The Breeding Grounds

by Inthend

First published

Males are suppressed by females and used for breeding

It's common knowledge in Ponyville that every male is taken away at birth to be frozen in a warehouse and used strictly for breeding purposes. Some are later released to work the fields and perform other difficult tasks such as Winter Wrap Up, but they are and always have been repressed by their female overlords. Everypony accepts this fact without a blink of an eye since it is all they know. Upon coming of age, six mares venture out to perform their required civic duties with the frozen stallions. Is the natural bond between mates truly gone in a world that has never known love?

Before the Dawn

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It was a dark night. The skies were overcast and cold heavy rain battered the roof as the six mares sat in a circle in the center of Rarity’s bedroom and discussed their futures.

“I just don’t know if I’m ready,” Twilight mused worriedly.

“Me either,” Pinkie agreed, “but it’s all been worked out over generations and this is the best time supposedly.”

“But don’t you think it seems a little, I don’t know… immoral?” the purple unicorn still sounded nervous.

“Well would you look at that!” Applejack exclaimed. “Ol’ egghead Twilight who always listens to the facts before her heart thinks this is immoral. Now that’s saying somethin’!”

“No, I mean… whatever happened to love and commitment? This doesn’t seem right, it doesn’t seem natural.”

“You just have cold hooves dear. It’ll all be over before you know it and we can get back to our lives.” Rarity gave a sincere look at the troubled unicorn.

“But it’s not supposed to be over just like that. You don’t think there’s supposed to be more to all this?”

“We get in, do our duty, and get out. It’s that simple. Stop overcomplicating everything!” Rainbow Dash snickered at her friend who was still anxiously shifting around on the lavender pillow on the floor.

“It’s just… okay,” Twilight bowed her head and finally conceded to the situation.

“It’s not like it’s so horrible anyway! Have a good time with it. Get in there and shop around until you see one that you like and then, you know… get down to business.” Rarity shot a devilish grin to each of her friends. It was silent as the six mares looked back and forth to each other and finally burst out in a fit of girlish giggles as they imagined what it would be like.

“It’s alright Twilight. I’m nervous too.” The yellow pegasus spoke for the first time in a noticeably long time.

“I’m not nervous. It’s just that the whole thing doesn’t seem right. I mean they’re ponies too and they deserve to be free like us and make their own decisions.”

“It’s just how it is dear. We keep them contained and let some out to work the fields while the rest stay locked up in the warehouse. It’s better this way.”

“But they have feelings too. Who are we to keep them locked away and unable to live their lives?”

“Most of them are dumb silly faces anyway!” Pinkie chirped gleefully.

“Well my brother ain’t,” Applejack pondered out loud for a moment.

“Really Applejack? Have you ever heard your brother say more than a couple of words before?” Pinkie tilted her head and stared at the other earth pony with a quizzical expression.

“Well no. I guess he ain’t exactly the brightest apple in the batch.”

“He’s dumber than paint!” Rainbow Dash suddenly exclaimed.

“He’s one twist short of a slinky!” Pinkie burst out laughing.

“He donated his brain to science before he was done with it!” Twilight couldn’t help but chime in despite it hurting her cause.

“Hey! He’s not that bad. He can be smart at times.” Applejack tried to defend her brother.

“Well he’s still not exactly the quickest bunny in the forest,” Fluttershy mumbled quietly while looking at the floor.

“But he’s still my brother and I love him!”

“As you should,” Rarity nodded affirmatively. “Besides,” a grin suddenly spanning across the unicorn’s face, “it’s not your fault he fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down!”

Applejack couldn’t help but burst out in a torrent of laughter along with her friends at that one. Twilight sat back and relaxed, letting out a satisfied sigh as she looked around the room at all of her friends. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.


“One day to go! Are you ready to have the greatest time of your life?!” Pinkie galloped into the library, nearly bouncing off the bookcases as she quickly scanned the room for the lavender mare who had been lost in her book. “Hey, whatcha reading?!” the pink earth pony tilted her head as she tried to make out the words on the cover of the book that was suspended midair in front of the unicorn. “Pleasure Without Bounds: A Guide to Successful Felati-“

“It’s nothing!” Twilight quickly flung the book across the room, her cheeks turning a bright shade of crimson.

“Hey what’s fela-“

“Nothing! It’s nothing! Just complicated magic unicorn stuff, you know.” Twilight stumbled over her words, her cheeks still burning, before nonchalantly turning her head to make sure the book had landed face down. “So why are you here?”

“I came to remind you how super awesome fun it’s going to be tomorrow! You got so lucky! I wanted to be the first of us to go but then they called your name first and I was like ‘Shoot!’ and then I heard my name later so that means that I get to go the next day after you and that’ll be fun but not nearly as fun as getting to be the first one!”

‘For Celestia’s sake, does she even breathe?’ She felt tired just watching the earth pony ramble on continuously. “Yeah I’m lucky alright…” Twilight groaned.

“I know! You’re going to get to go in first and then tell us all about how fun it was!” Pinkie went off again. “You’re gonna get the biggest strongest one! He’s gonna be all muscled and handsome with a long flowing mane and a giant peni-“

“Stop! Okay I get it!” She really didn’t need her friend telling her the specific details of what was about to happen tomorrow.

“Aw come one Twi! It’s going to be fun!”

“I’m not so sure,” the unicorn mumbled just barely loud enough for her friend to hear.

“What do you mean?”

“Well I’ve never been very successful with the whole… myself, and the… thing.”

“The thing? What thing?”

“The uhm, getting… off thing,” she turned away humiliated, her cheeks growing redder and redder.

“YOU’VE NEVER HAD AN ORGASM!?” The room shook as Pinkie screeched loud enough to wake the dead.

“Quiet! Yes I have!” Twilight tried to redeem herself to whoever may have heard her outside. Probably the entire town. Where was Spike? Did he just hear that? Oh Celestia that would be a nightmare! “I mean uh… I haven’t exactly had a… no.”

“How have you gone your entire life without having an orgasm?! That’s not even living!”

“I don’t know, I guess I never really found the time to really work on it.”

“Well…” Pinkie gave the unicorn a devilish grin as the gears in her head began to spin. “I could always help you. You know, give you an extra hoof.” She gave a sly wink.

“What? NO! No! You don’t have to do that for me! It’s okay, I have it all handled! Everything is under control!”

“Aww come on! It’ll be fun!” Pinkie took a slow step towards the hesitant unicorn who drew back at the same time.

“No, nu uh, I’m fine thank you. I’m going to uh… go up to my room now and um… study.” With that the book in the corner levitated in an aura of sparkling lavender and quickly followed the purple streak that was bolting up the winding stairs to the room above.

“It was worth a try. Maybe next time.” a small grin growing across the earth pony’s face as she strolled back outside.

“I can’t believe she just came in and yelled to the entire world that I haven’t had an orgasm!” Twilight threw herself onto her bed and buried her face into her pillow.

“You what now?” a voice came from the foot of her bed.

‘Buck!’ Twilight sheepishly looked up from her pillow to see the purple dragon staring at her with a quizzical expression plastered across his face.

“Oh hey Spike, can you go get my quill?” she quickly tried to change the subject before the scribe could say anything.

“Just the quill? What do you need it for?”

'To drive through my skull' “Uh I just need something to pick out this lint from my pillow.” The unicorn gave an oversized smile.

“Okay…” the baby dragon trudged away with an unconvinced look before returning a few moments later with the quill. “Here’s your quill for picking lint out of your pillow,” he held the feather out to the unicorn who now had her back to him, her face buried in a book.

“My wha- yes! Thank you Spike.” She quickly turned and snatched the quill out of his hand with her magic and laid it down next to her before returning to her book.

“Aren’t you going to clean your pillow?” Spike looked cunningly at the unicorn.

“Yeah I’ll do it later,” Twilight said quickly, completely engulfed in her book.

“… then grasp it firmly by the base and bring it to your mouth where you may then begin to lick the – Twilight what are you reading?” Spike asked while looking over her shoulder.

“Uh nothing.” she slammed the book closed and threw it under the pillow in one motion before looking innocently back at her assistant as if nothing had happened.

“Fine, I don’t even care anyway,” he said shrugging his shoulders and pacing away.

The night passed slowly as the lavender unicorn curled up under her blanket and continued to read with the aid of a tiny white spark at the tip of her horn. Spike found her the next morning surrounded by books strewn about her bed and one in particular folded across her face where she proceeded to snore and grumble loudly into it.

“Uh Twilight? I think you’re going to be late for your – whatever it is you’re doing today.”

Twilight woke with a start, bolting upright and sending the book that was on her face hurling across the room. “No! I can’t be late! I can never be late!”

Spike watched as the unicorn frantically flashed out of the room in an arc of white light and could be seen from the bedroom window galloping into the distance. “Whatever it is must be extremely important. That or she’s just weird about being late. Yeah that explains it.” He said trudging back to his bed with a yawn.

“Can’t be late! Never late! Oh no, I’m going to be tardy! This can’t happen! I can’t be late OR tardy!” Twilight stammered to herself while continuing to gallop across the outskirts of Ponyville towards the large gray, barn-like structure in the distance. The sun was just beginning to peak across the sky as she threw open the doors with a huff and stumbled inside.

“Twilight Sparkle.” A nasally voice called over the intercom system just as she flung herself before the front desk.

“Here!” she cried through gulps of air.

“Just in time,” said the mare behind the desk looking down at her paperwork.

She made it! She was on time, which meant she wasn’t late! Cheerfulness surged through her body as she pulled herself up from the floor and waited for the brown maned pegasus behind the desk to give her instructions.

“I know you may be nervous and don’t understand why we’re doing this,” the mare recited the words as if she had done it a thousand times, “but let me assure that it is all for the greater good and you will understand why after.”

“For the greater good? Why can’t I understand before? I’d rather understand now if you don’t mind.”

The pegasus behind the desk gave an exhausted sigh as she rolled her eyes back towards the unsteady unicorn. “All your questions will be answered in due time. Please step forward and continue through the white doors to your left until you get to the end of the hallway, there, a gray unicorn will be waiting to give you further instructions.”

“Thank you?” Twilight gave the mare a confused look before following the instructions and stepping through the milky white doors. It was like being in a hospital or some weird insane asylum where everything was kept completely sterile. ‘Makes sense,’ Twilight answered her own thoughts as she gazed about the empty white hallway. Even the doors on either side of her as she passed were white. There was absolutely no color except for the small black tinted windows stationed beside each door. It was almost eerie. She continued towards the white double doors at the end of the hallway, giving them a hesitant, gentle nudge before cautiously peering inside.

“Twilight Sparkle?” the gray mare addressed the purple head that was poking out of the doorway.

“Yes, that’s me.” She stepped into the room and let out a loud gasp at the almost horrific sight before her. The cylindrical chamber before her dropped off into darkness just beyond the metal platform where the gray unicorn stood. The sharp clink of her hooves on metal echoed across the tube-shaped room as she carefully stepped towards the yellow railing to look out. It was filled with stack after stack of round white pods layered across the walls that spanned up towards the ceiling as far as the eye could see. Each pod was about the size of a small cart and had a large black number printed on the front and on either side. ‘1274, 1275, 1276, 1277 – how many could they possibly have?’ The purple unicorn gazed around at the staggering number of pods across the nearly endless expanse trying to grasp the magnitude of the room. ‘How can they possibly keep track of so many?’

“Don’t be alarmed, whatever you’re feeling is a normal reaction and you’re certainly not the first.” The gray unicorn saw the mixed looks of horror and wonder on the young mare’s face. Twilight stood flabbergasted for several more seconds before turning to look at the other unicorn who had been waiting patiently for her to regain her wits.

“It’s just – wow, I don’t know how to put it into words,” she nearly whispered staring back out across the room again.

“That’s common, are you ready to begin?” there wasn’t the slightest hint of impatience as the unicorn turned to leisurely stroll over to the computer counsel. She seemed like a regular mare like any other and certainly wasn’t as robotic sounding as the mare at the desk. How could somepony who seemed so normal do this? The room was suddenly brought to life as halogen lights flicked on around the pods and machinery could be heard priming in the distance. “Now what are your preferred dimensions? Any particular color? Mane? Eyes?”

Twilight gave the gray unicorn a blank look as she was bombarded with question after question. “Uh, I like… big ones?” she gave an unsure smile.

“You’re going to have to be much more specific dear. Are we talking tall or wide or broad shoulders or something else? Please give me the exact dimensions if possible.”

“Well I like tall. And I like the broad shoulders thing. Maybe not too wide. But muscular, I like muscular.”

The gray unicorn gave her a look as if she were simple. “Well yes… they’re all like that. Those are the best candidates for breeding so we genetically alter them to have those traits. I’m talking about other traits that you want like coat color, mane, and eyes.”

“Oh well I don’t know,” Twilight began, deciding to spew forth the first characteristics that came to mind after the gray unicorn gave her a discontented look, “I guess I’d like a gray stallion, one with a long brown flowing mane and bright blue eyes.”

“Excellent choice ma’am, would you like to browse through the models we have available with those specifications?” Twilight stepped over to the console and watched as the unicorn set several filters based on what she had just said. The gray mare proceeded to scroll through the images of gray stallions with brown manes that flashed onto the screen and pick a few at seemingly random. “This is what we have in stock. You may pick any of these and we can get started right away.”

The butterflies in her stomach suddenly fluttered up to her throat as she realized that the moment she dreaded was about to come. Was she ready for this? Could she handle the pressure?

“So uhm, what exactly do I do again?” her face burned as she felt as timid as Fluttershy.

“First you pick a stallion and we’ll bring him up to your private room and unfreeze him. It may take several minutes for him to recover from the freeze, so if you’re shy you may use that opportunity to fulfill your task. Otherwise you may wait until he is fully unfrozen and functional before beginning. Do you need a pamphlet on the proper breeding procedures?”

“Me? No, I got this.” Twilight puffed out her chest as she tried to sound confident and strolled casually past the unicorn. “Actually on second thought,” she turned back, “give me one of those pamphlets - just something to do while I wait.”

“It seems a lot of folks like to read these while they wait,” the gray mare smiled before reaching under the console and pulling out a small leaflet. “Here you go, just continue down the hall and pick any available room. I’ll upload your selection to the console inside in just a moment.”

“Thank you,” Twilight forced a smile as she strolled back out the white double doors she had come in. The hallway looked the same as it had when she first entered, nothing but white except for the small tinted windows next to each door. What were those windows for? Was it so the staff could look in on what was happening? There was no way she would be able to do this if that was the case. With a gentle nudge she tried to push the first door on her left open, but it stayed firmly closed. ‘Must be somepony else inside’ she thought moving to the door across from it. Another gentle nudge and the solid white door refused to move. ‘Must be busier than I thought’ she trotted down to the next set of doors. No luck. ‘Maybe I’m just not pushing hard enough’ she placed both of her front hooves across the door and leaned her body into it, but it still didn’t budge. With a quick thrust, she threw her full weight against the metal door with a deep thud. “Someone’s in here!” a strained voice that almost sounded like a sigh came from inside. Twilight quickly recoiled, her ears drawn back as her cheeks grew red. “Sorry!” she cried fleeing to the next set of doors and giving a firm push to the first one that swung open and smashed against the wall inside. With a quick flick of her hoof, she managed to shut the door before anything else could possibly go wrong.

The room was just how you would have expected, completely white. The only things inside were a medium sized queen bed against the wall, a dresser with a basic lamp on it, and a heavy arm chair – all completely white. There was also the computer console next to her that blinked with a little rectangular green bar in the top left corner. Behind her was the square black tinted window where she could see out into the hallway. She sighed to herself as she realized that it wasn’t for ponies peeping in on her, although seeing strangers walk past the window could potentially ruin the mood just as much. The pamphlet she had been carrying floated to the ground in front of as she nervously waited for something to happen. Maybe she could take a quick glimpse at it. ‘It couldn’t hurt’ she thought unfolding it in front of her. The inside was completely filled with vivid images of exactly what to do with various positions and how to perform them with blue and pink arrows pointing in the direction of where each body part should move. Twilight gasped at the figures and descriptions. She had read all about what to do but she had never seen the acts actually being performed. Her interest peeked as she looked through the many pictures, almost giggling at the silly names. “Ponystyle, Rodeo, Inverted Deck Chair, Snout to Snout, Sitting Bull, Jockey,” she read aloud, fascinated by the plethora of positions. Underneath each name was a detailed description of how to set it up and what it would feel like for each partner. “So if I want to increase his pleasure I need to do ‘Ponystyle’ or ‘Jockey’, if I want a more intimate feel then I need to do a ‘Snout to Snout’ position, and if I want something difficult then I need to do something like the ‘Sitting Bull’,” she quickly took to memorizing the entire pamphlet before beginning to shift uncomfortably on the floor. How long was it supposed to take again?

She was beginning to feel impatient as she felt something beginning to stir through her body. A familiar warmness began to emanate from between her legs and slowly rose up through her chest, her throat tightening as she thought about her dream stallion that would arrive shortly. She began to breathe heavier and fidget as the warmness spread further and further through her. With her back to the wall, she began to run her hoof up and down her legs, torturing and teasing herself as the contact of flesh on flesh sent tingling shivers through her. Ever so slowly she began to make her way towards the center of the sensations. She trembled as she would bring her hoof just inches from the increasingly wet mound between her legs before quickly tracing back down her leg. She may not have had an orgasm but she knew what it took to get her close. Her tongue rolled out of her mouth, her eyes beginning to glaze over as she finally grazed over the most sensitive part of her body and nearly let out a satisfied yelp as the sensations rattled through her body. She was so close. She could almost feel it, almost feel what it was like to –

“Twilight Sparkle?” a nasally voice suddenly erupted in the room, causing the unicorn to squeal and slam her head against the wall behind her. Her eyes darted around the empty room as she searched for where the voice had come from. “Twilight Sparkle, we are happy to announce that your console is fully operational. You may now go about picking your preferred stallion. We are sorry for the delay.” A sharp click and the voice was gone.

Twilight sat perplexed on the floor for several moments as she tried to understand what just happened. They had speaker systems inside each room, really? What if they had cameras too? There would be no way of knowing. A high-pitched beep from the console next to her dragged her out of her thoughts for a moment as she studied the screen. The same list of pictures she had seen on the other console now displayed on the screen in front of her. They seemed to go on forever as Twilight scrolled through them. How could she possibly pick one? ‘Maybe I could pick two’ she instantly dismissed the thought as she continued to scroll through the pictures. One in particular caught her attention. It was a dark gray stallion with a long brown flowing mane and bright blue eyes like every other, but this one was somehow different from the rest. She couldn’t put her hoof on it, but she could almost see the stallion’s personality as she gazed at him. He seemed like a deep and caring male who would do anything for her. Just for her.

With a single click the room erupted in the sounds of gears and levers moving and grinding as the wall across the room pulled away to reveal the deep cylindrical room she had been in before. She watched as a giant mechanical arm slid down from the center of the ceiling and grabbed a pod far below her. It was like a giant vending machine. The room seemed to go on forever below her as she looked down at the white pods still attached to the walls. In an instant the gigantic metal arm was in front of her and carefully placing the pod at one side of the room before retracting and bringing the wall back to lock in place with a series of bolts and hisses. The pod shook and rattled before cracking uniformly along the sides and a white lid rising up. A loud hiss engulfed the room as white gas poured out of the sides and rolled across the floor. Twilight shivered as the room suddenly became cold and she looked onto the unmoving face of the stallion inside the pod. It seemed creepy as she inspected him. His eyes were shut and it looked like he was merely sleeping except for his deathly pale skin and lips. It still seemed barbaric but the unicorn couldn’t help but be intrigued by the process of freezing another living pony.

The stallion remained still as Twilight ran her eyes down every inch of his body. His thick brown mane fell heavily against his broad shoulders just under his strong, set jaw that was clenched as if he could feel the cold. She continued gazing down the stallion’s body. His rounded stomach and chest muscles were outlined by his gray coat that glistened with tiny ice crystals. He certainly looked strong. Her cheeks grew hot as she thought of what she would be looking at next. She may as well, he was still asleep anyway. How long was it supposed to take for them to wake up again? Nervously scratching the floor with her hoof, the lavender unicorn looked back up to the stallion’s face to make sure his eyes were still closed before letting her gaze drop. She tilted her head and gave a ‘hmph’ as she sat back and studied the gray stallion’s member. Wasn’t it supposed to be bigger? All the pictures made it look like it was huge. She had heard that the first time would probably hurt but how could that thing possibly hu –

Her thoughts were cutoff as the stallion in the pod abruptly sat up, gasping for air as he clutched his throat. His eyes remained closed as he hacked and coughed inside the pod, throwing himself against the side while noticeable chills ran through his body.

“Are you alright?” the purple unicorn asked, concern ringing in her voice. She let out a light gasp and drew back slightly as the stallion opened his eyes for the first time and gazed at her. The icy blue matched the tiny sparkles that lightly coated his body and seemed to pierce through her very soul as she instantly found herself lost in them. ‘How could anypony freeze such a beautiful being?’ she thought continuing to gawk at him. His muscles rippled as he struggled out of the pod, all four legs wobbling before collapsing heavily onto the ground after a few steps. Twilight rushed over to help him, throwing one of his legs over her shoulder to lead him over to the bed. He was much heavier than she thought. He had to be almost twice the size of Big Mac.

With an exhausted groan, Twilight managed to shove the stallion off from around her shoulder and onto the white bed which creaked menacingly as it struggled to hold the weight. She sat down next to him and tenderly began to rub her hoof up and down his legs and chest as shivers continued to rack his body. She could feel his thick muscles rippling under her touch and she couldn’t help but gasp a second time as he turned and looked her directly in the eyes again. ‘Oh Celestia, he was beautiful!’

