple Bloom," I said in a calm tone, "I won't pretend to know what you're going through right now. The same being said for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. I don't know what it's like being away from home, but I get the fact you want to go back to Equestria. For right now, you have to be strong. You have to be strong for yourself and the others. I need your help since I can't understand the others. I can't do this without a translator."

Our little conversation took a detour when Apple Bloom mentioned the string, about going back home to Equestria. The best I could do was tell her about the idea of a red herring, taking a good three minutes to help explain that a red herring wasn't just a fish. This is the one thing that just "pops" into your head out of the blue. If we focus all our efforts on the rope, some important clue will slip by our eyes. We can't forget the rope, yet we can't just focus all of our attention on it.

"Llora bebé" Sweetie Belle said.

"I heard that, Sweetie Belle." I said, giving the little filly a quick glance.

Sweetie Belle whistled an innocent tune before she trotted back to the living room. She had some nerve calling Apple Bloom a cry baby. At least, I think that's what she said.

All I can do is pat the little filly on the head, reassuring her things will be ok. Anymore, she just looks at me with those same eyes I first saw peering at me when I opened the closet door. How do I help these three get back home? What do I do? What do I freaking do?! Will someone please tell me, please!

---End Entry---

>>>March 20th, 6:42 PM<<<

When in doubt, do an activity.

After an early dinner, it seemed the perfect opportunity to clean up a bit of the backyard. The three seemed rather happy to help out, too happy for that matter. My instincts were right since this little activity, like all good deeds, came with a price.

A bit of money I had saved up for a new computer went out the door after I promised these three they could make a "satellite," Cutie Mark Crusaders clubehouse on the side of the house. I'm not keen on the idea of a structure near the house. All we need is the county coming by, snooping around the place. If they see the little thing the trio of fillies slapped together, those county jerks might slap me with a fine. Stupid people have nothing better to do than harass others who don't "conform" to their ideas of acceptability. Can't even paint a fence unless it's a color of their taste.

I guess I could rant about how I've lived here since I was a child, well over 20yrs, but that's something a geezer would do out of annoyance. Still, it ticks me off.

Anyways, the lumber will be here in about three days with some fresh nails, screws, and paint. I'll have to supervise things. A cold chill just crawls down my spine the more I think about Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, or Scootaloo using my power tools. It'll be Cutie Mark Crusader vet patients if they hurt themselves. Swear I'll need some therapy by the time it's all over.

I hope they make it back home, and yet... it'd be nice to go with them.

----End Journal----

March 25th

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>>>March 25th, 8:25 AM<<<

Heh, a weather pendulum. That has to be the most asinine word combination. Though it's crazy, the word fits since the rain would first let up, and then come back down almost non-stop. Bizarre couldn't begin to describe the situation. Several days ago, the weather forecast had everything stated to be a 0% chance for the entire week. Even when I woke up earlier this morning at 6 am to catch the news, it still stated the rain chance to be 0%. Of course, it's the weather forecast, so what do people expect. I'd be able to pay off a college student's debt if someone gave me a penny for every time those idiots got it wrong.

The rain is just one issue among many. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were finally letting up from their exhaustive escapade of refusing to leave the bed. They had everything planned out. A little assistance given from a dry-erase board and some colored markers, the three fillies had their little layout drawn up for the secret, "satellite" club house for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. It'd give them a little slice of home away from home. Figures that life wouldn't do them any favors.

"Is it still on 'back-order?'" a voice asked.

"Sorry Apple Bloom, the website is saying the delivery will be another two or three days." I said. If the supplies came today, they still couldn't build. I wouldn't let them. Last thing I want to happen them is one, two, or all three of them catching pneumonia or something. "You guys want to do something today?"

"Go back home...." Apple Bloom's ears lowered before she meandered towards the family room, sat on the bed, and sighed.

Apple Bloom, in my heart, I want you to go back. I want you, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to head back to this "Equestria" place. As an expert on the matter, I'm sad to say life isn't easy, nor is life ever fair.

---End Entry---

>>>March 25th, 12:42 PM<<<

"Wanna talk about it?" She said. I shook my head. Apple Bloom continued to stare at me. Her hoof touched my right arm in the gentlest manner. "Do you cry a lot?"

"I'd rather not answer." I said.

"Sure ya'll are ok?" Apple Bloom said. She just looked at me with the most text-book, melacholic expression. With one final look given, the filly made her way towards the family room with her heads, the trio sitting near the TV.

Things must be getting to me, again. I woke up a little over 3hrs ago, and then I just -- in my heart, in my deepest wishes after seeing these three magical equines, I wish magic were real, really real. I wish such a force existed in our world to help deal with the unacceptable things that happen to good people, good people who don't deserve it.

I know they say being near someone is the best thing you can do for them. No matter how hard I try to rationalize it, I feel like there should have been more, more that I could have done.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

---End Entry---

>>>March 25th, 3:42 PM<<<

After laying down for another nap, I'm thankful I didn't wake up with tears in my eyes. It must be my subconscious, knowing the date was coming up.

"¿Qué es ese olor?" Sweetie Belle said.

And a quick search says..., great. "Umm, el taco es olor..."

"The taco odor?" Apple Bloom said, coming towards the computer. She tilted her head at me, Sweetie Belle cocking her head to the opposite side as Apple Bloom. The two kept on staring. "Seriously, what taco odor? Did you mean to say taco order? Are we having tacos tonight?"

"We can if you want. I'm sorry, but I meant to say I have no idea what Sweetie Belle is talking about since she asked about some odor. I don't smell anything." I said. Every little sound, each bright light out of the corner of the eye, all of it sets us off. These three are antsy to get home, and I want to make sure that happens. When those two left, though I felt that sigh of relief come, the relief wasn't welcomed. To quote a riddle someone once asked me, "Though I am the hardest to build, I am also the easiest to break. What am I?"

I'm sad to say I know all too well what Sweetie Belle is talking about. That, that "odor" we both detected permeated my bedroom. When I opened the closet door, the odor grew a little stronger, though not by much. The situation had an ambivalent feeling, to say the least, when that closet door slid open to reveal no new guests.

There are two things that add to the oddity. First, what makes matters weird is the fact there's no cologne in my room, all the perfume from the other room was tossed away years ago, and my deodorant is non-scented. Second is the smell having a bit of femininity to it. Well, perhaps there's one more thing. To top it all off, the smell has a bit of... "nostalgia," no, maybe it'd be better say familiarity. Yea, there's something familiar about the smell.

Whatever. Right now, I can't get myself hung up on some weird smell, nor can I get the hopes up of these three fillies. They can't deal with another let down. We already have one individual with depressive tendencies, "influenced by past experiences," and blah, blah, blah, living in this house. Last thing to do is breed more minds like mine. There's a horrible thought. More like-minded individual like myself running around would indeed be a nightmare.

I'm probably on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I swear, once this ordeal is over, once these three go back home, I'll need a lot of therapy and Xanax.

---End Entry---

>>>March 25th, 5:42 PM<<<

The three fillies seem on edge since they saw me in bed, crying. It's not unexpected. Even a child gets unnerved when they see the one they turn towards getting upset. I digress though as a small bit of good-news came, two bits of good-news to be exact. First, the rain let up. Second, the lumber and supplies came.

"Sorry about the delivery here. Computers, go figure." The driver said after giving a quick shrug.

Yea, I know about computers. I know there's a bit of human intervention for things to get screwed up when it's not 100% automated. Now that I look at the order form, here at my desk, I know exactly what happened where some idiot put a 0 instead of a 4. This is the last time "Beams and Teams" gets any business from me for my "building" needs and whatnot. I'm not going to gripe about things, not going to gripe. I'll just be thankful for small favors since the materials arrived, intact.

There were several 2x4's, some 4x4's, 3/4 inch plywood sheets, paint, nails, and all the extra bits.

"Can we build it now," Apple Bloom said while her two cohorts stood behind her, puppy-dog-eyed expression at the ready.

"Apple Bloom, I'm sorry but it's getting late. The wood will still be there tomorrow." I said

A collective sigh railed against my ears, however, I had to put my foot down. The wood "will" still be there tomorrow and we can build it in secret if we're cautious. Ever since those nosey little snots came to this city and installed themselves in their positions, they've made it their mission to turn this area into their personal slice of heaven. Five families were forced out of here because of code violations. Those families had two options where they either paid the fines and fixed the issue -- to the tune of 1/4 the value of their homes -- and dealt with the myriad of other issues, or they move out cause they can't afford to fix the homes. Everyone here knows those thieves scooped up the homes at barely a third of what they were worth, put five grand into them, and re-sold those houses for triple the price before trying to repeat their little stunt. I'm just glad someone had the guts to leak their dealings to the press.

Still, I digress in my notes, again. It can't be helped. The stupidity of this world causes my sanity to wane on a daily basis. Even now people would tell me to turn off the news, and then, two days later, chastise me for not being up-to-date on things that are happening. Maybe, maybe it's the hypocrites that are getting to me right now. Say one thing and do the other, text books examples everywhere.

"Ya'll ok there?" Apple Bloom said. She poked me in the side. "It's gettin' near 6:30. We gonna eat here soon?"

"Yea, let me just finish this entry." I said. Well, I'm finished, for now. "Tacos?"

---End Entry---

>>>March 25th, 11:55 PM<<<

"Some people come in your life as blessings. Some come in your life as lessons." -Mother Teresa

Now more than ever, I have to ask myself, "What do I do?"

---End Entry---

March 26th

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>>>March 26th, 6:25 AM<<<

I feel like a broken record. The phrase "I don't know what I'm going to do" has lost its effect. Still, that's all I can say right now, and, in this circumstance, the way I see it right now, I have no idea what to do in this situation. The three little problems have -- I guess, for my sake, my sanity, I should start from the beginning on this one.

Last night, around 9:30 pm, the three fillies finally laid down for the night. The moment seemed a little too opportunistic. It was an opportunity none the less, so I turned the TV off then sat near my computer to do some job hunting.

Our little household needs an income source, and rather fast. We're not hemorrhaging money, but, the money that does exists, exists to keep us afloat, just barely. Not to mention emotions teeter on the brink of disaster. I remember the image of those three fillies popping into my mind when I typed the typical stuff into each job-search site. Heh, I guess that's how my parents must have felt when they wanted to save up money to take care of our little family.

About forty-minutes passed, nothing coming up in terms of applicable jobs, which prompted me to check on the fillies.

Apple Bloom seemed worse off than her friends. Poor thing had to be dreaming of home the way she mumbled her sister's name, along with her big brother. When I returned to my desk chair, "it" happened.

A tingle crawled down my spine, and I clenched my fists. I relaxed, and then sighed before gazing towards my room. A hushed "please no" escaped my lips. That strange smell from earlier in the day had returned, stronger than ever, and, in my room, my hand inched forward till my fingers grasped the handle of the closet door. The hairs on my neck stood on end. To this day, I'll never forget that smell, nor how cold the closet door's handle felt.

"A little help?"

I slid the closet door closed. The firm palm of my hand brushed against my forehead.

I removed my glasses, sighed, and then opened the door, again.

"Thank you," the equine said. A small bit of help given, as asked, the new guest emerged from the closet.

My hand is still shivering from what happened near six hours ago. When that, that, that "thing" stood up..., I just, I just went numb. What causes me to question what to do next is the undeniable fact the creature's lips didn't move when it spoke to me. At least with Apple Bloom there's a sense of common courtesy, courtesy where I don't have to be wary about her reading my mind. For now, I've placed the telepathic equine in my study room.

I'll "have to take it one day at a time" to ease my nerves. Perhaps the new arrival can be seen on a bit of a brighter side. Perhaps it's a sign, a sign... they'll go away.

---End Entry---

>>>March 26th, 10:45 AM<<<

Across the dark, glass dining room table sat the new arrival who sipped on her drink. Christmas Morning couldn't describe what happened when Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo awoke at 8:25 am.

The fillies' eyes crept open. They rubbed them and said "good morning" like usual. Unlike their usual routine, their eyes were met with the site of a familiar face.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo leapt forward, embracing the tall-pony as hard as they could. Before I could say anything, a boisterous "princess!" came from Apple Bloom, the other two presumably uttering the same thing in their own tongues. The three fillies let go of the princess they had tackled to the ground and started jumping around until they seemed to come to their senses, all of them trying to talk at once.

Stupid Deus Ex Machina, magical nonsense. Somehow, in some way, this princess just lit up her horn and a light surrounded the three fillies. Now the two non-talkative fillies are able to articulate whatever words they want. The dear princess on the otherhand, she decided to remain silent.

"I'm glad that you are all safe." the princess held up her right hoof. Though she put her hoof down, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo let loose with a flurry of questions. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand the equine's predicament when she just stood there with a raised eyebrow. "Please, please, one at a time my little ponies. I promise to answer your questions to the best of my abilities."

Since I wasn't half-asleep, hearing the pony's voice more clearly, the princess's voice sounded almost cliché in its regal-esk tone. It took some effort to stifle my snickering.

Well, once the little chat session was over, the three fillies -- plus one extra -- sat down to a bit of breakfast at the table while I sipped on some soup. That soup would be breakfast, lunch, and dinner by the time this horse-sized problem got through our food stash. Though, the princess did surprise me, asking for just three slices of toast with some fresh fruit.

Breakfast ended 2hrs ago. Now I find myself gazing at the creature while typing this up on my laptop at the dining room table.

"Thank you for the drink, it's quite delicious." the princess said, sitting near the glass table.

I just nodded my head.

Each time I look up, trying to think, I keep focusing on the creature's crown and whatever you can call that thing around its neck. Not to mention this makes no sense. If the princess can make Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle talkative, why didn't she do the same for herself?

"We will need to talk later. For now, I'm glad that my little ponies are alright." She said, walking by me on her way to the family room.

I. Can't. Stand it. I can't stand it, I can't stand it, I can't stand it!

It's like a piece of glass being stuck in a cut. That piece is there, I can feel it. No matter how hard I try to find that piece of glass, I can't see where it's at to get it out. At least, that's how it feels for me right now. There's something about this pony, something about "Princess" Celestia that's annoying me to no end.

---End Entry---

>>>March 26th, 2:28 PM<<<

"To obtain, something of equal value must be lost."

Kind of stupid to use that kind of quote. That said, I think the quote is quite appropriate, due in part to what I just learned.

Equivalent exchange comes into play as I've just gained crucial pieces to this rather large puzzle. The cost, the cost is the puzzle growing much, much larger. While Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo talked with one another, playing on the game console, I chatted with Princess Celestia, if one could call it chatting.

What I began to suspect was true: these four are stuck here with Princess Celestia's prized pupil having no idea how to get them home.

Quite a bit of time has passed after Apple Bloom disappeared into the portal. Day in and day out, for weeks on end, Twilight Sparkle has worked to bridge the "gap," so-to-speak, of our worlds. The confounding issue is the portal acting as a one-way-trip. The braniac -- perhaps I should call the "Princess of Friendship" an insane lunatic of a scientist that should have her license revoked. I mean, of all the irresponsible actions that could be undertaken in the name of science, this is just wrong from the word go, in my honest opinion. Anyways, back to the matter at hand, the featherbrained, wannabe scientist likened the current situation to a stormy sea where two ships come close to trade supplies before they're yanked away from one another by waves, whatever that means. The toll required for entrance to this world is another matter due to the portal using those aforementioned crystals from Tartarus, crystals which aren't too easy to obtain.

I had to set aside my strange annoyance with the mare in front of me to get the details. In passing, I mentioned my little stint with the strange blue smoke in my dream. Princess Celestia cocked her eyebrow at me before she went silent. I expected smoke to pour out from her ears. The brain behind those eyes, the gears in that princess's mind were turning hard and fast. She knew something. That's more reason to be distrustful of her.

"Hey! What are we havin' for dinner tonight?" Scootaloo said.

"Sorry, I'm kind of in the middle of something. I'll have to think about it." I said.

"Scootaloo, our friend has to think. Though, to be honest, I'd like to have something different. Ooo, maybe you can fix some hay-seed, daffodil sandwiches with fries." Sweetie Belle said.

"Then what'll they eat? Did Princess Celestia's spell zap those noggins? Our friend is human, remember. They don't eat hay-seed. At least ah think they don't eat that stuff." Apple Bloom said. She shook her head. "To be honest, like my sis, it'd be nice to have somethin' different."

"Girls, let our host finish their work. We can discuss dinner in a bit." Princess Celestia said.

She gave a slight wink before helping the trio outside.

---End Entry---

>>>March 26th, 4:28 PM<<<

Ok, deep breaths. Deep, breaths.

This princess will be the death of me.

I guess some dogs got loose and our dear princess decided to see if they were hurt. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo peered through a gap in the fence to watch the princess who had sailed 20ft over the canal gap, with ease. Not-too-long after the little flight display, the dog's owners came running down the grassy pathway that ran along the side of the canal. It looked like those poor fools were going to have a heart-attack when they saw that near seven foot tall white horse sporting a flowing mane and tail, large wings, and a long white horn.

The owners just stood there in a daze, looking at each other.

Despite my loathing of magic, Princess Celestia's little teleportation spell came in handy. A few minutes went by before the owners spotted me. From their almost incomprehensible speech, I managed to understand the question they asked from their cobbled together sentence. Both of them looked at each other, grabbed their pets, and left after I shrugged.

This could have been serious if someone had been recording the incident and put it online. I'm just thankful those nut jobs are quite "ripe" in terms of the smell department, which is in our favor. The little community around here knows of their little escapades, so it means they can be laughed off. It does give rise to what has haunted me for some time, made worse by that dazzling display.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo are one thing. I can lie and say they're miniature horses then get a phony license. That'll be the end of that, in some sense. This "horse" sized problem currently gazing at me with an apologetic look in her eyes is another matter.

I can see the headline "Homeowner keeps mystical creature locked away from the world" plastered all over the internet and every media outlet out in the world. Last thing humanity needs in the confirmation of a sentient, alien race of equines.

"So... ya think about it yet?" Apple Bloom said.

"About?" I said.

"Ya know, dinner." Apple Bloom said.

"Right, dinner. I'm still picking up the pieces to my jaw that shattered on the floor." I said. The fillies' dear princess just sat near me, her mane flowing like "magic" in this place windless place. The longer I let this drag on, the worse it will get. In a calm voice I had to say, "Listen, I'm not mad. Ok, well, I'm not thrilled. Please be more cautious. Humans are finicky. Apple Bloom can a-test to how long it took me to get accustomed to your kind."

"I understand, and I will be more careful. You have my word." Princess Celestia said, giving a polite nod. She stood up. The princess tilted her head, smiled, and said, "Now, these three had mentioned something about dinner? What are we having?"

I don't, I just -- gah! How much does this horse-sized pony even eat?!

---End Entry---

>>>March 26th, 9:28 PM<<<

This'll be the first night with three fillies and a princess. Sure, I was nervous about Apple Bloom; I was nervous about Scootaloo when she arrived; and, heck, I was nervous when Sweetie Belle popped through the portal. This time around will be completely different. The good thing, in some miraculous sense, would be the fact I have an adult vs. a child, even if that adult has the power to bring about Armageddon with falling meteors, fire raining from the sky, and drowning continents in the ocean.

"Those three must have been a hoofful to deal with." Princess Celestia said.

All I could do was nod since Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were exhausted from the day's events. Each of them asked about their families, how they were doing, and when they could see them again. The first two parts were easy. The princess wasn't too forthcoming with the information about the latter. She just mentioned to the three that they would be going home when the time was right, making to assure the fillies it "would" happen.

"Would you allow me to hear your thoughts on a particular matter?" she said.

"As long as you don't read my mind." I said in a hushed tone, looking toward the fillies then back toward the princess.

"How accepting would your race, would humans be of pony-kind?" she said.

"If I flip a coin a thousand times, how many times will it come up heads?"

"I don't know how that is related to the situation, but I couldn't surmise since probability is tricky in determining outcomes." she said.

I pointed at the princess and nodded. She knew what I would say.

"The grim truth to the matter is that I asked my student to construct the portal. She based it on a previous portal that had been destroyed during an event that shook my niece's kingdom." Princess Celestia said. The giant wings at her side seemed to tremble. "I... I want to protect my little ponies at any cost, and I fear there is a day, a time that may come when we have to abandon our homeland. In that fear, I may have caused harm to these three fillies."

"A crown will always sit upon a troubled brow, if the one whose brow the crown sits upon is noble." I said.

"Indeed. There were -- and are -- days and nights that I found myself troubled, fearing for my subjects' safety if things ever got out of control. If things ever got out of my control." Princess Celestia said. She extended her wing and wiped away a tear. A slight glow surrounded her horn. "Here, I would like to remunerate your kind act of sheltering my subjects. I have nothing that could be considered acceptable currency, so, please, except this ."

When that object landed in my hands, it carried a heavy weight; there was no way around it. This, this thing had to be solid gold, inlaid with precious stones. I was in no way an expert, but the crown that rested in my hands may be worth twenty, perhaps fifty times the value of the house I lived in all my life. Again, I'm no expert, so I could only make rough guesses.

In Princess Celestia's left ear -- after I got up and placed the crown back onto her head -- I whispered, "I hate to sound cliché or noble here, but I don't need payment. Just make sure these three get home."

Not even a truckload of mouthwash would remove the taste from my mouth after that sappy statement, and I know first hand that no good deed goes unpunished. Still, it did earn me a rather soft, winged hug from the princess.

"From the bottom of my heart, I will find a way to reward your kindness and generosity."

I don't even want to think how that pony, princess, equine, mare, alicorn, whatever will pay me back. Anyways, now I'm here, at my computer, job hunting, again. Whatever, I'm tired, she's gone to bed, and I need some sleep. Maybe things will improve in the morning. I highly doubt it.

---End Entry---

March 31st

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>>>March 31st, 2:35 AM<<<

It all started with something soft poking my right cheek. For the life of me, I can't understand why I thought that "something" would be benign. I guess it was just wishful thinking on my part.

"Do you mind coming with me?" a voice said, those six little words seemingly innocent.

I opened my left eye, and the visage of the horse-sized problem, that now resided in this house, came into view. Like the good little the idiot I am, I rolled over, groaned, and then got out of bed. The dear princess, who stood near my bed, added a "please" in that quiet, regal tone of hers before she walked off down the hallway.

After a few yawns and a quick bathroom trip, I found myself outside with the new house guest.

No frogs croaked; no crickets chirped; no wind blew against the trees to rustle their leaves. Silence, the absolute silence of it all grained against my ears while I stood there in a t-shirt and sweatpants on the cool concrete pool-deck. The silence didn't make the moment odd. It was the sheer, non-eerie, if that's even a word, sense of it all. The silence had a sensation of purpose to it, and, when I sat down in the chair near Princess Celestia, I could see the wheels turning behind those purple eyes. The brilliant white dot in the sky reflected off her eyes, along with the stars.

"Do you promise to keep a secret," the princess said in a calm tone, "really promise to keep this secret?"

A blind person could understand the situation. The powerful storm that surged within that princess's mind was all too apparent, the way she remained silent while gazing towards the moon before turning towards me.

Like a fool, I said, "Ok, I promise. What is it you want me to do?"

Princess Celestia lowered herself to the ground, and then nodded.

"O no. No, no, no, and heck no." I said. This princess was beyond insane. I wasn't about to kick the bucket on the hunch of some weird, telepathic, magical flying horse. Of course, I didn't have a choice. "Fine. Don't blame me if this flowing mane smells like spaghetti and ice cream."

This living rocket bolted into the sky, giving a quiet chuckle while I held on for dear life after she levitated me onto her back.

After a minute, we were several hundred feet off the ground. Soon after that minute passed, the princess understood what I meant.

I'd never sky-dived, but that was the closest I wanted to come to it, ever again. Princess Celestia caught up, profusely apologized, and asked if I wanted to continue. Between the momentary loss of oxygen and the fact we were resting on a cloud, again I hate freaking magic, I lost the words to say. It's beyond my rational thought right now why I just nodded to her, but, with that simple gesture, we continued.

Propelled by the magical dynamo's power, I had done what few could ever dream of doing, what few had ever done.

Princess Celestia and I were greeted by a vast landscape that led into a dark void, an airless environment just a sneeze away outside this atmosphere of the protective bubble around the two of us. My bare feet touched the gray-white soil of the moon's surface. A magical beam surged forth from the princess's horn. The beam went up and down the landscape, akin to some futuristic, sci-fi scanner from a movie. The pony scanned the moon non-stop while me moved across that barren, desolate, white-sandy ocean. She'd turn and scan an area, and then repeat the process over and over again. One moment peaked her interest, but the princess let out an exhausted sighed.

After the final, loudest sigh, she motioned towards me.

"I appreciate the company. Would you be willing to re-visit the moon with me? " Princess Celestia said, the world around us shifting to the sight of my house. In a flash of light we had reappeared on the pool deck were we had "launched" from so earlier ago. The princess retired to my study after I agreed to her request.

For over half an hour, maybe the better part of an hour, I've been gazing at this, this moon rock to help me find the words to fathom what happened. The princess teleported us home In a flash of light, just like that we were back at the house. Why we couldn't just teleport to the moon from the beginning? Why did she need to fly to it? Another question plagues my mind as well. What did she hope to find on the moon? Though, if memory serves me right, the simplest solution tends to be the right one. The best, educated guess is that it has to do with my dream about the blue smoke. Princess Celestia hounded me to no end about it for the past four days. Perhaps she thinks it's the key to getting these fillies and herself back home. If she can get all of them back home, it'll be a load off my back.

I'll also note a rather grim fact on this entry. The rope tied to the bed in the family room is now gone.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders took it hard, even with Princess Celestia assuring them it would be alright. To be blunt, I think this princess is stringing the fillies along, and it's not right. I understand that a parent tries to reassure their child things are ok when times are bleak. I know that my own -- I need to get to sleep. I'm no use to anyone when I'm an irritable pain in the butt.

---End Entry---

>>>March 31st, 7:35 AM<<<

"Please don't go," I stretched out, "Please. I don't, I don't want to be alone...."

Deep down, in my heart-of-hearts, I've always wondered something. "Is it so wrong to want a family?"

"I don't mind tal--" Princess Celestia said.

"It never happened." I said.

"It takes a lot of courage to face your fears." Princess Celestia said.

"It. Never. Happened." I repeated myself, gazing at the alicorn before she walked away.

Is there a word stronger than embarrassed? I don't know of any word that could describe what happened when I woke up from that nightmare to see the princess resting a wing on me. It took a few seconds to wake up, really wake up and realize I had clutched onto this horse-sized thing with wings and a horn, crying my eyes out all the while pushing my face into her chest. I'm so pathetic.

Anyways, I've got to get my mind out of the clouds. Well, speaking of clouds, I caught the dear princess giving Scootaloo some flight lessons early this morning. I wanted to scold the two of them, yet all I could do was crack a slight smile as the little filly pegasus enjoyed her little flight lesson. Not wanting to be "that guy" in the situation, I just cautioned them to keep their little flight lessons to early morning exercises.

Though, now that I'm somewhat awake and had something to drink, what occurred does beg the prominent question with the dear princess here right now. How does magic work? Is "magic" something these ponies tap into, an energy field that's unknown to humanity? Or is it something innately instilled into these creatures when they're born? What if the old stories are true about humans and "magical" powers. Could current day humans use magic?

Scratch that notion. It's a bad idea. I mean big-time bad idea. Humans using magic in this day and age would be the worst thing to befall this planet. Even something as simple as a levitation spell could prove disastrous. Look what happened when humanity decided to harness the power of the atom for the atomic age.

In any event, breakfast won't fix itself. Not to mention I need to keep that alicorn's mouth shut lest she chat with those fillies about my breakdown. I can't let Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, or Sweetie Belle know I had another one. That's the last thing they need right now.

---End Entry---

>>>March 31st, 3:35 PM<<<

"Thank you for sending your resume. We regret to inform you there are no positions at this time. Our group wishes you success in your endeavors."

Just lovely, the same, ridiculous, mundane, monotone message every place sends me. Whatever, that's the sixth place down inside of a week. I'm not surprised, not anymore. The job market around here is bone dry, so dry it's not even funny enough to joke about right now.

Though people say you have to think about yourself, I feel selfish whenever I do since there are others suffering like me or worse than I am right now. Houses in the area are going up for sale while other homeowners just walk away from their property. It's a version 2.0 housing recession. What jobs are out there want people with three to five years "required" experience, want bachelor or masters degrees bare minimum, or a combination thereof for potential employment. Heck, even the entry level jobs want people with bachelor degrees and a minimum of three years experiences plus certifications.

I'm running out of options.

"Nothing is easily obtained. You must fight for it." Princess Celestia said, sitting near me. She sat there and sipped on some tea, levitating the cup and saucer in front of her. The princess took it upon herself to stick rather close to me this day. Those eyes focused on the screen then turned towards me. "Your notes on that machine are quite interesting."

"Curiosity killed the cat." I said. The cup in the princess's levitating grasp clanked against the saucer. The two of us traded glaring glances. I'd never insinuate harm against her, but I will not tolerate some nosey thing that feels it knows best peering over my shoulder and spying on me. Never again, NEVER AGAIN will I allow someone to dictate my life. "I suggest you not peak at my files on this machine. It contains stuff that I like to keep 'private,' if you know what I mean."

"Very well, your privacy is your own right. However, I will let you know that harm against me or my little ponies will not be tolerated." Princess Celestia said.

"I suggest we drop the subject before one of us says something they'll regret." I said. The princess got up, walked toward the fillies, and sat down near them on the couch near the TV. I'll repeat this for my own sake in these notes. I won't tolerate a nosey thing that feels it knows best spying on me.

---End Entry---

>>>March 31st, 5:35 PM<<<

I had to bite my tongue.

"Please, it's for your own good. You should --" my relative reached forward.

"Don't touch me." I said, pulling my hand away.

"I know you're angry. You have every right to be angry. For your own good, you should move out of this house. It won't help matters living here." my relative said.

It took every ounce of restraint I had to keep from reaching across the table. This, this person almost cost me my lively hood because of their selfishness, their pure narcissistic, greedy behavior disguised as kindness and generosity.

"I'm going to say this once and nicely as possible. Please. Leave. Now." I said.

"There's no reason to be rude. I was just checking in on you. I do care about you, regardless of what you may believe." my relative said.

"You don't own this house. Get out, now." I said.

In all honesty, I brought this misery upon myself. It's what I get for trusting someone.

"Are they gone?" Apple Bloom said, gazing from the door.

"Yea, my 'relative,' if you can call them that word, they're gone." I said. From 4pm to 5pm unfolded a rather unpleasant experience. These poor fillies had to flee into the study room with Princess Celestia, making sure the blinds were closed so my relative couldn't see them from the outside. Damn nosey relative almost went out into the study till I started looking at their phone. Know for a fact they were recording the conversation even though it's considered against the law. "Sorry about shoving you all out there in the study. That person is the last one you should meet."

"Why does your relative irritate you?" Princess Celestia said.

"I'd rather not talk about it," I sighed, "but, judging from the looks I'm getting, you won't let it go, will you?"

The princess and fillies shook their heads.

In half an hour I did my best to explain in a few, concise, choice-words my displeasure with the relative that decided to pop-on-by for a visit. One detail I didn't forget to mention was how the person always liked to surreptitiously move around behind the scenes to bend things to their whim. They didn't care about me. Correction, my relative never cared. I'm just some case-study for them to investigate and figure out what makes me tick. Not to mention I'll never forgive them for losing what should have been rightfully placed in this house a long time ago.

---End Entry---

>>>March 31st, 10:35 PM<<<

"I'd like to apologize for going through your 'files' on that machine." Princess Celestia said.

"What did you learn?" I said.

The princess sat near me, and then rested her chin on my shoulder.

"You've been through so much, haven't you. Does this happen to all humans?" She said.

My hands were clenched, yet they relaxed just as quickly.

" Some are born without a care in the world. Others aren't so lucky. Though I've been lucky to never face homelessness, starvation, or grave ill-health, I haven't been as lucky as others. You've probably seen my notes and what I've written." I said. It took some time to find my composure, to continue with what I wanted to say. "In all honesty, I'd like things to be a lie, something I made up for a book. Those pictures hanging in the hall, it's something I'll never have again."

Princess Celestia removed her chin from my shoulder and looked at me. "What keeps going?"

"Tenacity, stubbornness, it's hard to say. There are times where I just have the sensation of being a windup toy that has its key turned in the morning, winding down a night." I said.

"You've no doubt heard that me and my precious sister have lived for well over a millennia, correct?" she said.

On that note, I listened to the pony's tale of her coming to Equestria and helping to bring peace and prosperity. She also spoke of losing many of those she cared about while governing Equestria. Over her lifetime, she watched many of her friends' manes grey as they grew older, soon passing away.

The princess, who sat in front of me, spoke in a way that did nothing to stroke her own ego. Princess Celestia just sat there and said how she could sympathize with losing an individual you cared about, being powerless in the face of reality. When she finished her tale, the old part of felt angry. That part of me was angry because it sensed the same emotion of people around me saying I should quit "whining" because others have it worse. On the other-hand, what feeling dominated me was the fact this pony, this individual listened to me. She sympathized with me. Princess Celestia didn't chastise me, scrutinize me, or try to lord over me with her own problems. The princess just sat there and listened to my frustrations and anger.

"If you ever want to talk, I am always willing to listen." Princess Celestia said.

After a final, soft hug from the princess, she left to the study to rest.

Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid horse. I can barely see the screen while I try to type this up.

---End Entry---

May 14th

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>>>May 14th, 6:25 AM<<<

This dreary weather annoys me, but it's a rather fitting.

When Princess Celestia first came to this house, she gave off a rather sickening aura of happiness and optimism. The princess had a positive outlook no matter how bad things looked. Now, now she's almost cynical, her happy demeanor having waned within the last couple of days. It almost seems to be worse than ever if I had to be blunt about it. That happiness just fades with each trip to the moon, each time the closet door opens, each time she looks at the bed where the fillies sleep, or some combination thereof. More than once I've gotten up in the middle of the night to find the makeshift bed in my study minus one princess. A month of searching that desolate rock and she's no closer to finding whatever is up there, if it even exists. If anything, The Cutie Mark Crusaders represent the polar opposite of Princess Celestia's depressed state.

Right now, despite how many days go by, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo maintain their sense of optimism after Princess Celestia arrived, albeit cautious. They firmly believe a portal will open and all of them will be rescued. It'd be nice to have that kind of optimistic hope and belief, but, as the saying goes, if wishes were horses beggars could ride.

Well, on a rather less-depressing note, no other ponies have come through the portal. My spine still tingles when I remember meeting the princess. Our encounter had the sensation of horror and fascination, coupled with a momentary feeling of dismay.

"Good morning," Sweetie Belle said, coming up behind me. The little unicorn just scratches her mane, smiles, and wanders off down the hall. Here she comes, ten minutes later, perky as usual. "You're going to watch me practice with Princess Celestia? You promised."

"I promised to 'think' about it." I said. The filly wanted me to watch her magic lessons with Princess Celestia since she can't practice on her own. Princess Celestia made that decision, being echoed by yours truly. "Look, you don't need the puppy-dog eye routine. I don't have anything pressing today, so I guess I can watch. We'll just have to do it out in the study when Princess Celestia wakes up. You can't exactly practice in the rain."

Just as Sweetie Belle turned around, Princess Celestia greeted her with a yawn. The filly cocked her head to one side. "Princess Celestia, are you getting enough sleep?"

"Thank you for your concern, my little pony, but I'm quite alright. I just had a rough night's sleep." Princess Celestia said. Her front legs gave way as she stumbled for a second. After regaining her composure, the princess headed down the hallway, and then returned a few moments later. She exhaled a deep, quick breath before turning towards Sweetie Belle, "Now, I believe it's time for those morning magic lessons. Where are Apple Bloom and Scootaloo?"

"You should try to participate with us." Sweetie Belle said. The filly rolled her eyes at me when I brushed things off. "Sure, what you did was just a 'trick' to entertain us, and I'm the daughter of Discord."

"Ok, daughter of Discord." I said.

The princess chuckled, gave an invitation for me to join, and, after I declined, proceeded toward the bed where Apple Bloom and Scootaloo slept.

It's kind of funny. Scootaloo knew what I did was a trick. She's the only one of the trio to understand how it worked. Though, I must say, the princess is quite the actor with how well she mimicked Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom's amazement. Princess Celestia knows humans aren't capable of magic or anything along the lines of it. What did happen though is something I'm not too thrilled about since "ending up with mud on your face" held true after Sweetie Belle thought I was hiding magical talents. Swear it took forever to dig out all the soil chunks from my nostrils. Not to mention things smelled like rotting garbage for a week, bleh!

Well, I better wrap this entry up and turn the light on in the study. Also need to roll up the carpet to give those two some room. I'll just watch some TV while they practice.

---End Entry---

>>> May 14th, 10:45 AM<<<

"Breaking news: NASA to hold a press briefing about the brilliant flashes of light seen on the moon."

My left arm hurt while my chest felt heavy. When the headline graced the news app on my phone around 9am this morning -- doctors told me it was anxiety. Two doctors told me I had nothing to worry about. I call bull because of my family history.

Princess Celestia lit up her horn. The coffee cup pieces on the floor merged together into the object's original form. Sweetie Belle cleaned up my mid-morning lunch off that lay strewn about the kitchen floor.

Four eyes gazed at me before one set turned away. Soon, a soft wing patted me on the head when I sat down at the table. The horse-sized problem that sat off to my side just smiled before it sat across from me. Surprised the fingers pressed against the sides of my head didn't leave an indentation.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the series of events that were ready to unfold. I mean, if NASA's telescopes saw some horse trotting around the moon's surface -- with wings and a horn -- it'll get linked to the incident with Scootaloo and the police helicopter. Not to mention those two losers no doubt told the cops about their ordeal with the princess. A brain-dead monkey could easily put one and one together in this circumstance.

"Please, try to relax. You need a 'proper' breakfast to start the day. How about I make some waffles?" Princess Celestia said.

Waffles? Waffles?! My horse-sized problem actually suggested waffles to help deal with the anxiety that raged through my body.