It was several moments until the stallion’s lips grew darker and his shivering stopped. The unicorn continued to rub her hoof up and down his legs and chest even though she knew he didn’t really need it anymore. She just liked feeling him. Without even knowing what she was doing, she started to slowly work her way down his chest and then up and down either leg, tempting him the same way she had done herself. She didn’t even know if it worked on males. Suddenly she drew her hoof back from his inner thigh as something grazed against her hoof. The stallion’s member had grown to a nearly impossible length as it throbbed far out in front of him. ‘Where the hell had that thing come from?! That wasn’t there before! They can just suddenly become big like that?’ The gray stallion smirked as he watched the unicorn tilt her head back and forth at his shaft in awe. Twilight continued to study it for several moments before realizing what she was doing and quickly looked back up to the stallion’s face where a triumphant grin spanned across it. Her entire face glowed deep red and she awkwardly turned away to look at the floor. She didn’t know why, but she suddenly had a burning desire to smack that grin off his face.

Her shoulder trembled as she felt a heavy hoof rest against it before running up and down her back. She turned back to gaze into the intense sapphire eyes of the stallion who now stared back at her with a reassuring smile. Her skin quivered with every pass of his hoof and she felt the warmth beginning to surge through her body again. She held out as long as she could before wildly throwing herself against the gray stallion, rolling him over onto his back and standing over him with her lips locked to his. She could feel his shaft pressing against her inner thigh and took a deep breath before firmly pressing back against it. The stallion moaned deeply into her mouth as she continued to press harder and harder against him. His breathing grew heavier around her as she felt his muscles tighten and his hips begin to dig his cock harder into her leg.

Suddenly Twilight drew back, stepping down off the bed and sitting on the floor between the stallion’s legs. He looked down at her from his back with a confused expression as she scooted closer to him. “I hope you don’t mind, I’ve been doing some uhm… studying.” She blushed and looked away as she suddenly felt embarrassed for saying such a thing. The stallion only stared at her with his bright blue unblinking eyes before giving an affirmative nod. Twilight smiled and tentatively arched her neck out to give his member a quick graze with her tongue. The stallion gasped and threw his head back onto the bed at the sensation. With a satisfied grin, she continued to do it again and again, receiving the same reaction each time. Finally she took the entire head in her mouth, stretching her mouth as wide as it would go to take the full width. This couldn’t possibly be the same thing she had seen when the pod had first opened. The stallion heaved as he stretched his hooves back behind her head and urged her on. Twilight began to move her head up and down rhythmically, shutting her eyes tighter and tighter as she took him deeper and deeper until she could feel it hard against the back of her throat. She nearly gagged as the stallion instinctively drove his shaft further and remained there for several moments against her struggling attempts for air. Finally he released her head from his grasp, pressing her head forward a few seconds later as he once again urged her on after she regained control of her breathing. She was still panting as he forced his cock into her mouth again and shoved it deeper down her throat with each thrust of his hips. The edges of her vision grew black as her eyes began to roll back into her skull and fresh drool strung from her lips and chin down to the floor.

With an enormous gasp of air, the unicorn pulled away and collapsed onto the ground, desperately panting with the mixture of saliva and other juices dripping from her tongue. Her vision slowly returned to normal as she lolled her head back to gaze at the nearly satisfied look of the stallion. ‘Worth it.’

The gray stallion lay back, shifting back and forth to get comfortable as Twilight climbed on top of him and prepared to mount him, ready to be completely impaled by his spear. Her juices flooded down either leg and pooled on the bed as she rubbed the full length of his shaft with her slit. The lips of her mound spread evenly around him and slickened his sensitive organ further. Her entire body cried out for pleasure, trembling as she continued to tease the both of them. She moaned from the back of her throat each time his cock slid over the sensitive nub at the top of her slit. Finally the stallion couldn’t take anymore. Firmly grabbing her hips with his hooves, he suddenly drew back and thrust as hard as he could up through her. Twilight cried out and wailed as torrents of pain shot through her mixed with the throes of heavenly ecstasy. Her entire body convulsed as she tightened around him and felt release for the first time. It sounded as if she had truly been run through with a spear while having her first orgasm. The strange horrific yet satisfying cries filled the room as tremor after tremor racked her defenseless body. The stallion never let up in his frantic thrusts as the mare on top of him passed in and out of consciousness. Bestial groans echoed off the white walls as he thrust deeper and deeper into her. She could feel her abdomen stretch in and out with each thrust as the realization that he was too big for her surfaced in the back of her mind. He pulled down harder on her hips, struggling to get as deep as possible inside of her. Dull pain began to course through the unicorn as she neared the limit of capacity that her body could take. “Wait, wait,” she moaned, wincing at each thrust. Without even thinking the stallion flipped positions, throwing her roughly onto her back on the bed and driving himself as far in as he could go. “Gah – Cel –“ Twilight gargled as her legs seizured on either side of the massive stallion and she felt her insides being filled. The stallion moaned along with her as his entire body shook against hers. The two remained interlocked as their tremors slowly died away, both still panting from the new experience. It felt like eternity as the stallion finally pulled the entire length of himself out of her, excess juices gushing out of her like a miniature fountain before trickling down her bare ass and collecting at the foot of the bed.

The room felt colder now that their exhibition was over. Damp sweat coated her entire body and trickled down from her forehead and back. Every part of her felt sore as she struggled to roll over to her side and fold her legs together. She felt emptier now. Her eyelids rose and fell dangerously as she felt her body shutting down. Maybe she would take a quick nap. She deserved one after such a performance. The last thing she could feel was the trickling of mixed fluids out of her quivering mound and down the back of her leg as she nestled her head into the bed and drifted peacefully off to sleep.

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The words were deafening as they filled the room and reverberated off the walls. Twilight could practically feel the sound waves echoing and rattling around in her skull as she groaned, struggling to sit up.

“What? Where am I? What happened? Wasn’t I just at the…” her head throbbed as she gazed out from her bed at the familiar room. “What happened to the stallion? And me, what happened to me? The last thing I can remember is falling asleep after…” Her cheeks grew red as the memories of her experience flooded back to her and she finally noticed the pink mare at her bedside with a teasing grin spanning her face. “What?” the unicorn raised a curious eyebrow to her friend.

“TELL ME ABOUT IT!” the earth pony erupted into a giddy display of prancing across the room and giggling.

“By Celestia! Okay! Just calm down.” Twilight rolled her eyes as she leaned back against her headboard and tried to gather her thoughts. “Well I remember they took me into this blank white room with nothing but a bed in it.” The unicorn scratched her head as she struggled to remember the specific details, but nothing seemed to come back to her. It was as if the whole thing never happened.

“Yes?” Pinkie pressed. “What about the stallion?! What was he like? Was he all big and strong?”

“I – I can’t remember…”

“Well what color was he? You can at least remember that much, right?” A layer of concern weaved its way into the pink mare’s voice.

“I – I think he was brown… or maybe gray. I guess he could’ve been blue or white too. I remember he was…” the unicorn’s words trailed off as she winced and rubbed her hoof against her head in small circles.

“Are you alright Twilight?” Pinkie asked sympathetically before stepping up onto the bed and nestling next to her friend.

“I’m fi – I’m fine. I just want to sleep.”

Pinkie leaned away and watched uneasily as the unicorn lay back down under the covers in an almost zombielike trance, her eyelids rising and falling rhythmically. Even in the early morning light she couldn’t help but notice the scars that ran down either side of her friend’s flank just before her cutie mark. It looked as if it had been sloppily healed with unicorn magic. Maybe if Twilight were more awake she could just heal it herself and feel better. The pink pony sat on the bed and watched as the staggered breaths of her friend grew shallower and shallower until she eventually drifted off into a peaceful sleep. Pinkie let out a gentle sigh and carefully stepped off the bed, giving one last longing look back at her friend. With a gentle click, the pink mare shut the door and turned to gaze out at the buildings of Ponyville. Suddenly she wasn’t so sure about this. It seemed fun at first, what could be more fun than messing around with a beautiful stallion for a day? She never really thought of what else would happen - never really thought of what happened afterwards. Nopony ever talked about the afterwards. Come to think of it, nopony ever talked about the experience itself. The pink mare gave a loud hmph as she abruptly sat in the center of the road, her cotton candy mane still bouncing as she pondered.

“Hey do you mind moving! I’m trying to get this cart full of my latest fashions to the – oh hey Pinkie! What’s wrong dear?” The white unicorn’s head poking out from the side of the wagon instantly noticed the uncharacteristic look of apprehension in her friend’s face.

“Rarity?” Pinkie looked up from the ground still deep in thought. “What are you doing here?”

“I was just on my way to the Style Week Expo. It’s only the most spectacular display of fashion in Equestria. All the top designers are going to be there and I just know that my dresses are going to be the talk of all of Canterlot! I can see it now; everypony will be wearing my latest dresses and praising me for my extravagant works of pure art! And then Hoity Toity will commission me to work in Canterlot and Photo Finish will do anything just to get a picture of me in my latest fashion! Oh it’s going to be so wonderful! Can you believe it?! I’m going to be famous and everypony will adore me!”

“That’s nice. I hope you do your very best.” The pink mare said hollowly.

“You don’t seem like the normal ecstatic earth pony you usually are, is there something you want to talk about?”

“Well –“

“Of course it may have been me who stole your eagerness! I mean can you believe it?! Me! Rarity! I’m going to the Style Week Expo in Canterlot!”

“But what about your duty with the stallions? Aren’t you supposed to go in tomorrow?”

“Ah well, I’m sure one little unicorn won’t make a difference. They probably won’t even notice that I’m missing. Besides, I can always do it later when I don’t have more important plans.” The white unicorn flipped her hair over her shoulder as she spoke.

“But they call you specifically by name and tell you exactly when to show up, I think they’re going to notice.”

“What are they going to do? Come all the way to Canterlot to drag me back kicking and screaming!” she held her hoof over her mouth to stifle the small giggle escaping.

“Uh Rarity, do you mind if we talk seriously about what’s going on for a moment?” Pinkie looked up at her friend with legitimate concern, “I’m having second thoughts about the –“

“Nope! Sorry dear but I have to go, don’t want to be late. This is the opportunity of a lifetime!” Another moment later and Pinkie found herself alone in the street again with her thoughts, the creaking of her friend’s cart fading away into the distance.

“Gee thanks Rarity,” Pinkie groaned getting up and slowly trudging the opposite direction towards the tall gray building just beyond the horizon. She never really had cold hooves before, why was she so worried anyway? This was going to be fun! She should know - she spent the last week telling her friends all about how great it would be. The continued thoughts of encouragement started to put a spring in her step and before she knew it she found herself as excited as ever for the new experience. She would just prance in there and pick the biggest, sexiest stallion – any stallion she wanted – and buck his brains out. Oh yes, she would make sure he would never forget her. She could rock his world, but only if she wanted to. Maybe she would make him beg for it. Yeah, she was that good. By the time she got to the giant barnlike building she was prancing about and giggling at her own thoughts.

“Pinkie Pie I presume?” the brown mare behind the desk rolled her eyes and glared impatiently at the earth pony who burst through the door still bouncing and giggling to herself.

“THAT’S ME!” Pinkie hopped over to the counter excitedly.

“Yes well… You seem to know why you’re here.” The pegasus took a deep breath before delivering her hollow speech. “I know you may be nervous and don’t understand why we’re doing this but let me assure that it is all for the greater good and you will understand why after. Please step forward and continue through the white doors to your left until you get to the end of the hallway, there, a gray unicorn will be waiting to give you further instructions.”

“Okie dokie lokie!” the pink earth pony galloped through the white double doors and was instantly taken aback by the solid white shade of the corridor. It seemed so boring! How was she supposed to have fun in a place like this? Without a second thought, she pranced across the hallway and pushed her way through the second set of double doors into the cavernous room beyond. The gray unicorn standing on the platform watched curiously as the pink mare gazed out across the warehouse without any signs of surprise or wonder. In all her years working there, she had never once seen a pony who didn’t gasp in awe at the expanse the first time.

“Don’t be alarmed, whatever you’re feeling is a normal reaction and you’re –“

“Neat!” Pinkie interrupted the unicorn’s drawl speech to bounce over to the computer terminal and start pushing random buttons. The gray mare watched on intently as the pink pony managed to navigate her way through the entire system in a matter of minutes.

“As you can see we have many models to choose from.” The unicorn stepped over to the console. “Sizes range from a scale of one to ten for all features of the body. This means that if you want a stallion with size ten muscles you just scroll until you get to ‘10’ right next to where it says ‘muscles’.” She pointed with her hoof to the screen exactly where she was talking about.

“Well DUH!” Pinkie cocked her head and let her tongue fall out as she continued to work the console.

“Hey some ponies find it difficult to work the console the first time.”

“Pfft yeah right! Like anypony wouldn’t be able to figure out how to work a computer in ten seconds flat!”

“You’d be surprised.” The gray unicorn sighed as she turned to stroll out of the room before turning back. “Oh and one last thing, when you’ve picked one that you like you may proceed to any of the unoccupied rooms in the hallway you came from and enter the stallion you picked in the console there.”

“Okie dokie! Wait! Do you have any pirates?”

“Uhm… No. We do not have any pirates.” The gray mare gave her a quizzical look.

“Well can you dress one up like a pirate?”

“That would be degrading to the stallion, please make your selection from the ones we have available.”

“Ahh,” Pinkie groaned turning back to the console.

“Well that’s a new one,” the unicorn said to herself after passing through the double doors.

“Now what kind do I want?” Pinkie spoke to herself while she shifted through the pictures of the stallions on the screen. “I guess I should start with seeing what an average one looks like. Hmm that’s pretty good, could use a longer neck though. Ah there we go, now I guess bigger leg muscles. Wow too big! Haha it looks like he’s stuffed with pillows! Now how about hair, long and flowing? I think yes! Ooh there’s even a setting for his dick size!” She burst into laughter at the size of the stallion’s member growing exponentially larger and smaller as she scrolled through the numbers from one to ten. “I guess that’s good for now.”

Content with her choice, the party mare pranced back across the metal platform to the white double doors, never once looking back at the spectacular scene of strange white pods hanging against the walls of the enormous cylindrical room.

“Is anypony in there?” Pinkie knocked on the first door with her hoof.

“Yes…” a labored moan came from inside between slow heavy breaths.

“Okie dokie!” the pink pony turned and bounced across the white corridor to the next set of doors before knocking again. No answer. With a nudge of her hoof the door swung open to reveal the room inside, as plain and as white as the corridor outside. “Well I certainly won’t be able to get off in here! I’m surprised anypony could!” Suddenly a bluish-gray cannon appeared in front of her as if out of nowhere and began spraying artillery shells of confetti and party balloons across the room. Within a matter of seconds the entire place was coated with streamers and every vibrant color imaginable. “Much better!” Pinkie rolled the cannon over to the corner of the room and hastily entered her selection of stallions into the console. Instantaneously, the wall across the room broke away and a giant robotic arm went to work selecting a pod from the massive chamber beyond. “Neat! It’s like a giant pop machine! A giant free pop machine of sex! I may have had this dream already…”

The mechanical arm appeared again with one of the white pods clutched in its polished metallic claws, setting it down squarely in the center of the room before proceeding away without any hesitation. Pinkie watched hesitantly from the corner as a series of clicks emanated from the pod at the same time the wall was closing back up behind it. Her heart froze for a moment. This was really happening. It wasn’t a dream. There was no turning back now. She would have to do this. No time for cold hooves.

The wall sealed with a second set of clicks and hisses. Pinkie found herself completely alone with the pod, waiting for it to do something.


What was taking so long, didn’t she hear some clicks coming from it as the wall was closing? Maybe it was just her imagination. The waiting was driving her insane. She sat and stared from the corner as seconds turned into minutes and then what seemed like hours. Maybe something had gone wrong and they forgot to open it? Finally the unsure mare started to cautiously step forward towards the pod. It looked the same as the rest of the pods, how did she know she got the right one anyway? Ever so slowly, she came up to the white pod before reaching out a tentative, shaking hoof. The moment she was about to touch it the top snapped open with a thunderous hiss and sprayed white and blue smoke across the ground. Pinkie sprang back with a startled yelp and glared at the pod for a couple moments.

“Of course you would wait until I got close!” Pinkie lowered her eyes and yelled at the pod as it continued to hiss and crack open. She watched as the lid rose up to reveal a muscular dark figure in the mist, completely comatose. “Hey wake up silly! We got a job to do!”

The figure came to life suddenly in a fit of coughs as he struggled for air and collapsed out of the pod onto the floor. His legs wobbled like a newborn as he tried again and again to stand up to no avail.

“Ahhh,” Pinkie couldn’t help but find the massive figure adorable as he struggled to stand up. “Come on silly face. Let’s get you on your hooves.” She heaved and panted, lifting the stallion up as best she could and holding him over her shoulder until his legs began to stop shaking. “There, better?” The stallion nodded slowly, his whole body still trembling violently every few seconds. “Good!” The pink mare raced across to the corner of the room, returning a few moments later. The stallion looked up with a confused expression just as a deafening blast took him off his feet and hurled him across the room. “Perfect!” the earth pony giggled, rolling the party cannon out of the way and prancing over to where the stallion had landed with his back against the wall. A crimson overcoat now hung loosely from his shoulders and his head was adorned with a black tri-cornered hat complete with skull and crossbones. Pinkie bent in close, looking deep into his eyes as she put the finishing touches on the costume. With a loud snap, she let go of the black eye patch that hung over his right eye.

“Oh yes, you look dashing.” She felt her body growing hot as she gazed seductively at the stallion dressed as a pirate. This was turning out perfectly. Her biggest fantasy and she was about to fulfill it. ‘If only Twilight was more enthusiastic – maybe I could get her into a pirate costume someday.’ Pinkie sat and looked the stallion up and down as she began to run her hoof up her leg. Every inch of her skin was tingling as she threw her head back and let out an erotic moan. Her eyes began to glaze over as her primal instincts took charge and she couldn’t help but gaze down at the pulsating bulge that was covered by one side of the overcoat. His stomach muscles quivered as she looked over every inch of his body. The stallion remained motionless as she began to slide closer. Just to touch him, that was all she needed. With a firm hoof she ran down the length of his body, all the way from the corner of his pirate hat, down the center of his chest, grazing over his throbbing member, and down still to the tips of his hooves.

She relished every moment. Every area was a different reaction. The stallion drew back slightly as she rolled her hoof down his nose and then trembled slightly as she reached the top of his chest. By the time she got to his stomach he was quaking with anticipation. He let out a heavy breath and stared deep into her eyes with his one uncovered eye as she grazed over him and continuing on without any hesitation. She grinned as he pulled his hooves away at her tender caress. So he was ticklish. Excellent.

The two sat staring at each other for several minutes until Pinkie finally bent down closer. The stallion was hesitant as he tried to draw back further into the wall. “Oh is this your first time?” Pinkie asked with a secret tone of amusement, pulling herself closer. The stallion looked away. “Ah no need to be embarrassed or scared, it’s going to be the most wonderful thing you’ve ever experienced.” She flashed her eyelashes seductively. The stallion turned back with an empty stare. ‘Wait, he probably hasn’t experienced that much.’ Her heart skipped a beat as a pang of sadness and contempt for the world suddenly struck her. This truly was a messed up society, they were robbing innocent ponies of their lives. She stared at the ground, lost in thought, as tears began to well up behind her eyes. What kind of sick monsters were they to do this to another living creature? A single tear finally escaped, rolling down her cheek and hanging from her chin before striking the ground with a light pat. She closed her eyes and sniffed as another tear threatened to escape. Suddenly she opened her eyes to see a gentle hoof reaching out to lift her chin up.

She looked up to see the stallion with a sympathetic smile across his face, letting her know everything was alright. She smiled back, involuntarily rubbing her hoof up and down his leg again. The throbbing bulge from his coat had disappeared but she noticed something growing again as she continued to touch him. “Well we may as well have some fun, right?” she sniffed again moving her hoof further up his leg with a devilish grin. The stallion threw his head back and took a deep breath as she moved her hoof closer and closer before pulling away and starting the process over again. She was just teasing him at this point. Actually it was beyond teasing, it was torture. She grinned at his reactions as she continued to draw closer until finally grazing over the bulge that had grown substantially larger. The stallion threw his head back again, his muscles tensing as he tried his hardest to control himself. It was all he could do not to grab her hoof right then and there and force her to touch him - anything to end this suffering.

He almost yelped as the pink mare wrapped her hoof around his member that was still pulsating underneath the overcoat, crying out for freedom. He sat there paralyzed, unable to move as the earth pony smirked at the control she had over him while gripping his member. His head was frozen in a silent scream to the heavens as she continued to hold him without moving.

“P – please.” The stallion groaned quietly through a hollow breath.