"Ahead of the press briefing at noon, NASA has confirmed the brilliant flashes of light seen by amateur and professional astronomers alike is of an unknown origin. At this time, all individuals with a passion for science are advised to keep their eyes trained to our moon. We'll update you as the story progresses." The news announcer said before I clicked the TV off.

Pins and needles, pure pins and needles existed under my butt.

"So, how do we rectify this situation?" I said.

Princess Celestia placed a plate of waffles in front of me. She sat down, faced me, and sipped on her tea. The cup placed on the saucer, the princess said, "You're too tense. Some tea might help to alleviate the stress, perhaps lighten your mood a bit."

"I'm not buying it 'princess,'" I said. The princess sighed. "I'm sorry that I don't share in your joviality here, but this is serious. If humans discover --" the Cutie Mark Crusaders came closer towards the table, "-- look, we can't have you four being discovered. Humans aren't the nicest of creatures, trust me. Is there a way you can, I don't know, just scan the moon without going there?"

"My, my, your skin went as pale as my coat. There's no need for such terror. In fact, why don't you come with me. Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo. The same goes for you." Princess Celestia said. She chuckled to herself. "I know your all going to love it."

A cold chill raced down my spine. Princess Celestia, the 'horse-sized' problem had gazed at me when I finished my statement. What she gave me was the kind of "I'll show you" sly smirk, combined with an eyebrow raise someone does before they get in serious hot water. Though breakfast happened an hour ago, these hands of mine won't stop shaking. I have no idea what this, this pain in the neck is planning. What is she going to do? No, wrong, what has she done? She's done something already.

"Hey, come on." Apple Bloom said.

"Yea, we can't keep Princess Celestia waiting." Scootaloo said.

"If Princess Celestia says we'll love it, I'm sure we're going to 'love' it." Sweetie Belle said.

"O-Ok, ok. I'm coming, just let me type this up." I said.

Well, I won't learn anything until I see it firsthand.

"O, a quick request, if you don't mind. Would you please bring that delightful silver watch of yours?" Princess Celestia said.

Whatever, guess I'll go grab the watch and see what she wants, and then I can get angry, frightened, or... whatever.

--- End Entry ---

>>> May 14th, 1:25 PM<<<

"Are you out of your insane little horse mind?!" I bellowed. The sound echoed throughout the spacious area. "I could see this place from my back porch, without my glasses."

If my jaw weren't firmly attached to my face, it would be on the floor.

"It's not 'that' large. I mean, it's not the size of Canterlot Castle back in Equestria." Princess Celestia said.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo had to pick their jaws up off the floor as well.

What came next shocked me just as much as our surroundings. I saw Princess Celestia kneel down in front of me on one knee, well hoof, and extend her wings.

"From the bottom of my heart, I can never thank you enough for sheltering us. Without your kindness, your generosity, I do not know where my little ponies would be right now. The same goes for myself." Princess Celestia said. She lifted her head up then turned towards the spacious area ahead of us. The princess extended a single wing outward and said in a gentle, regal tone, "What you see is the culmination of almost a month's worth of labor, my little ponies. Before you exists a place that will serve as our 'home away from home,' our Sanctuary."

Human language lacked the capability to describe the sheer magnificence of what existed in front of me.

"So, how come we aren't dead yet?" I said. After she retracted her wing, the princess faced me.

From that innocent little question emerged a quick, succinct series of insights about magical properties. It seemed Princess Celestia didn't find what she was seeking, but she did find something just as special.

Before the princess could continue, I held up my hand and asked if the place was airtight and couldn't be seen by people on earth. Two, stern, succinct "yes" replies were given to me. I placed my hands behind my back, and then nodded at the princess after she asked if she could continue.

The more we toured the beautiful place, the more an unusual sense came over me. I kinda felt... happy. It had an innocent sense of wonder. It's best described as when a person see something they find beautiful for the first time. I had to admit, real quick, the place I walked through would put many of the structures on earth to shame.

Our little tour ended in a garden that looked out towards the stars.

While Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo looked around the garden, Princess Celestia pulled me aside. "Again, from the bottom of my heart, I cannot thank you enough for providing a home to my little ponies in their time of need, and myself."

Princess Celestia's words went over my head as my eyes drifted while I walked around. The floor beneath my bare feet didn't seem cold at all while I gazed at the magnificent chandelier hanging in the central area of Sanctuary. A water fountain stood in the center, serving as the entrance to Sanctuary, and, near the water fountain, two stones emitted a slight hum. Both stones contrasted each other, one light, the other dark.

The princess came up behind me and gave a gentle hug. She broke me out of my dazed state. When I faced her she said, "Please, if you ever worry about losing your home, Sanctuary will be your home. It will serve as a home of your own, one where you don't have to fear reprisal."

Princess Celestia called all of us together. We walked forward, towards the water fountain, and returned the house on earth. All of it felt like a dream.

Instead, I found it all too real when the princess levitated four necklaces from behind her. Princess Celestia placed a single necklace on each Cutie Mark Crusader before placing the final one around her own neck. Though I turned away, I found myself stopped by my silver watch floating in front of me. It came to rest in my open hands. A faint light emanated from a ruby gemstone near one of the gears.

The princess nodded to all of us before she excused herself, laying down on the couch. She gave a mumbled explanation of the finishing touches on the place taking a bit out of her.

Right now, as I sit at my computer, I can't find the words. I mean, what do I say? On my wrist is the literal key to a castle. More importantly, what do I do?

--- End Entry ---

>>> May 14th, 9:25 PM<<<

It feels like this stupid weather is frozen over the house. There's just enough strength in the rain to let a person know it hasn't dissipated. If it weren't for the rain, this place would be silent, and I hate "that" silence. I loathe it because that type of silence reminds me of the first night I spent alone in this house after that precious person passed away. I'll just be blunt. I hate my home. It doesn't feel like my home. It doesn't have the sensation of a place where I feel content and welcomed, not anymore.

The silence I hated so much took hold of the house about four to five hours ago when I gave my answer to Princess Celestia, in private. I wasn't sure about my answer, or if I was prepared to give one to her. Deep down, a part of me knew I had to make a judgment on it. It was after my judgment the princess and I didn't speak to each other. The Cutie Mark Crusaders seemed unsettled by the lack of conversation between the two of us. Though the house had the sound of videogames in the background, it might as well have been white-noise.

Before I knew it, six o'clock rolled around, and then seven.

I decided to heat up some leftovers for the bunch of us and prepare some fruit salads. When I opened the fridge however, I found the leftovers gone. It didn't dawn on me till I looked at the space beside my computer.

I let out a deep sigh then strapped the silver watch to my left wrist.

Out in my study, I let out another quick sigh before I inched my hand forward into mid air. A stupid side of me half-expected the experience to be like that one movie with the giant gateway/portal. The air would take on a watery effect where it would shimmer and ripple. There would be some bright light I would move into before coming out the other-side. What happened, much to my disappointment, was a rather anti-climatic shift.

As I moved forward, my surroundings changed to that of Sanctuary. If anything, I would liken it to another into another part of the house, perhaps stepping through a doorway, with an invisible door, would be more appropriate. Still, despite the anti-climatic event that took place. the sight of that entrance took my breath away.

"What kept ya?" Scootaloo said. The filly blushed. "Whoops, guess I was supposed to tell ya about eating here. Sorry."

My little hunch proved right.

Several sconces dotted the walls of the dining room Scootaloo guided me towards. Peaceful, pale blue gems replaced the flames that would lick the corners of the metal sconces. The awkward silence that took hold of the house on earth came to the moon, and, throughout the dinner, none of the ponies made a peep till Apple Bloom perked up.

"Apple Bloom, it isn't proper to eaves drop on the conversations of others." Princess Celestia said. She laid her fork down then dabbed away the bits of tomato sauce from the corner of her left cheek. Even a blind person could see the her expression. "Our friend made a choice. I cannot force them to change their mind."

"Ahh know, ahh know. A pony's gotta make their own choices in life." Apple Bloom said.

Princess Celestia nodded to the filly before she looked at me, "Though, if you don't mind me asking, why do you refuse to accept Sanctuary?""

I remember how the stars seemed so much brighter, so much more opulent when I gazed towards the ceiling of the dining room. No light pollution existed from some nearby city to drown them out, nor were there any clouds to obscure them when I removed my glasses, placing them near my plate before I leaned back in my chair. "I don't know how to phrase it. Instead, I'll just come out and say I don't deserve Sanctuary."

"Why?" Sweetie Belle said.

"Things should be done because they are the right thing to do. They shouldn't be done in hopes of a reward." I said. My finger tapped against the white tablecloth before I placed my glasses back on. "It's kinda stupid, but, to be honest, you all remind me of myself. I've always felt alone, always feeling helpless. Many of those I known have moved away with several of those I cared deeply about having passed away. I can't trust anyone, and I hate that feeling of being alone, of being helpless. If I can do everything in my power to make sure another person, well in your case another individual, doesn't feel that same sensation, I've done something right in this world. We'll call it being a decent human being."

Though I probably didn't put things into the right context, Apple Bloom perked up and said, "Didn't Fluttershy once say, 'Though kindness doesn't need a reward, it doesn't hurt either.'"

We finished our meals in peace. After that, The Cutie Mark Crusaders took the plates back to the house while Princess Celestia guided me down a hallway.

At a strange door, the princess nudged my left arm forward. A small glow came from my watch, and the door opened.

"I hope you'll reconsider your home." Princess Celestia said. She walked forward, stretched out her wings in the spacious room, and flew towards a fifth floor. "Would you please join me up here."

On the fifth floor, through a doorway existed a decent sized garden that looked out towards the white, desolate expanse of the moon. In the center stood an oak tree, surrounded by a circle of white flowers. A small sand garden existed in the space near the tree with three rocks placed inside.

"I'm sorry, but..." I felt my voice trail off when I looked at the beautiful area. My right hand clenched into a tight fist before it relaxed.

Princess Celestia came toward me, extended her right wing, and then guided me towards an area underneath the tree. Both of us sat down. "I won't pretend to understand what you've gone through in your life. It can't be easy for anyone to lose someone they cherish, let alone a child at such a young age losing a parent in front of them, but I think it is time for you to let go of that weight on your shoulders."

It took all that I had to fight back my tears.

"If you are willing, I'd like to help. The choice is yours to accept this gift." Princess Celestia said. She gazed at me, "I never said you would receive a 'single' gift," she raised my head in a gentle motion with her wing tip and gave a quick wink, "and I believe three gifts are in order for what you've done."

I looked at my hands. For what seemed like eternity, all I could do was look at my hands.

I excused myself, and then stood up.

The princess followed me out of the room towards the entrance of Sanctuary. "We will give you some peace tonight. Please, I want you to remember -- deep down in your heart -- that Sanctuary will always welcome you, no matter what you might believe to the contrary."

When I walked toward the entrance of Sanctuary, the vast, expansive area turned into the medium-sized study the princess slept in when she first arrived. The closet existed behind me.

An hour has passed since I started this journal entry. I've been at this computer for a solid hour. The screen's light illuminates my hands, and the keys, while I try to find the words.

What do I do anymore? Am I really that broken on the inside?

I better shut this computer down and get some sleep. All I'm doing right now is giving myself a headache and a stomachache. Not to mention the ranting going through my mind isn't doing me any good right now. I can't let these notes degrade into the ridiculous ravings of a child.

--- End Entry ---

June 1st

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>>>June 1st, 8:25 AM<<<

I can't imagine how all of you feel right now. You were all flung far from your home. It was by sheer chance you found a kind, generous stranger who aided you in your time of need. Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo. From the bottom of my heart, I'm beyond grateful for your bravery, and I'm so, so sorry, my little ponies.

For these records, for our friend's records, I, Princess Celestia, will start at the beginning by saying the issue at hoof has the clichéd sense of "it feels like yesterday," from some novel a pony might find in a bookshop or library, despite the fact it started seven days ago.

The days have flown by in the blink of an eye since our friend's last entry. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and myself had grown accustomed to our new home in Sanctuary. Our period of acclimation seemed long but now seems so short. I'm sad to say those were happier times.What horrifies me and these little fillies right now happened as we settled in for the night. It's when I approached my bed that I stopped, and then exhaled a small, deep, quick breath. My wings refused to stop twitching.

I journeyed through the portal.

Though it relieved me to see our friend on the couch, an unnatural sense permeated the air. I placed my wing over the human's shoulder. They looked up and gave me the most melancholic look I had ever seen in my lifetime. Our friend apologized, for some odd reason, and then, despite the expression, gave a warm greeting before leading me outside.

The cool night air brushed against my mane while the stars twinkled in the cloudless night sky. All of it had a serene sense of calm about it when the two of us sat near the pool. I was presented with a small cup of tea, placed on the metal table beside me. Our friend startled me when they draped a piece of cloth over me.I found it rather kind to be given a blanket. It felt wrong for me to pry into their business, so I dropped the of asking about what ailed them. Instead, we struck up a light conversation, which drifted from topic to topic; it had a loose bit of cohesiveness, but nothing that alarmed me. What little I remember now seemed to be about the prospective future of when the four of us would return to Equestria.

I thanked our friend for the tea and proceeded inside, placing the teacup into the sink before going to the portal's entrance.

The thing that did disturb me happened as I was about to, as our friend would say, "hit the sack."

I found myself stopped at the portal/gateway to Sanctuary by a gentle touch on my side.

Our friend placed their hand on my back.

"Thanks for being there." a weary voice said.

I nodded, gave them a gentle hug, and returned to Sanctuary where I meandered toward my room. The small hand pointed at eleven while the little hand pointed firmly at twelve. After I settled into my bed and closed my eyes, the clock appeared to leap forward. Soon, I awoke to see it was six in the morning.

The girls stood in the hallway, as if they had just gotten up, when I opened the door to my room.

Our friend came through the portal, waved at us, and then collapsed.

The chilling thud echoed throughout the spacious area of Sanctuary's entrance. My hooves, my wings, my body didn't move fast enough. The cold of the northern land my niece rules with her husband didn't compare to what coursed through my body. I would have poured every ounce of magic in my body into our friend's. I should have done it.To Tartarus with the ramifications!

I clutched our friend close to my body.In that moment, I felt lost. I felt hurt. What joy I found in this world, finding a dear friend, felt robbed from me. What stopped me from pouring my energy into the human's body was fear of the unknown. Instead, all I did, all I that could do was hold onto our friend's seemingly lifeless body while I looked into the teary eyes of those three fillies, seeing my tears reflected back in theirs.

Apple Bloom, you are the one who saved our friend's life. You were brilliant to remember the instructions we were given if there was an emergency.

I cradled the human in a soft magical aura. We rushed through the portal.Apple Bloom dashed to the phone. She pounded the three numbers on the keypad. Within minutes of dialing the emergency number and screaming "help" into the phone, a contraption showed up to the house.

My mind and heart raced. Two emergency workers came to the house and banged on the door. I used my magic to unlock it from a distance. The two humans looked around then bolted to our friend. Those humans spoke into strange devices attached to their clothes while they inspected our friend. Even stranger were the phrases they used. None of it made sense. It's a miracle I managed to maintain enough clarity to place a locator spell on our friend, all the while maintaining the invisibility spell around myself and the three fillies.

The days that went by were agonizing. No phone calls; no messages; no nothing. My last nerve frayed on the sixth day.

As night fell on the sixth day, I flew into the sky to gain a better vantage. While I scanned the vast landscape, a machination overtook me as I sat atop a cloud.Its noise defend my ears, dwarfing the roar of the most powerful of dragons.

I continued my search. I arrived a large building after four heavy, powerful wing-flaps.

Our friend slept rather peacefully on the bed inside the room. A doctor, from the appearance of her garments, stood by our friend. The doctor looked at the chart then the "patient" in front of them. I felt both nervous and calm as, from what I could see, nothing appeared too serious.

"Nurse, please get me some..." the doctor said, trailing off. She tapped a pencil against a clipboard.The doctor came to the window, looked outside, and shrugged. She performed a final examination before leaving the room.

The hand that glided against my chin felt so cold.

"... Hey," our friend's voice strained, "you're one horse-sized problem, that's for sure. So-Sor-Sorry about all this.I'll try to make it up to all of you. Perhaps I can get some takeout when I'm outta this place."

My lower lip quivered.

"Those are some warm tears. It's -- I'll be fine. Just keep an eye on those three, will ya. They're a bit of a handful at times." our friend said. They laid back, after some heavy persuasion, and began to rest.

I returned to Sanctuary where I relayed the news to Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. The three of them shed their tears and hugged one another. Though Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were optimistic our friend would be alright, Apple Bloom seemed hurt. The filly forced her eyes shut, however, her tears leaked through.

Today marks the seventh day since the ordeal began. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and myself, all of us have rather high hopes we'll be reunited with our friend. All we can do is hope, leaving things up to fate.

>>>June 1st, 11:25 AM<<<

Those three fillies, those Cutie Mark Crusaders are rather mature for their ages, however, they're still fillies. They're still children.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo fought back their tears. Apple Bloom slammed her hooves into the ground in the garden.She just screamed and screamed, harder and harder. Apple Bloom screamed as hard as she could while Sweetie Belle cried.Scootaloo bit down on her lip, trying to remain brave like the pony she idolized. I embraced those three fillies in my wings.

Our friend didn't come home.

All of us, myself included, we took our time to grieve in case the worst may have happened. We had to prepare for the worst but hope beyond hope for the best. That's all we could do.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders are on cleaning duties and yard work, being cautious not to be discovered while outside our friend's house. I drew the longest straw and found one chore being the use of the computer to maintain our friend's records. At this point, learning how to operate this comptre computer to write these entries requires both dexterity and skill, which is both confounding and intriguing. These notes appear to be more than just a hobby, if I had to surmise from the earlier entries. From what can be assumed, they appear to be a way to help our friend cope with their stress. If --

"Hey, sorry I haven't called.I just woke up and wanted to let you all know that I'm ok. They've got me under observation right now. If I'm released into 'someone's' care, they'll let me go." the voice on the machine said.

That's a huge relief. It feels like the weight of Equestria has been lifted off my wings, but what in Tartarus do they mean?

O dear, how in Celestia will I pull this off? Well, I guess that is a good question. How will I pull this off? Princess Luna, my dear sister, please, please lend me your strength to make this work.

>>>June 1st, 4:25 PM<<<

"And you are?" She said.

"Ah'm... a friend." Apple Bloom said.

"And I presume she's your mother." she said.

"She's my... relative. We're on vacation together right now. She can't speak cause of a sore throat. She's a bit horse." Apple Bloom said. The little filly ended with quite the chuckle, at my expense no less. Still, given the circumstance, it was best to let her feel at ease. "We're just here to see how our friend is doing."

The relative of our friend had quite the glare in her eye. I could feel her dagger-esk gaze trying its best to pierce right through the spell in that quiet hospital room. What held back the suspicion, the only saving grace for me and Apple Bloom was the sheer fact humans cannot sense magic.

"How did you meet, if you don't mind me asking? Why was I never introduced to you?" The relative said.

"If you don't mind me asking, might I know how you found out I was in the hospital? I didn't call you, nor did I ask anyone to inform you." our friend said.

The relative went white as my coat, had I been in my equine form.

"..." the relative remained silent.

"Since you won't answer my question, I'll ask you to leave, please." our friend said.

"Hmph." The relative said.

I had to face my back to the wall after I felt part of my tail starting to appear through the amniomorphic spell.

"Well, the paperwork is in order, and the patient's condition appears stable. I'd like to keep them for further observation, however, they are not in danger and pose no risk to themselves or others. As such, I cannot keep the patient against their will. Please sign this and they'll be released into your custody. I just ask that you keep a watch over them for twenty-four to forty-eight hours. If you see any unusual signs of weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, etc..., you need to return them to the hospital, immediately." The doctor said. While she examined our friend for the final time, I glanced over the form. "Thank you -- pardon me if this is rude, but, are you from around here?"

"We're visiting." Apple Bloom said.

"I see. Well, who am I to judge another's handwriting." The doctor said. She chuckled to herself and leaned in close to Apple Bloom. "Between you and me, my teacher hated my handwriting to the point I was told it instantly qualified me to be a doctor. Still need to thank that teacher. After hearing about doctors, I decided to learn about the profession, and, well, here we are."

Our friend pointed towards a small bag when the doctor left. After they were out of the patient gown, the three of us headed downstairs via the elevator.

"I'd still like to know who you are and where you all met." the relative said. Her arm extended out, blocking the exit. She appeared perched at the elevator entrance when we came to a stop on the ground floor. Her fingers tapped against the elevator's frame. "Not to mention I haven't seen too many women that are as... 'tall' as you are my dear. You're what, seven feet tall?"

Our friend pushed by their relative, stumbled for a second, and then regained their composure. They leaned against me and Apple Bloom. In a firm tone they said, "We have nothing to say to you. I have nothing to say to you."

"That's rather rude. " the relative said.

Our friend turned around. Their hand shot out, shielding Apple Bloom. I placed my hand on our friend's shoulder while Apple Bloom leaned against them. Before the relative could speak any further, our friend said, "You want to go at it? Right here, right now? You see these two standing next to me," our friend placed their arms around the two of us, "they treat me more like family than you ever did, more than you ever will."

"Is there a problem here?" A uniformed individual said, getting up from their desk.

"... No." The relative said in a harsh tone before she stormed off.

"Thanks Mike." Our friend said.

"Meh, no need for thanks. Just try to keep yourself well." The uniformed individual said. He looked at all of us and gave a slight nod. "Take care. I don't want to see you back here again."

"You and me both." Our friend said.

All of us headed towards a strange area that housed several contraptions.

Down a flight of stairs, we found ourselves on the ground floor of the building that sat adjacent to the hospital. Per our friend's request, I scanned the area and found no other humans around. With that detail taken care of, we moved behind a wall into a secluded area where I dispelled the illusion around me and Apple Bloom.

I caught my breath, focused on the entrance of Sanctuary, and, in the proverbial flash, we were teleported back to our home.

Apple Bloom bolted down the hall and came back with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. The three fillies latched onto our friend, soaking their clothes in tears. I have to admit, I wiped away a tear or two on our friend's shirt as I leaned up against them.

The four of us guided our weary friend to their bed in Sanctuary, having them lean against me the entire way. I'll confide in these notes that I felt hurt at the thought somepony believed they were burdening me. Friends are there to help each other out. Friends should be there to help each other out. Our friend has been there for us more times than I care to count, so why shouldn't we be there for them.

In any event, the day feels like it's dragging on forever. The five of us still need to get some food into our stomachs before we hit the sack.

>>>June 2nd,2:25 AM<<<

My hooves are aching after being up since early this morning. It's not just me, however. All of us have been on watch after our friend came home from the hospital. The Cutie Mark Crusaders are resting since I've drawn the short straw, that so-called short straw being drawn on purpose.

"The patient should be given minimal excitement. Per the request to avoid medication, it is advised the patient explore means of relieving stress to prevent relapse in lue of medication."

I've read this note so many times and cannot understand how to help our friend relieve their stress. I won't give up though. I must keep moving forward.

On this final note, our friend, my friend, if you read these notes, please talk with me. I am here to listen. I am an open ear, an open mind, and, just as important, an open heart. I won't turn away from you, nor will those three fillies.

I wish on all the stars in the sky, both in our world and in yours, that you get better, our dear friend.

June 30th

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>>>June 30th, 3:42 AM<<<

It's so hard to put my fingers to the keys. Anymore, anymore I just want to sleep. I just... want to sleep away each day.

Looks like today will be rough. Or is it night? That desolate, dark landscape doesn't make things easy. Though the time is in the right bottom corner of the laptop, those numbers are hard to trust. It'd be akin to someone locked away in a cave with a digital clock. How much can they trust the time on the display? What light that exists comes from those weird gems floating above the sconces in this bedroom. On the positive side, the light easy on the eyes. The gems don't have the constant annoying hum of a fluorescent light, nor do they cause that unpleasant eye strain. It'd be hard to admit this to Princess Celestia's face, but Sanctuary is quite the astounding place, heh.

On the down-side, despite Sanctuary's serenity, this anxiety won't go away, and the last three days haven't been easy. Anxious, nervous, disturbed, upset, or any other choice of words someone could look up in a thesaurus would describe things right now. My thoughts turn to the past each time I close my eyes.The worst are my mother's final moments.

What I remember is the warmth of my mother's hand. It was the same warm, gentle hand that comforted me when I was young. That made it even harder when the warmth left her hand, little-by-little. Those cherished memories made things painful when the time came to let go of that hand. Feels like it happened two hours ago vs. three years.

They say the best thing to do is to be by someone's side in their time of need, and I loathe that saying. Despite being by my mother's side, I felt powerless.

---End Entry---

>>>June 30th, 5:55 AM<<<

Stupid diary, I need to fix it.The thing ends an entry if it doesn't get a keystroke within ten minutes. Whatever, I don't care at this point. It's what I get for not programming it right.

Sanctuary is so quiet, feels like it's playing tricks on me.

Well, the dear princess who's slept near my side -- who's been my nursemaid for almost a month -- she's still there for me. More than once the watchful pony parent has checked on me. Princess Celestia became a nurse overnight, which isn't fair to her. The poor equine has her own troubles. Her little "friends help out each other" axiom doesn't quite justify this level of care, but her patient is in no condition to argue.

Of course, looks as though three addition have joined the princess, after I dozed off. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo have perched themselves in some sleeping bags near Princess Celestia. The Cutie Mark Crusader's ears twitch ever-so-slightly; their back legs move in a similar fashion to that of a dreaming dog. I hope all of them are dreaming of home or getting home.

---End Entry---

>>>June 30th, 6:45 AM<<<

Feel asleep... again.

I feel so alone right now. There's an overwhelming sense of emptiness despite these four being near me. I'm probably one of the few people in the world who would feel alone at a party in their honor. Despite the fact these four are so kind-hearted and welcoming, there's a small portion of me that just feels so isolated. It's afraid. No, I'm afraid. I'm afraid to reach out to them.

I hate to be rude, but the gift Princess Celestia gave me is rather creepy. Sanctuary is nothing more than a gigantic version of that empty house on Earth I call home.Not to mention its sense of happiness and openness is long gone. This sounds paranoid, and a bit corny, but those two joyous emotions have been replaced by this, this "thing" I can't even fathom. It's something rather dark.

Anymore, I just want to be left alone.

---End Entry---

>>>June 30th, 11:45 AM<<<

"Well, you don't have a fever, so that's good." Scootaloo said with a smile.

"Can I take the thermometer out of my ear now, please?" I said.

"You typically place it under the tongue, Scootaloo.Though I have read --" Princess Celestia said.

"Don't. Finish. That. Sentence." I said.

Princess Celestia looked the other way while Apple Bloom snickered.

"What's so funny?" Scootaloo said.

"Ah think it's best if ya don't know, Scoot." Apple Bloom said. The filly patted her friend on the back. "Anyways, ya'll look way, way better than ya did a couple weeks ago. Had us worried sick.Still look a bit on the flushed side though."

My nurse and her three little helpers had been up since eight-thirty this morning. Princess Celestia was the first to rise. She used the restroom then returned to check on me with Sweetie Belle being the next to wake up, followed by Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. Swear they must have rehearsed their actions. Each of them clams up when the first week I got sick is mentioned. These equines are dead-set on focusing on the present vs. the past, so there's little option.

I don't know what to do.

"I know this is sudden, but would you please follow me?" Princess Celestia said.

"Ok..." I said.

---End Entry---

>>>June 30th, 3:25 PM<<<

Time.It is one of the most fascinating, if not "the" most fascinating things in existence. Due to the varying laws that exist, laws humans know about for now at least, time can be perceived in different ways, influenced by different things in our world. An enjoyable hour can be a minute while a painful second can be an eternity. There are times where, well, time seems alive. The intangible element will allow itself to move forward at its own whims and wishes. Perhaps it is time that eludes me. It's the only way to describe what happened.

Princess Celestia asked the three fillies to go play while the two of us journeyed down a long hallway. From that point on, there was no perception of time as Princess Celestia led me deeper into Sanctuary.

We traveled on and on, further and further. Down a flight of steps we moved then up another.

To me, Princess Celestia was stalling. I believed she didn't know where she was going or what she was doing. I was wrong.

"I want to help." Princess Celestia said. Her hoof rose into the air. It seemed to press into nothingness, but a small, golden, horseshoe-shaped mark appeared in thin air. What materialized around us was a garden that nearly rivaled the beauty of Sanctuary itself. She nodded towards me. "This way, please."

The waterfall, perhaps twenty-feet high, didn't roar or make any kind of sound; water just fell from the top towards the bottom. The water moved into different channels where it glowed in a gentle light. Princess Celestia and I sat on a circular rock surrounded by the seemingly magical water.

Inside the lush garden, the princess guided me towards a tranquil spot where the both of us sat down.

Though the ambient temperature of the room was pleasant, my arm, my left arm felt cold, almost numb. No matter how much I rubbed my arm, it refused to stay warm.

"I added the finishing touches while you recuperated." Princess Celestia said. The corner of her mouth raised while she closed her eyes. Her quick slight smile faded before she let out a deep, nervous sigh. The princess looked around the room with such a forlorn expression. She turned toward me. She raised her hoof and held it up for a few seconds, and then put it down."I fear for the sake of my little ponies who are trapped here. It haunts my dreams. These three, three precious fillies must get back to their families. I also want to get back to my family."

The numbness traveled down my arm and into my hand.

"In all of Equestria, if my wishes reach my home, I hope this never happens, however, if you were to become ill again -- and not recover -- the four of us may be lost forever." Princess Celestia said. She touched a gentle hoof to my chin. Her eyes locked onto mine. "We need you. Please, I implore you to let me help."

"..." I couldn't form the words. With Princess Celestia's hoof removed from my chin, my head and eyes gravitated towards the ground. While the princess remained silent, those same thoughts came back. There was no way to get rid of them. Though it was hopeless, the smallest part of my core, of my soul caused me to sigh then lift of my head, "Are you going to do something weird to me? Or have you already done something weird to me?"

Princess Celestia removed her crown. She placed the golden object on the ground, the same being done with the object around her neck."The look in your eyes is the same I've seen in so many of my little ponies when they grieved for their lost loved ones. Not to mention it is the same look that greeted me whenever I looked in the mirror each morning after I had banished my sister to the moon."

I bit down on my lip. My clenched fist refused to relax." I hope you didn't use your magic to 'change' something inside of me."

Princess Celestia placed a gentle hoof on my knee, "No magic -- no matter how strong -- can ever heal those kinds of afflictions."

I pulled away and clenched my fist.

"Do you trust me?"Princess Celestia said.

"..." My body grew colder the more I looked at Princess Celestia. What thoughts swirled around inside that brain of mine, at the time, kept focusing on the past, and it hurt. I didn't want those memories to go away, but I wanted the pain to go away. It didn't make sense.It made no sense! "... I do."

What lights existed in the garden dimmed. The faint, gentle light of water around us intensified.

"I believe we can ease the stress on your mind, body, and soul." Princess Celestia said.

The water around us flowed into several channels where it formed different, smooth patterns in the stone we sat on. At that point, my eyes started to grow heavy.

"Contrary to your literature and movies, I will not 'bore' into your mind. Memories cannot be taken away, re-written, nor undone. They are etched into the stone of one's mind. All I will do is help you come to terms with your grief." Princess Celestia said. She illuminated her horn, and then her eyes glowed in a brilliant light. The princess's voice became strange, almost soothing when she spoke. "I'm right here with you. I'm here for you, my dear friend..."

As said, time is quite the fickle thing. Princess Celestia's voice became quiet, almost non-existent. My heavy eyes closed, and I woke up to her cradling my head between her front hooves.


"You alright there?" I said. Several tears landed on my forehead. "What happened?"

Princess Celestia's lower lip quivered. We both got up, however, the princess turned away. "I... n-need some time alone.Pl-Please follow me."

After Princess Celestia placed her crown and circlet back on, the time it took to venture away from that garden paled in comparison to the eternity it took for us to reach it. Now I sit here, in my bed, writing this up. I'm sad to say I still feel the same, except now I feel as though I hurt Princess Celestia. What made her cry confounds me. All I can do is hope it wasn't something I did to her, or my past.

---End Entry---

>>>June 30th,8:15 PM<<<

Right now, I'm just sitting in the garden, gazing out towards the endless black sea of space, and, and right now, I just want to curl up into a ball and sleep.

For the lack of a better word, Princess Celestia has vanished. Five hours and there's not a trace of her. She wanted to be alone. The pony princess just wanted to take some time to herself, yet it's hard to see if it is best to leave her alone.

"Hey," She said.

"Hey yourself," I said.

"It's time for dinner. Hope you aren't angry, but we decided to order pizza... again." Sweetie Belle said.

I raised an eyebrow. "How many times have you ordered pizza?"

"Four times... in the past three days." she said.

"I suppose you aren't growing fruits and vegetables here in Sanctuary, are you?" I said.

The filly unicorn twirled the tip of her hoof against the ground. "Well... to be honest, Apple Bloom can't use alchemy since she's not familiar with your stuff.It's -- hey, what's up?"


"There's nothing there." Sweetie Belle said.

"Sorry, I'm just kinda dazed right now. Pizza is fine as long as you didn't order a hundred dollars worth of food." I said.

"The voice on the other end of the phone said it was ninety-five dollars and seventy-seven cents."Sweetie Belle said.

I leaned back, hand planted firm against my face.

Jeez. Four times they've ordered pizza.That stuff ain't cheap. I mean, if they ordered ninety-six bucks per pizza run on average, I mean a quick bit of fuzzy math tells me that's almost four-hundred dollars. Fine, fine, there's no use crying over it.

"Ok, we'll have to take it easy on the credit-card. That thing has a limit. Maybe what we can do is get some seeds from the local home-improvement store. I can get you all started on some things to help us keep down the food bill." I said.

Apple Bloom walked up. "Dinner's served. We got the table all set and ready ta go."

"Anyways, if ya see Princess Celestia, try to let her know dinner is ready. I haven't seen her since you two left down that hallway." Sweetie Belle said.

"Ok, I'll tell her." I said. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle headed towards the elevator, and, after those two left, my bedroom in Sanctuary was silent. The garden off to its side remained equally quiet. There was no wind to rustle against the tree leaves. Apart from the small water fountain, there was little to no ambient noise to break the almost oxymoron-esk, "deafeningly quiet" scene. "You know it's creepy to spy on people."

A figure faded into existence.

"... How? I mean, were you able to sense me?" she said.

"Humans are quite the empathetic creatures. We have a sixth sense about us. There are some humans who have a wide range of other abilities." I said. She came closer, maintaining a trained eye on me.

"Are you ok?!" Princess Celestia said, bolting towards me as I held onto my side.

"Sorry, it hurts to laugh. I barely managed to keep a straight face while saying that bit." I said. The princess rolled her eyes at me. "I hate to disappoint, but I'm just a normal human, well, semi-normal."

"Hmph!"Princess Celestia said. She turned away, "Well, can you explain how you knew I was here, if you didn't sense my presence."

I pointed towards the ground beneath Princess Celestia. "For one thing, there are four rather heavy hoof-prints in the ground next to where Apple Bloom stood. They weren't there when she showed up. Not to mention, you smell."

All words carry consequences, and I soon found myself in an empty room.

"Ok, ok, sorry. You don't have to disappear on me. What I meant to say is that you have a particular aroma." I said. I rolled my eyes. "Fine, I'm sorry I said you smell. I wasn't implying that you stink."

"Apology accepted." Princess Celestia said, materializing behind me. Her back pressed against mine when she sat down. Through my shirt, I felt her withers twitching. "..."

"What did you see that made you cry?" I said.

"I don't know. It's not so much what I saw, but, in a cliché term, what I felt that disturbs me. A true sense of despair, coupled with an almost endless sensation of sorrow. " Princess Celestia said. Her withers stopped twitching when I placed my hand on her back."Are you really sick of living?"

Her statement caused my hand to recoil."Please don't make me talk about that subject."

"Life is a beautiful, wondrous gift. It's a miracle bestowed upon all who are born. When a child opens their eyes for the first time, that moment is beyond precious." Princess Celestia said. She faced me. "I cannot understand why any creature, pony or human or otherwise, would hate their life so much when there's so much wonder and happiness. When there's...."

The pony's tears were so warm against my cold hands. She rested her head on my shoulder.

"The thing about humans, though we're born into a world of wonder, it can be a living nightmare. All that talk of 'we're all created equal' is just a lie told to make our childhoods better. Not all of us start out on equal footing."I said. That's about the one explanation I could muster. I'm a cynical, bitter individual who's angry at life, and what infuriates me are those, those people, those pieces of trash who just -- why do I bother. It's so hard to fight anymore. I'm just tired of fighting. I'm tired of trying to scrape together what little bit of a life exists for me, but, but perhaps that's where I'm --

"There's no shame in crying." Princess Celestia said. She brought me close with her wing. "I'm right here, my friend."

I took my time.

Two tissues levitated in front of me when I raised my head. "We should eat something. Don't want to go to bed on an empty stomach."

"We need to --" Princess Celestia stopped.

"Get something to eat. I can say right now, my stomach doesn't howl. It just groans." I said.

Princess Celestia blushed. She rubbed a soft wing against my head, and then stood up. "You're not off the hook. We'll eat and take a bit of a reprieve from your session, but I am not giving up on you right now. You need to believe in yourself. It's not just for my sake and those three fillies. It is for your own sake."

Belief... belief is one word I've come to loathe, but, but perhaps Princess Celestia is right.

All I can do right now is moved forward on my own two legs, as weak or strong as they might be, and see what the future holds.

---End Entry---

July 3rd

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>>>July 3rd, 10:15 am<<<

I cried. I cried that day because I felt so helpless. At the time I worried about my mother's health, I also worried about my dog's deteriorating health. My beloved companion had seen me through a lot during those horrible years, always standing by my side, and then he was gone. Even worse, I wasn't there to say goodbye. I cried because it hurt so much and I couldn't do anything to stop it, and though I came to terms with his passing, like many things throughout my life, one thing I've never come to terms with is this fear, this sheer fear -- deep, deep down inside of me -- of losing those I cherish.

"There's always a light at the end of the tunnel," many would say, however, there is no light. The tunnel is an endless, twisting, turning road that never stops. Magic doesn't exist in our world, in the human world, so what good does it even do to make wishes. To that same extend, perhaps the same can be said for dreams. It feels like dreams are just born to die, so why even have them?

I guess another thing to accept and come to terms with is that I am a cynical, bitter person. That'll never change, not now not ever.

Right now, if magic were as all powerful as I thought it were/is, it'd be nice if the pony princess's little spell worked like magic. Or, that is to say, it'd be nice if it worked how she talked about it working, how I thought it should work.

In regards to Princess Celestia, it's saddening to say she's not herself. The princess seems rather aloof as of late, yet one admirable trait about Princess Celestia is her sheer godlike (goddess-like?) willpower. Despite the sense of wanting to be alone, the princess gives off a powerful aura. It's an aura that lets the world know she'll continue on no matter how troubled she becomes. That admirable trait of hers was on full display about two hours ago when a soft nudge came to my cheek, and I awoke to see two gentle eyes gazing at me.

After a few short minutes, I readied myself for the day, and, when I came out of the bathroom, the princess greeted me with a soft "good morning."

Princess Celestia stood in the room without her gold necklace and crown. The soft blue light from the sconces reflected off her eyes while she raised her hoof. Soon, the princess's gentle hoof pressed against my hand.

In a flash, the both of us were transported to the same captivating garden we had gone to over the past few days.

Inside, I stretched while the princess stretched. I meditated while Princess Celestia mediated. What amazed me was how Princess Celestia meditated on the spot. She could just sit down, close her eyes, and focus her mind instinctively. There's a long, long, LONG way to go before I can meditate like the princess.

"Are you ready?" Princess Celestia said. Her breathing, her eyes, the mind behind her eyes, all it remained calm, cool, and collected. The tall equine looked down at me, giving a polite smile.She extended a hoof. "One step at a time, ok."

The two of us moved onto the rock for our therapy session.

I clasped my hands together. My breathing slowed.

Water flowed into the rock's intricate channels. Those lines glowed in an ethereal light.

I closed my eyes.

"Now, we will begin..." Princess Celestia said. Her voice faded, like the previous times. The sound of the waterfall vanished. As my limbs began to lose their strength, two fine points pressed against the side of my head. "...."

Her final words were non-existent.

When those two points were removed from my head, the lesson ending just as it began, I opened my eyes.

"So, I'm not the only one who's afraid right now." I said. I opened my eyes to see Princess Celestia crying. It didn't occur to me tears were streaming down my cheek until I touched the left side of my face. The princess looked at me, "Like the Cutie Mark Crusaders, you're afraid of being stuck here.On a personal level, you're afraid you'll never see your family again."

"No, I just got a powerful cramp in my back hoof, that's all." Princess Celestia said.

"Now who's holding back." I said.

Princess Celestia stood up. She wiped away her tears with the tip of her wings, "...touché."

It took a little longer than usual for the two of us to gather our thoughts. In the past two days, we'd take a minute, maybe two at most. This time, it seemed more along the lines of twenty minutes. Pure, raw emotion had surged over us. There were no words. There were no mental images.

Once we were able to gather our thoughts, the session concluded with the walk back towards the portal to my room. It was along the way towards the portal in the garden I speculated about the therapy sessions.

I knew humans couldn't use magic, at least I still believe we can't use magic, so speculation was, and is, the best way to understand how the spell works. So far, my working theory is the spell acting as some form of cathartic release. Emotions on the subconscious level are allowed to flow. One side effect, or perhaps intended effect, comes from it working for both parties. Whatever crap reasoning, I'm just glad the sessions didn't make me pass out anymore.

"I just wanted to remind you those three are welcome in the garden anytime you wish.They just need to hold onto you." Princess Celestia said. The large, circular portal that led towards my room came into view. She placed her hoof on the left side of the portal, me placing my hand on the right. "This will always serve as your direct line back to your room if something were to ever happen to your watch in the garden. It always pays to be cautious."

Princess Celestia, that had to be the sixth time you reminded me, perhaps the eighth. It sounded like a bad omen. Still, it'd be a case of rather have it and not need it vs. needing it and not having it, I guess.

From the clock on my laptop, anywhere from thirty minutes to a full hour may have passed after I woke up and readied myself for our session in the garden.

"How about we take a break for the rest of the day," I said, rubbing my left arm. Princess Celestia came to a slow stop. "I'd be nice to relax a little bit, maybe have some fun. These sessions are important, I understand. I just want some 'me' time."

"You don't need to justify things. If you'd like to take a break, feel free to speak up and voice your opinion. Now," Princess Celestia turned around, "with that said, we cannot stop."

"I know, I know. We had two sessions yesterday with the second, mid-afternoon session being my 'breakthrough' moment. You still haven't told me what that moment was or what it involved." I said.

"And I'm quite curious how you 'knew' what I was thinking." Princess Celestia said.

"Lucky... guess." I said, shying away. When I told Princess Celestia I'm semi-normal, I didn't exactly lie to her. That's just the best cobbled together word I could use to describe myself. If I had to be honest, it wouldn't not be a lie either since I just told a half-truth. I cleared my throat and looked at Princess Celestia, "Well, still, I stand by what I said. I need a break."

"Alright. We'll skip the second session for today in favor of some downtime. I wouldn't mind some personal time myself." Princess Celestia said. She smiled, "Well now, it seems we have some visitors."

Several hoofsteps echoed in the bedroom. Soon, three sets of eyes greeted Princess Celestia and myself, and then three smiles.

"How'd the lesson go? Or is it a session?" Sweetie Belle said. The filly guided Princess Celestia and myself towards the garden. She levitated a blanket out of a basket while Apple Bloom and Scootaloo set out several plates and some snacks. "We finally managed to get some saplings to grow in the main garden. It'll look so beautiful when they're fully grown."

"Thank you for the breakfast, my little ponies. It is greatly appreciated." Princess Celestia said. She nibbled on a small pastry. The princess dabbed away some small crumbs from her lips before sipping some juice. "As for our friend's 'session,' they did rather well."

"That's great. Hope ya kick those issues right in the flank and send em so far away they never come back." Apple Bloom said. She munched on an apple. "Finally got enough electricity stored up in the batteries to use the mini-oven you bought for us. Thanks for getting it."

"Sure, no problem." I said. It didn't take a psychic to know I thought about a moth flying out of my wallet. Money for batteries, ten to fifteen solar panels, a converter, and some misc. components, felt like one of those D-day preppers on TV when the stuff was scanned at checkout. Wonder if I can rent myself out as a dunce people can throw tomatoes at for fun. Still need to do the finances to see if we'll break even this month, or, more likely, how far, far into the black we've gone. I forced myself to smile and said, "So, how are all of you set up here?"

"Great," Scootaloo flapped her wings, "we've got almost everything we need."

"Almost?" I said.

"Well, we just need a few, things... heh." Scootaloo said.

I raised my eyebrow. I extended two fingers, "You two have got a wish list too, don't you."

"Umm..." Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom said.

I turned toward Princess Celestia, "Ok, ok, what's on yours."

Princess Celestia swallowed the food in her mouth.She blushed, whistled an innocent tune, and gave a quick shy grin. "... it's just a few items."

I sighed. "I'll see what I can do."

Princess Celestia prepared to open her mouth.

I held up my right index finger, "Remember, I'm not selling your crown, nor your necklace. I hope I made that quite clear."

Princess Celestia nodded, "That you did, my friend."

"Anyways, I'm not rich, but I'll see what I can do." I said, and it's about right. I'm not swimming in money, but I do tend to exaggerate things. That's one thing I must admit to myself. I'm not destitute. Still, I'm not some millionaire who can afford everything to their heart's content. Careful planning -- thanks to my mother -- kept things in check. I looked at the others, "Now, back to the topic.How are all of you doing?"

The conversation turned toward the three fillies and their varying tales.

Apple Bloom spoke about how she tended the gardens various plants and trees. Scootaloo practiced flying around her room. Sweetie Belle used her training with Princess Celestia to assist Apple Bloom in the garden. It's rather heartwarming to know Princess Celestia's found a way to entertain herself. She enjoyed researching various aspects about the human world, staying within recommended guidelines of research.

"Hey, Princess Celestia, I've been meaning to ask you something. How do these crystals work?" Sweetie Belle said. She held the small crystal necklace in her hoof, "This isn't like any of the magic you've taught me."

"Ahh, therein lies the mystery, Sweetie Belle. Magic is one of the most fluid elements that exists. There are only a few, set, specific guidelines for magic, but even those specifics can have their own sense of fluidity." Princess Celestia said. She held Sweetie Belle's necklace in her hoof. "Though these crystals represent the simple idea of a key that goes to a lock, there's much, much more to it."

I swallowed my food.

It seemed Princess Celestia was right at home when she decided it was time for a lecture while the lot of us sat in front of her. Anyone could see the delight she took in teaching others.

"So, Apple Bloom can't use my crystal, and Sweetie Belle can't use your crystal.I guess that makes sense... wait, what about our friend?" Scootaloo said. She and the others turned towards me. "You can't use magic. At least, you say humans can't use magic."

"...?" I remained silent, raising a slow eyebrow.

"No, no, you aren't growing a tail." Princess Celestia chuckled.

Though I stopped looking at my butt -- I found myself thankful there were no obvious signs of a tail growing -- my concerns weren't alleviated.

The princess told me she had imbued the watch with magic, but it didn't register, not until the impromptu lesson. Did these creature's irradiate me... or if it's magic, did they magicate me, irradiating me with magic? Can humans die from exposure to magic?

"Hey, come on now, Ah'm curious." Apple Bloom said. She pointed towards the watch as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo shrugged at each other. The earth pony filly gazed at me. Her hoof pressed against my right arm, left arm, and then my legs. "Ah don't get it. Can our friend use magic?"

The three fillies looked at each other. Apple Bloom's ears perked up. She nodded to her friends.

"..." I raised an eyebrow. The fillies gave a devilish grin towards me. It could only mean trouble.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders huddled together. Princess Celestia and I shrugged at each other while the three chatted amongst themselves. The fillies let out a boisterous sound, "Let's teach our friend magic! How about it?!"

"Girls, our friend said they didn't want to learn magic. Well, actually, I shouldn't speak so soon. What are your thoughts on the matter? Have you had a change of heart?" Princess Celestia said.

I rested my head on top of my hand, letting out an audible "hmm" to the small garden.

"I won't force you to try." Princess Celestia said.

"Well, my interest has kind grown. That said, I'm still concerned about the ramifications. May just be my own curiosity getting the better of me. As they say, curiosity killed the cat." I said.

Apple Bloom let out an audible gulp.Her eyes widened. "Glad Fluttershy isn't around to hear that saying. She'd go bananas."

I raised in eyebrow. "Who?"

"She's an animal lover. I mean she's 'really' into animals. There's a bunch of them shacked up in her cottage. Even a bear." Scootaloo said.

Ok, I'll be sure to watch myself around Fluttershy -- wait a minute, what the heck am I saying. I hope no other ponies come through that gate. Last thing this world needs is some psycho animal lover on Earth. This Fluttershy pony would rip the place apart seeing all the commercials for lamb, chicken, pork, steak, and such. Humanity's saving grace would be her passing out from fright at a plate of buffalo wings.

"Well, back to the matter at hoof. If you don't mind me asking, if your interest has been peaked, what did it? Is it the spell I've been using on you?"Princess Celestia said.

"Truth be told, kind of. I mean, I'm nervous. Don't get me wrong. Magic concerns me to no end since humans are a mixed bag of nutjobs. Some are dangerous while others can be downright violent." I said. I went further in my explanation. Some details, ok, many details were left out to spare the ponies the mental images of the atrocities humans have committed against one another, and yet what fueled my desires and peaked my interests were the thoughts about this watch, coupled together with the spell from the sessions. It gnawed at me. I mean, is it wrong to learn? "If I had to tell another truth, I'm wondering if those fairytales aren't just stories. There were many great legends, myths, folktales, and lore about humanity possessing magic with each story being unique to each place on earth. If you're willing to teach me, I don't mind giving it a shot."

Princess Celestia tapped a hoof against her chin. "I'll be honest. I have no idea what could happen to you and your body if we progress down this road? There are many variables and unknowns. That being said," Princess Celestia gave a gentle nod before she put her hoof down, "I will not deny a willing mind from learning, and it appears that you are in luck. Sweetie Belle is due for her magic lesson. You can sit in on it and we'll go from there."

"Nothing wrong with being curious, I guess. What's the harm?"I said.

With that matter settled, all of us continued to talk and chat about various things, finishing our meal about twenty minutes ago.

I've been given some time to write up this journal and rest a bit before we attempt anything, and, at this point, I'm shaking. So many ideas and notions have been written in these journal entries about my fears. Right now, what I know for sure is that I'm tired of this, this "weight" on my chest. I'm tired of my fears.

When I get some time, I think I need to speak with the princess and those three fillies about some issues, and what I know for certain is that one of those issues won't be so easy to talk about.

---End Entry---

>>>July 3rd, 12:35 pm<<<

"Now, before you...," I found my words too late. Scootaloo started, followed by Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. "O come on, not you too."

"I'm sorry, but that was a riot the way you swan dived into the pool." Princess Celestia said, covering her mouth with her hoof. "Ok, ok," she wiped away a tear, "that was funny."

There's not a hole deep enough in existence for me to bury my head into.

Unicorn magic, nope. Pegasus magic, OW, and nope. Earth pony magic, double OW, and double nope. It's just a good thing I did some minor, albeit stupid, tasks. I know, I know, to be scientific, you can't let one sample be the end all, be all judgment. That said, it didn't bode well for humanity with my abysmal performance. Felt like I could flunk an IQ test at that point. Still feels that way while writing this up.

"Now, being serious girls, we should take our friend's feeling into consideration." Princess Celestia said. The princess cleared her throat. She placed a soft wing over my shoulder. The princess gathered us for another lecture. "I do want tell all of you something. It's something I find puzzling."

The Cutie Mark Crusader's ears perked up. Princess Celestia pointed at Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and then Sweetie Belle.

"Right. Ah can't use Scoot's key just like Sweetie Belle can't use mine. They're tied to us." Apple Bloom said.

"Correct, and what's different? What's missing for our friend that we know about ourselves?" Princess Celestia said.

Scootaloo extended her wing ready to answer. She stopped. The pegasus filly rubbed her chin with her wing, "They're missing... a. Crystal?"

"Actually, there's already a crystal inside our friend's watch. To be more precise, it's a gem stone for ornamentation, but I used that instead of making a crystal for them." Princess Celestia said. The princess sat down on the soft grass."My little ponies, always remember that inside each of you is a powerful, unique magic. Those crystals around your necks are tuned towards that magic, your 'special' magic. Without even the slightest trace of magic, those crystals could never be used."

I wanted to relinquish my fear, but there are no easy battles. As my anxiety took hold, my mind, in that moment, imagined some kind of unknown entity inside of me that had developed. Even worse, my mind thought about the thing destroying me.

"To be more precise, I know for certain we cannot tie one of your crystals around a rock and chuck it towards the portal on Earth, expecting the rock to come through into Sanctuary. Well, unless the rock was imbued with magic to begin with, but that's getting off topic. Magic, innate or latent, must be present to utilize these crystals and the spell bound to them." Princess Celestia said.

The garden had an eerie bit of silence, more silent than usual.

"Well?" Scootaloo said.

"Beats me, Scootaloo." Apple Bloom said.

"Don't look at me." Sweetie Belle said. She turned towards me. "Though, I mean, I 'kinda' understand what Princess Celestia is trying to say. You're not even sure yourself, right."

Princess Celestia gave a firm nod. "I do apologize if my words appear flimsy or cryptic, but, like all of you, my interactions with humans are rather limited. It's quite the understatement to say all of this is new to me."

"Are ya ok? Hey, somepony catch them!" Apple Bloom said.

"It may be wise for you to rest right now and regain your strength." Princess Celestia said.

"I'm, I'm ok. I just felt a little weak there is all. It's nothing to worry about." I said.

Princess Celestia helped me stand up. She acted as a sturdy crutch. "Why don't you rest in bed for a bit. We'll give you some peace to write your journal entry."

"Thanks." I said, pulling back the covers.

"I apologize if this is rude, but I'd like some time to myself after I see the garden's progress. I'm hoping we can have some wonderful, fresh-off-the-vine salads for dinner tonight." Princess Celestia said.

Each of the pony left, one-by-one, from my bedroom. Things have been silent ever since our chat, all of that happening an hour ago. About the only thing making any noise in this room is the fan on this laptop.

Just have to admit there's nothing much that can be done. To conquer an illness takes time. Of the plethora of textbooks out there on recuperation and recovery, there's no set amount of time to get better. It can take several weeks, sometimes months. The mind can be a powerful influence on the body, and I have no doubt my mind has been influencing my body to a heavy degree.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I never got the chance to confess to those four about how I'm feeling right now. Though, while I've got these notes open, I will confess what I'm thinking.

In my previous notes, I rambled on and on like some lunatic. The first reason for my ramblings is due to the fact I was still sick/recovering. Not to mention I couldn't find the right way to describe it. The second was my own uncertainty, however, now I'm certain more than ever that Sanctuary is haunted.

As I recovered, I kept hearing voices. They didn't belong to the others. It's only now I realize it wasn't multiple voices. A single voice whispered in such a manner it echoed amongst the halls, giving the appearance of multiple voices. I'll also say there's another issue.

Unless Princess Celestia is known for playing some seriously scary, messed up, cruel pranks on her subjects, I'd almost swear there are two Princess Celestias running around Sanctuary. And it's that second Princess Celestia, she scares me.

I want to leave Sanctuary.

---End Entry---

>>>July 3rd, 7:34 pm<<<

Dinner time came. The gentle light of the crystal sconces illuminated the dining room. From the fresh placemats and silverware to the plates and the table itself, the setting looked stunning while we sat underneath the stars.

In my heart, I knew the time had come.

"Hey, I've... got a bit of an announcement to make." I said. The first problem came when I tried to figure out the words. It took me several minutes to find both the courage and the words to tell Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Princess Celestia. What sucks is that part turned out to be the easiest. The words were easier than the courage, but they both came. In terms of the second part, it took every ounce of willpower to maintain that courage to tell the others how I felt. "I'm leaving Sanctuary, and I don't know when I'll be returning."

"But why?!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders said in unison. Their pleas to stay made it all the more heartbreaking.

"I'm sorry girls. We must respect our friend's wishes. To force them to stay here in Sanctuary would be imprisonment, and that's not why I created Sanctuary." Princess Celestia said. She glanced around the grand entrance. "It is your choice. I won't force you to stay."

Though I explained my beliefs, Princess Celestia not brushing them off entirely, she remained committed to the home she had built, and I don't blame her. It's with her own two hands... well, with her magic and hooves that she built Sanctuary. If I were in the princess's place, I'd probably say the same thing.

"I can't stay. This place doesn't want me." I said. It didn't make sense to the others, at least I believe it didn't make sense, but it felt like perfect rationale to me. Sanctuary rejected me. I believed it wise to leave before something bad happened. "Up to you three if you'd like to come."

"I want to stay." Scootaloo said.

"Me too." Sweetie Belle said.

"Ah want our friend to stay with us." Apple Bloom said.

We reached an impasse, so Princess Celestia and myself discussed the options.

The fillies were given three choices. They could stay with the princess in Sanctuary, stay with me on Earth, or they could go back and forth, staying in both places.Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo looked at each other. After a quick discussion, they came to an affirmed agreement. They picked Princess Celestia's third option.

After dinner, I gathered my laptop from my bedroom, and then smiled at each of the ponies before I left for the main entrance.

"Sure ya don't wanna stay here? Any-pony in their right mind would be downright foolish to reject a place like this." Apple Bloom said, standing at the entrance.

"I'm sure. You coming along?" I said.

"Yea, I drew the short straw -- I mean, heh, that is to say, I don't mind going with you back to your house. It's nice." Apple Bloom said, ending with a nervous laugh.

I patted the filly on the head. "It's alright Apple Bloom. I just feel it best to head home right now."

All of that happened a little over half an hour ago.

It's hard to say who is keeping an eye on who at this point. What is certain, Apple Bloom isn't angry at me, but she's not happy either.

"You ok there, Apple Bloom?" I said. The filly had laid down on the wicker couch near the computer area.

I'm so, so sorry Apple Bloom. Despite its namesake, Sanctuary doesn't feel like a sanctuary to me. It doesn't feel safe.

"Yea, Ah'll be fine." She said, letting out a slow sigh. The filly tossed and turned several times before she stopped. "Mind if Ah ask ya a question?"


Apple Bloom hopped off the wicker couch, crept toward me, and sat down. "Do you hate Sanctuary?"

"I could never hate Sanctuary." I said.

"Then why in Equestria do you not want to be there?" Apple Bloom said.

"The first time we went with Princess Celestia, it was indescribable how wonderful Sanctuary looked, how it felt. I mean, being 100% honest, there were just no words to describe how it made me feel, but right now, I'm not getting that happy 'vibe' from Sanctuary. It feels dark, like Sanctuary itself is angry at me." I said. I didn't know how to tell Apple Bloom how I felt. It took me a few moments, and I said, "I know this is awkward, but you ever get a sense for things? I mean, it's similar to when you know something is off in a place you've become accustomed to in your life, you get this instinct about it. Sorry, guess I'm not giving a good description."

Apple Bloom shook her head. "Naw, ah get what yer sayin'. Somethin' was outta place in Sanctuary. Made ya feel downright uneasy. Now, Ah gotta ask ya the same question. Ya ok there? Look tad on the nervous side."

"That obvious, huh?" I said.

"Well, your arm is twitchin'. Only time ah saw that is when those police officers came over." Apple Bloom said. She placed a soft hoof on my arm. "Worried about the others?"

Even on earth, things felt silent.

Cars going by the house, helicopters flying overhead, planes taking off from the airport about six miles down the road, I heard all of it, and it didn't register.

"Yea, I am." I said.

"Know we just left but, if you're worried, how about we go back and check on the others." She said.

The little filly was right. A part of me was worried about the others. We'd been home for just a short amount of time and I already felt uneasy for leaving. Who knows, maybe I'm just screwed up in the head.

I'm taking a moment to chill for a second and type this entry up, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to check in on the others. Once I take the moment to type this up, I'm going to grab something before we leave. It's something I hope I don't have to use.

In the beginning of this entry I spoke about fear. Right now, I'm scared. I'm downright terrified to the point I'm just a little toddler ready to mess themselves. What I will do is swallow that fear and make it fear me because I'm not allowing harm to come to Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, or Princess Celestia.

Well, as the saying goes, "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread."

---End Entry---

>>>July 3rd, 11:59 pm<<<

The portal won't work.

How do we get back? I've been trying to use my watch non-stop to open the portal. Nothing works! Apple Bloom's crystal won't work either. Not good, this is not good. I don't know what to do!

I need to focus. I need to calm down. Ok, think. How can I --

---End Entry---

July 4th

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>>>July 4th, 4:28 pm<<<

"Ah don't feel right." Apple Bloom said. The filly, at one minute till midnight, had placed her hoof on my hand. If there is a word stronger than melancholic, Apple Bloom had that look on her face. In a soft voice, the weathered filly said, "Ah... feel cold, and mah cutie mark doesn't feel right. We gotta get back to Sanctuary."

Though Apple Bloom said that, she knew our attempts to force the portal open had been futile. My watch and her crystal were just baubles, which made no sense. Neither item needed recharging like some stupid battery powered piece of garbage. Apple Bloom's butt pager going off didn't help matters either. Though, to be polite, it should be said her cutie mark glowing/pulsing added to the frustration.

"We gotta think of somethin'." Apple Bloom said.

That's why I searched through the notes on my laptop. My memory might as well be made of Swiss cheese, yet I knew there had to be a clue, some kind of hint in the previous notes. It nagged me to no end with the third time not proving to be the charm. All that existed in the notes were the whinny rants of a pathetic excuse for a human, selfishly complaining about their problems.

I placed my hand on the filly's withers. "We'll find a way back to Sanctuary, Apple Bloom. I know it."

"Can Ah help with somethin'?" Apple Bloom said. Two moments later, the laptop's screen displayed on the TV in the study, walls of text scrolled. There pages upon pages notes to scroll through. Each time we hit the bottom, the next file was opened. We neared the end. Soon, in a firm tone, Apple Bloom said, "Go back. Go back.... Stop. There. Right there," Apple Bloom pointed her right hoof inches away from the TV, "ya said somethin about usin' your watch to get to the garden?"

"My watch? What's so special about my watch?" I said. I looked at my wrist, and then at the notes. Apple Bloom's second set of eyes found the answer that eluded me. My silver watch held the potential golden ticket, but it was an incredible long shot. Two problems popped into my head. The first involved the notion of needing Princess Celestia near me to use the 'magic' in the watch to get to the garden. Second, what inhibited the portal to Sanctuary may or may not have influenced the watch's power. We were out of option. "Ok, just give me a second to get ready."

At my request, Apple Bloom remained out in the study. She didn't need to see what I kept in the top drawer of the dresser in my room.

"Are ya ready?" Apple Bloom said as I came around the corner.

I took a slow, deep, deep breath, and then exhaled. "..."

"Ya say somethin?" Apple Bloom said.

"Just a few silent words." I said.

"Magic words?" Apple Bloom said.

"Maybe." I said. I'm not a pious person, but I guess one doesn't need to be in order to have hope or say a few words in hope. "Ok. Let's get this show on the road."

Apple Bloom tapped the watch, "Will ya be ok?"

"Ya, I'll be fine." I said. I patted the filly on the head. "Apple Bloom. Thanks for being there for me."

"Hmm?" Apple Bloom said.

"Been a long time since it felt like someone cared about my wellbeing." I said. The filly smiled. "I don't know what will happen, but I'm going to give it everything I've got. You'll just have to hope Princess Celestia's work is still intact, and, I guess, I'll just need a little faith. Ok, hold on," I placed my hand onto the filly's withers after she latched onto my right leg, "I have no idea what will happen."

The waterfall, the lush trees, the serene beauty, I forced myself to envision the garden, down to every last detail.

I closed my eyes.

"... Wow! Ah forgot how beautiful this garden can be." Apple Bloom said.

No energy surged through my body, nor were there any weird sounds. It'd be akin to someone closing their eyes in their living room and opening them to see a garden. It all happened in an instant. To my dismay, or perhaps it would be better to say to my delight, the teleportation spell worked. It took a few moments before Apple Bloom's words hit me. "You've been here before?"

The water fall drowned out the filly's quiet words. Apple Bloom's eyes gravitated towards the ground.

"Princess Celestia, she gives you and the others therapy sessions?" I said.

Apple Bloom hung her head. She said, "Just me, as far as Ah know."

"No wonder she's so tired lately. That mare and I will have a few choice words when this is over." I said. I sighed. I popped the crick in my neck. "Whatever, time to focus on the matter at hand. Stick close and be cautious."

The water's glow illuminated the garden while faint starlight came in through the windows. Electricity permeated the air as the hairs on both of my arms stood on end. The garden's warning signs unheeded, the fools moved forward where angels would've feared to tread.

At the portal, Apple Bloom pressed her hoof against my right leg. My heart calmed, and the filly at my side gave a firm nod. She pushed a nearby rock towards the other side of the portal.

The garden, the lower floors, every bit of my bedroom remained intact, so we crept forward and out of my bedroom towards the hallway.

Scootaloo's room became the first target. Her room had several, crudely drawn pictures, well crudely drawn but decent for a child, strewn about the place. Each picture appeared the same as the last. They all had some pony figure with a multi-colored mane and tail in some kind of uniform. In the bedroom, the covers had been pulled down on Scootaloo's bed, yet the sheet underneath it remained untouched.

Sweetie Belle's room came next, and it had a stark contrast to Scootaloo's. Each object had been put away in an intricate, meticulous manner. On the table near her bed existed a single piece of artwork constructed from misc. art supplies. The collage depicted a mare surrounded by several equine shaped figures, which looked like mannequins. It seemed Sweetie Belle wasn't so different from Scootaloo as both of them had their idols, though Scootaloo appeared more like an obsessed stalker/fan than an outright admirer.

"Mind If I ask a question?" I said, closing the door to Sweetie Belle's room.

Apple Bloom's ears perked up.

"Why are all of you opposed to leaving Sanctuary? I mean, can't Princess Celestia just make a new home for you somewhere else?" I said.

"Would it be so easy to leave yer home?" Apple Bloom said.

"Touché." I said in a soft voice.

"Look, Ah know Princess Celestia can make us another place to live. But when she called Sanctuary our 'home away from home,' it, it gave me a sense of being back in Equestria. It just made me so happy. Ah don't want to lose mah home. Not again." Apple Bloom said. The filly stuck close. "It's not easy for somepony to lose their home. Right now, bein' away from mah real home for so long and fearin' Ah may never get back to the Apple Family farm, Ah kinda get a sense of how Twilight felt when she lost her home."

"Hmm?" I said.

"This big baddie named Tirek escaped from Tartarus and nearly destroyed Equestria. Though mah big sis, Twilight, and the others saved Equestria, Tirek destroyed Twilight's home." She said. The filly gave a weathered smile, and then sighed. "Can ya keep this to yerself?"

I nodded.

"Ya promise? Ah mean really promise." Apple Bloom said.

"Yea," I said.

"After me, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo earned our cutie marks, Twilight hosted a slumber party for us at her house. Durin' the slumber party, Ah got up in the middle of the night cause Ah heard somethin'. That night, Ah saw Twilight in her room. She had laid her head in her hooves, and then looked up. Twilight just cried while she gazed off towards Ponyville, like where her old home use ta be." Apple Bloom said. The filly shook her head. "Never told Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, or the others about it. Between you and me, Ah can't imagine how much weight Twilight's carryin', what she's been through. Ya know."

I rubbed the back my neck. Apple Blooms words clung to me. It is hard to imagine what this Twilight individual has been through in her life. Though I've faced a lot of adversities throughout my life, I'm thankful I never lost my home or what's precious to me about that home. "I can't imagine either. What helps her cope with all of it is the fact she has some good friends and family by her side."

"Sometimes the best thing to do is just to be there for your friends." Apple Bloom said.

It's easier said than done. You want to give your friends, your family the space they need while letting them know you're there for them. The right touch is the key, and I don't know if I ever had that right touch.

"Ok, you ready?" I said, the door opening without a sound.

"Why is it so dark in here?" Apple Bloom said.

"Here, take my flashlight." I said. The button clicked, I gave the flashlight to Apple Bloom.

"So, strange question here, but why ya got a flashlight with ya?" Apple Bloom said.

"No reason," I said. Yea, that's totally not a lie. It came off of the thing I got from my dresser drawer. "Ok you got the light -- holy crap,"I fell to the floor and scrambled backwards, "did Princess Celestia get turned to stone?!"

"That's Princess Luna, Princess Celestia's sister." Apple Bloom said. She scratched her head, "But... why is there a statue of Princess Luna in here anyways."

"Ya got me." I said, dusting myself off as I got up.

"Hey, there's Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart too. Princess Celestia even has a statue of Twilight." Apple Bloom said. The filly ran her hoof across each statue. "Did she make these herself?"

"I guess a picture wouldn't suffice." I said. Beyond the five statues, what astonished me is the fact nothing elaborate or opulent made Princess Celestia's stand out from Scootaloo or Sweetie Belle's room. You'd think with her being royalty, she'd have made something more regal. Whatever, my taste is about as high-class as ordering a two-dollar burger off a value meal. "Mind if I have my flashlight back?"

"Kinda small for a flashlight, I mean, compared to that other one in your bedroom on Earth." Apple Bloom said. She squinted at me, "What do ya have there?"

"Something that I probably shouldn't have brought, or perhaps something that wasn't needed." I said. I made sure to keep it out of sight from Apple Bloom. The filly didn't need to see it. "Anyways, I think we're done here. Let's check the main garden."

With the bedrooms done, the two of us went room-by-room, remaining together, while searching every inch of Sanctuary.

"Did they go back to Equestria?" Apple Bloom said. We stopped in the dining room. I knelt down. As the filly pressed her head into my chest, Apple Bloom, in a muffled tone, said, "Did, did they leave me behind?"

"No, they wouldn't have done that, trust me. You've got some awesome friends who would be there for you no matter what. Not to mention Princess Celestia doesn't strike me as the type of person, well, the type of pony who would abandon someone." I said. I patted Apple Bloom on the head, and she gave a quick "thank you" to me before the two of us continued forward. "Ok, trying to get our minds off things. I got a question for you. It's a little out of the blue here, so I'm just going ask about this house you mentioned. How big is Twilight's new home anyways? We talking like normal sized compared to my house, or something huge like Sanctuary?"

"Can we talk about that later." Apple Bloom said. The filly pointed down the hallway.

"Sorry." I said.

The memory Sanctuary's beautiful ambiance came back the closer we came to the entrance. From the marble floors and columns, and the majestic water fountain in the grand entrance, Sanctuary oozed royalty and regality. Above all else, what made Sanctuary unique is the fact it gave an auspicious sensation of welcoming all who entered. Every last bit of it felt wonderful. It's sad to say none of it existed when Apple Bloom and I came to a standstill. Ten steps away existed a place that would put many gothic fantasies to shame. Sanctuary had been turned into a dark cathedral that loomed over all who laid eyes upon it. With cliché purple flamed sconces floating close to the walls, half of me expected some organ pipe music to start playing.

The whole event started when a cold wave of darkness rushed by; the black mist appeared alive the way it raced down the halls, transforming everything in its wake. The hallway Apple Bloom and I had traveled down morphed into something that matched the style of the entrance.

"Sweetie Belle! Scootaloo! Princess Celestia!" Apple Bloom said, screaming at the top of her lungs. She struggled, "Let me go. Ah gotta, Ah gotta go find em."

"Apple Bloom, please, you have to calm down. I can't do this by myself. 'I' need you." I said. The filly wriggled loose. "What. Is that?"

Apple Bloom backed away, "It can't be."

Wisps of dark smoke emanated from dark stone ground. Each faint wisp merged into one another. The creature turned solid and took on the form of an equine. It's mouth opened. The dark entity let loose with an ethereal wail that resonated throughout the former beauty of Sanctuary.

The tall mare came to a stop ten feet away from us.

"Apple Bloom, don't. They don't have cutie marks. They can't be the others." I said as three silhouettes appeared behind the creature. The silhouettes twitched about in a disjointed manner.

The creature looked at the silhouettes, sneered at them, and illuminated its horn. The three shadows melted back into the floor.

"Apple Bloom..." a familiar voice said.

"Are they real?" Apple Bloom said. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Princess Celestia materialized from the darkness, off to the right of the creature. Apple Bloom looked at the mark on her flank then towards her friends. "We gotta help them."

"Go." I said. Apple Bloom dashed towards her friends, warning me not to mess with the creature. In all honesty, her warning wasn't needed. I remembered what the filly had told me about the princesses, how these alicorns held powerful magic. Princess Celestia was a freaking demigoddess from my understanding, if not a goddess. If this thing were indeed similar to Princess Celestia, she no doubt held the same kind of power. Perhaps the creature who stared me down was even stronger. If I can't even beat some stupid internet troll, how do I beat a deity? "I, I gotta..."

When the creature lifted up its right hoof, fear took hold.

I screamed. I retrieved the item from my waistband. I thrust it forward with both hands, my arms quaking.

I didn't even see Princess Celestia bolt towards me. Her gentle hooves cradled my hands. I only remember how she turned over my left hand, let go of it, and then examined my right. I yanked my right hand away from her, and then tore part of my shirt into a strip, wrapping it around the cut. Though I'd be fine, this creature from another world terrified me. In less than five seconds it did what would have taken a hacksaw well over five minutes. Hardened steel alloy had been cleaved apart like someone ripping tissue paper in half.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo charged towards me and Princess Celestia.

"Be brave my little ponies." Princess Celestia said. She extended wings. Her large, feathery shield blocked us as she faced the powerful creature. "The elements of harmony defeated Nightmare Moon. How are you here, sister?"

The creature flashed a wicked smile that exposed her fangs. Her pupils dilated, and then focused. A wicked glare and a sharp hoof pointed at us, the creature said, "I'll see to it you never betray me again."

The room went silent. The creature's horn started to glow in a dark light.

I latched onto Princess Celestia, "Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo. Grab onto me!"

"What are you doing?" The creature said. It gazed at us. Its right eye twitched. "Hugs? You're going to defeat me with hugs?"

I smirked. I closed my eyes. "Bye."

Swear I could hear that creature's scream resonate across Sanctuary.

"O man. I-I guess... heh, I guess there's a limit on magic, huh." I said, finding myself gazing up towards the garden's ceiling. It hurt to talk. It hurt to laugh. This had to be proof as to why humans never used magic, or why we stopped using. "Ok. Owe. Owe. Injured human here."

"I can't believe you pulled such a stunt. What were you thinking?" Princess Celestia said. She let out a loud, horse-like snort after levitating me onto her back. "When we get out of this, I'm giving you the most stern lecture imaginable."

That should have been my line, but, if I had to be both blunt and honest, I did pull one heck of a stupid stunt. The situation could have ended way, way worse than that weapon turned into a bifurcated, now worthless hunk of metal and scraps.

The garden's tranquility shrouded the danger that lay beyond its walls, for outside of the garden existed a nigh-unstoppable creature that rampaged throughout the once beautiful Sanctuary. Somehow, this thing from another world corrupted every bit of Princess Celestia's meticulous effort and magic.

The five of us stopped at a small, secluded area inside the garden.

"We'll make camp here." Princess Celestia said before she levitated me off her back. The princess acted as a sturdy, yet soft pillow, allowing me to lean against her after she sat down. "Apple Bloom, I cannot thank you or our friend enough right now. Your actions not only freed us, but have the added benefit of buying us precious, much needed time."

The campfire's light reflected off Apple Bloom's eyes. She rubbed a shaking hoof against her shoulder. "What's goin' on? How is Nightmare Moon here? Why is she here?"

"I don't know, Apple Bloom. Honest. One second, I was in my room, drawing the most awesome pony in all of... I mean, I was getting ready for bed, and then, BAM, instant darkness. Everything after that is just a blur." Scootaloo said.