Pinkie raised an eyebrow as she began to methodically move her hoof up and down over the course fabric. The stallion winced as she began to pump harder before pushing the dampening overcoat to the side. She stopped for a moment to watch as the stallion began to shift uncomfortably under her gaze before grasping him in her hoof again and sliding up and down the length of him until his hips moved and jerked on their own. Pinkie raised an eyebrow at him, taking the hint to speed up as she began to vigorously glide her hoof up and down until his breaths became strained and labored. The moment she heard his breathing skip a beat, she stopped, giving the stallion a wry smile as she moved away and sat down across the room near the bed. The stallion gave a pleading look, begging for relief from the pink mare who in turn only stared back innocently as if she didn’t know what was happening. The fog that glazed over his eyes slowly faded away as he struggled to get to his hooves and move closer to his tormenter. His legs still wobbled and shook as he arduously made his way next to the earth pony and collapsed at her feet, his flank hanging in the air from his member that remained rock hard below him. Pinkie grinned down at him as she flipped him over to his back and straddled his face before bending down towards his glistening cock. Pulling the underside of his pole closer with her hoof, she gave the throbbing shaft a quick lick. She could feel the stallion’s hot breath between her legs as she darted her tongue in and out all around him. Her slit burned as she pressed it down to the stallion’s face to urge him on as she continued to work his cock with her tongue. A massive moan escaped from the pink mare and echoed about the room as she finally felt a long broad tongue slide along her most sensitive area. She nearly collapsed on his chest as he continued to run his tongue up and down. Her moans rattled and shook between breaths as she lost herself in the ecstasy. ‘Who knew this could be so amazing? Oh Celestia that’s good.’

“Keep going,” Pinkie urged pressing her hips harder against his face and starting to grind her soaking mound in small circles. She continued to moan and gasp, lost in her ecstasy, until she felt a pulse run through his cock that she was still holding towards her face with her hoof. ‘Well that isn’t fair letting me have all the fun with nothing in return.’ Lining his member up closer to her mouth, she began to lick and suck on the head before taking it deeper and deeper until the stallion was forced to stop racing his tongue over her and catch his breath. His breathing became staggered again and Pinkie waited for the gap when she knew he was about to climax. Her head bobbed up and down as she drenched his shaft in warm saliva until the stallion finally gave a massive gasp. With a devilish smile, Pinkie pulled her mouth off of him and shifted away to lie on the bed seductively, all while motioning him over with an outstretched hoof. The stallion groaned heavily again as he struggled to his hooves and wobbled over to the bed before collapsing on top of the pink mare, pinning her down as he pushed himself up on his front legs. The pink mare gave a sly wink as she rolled over to her back and spread her legs for him. The stallion’s legs shook violently on either side of her head as he positioned himself closer to her and began to press his hips forward. She moaned as she felt the head of his pole force its way slowly inside of her drenched slit.

“Oh, you’re a little bigger than I thought.” Her voice quivered between long, heavy breaths as she shifted back and forth to let more of him in. “A lot bigger actually…” she spread her legs further allowing the stallion’s cock to push deeper and deeper until she felt his balls rest against her ass. The two remained locked at the hips, mouths agape in primal pleasure until the stallion finally pulled his hips up on quaking legs. The mare’s legs trembled as the entire length of him slowly slid out of her before diving abruptly in again. She moaned hot against his ear as the stallion gradually thrust again and again until his legs collapsed and he fell on top of her panting. “Come on, please, I need this. Do me.” She groaned between labored breaths. She felt the muscles of the stallion’s face tighten into a smile next to her as she desperately tried to shake her hips back and forth on the bed for any amount of pleasure she could get.

Her heart beat frantically against her chest as the stallion took a deep breath, sliding his hoof under her back and picking her up to flip her over. With all the strength he could muster, he faced her away and forced her up on her hooves, all the while still inside of her. She shook her flank in the air from side to side as he dug his hips in until her face was pressed against the headboard of the bed. Her cheek rubbed back and forth against the hard wood as she looked back at the stallion who began to methodically slide in and out of her. Sweat poured down her forehead and stung her eyes as her whole body began to slam into the headboard. She felt a familiar tingling begin to work its way up from between her legs and dominate her other senses before beginning to cry out in pleasure. Her entire body trembled and shook as she convulsed on his member and pushed back hard against him, but the stallion continued his relentless thrusts in and out of her even when the tremors began to die away. Before she knew it the feeling was enveloping her entire body again and she moaned as a second wave hit her. She climaxed again and again, lost in near agonizing amounts of ecstasy, until she finally felt the stallion bury himself as far as he could inside of her. Her head slammed painfully into the headboard as the stallion held her there and pumped his seed deep into her. The crick in her neck began to burn as his cock pulsated inside of her continuously for several seconds and she came again as their combined juices flowed out of her and down her leg. Half of her hair lay flat against her head from the drenching sweat that was smeared against the wooden headboard as she finally collapsed onto the soft mattress. The stallion followed suit, landing with his full weight on top of her before rolling over to give the pink mare some room to breathe.

She felt sleepy suddenly, but not sleepy enough to fall directly to sleep. She turned her head to smile at the stallion as he wrapped his hoof around her. A pool of sweat and juices soaked the bed where they lay, gradually cooling in the damp air as the pink mare snuggled into his embrace. The pirate hat had fallen off sometime during their escapade, she couldn’t remember when, but now rest flattened and crinkled next to her on the bed. As if out of impulse, she reached out and sloppily threw it over her face before closing her eyes. ‘Fantasy fulfilled, guess I can scratch that off the list.’

The next few moments were a blur as the front door burst open violently and several ponies in white hazmat suits galloped in. Pinkie yelped and jumped up at the intrusion, the hat flying off her face, as one of the ponies rushed over to grab her under her armpits and drag her kicking and screaming away from the stallion. She watched on in excruciating horror as two of the other suited ponies held down her lover and methodically forced a blue needle into his flank before abruptly turning and doing the same to her. The hazmat pony who held her looked down at her face from above, his expression indistinguishable beneath the black tinted visor. Pinkie looked up in confusion as her legs went numb and her vision slowly faded to black. ‘Why are they doing this?’ The last things she saw were the two other ponies struggling to roll the unconscious stallion back into the white pod and the black pirate hat that lay trampled on the floor as her head fell to her chest and her limp body was dragged out of the room.

Jet Puffed

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“LET ME GO YOU BARBARIANS!” the white unicorn screamed and lashed out with her back hooves as the unknown assailants forcibly dragged her away through the bustling streets of Canterlot. “Help me you fools! HELP! Why isn’t anypony helping me?!”

The citizens of the royal city all turned away and continued with whatever they were doing as the flailing mare was hauled past them. They knew better than to interfere.

“Let go! LET GO! Why are you doing this?! Who are you?!” Rarity looked up at the muscular brown earth pony that was practically carrying her at this point. He remained completely silent, a stoic expression on his face as she began to plead with him. “Please! I can make it worth your while! I’m going to be famous for my dresses if you just let me go! I’ll be rich! I can give you a cut if you like, just let me go!” She continued to wriggle beneath his firm grasp before deciding to change tactics. “I know Celestia! She’ll have your heads for this! I’m not kidding! Let me go!”

She gasped and cried out as the stallion suddenly lifted her higher into the air and roughly threw her into the back of a white cart before stepping in to sit across from her. “Please! I’ll do anything! And I mean anything.” She gave a sly wink, but the brown earth pony had taken to ignoring her and was unresponsively staring out the back window of the cart. “LISTEN YOU!” the white unicorn suddenly lunged for her captor’s throat, pinning him against the wall with her hoof. “You better start giving me some answers before I –“

“SIT DOWN!” the brown stallion’s voice shook the cart as he placed his hoof on the unicorn’s chest and shoved her away. The sound of wood creaking and snapping echoed throughout the city as her body slammed into the side of the cart with such force that she nearly blacked out. The white mare’s head spun for several moments before her vision finally returned to normal and she shook herself out of the daze.

“You would hit a mare? Some gentlecolt you are.” She grumbled, giving the earth pony a deathly glare. The stallion continued to ignore her as he stared out the back window until the cart finally rattled to life, tossing and turning from side to side as it navigated through the streets of Canterlot. “Where are we going?” Rarity asked as the cart took an extra violent shake, throwing her out of her seat towards her captor who still paid her no mind. “Please answer my question.” She groaned.

A long, drawn-out sigh rattled the cart as the stallion finally turned to her. “You’re late for your appointment.”

“Can’t we reschedule or something? I have very important business in Canterlot that I must be getting back to.” She knew the answer as soon as it left her mouth but the stallion stared her down anyway, considering throwing her out of the moving cart down the cliffside to end his misery of this pretentious little mare. “Well can we hurry this up? How about you and me do it?”

The earth pony gave her a disgusted look, scrunching up his snout and snorting, before turning to look out the back window again.

“What? What’s so bad about doing it with me?! You have something against unicorns or something?!”

“I have something against you. Now be quiet.” The stallion hissed through his teeth, never turning from the window. She figured that was enough; there was no way she was getting out of this. She would just have to kiss her dreams of fame and fortune goodbye, all because some block-headed stallion wouldn’t give her a break. Idiot.


The warmth of the morning sun beat down on her face as rays of auburn light gradually crept their way across the floor through the small crack in her curtains. The lavender unicorn woke with a heavy groan, her joints popping and cracking as she struggled to lift her head up off her pillow. She winced and struggled to open her eyes from the sunlight that blinded her until she was finally able to stretch her neck out of the way and into the shadows. Did she sleep in again? What happened to her? She never used to sleep in and now twice in a row?

“Gah, what happened last night?” she grumbled holding her hoof to her head to keep herself stable. “Hello? Spike?” She looked around the room for her assistant or anypony that could tell her what was going on. Her familiar bedroom was empty and completely dark except for the small glow of sunlight that struck out at her from beneath her curtains. Her frazzled purple mane hung heavily over her face in small, awkward strands as she scanned the room for any evidence to what could have possibly happened the other night. “Pinkie!” she cried out suddenly as the image of the pink mare formed in the back of her mind. “I remember she was here.” She pushed the loose hair out of her eyes with her hoof as she began to piece together her mystery.

The purple unicorn began to squirm her way out from under the covers before collapsing onto the floor with a sharp yelp as her legs unexpectedly buckled beneath her. How long had she been out? She sat perplexed on the floor for a couple of moments before finding the scars that ran up the length of either side of her. She gasped as her skin quivered beneath her touch and she felt the unevenly healed skin. What had they done to her? Who? Why? So many questions swarmed her mind and there was nopony around to answer them. Not even Spike.

“Spike!” she called out desperately from the floor after the realization hit her that she couldn’t move. Her mind began to grow frantic. Her body was paralyzed and she felt nothing. “SPIKE!” she called again. “SPIKE! IS ANYPONY THERE?!”

The door to her room burst open, bright light flooding in and blinding the hysterical unicorn that lay shaking on the floor.

“I’m here! It’s okay. Don’t panic, I’m here now.” A familiar voice tried to comfort her as somepony lifted her back onto the bed.

“Dash? Is that you?” Twilight asked trying to turn her head to see the figure sitting on the bed next to her.

“Yeah it’s me.” The pegasus’s rainbow colored hair came into view as she reached over to rest her hoof on the unicorn.

“Why can’t I move?”

“I don’t know. Spike asked me to look after you while he went out shopping or something. I guess you really need it after you’re done with the stallions.” Her voice was soft, almost hushed, as she slowly rubbed her hoof up and down the unicorn’s shoulder.

“What happened to me? I can’t remember anything.”

“You don’t remember? That’s reassuring. You went in for your appointment with the stallions and they brought you back late that night in a white cart. You were still asleep so they carried you up to your room and told Spike that you’d be out of it for the next couple days.”

“Wait, you saw me come back?” Twilight blinked uncomfortably as her body still lay motionless on the bed.
“Well we all showed up to ask you what it was like,” Twilight heard the pegasus swallow, “but the ponies who brought you back would only let Spike near you.”

“What ponies?”

“I don’t know, they seemed like normal everyday ponies to me, nothing special about them really.”

“Well what did they do to me?”

Dash pulled her hoof away as the unicorn’s skin began to shudder beneath it. “Wow you really don’t remember anything, do you?”

Twilight could see her friend’s rainbow mane shaking back and forth out of the corner of her eye.


“Get out.” The stallion growled getting up slowly and moving towards the white unicorn menacingly.

“Fine! I’m sick of being in this filthy cart with the likes of you anyway!”

The brown earth pony raised an amused eyebrow while watching her hop out of the back of the cart.

“You know what?” the white unicorn turned back with a wicked grin. “I’m glad they freeze you.”

The stallion nearly lost it, lunging out of the cart only to be instantly apprehended and dragged away by two other stallions that had been guarding the front entrance of the warehouse. Rarity stuck her tongue mischievously before turning away from the infuriated earth pony still struggling against the guards to give an unamused look at the building in front of her. Stupid building cost her everything. She would never live to see the fame and fortune that she deserved now. With an agitated sigh, she pushed her way in through the front door to behold the dreary gray waiting office complete with popular magazines strewn about a glossy wooden coffee table and tired receptionist that looked absolutely thrilled to be there. ‘I could have been on those magazines.’

“Name please.” A nasally voice came from the brown pegasus who looked up above her half-moon eyeglasses at her from behind the counter. Rarity couldn’t help but scrunch up her nose at the sound of the mare’s voice. ‘What an unpleasant individual.’ She thought to herself while trying to force a smile.

“Uhm, Rarity. I’m a little late for my appoin – “

“You’re late.” The pegasus cut her off, looking condescendingly up from her paperwork.

“Yes. Thank you.” The unicorn almost hissed. It was getting harder to keep her smile already.

“What did you think was so important that you had to miss your appointment?” the brown mare raised her eyebrows and leaned over the desk towards her.

“Well if you must know, I was at the Style Week Expo in Canterlot.” The unicorn flipped her perfectly coifed mane as she spoke.

“And you thought that was more important than your appointment?” the receptionist gave her a demeaning look as if she ought to feel ashamed.

“YES ACTUALLY! I DID!” she spat at the old mare behind the counter. “I was going to be rich and famous for the designs of my dresses and then you sent those thick headed brutes to capture me and drag me here against my will!”

“You made an appointment and we believe that you should honor it here.”

Rarity glared at the pegasus for a few moments. “Let’s just get this over with,” she grumbled.

The brown mare behind the counter ruffled her papers before taking a deep breath. “I know you may be nervous and don’t understand why we’re doing this but let me assure that it is all for the greater good and you will understand why after. Please step forward and continue through the white doors to your left until you get to the end of the hallway, there, a gray unicorn will be waiting to give you further instructions.”

‘Are you bucking kidding me?’ Rarity scowled angrily as the old mare tossed her head back and forth while giving her dry speech with her eyes closed. Once finished, the brown pegasus finally opened her eyes to see the look of pure contempt on the unicorn’s face and with a menacing glare of her own, raised her hoof to shoo the unicorn away as if she were swatting a fly. Rarity left without a word, taking an extra few seconds to stare down the mare behind the counter before pushing her way through the double doors with a loud “hmmph!”

The hallway inside was as white as the waiting room had been gray. “They could sure use an interior decorator in here. Good thing they’ll never get my expertise.” She gazed around hollowly at the empty corridor for a few moments. “What was I supposed to do again?” she brought her hoof up to her chin as she tried to remember what the old mare had said. It had literally been seconds ago when she heard it. Not that she was really listening anyway. ‘How could anypony listen to such a disgusting old hag?’

The white unicorn looked curiously at the first white door, giving a gentle knock before listening intently for any reaction from inside. “Somepony’s in here!” a young mare’s voice called out from inside. It almost sounded familiar. “Sorry!” Rarity called back. “Unless you’re up for a little ménage à trois?” the voice called again. ‘I couldn’t… well maybe I could. It might not be so bad. At least I wouldn’t be alone with some brick head idiot just trying to use me. But I better not, I don’t want to impose. But then again she asked me, it would be rude not to. Nah, I shouldn’t.’ The unicorn battled with her thoughts for several seconds before finally answering. “Sorry, I’m not really in the mood, maybe next time.” The voice was silent as she stepped away and finally noticed the white double doors at the end of the hallway. “Duh,” the white mare rolled her eyes and flipped her mane as she headed directly for the end of the corridor.

“Miss Rarity I presume. You’re a little late.” The gray unicorn put down the clipboard she had been levitating in front of her to address the dumbfounded mare who had just stepped onto the metal platform. “Don’t be alarmed, whatever you’re feeling is a normal reaction and you’re certainly not the first.”

The words fell flat as Rarity continued to gawk at the futuristic pods locked to the walls. “There has to be at least ten thousand pods here!” she gasped looking up to the ceiling before staring through the holes in the grate below her.

“Twenty-two thousand and forty-six actually, but who’s keeping track?” the gray unicorn grinned as she looked at the white mare.

“This is simply amazing! I’ve never seen anything like it in my life!”

“Very few have, it’s a modern marvel that is only just recent. Not every mare is chosen to come here, you know. Only a lucky few ever get to witness the inside of this place.”

“What do you mean?” Rarity gave the unicorn a puzzled look. “I thought every mare was required to come down here at one point in their lives?”

“Nope, only the healthiest and fittest in their prime get to come down here. You should feel very honored to be here.”

“Well I would if it weren’t for your goons dragging me here from Canterlot against my will.” The white unicorn grumbled almost under her breath.

“What were you doing in Canterlot?” the gray unicorn looked interested as she cocked her head.

“I was at the Style Week Expo.”

“Oh I used to love going to that with my dad every year as a little filly.”

“You used to go to the Style Week Expo every year?”

“That’s right, my dad used to take me before…” the gray unicorn trailed off as she looked out to the thousands of pods hanging about the cylindrical building. Rarity followed her gaze with a confused expression before taking on a look of horror. The old unicorn looked back, noticing the white mare’s face. “Oh no no, we didn’t freeze him. I just meant before I became the curator here.”

Rarity let out a sigh of relief as she looked out to the pods again.

“You know we don’t freeze the old ones. These are all freshly born and genetically modified to be the perfect stallions. Any male born before this place was constructed gets to live out the rest of his life peacefully.” The gray unicorn saw that the white mare still had thousands of questions floating around in her head – probably as many questions as there were pods – but those would have to wait. “Are you ready to get down to business?”

“I guess so.” Rarity sighed turning away from the room and towards the unicorn who was now motioning her over to the console against the wall.

“Now what kind would you like? Pick your flavor.”

‘More like pick your poison.’ Rarity looked at the console with disgust as a plethora of stallions flashed onto the screen. “I don’t really care.” She grumbled.

“Well you have to pick one.” The gray unicorn gave her a curious look.

“I’ve had just about enough of idiot males for one day. Whatever I pick is just another horny dunderhead getting his way with me while I’m forced to sit through it.”

“Well that’s one way to look at it. I know most mares that come in here aren’t ecstatic or necessarily looking forward to the experience, but they realize the importance of it all the same.”

“What is the importance of it?” the white unicorn tilted her head as she pondered.

“Make your selection and then enter it into one of the consoles in the rooms from the hallway where you came from.” The gray unicorn seemed to suddenly grow agitated as she almost stormed out through the double doors.

‘What was that all about?’ the sudden outburst certainly didn’t help the white unicorn’s mood as she slammed a hoof against the console before strutting across the platform and back into the bleak white hallway. The first door she tried was locked, so was the second. She didn’t even bother knocking; she just wanted to get this over with at this point. The third door slammed open against the milky white wall inside as the aggravated unicorn entered with a deep sigh and scanned the contents of the room. It was just as boring as it was outside. A white bed, a white lamp, a white dresser. “Surprise, surprise.” She groaned still looking about the room. The only things that stood out were the solid gray console and the black tinted window that looked out into the empty hallway next to it. With another heavy sigh, the unicorn stepped over to the console and rolled her face across it indifferently. The room rattled into motion as the back wall across the room pulled away and was thrown aside by the machinery before a giant mechanical arm wound its way down the massive spire to an unknown spot below. Another moment later it was back with a glossy pod as white as the room in its grasp. The white mare watched on, doing the best she could not to look impressed as the arm dropped the pod in the center of the room and careened off into the void above as the wall was locked back into place behind it.

“And so it begins.” She groaned as the pod began to snap and crackle open in front of her. The figure inside was motionless as a thick layer of white smoke poured into the room and crept across the ground, chilling the air. The unicorn couldn’t help but raise a curious eyebrow and crane her neck to get a better look at the muscular figure of the stallion inside. At least she was lucky enough to get a handsome one, although they were probably all like that. Loud, shuddering breaths suddenly erupted into the room as the silhouette of the stallion behind the fog began to shiver and shake. ‘Yeah, you just sit there and suffer. Celestia knows you’ll be making me suffer soon enough.’ The mare glared on from the other side of the room as the figure finally collapsed out of the pod onto the ground in the center of the room. He lay there gasping and trembling for several moments until he eventually seemed to gain his bearings and calmed down a bit. The white unicorn sat there with her front hoof raised in the air as she inspected it diligently for every detail, completely unconcerned with the stallion who looked about the white room with confusion.

“Yeah, you’re locked in a room with me.” She stooped her head down at the stallion who continued to scan the room for any sign of what was happening. “We’re stuck together until we get our business done.”

The stallion shot her a quizzical look as he struggled to his hooves. He gazed about the room again as he took a tentative step forward towards the door.

“It’s locked.” Rarity sighed at the giant simpleton who now sported a frustrated expression as he stared at her. “Hey I don’t want to be here either, so we may as well hurry up and get this thing done and over with.”

The stallion didn’t follow her words as he continued to stare blankly at her. The white mare sighed and hung her head. “Just do me.” She groaned turning around and raising her flank up in the air. The stallion sat and looked at her blankly from the center of the room. “You know… sex.” She waved her rump back and forth in the air for him. “Mount me, buck my brains out, I don’t care. Let’s just get this over with.”

The muscular figure remained motionless in the center of the room as he watched her.

“Seriously?! Do I have to do everything?!” she muttered turning around and slowly making her way towards the stallion who withdrew from her as she sat down next to him. “What’s wrong with you? You’re not even hard.” She said reaching between his legs and lifting up his floppy member. The stallion pulled away from her and took a step back before sitting on the floor again just out of reach of her. “Yeah well I don’t really like you either but I need your help in order to get out of here.”

He continued to stare blankly at her from a safe distance away.