"Same. Well, minus the drawing. I had everything ready, and that's it. The rest is blank." Sweetie Belle said.

"Like Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, I too have little recollection of what transpired before our capture." Princess Celestia said.

The fire crackled and popped. Shadows danced around by the fire's light.

"Sorry for believin' ya guys went back to Equestria without me." Apple Bloom said. She draped her hooves over her friends. "Cutie Mark Crusaders forever."

"Cutie Mark Crusaders forever, we always stick together." Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo said to Apple Bloom.

"Sorry," I said.

"For what?" Sweetie Belle said. The filly levitated another stick onto the small fire.

"Yea, you and Apple Bloom saved us." Scootaloo said.

"I did something rather stupid I kind of regret. Not to mention, I feel bad for going into your rooms without your permission. Feels like I violated your privacy." I said. Though I was told to not worry about the privacy thing, it did bother me. I don't like invading the privacy of others, nor prying into their lives. "I was kinda worried Princess Celestia had been turned to stone."

"..." Princess Celestia looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"That collection of statues in your room. Those five statues have a lot of detail in them. Mistook the statue of your sister as you." I said.

"Heh, you were scared, admit it." Apple Bloom said.

"Well yea, I thought she had been turned to stone." I said.

While Apple Bloom laughed along with her friends, Princess Celestia remained silent. Her blank stare would have unnerved the most hardened of hearts. For a second, the princess appeared as though she would let loose with fire and fury the likes of which would make a biblical plague seem tame, but her wrath never came. The princess just turned her gaze toward the stars and the blue orb amongst them.

"What do we do about Nightmare Moon?" Scootaloo said.

"I'm not sure, Scootaloo, and I fear humans do not possess the means to defend themselves against the nightmare we've unleashed upon their world." Princess Celestia said.

"Short of the 'nuclear' option, I'd have to agree." I said. Of course, even if Princess Celestia could conjure up Castle Bravo or Tsar Bomba, I wouldn't let her use either.

Princess Celestia turned her gaze towards the Cutie Mark Crusaders, "My little ponies, from the bottom of my heart, words cannot express the regret I have in knowing you must face this tribulation. Though I do not know how this has happened, I promise to protect you with every last ounce of strength and magic in my body. If I do fail in that endeavor," Princess Celestia knelt down near me,"you must promise me something."

"Hmm?" I said. The golden aura that surrounded Princess Celestia's horn moved onto my watch. "Whoa, I'm not leaving you to face that thing alone. I may be scared out of my wits, but I won't abandon someone."

"We aren't leaving either." The Cutie Mark Crusaders said in a strong tone. The three fillies put their right hooves forward.

The golden aura dissipated from around the watch. Princess Celestia raised her head. She didn't give her trademark, cheery eyed smile. The princess stood me up, and then towered over all of us. With a stern look she said, "If it weren't for the Elements of Harmony, there is no way in Equestria I could have defeated Nightmare Moon. Even if the slimmest of chances existed that I could have done it, there would have been dire consequences. Without the elements -- and my magic feeling drained -- there's no doubt I stand little chance against her. I can't," Princess Celestia's wings quivered, "I can't let all of you suffer because of my mistake."

"You've gotta believe in us." The Cutie Mark Crusaders said in unison.

Apple Bloom stepped forward from the group of fillies, "We ain't alicorns, but we'll think of something. Ah know we'll defeat her."

"Now how are you going to accomplish that task?" a voice said. The shadows lengthened. Two eyes appeared in the darkness. "Know what I think? I think it'd be most appropriate to leave the lot of you trapped like the rats 'you' are in a prison of Princess Celestia's design."

A dark blue tendril latched onto my wrist. It dragged me towards the shadows, on the edge of the clearing. The unknown entity squeezed to the point it felt like my bones would break.

"Let our friend go!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders said.

"Hmph," The creature said, causing the tendril to squeeze harder. She ripped the watch off my wrist. Her eyes locked onto the jewel inside. Red light, from the watch, gleamed off her exposed fangs.

"Give our friend back!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders said.

"Silence," The creature said, slamming her hoof down. She turned her back to the others while I dangled from her grasp. "You know how long it took to find all of you? I loathe hide-and-seek. Such a ridiculous, infantile game."

Princess Celestia's multi-colored mane flowed in the windless room. Each step she took caused heavy depressions to form in the solid stone beneath her hooves. She stopped and glared at the creature in front of her. "Release our friend. Now."

The creature leveled several tress around her before disappearing into ethereal darkness. "Ta"

"Please be ok, please." Princess Celestia said. She lifted up my shirt. "This is unthinkable. My sister never behaved this way to any-pony. Even as Nightmare Moon she never displayed this level of viciousness."

"She just. Got the key. Didn't she." I said between coughs. Princess Celestia placed me on the ground, folding up my shirt as a makeshift pillow. "What was that tendril back there anyways? It's like the one that attacked me in my dream."

"There is no visible injury, thank Equestria." Princess Celestia said. The glow around her horn faded.

I sat up and looked at Princess Celestia, "We've got to get the watch back before that thing uses it to get to Earth. What do we do?"

"Are you serious? 'What do we do?' is your reply. If it weren't for the shield I formed around your chest -- right now, 'you' will rest right there. Though you appear unhurt, I cannot be certain there aren't internal injuries." Princess Celestia said. She slammed her hoof into the ground. "Horse apples!"

"I guess that's a swear, huh." I said, seeing the reaction of the three fillies. It took some time, but I came to my feet. I grabbed my shirt off the ground. I placed my hand on Princess Celestia's back, "Listen, I know those three fillies are strong. You know it more than I do, but we must remember that Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, when it comes down to it, they are children. They'll lose hope if they see us breaking down."

Princess Celestia bit down on her lip.

"Look, we've got to be strong right now." I said. My body felt like a bag of cement after being bucked in the chest, tossed backwards like a ragdoll. I forced my legs to stiffen up. "Always remember, the only thing needed for evil to succeed is for good to do nothing."

"..." Princess Celestia raised her head. She placed a hoof over her mouth, and then the horse-sized pain in my butt snickered at me. "O my."

"Wow, and here I thought Spike's comic books had bad writing." Scootaloo said, trying to contain her laughter.

"Hmph, last time I try to make a speech to stir all of you up." I said. My legs gave out from underneath me, but Princess Celestia helped to steady my body. She helped put my shirt back on. "Whatever. I 'kinda' stand by what I said."

Above us, the Earth came into full view.

I could feel something ruffle the hairs on my head.

"Thanks." Princess Celestia said. The princess retracted her wing. She turned towards the fillies. "Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo. Get on my back. I'm flying us towards the portal."

"And me?" I said.

"You're injured, and 'I' want you to stay put." Princess Celestia said, and then she lowered herself to the ground. "However, you'd no doubt find a way to come after us. Not to mention there's no time to argue about the matter. All of us will find a way to defeat this nightmare."

I smirked.

In two wing beats, all of us were at the portal in the back. To our amazement, it was still intact.

"Hold on!" Princess Celestia shouted. She forced the portal to open. The princess bolted forward. Her passengers hung on for dear life. We raced down the hallway towards the entrance. "We must reclaim that watch. With enough magic, she will corrupt it. Just like. Sanctuary."

"What's wrong?" I said.

"Impossible," Princess Celestia said. Her continued to hang on for dear life. "Why did she take the watch? How did she know about the garden?"

"What?" I said. I tightened my grip. "What are you talking about? Do we even have a plan?"

The princess galloped at full stride. Her hooves pounded against the marble floor. Sconces, corridors, and doors raced by us.

"There's no mistaking it." Princess Celestia said. Her hooves dug into the ground. She screeched to a halt in the entrance. In a firm, regal tone she said, "Sanctuary, stop!"

The creature turned. "What did you call me?"

"Princess Celestia, that's Nightmare Moon. That's your sister, isn't she?" Sweetie Belle said.

"I didn't piece it together until now." Princess Celestia said. She stood firm, maintaining eye contact with the adversary in front of her. "Our friend was right. Sanctuary is alive."

"How can Sanctuary be alive?" Apple Bloom said.

I lowered myself off of Princess Celestia's back. The creature and I soon stood ten feet from one another. "It's not hard to believe Sanctuary gained some form of sentience. Princess Celestia poured her magic, her very heart and soul into this place. It's saddening to see --"

Princess Celestia shattered the spike that pinned my hand to wall. "How dare you, how dare 'you' hurt my friend!"

"I don't care." The creature said. Her eyes darted about. She scanned the floor. Two furious eyes locked onto our group. "What did you do with 'my' watch?"

"Your ticket is gone. It's teleported out of this place." Princess Celestia said. A golden aura enveloped her horn. A spectacular, frightening light-show ensued, for, in an instant, a brilliant beam of white, intense magical energy shot forth. As Princess Celestia and the creature clashed with one another, sparks erupted from their horns, lighting up the room. "Why do you hate us so much, Sanctuary?"

"How does it feel having your own magical energy drained and turned against you. How does it feel having your own power turned against those you care about." The creature said.

"Sanctuary, stop this. Princess Celestia cares about you. We care about you." Apple Bloom said.

"You lie," The creature pointed a sharp hoof at the filly.

"It's true." Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle said in unison.

"Shut up. Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut. Up! I will not be betrayed again. Not by you, not by this princess, and certainly not by that disgusting 'thing' you call your friend." The creature said after she landed with a loud thud. Spikes jutted forth from the ground as her horn began to glow, and then a dark void engulfed her. Two wings shot forth from the darkness. A powerful entity, one that controlled the very ground we walked on, came into existence. "I am not Sanctuary. I am Nightmare Sepulcher, and this place you love so dearly will be your tomb."

The spikes that surrounded the nightmare shot forth. Princess Celestia bolted into the air. She zigzagged. Sharp spikes rocketed towards the airborne target. Columns, walls, and other, misc., random object were damaged in the barrage. Each solid missile crumbled as it missed its target.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo dragged me to safety. The fillies hunkered down next to me in a small alcove.

"We've got to help out Princess Celestia." Scootaloo said. The four of us watched Princess Celestia forced from the air down onto her knees, sweat pouring from her forehead. The pegasus filly stood firm as the ground began to quake. Several small lights lit up the tiny alcove all of us took shelter in. Scootaloo glanced behind her. She pointed pointed her hoof at Apple Bloom and said, "Hey, why is your cutie mark still glowing?"

"Not just mine, Scoot." Apple Bloom said. Her eyes, along with Scootaloo's, began to drift. "Yours is glowin' too, Sweetie Belle."

Sweetie Belle, having propped me up, stood near her friends. "Feel that?"

"Yea," Apple Bloom and Scootaloo said.

The fillies emerged from the alcove. They put their right hooves down and forward in unison. The Cutie Mark Crusaders charged into battle. All of them gained enough moment that they raced along the ground, almost flying through the air towards their target.

Nightmare Sepulcher slammed into the back wall. The shaking stopped. The ominous creature snarled.

Princess Celestia gazed on in awe.

"It is by our bonds, by our friendships that we are not just Cutie Mark Crusaders. We are the sisters of Harmony, and we will protect those we cherish." The Cutie Mark Crusaders said in a unified voice. The three fillies held each other's hooves. A sphere of pure white light enveloped them. The sphere shot a beam of light towards Nightmare Sepulcher.

Princess Celestia ascended into the air. She entered the sphere and joined the Cutie Mark Crusader. "You're not a nightmare, Sanctuary. You're our friend."

"No. You're wrong." Nightmare Sepulcher said. A dark shield materialized around her. "I will not let you hurt me again."

As The Cutie Mark Crusaders and Princess Celestia gained ground, they lost it. Neither side relented.

I clutched onto the watch Sweetie Belle had lifted from the creature, having given it to me.

"Stop, don't get any closer. This magic could rip you apart." Princess Celestia said.

"Sanctuary, " I said while putting my hand up and yelling towards the corrupted mare, "I don't hate you."

"Liar." Nightmare Sepulcher said.

"It's true. Our friend told me how happy they felt when they first saw you." Apple Bloom said.

"You're both liars!" Nightmare Sepulcher said.

"Mah big sis is the element of honesty. Ah ain't lyin' about it." Apple Bloom said.

"Then why did that human reject me?!" Nightmare Sepulcher cried. Cracks formed in the dark shield. The glass-like fragments shattered on the ground. Tears streamed down the mare's cheeks. "Then answer me. If you knew I was alive, would it have changed anything?"

"No, it wouldn't have changed my decision. It wouldn't have changed the fact it frightened me to accept something, even if that something meant a friend." I said.

Nightmare Sepulcher's eyes widened. Her expression turned to that of melancholic acceptance as she closed her eyes and raised her head. What remained of the dark shield shattered on the marble floor. The beam of magical energy slammed into Nightmare Sepulcher. A powerful, blinding light radiated outward from the light that engulfed the corrupted mare. As the intense light vanished, so did the corruption. Sanctuary itself had returned to normal.

"Sanctuary... " The Cutie Mark Crusaders said. The fillies and Princess Celestia floated to the ground. A stone statue -- in the form of Princess Celestia -- stood in the creature's place. One-by-one, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo crept towards the statue. The three fillies hung their heads.

"Princess Celestia? Why does it feel like we lost?" Scootaloo said.

Princess Celestia hovelled towards the Cutie Mark Crusaders. She extended her wing, "I'm sorry my little ponies. This is a lesson no pony should ever learn, but there are times where even victory has its price."

Those words left me speechless. When my hand graced the statue's cheek, it didn't feel warm or alive. What stood in front of us was just another mundane item amongst the menagerie that Princess Celestia had created. All I could do was apologize in a silent voice. My ridiculous fear, my own stupidity blinded me, and that foolishness cost Sanctuary her life.

"Apple Bloom? Why is your cutie mark still glowing?" I said.

The ponies looked at each of their marks.

Princess Celestia turned around. "Get behind me. Now."


"What is that?" Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle said.

A dark mist radiated from the fragments of the shield that surrounded Nightmare Sepulcher.

"It won't end, not like this. I won't allow it!" The mist said.

"How can this be?" Princess Celestia said. She shielded all of us with her wings.

Two yellow eyes formed. The mist said, "Your interference cost me my host!"

"Answer me. How did this happen." Princess Celestia said.

"Hmph, if you must know, 'princess,' after my defeat at the hooves of the Elements of Harmony, I laid dormant till your dear little sister's delicious nightmare helped me recuperate." The mist said.

"But the Tantibus never made it to Equestria." Apple Bloom said.

"When the Tantibus ripped that portal open, all it took were those few, brief seconds to give me strength." The mist said. Its eyes narrowed, "Now, I will take what is rightfully mine, and without your precious elements, there's nothing to stop me. Darkness shall reign, forever."

Dark tendrils rocketed forth from the dark mist. Each one rammed into its target. The fifth and final tendril latched onto its victim. The ethereal vine constricted.

It felt agonizing to be lifted into the air, being at the mercy of this magical thing.

The dark mist squinted. Its tendril tightened further. "You 'filthy' human. You've cost me everything. I refuse to inhabit your body, and those ponies are being protected by some magical aura. If I can't regain what I've lost, I'll at least have my retribution on you."

"Let our friend go!" Princess Celestia said. As I squirmed, grasping at the tendril around my neck, she fired off a quick blast of magic.

"Ah, Ah, Ah, temper, temper. You're tapping into the embers of a dying flame, princess." The mist said. It turned its gaze back towards me, "Now, for my retribution. On the count of three. One -- gah!"

They say your life flashes before your eyes in critical moments. It happened when I fell from the mist's grasps. There had to be some guardian angel looking out for me when I landed on something soft. Things appeared hazy. I looked up and said, "Thanks for the save. Princess. Celestia?"

A soft wing had caught me, however, the wing had come out of the statue. Another one shot out from the statue's side.

"You will not harm my mother or my friends." The unknown mare said. Stone flecks fell to the ground from the statue. The unknown mare placed me on the ground in a gentle manner. Her horn emanated a strong light. Two halves of a sphere erupted from the ground, and then slammed against each other, encapsulating the creature. " You will 'not' harm my family!"

Princess Celestia moved on determined hooves towards her counterpart. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo stood between me and the two mares.

The gaseous entity ruptured the stone sphere. It slammed into Princess Celestia's magical barrier. Dark tendrils spilled over. The unknown mare pulled me out of the way. A divot formed where the tendrils slammed into the ground. Again and again the mist formed and reformed, only to be swatted away. It slammed into columns; it was flung against walls; the unknown mare thrashed it about and pounded the mist into the ground. Soon, the gaseous entity formed itself into the shape of a giant equine, which charged toward all of us.

"You witch. What did you do?!" The dark mist bellowed. The ethereal creature plowed into the watch Princess Celestia and the unknown mare had taken from me. Its ethereal hooves dug into the marble floor, scraping across the ground while being pulled into the watch. "Don't do this, please. You need to listen to me. They're all liars. They'll betray you."

"No. You betrayed me. You poisoned my mind." The unknown mare said. She stood firm with the others beside her. "You care for nothing but yourself. You're just a parasite. Dwell in darkness for all of eternity!"

No final scream nor do dramatic "no" happened. The silver watch fell to the floor where the unknown mare encased it inside a solid piece of dark crystal. Princess Celestia surrounded the crystal encased watch with a magical barrier.

Silence greeted every ear within that place, and, with that silence, the end had finally come. All of us endured one horrible nightmare. Between Princess Celestia's magic being drained and used against us, and that creature almost turning out my lights, it overwhelmed all of us. Reality hit hard in that quiet moment. After what I endured, after surviving that ordeal, all of it proved just how weak I am compared to every human on Earth along with proving how weak humans are compared to these super powered, dangerous equines.

"Did we win?" Scootaloo said.

"I think so, I mean I hope we've won. I'm beat." Sweetie Belle said.

"Feels like I went for fifteen straight hours buckin, haulin, and pickin apples in the field." Apple Bloom said.

"Yea, I'll second that, Apple Bloom" I said.

Exhausted, I sat hunched over on the ground. Apple Bloom collapsed onto her back. Sweetie Belle stood near Scootaloo, the pegasus filly helping her friend to stand up. When I looked up, I saw Princess Celestia and the unknown mare face each other. Aside from the obvious difference of Princess Celestia's flowing, multi-colored mane and tail, it felt like I was looking in a mirror; the unknown mare sported a silvery, marble colored coat with wings and a horn to match.

"...Daughter?" Princess Celestia said before her voice trailed off. She collapsed onto her flank. Her hooves pressed against her mouth.

The unknown mare closed her eyes and smiled. She lunged towards Princess Celestia's now open hooves. "I'm so, so sorry. The darkness, it just, it just took hold of me. I tried to fight it. Please don't leave me. I don't want to be alone."

"Don't cry. Everything will be alright. I'm here for you. 'We' are here for you." Princess Celestia said. Both of them shared the most tender, most clichéd mother-daughter moment if one could exist.

I rolled my eyes. Every tooth in my head ached. The sappy, disgustingly sweet made me want to gag, however, I'd take a sappy, happy ending vs. the bitter one that could have happened.

The unknown mare removed herself from Princess Celestia's grasp.

"So," Scootaloo said.

With some coaxing from Princess Celestia, the unknown mare came forward. She bowed, and then smiled. In a quiet voice, the unknown mare said, "Please, call me Sanctuary. I hope, I hope that we can still be... friends."

It must be some kind of natural sense for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Perhaps all of it had been ingrained in them by their big sisters who are the "Elements of Harmony," or whatever they called it. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo looked at each other. The fillies just smiled at Sanctuary. Each one moved towards her, latching onto their new friend.

The moment grew even weirder when a flash of light came from Sanctuary's flank. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo grinned while Princess Celestia appeared elated at the mark that appeared on Sanctuary's marble colored coat.

Sanctuary took the praise in stride while she stayed close to Princess Celestia. The mare smiled at her friends, and then looked at me. In a quiet voice she said, "Will you forgive me?"

"No." I said

Sanctuary hung her head. She said, "I see. I understand if --"

"Hey, why not?" Apple Bloom said.

"Yea, it's not her fault." Scootaloo said.

"That's not nice. You need to forgive her." Sweetie Belle said.

Princess Celestia, the ever protective parent, gave one nasty glare.

"If you three would let me finish," I crossed my arms, "I was about to say I will not forgive her 'because' there's nothing Sanctuary needs to seek forgiveness about. She had every right to be upset, and I don't blame her for that thing's actions." I said. Sanctuary received a nod from Princess Celestia before she came forward. The mare towered over me, being the same height as her mother. Sanctuary rested her head on my shoulder, wrapping a soft wing around me. My left hand shook, but it soon found its place on Sanctuary's soft mane. "In all honesty, I hope you'll forgive me. I'm sorry if I hurt you, Sanctuary."

For the briefest of seconds, I closed my eyes. When I opened them, I woke up, remote firm in hand, to the static of the TV in my room.

It's all so surreal. I remember how soft Sanctuary felt, how warm she felt. It's disheartening to say the rest is just a blur.

When I grabbed my phone and hit the button, and saw the display read 1:30 pm, time had eluded me. There's no way to tell how long all of it occurred. All I could do was gaze at my phone. There's a part of me that believed it to be a dream. Nightmare may be the more appropriate term. I half expected the whole ordeal to be a dream with the thought of alien ponies, nightmares coming to life, and being terrified out of my mind to be part of some massive hallucination, dream, or other illusion of the mind I'd either consciously or subconsciously conjured up. Though I thought that, the tear that crawled down the corner of my eye said otherwise.

There was another part of me who hoped all of it was real because my house felt so empty. After my mother passed away, there were times I stayed out of the house, having to force myself to come back. Those equines, those ponies gave me something special in my mundane little life.

While I gazed up at the ceiling, I watched the time crawl by on my phone. Two minutes came and went, so I got up and flung the covers off of me. It seemed the latter part of me got his wish. The light that came through the window, on Earth, illuminated something that stirred underneath the covers I'd tossed off to the side. Two hooves moved the covers aside, and then two eyes peered at me.

"Ow. Ow. Ow! Injured human here." I said. The teary eyed filly had lunged at me. If it wasn't Apple Bloom's strong hooves wrapping around me, it had to be her mane almost smothering me. "Uncle. Uncle. Uncle! Can't. Breathe."

"W-We thought," Apple Bloom sniffled, "we thought we had lost you."

"What are you talking about, Apple Bloom?" I said, finally released from the filly's strong grasp.

It took several minutes for Apple Bloom to compose herself. She leapt off the bed. "Wait right there, I'll go get the others."

Easier said than done since I had to hit the toilet, quick.

When I opened the door to the bathroom, my business finished and after washing my hands, three teary eyed fillies greeted me.

"No, wait. Wait. Wait!" I said. I held out my hands. The fillies knocked me to the ground. "... ouch."

"Thank Celestia you're alive." Sweetie Belle said.

"You scared the pants off of us. Well if we wore pants." Scootaloo said.

It seemed I was overdue for a long, long, long story behind what happened. The issue with that overdue story came from one missing, horse-sized pain in my butt, and, as of now, I'm still overdue for that story.

It's taken me quite some time to compose my thoughts for this entry. I needed a lot of time to write up the events of this day, night, or whatever it should be called. I hope the part of me that wished these ponies were real is happy. What an unbelievable nightmare. I'm going to have a bruise for sure after Apple Bloom gave me that death hug. Heh, unbelievable, getting a death hug from a magical powered, super strong, alien pony. Whatever. If I have to be honest with myself, not willing to admit it directly to these ponies, I'm kinda glad they're here right now. These ponies have given me something special in my mundane little life, a thing I can cherish. Not to mention that right now, I can't believe I'm gonna type this up, I don't feel so alone anymore. Thanks to these equines, the world doesn't feel so bad.

---End Entry---

July 18th

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>>>July 18th, 5:52 am<<<

Two weeks have passed, but it feels like two days. Although we won and vanquished Nightmare Sepulcher, she's left an everlasting impression on all of us. It'd be nice if this were some animated Disney flick. The heroes of the story reach the climax, conquer the big-bad enemy, and everyone rejoices while they dance to some catchy song, singing away their problems. Real life is much different. Not to mention it's far, far worse. Be it something small or more serious, none of us escaped Nightmare Sepulcher's touch.

Though the princess puts on a brave face, always smiling when she can, Princess Celestia confessed how she broke down in the garden. She started to lose hope when Nightmare Sepulcher ripped the watch off my wrist. It took everything within her to keep from breaking down when the creature injured me. The Cutie Mark Crusaders reminded the princess she serves as both leader and protector.

What good exists, if any exists out of this wretched experience, comes from the fact Sanctuary now has her own body vs. existing in some sea of darkness, trapped by an unknown entity. The mare could hear things, but she couldn't experience them. Sanctuary equated it to a person being tied down and blindfolded with no way to communicate. She's been rather down, and it's hard to tell why. I'm no mind reader, that's for sure.

"He-Hey, mornin'," Apple Bloom said, letting out a yawn as she came around the corner. The filly popped a crick in her neck. "Ya feelin' alright? Second time you've been up and at the computer."

"Yea. I'm just, I'm just having a hard time sleeping. That's all." I said. Be nice if the bruised ribs were the thing keeping me up. "I'll be fine."

"Sure ya feelin' alright?" Apple Bloom said. She came forward as I leaned down. The filly pressed her forehead against mine. "Welp, doesn't feel like ya'll are runnin' a fever or anythin'. Look, today, Ah mean not now but later today, you should really go and talk with Princess Celestia. She ain't mad. The princess is worried."

"Not right now." I said, my voice shaky and hesitant. Me and Princess Celestia aren't on the best of speaking terms right now. Not after how I treated her. "Is Sanctuary doing alright?"

"We could go and see for ourselves. Though, it is kinda early." Apple Bloom said. The filly shook her head. "How about ya go get some sleep. Ah promise to keep a lookout for things. Even if that portal to Equestria opened, ya'll know we'd say goodbye before we left."

I patted the filly on the head. She adjusted her bow.

Apple Bloom went into the kitchen, grabbed a drink, and sat down on the couch.

Man. I'm so tired. It's getting harder to hold my head up right now. Apple Bloom is right. I need to force myself to get some sleep. Nothing I say in these notes will change the past. There's no changing how I treated Princess Celestia. She didn't deserve it, but her words cut deep. I almost slapped her.

No matter how hard, no matter how desired, no matter how much it might be wished for in an individual's lifetime, a person cannot change history. History, for better or worse is written in stone.

---End Entry---

>>>July 18th, 11:52 am<<<

There's no such thing as beauty sleep, not for someone like me. I don't look at myself in the mirror because I don't want to see that ugly mug of mine, especially a tired one. I'm running out of things to keep myself occupied. I've watched online videos. I've listened to music. I've leaned back in my chair. I just need to snap out of it and write these notes. What's done is done, and it won't change.

So, about four days after Nightmare Sepulcher's defeat, Sweetie Belle came through the portal to trade shifts with Scootaloo. Each filly decided to take turns to keep an eye on me. In my stupidity, I got the brilliant idea to visit Sanctuary in, well, Sanctuary.

"Sorry to use you like a key," I said while standing next to Sweetie Belle.

"You don't need to apologize," Sweetie Belle said. The filly rolled her eyes. "Why are you so nervous anyways? Princess Celestia said she just wanted to talk."


"You're more nervous than Fluttershy." Sweetie Belle said.

The filly took my hand and placed it on her back. After I took a deep breath, we moved forward.

"I doubt anything bad will happen." Sweetie Belle said. She waved, "Hey Apple Bloom. Hey Scootaloo."

"Where's Sanctuary?" I said.

"My daughter is resting, which is what you should be doing." Princess Celestia said, coming from behind Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. She nodded towards Sweetie Belle, the filly running off to join her friends. The princess stepped forward. She stopped within arm's length of me. "I did tell Sweetie Belle our little chat could wait. You may return home, if you like."

I pointed at my left wrist being minus a watch. "I know it's eight in the morning, but, anyways, I'm up. So, what did you want to talk about?"

Princess Celestia faced the hallway, and then led me towards my room.

In the calm, quiet garden, several flowers had been planted in a little secluded spot. The gentle light from a nearby crystal illuminated the flower's petals. If not for the awkward image of the Earth overhead, the garden could be something out of a fantasy, one that would help melt away the world's woes and stresses.

"Please, come. Sit." Princess Celestia said. She sat down on a large pillow near an elegant table with a chair next to it. The princess refused the chair, preferring I sit in it. She poured the two of us a drink. "Between you and me, those three are a true blessing. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo have helped Sanctuary in so many ways that I cannot thank them enough."

"So," I rubbed my neck, "you wanted to talk about something?"

"Right to the point, and, yes, I did. It's a matter concerning my daughter." Princess Celestia said, ending in a low, dulcet tone. The mare cleared her throat. "Actually, it concerns you as well as my daughter. It relates back to your 'breakthrough' moment during one of our sessions."

In that moment, nothing prepared me for what Princess Celestia was going to say.

"Such a frightened expression, and here I thought you could face down any demon after dealing with Nightmare Sepulcher." Princess Celestia said. She sipped on her drink. The princess placed the cup on the saucer. "First, do you remember how we came to your world?"

I placed my cup on the table. "A little. It involved some crystals from Hel -- I mean, 'Tartarus.'"

"That is correct. At this point, what I say is only from the purest of speculation, so, for right now, take it with the heaviest grain of salt." Princess Celestia said. She seemed to gaze at the reflection in her cup. "To get to the heart of the matter, being rather blunt, I believe there may have been a small portion of residual magic surrounding me, perhaps dwelling inside of me from those crystals that brought us here. It is possible Sanctuary siphoned off the... 'yin' to the 'yang' of my ability to speak using my mind, and I theorize that you collapsed because of the power my daughter possesses."

I remained silent, hands in my lap.

Princess Celestia's eyes grew soft, almost having a teary eyed expression. "Sanctuary told me something."

"What did she tell you?" I said, squinting at the princess.

"You've had horrible nightmares ever since your mother's passing." Princess Celestia said. I never saw the princess come towards me. All I felt was the princess place a gentle wing over my right shoulder. "You pulled the plug on your mother."

My hands tightened. They clenched to the point my fingernails dug into the skin of my palms. I'll never forget those words. I'll never forget how she said it.

"It's weighed heavily on your mind." Princess Celestia said.

Those two hands of mine couldn't have been any colder if I submerged them in liquid helium. In a stern, calm voice -- controlling my anger the best I could -- I said, "You had --"

"From the bottom of my heart, I'm so, so sorry." Princess Celestia said.

"-- I'm leaving. I'm leaving right now." I said, pushing Princess Celestia's wing aside. I stood up. I marched towards the elevator. My hands remained clenched as I marched down the hall towards the entrance where I thrust my hand forward to open the portal, to no avail. "Let me leave, now."

"What's happening?" Sanctuary said.

"Yea, what's going on?" Scootaloo said.

"I'm leaving." I said. I maintained a firm gaze towards the water fountain.

"I understand. I'll send you home." Princess Celestia said.

"No," I turned and pointed a stern finger at the princess, "don't you dare. Don't you 'dare' come near me."

Sanctuary and the three fillies looked at each other with puzzled expression. Princess Celestia backed away. I didn't want any part of her ridiculous sympathy, nor her faux kindness.

"Um. Ok." Scootaloo said. She came forward. The two of us went through the portal and arrived on Earth. "Mind telling me what in Equestria that was about? That wasn't nice."

I shook my head. "Now isn't the time, Scootaloo."

"What's going on?" Scootaloo said.

"Just, just go play with Sanctuary and the others. I need some time." I said.

"With all that we've been through, how can you just push us away? How can you push away Princess Celestia?" Scootaloo said.

"Please," I held up my hands, "understand. I need. Some time. To think." I said, putting my hands down. I looked at the filly, "You've done nothing wrong. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle haven't done anything wrong. The same goes for Sanctuary. I just need some time to myself right now."

"Fine. Be that way!" Scootaloo said. She slammed her hooves into the concrete floor.

I turned around. Two small horseshoe shaped indentations were left in the concrete floor.

I slammed my fist against the nearby concrete wall. Again and again I hit it. The pain got through, on the fourth or fifth time, and I stopped.

It'd be nice to lie. It would be nice to lie and say it happened so long ago it doesn't bother me. To be blunt, I want to lie and say it never happened, but I know a lie won't erase anything. It won't erase what the doctor told me, nor how I cried myself to sleep. The time would come where I had to make a choice.

Mom, you told me those happy memories would help me through the worst in life. You told me to remember the happy times we shared together as a family, but I can't. I can't remember them. All I can remember are those few, precious, last minutes we shared before you passed away, before I pulled the plug.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

---End Entry---

>>>July 18th, 6:05 pm<<<

"Have you taken your time?" a voice said.

It seemed I had fallen asleep at my computer. My red eyes reflected off the gold crown atop that familiar head.

"I never meant to hurt you." Princess Celestia said. She rested her chin on my shoulder. "I hoped our friendship had reached the point where we could openly trust one another. When you are ready, we are all waiting for you."

My hand latched onto the golden neckpiece Princess Celestia wore. The princess didn't freak out. She didn't struggle. The princess just calmly stood beside me.

"Please, tell me. Why am I so alone?" I said, fighting back my tears.

"You're not alone." Princess Celestia said.

My hand landed against the chair after I relaxed my grip. "Then why? Why does it feel like I'm destined to be alone? I hate this feeling. I hate being alone. I hurts."

"What you need is somepony, someone you can speak with on this matter. Another one that can sympathize with you. I'm sad to say there is somepony right here that knows what it means to lose loved ones." Princess Celestia said. She sat down and turned her gaze toward the door leading into the study. A pink bow peaked around the corner. Soon, Apple Bloom came and sat beside the princess. "It's ok if you don't want to talk about it."

The filly shook her head. "It's alright. Ah don't mind."

"Apple Bloom?" I said.

"It hurts, don't get me wrong, but Ah am glad to have mah family and friends there for me. Granny Smith. Mah big sis and big brother, Big Macintosh and Applejack. Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo. There's also you, Sanctuary, and Princess Celestia. It helps out a lot." Apple Bloom said. A tear crawled down her cheek. The filly wiped it away. "There were times, there are time Ah wish Ah could remember my Ma and Pa's voice. To know what it felt like to be with em. Only know what they looked like because of the pictures hanging in the hallway at the farm house. Always wonder if Ah will ever make 'em proud. Ya know."

"... yea." I said.

Apple Bloom smiled as if she were trying to hide her sadness. "Ah, Ah want to go home. When are we gonna go back?"

Princess Celestia placed a gentle hoof over the filly, bringing her closer. "I'm sorry, my little pony. I don't know."

"Apple Bloom, if, if you ever need to talk about things, I'll listen. I promise." I said, placing a gentle hand on the filly's back. Apple Bloom took a tissue and wiped her tears. The filly sat beside me, and then said she'd hold me to that promise. I looked up, "No, I'm fine. I don't need a box of tissues... gah."

"Sorry, it's just so beautiful to see the two of you like this, helping each other out." Princess Celestia said, bonking me with the box of tissues.


"Hmm?" Princess Celestia said.

"I'm sorry. You didn't deserve to be treated that way." I said. My hands remained at my side. "Sorry if I stormed off. I'm sorry if I hurt you. It angered me to hear those words because that's how my 'relative' phrased it. Instead of treating me like family when my mother passed away, she treated me like trash. That so-called relative of mine talked down to me. Now that I look back on things, it always feels like she did that to me. It felt like I was some psych patient to scrutinize vs. being family. I don't hate her. I loathe her for treating me like I'm less than human, for taking advantage of me when I asked for help."

"I think it's best if we speak about that at a later date, among other things." Princess Celestia said. The princess gave a gentle smile, "I accept your apology, my friend."

For a second, I believed the princess offered me a tissue. Though, the closer I looked, it appeared to be a box with a bow on it.

"This is from all of us." Princess Celestia said, placing the box onto the desk next to my laptop.

"Your birthday is today, isn't it?" Apple Bloom said.

"Actually, it's coming up, but it isn't today." I said.

"Aww shoot, I thought we had it." Apple Bloom said.

"Are you sure it's ok? Do I --" I said.

Princess Celestia used her wing tip to keep me from finishing the sentence. "A gift is a gift. Never, ever forget that, my friend. This is from all of us. Happy 'early' birthday."

The princess retracted her wing, and I remained silent.

I don't know how to describe it. Though the house was silent, it didn't hurt. For the first time in quite some time the silence didn't hurt. The moment felt enjoyable when I held the box; it had a pattern of stars on it with a dark blue ribbon, almost royal blue on its top.

The lid came off. White tissue paper obscured the box's contents. With the white tissue paper removed, the item inside glistened in the light of the setting sun.


"We all chipped in. Sweetie Belle made the initial design. Me, Sanctuary, and Scootaloo helped find the materials for it. Princess Celestia added the final touches before she built it." Apple Bloom said.

"I know how much that silver watch meant to you, being a gift from your mother and all." Princess Celestia said. She had a gentle tone to her voice when she said, "Your mother is proud of you for who you are and what you've done. I know she'd be proud to hear how you've helped us in our time of need, gave us shelter and kept us safe."

"..." I couldn't find the words. Instead, I got up. My dried eyes reflected off her crown. I placed my hand around her. "Thank you. The same goes to you too, Apple Bloom," I placed a gentle hand on her head, "I love it."

I sat back down in the chair, gazing at the box while Apple Bloom and Princess Celestia whispered to one another.

Princess Celestia placed her wing over the box. She gave a sly wink. "I believe in you and your potential. All of us do. Let no-pony, let no-one tell you there isn't potential inside of you. And right now, I believe you need a confidence booster, so, let me introduce you to something rather special. It's more than just a key to Sanctuary and the garden. You will wait --"

"What do you call it?" I said.

"You'll wait for me to train you on how to use this watch, understand." Princess Celestia said. The princess had a firm tone in her voice. The watch must have possessed something more powerful the first incarnation. She removed her wing that covered the box. "I didn't think to give the watch a name."

"Can ya really name a watch?" Apple Bloom said.

I smirked. "I've got the perfect name."

I covered the box back up. As all of us went through the portal, arriving on the other side, I knew what to call it.