“That’s it. Lay down.” She commanded getting up and pushing him over with her hoof. The stallion submitted, rolling over to his back as the white mare sat down next to him. With a not-so-delicate touch, Rarity pressed her hoof down on his crotch and stared off at the wall as she began to rub up and down. The stallion snorted and shifted uncomfortably as the unicorn drove her hoof harder against his most tender area until it began to dig into his flesh and he squirmed even more to try and escape the pain. “Yeah you like that don’t you?” the unicorn ground down even harder as she continued to stare haplessly at the blank white wall. The stallion began to pant and wriggle more until the mare finally stopped. “Well don’t get too excited and finish already, then we’d have to start all over and I am NOT spending any more time here than I have to.” She pulled her hoof away, much to the relief of the stallion, and assumed the position she had been in before, waving her flank back and forth in the air to get his attention. The stallion still lay unmoving on the floor as he watched the amusing display of the white mare. “Really? Are you still not ready? You have got to be kidding me. Fine…” she turned around again and bent down towards his limp member. With a heavy sigh, she gave it a quick lick before stifling a gag. “You guys probably don’t even get the chance to take a shower. That’s just repulsive. I can’t believe I have to do this! I’m supposed to be at the Style Week Expo in Canterlot! I was going to be rich and famous! But instead I’m stuck here giving you the time of your life!”

The stallion stared blankly at her as she droned about her life and how he had ruined her life. Even he couldn’t help but be annoyed by the diva that felt she was the most important thing in the world. He perked his ears up as the noise coming from the mare’s mouth finally stopped and she looked at him expectantly. “You men are all the same.” She grumbled after he didn’t respond. With a heavy breath, she gave the underside of his dick another quick lick before suddenly taking the head in her mouth. She moved her head up and down rhythmically as she began to feel his shaft pulse and grow in her mouth. It wasn’t long before she couldn’t fit the entire length of him in her mouth anymore and only worked on the head. The stallion finally stopped watching her and threw his head back as he began to enjoy himself for the first time. Just when the feelings began to course through him and his breathing became raspy, the mare stopped. His head shot back up to look at the unicorn who had resumed talking and complaining about the injustices of her entire life. He waited patiently for her to stop and resume what she had been doing, but her chatter didn’t seem to have an end.

“I don’t know why they think they can just walk into my store and demand me to change things! What gives them the right to think their designs are better than mine?!”

The stallion listened as the mare went on and on.

“I mean if they really wanted me to change something on their dresses you would think they’d have the balls to tell me themselves! They all have some nerve going behind me back like that!”

The stallion lowered his eyelids as he glared at the unicorn still talking.

“If it weren’t for the obvious regal design of my dresses, they would be out in the streets like the vermin they are! They owe me for showing them the nature of the real – GAWHCK!” The white mare began to choke and struggle as the stallion suddenly grabbed the back of her head and forced the entire length of his cock down her throat. She sat there struggling for air as he repeatedly rammed his pole further and further into her mouth until finally pulling out and giving her a second to breathe. “What is wrong with you!?” she screamed at him after gasping and gulping in as much air as she could. “I could have die – “ the stallion only gave her a moment’s rest before shoving himself right back down her throat again. The process repeated over and over as the mare felt the need to speak every chance she got.

“Stop – GAH – doing that! I’m going to – HAWGH – pass out! Just let – GEH – me – BLEWK – catch – HEK – my – HUWG – breath!”

The stallion grinned as he watched the unicorn struggle to still speak despite his efforts of getting her to stop. She just didn’t learn.

“Alright! GAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWHHHHHHH I get it! That’s enough!” she finally yelled, pulling away from his grasp and collapsing on the floor. “You’ve had your fun, now let’s get this over with.” She ran her hoof across her mouth to wipe the drool away. Her eyeliner had started to run down her face and was now beginning to drip off of her cheeks and onto the floor in a black puddle. She struggled to sit up, her legs shaking back and forth as she raised her flank in the air one last time. Her skin quivered as she felt the stallion’s hooves rest on her hooves. “Oh this is going to hurt.” She groaned closing her eyes and bracing herself. The stallion thrust forward and buried his member as deep as he could into her. Rarity cried out under immeasurable amounts of pain as tears began to stream down her face and onto the floor in front of her. The stallion paused at the mare’s outburst, looking down at her with a confused expression. “NOT THERE! GET IT OUT!” she wailed trying to press back on him with a trembling hoof. His cheeks grew red as he slowly and delicately pulled out of her before offering an apologetic smile. The unicorn collapsed onto the floor, gasping even more so than before as the stallion watched her breathing slowly return to normal. As soon as he was sure she had recovered, he picked her backside up off the floor and lined his cock up with the right hole this time. Before she could protest, he slowly forced his shaft into her from behind. He continued to hold her flank up in the air as he worked the length of his pole in, moans escaping from both of them as he did.

Rarity could feel every inch of him slide through her until she felt that she couldn’t possibly take anymore. She looked back between her raised legs to see that the stallion wasn’t even close to bottoming out, but he stopped all the same when he realized that he had reached the end. Her entire body trembled as he began to slowly pull his hips back before brutally slamming forward again, causing her to cry out in primal ecstasy. “Yes! Keep going! Harder! Faster!” she began to yell as he quickened his thrusts. The stallion rolled his eyes as he continued his relentless assault of her backside, was she really going to start talking again? He followed her orders as the white mare called them out, giving her some sense of control as he continued to pump in and out of her. His front legs began to grow tired as he held the unicorn’s flank in the air and he finally pulled his spear out of her and placed her gently on the floor in front of him, rolling her over slightly for better access. “Wait.” Rarity said between breaths as she rolled back over to her stomach. “Could you put it back in… where it was?” she wiggled her ass in the air. The stallion sat unmoving behind her as he stared at her with a bewildered look. “It’s okay, I want you to this time.” The stallion hesitated before scooting a little bit closer and pointing his rod at her other entrance. He looked at her questioningly again as he placed the head between her cheeks. “Do it, I give you permission.” She looked back at him, “just… slowly this time, okay?” The stallion nodded as he slowly pressed against her tight hole. Rarity winced and pushed back as he tried to apply more force. “Push harder.” She groaned between exasperated breaths. Finally something slipped and the unicorn threw her head back in a silent scream as the stallion found himself deep inside the wrong place again. The two remained motionless as the white mare rested her head on her hooves and tried to compose herself, which wasn’t easy with a thirteen inch horse cock in your ass. “Okay, go.” She said finally, shifting under the weight of him to get comfortable. The stallion began carefully move up and down, prepared to stop at any moment if the unicorn showed any signs of pain. He continued slowly before gradually beginning to speed up and before he knew it he was ramming his full length in and out of her as vigorously as he could. The mare lying beneath him struggled to sit up against his constant slamming of her ass back down until he finally allowed her a moment to regain herself and sit up.

She stood there on all fours when he started up again, ramming her increasingly reddening backside as he drove himself deeper and deeper into her. She took a step forward as he slammed hard into her and then another a few thrusts later. A few minutes later they had circled the entire room with the stallion riding her as hard as he could. Soon Rarity found herself pressed against the mattress of the white bed as she rested her head heavily against the soft down. She listened intently as the stallion’s heavy breathing filled the room and she enjoyed the feeling of him sliding in and out of her. The side of the mattress grew wet as the juices from her slit rubbed up against it and dripped down the metal frame at her lover’s frenzied thrusts. She nestled her cheek into the soft bed as she waited. She was enjoying this more than she had expected. The stallion’s breathing suddenly skipped a beat.

“Wait! No! You can’t finish there!” she pulled away as fast as she could, dislodging his member before raising her flank as high as she could and slamming back into him. Her mound was so slick that his cock drove easily into her and the stallion thrust in as hard as he could delivering his hot load. She moaned as waves of pleasure rattled her entire body and she came over and over again as he unleashed near endless amounts of his seed into her. Mixed clear and white juices flooded between their genitalia as he slowly went soft inside of her and freed room for the excess fluid to gush out. Orgasms continued to shake her body violently as the white mare quivered on the bed mindlessly until she passed out.

How Can You Tell? Rainbows

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“Is she going to be alright?” the large mare asked, her face a pale mask of concern.

“She’s going to be just fine, Mrs. Cake. She’s just going to be dreary and sleeping a lot for the next couple of days.” The heavily built earth pony frowned as he saw the two foals playing in the background of the bakery. “I trust you’re taking good care of your children.” He asked suddenly.

“Oh yes, no problems whatsoever!” Mrs. Cake stammered while trying to block his view of the two foals.

“See that there aren’t.” The earth pony turned and left without another word.

The baker looked down at the pink mass curled up on the ground in front of her and frowned. “What have they done to you?”

“Is Pinkie back – oh.” The timid yellow pegasus alighted down in front of the bakery and took a careful step back after noticing the unmoving pink body on the ground.

“Yes she is, Fluttershy. They just dropped her off. Do you mind helping me carry her upstairs to her bed?”

“Uhm, sure.” The pegasus moved to roll the mass over and throw her over her back. Pinkie groaned at the slight disturbance but remained motionless as she was carried up through the bakery and finally set down on her bed. “What happened to her?” Fluttershy asked looking down at her friend with concern.

“I’d like to know the same thing.” Mrs. Cake ran a caring hoof over the pink earth pony. “Let’s give her a chance to rest,” her words turning to a whisper, “we can talk downstairs.”

The two mares made their way back downstairs where Mrs. Cake automatically went behind the counter to brew a cup of coffee.

“Oh no thanks, I don’t drink coffee.” The pegasus shrugged and turned to smile at the little foals that were rolling around on the floor at the center of the room.

“Me either,” the large mare followed her gaze before in turn smiling at her two children, “this is actually for my husband. He’ll be up soon and he likes his morning coffee. Plus it’ll help to break the bad news.”

“What bad news?” Fluttershy tilted her head as she turned back to look at the baker.

“How many other ponies have you seen with children?” The question seemed to come out of nowhere. Fluttershy bowed her head as she thought for a few moments before replying.


“That’s right. We’re an experiment,” the baker took a long deep breath before letting it out slowly, “to see if ponies really can raise competent offspring.”

“Well of course we can,” Fluttershy found herself insisting. “It’s instinctual; every animal is born with the ability to take care of their babies.”

“They’re not so sure. They’re convinced that the only way to bring new ponies into this world is by their methods.” Mrs. Cake slowly shook her head back and forth.

“Well that’s not right. Ponies should be allowed to have their own foals if they choose to.”

“You’re telling me. Now that we’re in their radar we may not get the chance to raise our children. We can’t afford to mess up once or they’ll take them away from us.”

“How could they do such a horrible thing?” the yellow pegasus’s voice turning to a hushed whisper. “Did you see what they did to Pinkie?”

“The scars?” the large mare’s voice also turned to a whisper.

“What kind of ponies would do that to another living pony? I mean to mutilate them and then leave them in the streets outside their house…” her words trailed off as she knew that the same thing would eventually happen to her.

Mrs. Cake offered a comforting hoof on the downcast pegasus’s shoulder. “It’ll be over soon enough.”


The unicorn groaned as she struggled to sit up. The rainbow pegasus offered a helping hoof but Twilight was already up on all fours.

“You look like you’re feeling better. Has Spike been taking good care of you?” Dash smiled at her friend.

“Yeah he’s been pretty good about getting me everything I need.” The lavender unicorn rubbed her hoof up and down her tender side and winced as she spoke.

“Now that you’re feeling better can you just heal yourself?” Dash asked looking down at the streaks of red that still ran the length of her friend’s side.

“I’ve been meaning to try.” Twilight closed her eyes and focused her magic around herself. Her horn glowed an effervescent purple that lit up the entire room for a few seconds before she finally let out an exhausted breath and collapsed onto the bed. Dash looked down again at her friend’s side.

“Nothing happened.” The rainbow pegasus’s voice was unsteady as she sat watching the unicorn struggle to sit up again.

“I don’t know what happened, I can’t heal it for some reason.” Her dark eyelids began to rise and fall heavily as she swayed back and forth on the bed. Dash sat poised ready to catch her but the unicorn slowly laid down by herself and nestled under the covers without another word. The rainbow pegasus sighed as she slowly stepped off the bed and made her way out of the room silently.

“How’s Twilight doing?” Spike asked promptly the moment Dash closed the door behind her.

“I’m not sure. She tried to heal her scars but couldn’t do it for some reason and fell back asleep.”

“Again?” Spike groaned. “She’s been trying to heal herself with her magic all day. I keep telling her that she needs to let it heal naturally.”

“She acted like she had never tried before.” A puzzled look came over the pegasus’s face.

“It’s like an endless cycle. She wakes up, tries to heal herself, and then falls back asleep before waking up and trying again. I don’t know what’s wrong with her but I hope she snaps out of it soon.”

“I’m not too thrilled to go in myself after seeing what they did to Twilight.” Dash frowned.

“You go in today, don’t you?” Spike studied the pegasus’s face for any sign of what was going on. He still wasn’t completely sure what happened when the mares left or where they went, but he didn’t like the aftermath of the experience. He also didn’t like the big burly stallions that brought them back afterwards. They didn’t exactly seem to be the gentle caring type that the mares needed after their experience.

Dash shook her head back and forth, her rainbow mane bouncing lightly across her downcast face. “I do have to go in today.” She said dryly, almost as if nopony could hear her. The rainbow pegasus shifted her hooves back and forth as she waited for a response from the little dragon, but Spike just sat there contemplating about what to do with Twilight in her abnormal state. “I have to go.” She said suddenly before backing out of the room. As soon as she was out of the library she took off into the sky where she would be able to feel the freedom of the wind through her mane and the clouds passing over her wings as she sliced through them. She stared out at the afternoon sun after leveling out and soared for a ways. It wouldn’t be long until she would have to go in and perform her civic duty. ‘Has anypony not gone in yet? Somepony I can talk to about all this that isn’t a mindless zombie?’ “Applejack.” She announced to the sky before banking in the direction of the earth pony’s farm.

“Applejack.” She repeated while landing heavily next to the tan mare who was carrying a load of apples across the field.

“Howdy there Rainbow Dash, what can I do for ya?” Applejack bent down to place the bushels of apples on the ground before wiggling out of the harness.

“Have you seen Twilight or Pinkie since they went in for their appointments?”

“Well we both saw Twilight come home that first night, remember?” the country mare gave the pegasus a curious look.

“Yeah I know about that,” Dash took a moment to puzzle through her thoughts, “but I’m not sure about all this. Twilight doesn’t look like she’s feeling too good even though it’s been a couple of days and I heard they dragged Rarity through the streets of Canterlot because she didn’t show up on time. Why is it so important?”

“It’s not like you to ask the deep questions, that’s more of Twilight’s thing. You feeling alright?” the earth pony gave her a sly smile.

“I’m just fine.” The pegasus sighed. “I just don’t like to be forced into doing stuff. I thought we were the free ones?”

“Have you been talking to Twilight? Because you’re certainly starting to sound a lot like her.” Applejack raised a curious eyebrow.

“Well I just talked to her and she’s still pretty out of it. She woke up and tried to heal herself with her magic but it didn’t work for whatever reason, and Spike said she’s been doing the same thing over and over again like they messed up her brain.” the rainbow pegasus prodded the dirt in front of her with her hoof as she spoke.

“Well that’s comforting. So we can’t be healed and end up as mindless zombies to boot? Are you sure you ain’t just hatchin’ some kinda conspiracy plot?”

“Hey I’m just stating the facts!” Dash suddenly sounded defensive and took a quick moment to scan the area.

“I think you’re just a little wound up there, sugarcube. Why don’t ya just head on home and relax for a little bit before you have to go in.” Applejack shooed the pegasus away and squirmed back under the harness to finish carrying the apples across the field.

The horizon had the faintest tinge of red as the rainbow pegasus took off into the sky again, flying high above the clouds until she could just barely make out the outline of the building she would soon be at. The blinding sun was just beginning to set behind it when she realized that she wouldn’t have enough time to get home. With a heavy sigh, she tilted her wings towards the warehouse-like building. ‘Nothing wrong with being a little early I guess. Wow I am sounding more and more like Twilight, I need to stop hanging out with her so much.’

The thick concrete beneath her hooves let out a dull clop as she landed as lightly as she could in front of the doors before pushing her way inside.

“Name please.” A voice came from behind the counter the moment she stepped into the room.

“Um, Rainbow Dash.” She craned her neck as she walked up to see who was talking behind the counter.

“Very good, not many mares arrive early. You may have a seat until we call your name.” the unseen mare behind the counter sounded like she was talking through her nose as Dash stopped her approach towards the counter to sit down on one of the brown wooden chairs. The gray room seemed to give off a depressing vibe as she hollowly grabbed one of the newspapers in front of her and looked at it. “Oh look, Rarity made front page!” Dash grinned as she looked at the picture of the white unicorn being thrown over the shoulder of a muscular stallion. Her excitement was immediately cut short by the mare behind the counter angrily clearing her throat. ‘There’s nopony else here, who cares if I talk?’ The pegasus looked down at the picture of her friend again. ‘I’m sure Rarity had a great time once they finally brought her. She’s always been the one that’s into this stuff anyway.’ Dash sighed as she folded the newspaper back up and tossed it onto the coffee table in front of her.

“Rainbow Dash?” the voice behind the counter called.

Dash looked around at the empty room for a second before responding. “Yes?”

“It’s your turn, please come here.” The voice already sounded agitated. The rainbow pegasus casually hopped off the chair and strolled towards the counter where she could finally see the source of the voice. It was an old brown mare with a large, dark mole resting on the crevice between her nose and her cheek. She couldn’t imagine that face ever looking happy. “Now then,” the old mare began with a layer of annoyance still residing in her voice, “I know you may be nervous and don’t understand why we’re doing this but let me assure that it is all for the greater good and you will understand why after. Please step forward and continue through the white doors to your left until you get to the end of the hallway, there, a gray unicorn will be waiting to give you further instructions.”

“Have you given this speech before?” Dash looked to the old mare curiously. The only answer she got in return was an angry glare. “Well it’s just that it sounded rehearsed and you didn’t even take a breath.” The old mare’s face never changed from its cold glare. “I mean you did a good job and I… just… wanted… to… know…” she cast her eyes down and trudged her hoof against the ground as her words trailed off. She looked back up to see that the old mare had never stopped glaring angrily at her. With an uncomfortable step back, she moved as quickly as she could to the double doors without looking rushed. The white corridor on the other side was blinding and the rainbow pegasus couldn’t help but wince as she made her way past the rows of plain white doors on either side of her. ‘Reminds me of the hospital.’ She thought as she noticed the double doors at the end of the hallway. Her jaw dropped the second she stepped onto the metal platform.

“Don’t be alarmed, whatever you’re feeling is a normal reaction and you’re certainly not the first.” Dash jumped at the voice before noticing the gray unicorn smiling at her from the edge of the platform.

“What is this place?” the rainbow pegasus gazed out at the expanse in awe, looking down through the holes in the metal platform before taking a tentative step forward.

“This is where the strongest and most fit mares come to perform their civic duties.” The unicorn stood at the other end of the platform while she waited for the initial shock of the room to subside in the newcomer.

“Are all those pods… are they all stallions?” Dash asked in wonder.

“Every single one is a different stallion, all of them ready at a moment’s notice.”

“But why do you need so many? There can’t possibly be that many different types of combinations.”

“Actually there are. Every stallion in here is completely unique.” The gray unicorn followed the newcomer’s gaze out at the pods.

“Some stallions would get picked more than others though. What do you do with the rest that never get picked?”

“They stay here and wait to get picked.”

“What if they never do? Can’t you just let them go?” Dash never took her eyes from the white pods that were firmly locked to the wall of the cylindrical room.

“These stallions are not fit for living in today’s modern society. They are only good for two things.” The unicorn quickly turned away and looked down as she realized her slip up.

“Two things? What’s the second?” Dash snapped her gaze away from the pods to look at the unicorn.

“Sorry, I meant one thing. They are only good for one thing.” The gray unicorn quickly tried to recover her words but the rainbow pegasus looked unconvinced. “Well okay maybe three things.” Dash gasped as she realized that the unicorn was about to reveal something that she shouldn’t know. The air grew heavy and thick as the gravity of the situation sunk in and she realized the seriousness that came with the curator’s stern look. A wide smile suddenly spanned the face of the gray mare. “Stallions are only good for three things: Cooking, cleaning, and penises.” She practically sang the words as if they were a song. Dash groaned as she facehoofed at the joke and shook her head back and forth.

“That was bad.” She smiled at the unicorn who now sported a devilish grin.

“Now how about your dream stallion?” the unicorn motioned to the computer console. “Is he tall? Muscular? Long maned?”

“Yes.” Dash replied simply as she walked over and peered at the flashing screen. The gray mare giggled as she set the filters and an abundance of stallions appeared on the console. “How about that one?” the pegasus pointed with her hoof at one of the stallions.

“Really? I never pegged you as that type of mare.” The unicorn grinned at her.

“Why? What’s wrong with him?”

“Oh nothing, he’s fine. I just thought you’d like to go along with a smaller stallion since you seem to be more of the… dominant type.” The gray mare chose her words carefully.

“Hey I’m allowed my girly fantasies just like everypony else.” Dash stared down the unicorn.

“Okay, you can go with him. Just enter the same specifications in the console in one of the rooms back in the hallway and you can get started.”

“Just out of curiosity,” Dash asked the unicorn walking away, “do you have any mares?”

“Nope, stallions only. You can’t breed very well with two mares you know.”

“Interesting.” The rainbow pegasus rubbed her chin as the curator disappeared behind the white double doors.

“I knew it.” The gray unicorn spoke softly to herself as soon as the doors closed behind her and she was sure the pegasus couldn’t hear her.