"Thanks for Equanimity. It's wonderful." I said, smiling at my friends.

Sanctuary, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Princess Celestia had quite the party planned, however, as the saying goes, all good things come to an end. The time came and went for the little party, despite it lasting for almost an hour.

Now, now I'm back in my bedroom, ten minutes after the party ended. One would feel like of it was a dream. What keeps me going, what makes me happy right now comes down to two facts. I'm in my bedroom -- on the moon -- next to a garden, and I have a one of a kind watch that's on my wrist. Equanimity feels a little odd though. It's cold, but not an unpleasant kind of cold.

I guess I'll end this entry here. I'd like to list Sanctuary's little party trick/stunt she pulled on her mother, but I'll save that for another entry. Still laugh how she freaked out her mom by turning into a giant, heh.

Mom, I know it'll take time. It won't be easy, but I'll get through it. What makes it worthwhile is that I have some real people, well, ponies that I can trust. Talk about one weird, but awesome miracle.

---End Entry---

September 20th

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>>>September 20th, 9:52 am<<<

They say your life flashes before your eyes when the time comes. Almost two months ago from today, two days after I received my new watch, it felt like the time had come. All it took was a simple thought, a quick laugh, and a little snap of the fingers before that undeniable chill raced down my spine and shook me to the core. I'm not the only one who freaked out.

Princess Celestia, Sanctuary, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were relaxing in the main garden when I splashed down in the pond, the water stinging like no tomorrow. The princess had the bright idea, perhaps a bit of foresight, when she made that pond a good twenty to thirty feet deep. It boiled down to dumb luck, pure and simple dumb luck.

Cold and missing my clothes, dragged from that frigid pond, I shivered on the grass. Princess Celestia disappeared then reappeared a few moments later, towel in front of her. It must have been a rare treat for a princess like her to see a naked, hairless creature shaking in fear in front of her, however, Princess Celestia never laughed. Not once did she laugh, nor did she scold me. She looked at me with those same kind, calm eyes of hers before draping the towel over me, which prevented me from ripping the watch off my wrist.

The princess walked me to my room.

Out of the shower, some fresh, clean, dry clothes on, my wet clothes in the basket, I was asked to return to the garden, and, when the two of us returned to the garden, Princess Celestia assured the others everything was alright. The night that followed wasn't alright since I spent three-quarters of it quivering in my bed, despite the watch resting on the nightstand near the bed. If I had to guess, I got two, maybe four hours worth of sleep.

"Are you ready?" Princess Celestia nudged me the following morning, three days after receiving my new watch.

"For?" I said, having yet to clear my throat.

"Please follow me, and I will show you." Princess Celestia said. She levitated the watch off the nightstand and placed it on my wrist. The princess gave a melancholic look whenever I tried to return the watch. Soon, the both of us came to the garden used for my "lessons," if they could be called lessons. The princess sat me down in front of a small, dark grey plate that rested on top of a brilliant white stone. Her right wing outstretched, its tip pointed at the plate, Princess Celestia said, in a calm voice, "I want you to focus on that small grain of rice."

Yup, two months have passed, and that stupid grain is the bane of my existence. Day-in and day-out I've focused on that worthless white speck. I don't know if I'm jealous or envious, but I am one of those right now. Sweetie Belle and Princess Celestia don't seem to have my problem. They can just think about something, their horns light up, and they almost command that something to happen. I can't move a small grain of rice but, no exaggeration, Sweetie Belle can lift a fifty-pound bucket. Princess Celestia could move a mountain without breaking a sweat. I know Apple Bloom can't use magic like Sweetie Belle, yet she has raw, powerful talents no human cold ever match. Though I say all that, not everything is good news as of late.

Scootaloo, she's, she's... it's heartbreaking. I remember how the pegasus filly had no problem flying when she first came here. She flew, buzzed about, and raced through the air to her heart's content. It filled her with so much joy.

Things took a turn for the worst about three weeks ago. Scootaloo fell out of the air during one of her sessions with the princess. After she fell out of the air, the little filly couldn't get airborne again. Princess Celestia grounded her till she can understand what happened. Of course, that hasn't stopped Sanctuary from giving Scootaloo free rides around the garden, in secret of course.

"Scootaloo, my little pony, please remember that be it an ant rolling a stone up its mound or a baby learning to walk, all efforts will be rewarded in time." Princess Celestia said to the disheartened filly about four days ago. She patted Scootaloo on the head with her wing. The princess glanced at me. She smirked, and then walked off.

Princess Celestia's pearls of wisdom reminded me of my mother's own insight when I started cooking for the first time.

"No one starts out an expert. We all start at the beginning."

At this point, I just hope Scootaloo's efforts "will" be rewarded. It's starting to make me wonder if Scootaloo will ever realize her dream. It's sad to say not every human, not every individual gets to realize their dreams. As bitter as it might be to swallow, we all have to face a cruel reality. All of it is made even sadder when a child has to face such a thing.

I guess that's my break time. Thirty minutes just flies by -- o, bad choice in words.

Anyways, maybe I just need to focus more to move that grain of rice without using my hands. Another thing I'm wondering is it'd be appropriate to pop that question today or not. Might be best to wait a bit.

---End Entry---

>>> September 20th, 12:20 pm<<<

Nope. The grain of rice didn't move. There's not a hole deep enough in the world for me to hide in after that incident. Grain of rice +1. My level of embarrassment +11. I'm also embarrassed to say Princess Celestia has given me the rundown, no exaggerating, fifteen times on magic kindergarten lessons. Lessons. That. Tiny unicorns learn. Tiny unicorns, like children who are three and four years old.


"I apologize if my instructions seemed vague. I just wanted you to focus on the grain of rice, not try to move it with magic." Princess Celestia said. She gave a quick smile at the defeated human who looked up to her, my face reflecting off her eyes. The princess came in close and said, "Focus on what you have obtained, instead of what you have yet to obtain, and, for now, just focus on the grain of rice. That's all that I am truly asking of you."

I have to remind myself, begrudgingly, that Princess Celestia is right. Effort will be rewarded in time, and it's good to say things are beginning to feel more natural. I must admit, there were times I failed to teleport to Sanctuary with my old watch. There's no doubt I looked like an idiot standing in that closet. Not to mention I was bound to said closet near the water heater when I wanted to go to Sanctuary. Now I just think about Sanctuary, snap my fingers, and I'm there in a flash.

To give an updated report in these notes, all of us have improved.

Apple Bloom's talents have really blossomed . That filly has raw, powerful talent no human could ever hope to match. Now that talent is being honed to a fine razor edge since she's strengthened her body and mind. Thanks to Apple Bloom working her proverbial tail off, Sanctuary has a flourishing garden of various fruits and vegetables. Sweetie Belle is no slouch either. When the unicorn filly first arrived, she struggled to lift a broom when it came time to do chores. Her magic has flourished to the point she can utilize her power in conjunction with Apple Bloom's skills to maintain the garden. Sanctuary is another success story where she's gained control over her talents with each passing day. All of us once feared the idea of just brushing up against her lest we be rendered unconscious, well, all of us except Princess Celestia. I'm glad to say Sanctuary has reached a point she can us a hug without putting us to sleep, or worse.

As for Scootaloo, I'm not sure, however, what I am sure of is that I'm making a special note to watch my words around Princess Celestia. I do not want to spoil the little project I've been researching for the past week. If everything goes right, I hope to reveal my idea to Scootaloo later tonight. The whole concept of magic still baffles me, making the project tricky at best. I've tried asking Sweetie Belle about how she learned magic, how to levitate the grain of rice, and other questions. Those questions led nowhere. Sweetie Belle just said "magic is magic" to me before levitating a playing card off the table she, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sanctuary were sitting at in the garden.

When the Ace of Spades landed in my open hands, I just felt defeated.

I placed the card back on the table then snapped my fingers.

I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I just don't know anymore. What if my line of thinking is wrong. Perhaps magic isn't magic but an advanced form of science.

There is a rule, maybe in story writing or whatever, stipulating advanced science, really advanced science, cannot be distinguished from magic. It can be considered true, albeit to a limited extent. One such example would be a laser. Take any high-powered laser back to the middle ages, and those people would call anyone who used it a sorcerer, a witch, a warlock, or anything else under the sun to call a magic user. I'm probably barking up the wrong tree, again. As Sweetie Belle said, "magic is magic."

Whatever. If things go well, Scootaloo will never need my project. To be blunt, I hope she realizes her dream and never needs it. It'll be beyond heartbreaking to see someone like her having to deal with the cruel truth of reality where not everyone gets to realize their dreams.

---End Entry---

>>> September 20th, 4:15 pm<<<

"Just hold on one second," Scootaloo said. She darted to her room, and then returned. "Ok, ready."

"Look, I can do this in the other garden. There's no need for the Macguyvere'd gas mask." I said.

"Hey, I'm not taking any chances. Swear you killed the grass where you --" She said.

"Scootaloo," Princess Celestia said. She looked towards the ceiling of Sanctuary and sighed. "Let's try to forget that incident, for all our sakes."

"You're holding your breath." I said.

Princess Celestia gave a sheepish grin. "Ahem."

"Hmm?" I said.

"You've peaked my curiosity a bit. If I might inquire, how have you thought about using your magic?" Princess Celestia said.

I gazed at the grain, and then back towards the princess, my right eyebrow raised.

"Do you not remember what I said about your first watch? It, just like the crystals around the necks of those three, taps into the magic that already exists inside of you, acting as a mere focal point. Just as there are numerous colors to a rainbow, so can the same be said of magic." Princess Celestia said. The princess extended her wings. Her horn began to glow in a soft golden aura. The grain of rice rose into the air before it zipped around the princess. It flew around so faced it couldn't be seen, just heard. Princess Celestia slowed the grain of rice down, and then floated it back onto the plate. She walked towards the pond, turned, faced all of us, and said, "All that a teacher, all that a mentor can do is give you the key. You must be the one to know where and how to use it."

"Thanks Morpheus," I said.

"Hmm?" Princess Celestia said.

"Never Mind." I said. The world went still. I extended my hand. I focused, and then I stopped. After I retracted my hand, I looked at the grain in front of me. "I just... don't understand."

"You'll get it, I know it." Sanctuary said. She sat down on the grass beside me. "Mother is still teaching me how to use magic. Not to mention," Sanctuary looked towards Princess Celestia then back towards me, "I'm still practicing how to control my abilities."

I laid back on the soft grass. The crystals, embedded in the ceiling, emitted a soft light, reminiscent of the sunlight on Earth; they seemed to store the sunlight, and then emit it when needed to keep the plants alive.

"Can I ask a favor of you?" Sanctuary said. Her wings twitched. "Would you let me practice a bit?"

"Just don't make me pass out." I said, giving a quick shrug.

The pony smiled. She exhaled a calm breath. Her wing tip touched my forehead.

"Though you seem calm, something has been gnawing at you for some time." Sanctuary said. She closed her eyes, and then opened them. "You've got a. Question?"

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo came closer.

I placed my hands behind my head.

Sanctuary maintained her calmed breathing. The pony said, "You want to know if my mother would take you away."

"Take you away?" Princess Celestia said. She came closer. "Take you away to where?"

"Ah ain't psychic, but ah think our friend means take 'em with us back to Equestria." Apple Bloom said.

I pointed to my nose. In a calm voice I said, "Nice job, Sanctuary. You did well, and I didn't pass out, heh."

"I hoped this would be a place for you to stay, in your world. Is there something wrong?" Princess Celestia said.

"No. Sanctuary, it's wonderful." I said. The princess gazed at me. My right hand rubbed against my left arm. "Sorry. I'm just being selfish. Forget it."

"Why do you want to leave Sanctuary? This place is awesome." Scootaloo said.

"Scootaloo, there's more to it than you might think." I said. Sanctuary removed the tip of her wing from my forehead. "I hope you didn't feel that one."

Sanctuary stood up, and then moved behind her mother. She looked towards me. "You felt so cold, so afraid. Do you hate being alone that much?"

"I do." I said. I sat up. "As the saying goes, you don't know what you have until it is lost. I realize now what I had I'll never have again, ever. Not to mention, there's a fear many humans hold of passing away by themselves, and I'm one of them."

Apple Bloom placed a soft hoof on my arm. I patted the filly on the head.

"I mean, it sounds selfish when you first think about it, but, then again, things could be kinda lonely here when we leave." Sweetie Belle said. She and Apple Bloom sat down beside me. "It's not hard to imagine this place being lonely if you were the only pony, I mean, the only one here."

"I'm sorry if it's selfish, but, but please, could you give me an answer." I said.

"If I were to flip a coin a thousand times, how many times would it come up heads?" Princess Celestia said. I clenched my fists. The princess crept forward. Her eyes locked onto mine. I relaxed my hands. In a calm voice, Princess Celestia said, "Though we can survive in your world, I do not know if you can survive in ours. It would be devastating to take you to Equestria and have it be toxic to your health."

I sighed. Princess Celestia removed her soft wing from my shoulder. I stood up, apologized for being selfish, and I snapped my fingers, soon finding myself inside the bathroom of my house on Earth.

Right now, I'm not angry at Princess Celestia's choice. I'm more afraid than anything else. These five have given me something special. I just. Don't want to lose this happiness, not again.

---End Entry---

>>> September 20th, 8:15 pm<<<

I'm terrified, and, to be honest, I'm kind of excited, which, heh, might be a first. It's conflicting to say the least.

After we finished our dinner, I approached Scootaloo. She just cocked her head at me when I smiled at her.

I stopped her before she could go to the main garden and said, "Hey, you got a second."

"Yea, what's up?" Scootaloo said.

"I had a question about pegasi." I said.

"Ok... what's the question?" She said.

"Follow me." I said.

"Hey, you gotta warn a filly before you're going to teleport them." She said.

"Sorry," I said before I walked down the heavily trodden path, "I wanted to come to the other garden to test a theory of mine." Scootaloo scratched her head, and then followed me. We came to a stop at the tranquil waterfall. "If you're willing -- well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so, here, I kinda printed something up. Just a little idea I thought about for some time. It's something I thought might help you out."

"What is this? I don't know what you're talking -- O. My. Gosh. Are you serious?!" She said.

"Only way we'll know is to give it a shot. I figure it won't work for me, but it should work for you." I said. The filly snatched the paper from my hand. She grinned at me. Scootaloo pressed her hooves together. I rolled my eyes then snapped my fingers. Some art supplies retrieved, I snapped my fingers again and returned to the garden. Two feverish moments later, Scootaloo's wings buzzed. She hovered a few inches off the ground before touching back down. "Heh, I'm glad you like it. I hope this works out for you."

"Only way we'll know is if we try it out." Scootaloo said. The filly licked her upper lip. Her gaze narrowed. She squinted towards the distance. Scootaloo picked up speed. She raced forward, and then, take off. The pegasus filly flew into the air on a scooter made from cloud vapor. I guess it never dawned on her to make a cloud scooter.

I placed my watch on a nearby rock and watched Scootaloo fly about on her cloud scooter. Each time she whizzed by, I couldn't help but crack a slight smile. She may not be able to fly like others, but that doesn't mean she couldn't fly at all.

"Scootaloo, careful. It's still a prototype idea." I said. My eyes widened. My jaw dropped. Scootaloo lost control. She flew towards the ceiling. The scooter vaporized as it hit the rocky surface. I bolted forward, "I gotcha!"

"How? How did you get up here? How are we flying?" Scootaloo said.

"I, I don't. Know. I need to focus." I said. The princess had impeccable timing. She must have caught wind to our plan and appeared in the garden. "Please. Can you help get us down?"

Two seconds later, we found ourselves on terra-firma, well maybe it should be called moon-firma.

"What were you thinking?!" Princess Celestia said.

I dropped to the ground, gasping for breath.

"That. Was. Awesome. Our friend helped me make a scooter out of clouds. Rainbow Dash is gonna find it so awesome!" Scootaloo said.

"Quite." Princess Celestia said. I sat up. The princess raised an eyebrow. It almost sounded like she growled at me under her breath. She relaxed then turned her attention towards the little filly. "I think that's enough for today, don't you?"

"Aww..." Scootaloo said.

"It's close to bed time anyways." Princess Celestia said. She turned Scootaloo away from me. The princess pointed a stern hoof at me, and then pointed at the ground. Princess Celestia disappeared with Scootaloo then reappeared by herself. "And here I thought your foalishness with Nightmare Sepulcher would be most ridiculous stunt you've ever pulled. What you did was unbelievably reckless. Both of you could have been gravely injured, if not worse. You didn't hurt yourself did you?"

The longer I looked at Princess Celestia, the more unnerved I became.

"Are you sick? Why are you so pale?" She said.

"B-Be-Because..." I pointed towards the black stone. I looked at Princess Celestia and rubbed my left wrist. "How? How did I just do that?"

"Is that your watch? You didn't have it on the whole time you were floating there?" Princess Celestia said. She walked towards the watch, and then looked at me. "Unbelievable."

"Please, Princess Celestia. Answer me. How did I just do those things without my watch?" I said.

When I asked her that second time, she crept towards me, watch levitating in front of her. Princess Celestia said, in a nervous tone, "I, I don't know. I don't have an answer to what happened, and, what happened is beyond me. If I had not seen it with my own eyes, I would have said it was impossible."

As said, I'm both terrified and excited, yet that excitement has started to wear off real dang quick. Though I'm happy for Scootaloo, I'm frightened beyond belief. Somehow, I either teleported to her and levitated the both of us in the air without my watch, or moved towards her so quick it felt like I teleported and levitated us in the air.

What in blue-blazes have these ponies done to me?!

---End Entry---

>>> September 20th, 11:59 pm<<<

Ok. Ok. Focus. I've. I've got to focus.

Things just got a whole lot worse. It's taken two hours to calm down. There's no mistaking it though. It's gone. It's really, really gone, and yet, somehow, it isn't gone. Up to and past the elbow is gone, almost to the shoulder, and yet, I can still feel it. I'm still trying my best to calm down. These words don't make sense, probably won't make sense to me down the road, but what just happened defies all logic. I'll have to hide things till I figure this out.

I just have calm down.

If there's a bright side to all of this, I'm set for Halloween. I just need to sacrifice my leg and I can go as Edward Elric, or, worse costume choice, dressed as Buzz Lightyear who's dressed as Mrs. Nesbitt.

---End Entry---

November 1st

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>>>November 1st, 7:22 am<<<

My watch appeared frozen. Each agonizing second ticked by as the fillies, Sanctuary, Princess Celestia, and myself began our final preparations. Those agonizing seconds became agonizing minutes. When the watch hit five-thirty, we steadied ourselves and continued our the preparations.

Six O'clock came. They came.

The princess assumed her position. The others manned their stations.

"Welcome one and all," Princess Celestia bellowed to the crowd while she moved her mouth to mimic her speaking, "to your delight of Halloween fright this very night! From this princess to all of you, I hope your night is an especially spooky event."

I'd forgotten how many trick-or-treaters there could be in a single wave. It was unbelievable.

One trip to the store and $300 later, the six of us spent the past three days preparing the event, sometimes working late at night. Princess Celestia MC'd the event, thanks in part to that little animiomorphic spell of hers, and, it goes without saying, the princess looked quite the regal part. She had the crown, her neckpiece, an interesting white gown, and a royal looking staff... along with her wings and horn. Whatever. No one cared how she or the others were dressed. It was Halloween.

The whole shindig kicked off because a quartet of ponies popped the question on me at almost the last minute. I wouldn't have been so annoyed if they brought it up a little sooner. This was their first Halloween, so I didn't want to disappoint them even if it cost a little bit more than I would have liked. Props, candy, costumes, makeup, and such doesn't come cheap. Of course, I caved in to their request because the party served a dual purpose.

"So, what do you think, Sanctuary?" I said, visiting Sanctuary's booth in the backyard. Though the mare stayed near her table, you'd know she smiled and smirked underneath her mask. She obtained a small piece of her dream by being able to leave her namesake for two hours, sometimes up to five hours at a time. It's sad that she can't permanently leave it since any longer than that time frame and she starts to get a little on the woozy side. Still, all journeys start with a single step, to be a little philosophical about it all. "Are you enjoying yourself?"

"The sights; the sounds; the smells; it's more than I could have dreamed." Sanctuary said.

The kids came in, the CMCs had their fun, Sanctuary got out for the night, and Princess Celestia got to enjoy some time with the fillies and her daughter. That's what mattered.

When seven-thirty rolled around I looked at the princess, and then tapped my watch. She gave a firm nod to the others at their booths. A little kid with a tiara and a wand strolled through the yard and visited each booth. Princess Celestia gave the little one a quick hug before waving goodbye. With the little princess gone, the gate was shut. A quick snap of Princess Celestia's fingers cleaned up everything and caused her to return to her original form. Like all good things, their first Halloween came to an end. I found myself grateful the little shindig went off without a hitch.

As we went inside I turned off the outside lights, went to the bathroom, came back, and heated up some leftovers. Our little group sat at the table in my house on Earth.

"I know it was unkind to spring it on you at the last minute, but thank you for letting us have this party." Princess Celestia said after we finished our meal. She extended her wing and brought me in close. I returned the gesture in kind with the others coming in for the group hug. Heh, kinda sappy now that I think about it, but it did warm this cold heart of mine. "Time to get you home, Sanctuary. Your power is still growing, and I want you to get some rest."

"A promise is a promise." Sanctuary said.

"No groaning, young lady." Princess Celestia said. She turned toward the fillies. "Do you have something to say to our friend?"

"Thanks for the party!" The trio said.

"Heh, no problem." I said. I looked at the yard. "You're better than a cleaning service."

"It was awesome to get out and about like that, not feeling so cooped up." Scootaloo said.

"Yea, it was great! Ah can't wait ta divy up our spoils, heh heh." Apple Boom said.

"Right, there's a lot of sweet sweets here." Sweetie Belle said.

"Well, we need to get some sleep first, wouldn't you agree, Princess Celestia." I said, giving her a quick smirk. The princess agreed, causing the all-too-common sigh to follow from the three fillies in front of us. "I'll hold onto your stash. It's not going anywhere, I promise."

The yard secured, the house locked down, I had the others hold onto me. As part of my, ugg, training, I teleported the others back to Sanctuary.

Princess Celestia and I made sure the others went to sleep before we placed their treats on the table, the princess illuminating her horn. We needed to be safe rather than sorry, and it seemed our luck continued with no issues being found amongst their "spoils."

With the four ponies nestled in their beds, the two of us made our way to the main garden.

"So, now comes the ultimate question," I said while sitting at the table in Sanctuary's garden, "did 'you' enjoy yourself?"

"More than you'll ever know." Princess Celestia said. She sipped on her drink then placed it back on the table. I nibbled on a small turkey sandwich while the princess ate a banana. " Though small in comparison, that event made me feel like I was home, like I was back in Equestria celebrating my dear sister's Nightmare Night holiday."

The mare wiped away a quick tear before she gazed at the garden.

This place isn't their home. I wondered then, and now, if these little moments only cause pain for Princess Celestia and the others, reminding them of their home. Is it right to remind them they might never get back?

"Want a bite of my sandwich?" I said, shaking myself out of a daze. The princess shook her head in a soft manner. I shrugged. "Suit yourself. It still surprises me to this day you'd eat eggs and cheese, drink milk, and such things, considering, ya know..."

"Some don't eat eggs, drink milk, or consume anything animal related. It's all personal taste. Not to mention that all manner of creatures inhabit Equestria. Though I am a leader of Equestria, who am I to judge an individual's lifestyle." Princess Celestia said. The princess sipped on her drink, and then raised an eyebrow at me. "You don't eat ponies, do you?"

"Only if I'm super, super hunger." I said, making a pathetic growling noise.

"O my. I best prepare myself because you look famished." Princess Celestia said, ending with a polite chuckle. I laughed a little then drank some water. The princess looked at me, "Is everything ok?"

I threw my head back then removed my hand from my forehead, "Gah. I just, just, ugg.... I can't believe I'm an adult."

"Pardon?" Princess Celestia said.

"I guess it's more of a human joke than anything else." I said. I let out quick, loud, almost cackling laugh. "Humans just stumble around in life, all of us trying to play at the idea of being adults. It's why we sometimes call it 'adulting' in certain conversations."

"It's more common than you might think. I've had several of my little ponies realize the same thing, and, as sad as it is to say, there are times where it happens a little sooner than it should. However, we won't talk about such things. Not when such a wonderful event happened tonight." Princess Celestia said. She glanced towards me. "I meant to ask, how is your arm doing? Does it take that long for humans to heal?"

Her question went straight to the point. I placed my drink on the table. I placed my hand on my shoulder and said, "It depends upon the injury, along with other factors. I'm sure my arm is fine."

The princess gave a polite, quiet goodnight. When she left the garden, I looked behind me. I removed the faux arm I had made from an old Halloween prop. Even now as I look at this thing while typing this up, recounting what happened the day I lost my arm, it's so surreal.

I don't like the idea of lying to the princess. A lie doesn't solve a blasted thing. Not to mention all lies carry consequences. The ultimate truth is that I'm worried it'll cause the princess to feel guilty if she learns the truth, thinking she somehow caused this to happen, but there's another truth.

Right now, one can only wonder if karma has exacted her revenge, the toll being paid, or if she's got more in-store.

>>>November 1st, 12:39 pm<<<

"Pardon me, I'm coming in. I've brought some fresh towels." Princess Celestia said after a quick knock on the door. The word "wait" didn't even escape my lips till it opened. When the cherry-red colored door opened, the towels levitating in front of the princess hit the floor. Her eyes widened. Princess Celestia's mouth dropped. I grabbed a towel from the ground. "..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Ok. Just. Just wait, ok. Before you say anything. I'm ok, I'm -- no. No, no, no. Don't you dare," I sighed as the loud thud came to my ears, "don't tell me. Aww man, come on. Did you really just do that?" I said. The towel slid off my shoulder, exposing what remained of my arm. I picked the towel up then wrapped it around my waist. Well, I wrapped it around my waist the best I could. What happened was the exact reason I should have taken a shower at home, but no, I didn't. I had to ignore my own gut feeling, my own dang warning. I tapped Princess Celestia's hoof with my foot and said, "Are you really..."

"..." Princess Celestia remained motionless on her back.

"Dang it!"

I had caused some royal pain in my butt, quarter-ton horse thing to feint. Heh, by how much she weighed, I'd almost say three-quarter ton horse. Each time I tried to move her, she seemed planted there like someone put glue on her back. Princess Cake Butt needs to lay off the sweets.

There were no other options.

"Hey, I need some help with Princess Celestia." I said after appearing in Sanctuary's main garden. Sanctuary, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo stopped in their tracks. When they gazed at me, their mouths dropping open, I looked at my missing arm. "O. Crap."

All of them screamed. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle clutched onto each other, Sanctuary clutching onto them while she screamed. Apple Bloom darted towards the door and zoomed back with the first-aid kit in hand, or hoof, I guess.

Apple Bloom raced forward at top speed. She leapt into the air and plowed into me. She pinned my right arm down, bandages bursting forth from the opened kit.

"Quick. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Sanctuary! Find the arm. We gotta get it on ice. ASAP!" Apple Bloom said as she fumbled with the bandages.

"O for the love of -- do you think I'd be this calm if it just happened?!" I said.

Sanctuary placed Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo down. The bandages fell off my arm as I got to my feet. The pony crept forward, her wings quivering. She kept scanning me. "Now that you mention it. There's no, no, umm."

"Yea, look. I'll explain later. I just need some help with the princess. She kinda collapsed." I said.

All of them held onto me as I teleported to my room. After I finished drying off and putting my clothes on, I pointed towards Princess Riga Mortis still on her back, her hooves pointed straight up with her wings out.

Sanctuary and the others placed the princess into my bed, and then pulled the covers over her. While she rested, I did my best to explain what had happened to the others.

I'd say it took half-an-hour, maybe an hour to explain everything, but, without my watch, and no clock in the dining room, it was hard to gauge the time.

"Geez, and here I thought that Doom guy costume would be the biggest fright I've seen." Sweetie Belle said.

"By fright you mean awesome. I want a costume like that for Nightmare Night when we get back home." Scootaloo said.

"Ahem." I said. The two fillies gave a sheepish grin. "Getting back to the point. Sanctuary, how's your mother doing?"

"She seems ok. At least, I think she's ok." Sanctuary said, giving a quick shrug afterwards. The pony sat down near the others. "My mother may have just been shocked by the whole experience and passed out."

"Surprised the whole moon didn't shake when she hit the floor, heh." I said, letting out a quick laugh.

"And why would the moon do that?" A voice said.

The room went silent. My eyes widened, and my body went cold. I knew my face went white cause it reflected off the eyes that stared at me when I turned around. The raised eyebrow that greeted me didn't help either.

"Are you implying something?" Princess Celestia said. I turned away, whistling an innocent tune. She poked my side with a gentle, yet firm hoof. "Look at me. 'Human.'"

I remained focused. I wasn't about to look at her.

Another firm pressure came to my side, and then my chair levitated into the air. It spun around 180 degrees and dropped to the ground. Princess Celestia leaned in. She gave a grin so devilish it'd make a demon turn tail and run, so, in a squeaky voice, I said, "Umm. Bye!"

Though missing my watch, I snapped my fingers anyways. Not too surprisingly, I appeared way, way, WAY off course: on top of the empire state building.

I calmed down and snapped my fingers.

"How was the trip?" Princess Celestia said. Just my luck I appeared back in the chair, right where I left. The princess raised her head and stood firm, gazing down at me. "I'll have you know that 'path,' as you call it, in the meditation garden, it isn't magically made. Each and every morning I wake up early, gather several heavy rocks, and gallop around the garden to stay in shape. Every. Single. Morning."

The princess didn't glare at me, yet, she kinda did, if there's a word for it.

A few silent moments later, I said "sorry," and then Princess Celestia glided her soft wings across my arm, or rather, she touched what remained of my right arm.

The princess placed a soft hoof on her forehead, shook her head, and sighed.

"Umm, can I say something?" I said. With another raised eyebrow given as a reply, I remained quiet. The princess lowered her eyebrow and continued her examination. She retracted her wing then pulled down the sleeve of my shirt.

"Serves you right for mocking a lady's weight." Sweetie Belle said. She and the others snickered at me.

"Why did you keep this to yourself?" Princess Celestia said, placing the watch on my left arm.

"Sorry." I said.

"I didn't ask for an apology. I asked why you didn't tell us what happened." Princess Celestia said.


"Were you afraid?" Apple Bloom said.

"Sounds more like you were ashamed, if you ask me." Scootaloo said.

I remained silent, my gaze fixated on my watch.

Those two weren't too far off the mark.

I was afraid. I'm still afraid, but I'm also ashamed of the truth where my curiousness caused this to happen. It happened because that little piece of rope underneath the makeshift bed piqued my interest. Time and again it had been missed till that very night when, upon inspection, it appeared to be the same kind of rope one of those fillies came here with, the dark tan rope tied to their back. Instead of telling the others, my curiosity took hold, and, when my hand neared the rope, my watch began to glow. The dim glow grew brighter and brighter till that small piece of rope constricted around my index finger.

Fear set in immediately. I clenched my hand into a tight fist and pulled back, but the rope pulled even harder. A tug of war ensued. The harder I pulled the harder it pulled. Time didn't exist. Though the battle ended when my arm disappeared into nothingness, the war ended as I pulled back a nub.

It took all I had to calm myself. Deep down I knew my arm wasn't really gone. I knew that much, yet, in a contradictory sense, my arm was gone.

"Did. Did...." Apple Bloom voice trailed off, the filly almost struggling to form the words.

"We will discuss your actions at a later date, however, right now, I am severely disappointed in you." Princess Celestia said. She crept towards the door. The princess stopped, and then glanced over her shoulder. I lowered my head. "It hurts to know that you couldn't trust me or the others, that you couldn't tell any of us the truth about what happened to your arm. Honesty is one of the cornerstones of friendship."

I looked up to see Apple Bloom having slammed her hooves into the dining room table. The filly's tears landed on the marble surface. Her voice cracked as she said, "Princess Celestia. Did, did our friend ruin our chances of getting back home? Are we stuck here?"

"I don't know, Apple Bloom." Princess Celestia said. The door closed behind the princess so softly that it made no sound.

Apple Bloom left the dining room, wiping the tears from her eyes; Sweetie Belle followed Apple Bloom, hanging her head; Scootaloo, after she let out a sigh, followed her friends; Sanctuary, the last one to leave, looked towards me then the door. She looked away, crept towards the door, and then closed it in the same fashion as her mother.

One-by-one the others had left the dining room till I found myself alone.

I lowered my head for the final time. In the quiet moment, I didn't scream. I didn't curse, swear, or yell. My body felt cold while I clutched onto the right sleeve of my shirt. I let go of my shirt sleeve, raised my left hand into the air, and, once I stood up, I snapped my fingers.

No amount of "I'm sorry" or apologizing could undo what I've done. I've failed those ponies as their guardian. Rather, I've failed them as their friend.

>>>November 1st, 11:25 pm<<<

The full moon looked so beautiful in the night sky. One could call it an elegant pearl against a backdrop of brilliant sparkling stones. There are many who would wish they could go see the moon. Right now, I just want to return to it.

I miss the laughter. I miss those quirky, sometimes idiotic jokes. There was no elegant meal to fix, no dinner plan for a group of guests to share amongst themselves. Instead, on the black glass table sat a small, half-burnt turkey sandwich with a small cup of chicken soup. The house was so quiet when dinner time came. Even now, this silence hurts.

"Please leave Sanctuary for the rest of the day," Princess Celestia said to me when I found her in the meditation garden around two-ten. The princess looked away after she said her peace. When I reached out to the ruler of Equestria, I stopped then retracted my hand, a quick snap taking me home.

The damage is done. The princess doesn't want to speak with me, and I doubt she'll want to speak with me for some time. Though it's understandable, it doesn't take away the sting.

Throughout the day, none of the fillies came to the house. Even Sanctuary stayed away. It's all too bitter sweet for her. The previous day was filled with so much happiness, with so much joy. I remember how each of those ponies laughed, smiled, giggled, and beamed with so much joviality it seemed to radiate to everything around them, including the house itself.

When Three O'clock rolled around, I laid down to take a quick nap, but it seems my dreams have now turned into nightmares. These weird, equine-like noises reverberate amongst the darkness whenever I shut my eyes and try to sleep. Not to mention that horrible mist is back. None of it makes sense. The nightmare that attacked us was the blue mist in my dreams. That thing had to be the creature in my dreams, right?

I, I guess I'm just rambling on in my notes. I passed out on the couch after the visit to Princess Celestia, and I tossed and turned till I awoke around six.

Right now it's hard to get to sleep because those weird noises keep haunting my dreams. Not to mention, it'd be nice if this phantom-limb stuff would stop. I don't know why, but I keep getting this odd sensation like something is touching my right hand. It's impossible. There's no way something can be touching my right hand since it's, well, gone. Whatever. I'll try and force myself to get some sleep, nightmares or not.

All I can do right now is hope I can make amends tomorrow, but what can a person say when the words "I'm sorry" aren't enough?

---End Entry---

December 25th

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>>>December 25th 12:01 am<<<

My head hit my pillow at 10pm, and I couldn't stop tossing. I don't find it surprising I can't get to sleep. Of course, it's not wise to stay up too late. Today will be a little on the interesting side.

These entries took a back seat after November 1st. Since the last entry, those four ponies have forgiven me, however, forgiveness came with a price. Princess Celestia doled out a heaping helping of her own brand of medicine. Not even a cup full of sugar could help it go down. The royal pain in my butt decided some changes were in order.

First on Princess Celestia's list of changes included me getting up at six in the morning to meditate vs. eight; after that, I must walk, and then RUN around the same track she does in the garden, this being her idea of a little warm up; after my so-called warm up, I'm required to levitate two, sometimes four large rocks while being forced to chase the princess around the track. That mare is beyond insane! She wants me to actually run after her. Humans cannot keep up with horses. I don't care if Princess Cake Butt says she's a filly at heart and a pony. There's no way that six-foot plus tall, three-quarter ton equine is a pony.

I've come so close to passing out. Almost did pass out on the third day, and yesterday wasn't any better. Though Sanctuary and the fillies chuckle, it's no laughing matter. If I had to guess, those four are laughing because Princess Celestia is toying with me and running at five or ten percent her normal speed.

What tops everything off is the princess forcing me to do this whole routine without my watch. Again, she's forcing me run WITHOUT MY WATCH! It'd be the same as telling John Williams to write a symphony in the middle of a construction site. The foreman is yelling in his ear, poking him in the side while every bit of machinery is turned on and humming, and every noisy thing is cranked up to eleven. Without my watch the most mundane task becomes unbearable. No wonder I ended up on the Empire State Building. If I knew all this would have happened just by putting on a magically imbued watch, I would have told Princess Celestia to shove that watch where the sun don't shine.

Whatever, what's done is done. The past is written in stone, yet the future can be written in either sand or stone based upon the actions you take.

I know one thing though, heh heh, I'll be getting Princess Celestia back. It seems "somepony" wasn't telling the whole truth about how she got to Earth. This is gonna be good.

It's twelve-forty, and I'm still not tired. I guess to finish off my notes here I'll remind myself of what we'll do tomorrow, or I guess today since it is technically December 25th.

First we'll do the presents in Sanctuary. After the gift exchange, it'll be time for the first part of the special, two-part present. Once that's done we'll relax a bit, do dinner, and then the others will receive the second part of their two part present. The first part has to take place no later than 10:00 am. Those were the explicit instructions. As for the second part, it does has some leeway but must not go longer than one hour. Also, the second part must end before midnight. Talk about a rough time frame. Those three will be bouncing off the walls tonight. It'll be a miracle to get them to sleep. Wonder if I should get the princess to use a sleep spell on them... and herself.

About the only good thing is that all the shopping and decorating was done early, like four days into December early. For the shopping, I took each of the cutie mark crusaders out, one-by-one, to let them buy gifts. The same held true for Sanctuary and Princess Celestia, all of them disguised via that amniomorphic spell of course.

Swear I'd forgotten the holidays aren't cheap. In all, about seven-hundred bucks has been dropped for everything. It's worth it though.


I'm starting to nod off now, and it's twelve-fifty am.

The princess gave me a small reprieve today. I can get up at eight vs. six, so that'll near seven hours of sleep.

I'll just need to focus on the fact that today Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Princess Celestia will get something rather special.

Alright, it's one-ten right. Here's to the hope I can get some sleep.

As the mare told me in my dreams, I just have to breathe, focus, and that's it. Of course, that's easy for her to say.

---End Entry---

>>>December 25th 12:19 pm<<<

Nasty! I just, I just... gah! I took a shower like twenty minutes ago and still feel nasty. I knew it. I should have worn a rain slicker, a poncho, or at least brought an umbrella. Those four saturated my shirt with tears. Well, the five of them since Sanctuary joined the fray of watery eyes.

The whole ordeal started with me waking up to three big, puppy-dog eyed expression around six-fifty am. In typical, totally not unexpected fashion the Cutie Mark Crusaders were up before any of us. My left eye crept open to be greeted by the three of them just gazing at me. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo remained silent while they just sat there and looked at me. Talk about creepy. The three of them do have to be commended for their patients. All of them waited till almost seven.

I should have had my cellphone on me. It was beyond hilarious to see the illustrious Leader of Equestria stroll through the dining room with her left squinting, her right eye twitching. A pin dropping on the ground would have been an explosion in that quiet moment. Princess Celestia's bed hair, or I guess bed mane, topped it all off. I covered my mouth with my left hand just as the princess stopped and looked at me and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I turned away then glanced back towards her, removing my hand from my mouth. Princess Celestia held up a single wing tip towards us and disappeared into the kitchen. She continued to hold up her wing tip when she reappeared with her extra large coffee mug in front of her. Half expected her to take the whole pot the way she looked.

With her mug floating in front of her, taking a long slow sip from it, the princess yawned, lower her wing tip, and then vanished. That moment was priceless. The grand ruler, Princess Celestia of Equestria looked like some grumpy old mare.

Sanctuary gave a yawned hello to the lot of us when she entered. The pony disappeared into the kitchen, like her mother, and returned with four bowls and four cups.

Princess Celestia did get me back, as per usual. After the princess had her coffee, she reappeared in the kitchen and pointed her right wing tip at me, and beckoned me to come with her. Sanctuary and the fillies followed behind me and the princess.

The moment Princess Celestia's hooves touched the dirt of the meditation garden, she started her exercise routine and "encouraged" me to join.

It wasn't any easier. The first lap had me gasping for air. Time ticked on, and the second lap had me gasping for even more air. By the third lap, my legs caved out from under me when I hit the finish line. Those five large stones landed on the ground with a loud thud, yea it's five stones now, and I retrieved my watch.

That's when it started, and the timing was perfect, eight-twenty-five.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders and Sanctuary had paced back and forth while I dried myself off. The four ponies' patience presumably having worn thin, the princess decided to end our exercise early for the gift exchange.

Inside Princess Celestia's room, a large tree stood in the corner. The princess illuminated her horn, causing the presents to materialize, and, throughout the gift exchange, I kept a stern eye on my watch, glancing at it ever-so-often. The event lasted around forty minutes, and I found myself thankful we had plenty of time to spare.

"Sanctuary." I said after the last gift had been exchanged. Each of us having thanked each other for our gifts, the hands on my watch read 9:15 am. I turned towards my partner in this endeavor. "Are you ready?"

"I guess so." She said. Sanctuary stood up and extended her hoof towards me. She and I whispered to one another then nodded. "Thirty to Forty minutes should be appropriate."

"Thirty to Forty minutes?" Sweetie Belle said.

"What's goin on?" Apple Bloom said.

"It's time for one last present. Well, maybe two. It's kind of a two parter." I said.

"We agreed to one present per individual." Princess Celestia said.

"This present is a little on the special side. Emphasis on special. Not to mention it's for all of you, not just one individual in particular." I said. I felt myself crack a slight smile. "I'll need you all to follow me and Sanctuary."

"Hey, what're ya'll gigglin' about?" Apple Bloom said.

"No worries, Apple Bloom. I'm sure you'll enjoy the present along with the others." Sanctuary said. The two of us led the others down the hallway from Princess Celestia's room. "We've been working on this in secret for the past month."

"Alrighty, we're here." I said.

"Ok. We're in your room. So, now what?" Scootaloo said.

The clock neared 9:20 am. Though the time seemed short, it was perfect.

"It's up top." I said. The group followed me towards the portal that led to the meditation garden. "By the way Princess Celestia, you never told me how you got to Earth."

"Huh?" Sweetie Belle said. The unicorn filly stood off to my side, and then glanced back. "She came through the portal like the rest of us, right?"

"That's correct, my little pony." Princess Celestia said. The princess came to a stop behind the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "Ahem. If you don't mind me asking, what is so special about this 'present' you were giving to us."

I smirked, and then shoved my left hand into my pocket. "Well, Sweetie Belle, I'm curious because I never put two and two together until now. Princess Celestia appeared in my closet, and I didn't think much about it, at least until one or two weeks ago. The more I thought about it, the more it bugged me. She was in such a weird position, but it didn't occur to me to ask why. I have to say, it must have been quite the sight when you tripped on that cord in Twilight's castle and fell into the portal."

"But. But how did...." Princess Celestia said, her voice trailing off. Her wings shot out and her face went red.

"You'll want to stand about seven to ten feet away from the portal." I said. The three fillies sat down. Each of them looked at one another, Princess Celestia sitting behind them. "Sanctuary, are you ready?"

"Yes." She said.

"Let us. Begin." We said in unison

It was 9:30 am. Sanctuary sat near the left side. Like the times we had practiced, she extended her left wing and placed its tip against the other side just as I placed what remained of my right arm against the portal's right side.

A surge of energy rushed into me and Sanctuary. We steadied ourselves. Sanctuary and I focused our breathing. In a slow, smooth manner, the two of us closed our eyes then opened them.

The blackened, center portion of the portal began to glow. The haze vanished.

"A..." Apple Bloom said. Her hooves quivered as they inched towards her mouth. The filly placed her hooves down. "Applejack."

"Sister?" Princess Celestia said.

"Rarity?" Sweetie Belle said.

"Rainbow Dash?" Scootaloo said.

The equines on the other side of the portal waved towards us. Each of them held up a card with several scribbles drawn on it. Sanctuary and I had come to find out those scribbles pertained to Equestria's "Ponish" language. Well, more like Sanctuary understood it because of the general schooling from her mother.

"Happy Holidays." Me and Sanctuary said in unison.

While I focused, I gazed at the black and blue mare with the moon shaped mark, the one who gave a coy smile towards me. Over the course of two weeks I had to learn several exercise that enabled Princess Luna to just manifest herself in my dreams, and it didn't end at just those two weeks. Those two, excruciating weeks passed by, and then I had train even harder for weeks at a time till yesterday. Those weeks that followed taxed me more than Princess Celestia's training. It seems cross-dimensional dream travel is a little more difficult than regular dream walking.

"Applejack. Big Macintosh. Granny." Apple Bloom said. The ponies on the other side waved to her. The filly wiped away her tears then glanced at me. "Can we go home? Can we finally go home?!"

"Almost." I said.

"It won't happen overnight. In time, it'll be possible to send all of you home." Sanctuary said.

"I refuse to leave my daughter behind." Princess Celestia said. Like Apple Bloom, the pony wiped away her tears. "You are coming with me back to Equestria."

"That's right! You're coming back with us. You're an honorary member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Sanctuary." Sweetie Belle said.

"We would never leave you behind, Sanctuary. Right, Apple Bloom?" Scootaloo said.

"Right." Apple Bloom said.

"Don't give up hope. We'll get you guys home before ya know it!" Rainbow Dash's sign said, Sanctuary being kind enough to translate it for me.

I looked at my watch. In the blink of an eye the time had inched ever closer to 10am, thus at 9:58 am, me and Sanctuary looked at each other. Princess Luna gave slow, firm nod to me.

"Ya'll mind that critter's words till ya get home, ya hear!" Applejack's sign said.

"We cannot wait for your return." Rarity's sign said.

The group of ponies on the other side held up a sign with the Ponish words "we're always thinking about you" written on it.

The fillies and Princess Celestia waved to their friends and family on the other side.

"Let. Us. End." Me and Sanctuary said in unison. We exhaled a deep, final deep breath. The portal closed. Sanctuary and I shivered. When I removed my right arm, that surge of energy jolted me.

"Weird as always." I said.

"I'll never get used to that sensation." Sanctuary said.

"So, what did you guys think--" I found myself on the ground. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and even the princess herself had charged forward and pinned me to the ground. Each of them cried their eyes out, and Sanctuary soon joined the fray of water works. "Heh, I take it you liked your gift."

"Uh huh." Sweetie Belle said. The filly struggled to choke back her tears.

It took a month to get everything right, and what happened was worth every ounce of hard, sweaty, sometimes unbearable work me and Sanctuary had put into it.

In any event, I've had to wipe my eyes a couple of times while typing this up at my laptop on Earth. These ponies have been through a lot, and I can't wait to get them home. It's the least I can do for all they've given me. These ponies have to sit tight for just a little longer, and they'll soon be ready to go home.

---End Entry---

>>>December 25th 9:55 pm<<<

Roasted potatoes, cooked green beans, cinnamon infused apple bites, sautéed carrots with honey dressing, rolls, and festive mushroom risotto with a small side of ham for myself. We had one heck of a holiday dinner spread. It's a good thing the princess had me on one killer exercise routine. Just like all things, it took forever to prepare dinner while taking all but twenty minutes to devour it.

All of us ate dinner early around four-thirty with an hour or so time to rest afterwards.

Scootaloo had fun with her stuff in the main garden. The filly got a rather "awesome" gift from Princess Celestia and Sanctuary in the form of a magically infused cloud scooter. The filly's new scooter condenses into a ball of cloud vapor the size of marble, and then transforms into a scooter she can ride... no, a cloud scooter she can use to fly. Not to mention the scooter won't vaporize if she hits something.

Apple Bloom seemed kind of humbled with her gifts. The filly seemed interested in alchemy, so we got her some books on chemistry, plant and animal cell culture, and horticulture with some of Earth's apple jams as a surprise.

Sweetie Belle wasn't left out of the mix. She got some fabric bolts and materials to present to her sister back home. The others chipped in and I promised to order her some materials off a local craft store's website, within a budget limit.

Sanctuary and Princess Celestia proved the hardest to shop for in terms of gifts. All of us came together and made Sanctuary a tiara/crown and a necklace; now the mare is a dead ringer for her mother, except for the cutie mark. Still haven't figured that whole bit out, but, whatever.

Princess Celestia, she got a nice tea set, and that's kind of it. Felt like we should have given her more, but the mare didn't seem like she wanted a whole lot.

As for myself, I guess that's where I'm like Princess Celestia. I didn't want or need a whole lot. What made me happy is the fact I got to spend the holidays with some company for a change. That didn't stop the others from giving me something. The five of them decided to get me some new cooking utensils. Of course, they're made with stuff from the moon. There aren't too many people who can say they have a chef knife made from lunar rock that's also magically sharpened.

I had to keep looking over my shoulder while the others did their own thing in the garden. Each of them were almost quick to forget the second part of their two-part present, so, after making sure the coast was clear, I snuck off to train a little more in the garden. The key wasn't just breathing. It wasn't just focusing either. I had to dig deep down inside me to find that focal point and use it manifest my actions. Part of me expected some "ah ha! that's it" final solution to magic. Instead, like Shrek describing Ogres to Donkey, there were several layers to this onion, a lot more than I'd like to admit. Right now, I'd dare say I'm at the bottom looking towards an infinite mountain that I'll never see the top of in my lifetime. Still, if I can just access a portion of it to help these five, it'll be worth it.

I've offhand mentioned a sleepover of sorts in my room for holiday fun. All of them agreed, and I'm typing this up before I have to start the whole ordeal. Sanctuary will be my anchor point. This second part is going to be a bit more tricky than the first part, and I'm sad to say it may only work for one night, tonight.

It seems Princess Celestia's dear sister cooked up something rather special. Princess Luna will be borrowing quite a bit of magical power from her sister's protégé Twilight Sparkle, her niece Princess Cadence, Twilight's brother Prince Shining Armor, and the Elements of Harmony.

Here's to the hope those ponies have some good dreams tonight. It'll be a rough night's sleep for yours truly, but, then again, I owe it to them for what they've given me.

---End Entry---

March 15th

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>>>March 15th 12:45 pm<<<

In the garden, the beautiful stars twinkled on the other side of the translucent windows. White and yellow flowers absorbed the semi-artificial sunlight emitted by the crystals embedded in the ceiling. The crystal lights reflected off the clear water of the pond's surface, and the face of my watch.

As I sat near the pond's edge, the hands on my watch made out 9:05 am.

"A bit for your thoughts?" A voice said. The filly's hooves had made no sound on the soft grass. She sat down beside me, off to my left side. Her signature pink ribbon pinned up her mane into a pony tail. She let out a slow, quiet sigh. "Princess Celestia had us meet in her room a little while ago. She... told us what happened, about the accident with the portal."

I laid my left hand on top of my right shoulder. My hand slid down, and I clutched onto the right sleeve of my shirt. Three weeks had already passed since the accident.

"When Princess Celestia told us about how ya'll worked so hard, how ya worked with Sanctuary and succeeded at opening a real portal, it felt like we got our chance. It felt like we'd finally go home." Apple Bloom said. She lowered her head. "Why...? Why do things have to be like this? It ain't fair!"

No birds chirped. No squirrels chittered toward one another. No gentle wind brushed against the tree's branches or its leaves while the two of us sat close to one another. The garden near my room in Sanctuary remained eerily quiet in those early morning hours while a dark sensation churned inside of me.

"Sorry." I said. My left hand hovered over the filly's twitching withers for a few, brief moments before I retracted it and rested my hand on top of my right shoulder. Though the filly wiped away her tears, several times, they repeatedly leaked through her closed eyes. "I'm... just a human. I'm sorry, Apple Bloom. I'm sorry."

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Princess Celestia were in the same boat as Apple Bloom. However, the fact Apple Bloom had been there the longest out of the four of them hadn't been lost on me. The filly couldn't hug her big sister Applejack. She couldn't be with her Granny Smith, nor could she laugh or play with her big brother Big Macintosh. As February, she'd been stuck here for over a year.

I clenched the right sleeve of my shirt, tighter and tighter till it hurt. My left arm soon rested on top of my left knee.

Apple Bloom startled me when she latched onto my mid section, almost causing me to fall backwards. Her tears saturated my clothing. She tugged on my shirt. Apple Bloom backed up and raised her hooves over her mouth. The scar on my right shoulder reflected off of her eyes.

"D-Does it still hurt?" Apple Bloom said. She lowered her hooves. I pulled my shirt up.

I bit down on my lower lip and shook my head.

The near-catastrophic failure that left me with this scar mortified Princess Celestia. The details of that incident spared for the sake of these notes, the princess placed me on strict, immediate bed rest after it happened and forbade any further attempts on the portal. Those days that followed were brutal. Every morning like clockwork, the princess would bring three rolls of bandages to my room she'd soaked in the waters of the meditation garden, the properties of that water supposedly helping to speed my recovery. The princess would change my bandages three times a day, and there were some moments Princess Celestia lost the struggle to fight back her tears. The third week couldn't have ended any sooner, my injury having "healed."

"Apple Bloom, what happened honestly terrified me." I said. I sighed then crossed my legs. The minute hand on my watch had ticked seven paces forward. Apple Bloom buried her head into my left side. The scar that reflected off her eyes is proof of what happens when you meddle with forces beyond your control and comprehension. "If the portal fails again, I don't know what might happen."

The filly's tears continued to leak through her closed eyes. I rested my hand on her withers, bringing the filly close to my side. Apple Bloom said, "Princess Celestia almost broke down when she told us the truth about why you were 'resting' in your room and didn't come ta see any of us for the past three weeks."

"Apple Bloom, we didn't do this to be cruel." I said. The gentle light from the crystals in the ceiling reflected of the calm waters of the pond. I glanced at Apple Bloom, and then gazed towards the peaceful blue marble nestled amongst those elegant stars. "Princess Celestia had the three of you meet in her room this morning because Sanctuary and I felt it was time you three learned the truth."

I removed my left hand from Apple Bloom's withers.

"..." I mumbled under my breath. The filly looked at the ground near her hooves while I leaned forward. "It'd be nice if everyone was born with a compass, something that pointed us towards the right direction in life."

That unusually serene moment between the two of us crawled forward at an ever slower pace. As I peaked at my watch, the minute hand had only moved three spaces.

"Ah know what ya mean, about not knowing what to do and all. Found out the hard way there's no spell that'll give ya a cutie mark for real or tell a pony how ta earn it." Apple Bloom said. She wiped away her tears for what seemed like the seventh or eighth time. By that point, her eyes were red. "Me, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, the three of us always wondered if we were doin the right thing when us Cutie Mark Crusaders were tryin' ta discover our Cutie Marks. "

"Life's a mystery." I said.

"Right. The three of us failed so many times tryin' ta earn our marks. Heck, the Cutie Mark Crusaders did everythin' under the sun and then some, but we kept on failin'." Apple Bloom said. She stood up. "Despite those failures, our friends and family, those around us, everypony stood beside us through it all. They helped the Cutie Mark Crusaders realize the only time ya'll really fail is when ya give up, and ya can't let failure define who ya are in life."

"Pretty wise words for a filly." I said.

"Heh, heh." Apple Bloom said. I patted her head, and she pushed my hand away with a soft hoof. "Ok, ok. Enough mushy stuff. Ah ain't a little foal."

My face reflected off my watch, and then I lowered my head. "I'm sorry I failed you and the others, Apple Bloom."

"No!" Apple Bloom said.

"Hmm?" I said.

"Ah can't count how many times ya helped us out. Ya took in all of us and protected us without a second thought. Ya didn't fail any of us." Apple Bloom said. She tapped my watch with the tip of her hoof then pointed at me. "Not ta mention look at what ya've done. There's no doubt in mah mind ya gotta be the first human in history ta use magic."

"Apple Bloom, I'm terrified there will be no third attempt on the portal. I cannot and will not let you five get hurt because of my actions." I said. The second hand appeared frozen on my watch while that maelstrom brewed inside of me. "I'm a failure. I can't do it!"

"Look, Princess Celestia said she's scared too, but the princess also said the answer exists and we just haven't figured it out yet. She believes in us, all of us and our strength." Apple Bloom said. That dark sensation wouldn't let go without a fight. "Me. Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo. Princess Celestia. Sanctuary. All of us know there's strength inside of ya. Nothin' on Earth or in Equestria can take that power away, but ya've got ta fight for it and be willin' ta move forward. Can't let that darkness takeover, not again."

"Apple Bloom, how can you and the others be so sure of me? How can any of you believe in me?" I said.

"We just do," Apple Bloom placed a gentle hoof on my left arm, "and ya gotta believe in yourself like all of us do."

"The filly isn't wrong."

"What's wrong?" Apple Bloom said. I shook my head. "As the little sis of the element of honesty, believe me when Ah say we're all here for ya just like ya've been there for us. That's a real 'honest' promise."


Apple Bloom wiped away her final tears. She pressed on my index finger, and then my middle finger. The filly formed my hand into a fist then bumped it with her hoof. She said, "When one of us needs help, we'll be there for them. That's what friends do for each other."

"As hard as it might be, all of us need to be reminded we're not alone in the world." I said. I placed my left hand over my chest. What I felt then -- what I feel now -- Apple Bloom and the others gave that to me. "Thanks for reminding me."

"What's happening?" Apple Bloom said. I removed my left hand from my chest and held it steady between us. Time had shot forward to 9:40 am. The filly tapped my watch with a soft hoof. "What's that glow?"

"My light." I said with a slight smile. A small, gentle glow came from the white gemstone inside my watch. A deep, slow, calm breath escaped my lips before I extended my left hand towards the crystal clear water of the pond. "So, what do you think?"

"Awesome." Apple Bloom said. Her eyes reflected off of it. "How did you learn to do that?"

"Princess Celestia put me on strict bed rest because my attempt at the portal backfired, but I'm not some goody-goody who always does what they're told, heh." I said. Apple Bloom's hoof made a small impression, but it vanished in an instant. The indescribable sensation that washed over and enveloped my body, coupled with my new light, enabled me to focus my mind. "I got a little antsy on the fifth day after the accident, so we'll just say I decided to 'practice' on my own when the coast was clear. Can't imagine why this is more relaxing than Princess Celestia's training, heh."

Apple Bloom blew on the basketball sized, watery sphere that floated inches above my hand. Ripples pulsated along the sphere's surface. The ripples converged into a single point, and then came to a stop. The filly's face reflected off the water's clear surface.

"The thing with water is that it's so fluid and requires... more than what I can do at times." I said. I shook my hand off, soon drying it on my white T-shirt. I stood up. I turned. The tall mare's eyes locked onto mine. "How long have you been standing there?"

"That was quite the little display." She said, her silhouette having reflected off of the orb's surface before it collapsed. Princess Celestia's eyes remained locked onto mine as her regal hooves glided along the soft grass with each step she took. That stare of hers sent shivers down my spine, still does when I think about it while typing this up. Her gaze was reminiscent of what an amazed person gives an amateur when said amateur has done something miraculous while also being quite dangerous. "Apple Bloom, would you let me speak to our friend in private?"

Apple Bloom looked at the princess and bowed to her. The filly smiled at me before she galloped out of the garden, however, out of the corner of my eye, I could see her and three other ponies gazing at me and Princess Celestia.

"I take it this isn't concerning the portal." I said. The princess gave a firm nod. Her horn aglow in a soft yellowish hue, seven watery spheres the size of medicine balls emerged from the pond's water. Each sphere remained perfect as they hovered near her. "Show off."

"I had expressly forbidden you from doing anything strenuous." Princess Celestia said. She raised her hoof. I remained silent. The princess placed her regal hoof back on the ground. "Is it true you find this relaxing?"

"Yes." I said. Another sphere levitated out of the pond, under my control. It floated several inches above my hand. "Thanks to Apple Bloom, thanks to what all of you have given me, it can't be put into words."

"I see. It appears that you've found something that is beyond precious, my friend: you've indeed found your own light." Princess Celestia said. Each sphere she had levitated out of the pond danced around with one another. The princess smiled. "Twice now, you've displayed that is on a much higher order than your current training."

"So, what's my punishment?" I said. Princess Celestia shook her head from side to side in a slow, calm manner before she said "none" to me. The spheres under her control continued to dance with one another, and then all of them came to a stop. Streams of water emerged from the spheres and formed into the shape of a winged unicorn. I returned my sphere to its home. What all of them gave me that morning is something more natural than anything I've experienced. "It took me the better part of two weeks to muster something the size of the world's smallest marble. Even then I couldn't manage it for more than three seconds. Like the portal, I felt like such a failure."

"Perseverance and the willingness to believe in oneself are absolute keys to anything we do in life. In their absence, none of us would be who we are, what we are, or where we are today." Princess Celestia said. She returned the water under her control to the pond. I lowered my head, but found it raised by her kind wing. "I put my faith in you, my friend. I know that you will aid us in finding a way back home to Equestria."

I closed my eyes. A warm tear crawled down my right cheek. These ponies, these stupid, ridiculously energetic ponies had given something precious to me, and more. There were no words that could express my gratitude, yet I knew Princess Celestia and the others had the idea I was beyond grateful to them.

Whatever despicable grip that darkness had on me vanished as time leapt forward from 9:40 am to 10:20 am when I opened my eyes.

"If I might inquire, have you ever suspected something about those rocks in the garden, the ones you would levitate during your training?" Princess Celestia said.

"No. Is there any reason I should be suspicious?" I said. I wiped the side of my cheek then raised an eyebrow. "Did you do something?"

The princess replied with a quiet, polite chuckle. She materialized two rocks in front of me. Princess Celestia said, "Thank you for letting me study your world's science. It's been quite illuminating."

The princess turned away.

"What's wrong, my little ponies?" Princess Celestia said.

Sanctuary raised her hooves into the air and shook her head and hooves at me. Scootaloo covered her eyes with her wings. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle covered each other's mouths.

"You must be completely healed, human...." Princess Celestia said. The princess glanced over her side. She peaked through a split in her mane, the mare's wet tail hanging down. She flipped her mane off to the side before she shook herself off like a wet dog. The princess turned, and, as she crept forward, her regal hooves in step with one another, she came within arm's length of me. Princess Celestia stood straight and firm, and peered down. The watery sphere I surreptitiously levitated out of the pond -- my prank backfired. In a slow, tempered, quiet voice, Princess Celestia said, "If it is a challenge you seek, just know that I'm more than ready to provide one."

Princess Celestia -- a master in every sense of the word -- levitated several watery spheres out of the pond. Outclassed didn't scratch the surface of the right word to call the situation. The princess gave a grin so devilish it'd make a demon run for cover.

I really, REALLY did it at that point. I'll just admit in my notes here my prank backfired, big time. That meme "I shouldn't have done that? I definitely shouldn't have done that" flashed through my mind at that point.

As I took a step back, I knew the color drained from my face because I felt it.

The four spectators sought shelter. The light in my watch began to glow even brighter, almost egging me on. Princess Celestia produced medium, marble sized shots from her watery reserves. She stated "are you ready?" to me.

Her volleys shot forth, one after another.

I ducked. I dodged. I weaved. Shots raced by me. Several hit my cover, the large tree at the garden's center. Others rocketed passed me.

I steadied my breathing. I knew there was no way to match Princess Celestia. It was impossible. Instead, the brilliant idea came to confiscate the ordnance she launched at me. She'd launch several shots. I'd take them. I returned the liquid ammo to the pond and repeated this action several times.

The first sphere dwindled to nothing, but the princess moved onto her second and third one. She two of her reserves towards the front.

Though we continued, in time, I returned the favor, watery shot for watery shot. Another idea came. I didn't need one large sphere. Towards the end or our battle, I combined several small shots into one. Four spheres became two, and two became one. Sixteen, baseball sized spheres levitated around me when I was done.

I lobbed all of those spheres towards the princess.

Princess Celestia created a shield from seven of them. The other nine impacted it. Princess Celestia's watery shield transformed. Under her control, the water morphed into the shape of a clear umbrella. The strange umbrella floated over her head. She closed her eyes and promptly stuck her tongue out at me. When the princess opened her eyes, her horn aglow in its yellowish hue, Princess Celestia formed the umbrella back into a watery sphere. The princess added it to the other spheres under her control.

Minutes passed by as our battle continued. More and more the princess outclassed me.

11:00 am on the dot, I collapsed face first onto the soft grass then rolled over onto my back. The light inside of my watch dimmed to the point it remained at a steady gentle glow. When my left hand landed on the soft grass, I chuckled until I started to laugh. Princess Celestia's started with a polite chuckle that turned into the same boisterous laughter I let out.

"My, my, my. I haven't had a good water fight like that in ages. My sister always refuses the idea. She's so prudish and never seems to lighten up." Princess Celestia said. She let out a quick breath. The princess came forward and extended her front hoof to me. "Even if you have trouble believing in yourself, always remember there are those who will always believe in you no matter what."

"Sorry I nailed ya." I said.

"We'll call it even since I managed to 'nail' you in return." Princess Celestia said. I raised an eyebrow, and then shook myself off. I said "right" to her as she covered her mouth with her hoof, the princess snickering to herself. "Now we're truly even, my friend."

"That was awesome!" three voices said in unison.

"It was awesome." Sanctuary said. She walked behind the three fillies. "I have to agree with my mother. Despite the times you feel as though you've failed, remember that any knowledge you gleam from that experience allows you to come out a better individual."

"...thanks." I said. I pushed my wet hair back and tiled my head to one side. "Something wrong?"

"No. I couldn't be happier." Princess Celestia said. The tall mare wiped away a tear with her wing tip. She gave a cheery smile. "I believe it's time for you to 'graduate,' in a sense at least."

"Graduate? Are you turning me loose?" I said.

"In a way, though I will still be training you from time-to-time. Our little escapade taught me you need to advance your own studies, so whenever you feel like training with your magic, please, feel free to do so. All I ask is that you do inform me so I can watch at times to make sure things don't get out of hand or hoof." Princess Celestia said. She winked at me. "The time came when my dear student Twilight Sparkle needed to graduate from her studies, and though it might sound a bit ostentatious, she's now a student of the world as a stallion I once knew, perhaps still know, would put it."

I stepped forward. My left arm reached around Princess Celestia, and she brought her wing over me.

"You're welcome, my friend." Princess Celestia said. She removed her wing from my side. "Just be mindful that too many water fights will leave us with dry ponds."

I stepped back.

"I'll... go take a shower, a real shower mind you." I said. I waved to those five then snapped my fingers, soon appearing in my bathroom. A few minutes later, I sat down at my laptop where I've spent the last hour or so trying to figure out how to write this up.

Without a doubt those five are something special. Optimism won't open the portal. Not to mention I'm still no closer to solving things than I was before. This mark that goes almost completely down my back serves as proof I delved into something dangerous that day.

"We'll talk later."

Great. And now where'd "she" vanish? Wonder if she was watching me type this up. Whatever. I'm not even surprised anymore. I'll just add ghostly pony apparition to the list of weirdness that's happened since a pony appeared in closet over a year ago.

In any event, baring that weird apparition who keeps visiting me since that first week the portal failed, I'm making a promise here and now. I will get those five back to Equestria, myself included or not.

As the magical space frog once said, "Do or do not, there is no try."

---End Entry---

March 16th

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>>>March 16th 10:39 am<<<

Time is a fascinating, universal concept that is always ticking away with or without humanity's presence. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, all of it exists regardless of borders, time zones, and language. Those bits of time hold different meanings to different people, but what's undeniable is how a year can make a lot of difference in everyone's life. People will become either mentally or physically stronger over the course of a year while others take an all too important step towards their dreams, fulfilling a particular desire within their lives. However, there are some who different. There are some who require a year's worth of time to adjust to changes in their lives. Such is the case with Apple Bloom, an alien pony from Equestria.

The human world was so foreign to Apple Bloom when she first arrived. The earth pony filly had no idea where she was, what had happened, or what to do. Over the course of a year, she's adapted so well to the human world that it takes something out of the ordinary to make her mouth drop. Her adaptability must be as natural as breathing for ponies. When one displaced Equestria equine became four -- a fifth one being born on the moon in the human world -- all of them displayed the same level of adaptability as Apple Bloom.

It's also over the course of the same year as Apple Bloom and those ponies that a single human watched a group of alien ponies display "magic," rode a winged unicorn to the moon, fought a personification of a nightmare, lost their right arm (sort of lost it), acquired magical capabilities themselves, and gained one nasty, heck of a scar down their back. It's hard to believe one malformed, grammatically incorrect sentence sums up what happened to me within a year. Though, to be honest, all of these entries are probably so horrendous it'd make a pre-reader's head explode from the issues that plague it, but, whatever, no one will see these notes except for me.

In truth, the adaptability of these ponies is rather admirable. It'd be great to be as well adjusted as those ponies, but our situations aren't comparable. Still, it is over the course of the same year as Apple Bloom that I've come to accept these things and the fact they happened. It is truth, and you can't change the truth. It's also in terms of the truth, to change gears for these notes, that several things happened yesterday.

Yesterday, I was exhausted and had to recoup from the magical water fight with the winged unicorn, Princess Celestia. That time was also spent combing over these old entries. Entry after entry over the course of a year since Apple Bloom's unintended arrival from Equestria has swelled this folder to over Forty-five files. It's rather lucky these notes are compiled into this folder. It may be more like good bookkeeping practices in all honesty. Either way, it made things easier to skim over.

There were things in those notes that had slipped my mind. One day, Princess Celestia said she'd reward my efforts for giving her and her little ponies food, shelter, and protection. That entry reminded me of that laughable, amazing moment. The trollish Princess Celestia delivered her response with such perfect timing, elegance and grace it'd make even the most cold hearted cynic laugh, which it did make this cynical human laugh. Her promise was as good as kept yesterday. There's no amount of actions time that could express my gratitude towards these equines. What Princess Celestia, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Sanctuary, Sanctuary being Princess Celestia's daughter, gave me is something beyond special; it's something invaluable, immeasurable beyond words that nothing and no one could ever take away from me, ever. These ponies helped me find my "light."

Yesterday, those ponies helped me find that inner light, and it was yesterday -- after reading those notes -- that I made a choice.

Princess Celestia, you kicked all of it off this morning at the breakfast table. It's hard to forget how you placed your tea cup onto its saucer, and then looked at me with those calm eyes of yours.

"So," Princess Celestia said in her typically calm, regal tone, "would you like to train with your magic?"

Princess Celestia asked me that question after she'd sipped on her drink. The opportunity was too perfect, the question itself almost like magic.

Sanctuary had cleared the table at 8:55 am, all of us having finished our breakfast at 8:50 am.

"Sure." I said. I rested my left hand on the table. The princess placed her cup onto its saucer. "Got it."

At 8:56 am, Scootaloo shook her head at me. The pegasus filly leapt out of her chair then bolted for the door. She never gave me the chance to speak. Her response received a slow sigh, followed by a quick finger snap.

"You turn me into a chicken, I'll peck your ankles off." Scootaloo said. The filly, now back in her chair, delivered her ultimatum with a heavy scowl. She hopped down. Her tail swished around a few times. "Hmph. Why do I have to be a guinea pig?"

"This'll be fun." I said.

Princess Celestia, Scootaloo, and I traveled down the large stone hallway a short distance then entered the main garden around 9am. While Scootaloo walked in front of me and Princess Celestia as we traveled towards the pond, I reassured the filly things would be alright, several times for that matter.

The princess sat down on the soft grass and politely crossed her hooves. She then illuminated her horn. She materialized a book, one on medical science and technology. The book seemed to be her go-to book to read, a book that had belonged to my mother.

Scootaloo hung her head. A slow "I'm booooored" came resonated within the garden.

After a quiet chuckle, the princess propped the large thick book at an angle. She opened it. In Princess Celestia's firm, protective magical grasp, the book was propped up at such an angle as to keep watch on her targets and read at the same time. That vigilant gaze unnerved me. The plan would be undone before it even got started, but there wasn't time to dwell on such things.

My watch read 9:10am when I sat down on the soft grass. It was all or nothing.

Water wasn't the focus of the experiment.

I crossed my legs, exhaled a slow breath, and then extended my left hand forward, palm side up. The light inside my watch brightened. Two ornate, semi-transparent clock hands formed in thin air. In tandem, those two clock hands made a complete circle in a clockwise motion. They disappeared. Ethereal, ornate designs materialized within the beyond paper-thin, semi-transparent circle that now floated where the clock hands once did. The light inside the watch maintained a constant intensity, perhaps that of a gentle fluorescent light bulb while the circle floated several inches above my hand.

Another slow inhale and exhale later, three more circles materialized on top of the first one. all four circles were the diameter of a large softball.

"Ok, let me see your hooves." I said.

Scootaloo shook her head.

"You're going to love this." I said.

My watch read 9:20am. The garden was quiet. I looked at Princess Celestia. She just smiled. The princess didn't need to speak. What she gave was the coy kind of "I'm watching you" type of smile.

I turned towards Scootaloo, rested my left arm on top of the filly, and pulled her in close. We whispered to each other. Time had slowed down. We'd look towards the princess then turn back towards each other, several times. I remember how those few, precious seconds were nerve wracking.

"BUCK YES!" Scootaloo shouted. My ear drums almost shattered from the filly's shout. The quiet moment had ended in a rather abrupt, boisterous manner.

At 9:22am, Scootaloo and I froze. A silent gaze greeted the two of us. Several beads of sweat rolled down the side of my face. Though seven hours isn't much time, all of that time put towards the plan appeared undone in that very moment this morning. However, my fear was misplaced because when I looked at Princess Celestia a second time, a part of me expected the princess to say "language" to Scootaloo, like some parent prepared to reprimand a child. Perhaps the filly's choice of words wasn't appropriate, I have no idea.

Scootaloo gave a sheepish, apologizing grin. Princess Celestia's ominous gaze relented. The princess went back to her book.

I re-crossed my legs, took several deep breaths, and re-focused my mind, taking a good ten minutes to calm my heart-rate down.

"Do you trust me?" I said. Scootaloo shoved her right front hoof towards my chest. Two seconds later, she retracted her hoof. The filly extended her left front hoof. Her back right hoof and back left hoof were the final ones. A quick trot around the garden ensured the discs had stuck to all four of her hooves. My watch read 9:25 am. "Are you ready?"

"Hmm!" She said. Scootaloo steadied herself before she faced me.

"By the way, this is experimental. So, don't blame me if you explode." I said. Her expression was priceless when I stood up and dusted off my grey sweat pants. "I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Ok Scootaloo," I snapped my fingers and pointed my left index finger upward, "have at it!"

"Woo hoo!" Scootaloo said.

Tree tops swayed. Tree branches were brushed aside by a powerful gust wind.

Princess Celestia turned away from the book in her firm magical hold, again, and scanned the environment. She leapt up. The princess maintained a firm, protective, magical hold on the medical book. She dematerialized the book and raised her hoof. All four of her hooves landed firm on the ground when she jumped back a second time. Princess Celestia's eyes gravitated toward my still extended index finger, which pointed towards the air above us.

"This. Is. Awesome!" Scootaloo said.

Another powerful gust of wind had rushed by Princess Celestia. Scootaloo zoomed by a fourth time, and then a seventh time.

"How in Equestria?" Princess Celestia said. Her eyes followed the filly's movements. "So, what is your new spell, my friend?"

"Magical Magnetically Enhanced Repulsion Discs or 'M. M. E. R. Ds' for short. Geez, don't need to laugh. I'm not good with names, so sue me." I said. I shoved my left hand into my pants pocket. Princess Celestia's priceless expression rivaled Scootaloo's, a look of amazement and bewilderment. It didn't last. The princess composed herself in a short amount of time, just like always. "Still have to perfect it for my use. The spell just makes me hover, which kinda sucks. However, on say a pegasus filly whose dream is to fly, we'll just say the result speaks for itself."