“Actually I do like this one.” Dash confirmed with herself while looking at the picture of the stallion. “Let’s just make sure there’s nothing better though.” She quickly scanned through the filters for anything interesting. “Scars?” Her curiosity peeked as she set the filter and scrolled through the list until she saw the same stallion she had picked before. A faint scar ran up the length of his left back leg that was nearly unnoticeable unless you were looking for it. “I guess this is my dream stallion.” She memorized the specifications and made her way back into the hallway before knocking on the first door. No answer. ‘Why did they have so many rooms? They probably never had more than one mare in here at a time.’ She nudged the door open with her hoof and let it creak back closed behind her with a loud metallic click. The white room felt lonely as she gazed around at the miscellaneous pieces of white furniture before spying the gray console at the corner of the room. Without a second thought, she immediately strolled up to the console and entered the specifications that she remembered before selecting the stallion. She traced the long pale scar that ran up his leg on the screen with her hoof before pressing enter. The room crackled and the sound of turbines and machinery winding up filled the air as the back wall broke away in an explosion of pressurized gas. Dash couldn’t help but draw back as she peered over the edge of the room into the black abyss below. No pegasus was ever afraid of heights, it was hardwired in with their flight that they couldn’t be afraid of heights, but something about the darkness below and not being able to see the bottom scared her out of her wits. She took a few careful steps back as she watched the giant mechanical claw slip down the center pole into the darkness below before coming back up with one of the white pods. Dash leapt out of the way as the arm mindlessly dropped the pod in the center of the room almost on top of her and sped away back up the enormous center pole as the back wall sealed into place with a series of hisses.

Suddenly it was quiet.

Even more quiet than when she had first entered the room. It was only a few seconds before the pod rattled to life with a system of locks and bolts that caused the startled pegasus to jump from the sudden deafening outburst. The futuristic looking lid slowly raised up, cool fog rolling out of it and onto the ground around her hooves. Dash shivered as the air grew frigid and condensed around her. She watched on as the dark figure of a stallion sat motionless in the pod as everything went quiet again. Dash waited expectantly for something to happen when suddenly the stallion threw himself out of the pod and onto the ground with a massive heave. The enormous figure writhed back and forth on the ground trying to catch his breath until he finally seemed to calm down. Dash couldn’t help but feel a little timid around such a strong pony who could probably snap her spine in two if he really wanted to. Her back legs began to quake beneath her but at the same time she could feel the cool air condensing the fresh moisture between her legs as she thought of the power the stallion possessed.

“Uhm… Hi?” the pegasus’s cheeks began to grow red as she awkwardly tried to reach out to the struggling stallion on the ground. ‘Why the buck am I embarrassed?’ she scolded herself in her head. The stallion finally turned from panting on the ground to look at the rainbow pegasus who took a few unsteady steps back. “I’m Rainbow Dash.” She smiled nervously while pointing her hoof towards herself. The stallion didn’t reply as he continued to stare at the pegasus before slowly getting up and moving towards her. Dash drew back, matching him step for step backwards until she let out a quiet squeal as her tail brushed against the back wall. The stallion kept up his menacing approach until the rainbow mare found herself trapped in the corner of the room. She had never known this feeling before, the feeling of being powerless, powerless at the hooves of somepony else. A shiver ran through her body as she began to feel hot and put her front hooves between her legs to hide her growing embarrassment. ‘What’s wrong with me? Why is this getting me off?’ she suddenly felt more uncomfortable with her own reactions than she did the threatening stallion in front of her.

A sharp gasp escaped her as the stallion suddenly pinned her against the corner with his hoof and lifted her nearly a foot off the ground. She struggled against the force of his rippling muscles but it was no use, he didn’t even budge as she tried with all of her strength to break free. The inside of her thighs grew wetter the more she struggled and the stallion finally looked down to see her glistening mound. “No, don’t look.” Her cheeks grew red again as she tried to close her legs. How could she be turned on by this? She cried out in protest as the stallion reached around with his other hoof to pry her legs apart. His firm touch sent shivers through her entire body as he pressed her harder against the wall before gliding his hoof up and down her leg. Her legs shook and trembled as they hung in the air and she buried her face into the stallion’s hoof to try and hide the deep moan that was building in the back of her throat. Sweat began to drip off her forehead and sting her eyes as she looked up to see a satisfied smirk before feeling a hoof graze across her most sensitive area. She threw her head back and let out a room-shattering moan as the ecstasy filled her and she lost herself in the pleasure that racked her body. The stallion continued to hold her in place dangling against the wall as he moved closer and gently began to nip and bite at her exposed neck while sliding his hoof over her trembling slit. Dash cried out again and again at the feelings that overcame her senses and she went limp as the stallion pressed his entire body against hers.

The rainbow pegasus’s mouth hung open and her tongue rolled out before the stallion pulled up from nipping at her neck to seal her lips with a deep kiss. Their tongues battled inside her mouth but it was finally the stallion’s tongue that forced hers down as he explored the inside of her cheeks. Her eyes rolled back into her head as he began to grind his hoof even harder into her and lift her up by the flesh between her legs. Her body rose up and down as the stallion pressed against her with his hoof until she suddenly dropped a small ways and let out an ear-piercing scream. The stallion was just as surprised as she was as he found his hoof buried deep inside of her. Dash hung there like a puppet for a few moments as her vision slowly returned from the black that had surrounded it and she lolled her head forward to stare lovingly into the unsure eyes of her puppeteer. She continued staring at him until he began to slowly slide his hoof out of her with a gushy sucking sound as her body finally released him. Another loud moan escaped her as the feelings emanated from between her legs and raced through her body. Her eyes glimmered as she stared into the eyes of the stallion and dared him to do it again. Her wish was granted as he slowly pressed up against her legs again and she readied her body for the intrusion that would soon impale her again. The room broke out in animalistic cries as the pegasus dropped onto his hoof much easier this time and he pulled completely out of her before slowly forcing his way back in. She felt her slit struggle to close each time he stretched his hoof out of her and she spread her legs wider to try and take him deeper with each slow thrust.

Her legs began to quiver and shake uncontrollably as a familiar feeling crept through her body and she felt her juices release in an explosive stream against his hoof that was still inside of her. She gargled in ecstasy as the stallion slid out of her and pulled away, letting the flood of juices waterfall to the ground before dropping her into the puddle she had created. A mixture of sweat and her own juices coated her entire body as she lay panting on the ground. She could feel the stallion’s slime coated hoof prodding her to get to her hooves as he readied himself behind her. The enormous figure weighed down on her as she struggled up on all fours and presented herself to the stallion who wasted no time in mounting her and shoving the length of himself into her. She gasped as his cock filled her completely, she wasn’t expecting it to be bigger than his hoof but it spanned much further inside of her and the surface area of it moving lit her insides on fire and she came immediately from the frenzied strokes. The stallion continued to rock back and forth as her body shook violently beneath him. Her orgasms began to stack on top of one another and she lost consciousness a few minutes later.

She awoke to find that the stallion was still relentlessly pounding against her backside, his breathing labored more from the constant exertion than his own pleasure. “That’s it.” Dash threw herself into the air, knocking the stallion onto his back. She hovered just above him with the head of his cock just barely poking out of her before easing her way down his shaft and coming to rest with her legs splayed between his hips. The stallion began to breathe heavily as she shifted forward and back and rode him with everything she had. “I can’t do it.” She said finally between exhausted breaths. She slammed her glistening mound into his hip over and over again but she couldn’t get the same pleasure that he had done to her. The stallion groaned as he rolled her over onto her back and stood over her before thrusting as hard as he could with all of the strength he had left. He shut his eyes tightly and ground his teeth as sweat rolled off his face and dripped onto the mare below him. His thrusting became faster and he held his breath as Dash suddenly felt her insides being filled and she blacked out.

Even If You Simply Have To Fudge It

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“Hey there, sugarcube. You feeling better?”

The pink mare strained her eyes open under the blinding light of the day. “How did I get out here?”

“We figured you needed some fresh air, plus we wanted to get you away to somewhere private where we could talk.” The stalwart earth pony was looking out over the grassy knolls with her back to the party pony as she spoke.

Pinkie rubbed her eyes and blinked several times at the blurry yellow figure approaching her from the other side. “Fluttershy? What’s going on here?” Her voice was groggy and she began choking after she spoke, rolling over to spit up what she hoped was saliva on the green grass beside her.

“We don’t know what’s going on, that’s why you’re here.” The pegasus didn’t seem timid for the first time as she spoke. It was as if she was absolutely sure of something for the first time in her life.

“Can you tell us what happened when you went in?” Applejack frowned as she turned around and saw the dark puddle on the ground next to the pink earth pony’s head. A stream of black liquid still ran down the side of the mare’s mouth, her eyes slowly shifting back and forth as they struggled to focus.

“Pinkie?” Fluttershy looked down with concern at the unresponsive mare.

“Pinkie Pie?” the tan earth pony took a tentative step forward and nudged the mare who lay motionless on the ground with her eyes still open. Her face turned pale as she took a couple of unsteady paces backwards. Fluttershy moved forward without hesitation, tossing her long pink mane over her shoulder before bending down to place her ear on their friend’s chest.

“She’s still breathing.” She pulled her head up with a look of relief evident on her face.

“Let her sleep.” The concern had melted off of the earth pony’s face and was back to its stoic icon as she placed her hoof over the pink mare’s dull blue eyes and closed them.

“So it’s just us?” Fluttershy’s voice was dry as she already knew the answer.

“’Fraid so.” The earth pony turned from the gruesome scene on the ground to stare back out at the setting sun.

“What are you going to do?” A sense of urgency hung in the air as the two looked out at the diminishing red halo on the horizon.

“Chase the sunset.”


The purple unicorn sat up with a heavy groan, her back arching as she struggled to hold up the weight of her own body. Her breathing was labored as she rubbed her hoof up and down the tender flesh that marked where the faint outline of her scars were. She winced as bolts of pain shot through her, every one of her joints cracking as her body gave a violent shudder.

“How are you today?” the baby dragon carried a tray full of her favorite snacks towards her bedside.

“Better – negh – I think.” She held her hoof against her head as her skull began to pulse agonizingly.

“It doesn’t look like it.” Spike tilted his head as he placed the tray in front of her.

“I’m fine, I just need to heal myself with my magic.” The unicorn’s horn glowed a radiant purple that filled the room. She closed her eyes tightly and bit her lower lip as she focused in on the scars at her side.

“SNAP OUT OF IT!” the baby dragon screamed suddenly, bringing an open-palmed hand swiftly across her face. The slap landed harshly against the unicorn’s cheek, completely shattering her concentration and sending a spark of loose magic flying through the room to burn a hole through one of her walls. Twilight sat dumbfounded staring at her assistant before her stomach began to bubble and churn. Spike watched on with confusion as the unicorn suddenly seemed to acquire a burst of strength and leapt off the bed past him to run out of the room. He heard the clop of her hooves on the wooden floorboards leading down the stairs and into the kitchen until the sound of heaving and retching resonated back. “Twilight? Are you okay?” he slowly walked down the stairs and peered around the corner of the kitchen at the figure that was panting over the sink. “Twilight?” he repeated as he took a step towards the unicorn. “Are you mad? I’m sorry I slapped you.” He craned his neck as he approached to see the black slime running down the corners of her mouth. Her eyes seemed duller as she twisted and stared through him blankly before turning back to vomit more of the dark liquid into the sink. “That’s disgusting.” Spike held his stomach as the unicorn finally collapsed before the sink. He stared down into her eyes as they slowly grew brighter and returned to normal.

Twilight blinked several times before looking up at her assistant sleepily. “Spike?” Her muddled body still lay disjoint on the ground as she looked around her questioningly. “What happened?” she asked pushing herself off of the floor.

“You went in for your appointment or whatever. You’ve been all loopy ever since.”

“What are these?” she ran her hoof delicately over the red streaks that ran up either side of her body. Spike raised his hand, ready to strike out as the unicorn’s horn began to glow. “Wait, I can’t heal this.” The scribe lowered his hand in bewilderment as the glimmering of her horn faded away and she sighed.

“What do you mean you can’t heal it? How would you know if you never tried?” Spike raised an eyebrow as he tested the unicorn.

“These scars are unnatural, I’m not sure if they’ll ever heal completely.”

“How can that be? I thought magic could fix anything?” the baby dragon scratched his head.

“Magic isn’t perfect,” Twilight sighed, “but I would like to ask Celestia a few questions.”

“What does she have to do with this?” The unicorn ignored him as she strolled towards the door. “Twilight? What does she have to do with this?” he repeated chasing after her.

Twilight stopped suddenly in her tracks, gasping and clutching her head. Her eyes rolled back in her head as memories flooded back and visions of the stallion that had loved her in a way that she never thought possible flashed into her consciousness. The feelings and emotions she had experienced burned their way back into her senses. She felt reborn as she took a deep breath and the room came back into focus.

“Twilight? Are you okay?” Spike was at her side with a concerned hand on her shoulder.

“We have to save him.” She said suddenly.

“Save who? What’s going on? You have to tell me something!” the baby dragon’s brow wrinkled in frustration. Twilight didn’t answer as she set her eyes on the castles in the distance and cantered away.


The outline of the earth pony trudged across the rolling hilltops outside of Ponyville towards the soft amber glow that still hung above the horizon. The stars began to twinkle above her as a light wind picked up, rustling her braided blonde mane over her back and stirring her cowboy hat back over her hairline. Goosebumps dotted her legs as the night fell around her and the air grew colder with every passing minute. She kept her pace for as long as it took for the moon to hang above her in the sky before suddenly stopping and sighing. “You can’t follow me forever.”

The shadow that had been following her from a few yards back the entire time finally emerged from the bluff of the last hill she had crossed. “Oh… I’m sorry.”

“They’re after me. You don’t need to get caught up in all of this.”

“But they’ll be after me soon anyway. I may as well come along and keep you company.” The pegasus cast her eyes down and trudged her hoof against the soft earth.

“Well come along then, no sense getting together just to get caught anyway.” Applejack smiled as her friend came galloping over to walk by her side.

“What about our friends?” Fluttershy asked as she struggled to keep up with the strides of the earth pony.

“I’d rather not think about it.” Applejack kept her gaze straightforward.

“But what’s going to happen to them?” the pegasus began to gallop to keep up with her friend.

“I don’t know, now can we drop the subject?”

“We’re just going to leave them?” the yellow mare resorted to short hops while flapping her wings to keep the pace set by the farm pony.

Applejack suddenly stopped and turned on the pegasus. “Yes we are,” she hissed, “if you have a problem with that then just go back now, otherwise I don’t want to hear about it.”

The two mares continued on their way in silence the entire night, keeping a strict pace and never stopping until they came to an unfamiliar town just as the sun was starting to come up.

“Where are we?” Fluttershy asked tentatively breaking the silence.

“I don’t know,” Applejack scanned the small wooden buildings for any signs of life, “and I hope nopony else does either.” A sign posted on a large building on the other end of the town caught their attention as they continued listening for anything to stir. “’The Watering Hole’, sounds like as good a place as any to pick up a few drinks.”

“Oh good, I’m so thirsty.” The pegasus licked her lips and swallowed dryly. They stepped their way past the thick brown weeds that grew through the center of the town as they made their way towards the building.

“Hello? Is anypony here?” Applejack called pushing the front door open and striding into the dark room. The chairs and countertops were all coated in a layer of dust and cobwebs draped across the ceiling. “It doesn’t look like anypony has been here in ages.” The earth pony ran her hoof over the dust covered counter before cantering behind it and pulling out an old blue bottle from below. “At least we have something to drink.” The liquid inside sloshed about as she shook the bottle before pulling out the cork with her teeth. Fluttershy remained silent as she gazed around at the empty room.

“What happened here?” she frowned as she brushed some cobwebs out of the way.

“Heck if I know, now come have something to drink.” The tan mare dusted off a couple of old shot glasses and poured a small amount into them.

“No, something’s not right.” The pegasus continued to scan the room. “What are these hoofprints doing here?”

“Those are your hoofprints.” Applejack looked over the counter at the trail of circles that had been made in the dust.

“Not these ones.” She pointed to the single track trail that lead to the corner of the room.

“Those are probably old.” The earth pony threw back a shot and slammed the glass down on the counter. “See, there’s a layer of dust covering it.” Applejack pointed with her hoof as she scrunched her face and picked up the bottle again. “Wheww! This stuff burns on the way down!” she shook her head quickly back and forth.

Fluttershy frowned as she followed the tracks with her eyes. She could just barely make out the outline of a second, lighter set of tracks leading to the corner and a long streak leading back out through the back door. “Applejack! We have to get out of here!” the pegasus frantically screeched.

“Why? What’s wrong?”

The front door burst open with a crack of wood splintering as a black stallion rushed in and slammed the pegasus that had been in the center of the room against the wall. “Leave my friend alone!” Applejack threw herself over the counter at the stallion and darted in to deliver a quick kick to his abdomen. The stallion was unfazed and smashed her into the ground with his front hoof before giving a quick curb stomp to knock her out. Without any hesitation, he casually strolled across the room to the mare that had been groaning in agony against the wall before slamming his hoof against the side of her head. The yellow pegasus blacked out immediately and didn’t even feel as the stallion threw her and her friend’s limp bodies over each shoulder and strode out.

“Now where are we?” It seemed like only seconds had passed since they were in the strange town. Fluttershy woke and rolled over on the hard white floor to see her friend still lying motionlessly beside her. The walls and ceiling were completely white as she gazed about the small square room. Even the sheets and headboard of the bed were white and it was as if the lamp gave off a light that was whiter than normal, if that even made sense. The hair on the back of her neck rose as she spotted the semi-clear black window next to the door. There was nopony outside. There was no sound at all.

The pegasus slowly got to her hooves to get a better look out the window and try the door. No luck. It was locked just as she thought it would be. Why were they doing this? Why was it so important that they showed up? Her head throbbed as she scanned the room again. There weren’t even any shadows in the corners of the room, which was odd since the small lamp was the only light source.

“Ah Fluttershy,” the pegasus yelped as the door swung open on silent hinges to reveal a gray unicorn. “We’re going to have to ask you to leave. I’m sure your friend would like a bit of privacy.” The unicorn stepped to the side to allow the pegasus to pass by her. Fluttershy looked to the still unconscious earth pony on the ground before slowly stepping past the mare.

“What is this place?”

“All your questions will be answered soon enough, tomorrow I believe.” The unicorn levitated a brown clipboard out of nowhere and flipped the top sheet over before nodding. “Yep, we’ll see you tomorrow Fluttershy.”

The timid pegasus followed the mysterious unicorn through the double doors at the end of the hallway into the gray waiting room on the other side. “You can exit through those doors there.” The gray mare pointed with her clipboard at the door on the other side of the counter.

“Not over there where it says EXIT?” Fluttershy looked to the small sign with green glowing letters that hung above the other set of doors across the room.

“Not yet, you just need to check-out first. Don’t be shy, we’ll take good care of you tomorrow when you come in. Don’t be late.” The unicorn patted her on the back and gave a comforting smile before departing back through the double doors. The old mare behind the desk rolled her eyes as the pegasus uncertainly crossed the room before prodding the door open with one hoof. Fluttershy peered her head around the corner and gasped at the number of lab benches that were strewn about the enormous room. She squealed in surprise and then fright as somepony in a white hazmat suit grabbed her around the neck and she felt a sharp prick in her shoulder before the world went black.

Applejack groaned as she sat up and wiped the drool from her mouth and cheek. The strange white room was empty except for the white bed and white lamp at one end and the gray console and black window at the other. The door swung open out of the corner of her eye the second she shook herself out of her daze and a formal looking unicorn with a clipboard hastily stepped in.

“Applejack, I’m glad you made it.”

“Wha- What happened?” her head pulsed as if it had been bashed in.

“You were late for your appointment so we sent one of our best retrievers to bring you back. It seems you were lost in a town on the outskirts of Equestria. We wouldn’t want anything happening to you now, would we?” the unicorn shook her head back and forth before scribbling some notes down on the clipboard.

“Where am I? What is this white room?”

“Why you’re here for your appointment, silly!” It was obvious that some of Pinkie’s charm had worn off on the unicorn.

“Well what do I have to do?” Applejack glared at the unicorn.

“Oh nothing really; just pick out your dream stallion, have some fun, and you’ll be back in your bed by tomorrow morning.”

“And how will I feel tomorrow morning? Will I be as sick and messed up as Pinkie was?” Her glare turned into a scowl as she stared down the unicorn for answers.

“Probably.” The unicorn replied simply.

“Probably? How can you do this to everypony?”

“Have you ever had a booster shot, Applejack?” the unicorn tilted her head.

“Uh… yeah I’ve had a few actually but I don’t know what that has to do with –“

“And did it hurt?” the gray mare cut her off.

“I guess so…”

“This is the same idea as getting a booster shot. We’re doing this to make your life easier and even though there might be a few unpleasant side-effects, it’s all for the greater good.”

“But what exactly are you doing? I guess that’s the part I don’t get.” Applejack shrugged as her mind raced over all the possible uses for being bred.

“We’re simply continuing the pony race and keeping the population under control.”

“What is this all some kind of big experiment to you? Are we just bacteria growing in your petri dish?”

“That’s one way to describe it, but I wouldn’t use those exact words.” The unicorn took a step back as the earth pony took a hostile step forward.

“Then how would you describe it? Please tell me.” Applejack hissed between her teeth, taking another step towards the gray mare.

“Listen,” the curator took a deep breath before rising up and taking a step forward, “what goes on here is none of your business and it’s my responsibility to make sure everything goes smoothly, that’s it.”