"Quite." Princess Celestia said.

Tempus fugit.

I remember how Scootaloo's precious time withered away in the blink of an eye, 9:32 am had become 9:47 am.

"Aww, come on. Just a little more. Please!" Scootaloo said.

"Sorry Scootaloo, not my call. It's the nature of the spell." I said. Princess Celestia and I stood beside each other at 9:48 am. Again, Scootaloo asked to continue and stretched out the word "please" as hard as she could. I had to put my foot down, making it four times I had to tell the filly no. It would have been great to let Scootaloo practice to her heart's content, but it wasn't possible. I'm not some all-powerful, all-knowing all-seeing individual that can do anything and everything they want like some ridiculous overpowered character from a story. I have to train just like everyone else. The spell lasted as long as it did because I practiced with it on several occasions -- in secret -- just like that water spell. There was also a downside to the spell. It could be disastrous if it were allowed to go on for too long. "Don't worry Scootaloo, it'll be fine. The spell only has a two hour cool-down time, being put into a weird, blunt bit of context."

The ethereal discs on Scootaloo's hooves disintegrated into nothingness when she touched down beside Princess Celestia. The princess extended her wing and slid it back and forth across Scootaloo's mane several times before she retracted it.

"Thanks for letting me fly." Scootaloo said. The filly's voice had a mix of melancholy and elatedness in the near quiet garden this morning, after her flight session. It wasn't unexpected.

"You're welcome. Though, to be honest, I should really be thanking you, Scootaloo. You proved my hypothesis about the spell." I said. I patted Scootaloo on the head, and she brushed my hand away with her wing. It wasn't hard to sympathize with the filly. The two of us had our dreams, and those dreams had been ripped away from us. For what it's worth, it made me happy that Scootaloo had a taste of her dream this morning, albeit a small one. "Anyways, just need to work out the kinks."

"I'm glad I didn't explode." Scootaloo said.

"That was a joke." I said. I cracked a slight smile. "There's no explosive force behind the discs. The spell utilizes different properties of science, combined and augmented via magic."

"If it magnetically repulses the air, that's quite unique because I felt no air coming from beneath Scootaloo's hooves when she landed near me." Princess Celestia said.

"Therein lies just one of the 'magic' elements of the spell. It took a good bit of practice and scientific research to get the magnetic concept just right. Almost blacked out on my first attempt." I said.

"Whatever the case, I am thrilled by the advancements in your studies and congratulate your efforts. However, you will be mindful that my little ponies aren't test subjects for your experiments." Princess Celestia said. She gave a slow, firm nod towards me before she smiled at Scootaloo. The princess turned. She raised her hoof, and then stopped. She placed her hoof down, turned towards me as slow as possible, and crept forward. Princess Celestia almost scowled as she crept forward. She looked down at me, having stopped within arm's length. Her gaze was glued to me in the silent garden. "Magical 'Magnetically' Enhanced Repulsion Discs?"

"Y-Yes." I said.

"A thought just occurred to me." Princess Celestia said. The air was heavy. The princess raised an eyebrow. "These discs of yours, they wouldn't happen to have the capability to 'launch' a projectile at something, would they?"


"Human. Did you make that hole in the wall?" Princess Celestia said. She snorted in a near equine-esk noise. "Human, you will look at me."

The sweat rolled down my face. I was unnerved and refused to turn back towards the princess.

"Sorry." I said. Her strange gaze compelled me to do as she wished, and in the end, I relented and faced the princess. A long, drawn out sigh echoed throughout the main garden followed by a slight, quiet groan from the princess. Princess Celestia lowered her eyebrow. "It was an accident."

"Wow. The wall between the garden and the hallway is like, super thick. What did you do?" Scootaloo said.

"I used a rock for practice." I said. Scootaloo snickered at me before she looked away from the princess. "Hey, I did say the spell was a work in progress. It's still a work in progress, technically."

Scootaloo backed up from me, her eyes widened. She said, "Could you have launched me into that wall?!"

"Perhaps now you understand why I said time was up. I made that hole the first time I tried the spell because of a slight miscalculation. How was I supposed to know I'd made a mass-driver -- by accident mind you -- on my first attempt." I said. Though the pegasus filly seemed reassured, a bit of doubt still existed behind those eyes. "Don't worry Scootaloo, I've fine-tuned the power and reduce the time to fifteen minutes as a precaution. The first time appears to have been a fluke. However, how was I supposed to know that stupid rock Princess Celestia trained me with was so heavy? It weighed like thirty something pounds."

"Sweet me in Equestria. Now I see why you weren't too shocked when I materialized those stones in front of you yesterday." Princess Celestia said. The princess placed what seemed like a firm front hoof on her forehead before she placed it back onto the ground. She shook her head. "That one stone you used for your 'practice target' weighed seventy-five--"

"Pounds? Jeez, that's one heavy cannon ball." I said.

"--kilograms, not pounds. You should let me finish before speaking." Princess Celestia said. Her scowl faded. She glanced at the wall then back towards me. "It seems you need some help in the finesse department."

"Mass Driver? Seventy-Five kil-o-grams?" Scootaloo said. She titled her head. "What are you two talking about?"

"O boy." I said. At 9:52 am this morning in the main garden, Princess Celestia and Scootaloo looked at the central wall that separated the main garden and the grand hallway before they looked at me. The princess had given me an answer to an unasked question, and things made a whole lot of sense after that answer. That solid, almost two foot thick rock wall had a mass driven, seventy-five kilogram projectile, the size of an ostrich egg, launched into it; it's like I fired a tank shell made of depleted uranium. At least, I think that's right. "I'll ignore the mass driver part because it would take too long to explain. As for that stone, we'll just say it weighs almost. As much. As...," I remember how Princess Celestia leaned in with a devilish look on her face like she egged me on to finish the sentence, "you, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom put together, Scootaloo."

"That's heavy." Scootaloo said.

I stuck my tongue out at Princess Celestia. The princess raised her head, stood straight up, and smirked.

At 9:53 this morning, the princess started the mother of all one-sided conversations. I'll never forget them the few, choice, succinct words Princess Celestia used. The mini audio recorder I keep on me, the one I've kept on me since Apple Bloom's arrival, won't let me forget it either. My hands trembled when I heard those words for a second time, after having downloaded the audio file to this laptop. Another thing I won't forget is how clear the princess made it that things would change. To summarize, Princess Celestia stated in the quiet garden this morning that she'd "personally" ensure I'm trained even harder because I'm healed up, and so as to not forget things, my new schedule is as follows:

First, the regal pain in my butt wants me to get up at 5:30 am and use those discs to levitate twelve of those seventy-five kilogram stones for fifteen minutes. Second, I'll do my water levitation for the two hours it takes for my spell to cool down, recharge, or whatever. After that cool down period, I'll levitate those same stones again for another fifteen minutes. Third, at the end of the day before I go to sleep, I'm requested, emphasis on the request part, to do my water levitation again for half-an hour, and then an hour before I hit the sack. Though I'm still permitted to practice magic on my own, it'll happen when I'm not dead or dying of after my new exercise routine.

At 10:10 am, Princess Celestia requested I repeat back to her what she had told me, which I did.

After a final nod at 10:20 am, the princess turned towards the garden's main door. Scootaloo tapped my back left leg with her right wing after Princess Celestia turned around. The filly looked at me before she departed alongside the princess.

When I was left alone in Sanctuary's main garden, I hoped the princess didn't find out about the oven or the fridge in Sanctuary. Right now I still hope she doesn't find out about the oven or the fridge. Thermodynamics wasn't my strongest suit in college. Curiosity will be the death of me yet.

10:22 am came around, and I snapped my fingers, appearing at my desk where I turned my laptop on.

Princess Celestia, you are far, far more perceptive than you let on. Princess, I have a sneaking suspicion while typing this up that you know the true reason behind this spell. You know these discs aren't for me. The spell is for Scootaloo, and it still needs a lot of work. Two hours recharge time for just fifteen minutes of flight is a bit much. It's why I printed out my private, password protected research notes from this laptop, the files contained within the same folder as my journal entries. Those printed notes are in a binder that's been placed in the bag near the makeshift bed.

Princess Celestia, you are far more skilled and way more knowledgeable at magic than I'll ever be in my lifetime. If you can utilize those notes to learn the spell then you can perfect it. Princess, you can perfect the MMERDs spell and use it to imbue some "special" horseshoes that came in the mail four day ago. Those horseshoes are in prepared bag with those notes. Heh, who knew titanium horseshoes would be so expensive.

Princess Celestia, it's your perceptiveness that unnerved me in the garden this morning. It concerned me to no end that you'd stop my real plan. It's why I concealed it from you. I just, I just -- dang it. I... I need to stop this. I'm rambling on. Not to mention its making me teary eyed.

My laptop says it's 12:30 pm. I can't get cold feet, not now. The special bag is packed and ready to go for the final trip.

Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo. Princess Celestia. Sanctuary. Today is the day that portal to Equestria opens. Mark my words, I "will" get all of you home. I promise.

---End Entry---

>>>March 16th 5:27 pm<<<

There are no dark clouds or heavy claps of thunder. There's no torrential downpour flooding the streets or hurricane force winds slamming rain against the house. Cars aren't revving their engines, racing by the house either. Instead, the sun's setting in the west with numerous pink hued clouds interspersed throughout the sky. It is a beautiful scene, a beautiful end to a wonderful day for a lot of people. It'd be nice if the same could be said this household. Several events have unfolded over the course of five hours since this morning's entry, those events making everything right now feel so surreal.

I failed them. I failed those ponies. They didn't go home. Not to mention things have grown weirder and way more complicated for this household. It's somewhat difficult to put into words. When those six ponies left me to write up my journal after our discussion, I sat down at the desk and turned my laptop on; I placed my left hand in my lap and waited two minutes for the laptop to boot up; and I watched the cursor to this journal program blink at me for a solid ten minutes, maybe twenty after I opened it, the automatic portion putting in the date and start time. At this point, I wonder, how do you take something nigh impossible and force yourself to understand it? A year is powerful and allows people to come to terms with changes. However, what do people do when a year isn't enough? How could a year even be enough to understand what our newest arrival told me? I've struggled for almost twenty minutes, and I can't answer any of those question. To be honest, there's a part of me that believes it to be a joke.

It's a fact these ponies are quite the little jokesters. Princess Celestia should rename herself Princess Trollestia, Princess of Trolls and Jokes with the few but stunning pranks she's pulled off. There's a problem though. The lengths these equines went to for this prank is too great. What our newest arrival told me, what he gave me isn't a joke, and I don't know what to do right now.

It's near 5:50 pm. I've got to type up something, so what might be wise is to start with the possible, and then move to the impossible. To be both blunt and honest, it might be wise to start with the actual truth.

The truth is I spent an hour, maybe two at most yesterday combing through my old notes after I had finished my newest entry. Each entry is not a Pulitzer Prize winning novel by any means. They might as well be infantile babblings to some people. Regardless of their issues, all of my notes hold a record of how Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Princess Celestia, and eventually Sanctuary came into our world, along with their experiences.

What started everything off yesterday is when the light inside of my watch shined back at me. It happened at the end of the newest entry. That's when I decided I had enough. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Princess Celestia, Sanctuary, none of them gave up on me. I decided I'd had enough and wasn't about to give up on the hopes and dreams those displaced equines had of getting back to Equestria.

I closed the journal program at 3:22 pm yesterday. I remember that time well because it's when I opened up my other program and input the password. I'd turned to my private, password protected, non-journal research related notes.

"Research Update #37 (Y: 2022, M: February (02), D: 15th; Time: 14:23): At 08:58 this morning, I clenched my left hand into a tight fist near the makeshift bed. I focused on my right arm and imagined right hand clasped over my left. I imagined my hands clasped together to form the portal. It worked, like usual. However, an anomaly occurred when the portal was widened.

Though it isn't proper to put it into this kind of context, some form of weird alien energy pulsates, perhaps radiates throughout my body when the portal is widened from the size of the tiniest of peas to that of a small bouncy ball. This has never happened in the however many times the portal has been opened since the start of the new year. What's also unknown at this current point in time is the direct cause of it. All that is known about the sensation is that started a week ago on the dot from this entry.

At this point, it's hoped this sensation isn't a warning.

(End Research Entry)"

The entry created a small spark of an epiphany, but the entry also reminded me of how Princess Celestia cried when she changed the bandages during my recovery. That epiphany combined with those memories tore me apart on the inside.

We were out of options. To get these ponies home, a dark fear had to be conquered.

Seven hours, stretched from yesterday and into this morning, were spent on a scheme. It'd never come to fruition though as one problem plagued it. How possible is it to initiate things and remain inconspicuous at the same time? Today made me a believer in the word luck. Princess Celestia's comment at the breakfast table this morning provided the most opportunistic moment. It'd almost be possible to say her comment was like magic.

The events that unfolded after our breakfast were nerve wracking. If the truth is being confessed in these notes then I'll confess another one by saying I don't need to sit down and meditate to produce those discs. The whole meditation thing was needed to calm my heart down.

It was after the meditation, whispering the plan to Scootaloo, Scootaloo's flight time, and the one-sided conversation at the end that the plan went into full motion. The nerve wracking ordeal started when Scootaloo touched the back of my leg.

At 12:54 pm, this morning's entry saved, the journal program was closed out, and the laptop was shut down.

For two, maybe three minutes at most I had sat in the quiet house till two voices called out, and then a third. Scootaloo had a difficult task ahead of her. She had to keep Princess Celestia occupied, entertained, distracted, or whatever appropriate word fit the category till the portal was opened. Princess Celestia is perceptive to a fault, bordering on precognition, which made the task difficult, so all of us had to work fast.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Sanctuary received a quick, two minute overview at the ebony colored desk. Our efforts hinged on everyone's ability to play their part. There would be no third time if I failed.

At 1pm, there was no turning back.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle darted into study where they took cover behind the solid cinderblock wall that separated the rooms while Sanctuary and I approached the end of the makeshift bed. Sweetie Belle served as both our lookout and messenger, and would alert us if Princess Celestia came prematurely. She'd also alert Princess Celestia and Scootaloo if the portal had been successful. Apple Bloom played one vital role in the scheme. She'd rescue Sanctuary if the portal went haywire.

The cable box ready 1:15 as Sanctuary and I stood within two feet of the end of the makeshift bed. The pony touched the tip of her soft left wing to the back of my neck after I'd sat down on the semi-soft carpet and closed my eyes. We steadied our breathing, and then synced it. The hairs on my body stood on end. The air went still. The two of us exhaled a synced heavy breath in that moment.

My legs crossed, I extended my left arm forward and raised the small portion of what remained of my right arm. I formed my left hand into a semi-fist, and then -- through the ethereal barrier -- I imagined the portion of my right arm being connected to the other portion that existed across the dimensional divide. I visualized my right hand forming the same semi-fist as my left hand. I assumed that meditative position I'd thought about yesterday; it was my epiphany.

Sanctuary and I exhaled several slow, deep breaths in unison.

I closed my eyes even tighter. The air had grown heavier while time slowed in my mind during the moment.

The air tingled with energy. Another slow, deep exhale later, the final process started when I conceived both of my semi-fists touching each other.

The otherworldly, alien energy flowed through me in a similar manner to a peaceful, unbound stream flowing down hill, unimpeded by obstacles.

"H-Human?" a voice said. My vision cleared. A bewildered mare with a moon-shaped mark on her flank stood in a room full of books with strange symbols etched onto their binders, books like the one resting on my desk right now. The room appeared to be some kind of library, from what I remember. "You did it?"

At 1:56 pm today, a stable portal to Equestria -- the size of a medicine ball -- had been opened.

"You really did it?" She said. Her wide-eyed expression spoke more than any word in any dictionary. Though Princess Luna, the sister of Princess Celestia, looked at me, her eyes seemed to look through me. I remember how tears formed in her eyes. A person didn't need to be psychic to see the events that were about to unfold. "S-Si-ister?"

It started at 1:57 pm.

Sweetie Belle had acted prematurely, or she had never acted at all. The mare never made a sound when she came from behind. I just remember how the gears behind those eyes turned at a steady, even pace when she came into view. She stopped within inches of the portal formed between my left arm on our side and the portion of my right arm in Equestria, her sister having stopped within almost the same distance. What existed between my arms must've been a miraculous sight.

Princess Celestia's lower lip quivered. The tip of her nose almost touched the ethereal barrier that separated our worlds. Her tears rolled down her cheeks and dripped towards her sister, and Princess Luna's tears having done the same. Perhaps whatever overwhelming sensation Princess Celestia felt while she spoke with her sister across that dimension divide is what I'm feeling right now while typing this up, trying my best to remember things. It's growing harder to put these things into tangible context.

As stated, several times for that matter, Princess Celestia is beyond perceptive, almost bordering on precognition. The pony must have given sister a tearful goodbye at 2:04 pm since it was at 2:04 pm that I couldn't take the strain any longer.

The portal took an hour to open, yet stayed open for just seven minutes.

Sanctuary removed the tip of her wing from my neck after the portal closed.

"Doesn't your world have the saying 'Fools rush in where angels fear to tread' in circumstances like this? Didn't you think of the consequences when you planned all of this out? Didn't you. Didn't you -- thank you." Princess Celestia rested her chin on my shoulder. Her warm tears saturated the left sleeve of my shirt. She raised her head. Princess Celestia hugged her daughter, and then the three fillies. "Thank you. Thank you all for your hard work."

Princess Celestia's horn aglow in a soft, yellowish hue, she formed a soft cushion of air with her magic. The cable box read 2:10 pm when I stood up. It's also at 2:10 pm that my legs gave way, my body going limp.

The princess placed me in the chair near the dining room table. She glided a soft wing across my face, and then my chest. Princess Celestia retracted her wing then sat down on the carpet. The mare decided to end her examination with a stern warning about magical exhaustion. The princess had no way to tell what "ramifications" existed for humans who've obtained magical capabilities. In that moment, at the end of another one-sided conversation, Princess Celestia required me to give her the most sincere, heartfelt promise. The portal experiment would be the final experiment without her approval.

I wanted to break down at the dining room table. The plan, the bag, every ounce of strength and magical energy that could have been mustered, all of that hard work for what?! It was all meaningless!

I failed those ponies. I failed to get them home, and I hated myself for it.

It's strange how things work out though.

Princess Celestia extended her wing and placed it over me. The light inside of my watch began to glow in a brilliant light. All of those equines just looked at each other while we sat at the table, my left arm limp and numb from the portal, and then they turned towards me.

Those stupid, cheerful ponies smiled at me. All of them smiled while they cheered me on. Even in failure, those ponies from Equestria found a way to look at the bright side, to find hope in the face of overwhelming odds and failure.

I just....

---End Entry---

>>>March 16th 6:17 pm<<<

I needed a break. I needed a shower too. Mine is nowhere near the best, but even a photographic memory is foggy if the mind isn't clear enough to remember things. My arm still feels a little numb.

Anyways, to pick up where I left off, these ponies, as stated, cheered me on. They had made up their minds and believed they'd get home with my help, but things changed this afternoon.

The microwave read 2:22 pm. That strange, familiar, near ominous sound reverberated throughout the house. The sound sent a shiver down my spine for those tenuous ten seconds.

The sound stopped. Princess Celestia smirked. She removed her wing from my shoulder. The princess nodded to us.

"If you'll excuse me, I believe my guest is here." Princess Celestia said. She stood up and looked at me, peering over her left side. With a sly smile, the prince said, "You're not the only one who had concocted a 'scheme' of their own."

"Who's here?" Apple Bloom said.

"You'll see, my little pony." Princess Celestia said. She disappeared around the corner at 2:23 pm. The door to my closet slid open. The princess gave a quick "hello" that could be heard by all of us sitting at the table. After that, all of us heard the closet door close with a soft thud. The princess returned and sat near me at the edge of the dark glass table. "It looks like my guest has arrived, no worse for wear."

"Guest?" Apple Bloom said. She tilted her head. The filly had turned to her friends before her eyes lit up. "Applejack?"

"Rainbow Dash?!" Scootaloo said.

"Rarity?" Sweetie Belle said.

The fillies peeked around the corner. All of them were ready in that moment this afternoon to pounce whoever or whatever came around the corner. Those three gave the heaviest of heavy sighs and gazed at their reflections in the dark glass table. Their sighs would have broken a heart made of solid strong stone.

"I must say, this place is a good deal smaller than what you led us to believe, Princess Celestia." He said. Of course, through her Deus Ex Machina talents, Princess Celestia had already fixed it so ol' grey beard the wise could speak human. "Your sister spoke of a grand castle amongst the stars, if I remember correctly."

Not even a year's worth of time could have prepared me for what followed when that unicorn stallion came around the corner. It took me a few moments just to realize a new pony had joined us, even more to understand he was a unicorn stallion in the worst getup imaginable; there were so many bells on the stallion's costume it'd be a nightmare if he were in an Earthquake.

"Star Swirl the Bearded, my dear friend, this isn't Sanctuary. Right now we are in a house that resides on a planet called Earth. The place you are referring to is on the moon orbiting this planet." Princess Celestia said.

"Ahh, now I understand." the unicorn stallion said. His hat jingled when he placed it on the table. He glanced around the room, for a second time. He turned toward Princess Celestia, almost as if I didn't exist to him. "When your protégé told me the entire story of what happened, I dusted off several of my old scrolls and tomes. Princess Twilight Sparkle has gone through her resources as well. It's disheartening to say our efforts haven't been more fruitful."

"Wait, you dusted off some old books? How long did you take?" Sweetie Belle said.

"What. Do you mean?" He said.

"How long did it take you to get here?" Sweetie Belle said.

"That night the portal opened and Princess Celestia conveyed her message to Princess Luna, Princess Luna immediately contacted me through a dream. I headed off to Ponyville as quickly as possible. After that, I then spent a week dusting off my books, scrolls, and tomes while also getting my research notes, and supplies and materials ready for the journey. It took me one whole day just to obtain the required crystal for the portal. And --" He said.

"Ah hate ta be rude, but could ya'll maybe give the short version?" Apple Bloom said.

"You'll have to pardon me little filly, it was quite the ordeal. To condense things, I'd say it took almost a week and a half to get everything ready for the journey. Not to mention, when I left Princess Twilight Sparkle's castle, I'd dare say it was near midnight." He said.

"Star Swirl, you must be mistaken. We sent that message not even an hour ago. It's been thirty minutes at best." Princess Celestia said.

"What?" He said. The unicorn stallion stroked his beard a few times before he placed his hoof on the ground. "How absolutely fascinating, Princess Celestia. You're still the talented little filly I knew so long ago. Only a pony of your magical aptitude and caliber could have created a magical, space-time dimensional bridge. That, or perhaps our worlds might be strained further than we've thought. This requires further study."

Time appeared to slow as the microwave display read 2:32 pm. Sanctuary, the fillies, and the princess looked at me.

"Look Merlin, I have no idea what you're babbling about. I doubt even that Stephen Hawking guy could understand your quirky bridge thing, but I'll just say that I created the bridge." I said.

The kitchen clock's second hand pounded with each tick. Star Swirl the Bearded had a strange look in his eye. His gaze seemed glued on my left arm and my watch.

"Merlin?" He said. The stallion raised an eyebrow. "Did I hear right? You called me, Merlin?"

"Yes..." I said.

"Yea, I think our friend called you Merlin." Scootaloo said.

"That name. I haven't -- is he still around? Is Merlin in this world? We need all the magical help we can muster if all of us are to return to Equestria." Star Swirl the Bearded said. He looked at the glass table after I shook my head at him. The unicorn stallion's reflection stared back at him before he rustled around in his saddlebag. A strange book with otherworldly symbols etched into its surface was laid on the table, the same book that now rests beside me as I make this entry. "Princess Celestia, when your sister spoke of what had happened, I decided to bring this on a whim. I made the right choice."

Star Swirl the Bearded slid the book forward and used his magic to open the cover. Of course, I couldn't read the book for crap. Yea, no real shocker. It'd be like someone expecting me to read a book written in ancient Icelandic or Japanese.

"Young lad, might I ask you a question?" Star Swirl the Bearded said. My body felt cold when he spoke. At 2:34 pm, I gave a slow "sure" to the pony on the other side of the table. The unicorn stallion cleared his throat with an audible "ahem" before he stroked his beard, placing his hoof on the ground soon afterward. "Where did you hear the name Merlin?"

"Your getup kinda looks like something he'd wear. Merlin is a made up character. He's a wizard from the Arthurian legends." I said.

"Made up? You mean fictitious? You must be mistaken. Are you sure he isn't around?" Star Swirl the Bearded said. The stallion gazed at his reflection a second time. He sighed, and then looked up. " It's sad to hear my first protégé... no, it's disheartening to hear my friend no longer exists."

"Friend? What are you talking about, Star Swirl?" Princess Celestia said.

Star Swirl the Bearded looked off to his side. I snapped my fingers and materialized a box of tissues onto the table.

"Thank you." Star Swirl the Bearded said. Time trudged forward. The microwave read 2:37 pm, 2:40 pm, and then 2:42 pm. At 2:43 pm, the stallion placed several tissues into the small garbage bag placed onto the table. "It is a rather long story. It happened was when I was still a spry young stallion."

"Apple Bloom." Princess Celestia said. She placed a hoof over her mouth to hide her snickering.

"I'd estimate the child was five, perhaps six years old when he found his way to Equestria. I never knew what to make of the creature at the time. It would have been dangerous to leave him alone, so I took the young lad in and gave him food, shelter, and clothing. I also gave him knowledge. Over the course of five years, he began to display powerful magical abilities that reminded me of an old mares tale, the one contained within this book. After eight more years, the child grew into a young adult. I called him little magician when he was a child, which in turn became part of his moniker as Merlin the Magician in his later years." Star Swirl the Bearded said. He grabbed another tissue around 2:50 pm. The used tissue was levitated into the trash-bag. "On what would have been his twentieth birthday, Merlin vanished from Equestria. I never got to say goodbye, and it hurts to know I can never say thank you to that young lad for the friendship he gave me over those years."

"On the countless occasions we've spoken, I've never heard you talk about Merlin. Also, what about Clover the Clever? Wasn't she your first and only disciple?" Princess Celestia said.

"There are many things you do not know about me, Princess Celestia." Star Swirl the Bearded said. He looked at Princess Celestia before he faced me. "Are you alright?"


"I'm sorry, what did you say?" He said.

"Ah think ya broke em." Apple Bloom said.

"I 'broke' him? How?" The unicorn stallion said.

"Star Swirl, this is a lot to take in, especially for our friend." Princess Celestia said. She illuminated her horn and flicked the light on. Star Swirl the Bearded glanced at the light above the kitchen then looked down, shaking his head. "Sorry, you'll get used to the fluorescent light. I needed to see the text of the book."

I remember how the room went still.

Princess Celestia turned to page 77 of The Equestrian Tales of Lore, Legends, and Fables. The text reflected off Princess Celestia's eyes while she glanced over each word of the passage, the book levitated a short distance away from her face.

In a calm, collected voice, Princess Celestia read the story aloud to us:

"Many a tale has been passed down through oral stories, from mare to filly and stallion to colt. Several tales speak of monstrous creatures, beautiful royalty, strong warriors, and, above all else, peculiarities within the land of Equestria. Of one, unique, fascinating legend passed down through these oral stories speaks of a strange group of upright, bipedal creatures. Known as Conduits, these creatures possessed an astounding ability.

Legend goes that Conduits held a unique trait that enabled them to tap into the abilities of those they formed powerful bonds with during their lifetime. These bonds could be considered the true quintessence of friendship. Thus far, one tale speaks of a Conduit who formed such a bond with an earth pony mare.

It happened by chance. The Conduit and the earth pony mare found each other. The two formed a touching, almost magical bond with one another. As time passed, a noticeable change occurred in the creature. The Conduit, presumed to be a mare itself, gained an amazing amount of physical strength. The creature began to display physical strength on par with that of the befriended earth pony mare.

It's also regaled in the oral legend of how the Conduit defend the mare from an anphivena by lifting a large boulder and using it as a shield. Trapped between a perilous cliff behind and the anphivena in front, the Conduit hurled the boulder forward with such force it launched the deadly anphivena into the sky, never to be seen again. The mare stood in amazement at the sight. The boulder itself was said to be three times as large and three times as wide as the earth pony mare herself.

More time passed, and their bonds grew even stronger.

However, the tale doesn't end happily, for one day, the legends goes, the earth pony mare witnessed the Conduit vanish into an ethereal void with her kind, never to be seen again.

Gaia, the earth pony mare of the legend settled in a remote village on the northern border of Equestria. To remind herself of that cherished friendship, Gaia promised herself one thing when her friend vanished. She fulfilled that promise the day she gave birth to a beautiful filly. It was on that day the earth pony mare bequeathed to her daughter the name she'd given the Conduit, to her friend. She named her daughter Terra.

Now a great, great grandmare, Gaia is said to pass on her story to those that are willing to hear it, always ending on the same sad note of how heartbreaking it was to see her friend vanish. Most of all however, Gaia mentions how she never got a moment to thank the Conduit for the years of friendship they shared.

What you see contained within this passage is the sum total of the research compiled upon this legend. Since my early foalhood, this story fascinated me to no end. I'm sad to say these old wings of mine aren't what they used to be, so, if more tales and literature are found on this matter, I implore any scholar worth their salt to help continue my work.


Efficacious D. Tome, Pegasus scholar of the Pinion Skyward Academy"

"So, I take it Efficacious D. Tome was your friend?" I said. Star Swirl the Bearded removed another tissue from the box. "Did you train under him or something?"

"Tome was a mare wise beyond her years." Star Swirl the Bearded said. He took the book in his magical grasp and looked at it. "She gave this book to me as a gift, and there it sat in my private collection, until now. I thought of the story as a mere legend till Merlin came along. When Princess Luna conveyed that message to me and told me how a 'human' had helped her sister, it reminded me of what Tome said, and it also reminded me of my own account."

"But Merlin is just a fictional character. He can't be real." I said.

Star Swirl the Bearded shook his head at me. The unicorn stallion said, "I promise, I am not lying when I say Merlin was indeed real. I found that human when he was just a lad. The child had somehow crossed over the dimensional divide into Equestria. I have a lot of fond memories from that time," he sighed, "and, just like Gaia, I regret my actions. I regret not telling young Merlin thank you for his friendship throughout those years. Also, it's one reason I regret to say that I became a rather bitter stallion in my later years and looked down upon friendship. I'm thankful that Princess Twilight Sparkle helped remind me of the magic of friendship."

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, slow down here. Are you telling me humans -- like our friend -- are from Equestria?" Sweetie Belle said.

"I believe I am, young filly." Star Swirl the Bearded said. He looked to has left. "Princess Celestia, when your protégé spoke of her journey, I hoped to hear news of my friend. Instead, it sounds as if the portal she traveled through acted as a bridge to an alternate reality, an alternative universe of sorts that's both unique yet parallel to Equestria. However, the portal your protégé created on her own connected our world to the one my friend Merlin the Magician originated from, a world the Conduits migrated into when they disappeared from Equestria."

At 3:25 pm, Star Swirl the Bearded retrieved the book from Princess Celestia. While it levitated in front of him, he glided a cautious, careful hoof over it, and then lit up his horn.

"I'd like you to consider this a gift. In time, perhaps we can help you read it." Star Swirl the Bearded said. The book rested on the glass table in front of me.

"T-Thanks..." I said.

"Is something the matter?" Star Swirl the Bearded said.

"To think not just me but all humans originated from Equestria, it's a lot to take in at once." I said. Every eye in that placed turned towards me. I just sat there with my hand in my lap. It just, it just didn't -- I couldn't grasp it then and still struggle with it now. At the same time, I had to believe it. "I want to think this is some practical joke all of you are playing on me, but there are two things that stick out in my mind. Those two things makes me believe this isn't a joke, and it starts with you, Princess Celestia."

"Hmm?" She said.

"When we talked about those crystals one day, the ones you gave to Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, and the one that you put into my watch, do you remember what you told me?" I said.

Princess Celestia's eyes widened. She looked at the watch.

"You said those crystals needed magic to work. You said it wasn't possible to just tie a crystal to a rock, chuck it towards the portal in my study and expect it to appear in Sanctuary. Without magic existing inside of the one who wields the crystal, it wouldn't work." I said. Princess Celestia looked at me, and then towards Star Swirl the Bearded. "There's also another matter. When I rescued Scootaloo, I somehow managed to teleport to her -- without my watch on -- and stood on top of some clouds formed by that small waterfall in the meditation garden. Perhaps the story is right, and what I've tapped into is your magic, Princess Celestia."

"A wise hypothesis, indeed. There is no telling how or what 'activates' a Conduits abilities... I mean, what allows a human to connect with another Equestrian." Star Swirl the Bearded said.

"I think it might be wise if I rescind what I said earlier this morning. You'll be given two week's reprieve from your training, however, it will start after that two week reprieve is over." Princess Celestia said. She backed up from the dining room table and reassured me that no matter what happened, I was still me on the inside. That's when, in a calm, collected voice, Princess Celestia said, "It might be wise if you relax and write an entry in your journal. Always remember that if you need to talk, I will listen. We'll take Star Swirl the Bearded to Sanctuary and get him settled. It's nothing against your blossoming talents, but he'll be here for a while to help set up a 'safer' means to get back home to Equestria."

One-by-one those ponies left. I sat in my chair for a good forty minutes, and then moved to my laptop.

What did those ponies do to me? Feels like I'm not even human anymore. Of course, what does it even mean to be human when what we know about humans and humanity itself is wrong? Maybe all those fossil records are of previous creatures that existed on this planet, and we humans from Equestria wiped them out. Perhaps the current idea we're related to them is false. There is no missing link because no link existed in the first place.

As I've typed this up, listening to the digital tape recorder and remembering them almost shot for shot because of my photographic memory (thanks mom), I've come to say that I don't care. Princess Celestia is right. I'm still me.

I've got bigger things to worry about than how I feel right now. There's another mouth to feed, and I hope Star Swirl the Bearded, should call him Swirly, likes fruit salad, buttered rolls, and tomato soup with grilled cheese cause I'm not taking any special requests. Though, now that I think about it, perhaps today should be celebrated. We did open the portal. Those ponies will be going home, eventually, and I'll... just figure out things about myself a little later. I need to get cooking. It's past 7pm, and I don't have time to think too deeply about things. I'll leave that for some philosopher.

---End Entry---

>>>March 15th 11:50pm<<<

"Savor your moment of triumph, Superman. But remember. Victory has its price." Darkseid (Superman The Animated Series, "Apokolips…Now!, Part 2", 1998)

I remember those words, watching that scene when I was a teenager. It enamored me. It taught me of how a hero's victory can be so easily tainted by a simple, despicable act. Three hours ago, that quote from the fictitious, villainous character Darkseid echoed within my mind. Tonight, karma made sure our group paid a heavy price for opening the portal to Equestria, for our so-called victory.

Not once I didn't even stop to look at the news. When I pulled that plate out of the fridge around 7pm and went outside, I noticed a helicopter off in the distance and brushed it off. Me and Princess Celestia just warned Scootaloo and Sanctuary to ignore it and stay put with the rest of us while Star Swirl marveled at it through my binoculars.

It's my fault. It's all my fault. Though we pushed the notion of Conduits, portals, and such to the side, it's all my fault. The menu had changed because I suggested we grill out to celebrate.

Princess Celestia appeared the happiest as Star Swirl the Bearded told her how Equestria was still in one piece. A few slip ups were encountered, but nothing major.

An hour passed. We cleaned up. Half an hour later, we finished our desserts. However, that's when it happened.

There wasn't enough time to get the others inside. The distant noise of the helicopter grew louder and louder. It rushed towards the house from far off in the distance. A lunatic jumped the front and landed in the back yard. It happened after all of us heard a loud, horrendous car crash out front. The individual in the blue jeans and white T-Shirt froze when he saw all of us outside partying with each other.

When that, that, that worthless piece of trash charged towards those ponies I came to care for, when he charged towards my friends with weapon firm in his hand, I didn't hesitate for a second to protect my friends.

The moment itself is a blur. I just remember how the gate to the backyard burst open. Officers poured in and stopped dead in their tracks. A news chopper had come from behind, rolling is camera in that moment. In a flash, the police helicopter's spotlight lit up the area.

I've watched the video several times, both on the TV and online. I remember little if any of it. I just remember how I regained my senses, of how the suspect fell to the ground like a ragdoll when I was done with them.

I levitated a good five to six feet off the ground, and then stepped down those invisible stairs onto the ground, those ethereal discs on my shoes disintegrating when I reached the ground.

I escorted Princess Celestia, Sanctuary, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and Star Swirl the Bearded back inside before I gave a statement to the officers. The moment felt like eternity with those helicopters overhead. A year makes a lot of difference in a person's life. It turns out the officer in charge was the same one who came to my house a year ago about the "suspicious" drone flying around. She said that unless things changed, while the suspect was loaded into an ambulance, there would be no charges filed against me.

All I remember is how my left arm hurt, my hand almost numb. By the time the officers left, it was near 10 pm.

"Thank you for protecting us, but... will you be alright?" Princess Celestia said. I bit down on my lip. None of those ponies looked at me with disgust, fright, or nervousness. "I am always willing to listen, my friend. For now, I believe it may be wise if all of us rest in Sanctuary tonight. Star Swirl, if it's alright, you can sleep in our friends room. It contains a guest bed."

"He can rest in my bed. I need to stay here, in case there are issues." I said. Princess Celestia didn't argue. She and the others went to Sanctuary ten minutes after our brief conversation, maybe less.

"You protected them. You did the right thing. Never doubt yourself, ever."

The apparition who sat next to me for a good thirty minutes before I started this entry, she tried to console me. It's strange because I kept thinking it was Nightmare Sepulcher reincarnated, or perhaps Nightmare Moon. Instead, the apparition, ghost, specter, or whatever said it was neither. The mare, a darker version of Princess Celestia, just said to me that everything would be alright before she asked me to call her Asteria. After I promised, Asteria vanished. She vanished about ten minutes ago, and Asteria is another mystery for another time because it horrifies me right now that the news has been playing the footage from the incident over and over again, calling it the "scoop of the century" with "six mysterious equines."