“It’s my body. I think I should have the right to know what’s happening to it and where the parts of me are going.”

The unicorn snorted, almost as if she were laughing. “You have no more rights than the stallions we keep frozen here. Now pick a stallion before I pick one for you, and believe me – you don’t want me to pick for you.”

Applejack sighed, her head drooping as she followed the unicorn out of the room and down the corridor to the double doors at the end. The air rushed past her as the doors swung open and the immensity of the room took her breath away. She couldn’t help but let her jaw drop as she gazed out at the number of white pods that coated the cylindrical wall.

“Don’t be alarmed, whatever you’re feeling is a normal reaction and you’re certainly not the first.” The words sounded rehearsed but Applejack wasn’t listening anyway.

“This is where you keep all the frozen stallions?”

“All twenty-two thousand and forty-eight.” The unicorn smiled at the number.

“Why don’t you let some go? I’m sure you could spare a few.”

“These stallions aren’t exactly what you’d call stable.” The curator chose her words carefully this time.

“Well then send them out to work the fields. I know that the Apple family could sure use their help.” Applejack waited expectantly for what excuse the unicorn would come up with next.

“They’re not that type of pony, now let’s get down to business.” The curator marched across the metal platform to the console while beckoning the earth pony to follow. “This is what we have in stock, take your pick.”

“Have in stock? What are they, tractor parts?” Applejack looked at the unicorn uncertainly.

“They’re parts of some kind,” the gray mare grumbled quietly under her breath.

Applejack sighed and looked at the flashing screen before scrolling down a short ways. Her eyes studied every stallion intently as she searched for the perfect one. Minutes passed and the curator began to tap her hoof impatiently as she waited for the tan mare to pick a stallion. Time kept on passing as the earth pony diligently went through every figure on the console before finally letting out a heavy breath and sitting back on her haunches. “Nope, I don’t see one that I like.” She said defiantly.

“Just pick one!” the gray unicorn exploded. She was a very patient mare but she had never been forced to wait so long for somepony to pick their dream stallion.

“I didn’t see my dream stallion.”

“Why don’t you try the filters this time?” the curator hissed storming up to the console and pointing at the bars at the top of the screen.

“But I already saw them all.” Applejack shrugged.

“You looked through all twenty-two thousand and forty-eight?” the gray mare’s eye twitched as she tried to control her temper.


“Well look again.” The unicorn ground her teeth as she glared at the earth pony.

“If you say so, I’ll just look through them all again.”

“Not so fast!” the curator slammer her hoof down on the console in front of her. “Why don’t you just tell me what your dream stallion looks like and I’ll find him for you.”

“I don’t know what he looks like.” Applejack shrugged again as she looked at the unicorn.

“You don’t even know what your own dream stallion looks like?”

“Nope, but I’ll know him when I see him.”

The unicorn ground her teeth even more as she pointed to the first stallion on the screen. “How about this one?” she said slowly through her teeth.


“This one?”


“This one?”


The curator’s head collapsed onto the console, her face scrolling through the pictures of stallions on the screen.

“Oh I like that one.” The earth pony pointed at one of the stallions on the screen. “Don’t know how I could’ve missed that one.” She scratched her head.

The unicorn shook as she forced a smile. “Very good, I’m glad you found your dream stallion.”

“Well he’s not my dream stallion…”

“I don’t care,” the curator hissed through her forced smile. “Go into one of the rooms and enter his specifications into the console.”

“Will do.” Applejack tipped her hat and departed through the double doors into the white hallway. The unicorn stayed on the platform, fuming in her own anger. “Now which door did she say it was?” the earth pony knocked on the first door. “Somepony’s in here.” A bored voice sounded from inside. ‘I hope the wait isn’t too long.’ She thought as she went to knock on the second door. No answer, but it was locked. She didn’t get an answer from the next three doors either but they were all locked as well. “Shoot it’s just not my day, is it?” she tried the next door which was also locked. ‘How many ponies could they possibly have in here at the same time?’ The very last door clicked just as she was walking up to it. She tried pushing it open but it didn’t budge. “Really?” she raised a curious eyebrow at each of the doors spanning the hallway. “Not a single room for me? What happened to the one I was in?” she strolled back to the white double doors at the end of the hallway looking for the curator. “Hey ma’am.” She found the unicorn stroking her temples in small circles with her hooves at the edge of the platform.

The curator let out an exhausted breath as she turned to find the earth pony addressing her. “What is it? What could it possibly be that you had to come back?”

“Hey you’re the one that dragged me here.”

“I won’t be making that mistake again,” the gray unicorn grumbled. “Now what can I help you with?”

“All the rooms are being used.” Applejack pointed with her hoof back towards the hallway.

The curator’s brow furrowed as she quickly cantered past the earth pony and through the double doors. “This shouldn’t be. Why would they all be – you were late.” The unicorn sighed as the realization struck her. “Well then go wait… over there or something, away from me.”

“Wait this one works. Don’t know how I could’ve missed it.” The tan mare laughed softly as she pushed the door open and let it slam back behind her. The curator growled deep in the back of her throat, this earth pony was beginning to try her patience like no other pony could. “Now what did that stallion look like again?” Applejack mused to herself while gently rubbing her chin with her hoof. She entered whatever she could remember into the console and the stallion she had seen popped up immediately. “Well that’s a lucky break.” She pressed enter and jumped back as the wall behind her broke away, revealing the cavernous cylindrical room she had been in before. A glint of polished metal flashed past the room and down into the depths of the shadows below before returning with one of the space-age pods clutched in its claws. The floor shook as the metallic hand dropped the white pod roughly in the center of the room and took off again as the wall slid back into a place with the sound of locks clicking together. The pod opened immediately with the thunderous hiss of pressurized gas escaping and the room grew cold almost instantly. Applejack shivered as she approached the pod to get a glimpse inside. The stallion she had picked certainly looked handsome. His full, toned muscles rippled as he came to life with a gasp of air and collapsed onto the shoulders of the mare that had been expecting to catch him. Her legs wobbled beneath the weight of the massive stallion, but it wasn’t anything she couldn’t handle. She’d carried loads of apples heavier than this big fella.

“Well come along then, let’s get you over to this bed and warm you up.” The earth pony dragged the stallion over her shoulders across the room and threw him onto the bed before hopping up and cuddling in close to share her warmth. “Now how’s that feel, better?” she rubbed her hoof up and down his body as he continued to shake and shiver. His lips were still a pale blue and clumps of frost hung in his mane. She leaned in close to plant a sensual kiss on his frozen lips as his body continued to refuse to warm up. The stallion closed his eyes and tilted his head as the mare’s breath warmed him and filled his entire body with sensation. His shivering finally stopped as her tongue danced inside of his mouth, fighting with his own over this newfound territory. It was an uphill battle until he decided to take the fight to her mouth, thrusting his tongue past both of their lips and causing the mare to gasp and pull away. He smiled triumphantly as the mare gave him a curious look before driving her lips straight into his again. Her cowboy hat tipped up and fell to her back, held on by the thin leather strap around her neck, as they drew closer together and pressed their bodies against one another. The cold of the stallion’s skin sent shivers down her spine while the heat of her skin drove him on. Her breath fell hot and heavy around his face as he began to lean her down onto the bed only to find that she was resisting him. He struggled to push her down with all of his weight but the mare was easily holding him off and began flipping him over to his back.

He fell like a rock onto the bed as the mare finally forced him over. The bed groaned and creaked beneath him as the springs bounced his body what little amount they could. Applejack felt the erection growing across the toughened skin of her stomach as she held the stallion down with one hoof and pulled her cowboy hat back over her head with the other. The bed sagged even more as she leaned in close to the stallion, sandwiching his throbbing cock between them while gently kissing his neck and stepping onto the bed with her back legs. She rubbed her hoof across his chest as she pulled back again with her legs spread across his crotch. The stallion groaned at the warm sensation of her juices flowing from her snatch and down his leg. He gasped as the mare began to move her hips and the lips of her dripping slit slid over the length of his member over and over again. His cock pulsed as she wiggled like a snake on top of him. She continued to ride him, her juices collecting on his stomach before suddenly going a little bit further on one of the passes with her slit and tilting her hips down so that she would be impaled by him.

The stallion gasped louder than she did as the length of him disappeared inside of her and he began to thrust his hips uncontrollably. “Not so fast, big fella.” She rode him like a bucking bronco up and down, refusing to let his shaft slide one inch inside of her. The stallion looked up at her with a confused expression as she settled herself in and got comfortable. After a few moments she began to slowly bounce up and down, already beginning to breathe harder at the pleasure that was coursing through her body. As soon as the stallion began to thrust his hips to the rhythm of the earth pony on top of him, she stopped. He looked up at her again with a confused expression, the frustration already starting to sink in. Applejack smiled at the stallion before putting her hoof down firmly on his chest again and gradually moving her hips up and down again. The stallion sat back and relaxed as the mare continued to torture him with her slow movements. He tried grabbing her hips but she just pulled his hooved away and continued on. Even when he tried to get up, she forced him down and kept up her leisurely bouncing. The stallion ground his teeth as the mare showed no signs of speeding up.

Applejack smiled as she looked at the frustrated expression on the stallion’s face. ‘I didn’t think he’d be this easy to break.’ Her body shook as she continued her snail-like pace of riding him. ‘That’s probably enough. Even I’m getting tired of this.’ She put the weight of her hooves down on his outstretched front legs to hold him down as she began to bounce up and down harder against his crotch. The bedsprings squeaked as she increased her speed and rode him with everything she had, twisting her hips back and forth and pulling one hoof up to hold her cowboy hat against her head. She looked down and grinned at the stallion not grabbing her hips or thrusting back. ‘Good boy, you learn fast.’ She thought throwing her head back again. Her body bobbed up and down on top of him, her mane flying wildly around her, before the stallion finally let out a massive groan before losing all self-control and thrusting up with all of his might. Applejack climaxed along with him as the sensation of his cock exploding inside of her flooded through her body and she eventually found herself collapsed on the stallion’s chest gasping and panting for air.

“I’d give that a solid ten.” She turned her head to rest her cheek on the stallion’s shoulder and grin slyly. The stallion smiled back, his member going soft inside of her as he felt their combined fluids rush out of the mare who was just beginning to sit up. “Maybe next time we could –“ she didn’t even hear the silent hoofsteps of the ponies that had darted into the room and forced the needle with green sludge into her back. Her body collapsed on top of him heavily, her eyes already closed. The stallion struggled against the mare on top of him who was still pinning him down as the black visor of the hazmat pony came into view behind her.


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Twilight raced across the streets of Ponyville, the little dragon behind her struggling to keep up.

“I thought we were going to Canterlot to see Princess Celestia?” Spike threw his arms out in front of him to try and grab the purple tail of the fleeting mare.

“We are. I just have to check on Pinkie first.”

“Why? Isn’t she feeling just as bad as you did?” the scribe continued to race after the unicorn.

“Exactly, maybe I can get her to feel better and remember what happened.” Twilight set her eyes on the bakery that was just now coming into view.

“What happened where? You still haven’t told me anything about what’s going on!”

“I’ll tell you later, let’s just get this all taken care of first.” The unicorn galloped straight up to the bakery and slammed her hoof against the wooden door. “Mrs. Cake! Open up! I need to talk to Pinkie!” There was no answer, not even the familiar shuffling of the large mare inside. “Mrs. Cake?” Twilight found herself asking the empty building. She knocked her hoof against the door again, the last knock bringing an almost indiscernible click. She gasped as the door slowly creaked open on its hinges to reveal the scene that had unfolded not long ago. The foals’ plastic toys lay shattered against the ground and a path of chairs and tables had been toppled leading to the back corner of the kitchen. Tiny drops of black dotted the floor in small intervals all the way from the doorway to the staircase that lead upstairs. One particular spot was bigger than the others, like they had stopped for a while to do something while the black sludge collected on the ground. “What happened here?” the unicorn carefully scanned over every piece of the room, memorizing it so that she could recall it later if she needed.

“Twilight?” a distraught voice came from the doorway they had just come from. Twilight flipped around to see the pink mare resting uneasily against the doorframe, her face completely pale.

“Pinkie! What happened? Are you alright? What happened here? What did they do to you?” her questions instantly vanished as she realized that the earth pony was slipping down the doorframe. “Pinkie! Stay with me!” she rushed over to catch the falling mare and rest her gently on the floor before closing her eyes tightly. The room lit up in a purple glow that grew brighter and brighter until it was completely white. Spike squinted and held his hand over his face to see through the blinding light but he could still feel the heat burning in the back of his eyes. When his vision finally returned to normal he found the same image of the two mares on the ground as before, except the pink mare’s face was starting to revert back to its normal hue.

“Twilight?” Pinkie asked weakly again looking up into the face of the unicorn holding her.

“Yes it’s me.” Twilight said softly. The party pony smiled and reached her hoof up to graze softly against her friend’s cheek. The purple unicorn smiled in return and nestled her cheek against the outstretched hoof. “I’m so glad you’re alright.”

The pink mare’s face suddenly twisted into a grimace before she rolled out of the unicorn’s grasp and heaved against the floor. Spike groaned in disgust as black slime poured from the pony’s mouth and trickled out through the doorway.

“Pinkie? Are you feeling better now?” Twilight patted her friend’s back lightly. The heaving finally stopped and Pinkie turned around and let out a heavy sigh. She looked completely rejuvenated, sweat still poured from her forehead but her eyes now glowed the bright blue they always had before.

“I am feeling better.” Pinkie confirmed, wiping the remnants of the black sludge from the corners of her mouth.

“Do you remember what happened here?” Twilight looked around at the devastated room again. The pink earth pony scanned the room with her as if she was seeing it all for the first time. The unicorn sighed as she turned back to see the expression on her friend’s face. “I guess not.”

“Who could have done this? Why,” Pinkie gulped to hold back a sob, “why would they do this?” Her lips trembled as she picked up one of the plastic yellow shards that had belonged to the foals’ toy boat.

“I don’t know, but we need to talk to Princess Celestia about it. She can do something about all this.”

“How do you know? How do you know she isn’t the one behind it?” The pink mare looked back at her friend.

“She can’t be. She doesn’t have any motive. And besides, she’s not the one who started the whole thing.” Twilight said dryly.

“Who did?”

“I don’t know but we’re going to find out. Come on.”

Spike scratched his head as he watched the two mares shift out of the room and back outside. He still had no idea what was going on. “Uh, you know what, I’m just going to go back to the library and make sure everything is in order.” He looked uneasily at the unicorn and earth pony who only nodded in reply and took off towards the gleaming city locked to the mountainside.


“Come on, little pegasus. Wake up.”

Fluttershy rolled her head away from the harsh light and towards the soothing voice that had woken her up.

“There we go. I never expected this from ponies like you.” The voice went on as the yellow pegasus groaned and put her hoof over her face to block the sunlight. “Although it comes to no surprise – you six have always been the saviors of Ponyville. They don’t need their princesses anymore.”

Fluttershy opened her eyes and gasped. She knew she recognized that voice. “Princess Celestia? You sound different.” She looked up at the alicorn’s face which had dark streaks lining it with black bags falling beneath her eyes.

“I’m tired.” Celestia said simply.

“Why?” the yellow pegasus wasn’t sure how formally to talk to the princess. She felt the superior presence weighing down on her as the alicorn stared into her eyes, forcing her to look away.

“I’m tired of how the ponies treat me. I’m tired of the way they look at me. We used to be gods and now they act as if we’re their servants. They expect us to raise the sun and moon every day. It’s no longer a privilege to them.” The princess’s gaze turned to a scowl as she spoke.

“But everypony relies on you two. Just because we don’t seem grateful doesn’t mean we aren’t. We appreciate everything you do for us.”

“Thank you, Fluttershy.” Celestia smiled. “But unfortunately not everypony is like you. Ponies all across Equestria don’t even know of our presence. They have no idea that the sun and moon are raised by my sister and me every day.”

“I’m sure if they knew they’d be grateful too.”

“Exactly.” The white alicorn had a strange smile on her face as Fluttershy found herself being dragged by the tail out of the room. She turned to see the glimmering gold breastplate of one of the royal guards pulling her along to one of the carts she had seen Twilight return in after her appointment.

“Wait! No! I don’t want to go! Princess Celestia help me!” But the alicorn was already out of sight and the yellow pegasus was thrown roughly into the cart. “I don’t want to go! Who knows what they’ll do to me!” Fluttershy squealed and panicked, throwing herself against the wooden sides of the cart as it lurched forward into motion. She screamed and beat against the small square window in the door until her hooves were sore but nothing she did made a difference. Before she knew it she found herself at the gigantic warehouse-like building, now trying to stay in the cart as one of the stallions at the door brutally pulled her out with all of his might and tossed her through the doors into the gray waiting room.

“Fluttershy?” The yellow pegasus trembled as an annoying voice called her name from behind the tall counter. “Fluttershy?” the voice repeated in a more irritated tone.

“Y-ye-yes.” She couldn’t keep her voice steady as she pawed at the door leading back outside.

“Come here please.” The mare behind the desk snapped. Fluttershy whimpered and slowly crept up to the front desk, not daring to peer over at the agitated mare. “I know you may be nervous and don’t understand why we’re doing this but let me assure that it is all for the greater good and you will understand why after. Please step forward and continue through the white doors to your left until you get to the end of the hallway, there, a gray unicorn will be waiting to give you further instructions.” The receptionist groaned after giving the hollow speech and still seeing the yellow and pink mass trembling behind the counter. “Well? Go!”

Fluttershy squealed and raced through the double doors before skidding into the white hallway. This place looked familiar. She couldn’t quite put her hoof on it, but she had been here before. It was almost like a foggy dream. Her mind scrambled over the details of what had happened but the moment she recalled them they disappeared again. She didn’t even have time to react to the horrific images before they were lost in the folds of her memory again and her mind was nothing but a blank flash as white as the walls of the corridor she was in now.

Her shadow was nonexistent as the yellow pegasus hesitantly stepped her way past the black windows and white doors that could burst open at any moment. She yelped and huddled down as the image of ponies in white hazmat suits holding her flashed into her mind for a brief instant. Was that just a dream? It would make sense that she had nightmare before coming here, she always had nightmares of new things. She scuttled across the ground the rest of the way through the corridor until she made it to the white double doors at the other end, sighing as she finally pushed her way into the next room. The cylindrical chamber echoed with her coughing as the yellow pegasus didn’t even have time to catch her breath before gasping at the sight on the other side. The gray unicorn standing on the other side of the platform watched curiously as the mare cowered beneath the enormity of the room and backed up as she realized that she was suspended high above the ground.

“A pegasus that’s afraid of heights?” the curator asked.

“Meh – huh?” Fluttershy whimpered looking up at the unicorn.

“I’ve never heard of that, we’ve certainly been getting some interesting specimens lately.”

“Those are my friends!” the yellow pegasus suddenly found herself standing tall and puffing out her chest before realizing what she was doing and meagerly retreated back.

“It’s okay,” the gray mare giggled. “I’m sorry I called them specimens. I’m just so used to dealing with other ponies.”

“What other ponies?” Fluttershy ventured.

“Just the ones that work behind the scenes preparing everything and doing all the dirty work, you know, the ‘lab nerds’.”

“What do they do?”

“They just make sure everything goes smoothly.” The curator answered carefully.

“Smoothly?” the pegasus found herself asking another question before she could even think over it.

“Nothing you have to worry about, now how about we get started.” The unicorn walked across the metal platform to the console. “Care to meet your dream stallion?” She presented the box with the flashing screen as if it were a game show prize. Fluttershy mustered her courage and skipped quickly across the platform after looking down at the deep abyss below. The screen was flashing with different images of stallions constantly as the curator worked the machine. She found herself a little bit attracted to every stallion that appeared, she was willing to give everypony a chance. “You seem a little shy.” The gray unicorn mused, never taking her eyes from the screen. Fluttershy perked up as she saw one particular stallion flash across before taking up the entire screen.

“I kind of like that one.” She pointed timidly with her hoof at the picture of the stallion, her cheeks growing a bright red.

“I thought you might,” the curator smiled. “He’s a sweetie.” The pegasus’s cheeks grew even more crimson as she looked down and swirled her hoof against the platform awkwardly. “So? Would you like him?” The unicorn jumped as the yellow mare was suddenly startled by the look down through the platform.

“Oh, I would love him.” Fluttershy couldn’t get herself to look the curator in the face as she spoke.

“Well good, I’m glad we found your match so fast. Here, look at the specifications and then enter them into the console in one of the rooms.” The unicorn motioned to the double doors leading back out into the hallway. “Come on, I’ll walk with you.” She smiled as she led the timid pegasus to the third white door before pushing it open for her.

“Thank you, you’re really nice.” Fluttershy said softly as she strolled through the open door.

“Just don’t get on my bad side.” The curator grinned as she let the door close, leaving the yellow pegasus completely alone in the snow white room.



“Yes Pinkie?” The unicorn looked back at her friend who stood a few paces back. The two had galloped most of the way along the road to Canterlot and now kept a steady pace towards the glimmering city.

“I can’t stop thinking about the stallion.”

“You remember him?” Twilight asked.

“Don’t you?” Pinkie tilted her head as she looked at her friend.

“Well I did a little bit after I threw up that black stuff and returned to normal. Did you have a flashback too?”

“I just did,” Pinkie frowned as she looked down at the ground. “I think I love him.” She looked back up at the unicorn.

“That’s ridiculous.” Twilight said in a condescending voice. “You can’t love somepony just because you had sex with them.”

“Why not?” The pink mare asked as if it were the simplest question in the world.

“Because that’s not what love is.”

“You don’t love the stallion you were with?” Pinkie looked defiantly at her friend.

“Well… I wouldn’t say love. I appreciate him sure. I’m thankful for what we did together. The feelings he gave me… How he held me…” she trailed off as she remembered how special he made her feel. “I don’t know.”

“You don’t know if you love him?”

“I just don’t know, okay!” Twilight barked in return.

Pinkie remained silent for a few moments before speaking again. “Twilight? What is love?”

Twilight paused as she thought about it. She didn’t even know what love was. All she knew were the stories of the princes and princesses getting married at the ends of fairy tales and living happily ever after. How did she know that was love? Maybe nopony knew what love really was. “I don’t know that either.” She sighed. She never thought she knew so little about something. Love was one subject that she understood she would never master. That and her friend’s indisputable ‘Pinkie Sense’.

They galloped the rest of the way to the royal palace in silence after catching their breath, the glimmering white towers finally coming into view above them. The city was quiet as they passed through the streets as if everypony knew their situation and everything that was happening. ‘That’s not possible.’ Twilight dismissed the thought as they made their way through the giant pearl-white doors. “Princess Celestia?” her voice echoed off the walls and reverberated down every corridor as she called out.

“Twilight Sparkle.” The white alicorn approaching them looked different somehow.

“Princess Celestia? Is that you? You look different. Is everything alright?”

“Everything is fine, my student.” The princess blinked slowly, her bloodshot eyes rolling back and forth between the two mares. “What brings you here?”

“Are you aware of what’s going on with the mares in Ponyville?” Twilight got straight to point as she stared up at her mentor.

“I am.” Celestia said without hesitation.

“You’re aware that they’re breeding stallions with us?”

“Yes.” The alicorn said simply.

Twilight was taken aback by the princess’s answers but decided to press on. “Do you know what they do to us?”

“I do.”

“Then why don’t you stop it?! Why is it still going on?!” Pinkie looked at her friend with concern as the purple unicorn suddenly started yelling.

“It’s the only thing keeping the pony population alive.” Celestia sneered, her lips rising above a row of blackening teeth.

“Why can’t ponies have their own foals?! Everypony is capable of raising their own children!”

“Not without getting attached to them.” The princess sighed as if the bond between mother and father and their children was a nuisance.

“Is there something wrong with loving your family?” The unicorn’s voice started out strong but she tripped over the word love as she said it. Pinkie remained silent as she stared up at the unsettling alicorn. The princess glared down at the purple mare before turning and walking away without another word. “Hey! I’m talking to you! Princess Celestia! Get back here!”

Pinkie nudged her friend worriedly. “Twilight stop.” She whispered. “That’s not a good idea. Let’s just get out of here.”

“No.” Twilight stated back. “She can’t do this to us.” The unicorn raced up to the princess, her horn showering the area in a lavender beam as she struck out with her magic. The air cracked and everything went silent as the magical beam suddenly disappeared and Twilight sat dumbfounded on the ground. Celestia didn’t even break her stride as she continued out of the room. “How?” the unicorn gawked.

“What?” Pinkie asked with a confused look.

“H-how did she do that? She didn’t even turn around. My magic just… it just vanished.” She never felt so powerless as she sat stunned on the ground staring at the receding shadow of the princess against the wall of the corridor.

“Let’s get out of here.” Pinkie urged prodding the unicorn.

A shiver ran down both mares’ spines as they walked back out the pearly white doors of the royal palace, the emblem of the two sisters locked in their stare behind them.


“Uhm,” Fluttershy looked around at the plain white room, not sure what to do next. The only things that stood out were the console and the black window next to it. Did she remember the specifications for the stallion? Would they let her out if she forgot? They would probably get mad. The yellow pegasus bit her lip as she tried to recall the stallion, carefully walking up to the console to see if she would get lucky with him already being on there. Sure enough, the first picture on the screen was of the muscular figure she had picked. “Oh good.” She said softly to herself before searching diligently for the enter key. The room promptly shattered apart after she pressed it, the back wall breaking away and sliding off to the side somewhere. She nearly had a heart attack from the sound of screeching metal and hissing valves filling the small room. The sound of her frightened screams was just barely overshadowed by the deafening noises of the machines whizzing through the tubular room. The yellow pegasus pushed her back against the corner and closed her eyes as she waited for the commotion around her to stop. She let out a sharp squeak as the sound of the giant machinery got closer and the floor suddenly shook beneath her. When she opened her eyes she found one of the ominous white pods centered in front of her. It was daunting as she continued to stare at it for a few moments before it suddenly cracked open like a giant egg and let out a terrible hiss. The figure inside collapsed out of the pod almost instantaneously with the puff of blue chilling fog that surrounded him. Fluttershy drew further back into her corner, unsure of what the figure was like. The room grew cold as the fog that circled the stallion slowly dispersed into the open air and his full features came into view. She wanted to get a good look at him but she was too timid to peer her head out of the corner.

The figure remained on the ground catching his breath, his legs shaking as he struggled to hold up his weight. After several moments the stallion finally regained his senses and scanned the room, pausing over the shivering yellow mass that was huddled in the corner. He tilted his head as he looked at her curiously. The yellow pegasus’s face was still hidden behind her shielding hoof as he strolled up to her. Fluttershy trembled as the massive figure moved closer until he finally placed his hoof on hers. She squealed and resisted as he tried to push her leg out of the way. His strength finally overcoming her, she looked away as he stooped down to look at her face with a smile. She tentatively looked up at him every few seconds before looking away again. ‘He’s much too handsome to be with me.’ She thought as she finally stared up into his deep blue eyes. To her surprise he didn’t do anything more but sit in front of her with a smile still stretching across his face. The yellow pegasus gave him a peculiar look as he continued to only stare at her. She drew back, her skin quivering as he reached out to caress her soft coat. He stopped immediately after seeing the yellow mare squirm beneath his touch, unsure of what to do now. The stallion took a step back and sat down again to give the mare the space she needed while she continued to sit in the corner timidly. He waited patiently as she gradually began to stretch out and get comfortable. She felt uneasy with him constantly staring at her but it passed as hours seemed to go by and Fluttershy found herself slowly making her way towards him like a nervous chipmunk seeking a free snack from an outstretched hoof.

“What’s your name?” the mare asked softly.

The stallion shook his head back and forth silently.

“Well my name is Fluttershy.” She smiled at the expression that grew across his face as he pointed at herself and nodded. “Yes, yes, I’ve heard it suits me.” She giggled as she thought of what he must be thinking of her. The room was quiet as their conversation died away and the pegasus desperately thought of another topic to bring up that wouldn’t seem awkward. Her eyes darted to the ground as she suddenly felt embarrassed. He couldn’t talk - she would have to be the one who led the conversation for once. “Are you nervous?” she blurted out looking back up at him again.

The stallion nodded.

“I am too. I’ve never done this before. I’m not sure what to do.” Her cheeks grew red as she spoke.

The stallion stared blankly at her.

“I mean I don’t want to screw anything up. I don’t want to ruin it for you.” Her embarrassment peaked as she thought of all the possible ways that something could go wrong.

The stallion reassured her with a tender hoof on her leg and a comforting smile as he moved closer. Her body lit up at his touch and her heart raced as he moved even closer. She instinctively closed her eyes as he gently pressed his lips against hers. An unintentional moan escaped as he slowly drew back and she tried to keep her lips locked to his. He grinned as she craned her neck out with her lips puckered, waiting for him. Her face glowed a bright red a few seconds later and she drew back when he didn’t return her kiss. The stallion let out a soft laugh and moved in again to press against her eager lips with his own. Her body shivered lightly as the electric feelings coursed through her and she found herself being pushed over onto her back slowly with one of the stallion’s outstretched hooves holding her up before gently resting her against the floor. The tip of his tongue tickled the space between her lips until she finally let him and reveled in the feelings of having an unknown explorer in her mouth. She ran her tongue across his and wrapped it before pushing their conjoined tongues into his mouth where she took about exploring the inside of him. His hoof stroked her side as he drew back and began to kiss her neck and move down her chest. The yellow pegasus couldn’t help but moan as he worked his way down before yelping as he almost kissed her most tender area. She snapped her legs shut and pushed his head away as her cheeks began to grow red again. The stallion gave her a confused look before locking his lips to hers again and rubbing his hoof against her leg, gradually moving his way to her inner thigh. Ever so slowly he made it to her mound with his hoof as he gently brushed it in small circles. Fluttershy gasped as a plethora of feelings consumed her entire body and she spread her legs and pressed her hips harder against his hoof as he started to kiss her neck again. The stallion worked his way down her body again which didn’t show any signs of resistance or hesitation this time. He finally came down to the mare’s dripping slit which quivered in anticipation of the newfound pleasure that his tongue would give her. Her body exploded into ecstasy as he flicked her nub with the tip of his tongue. She gasped more and more as he wrapped his lips around her sensitive bead and began to suck while his tongue lapped over the rest of her slit. The loud smacking sounds emanating from between her legs was drowned out by the pegasus’s screams of pleasure as she lost control of her trembling body. Her hips tremored and bucked as her squeals of passion deafened the room and the stallion finally stopped.

Fluttershy lay panting on the floor as the aftermath of her ecstasy still reverberated through her and the stallion moved up to cuddle and kiss her again. Her body felt numb and tired as she caught her breath and passionately kissed him back with everything she had. As she was kissing him she felt something pulsing against her thigh. The stallion stirred as he pushed his hips forward closer to her entrance. Her eyes were still closed as he prodded against for a few moments her before gradually penetrating her with his member. Wind howled past their faces as the pegasus took a slow deep breath in and winced at the feeling of being impaled by the massive phallus. Her hips unconditionally pressed back against him as he pushed further into her and wrapped his front legs around her. Held in a tight embrace, Fluttershy guided his hips in and out of her with her hooves and moaned in the feelings that overtook her again. His hot warm breath quickly grew heavy against her ear as he quickened his pace and her body jolted with every thrust. It wasn’t long before the pleasure stacked up and toppled over; throwing the mare into another fit of ecstasy that wracked her tender body. She climaxed again and again before the stallion finally released his full load deep inside of her, sending her over the edge once more. Her mouth hung open as she passed out with him still hard inside of her. The stallion looked around warily, not sure what to do as the pegasus beneath him remained motionless. The door slammed open suddenly, startling him but still not waking the shivering mare.

“Back into the pod.” One of the hazmat ponies ordered moving towards him menacingly. The stallion pulled out of his lover slowly and looked back at the cold fog that still rolled out of the open pod. “That wasn’t a question.” The same white suited pony growled, armed with a hypodermic needle. The stallion looked past the ponies before bolting for the door, but it was no use. The needle was in his shoulder before he could even take another step and he fell to the ground with a sickening thud.


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“It’s just not possible.” Twilight fidgeted uncomfortably while perched atop her bed.

“I still don’t understand,” The pink mare rolled over from the floor to look up at the frustrated unicorn who had taken to hovering books from across the room to scatter about her bed, “but she is an alicorn.”

“Even alicorns are bound by the rules of magic. Things don’t just magically happen. Well they do, but not in this way. Magic has its limits just like everything else does.” Twilight desperately flipped through the pages of the books trying to find the answer to how the princess could have dissipated her spell without even trying. “There wasn’t even any yellow flash.” She mumbled to herself with vacant eyes.

“Maybe you’re just not as good as you thought you were.” Pinkie shrugged as the unicorn cast an angry glare at her before returning to the book in front of her. “Did Princess Celestia seem different to you?” the earth pony asked suddenly.

“A little bit. She wasn’t a changeling though, I know that much for sure.”

“How do you know that?” the pink mare gazed sleepily back up at her friend. They had walked non-stop all the way from Canterlot after the encounter with Princess Celestia and the fatigue was just now catching up with her.

“Because I scanned her with one of the first spells she taught me when I was just a filly.” Twilight stared emptily at the open book in front of her as she remembered all the wonderful spells her mentor had taught her when she was young.

“Maybe she knows a way around it, or maybe she has some anti-magic shield.” The party pony softly kicked the foot of the bed as she spoke.

“There was no magic in that room besides mine. Trust me, when you’re a unicorn and have been around magic all your life, you can sense it in the air.”

“I’ll take your word for it.” Pinkie sighed lazily as she continued to tap the bed with her hoof. “What are we going to do about our friends? Should we tell them about the princess?”

“Of course, they went through the same thing we did. They deserve to know everything that we do.” The unicorn groaned and shoved the book that was in front of her off the bed before burying her face in her hooves.

“Deserve to know what? What’s going on?”

Twilight and Pinkie both flipped around to see the two figures standing uneasily at the door. “Rarity? Rainbow Dash? What are you two doing here? Shouldn’t you be sleeping?”

“What do you mean sleeping?” the white unicorn frowned as she studied her friends’ faces. Dash remained silent and took an uneasy step to the side to keep her balance. Her eyes were dull and unblinking as if she were in some kind of trance. The three mares watched the pegasus waver back and forth on her hooves for a few moments before looking to each other. “She’s been like this ever since I found her.” Rarity sighed.

“You found her? Where? Didn’t they bring her home like the rest of us?” Pinkie bobbed her head with the unsteady motions of the rainbow pegasus.

The white mare sighed as she shook her head. “She was just lying in the street completely covered in mud when I found her. It was appalling the state she was in. It doesn’t look like she’s doing much better now either. I took her home with me and cleaned her up but she still seems distant. That’s why I came here.”

Twilight and Pinkie both frowned at each other. “Do you know what’s going on, Rarity?” Pinkie shot a concerned look at the fashionista pony.

“Do I know what’s going on with what? The whole stallion thing? Because I admit that’s pretty creepy, freezing them and all.” The unicorn flipped her purple mane over her shoulder as a chill ran down her spine.

“It’s more than that,” Twilight sighed getting up to step off the bed. “How long have you been awake?”

“Probably half a day. Why?”

“Have you noticed the scars?” the purple unicorn pointed to the puffy red streaks that ran up the length of the white mare’s sides. The bloodcurdling shriek that erupted in the room caused even the distant rainbow pegasus to jump as the fashionista pony discovered the cuts.

“When did this happen?!” Her body trembled as she ran her hoof over the tender flesh that had been folded together unevenly.

“They did that to us after our time with the stallions. How could you not have noticed until now?” Pinkie tilted her head curiously.

The unicorn was speechless as she pouted over the blemishes that had been made to her body. For a second she and the absent-minded pegasus next to her looked the same. Their eyes were both clouded over as if either one didn’t have the potential to form a coherent thought.

“Rarity, they did something to us. Drugged us or worse, I don’t even know what they could be doing back at that strange place.” Twilight took a step towards the unicorn. “But I know it needs to end. Something is definitely wrong and I believe Princess Celestia may be behind it all. I’m just not sure why.” Her words trailed off.

“Princess Celestia? Are you sure?” Rarity stared into the clouded eyes of the pegasus next to her before looking back to her friends. “I don’t think she would do this. There’s no reason for her to.”

“I know,” sighed the purple unicorn, “but she’s the one in charge and she knows about everything that’s going on.”

Rainbow Dash coughed suddenly, startling everypony in the room. They all watched on as she proceeded to hack and choke until a stream of slime ran off the tip of her dangling tongue.

“Get her to the sink!” Twilight cried rushing over to guide her friend back down the stairs and to the kitchen. Rarity and Pinkie quickly followed the growing trail of black droplets to the concerned unicorn and retching pegasus hung over the sink. A puddle of ooze had collected beneath the counter and was slowly stretching outwards as they entered.

“That is the vilest thing I have ever witnessed.” Rarity huffed stepping back from the growing goo at her hooves.

“You probably did the same thing.” The pink mare next to her raised an eyebrow.

“I think I would remember if I did something so utterly revolting.” The unicorn scrunched her nose as she was forced to take another step back from the still expanding puddle.

Twilight looked over her shoulder at her two friends who stood just outside of the kitchen staring at them. She rubbed her hoof up and down the rainbow pegasus’s back as she tried to comfort her. The warmth of the slime running beneath her hooves sent shivers up and down her spine but she wasn’t about to leave her friend over such a trivial feeling. “Rainbow Dash? Are you feeling better?” she asked as soon as she was sure the pegasus was done heaving into the sink. Dash looked up, her eyes no longer the glassy orbs they had been before and Twilight was sure her friend could actually see and understand her now. “Come on, we need to talk.” The unicorn gently pulled her friend away from the sink and dropped down on all fours to guide her out. The ooze let out a bubbly squelch as her hooves sank slowly into it and long black tendrils of slime clung to her with every step. It was hard to believe that so much disgusting ooze could come out of one pony. Rarity leapt back in disgust as the two mares flung some of the slime across the room with every step while Pinkie did her best to avoid the spray of droplets without trying to seem as dramatic.

“Where are we going?” Dash asked as soon as they stepped out of the puddle and into the living room.

“We need to find Applejack and Fluttershy.” The purple unicorn headed straight for the door as she spoke.

“Wait,” Pinkie quickly caught up to her friend. “Won’t they be all loopy just like Dash was?”

“What’s going on?” the rainbow pegasus asked before anypony else could say another word.

“Now that I have the magical signature I should be able to pull it out of their bodies without too much trouble, and I’ll explain on the way Dash.” Twilight tried to answer both of their questions before continuing through the door.

The pink mare pranced after with an excess of questions still buzzing around in her head followed by the uneasy fashionista pony and the still-not-all-there pegasus. “So you know what the stuff is now?” Pinkie asked excitedly.

“Not exactly, I just know the properties that it takes to use magic on it. You can’t exactly do anything with something you don’t know or understand. That’s why powerful unicorns are always studying.” the purple mare’s pace never slowed as she explained.

“Is that why you couldn’t do anything against Celestia, because you don’t understand her?” the earth pony’s hair bounced up and down as she matched the speed of her friend despite her hooves still throbbing from the walk back from Canterlot.

“That’s a different case,” the unicorn’s breaths had already become ragged from walking. “I was trying to use magic against her, not directly use magic on her. It’s kind of like I can use a spell to throw a chair at her but I can’t use a spell to pick her up. Although I should know her well enough to pick her up at this point…”

“So basically she’s saying she can pick up the slime now.” Rarity interjected. “So we can get the rancid stuff out of the rest of our friends.”

“And then what?” Everypony stopped to look back at the pegasus before exchanging silent glances and continuing on towards the Apple farm.

Applejack was asleep in her bed just as they had all predicted. Granny Smith and Big Mac both looked down at the earth pony with concern after leading the four friends to her room. “Don’t worry. Everything is going to be alright as soon as I get this stuff out of her.” Twilight assured everypony, as well as herself, before taking a deep breath and closing her eyes. The unicorn’s eyebrows crinkled together, sweat dripping down her forehead, as a vibrant glow emanated from her horn and filled the body of the motionless earth pony on the bed.

“What’s wrong?” Dash asked after a waiting for something to happen.

“The stuff is all spread out and stuck to her organs.” Twilight mumbled as if she were holding her breath. The steady pulse of her magic revealed the network of slime that had affixed itself to every part of her friend’s body as well as the trace amounts that still remained in the rainbow pegasus behind her. This would not be easy. Her teeth clamped together as she focused in on each heavy droplet individually while still keeping her grasp on the sludge as a whole. With extremely slow and precise movements, she began to pull each strand of slime away from the inside of her friend’s body and collect it into a single ball before raising it up through her throat. The earth pony’s body levitated slowly into the air and lurched forward as Twilight pulled the black goo out of her. The sound of gagging filled the room as the fashionista pony rushed away and disappeared down the stairs. Gradually, a thick rod of slime snaked out of their friend’s throat and collected into a solid black orb the size of a beach ball.

Sweat still poured from the unicorn’s brow as the ball hovered in place just above the tan earth pony. “Oh!” Granny Smith suddenly burst out, realizing that there was nowhere in the room to put the floating globe of goo. “Outside! No, in the sink! The sink would be better! Don’t want that stuff creeping around where we work all day.” The elderly pony moved as fast as she could out of the room while the other mares guided Twilight down the stairs and to the kitchen sink. The drain bubbled and gurgled with the amount of revolting sludge forced down into it, threatening to overflow at any moment as they all watched on before heading back to check on the earth pony. Applejack was just beginning to sit up when they entered, a concerned Big Mac already telling her to take it easy as they approached the bed.

“What happened?” the earth pony rubbed her head as she looked to each of her friends.

“You were drugged. Twilight fixed you.” Pinkie blurted out as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Well we don’t exactly know if it’s a drug,” corrected Twilight, “but we do know we’re all better off without it.”

“Is it over?” the white mare at the doorway peered in cautiously.

“Yes, it’s all gone.” Dash sighed not even looking at the unicorn.

“Good, I don’t ever want to see anything so frightfully repulsive again in my life.” She walked into the room noticing the earth pony finally conscious on the bed. “Are you feeling better without that slime inside of you, Applejack?”

“Slime? What slime?” Applejack asked nervously.

“That’s what was inside of you. It was inside of all of us, but don’t worry, I got it all out.” Twilight watched as her friend ran a hoof over her stomach uneasily before looking back up at her.

“It’s all out? You got it all?”

“All of it’s gone, but we still need to do the same thing for Fluttershy - if she’s even back yet.” Twilight didn’t waste any time in heading for the door.

“Wait what’s going on?” Applejack remained confused on the bed as the rest of her friends followed the unicorn out.

“We’ll explain later.” Pinkie called back as she left the room.

“Wait for me!” Applejack shouted before leaping off the bed and nearly collapsing. Her legs quaked beneath her and threatened to buckle at any moment as she chased after her friends. It wasn’t until they had almost reached Fluttershy’s house that she caught up to them. “Tell me what’s going on.” She demanded between gulps of air. Nopony answered as Twilight walked straight into the pegasus’s house to find the yellow mare passed out on her bed.