Things are even worse online. Every front page of every newspaper agency, news forum, video news section, etc..., is lit up with a breaking news banner. All of them roll the same three minutes of footage. It plays over and over again, showing what I did to the suspect.

Right now, my laptop is saying it's 1:05 am. I need to get some sleep. Human stupidity can wait. My Little Apocalypse Ponies, what a bunch of garbage.

All I can do is just hope I make it through the night. Already feel sick to my stomach.

---End Entry---

May 3rd

View Online

>>>May 3rd 6:29 am<<<

The idiosyncrasies of humanity represent a wonderful, powerful trait. These peculiarities are a rather profound concept that us a diverse and adaptive species. It is also those very same idiosyncrasies that makes humans an unpredictable, terrifying race of creatures as our peculiarities cause us to do some bizarre, gruesome things to other things on this planet and each other. Some of those peculiarities even have a name: the seven deadly sins of humanity.

It's sad to say the ponies who've come under my care have become familiar with the sins and idiosyncrasies of humanity. All of it has been on full display since the night of March 16th, 2022 AD, a small four minute video starting a cascade of escalating horrible events.

The "enhanced 4k-ultra HD" video footage started all of it, recorded from the helicopter that hovered overhead the night of March 16th, 2022 AD. The video still circulates online to this day and has a stereotypical start where an altercation turns into a high-speed pursuit. The pursuit ends, after forty-five seconds, with a car crashing into a tree. It's nothing special. Time appears frozen as officers move towards the car. As the timer reaches ten seconds away from the one minute mark, the criminal jumps out of the car. The lunatic bolts towards a house, leaps over a fence, and lands in a backyard. The horror starts at 00:58. The video shows the lunatic pause in confusion after they leapt over the fence, and then he shakes himself out of the confusion. The last three minutes of the four minute long video shows a single man in the backyard of the home -- a man who stood near mythical creatures -- move towards the lunatic. The lone person in that video displays a power humanity thought impossible.

The video climaxes when the criminal drops to the ground like a ragdoll, and then the officers take the criminal into custody. If things were normal that would be the end of that as some would say, but reality isn't normal or kind. I later found out the video had stoked the fire of humanity's imagination the moment it went both live and viral the night of March 16th, 2022 AD. Also unknown to me at the time, the video wetted humanity's insatiable appetite, its ravenous curiosity growing until humanity couldn't take it anymore. The morning of March 17th, 2022 AD, after that horrible night and that horrible incident, I discovered the laptop's wallpaper background had been changed. The message was a stern warning in bold white letters on an intense black background. It stated, "Those who keep secrets from humanity shall incur its wrath."

Those were my journal entries, my audio files. Though Princess Celestia said no one was to blame, it was my fault. It happened because I'd forgotten to turn the laptop off. The only thing not stolen were the research notes. Either out of spite for those notes being out of reach or just for the "lulz," the hackers placed my name, home address, state, and zip code up alongside the files that had been stolen.

Our secret was out. Princess Celestia tried to assure all of us things would work out, she couldn't have predicted those days and nights that followed. Nor, for that matter, could Princess Celestia have foretold the protesters.

The protesters marched onto the property and trampled the grass Apple Bloom spent countless nights on to cultivate. Some chanted "four-leggers go home" while others bellowed "we deserve answers" with each group vying for attention amongst the reporters who swooped in like a plague of locusts alongside the protesters. It's hard to tell what made me sicker, the protesters or those so-called investigative journalists who cared nothing about these ponies.

Throughout those long days and terrible nights, all sides kept up the pressure. Phone call after phone call to the authorities yielded no results. It took two weeks of torment after it started on March 20th, 2022 AD for SWAT and local law enforcement to get up off their butts and disperse the protesters, some removed via heavy force, but the arrests and emergency restraining order stopped neither of them. The journalist claimed immunity under the first amendment and were back on the front property within a few days. Those journalist returned at the same times malicious letters and outright hate mail arrived at the house in large bundles. Two and a half-weeks after the protests, I'd had enough. Per Princess Celestia's permission, I gave the investigative journalists a little show and a reason why they needed to back off.

Sloth. Greed. Lust. Gluttony. Envy. Wrath. Pride. Every idiosyncrasy, every possible sins of humanity has been on display after humans discovered the existence of these equines. They didn't deserve any of this garbage. From the hacker(s), protesters, and reporters to the malicious letters and ramped up hacking attempts that forced the ISP/Cable company to kill our service, those worthless cockroaches at said ISP company trying to force the estate to pay for early termination plus so-called applicable fees, I've hated every bit of it to this day. I hate the pure garbage these equines endured. Of course, things have gotten even better.

Almost a week ago from today, the human world had the gall to formally "welcome" the alien equines to Earth. AGAIN, after everything Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Sanctuary, Star Swirl the Bearded, and Princess Celestia endured, everything these displaced Equestrians dealt with, humanity has the audacity to pull this crap?! I have to say Princess Celestia, your calm never ceases to amaze me. The same goes for your logic. Why you accepted the invitation to the United Nations meeting is beyond me. It's your choice though, not mine.

In terms of today, I'm on pins and needles. This is the day of the United Nations invitation, and it is going to be rough. To be blunt, it's already off to a rough start.

I remember the soft texture of the bed sheets and familiar glow from the green light of the cordless phone. Both of them greeted me when I woke up in my bedroom. It had to be the fifth or sixth time I've passed out at my desk and woken up in my bedroom. There's no memory of it but all bets are on Princess Celestia. She's in her stereotypical, motherly/guardian role right now, watching over all of us. What's made today already off to a "great" start is the fact I was woken up by several succinct, heavy pounds that reverberated down the hallway. It's also the fact I was chewed out by some bootlicker.

All of it started at 6:07 am EST, the time according to the cordless phone. It was after the fifth, repetitious pounding I tossed the top covers off to the side, the time being 6:09 am, and then stormed toward the front door and said, "what do you want?!"


Through the peephole of the firmly shut, firmly locked front door a small silhouette could be seen, the plywood covered windows preventing a better view. The person stood on the concrete walkway with a packet clutched close to their chest. The porch-light didn't work because the bulb had been stolen or broken, again.

The sun having not yet risen, white lights from the various lampposts of the nearby houses provided some light. The silhouette appeared to adjust its outfit before an audible "ahem" was heard.

"Not interested." I said.

"It's imperative I speak with Princess Celestia." The person said.

Half-asleep, I stood by the firmly closed front door, my cellphone reading 6:12 am.

The woman cleared her throat again, and then asked, again, to speak with Princess Celestia, Ruler of Equestra. I said no, again. She repeated her request. I repeated my response. The woman pestered me with request, all met with the single word "no."

"Silence 'stable-boy!' If you will not let me speak to Princess Celestia then you will relay this message to her, so listen well because I will only say this once. Understand?" She said.

I was no longer half-asleep after the stable-boy comment.

The woman gave a firm, distinct "ahem," towards me before she dictated several terms about today's event.

I was told to relay a message to Princess Celestia, the Ruler of Equestria that she is formally invited to meet with the United Nations at 10:30 am EST, 2:30 pm UTC today. Princess Celestia's information is contained within the white packet. The woman also stated it was a matter of urgency the estate's stable-boy inform Princess Celestia of the matter without delay and said stable-boy will only come to the meeting with Princess Celestia as needed. Above all else, the stable-boy would ensure the Ruler of Equestria, Princess Celestia isn't late by even a second.

Each second the woman droned on and on about stable-boy this, attendant that, and servant of the house whatever, it pushed what nerves of mine were left. I had to put my cellphone down at 6:14 am. If I didn't, it'd have broken in my hand as it clenched tighter and tighter into a firm fist.

At 6:15 am, a thought occurred to me. A single snap would solve everything. Just a quick snap, just one single little snap of the fingers would have sent the woman's white car into orbit, without her being in it of course; thanks to the new intense training by Princess Celestia and Star Swirl the Bearded, both of them pushing and honing my skills each day we could train, that car would reached escape velocity in three seconds and reached the moon in ten seconds flat. It terrified me when that thought occurred in my mind, and it also pleased me.

When the phone read 6:17 am, I raised my hand, my thumb against my middle finger. I looked down, my hand fell to my side. My hand and nerves relaxed when a gentle pressure came to my left leg. A silvery colored hoof pressed against my left leg. Two, kind, innocent eyes gazed at me. Sweetie Belle stood beside me. I sighed and patted the little filly on the head.

The woman was done at 6:23 am, so I told her to leave the packet in the mailbox and get lost. The estate wasn't taking visitors.

The woman reiterated her prior statement that the estate's "stable-boy " not make Princess Celestia late then slipped the packet into the mailbox.

The woman's shoes made a heavy rhythmic sound against the concrete walkway, soon followed by the heavy slam of a car door.

"Mark my words stable-boy, and mark them well," the woman said in the snidest of possible tones, "if you destroyed humanity's chance for enlightenment, I will personally ensure you are brought up on charges. That is not a threat, but an unadulterated fact. You got a problem with that?"

My hand shot back up at 6:24 am, thumb pressed firmly against middle finger once more. Sweetie Belle pressed her hoof against my left leg again. She forced me to look at her. The unicorn filly didn't appear scared, nervous, or upset. She just looked at me and gave a slight, smooth, gentle head shake before she placed her hoof back onto the ground. In the end, Sweetie Belle was right. The woman wasn't worth it.

At 6:25 am, the white car's engine revved up. Through the peep-hole, I watched the car race out of the drive way then zoom down the street. By the direction the car rocketed, a betting person would say the woman headed towards the airport to catch a flight.

In the end, a quick finger snap did happen, but it just materialized the info packet onto the dark glass table, the packet being a semi-thick white envelope.

"You're our friend, not our servant. Always remember that, ok." Sweetie Belle said.

"Thanks for restraining me. Are all of you ok?" I said.

The two of us sat near the desk at 6:27 am. Sweetie Belle's ears went flat. The filly had raised her hoof and was prepared to speak in that moment, but she placed her hoof back down and sat in silence near me. She closed her mouth. The unicorn filly smiled, but Sweetie Belle seemed to fighting something back. I patted her on the head. She thanked me. A few, silent moments passed. The filly admitted how she and the others want to go home right now. She also admitted how hard it's been with the eyes of the world glued on all of them.

It angered me, still angers me for that matter of fact, to see not just Princess Celestia and Star Swirl the Bearded, but these fillies, these children being hounded to no end. It isn't fair. If humans treat each other like trash, I say go for it. If they treat me like trash, go for it. I don't care. However, they better think twice that it's ok to treat these innocent ponies like garbage, like they do to each other. If anyone attempts to harm a single hair on the head of one of these ponies, if a person so much as gives them one single dirty look, what I do to that person will be considered a war crime.

"Listen, enough about that, how about I fix us a huge breakfast. We'll have eggs, sausage, biscuits, waffles, and toast with some orange juice." Sweetie Belle said.

After a nod from me, Sweetie Belle gave a better, firmer smile before she walked towards the kitchen, pulled over a stool, flicked the stove on, put on her tiny apron, and started cooking around 6:27 am, the same time the journal program was opened. I heard several pots and pans clang against each other after that point. Those sounds were soon followed by the sound of sizzling, that followed by a delicious aroma.

Since Sweetie Belle started breakfast, time has crawled onward from 6:27 AM towards 6:32 AM, and then became 6:34 AM. At 6:35 AM, the dark blue apparition materialized off to my right side. She held up a hoof to her mouth, paused for a second, and then placed her hoof back down.

"The house is secure. Now that my duty is fulfilled, it's time to rest."

"Thanks, Asteria." I said.

The apparition had paused for a second while she almost appeared to blush.

"... your welcome, my friend."

The dark blue pony curled into a ball, and then vanished, which happened about 3 minutes ago. I'm just glad Asteria is here to watch the house. Perhaps later today, I can write about her to ease my mind, when I get the time at least. It's rather --

This just proves how frazzled I am right now. I didn't even feel the small tap come to my side at 6:52 AM. Princess Celestia had to block my screen to force me to look at her. It seems the others have arrived at the house.

As said, today is the day of the United Nation invitation, and things are already off to a great start with that jerk pounding on the door this morning. Today is also the day humanity gets its first real look at Equestrians.

I guess all I can do is be there by Princess Celestia's side to help her through this ordeal.

---End Entry---

>>>May 3rd 3:27 pm<<<

The meeting is over. I've taken off my monkey suit. I've taken my shower. I've booted up this laptop, and I've watched this cursor blink at me. All of it is so surreal. Even the reporters on what little bit of TV I can watch on my phone have been stunned by what happened. All of it happened after those merciless, grueling questions came to an end. The meeting at the UN came to a close with a twist worthy of M. Night Shyamalan himself.

"I have one final statement." The ambassador said.

Princess Celestia and I looked at each other. We were prepared to leave, but sat back down out of respect.

"This will be directed at you, sir." The ambassador said. The man adjusted his glasses. I remember how he let out a calm but heavy sigh. "As the ambassador to your country, I am here to read a statement that has been given to me by my superiors."

I looked at Princess Celestia. She shrugged at me. The two of us turned towards the ambassador.

"The note from my superiors states that all important research documents related to your... "magical" encounter with these equines shall be confiscated under the right of the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951. These documents will be sealed and classified, done in the name national security." The ambassador said.

"And if I refuse?" I said.

"Sir, you misunderstand your position. There will be no debate on this matter. There will be no negotiation. You -- a citizen of the United States of America -- will do as you are told." Ambassador Douglas C. Stromwell said. My cellphone read 11:52 am when he tapped the sheet in front of him. Mr. Stromwell soon laid the single piece of paper down flat in front of him with a heavy hand. "Sir, any form of refusal to comply with this document will be met with serious consequences. If you refuse, you will be tried, you will be found guilty, and you will be declared an enemy of the state and a traitor to your country. Do I make myself clear!"

The room remained silent after the ambassador's comment.

A two-star general, Douglas C. Stromwell was moved from the army to that of an ambassador for his directness and calmness under pressure. If ever there was a picture-perfect definition of high-noon, it was that moment. Things were made even eerier by the fact my phone read 12:00 pm est.

Every country wanted my research notes. They wanted them to further their own goals. However, my birthplace was prepared to do whatever it took to keep those notes for themselves, to study them, and to use them to their advantage.

I knew what Sweetie Belle meant in that moment, the eyes of the world being on me. I believed there was no other alternative. I believed I had no choice. The notes would have to be turned over. If the order wasn't obeyed, I'd be exiled from my home.

"Will you allow me to speak on this matter, Mr. Ambassador." Princess Celestia said. She looked at me and winked. The ambassador pointed a gentle open palm towards Princess Celestia and nodded. Several hushed voices came from around the room before it went quiet. "With all due respect, I believe that you are wrong."

"How so, Princess Celestia? In Equestria, do you not have laws when dealing with issues such as disobedience and declaring certain, 'sensitive' matters classified or higher to protect the citizens of Equestria?" Mr. Stromwell said. He adjusted his glasses then clasped his hands together. "With all due respect Princess Celestia, I am not fond of these tactics. They are cruel and unreasonable, and go against common ground principles of civility. However, such actions must be taken to prevent access to the information that can be potentially dangerous if left unchecked."

"That is where you are correct, Mr. Ambassador. What you say cannot be denied, and I must regrettably admit there are times and have been times where my authority as Ruler of Equestria has been both tested and exercised. It is done to protect those I hold dear." Princess Celestia said. I remained seated. The air was calm back then, yet it was also foreboding. It little breath of air felt like a gasp to me. Princess Celestia remained calm when she approached the center of the room. She pointed a gentle wing tip towards me, and then retracted it. "As many of you have no doubt read the journal entries and listened to the audio files posted online, the human at the table next to me has cared for my little ponies. He gave all of us the basic necessities of food and shelter, and gave us more than that, if I am being honest about it. Kindness. Joy. Loyalty. Generosity. Honesty. Magic. Our friend displayed all of this -- the ultimate pillars of friendship -- by taking all of us in when we had nowhere to turn. It put a tremendous strain on both his financial, physical, and mental wellbeing. I must admit, there are times where he can be a bit brash, a little needy, perhaps whiney at times, but that is what makes him, him. He is --"

"I apologize for interrupting Princess Celestia, but I'm not following your logic." Ambassador Stromwell said. He wasn't the only one. It made no sense why Princess Celestia listed all of that off, at least back then in that moment.

"My apologies. I'll be more succinct and state that I always do whatever is within my power to protect those that I hold dear, and my friend at that table is no exception." Princess Celestia said. I didn't think I was that whiney, but, perhaps I am a bit on the whiney side. I received another wink from Princess Celestia in that dire moment before she faced the crowd of ambassadors before her in that overbearing room. "Again, I cannot deny what you have stated Mr. Ambassador. There are times where things must be done in the sake of security. However, such actions must be done with grace, care, and above all else, utmost subtlety. Thus it has come to a point where my authority as Ruler of Equestria must be asserted. Now, do you mind if I ask a question?"

"Go on." Ambassador Stromwell leaned in, taking off his black rimmed glasses.

"Is it or is it not true that no one nation of Earth may lay claim to a celestial body as their own?" Princess Celestia said.

"I am not privy to all aspects of the doctrines and rules governing such a decree, but from what I do know, I will say that yes, that is the case. It is done in the sake of mutual interests of all nations." He said.

"Thank you. Now, I'd like to ask a second question. What in the rules of the various countries defines a person as a citizen, a denizen of said country?" Princess Celestia said.

It didn't occur to me what Princess Celestia was going on about. Even now, I still can't believe what she pulled off in that meeting.

"The typical requirement is a person to be born within a country, but there are other opportunities where a person can become a naturalized citizen. It is done through certain requirements of course." He said. Mr. Stromwell leaned in a little further.

"Thank you. Now, if I might ask a third question, and I promise, it will be my final question." Princess Celestia said. The ambassador remained silent. He placed his glasses back on, pulled out a handkerchief, and wiped his forehead. Princess Celestia returned to the table. She extended her left wing and placed it over my side. "As for my third question, what happens when an entity of another nation threatens the well-being of a citizen from another country?"

All eyes turned towards me, and then towards the ambassador. I held no dual citizenship. I was born and raised in the US.

"Let it be known on this day that I, Princess Celestia, Ruler of Equestria, declare under my authority that Sanctuary is a satellite nation of Equestria. I also hereby extend full rights of Equestrian citizenship to the person seated next to me. If my friend is ever turned away from his country of origin, Sanctuary -- and above all else Equestria -- will always open its doors to him." Princess Celestia said. She retracted her wing.

There were no words for it. There was no reason for it either, but what Princess Celestia did left me speechless. It, it kinda makes me teary eyed to think of how she protected me like that during the meeting.

"Well played, Princess Celestia. Well played." Douglas C. Stromwell said. The ambassador smiled in that moment. He appeared almost being genuinely happy. "Princess Celestia, what you just did was a spectacular, brilliant move, in my honest opinion. By bestowing Equestrian citizenship to the person beside you right now, I would dare surmise any move against them can and will be construed as a declaration of war against Equestria itself. Sir, though I cannot rescind this order, I do withdraw my prior statement and will speak with my superiors on this matter."

Princess Celestia pulled a move straight out of her rear that can't possibly be legal, but if what she said is true and I am declared a naturalized citizen by giving her and her subjects aid, it has given me some protection.

When the meeting ended at long last, I snapped my fingers and teleported myself and Princess Celestia to the house. From that point on, we've taken our respective, well earned break, well earned for Princess Celestia at least.

Over and over again that moment has been played on TV. Reporters around the globe are abuzz, again from what I can read, about the ramifications of such an event. Some have declared it an invasion by Equestria. They say humanity needs to take up arms to fight the invaders. Others believe it opens the door to negotiations and possible treaties. In either event, I have no idea what is going through the mind of that princess. Not to mention, there's one question that has been plaguing me while I type this up.

If Princess Celestia declared Sanctuary apart of Equestria, does that mean they aren't planning to leave? Or, if they are planning to leave, does that mean they are taking me with them?

I have no idea at this point. Right now, I need a soda and some headache medicine. It feels like there's a jackhammer in my head that won't quit.

---End Entry---

June 29th

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>>>June 29th, 8:10 am<<<

"All memories should be cherished. Though we hold onto the beautiful ones the most, we should never forget the bad ones, for it is our memories, the good and the bad, that define us." -Unknown

The memories I've forged throughout my life have kept me going. I felt elated when I graduated from college, and it destroyed me when my mother passed away. Those memories, good and bad, define me. I'm beyond grateful to learn once more to look back on my memories vs. scorning them. It's thanks in part to the bonds I made with these unusually weird, downright funny equines. All of them have given me so much that I can never be repaid. That's why today feels so somber. Today..., today is the day I... must say goodbye. It's awkward to say the least.

It's hard to believe my life changed with a simple strange sound. It's the first memory that comes to mind when I think about these ponies. Over a year ago I gazed at Apple Bloom's innocent eyes. The little filly gazed right back at me. Our simple chance meeting started off a whirlwind odyssey.

Days came and went, and the more stories we shared, the more our bonds grew. It seemed humans and ponies weren't so different. My pony problems multiplied in a short time however.

Scootaloo had arrived one day when I was out, me coming home to the sight of the pegasus filly. Apple Bloom I could handle, but the duo proved tough. Scootaloo and her helicopter encounter scared me to no end. Sweetie Belle came along not too long after the pegasus filly with Sweetie Belle being who introduced me to "magic."

The enchanted pair of headphones both terrified me and astound me, the concept of magic irritating me. Heh, I once called it Deus Ex Machina garbage, which, to be fair, is still true in some regards.

Another memory I'll never forget is the day Scootaloo got sick. I was scared, and I'm thankful the filly recovered with no ill effects.

The news broadcast proved the hardest test for our little group. I remember every detail. When those fillies saw what had happened, they looked at me with such frightened eyes. They ran off to my room, demanding I stay back. That day tested the bonds our group had forged, but it didn't break them. The fillies agreed to trust and believe in me. It warmed my heart. I'm grateful they were willing to trust me.

When that horrible day cleared, our bonds grew. Our little group made and shared more and more memories. Deep down, I secretly hoped to do everything in my power to send these three... "angels" home, but I didn't have that power, not for a while at least.

Those moments are precious to me, holding them close to my heart. Of course, life changes at its own whims. On one day, on one inconspicuous night, the "alarm" went off when the fillies were asleep. On that night in March, my pony problem grew from three fillies to three fillies plus one royal horse-sized pain in my butt.

That night, I knew what the alarm meant before the closet door opened. I knew we had another guest. However, that sound could not have prepared me for the sight of a full grown mare on her back. Princess Celestia, a pure white mare who sported a golden crown and neckpiece, wings and a horn, and stood well over six-feet tall greeted me that night. Her multi-colored tail and mane flowed in my windless room like magic itself. When the regal mare arrived, on her back, it dramatically changed the three fillies' lives, and mine.

On one night, Princess Celestia offered me her crown. The gold crown with the beautiful purple jewel in it could have fetched a fortune. It was a hefty crown that weighed heavily on the wearer's head. The regal mare offered me the generous payment for taking care of her little ponies, and I refused. It wasn't right to accept the payment. What I did for Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo was done out of kindness and generosity, not for repayment at a later date. Not to let the topic rest, Princess Celestia upped the ante. Unbeknownst to me, the mare started work on something miraculous. She showcased her work one day. Somehow, Princess Celestia had constructed a kingdom on the moon, the grand palace of Sanctuary.

Again, I refused Princess Celestia's payment. There wasn't any reason for it, yet I did accept Princess Celestia's offer to stay in the wonderful place. I had no idea my refusal would trigger a strange series of events that would lead to the birth of a nightmare, an enthralling battle ensuing in the days to follow.

I don't know about Apple Bloom, but it amazed me to witness Princess Celestia clash with Nightmare Sepulcher. Their magical power, their ethereal might shook Sanctuary to its core. The tables turned when the creature harmed me, the act angering Princess Celestia. It took the courage of the Cutie Mark Crusaders to help turn the tide of battle in the final confrontation. In the end, the monstrously manifested nightmare that came to life, Nightmare Sepulcher was defeated, yet her defeat held a huge surprise for all of us.

A stone statue of Princess Celestia materialized in a blinding flash of light, residing where the nightmare once stood. All of us watch the stone statue crack then shed it stony shell. The once lifeless statue transformed into the embodiment of Sanctuary itself. After a final, now seemingly trivial battle, our lives transitioned into peaceful ones with the nightmarish entity that corrupted Sanctuary trapped in my watch. The once skittish Sanctuary has now blossomed into a beautiful mare all her own, and a dear, dear friend to me.

Though Nightmare Sepulcher's defeat felt the end of it, more surprises were instore.

My birthday rolled around and the ponies gave me a beautiful new watch since Nightmare Sepulcher had been encased in my old one. That little gift opened up a world of new possibilities, both dangerous and wondrous. The whole thing started off with a simple thought. I found it amusing to try my hand at magic, but I had no idea what would happen next when a quick snap of my fingers landed me in Sanctuary's pond. Cold and naked, Princess Celestia helped me out of the frigid pond that day. The answer as to how I performed such a feat eluded us for some time, and it's also time that trudged on from that point forward. Heck, how could I forget that I lost my right arm? Heh, it's probably because Princess Celestia trained me to compensate for it with magic.

Back on topic, I thought our unique adventures seemed over. Or, I should say I hoped we returned to some form of normalcy. Those hopes were dashed as more surprises were to come. The second to last addition to my pony problems brought some welcome and unwelcomed surprises.

Star Swirl the Bearded came to our world after a failed attempt at getting the ponies home. The brilliant, studious unicorn of both magic and science gave us a missing piece to a puzzle we hadn't solved: how and why could I perform magic? The stallion's gift -- the one on my desk right now -- explained everything. His book on legendary creatures of Equestria, coupled with his first-hand account of Conduits, specifically one named Merlin the Magician, told us of humanity's specialty. The tides turned the day Star Swirl the Bearded arrived. I wish that hacker never gained access to my laptop. The world knowing about these equines altered everything to an unacceptable degree. In the process, I was almost brought up on serious charges. Princess Celestia, I can never thank you enough for protecting me at the UN meeting, granting me Equestrian citizenship.

After the whole meeting with the UN and such, things took time to quiet down. In the interim, I still trained my butt off to better grasp magic and what I could wield. Unknown to me, Star Swirl the Bearded decided to "train" on his own and learned about the human world.

I know I love the word idiosyncrasies, but that unicorn stallion's idiosyncrasies irritate me to no end. Even now, how that little snot learned about credit cards and how to use them is beyond me. He had no right to use my card. Two-thousand dollars -- back to the... point! I learned of Star Swirl the Bearded's little experiment when the packages arrived on the doorstep. There was no way to cancel the two-thousand dollar order. Of course, now that I'm using his experiment, I "might" not have been so angry at the stallion if he told me about it. I'm amazed Star Swirl the Bearded studied Sweetie Belle's accident with the headphones and used it as inspiration to magically enchant a hearing aid. It's a two-thousand dollar prototype, but magical thought-to-text speech is nice.

That annoyance with the misappropriated money aside, Star Swirl the Bearded proved his prowess as a studious unicorn of magic. On a more lighthearted occasion that happened two weeks after his arrival, the stallion discovered my MMERDs spell and appeared enamored with it. He studied the spell relentlessly, asking me questions non-stop. I turned over fifteen pages of research. It couldn't quell is insatiable appetite. The brilliant stallion replicated in three days what had taken me so long to produce.

The more I checked in on Star Swirl the Bearded, the more he seemed entranced with his work. At the time, I had no idea what the stallion was cooking up: Star Swirl the Bearded, the studious unicorn of magic and science was about to perform a miracle.

Two weeks ago from this day, I remember how Scootaloo asked me, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle to go with her to the main garden in Sanctuary. The pegasus filly stated Star Swirl the Bearded needed us. When we arrived, the filly told the three of us we were to act as final elements to an astounding feat in pony history, human history too when you counted me into the mix.

Early in the morning, around eight-thirty am, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and I gathered in Sanctuary's main garden alongside Scootaloo. In the serene garden two weeks ago from today, all of us found Princess Celestia, Sanctuary, and Star Swirl the Bearded standing near a circle. Star Swirl the Bearded told Scootaloo to step forward when we came closer. The unicorn stallion looked down at her. He asked if the pegasus filly was ready. A firm "yes" echoed throughout the garden, and I remember Scootaloo's wings quivering after that definitive yes. It appeared rather strange at the time. Her wings weren't quivering out of fear. The filly appeared excited as she crept forward, and then stood inside a small circle drawn into the dirt. Once inside the circle, I remember how the pegasus filly grinned from ear to ear.

That day, Princess Celestia, Sanctuary, and Star Swirl the Bearded stood at different points around Scootaloo. The unicorn stallion then had me, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom stand at pre-positioned points as well. Star Swirl the Bearded told me, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom about the plan to bind the improved MMERDs spell to Scootaloo and how it required six entities to help bind the spell to the one in the center. The three of us took no time nodding our heads and replying with our own firm "yes."

The air was tense that day, two weeks ago. I remember how all the hairs on my body stood on end. Princess Celestia, Sanctuary, and Star Swirl the Bearded illuminated their horns. Sweetie Belle's horn illuminated almost on instinct. Apple Bloom's mane glowed, and then her body. It came down to me, and I relaxed as Princess Celestia had taught me. My watch glowed, and then my body. Our combined, raw magical power caused the air to crackle with intense ethereal energy, but the energy didn't hurt. It wasn't like the time the portal scarred me. The warm energy enveloped connected to all of us.

Two weeks ago, I witnessed a miracle as a brilliant light surrounded Scootaloo. The pegasus filly floated into the air. The beautiful light penetrated her entire body. What appeared to last for seconds lasted for several minutes. The end neared, and Scootaloo floated gently to the ground. The light faded into the pegasus filly.

I cherish that day with all my heart. The water hardly ever ceased that day. Scootaloo hugged Princess Celestia, Sanctuary, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom numerous times. Star Swirl the Bearded and I received a generous hug or three, too. Two weeks ago, a near impossible feat had been accomplished that amazed Princess Celestia herself: Star Swirl the Bearded, the brilliant, studious unicorn stallion had not only improved upon my MMERDs, he had managed bind my spell to Scootaloo's soul. I'll admit I had to grab a few tissues that day as I watched Scootaloo make the spell her own and zip around the garden. Now, like other pegasus ponies, she can fly to her heart's content and just needs to rest at night like others. I'm thankful such a minor thing could turn into a powerful gift, one that someone will always cherish.

As I repeat myself in these notes, Scootaloo attaining her dream is one memory I cherish with all my heart. Just like other memories though, there are new ones just waiting to be forged. The regal blue pony resting beside me right now as I "think" this entry up can attest to that notion.

The day after Scootaloo attained her dream, things were set in motion for a final addition to our group. Dinner that night ended on a heartwarming note when Princess Celestia pulled out a white box. It caused Asteria, the regal pony who's resting beside me, to raise an eyebrow. I won't forget the calm, serene moment. Our group's laughter and gossip that filled the dining room died down. At seven-thirty-five pm, I materialized the laptop. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, Sanctuary, myself, and Princess Celestia had cast their vote, all of us voting yes.

Time didn't creep forward or trudge onward. It went at a gentle pace.

On the night after Scootaloo attained her dream to fly, Asteria spoke to me and the mare's words materialized on the laptop. She held her hooves up to her mouth, tears raining down onto those hooves. The regal blue mare raised a shaky hoof that night, and then placed it on the ground. Princess Celestia illuminated her horn and materialized the statue of Princess Luna into the dining room. Princess Sanctuary illuminated her horn and materialized my watch still encased in the crystal. Asteria leapt forward with open hooves, phasing through the two ponies. Princess Celestia and Princess Sanctuary felt nothing. Asteria snickered to herself. I remember that night fondly because I bore witness to a second miracle.

My old watch glowed in a powerful dark-blue light before it phased into the statue of Princess Luna. The statue shed several stone shards, and then sprung to life. Asteria took several deep breaths. The pony shivered. Her nostrils flared. She shouted "thank you" at the top of her lungs to all of us. On that night, Asteria attained her dream. The mare, no longer bound to seeking out a host, gained a body of her own and true friends to cherish.

The night is also memorable to me since Asteria never left my side. Princess Celestia produced a bed to let Asteria sleep in my room. The days and nights that followed were awkward, but heartwarming. Heh, I'll always remember how Asteria behaved like such a child as she jumped, played, laughed, and darted about Sanctuary's main garden at times.

Asteria gaining her own body, Scootaloo obtaining her dream to fly, Princess Celestia and the others speaking with their loved ones during the holidays, these ponies have... they've given me so many heartfelt memories I hold close to my heart. It's why I find it hard to say goodbye to these ponies.

I don't want them to leave. I don't want to say goodbye in fear that I'll never see them again. Still, I promised to see them off. I'm the catalyst to the portal, and I refuse to let them --


"I'm up here." I said. I better wipe my eyes. Princess Celestia seems like a worry wart anymore. Still, I can't blame her. She's going home and wants to make sure everything is alright. "Asteria's taking a small nap."

"I see, I will keep my voice down." Princess Celestia said. It's hard to believe how much time has passed. Feels just like yesterday this mare came into my life. "Are you free to talk?"

"Yea, I'm free. You alright?" I said. Princess Celestia seems a bit off. "You got something on your mind?"

My room is always quiet, but today feels a little more quiet than usual.

"Wolf, you're coming with me, you're coming with us to Equestria." Princess Celestia said. I... I must be -- her words are on the laptop though. I'm coming with you? "Yes my friend. After a lengthy conversation with the others, I feel it wise you come with us to Equestria."

I can't, I'm totally -- t-thank you, Princess Celestia.

"You are most welcome, my friend, however, I wish it were under happier circumstances." Princess Celestia said. I'm struggling to speak, but this hearing aid knows what words I want on the laptop. Princess Celestia just reads my words and -- sorry. "It's alright. Though I intended to leave you in this world with the portal in your room in Sanctuary connecting to Equestria, things have changed. I apologize for the last minute change, but I have given this a lot of thought. Your magical aptitude intrigues both me and Star Swirl, but those scars on your back frighten me. I fear without proper supervision, your magical power could grow out of control. That is why you will be coming with us to Equestria. We will help you learn to harness what power you've gained."

"P-Princess Celestia," I can feel the frog in my throat, "am I going to be ok?" I said. Princess Celestia shook her head. "Are you saying no, you don't know, or both?"

That look in her eyes, she doesn't know. She scared, and so am I.

"Princess Celestia, am I going to die?" I said. Princess Celestia bolted forward. She spread her wings and just hugged me. "I don't want to --"

"Wolf -- my dear friend -- I will do 'everything' in my power to protect you. I won't let anything harm you. I promise!" Princess Celestia said. When she uses my last name, it's serious. "With all my power, with all my might, I promise to keep you safe. I know it is last minute, but you must pack your things and be prepared. Today is the day we leave for Equestria. Alright?"

"I had hoped to go to Equestria, and I thought about it for some time. It's difficult, but I'm prepared to say goodbye." I said. This isn't how I wanted it, but it is what I wanted. I will not refuse it. I must stand on my own two feet. "I better get ready."

It looks like Princess Celestia will help me gather my things. Asteria is resting up for the trip. The others must have gathered their things. I'm scared out of my mind, but there's no time. I must believe in Princess Celestia. Today is no longer somber. It's a frantic race. I have four hours to gather my stuff, and then it's off to Equestria.

---End Entry---

>>>June 29th, 11:10am<<<

One last charge before the road. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, you started something miraculous for me. Princesses Sanctuary and Princess Celestia, you've given me something beyond special. Star Swirl the Bearded, don't use my stuff without permission, alright. Also, thanks for the tutelage and I'll see you on the otherside. Princess Asteria, I'm glad you got your wish.

All of you, I can't wait to join you all on the otherside.

"Wolf, are you ready?" Star Swirl the Bearded said.

"Y-Yea, I'm ready." I said.

The air is definitely tense. We're going over the plan for a final time. I've shut off the water to the entire house, written up four hasty emails and fired them off to kill services, and, well, there's nothing for me to do except bring what little I can fit through the portal. As for the money, I say to heck with it.

"It's eleven-thirty-five am right now. We've been in contact with the others via the portal in your room in Sanctuary, Wolf. At twelve-ten pm, the portal will be opened. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and then Sweetie Belle will go through the portal. Asteria and Sanctuary will go through once those fillies are safely on the other-side. Princess Celestia will be next, and then myself. You will be our anchor point, Wolf." Star Swirl the Bearded said. I nodded. The moment is creeping up fast. "I make this solemn promise to you. On my word as a sage of Equestria, you are coming with us."

"Right!" I said.

"D-Did ya'll say those goodbyes?" Apple Bloom placed her hoof on my hand. "Ah know it ain't easy."

"Yea, there sure are a lot of memories." Scootaloo said.

"We can always carry those memories with us." Sweetie Belle said.

I nodded to the fillies.

"I wouldn't make it any harder than it already is, girls. It is a huge last minute change for our friend." Princess Celestia said.

"Don't worry, mom. I have a feeling he'll be fine." Princess Sanctuary said.

"I agree," Princess Asteria winked at me, "he'll be fine."

"Hmm," I said. I gave all of them a firm nod. "I promise to get all of you home, and I'll be right behind you bringing up the rear."

"One heck of a rear to bring up behind Princess Celestia." Asteria said.

"Young lady!" Princess Celestia said. She snickered to herself. "Perhaps I do need to lay off the sweets. Be that as it may, getting back to the serious matter, I will keep my promise to protect you, my friend."

I stood up. I put my arm out. All of their hooves bumped against my fist.

"It's eleven-fifty-nine am. Time to get this show on the road and do my final checks." I said. Time to unplug this laptop. I just hope all this equipment makes it to Equestria in one piece. There isn't a repair shop that could possibly fix it. "Alright, I'm unpluging the laptop and shut it off. I'm ready to go when you all are ready."

Mom..., mom I'm heading off. It's time for me to spread my own... ehh "magical" wings and fly. I'll never forget everything you and dad have given me. I hope I've made you proud. Thank you, and goodbye.

---End Entry---