“No surprises there,” mumbled Rarity strolling up to the yellow mass.

Applejack suddenly gasped as she noticed the twisted red scars that ran up the sides of each of her friends before finding the ones that adorned her own flesh. “What is this? What did they do to me?” she gawked at the limited response of the other mares as Twilight’s horn began to emit a violet light.

“We don’t know,” Dash turned to see the look of frustration on the earth pony’s face. “They did something to us but nopony is sure what.”

“How do you not know what they did to us?” Applejack asked wrinkling her brow. The rest of the ponies in the room still ignored her as they watched the purple unicorn’s face twitch violently with her endeavor.

“I haven’t been awake much longer than you,” the rainbow pegasus mewed, taking her eyes off of the blinding lavender light for a moment to look at the earth pony again, “but apparently Pinkie and Twilight figured out something going on with Princess Celestia.”

The farm pony kept her mouth shut this time as she mused over what the two could have discovered. She knew asking them right now would be pointless considering everypony seemed to be fixed on what Twilight was doing to the innocent little pegasus still asleep on her bed. Suddenly the air in the room rushed into everypony’s lungs as they all gasped simultaneously at the levitating yellow mare and the long strand of sludge that strung from the back of her throat. The unicorn was still lost in concentration as the purple magic surrounding the vile liquid condensed it into a neat little sphere before floating it quickly to the bathroom. The flush of a toilet echoed through the small home as Twilight finally let out a sigh of relief and relaxed for the first time since they had seen Princess Celestia. The yellow pegasus coughed lightly, pulling her hoof up to cover her mouth as she regained consciousness.


It was a dark night. The skies were overcast and cold heavy rain battered the roof as the six mares sat in a circle in the center of Twilight’s living room and discussed the next step.

“We don’t have much of a choice, we have to confront her.” Twilight said without hesitation.

“She’s an alicorn. I understand we’re the elements of harmony and all, but this is the princess of the sun. There’s no hope of defeating her.” The farm pony sighed.

“We don’t necessarily have to defeat her, just subdue her.” Rarity brought up while looking around expectantly.

“She’s still the princess of the sun,” Dash cautioned. “I think we should at least figure out what’s wrong with her first. Who knows? Maybe she’s just sleep deprived.”

“I don’t think so,” mumbled the yellow pegasus in the corner. “I think I was talking to her before I went in for my appointment.”

“You think you were talking to her?” asked Twilight curiously.

“Well it feels like a dream now, but after I woke up I had a flashback of everything that happened.”

The purple unicorn let out an exhausted sigh. “The same thing happened to all of us,” she said dryly. “What did she say?”

“I can’t remember the exact words but she was talking about ruling all of Equestria or something.”

“I thought she already ruled Equestria?” Dash interjected.

“She wanted everypony to know that she raised the sun every day. She said there were some ponies out there that didn’t even know she controlled the sun.” Fluttershy muttered as if the conversation struck up some dark vision of the future that she’d rather forget.

“Does anypony else still remember the stallion they were with?” Rarity suddenly brought up after a few moments of silence.

“Oooh I do!” the pink mare’s fluffy mane bounced up and down as she talked. “Twilight and I were talking about it on the way to Canterlot.”

“Do you… I don’t know, miss him?” the white unicorn frowned as she chose her words.

“He was a pretty cool guy.” Dash stared down at the ground while she remembered the experience.

“Yeah he was…” Rarity let out a sigh as her words trailed off. “It almost makes the whole thing worth it.” She mumbled just barely loud enough for everypony to hear.

“Well I love my stallion!” Pinkie blurted out as if it were a big accomplishment.

“You do not!” the purple unicorn snapped at the ecstatic party mare.

“Why can’t she love him?” Fluttershy asked sheepishly.

“Because you only spent a little bit of time with him and it wasn’t about getting to know him.” Twilight stated strongly.

“Well I don’t know about you but I got to know my stallion pretty well.” Rarity grinned devilishly as she looked at the smiles from the other mares.

“You got to know him physically but you probably don’t even know his name.” the purple unicorn still acted defiantly.

“Why are you so keen on putting down our love? I think you’re just in denial because you have the same feelings and are just as confused as we are for once!” the white unicorn reached out to prod the unicorn with her hoof as she spoke.

“I am not!” Twilight barked slapping the fashionista’s hoof away. The air in the room weighed down on the unicorn as she looked uneasily around at her friends who all smirked at the outburst. “Well maybe I did have some feelings for the stallion,” her voice was unsure, “but I’m still not convinced it’s love! Still… I wish we could help him somehow.”

“A breakout!” Pinkie sprang up in the air yelling excitedly.

“That seems dangerous.” The yellow pegasus in the corner pointed out timidly.

“But it would be a good way for Twilight to get to understand her feelings.” Rarity grinned at the unicorn again.

Twilight glared back while the idea in the center of the room burrowed its way into everypony’s mind. “I guess it wouldn’t be too hard. Just sneak in, activate the consoles, and get out.”

“It’s decided then,” Rarity nodded to each pony around the room in turn.

The air was silent with the foreboding thoughts of the six mares casting long dark shadows behind each of them.

Cold heavy rain continued to batter the land of Equestria as they planned out their assault on the Celestia-forsaken warehouse. It wasn’t long until the sun threw its hazy beams like little spies through even the tiniest of the cracks in the blinds and they were all content with their plan. They had decided to go with simplicity, sneak past the guards in the middle of the night and get to one of the rooms before activating the console. After that it would just be a matter of running out before anypony could catch them. Simple.

Night came just as quickly as the day had and before anypony knew it the rain had stopped and the sky was clear with the glimmering stars of the princess of the night.

“I wonder if Princess Luna has anything to do with it.” Pinkie looked up at the glittering dark blanket above them.

“It wouldn’t surprise me.” Dash grumbled with her eyes fixed on the outline of the building in the distance.

“She’s probably the one behind it all. Nightmare Moon could have taken control again and is forcing Princess Celestia to do all of this.” Twilight mused. ‘There’s no way she could willingly do this to everypony, do this to me.’

The gleaming armor of the two guards shone like a beacon beneath the veil of night as they approached. Six shadows shifted inconspicuously across the ground past them before Twilight readied her spell and focused on the earth a few paces in front of the guards. The soil liquidated discreetly with nothing but a shallow ripple from the breeze to give the spell away. Picking up a small stone next to her with a faint glow of purple magic, the lavender unicorn skipped it across the invisible pond she had created. The guards looked to each other before taking the bait - a few steps forward and the two figures suddenly disappearing beneath the wavering ground.

“Now.” Twilight breathed waving her hoof forward. The heavy door creaked open on worn hinges as six shadows vanished into the light inside. The gray waiting room was blinding with the eerie glow from some unknown light source that raised the hair on the back of their necks. Everypony looked around the square room uncertainly as they carefully made their way to the other side. There was no denying the feeling that somepony was watching them. “Hurry up.” Twilight urged quietly beneath her breath as she pushed the first set of double doors open. A click resonated from two different places in the room as they quickly filed into the empty corridor. Goosebumps coated their hides and shivers ran through their spines as they looked for an unlocked room. Despite the six figures all shuffling at the same time, it was disconcertingly quiet. Everypony stopped and remained motionless as a click echoed from one of the doorways down the hallway. Agonizing seconds turned into minutes before Twilight led them to the door where it swung open effortlessly. She silently looked to each of her friends before stepping inside and surveying the familiar scene of the room from her memories.

“Okay Pinkie, do you remember how to work this thing?” Rarity stared at the lonely console at the corner of the room.

“I think so.” The pink mare crawled on her belly beneath the black window and popped up right in front of the gray box where she proceeded to click her front hooves against the screen. “Does everypony remember the specifications of their stallion?” she pointed to the screen where she had brought up the image of the dark gray stallion she had been with. A long brown flowing mane draped across his broad muscular shoulders and a faint scar ran up the length of his left back leg. The six mares gasped simultaneously as the bright blue eyes gazed out of the monitor and caught each one of them. “What is it?” Pinkie asked uncertainly as she caught the expression on every one of her friends’ faces.

“That looks just like…” Rarity began to stammer.

“He reminds me of the…” Fluttershy whispered quietly.

“It couldn’t be…” Rainbow Dash sighed.

“No…” Applejack groaned.

“What? What is it?” Pinkie repeated looking around at her friends quizzically.

The six friends glanced at each other uncertainly, not daring to speak. The yellow pegasus in the back of the group let out a loud sniff and more than a few tears welled up behind the distraught eyes of the mares.

“That’s the same stallion I was with” Twilight peered at the monitor with a hollow glassy stare.

The entire room exhaled with the collective sighs of recognition. Pinkie looked hesitantly to each of her friends before the same feelings of betrayal simmered up from the back of her spine and kicked her in the teeth. “But… I loved him.” Pinkie choked through a dry sob.

Twilight ground her teeth as she forced herself not to correct the pink mare this time. ‘I thought I loved him too.’

“Come on, let’s just get out of here.” Applejack’s head drooped as she made for the door.

“Wait, we can’t just leave him here.” Fluttershy said tenderly.

“That’s right. It’s not his fault he was forced to be with each of us. It’s only one stallion to save now so at least it’ll be easier, right?” Dash looked to each of her friends as she spoke.

“Let’s just make it fast. This isn’t exactly the safest place to stand around and talk about all this.” Twilight urged with an empty breath.

Pinkie took a deep breath before pressing the enter key and watching the room explode apart into the familiar cycle of machinery racing through the cylindrical chamber. There wasn’t the slightest flinch from the mares as the mechanical arm screeched down below them before coming back up with one of the polished white pods. Even Fluttershy stood morbidly stoic as she waited for her fears to be confirmed. The pod opened almost immediately after hitting the floor with the shrieking hiss of gas escaping. The six friends curiously scanned through the white mist to settle their racing hearts and minds that it could somehow be a fluke.

“Damn…” Twilight choked. The dismayed heads of every pony in the room dropped as the stallion stumbled out of the pod with a wrenching gasp and collapsed onto the floor.

“Let’s get him out of here.” The rainbow pegasus snapped forward to catch the stallion on his second attempt of wobbling to his hooves. Twilight’s muscles twitched violently as she did everything in her power to hold herself back from shoving the pegasus out of the way and taking her spot under the stallion. Dash stopped to look around at the five mares who wore identical expressions of contempt and loathing on their faces.

“Well?” the rainbow pegasus asked as she looked to the door. The room exhaled again before the six mares and stallion departed back out of the nightmarish warehouse and back into the cover of night. None of them even noticed that the guards were missing from the front door.


“Let them go, they got their prize.” The dark mare grinned as she stared through the monitor at the seven figures fading away.

“They can’t do this to me! I will not be played like this!” the gray unicorn trembled with the hatred building up inside of her.

“You are a good mare. Strong, respectable; you’ve looked over and guarded my plans more than anypony else ever would.” The princess smiled. “That’s why I have a reward for you.”

The curator looked uncertainly at the alicorn bathed in the eerie glow of the screen. There was something about that shadowed smile that didn’t look natural.

“Come.” The princess motioned to the two doors behind them. “Pick your prize.”

The gray unicorn carefully studied the two identical white doors for several minutes before looking back at the dark princess. Over all her years of looking over the warehouse, after scouring over every inch of it, she had never been through these two doors. Even as the one in complete control of the entire operation she had never had the clearance to quench her curiosity of the forbidden rooms. She knew there was no point in asking what was behind them. Without a word, the curator hesitantly strode over to the door on the left and looked back at the smirking alicorn still blanketed by the shadows. The room was silent except for the slow deep breath of the unicorn as she pushed the door open to reveal the single cylindrical hull against the opposite wall. “What is this?” she asked dryly.

“This is your reward.” The clop of the princess’s hooves resonated through the room as she prodded the unicorn into the strange pod and shut it. The sound of machinery priming rang in the curator’s ears as she looked out of the single rectangular window already fogging up with her nervous breaths. A split second later a searing pain shot through her chest and she felt her veins pulsating with what felt like lava. Her entire body began to throb as glowing red plates of molten metal were pressed against her and melted onto her flesh. The alicorn grinned at the flailing head and agonizing cries of the unicorn in the pod before the machinery finally stopped and opened abruptly to drop the scarred mare back into the world. Trails of steam coiled up from the motionless figure on the ground as the smell of burnt flesh wafted through the air. The sound of skin still bubbling from the heat sizzled against the metal plates infused on the unicorn’s body. “Believe me, this was the pleasanter option. Enjoy your reward, Commander.”

Nightmares and Dreamstallions

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“What’s wrong with you ‘Tia? You haven’t been yourself lately.” Luna looked at her sister with concern as the husk of the white alicorn hobbled past her.

“It’s nothing.” The princess of the sun grumbled under her breath.

“No, I’m serious. You’re different. Something is wrong with you.” The younger sister arched her neck to get a better look at the distorted features of her sister but the shadows seemed to intentionally mask her.

“Silence Luna.”

“That’s it? That’s all you have to say to me? Sister, please. Talk to me, tell me what’s wrong.” She slowly followed behind her sister as she made her way down the long, dark hallway. It wasn’t hard to keep up considering the staggering limp the alicorn had. “Are you hurt?” Luna tested.

“More than you’ll ever know.” Celestia growled through her teeth.

“I spent a thousand years on the moon alone. I think I know pain.” Irritation grew in the dark mare’s voice as her sister simply shrugged without looking back. “Perhaps the elements of harmony can help you too?”

“I don’t need help.” Her voice sounded hoarse and weak but it still held the power to rattle the crystal chandeliers above.

Luna cringed as a cold wind suddenly howled through the castle, rustling the delicate tapestries so that the decorative beads that hung below them popped and snapped against the gray stone walls. Chills coursed through her as the air emanated an icy touch and forced her hair on end. “This isn’t natural, sister.”

Every shadow seemed to flicker out of existence for a split second, but the room remained dark. The princess of the moon took an uncertain step back as the other alicorn turned to reveal a twisted grin. Murky black lines snaked and branched across her face in every direction as if her veins had been turned to oil. Her once beautiful sparkling mane now had streaks of red and black over the faint spectrum of colors. Even her eyes – bloodshot with coils of crimson spiraling through them – perverted the grace and elegance of the once beautiful princess. Thick black rings ran along the edges of her hollow white eyes, giving them a transparent scowl that burned with an unknown agony.

The horrific scene only lasted for a fraction of a second but it was enough to petrify the princess of the night down to the marrow in her bones. She stood speechless as the shadows returned to conceal the dreadful figure again. It was impossible not to shiver at the thought of the pupil-less eyes staring at her and studying her through the darkness.

“So now you know.” Celestia breathed dangerously.

“I – I don’t understand. What do I know? That you’re a monster?” Luna still wavered on the hairline edge between fight or flight as the dark figure took a menacingly slow step forward.

“Think back, sister.” The princess of the sun hissed. “We aren’t the only ones. Do you remember what we look after? What we protect in order to keep balance?”

“I still don’t understand sister. What’s happened to you?”

“The time will come when you realize. But until then…” the shadows flickered again and Luna saw the wicked grin of the creature as she started to move closer, step by step.

The princess of the night gasped and withdrew as her sister advanced before suddenly disappearing right in front of her eyes. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end and her spine trembled as if every part of her body wanted to escape. Her heartbeat grew more and more hysterical the longer she waited, hyper vigilant, as the dark corridor remained silent. A flash of white a few steps away suddenly caught her off guard and with a frantic shriek she rushed away as fast as she could without looking back. Her hooves scratched and slid against the cold marble floors of the royal palace, the screech of the tile piercing through her ears like a needle being pushed into her brain. Her sparkling blue mane whipped and snapped behind her as she turned back to see the creature gone again. Her heart throbbed and beat painfully against her chest. Whatever her sister had become was far worse than even Nightmare Moon.

“’Tia?” Luna stopped and called back through the corridor. Her words echoed around her over and over again but there was no reply. Not even a whisper or footstep. “’Tia?” she called again. “Are you there?” The wind picked up, howling past her and leaving an almost visible mark on her skin from its cold bite. She could see the familiar blinking stars in her mane as it flowed past her but still there was no other movement. Suddenly the hair on the back of her neck snapped to attention and she could feel the air grow heavy with a presence behind her. Her bones ached and her muscles twitched violently to run, to get away, but at the same time her mind told her to be still, to leave her body and remain hidden. She just needed to wait, a little longer. One second longer.

An unusually cold whisper rolled across the back of her neck, causing the hot blood that ran through her veins to recoil. Then it grew warm. A warmth that wasn’t in the least bit inviting. A heat that would rather consume than comfort. A starving heat. “’T-T-T-Tia?” the sound of her teeth chattering drowned out the wind for a moment. Or maybe the wind had stopped. She turned her head slowly, regretting every movement that she made. The silence weighed down on her like a pile of rocks. Her breathing felt slow and labored, forced. She could feel the tense muscles in her neck creak as she turned. Her vision scanned over the stained white bricks that made up the walls of the royal palace. Years of dirt and grime had accumulated on their once magnificent brilliance, causing the dark stones to shape the shadows in eerie patterns across the walls. Her ears flattened against her head.

There was nothing there.

Luna began to let out a sigh of relief but it caught in her throat halfway out. If it wasn’t behind her then it had to be –

She snapped her head forward again. The image of the horrific monster her sister had become burned in her mind. Those hollow eyes piercing through her like a sword. The muscles in her legs tensed, ready to strike out, but there was still nothing there. She was completely alone. The trembling alicorn stood between the shadows of two pillars that made up the windows leading outside, the light of the moon casting a thin halo around her. She looked out through the arching terrace at the round silver orb that hung in the sky unobscured. Only a single black cloud glided lazily past it.

“Beautiful isn’t it?” the voice came from behind. Every hair on her body rose but it was too late for her to react. The shadows took her with a stifled scream still hanging in the air.


A thick haze clouded her vision as she came to, struggling to her hooves with a deep groan.

“Welcome back, sister.” A patronizing voice came from the doorway.

“Where am I?” Luna looked around at the absence of anything in the room. “Why is everything white? What is this place?”

“So many questions.” The voice came from the doorway again, almost a growl this time. Luna looked up to see the twisted figure of her sister glaring at her confidently from behind the shadows.

“Who’s your friend?” Luna pointed at the metallic unicorn standing next to her sister. She didn’t seem to have the same shadow altering effect as the alicorn.

“All your questions will be answered in due time.” The shadows shifted as the princess of the sun turned to leave.

“Why didn’t you just kill me?!” Luna shouted after the dark creature. Despite not being able to see the face, or even the body, of her sister, she somehow knew that a smile spanned her warped features.

“I can’t kill you just yet.” The creature sneered. “I need something from you first – a piece of you.”

“Well why don’t you kill me and take it then?” the princess spat defiantly. She would rather die than give this creature any part of her.

“Oh no, you must be alive for this. Very much alive. You need to experience every moment, feel every second.”

‘Torture.’ Luna’s mind jumped to the conclusion. ‘Why? Does she want information? What do I know that she doesn’t?’

“It’s not torture.” The creature seemed to read her thoughts. “Well maybe not, we’ll see.” A row of white teeth shown through the darkness for a moment before the dark alicorn left. The armored mare stayed in the room, her raspy breathing becoming audible for the first time behind the mask as if she had just come to life. Without hesitation, the metal unicorn moved to the only colored thing in the room that seemed to have life: The gray console in the corner. Luna sat silently watching as a series of beeps and clicks befell the room. The unicorn stopped her manipulating of the console for a brief moment to look back at the alicorn. Then she clicked the console one last time and left the room.

The princess sat bewildered, unsure if anything was supposed to happen. Suddenly the sound of machinery outside rang with the metallic clink of gears grinding and scraping. Luna looked around unimpressed at the shifting motions of the room breaking apart. “Hmm.” She cooed suddenly with a sly grin. Her horn shimmered a dark blue and instantly the entire room and the surrounding machinery was bathed in the same dark blue. The sound of grinding machinery grew louder and louder, mindlessly struggling to overcome the magic that was holding it back. Luna couldn’t help but smirk, she knew that somewhere out there her sister was grinding her teeth in contempt. She was the Princess of the Night. She was the alicorn responsible for lifting the moon into the sky every night. There was no way some trivial little room was going to hold her. ‘Why did her sister think it would?’ Her expression suddenly grew firm. “You underestimate me.” She growled. The machinery began to creak and bend under an impossible weight as the alicorn tightened her magic. The walls bowed and folded towards her, crumpling like cardboard until they finally tore loose from the metal arms that held them to the rest of the chamber with an ear-shattering shriek that raced through the facility. Exposed wires dangled and sparked with electricity as the metal crinkled around the princess like a paper ball. Luna kept her fearsome gaze straight ahead as she focused on dismantling the entire building piece by piece. The remnants of the room circled around her like a dense shield, gathering more and more fragments of the structure every second. The building shook and reverberated with the power that was overtaking it. Below her gaze, Luna could make out fissures of dark blue magic snaking out from her hooves and rending the floor in all directions. She never knew she was so powerful.

The shards of metal that had made up the walls continued to float around her like a barrier, small cracks and holes between the plates giving her a glimpse of the destruction that she was unleashing outside. Muddled chunks of debris fell from the ceiling and shattered around her, rattling the earth, and yet a single mechanical arm managed to navigate its way close to the princess. Luna stared quizzically through the hole in the spinning rubble as it drew closer, bouncing and quaking against the wreckage that was falling on it, a single white pod clutched in its metallic claws. She watched curiously as it was placed before her and the seal around the edges broken, sending a cloud of mist roiling into the turbulent air. The princess squinted, just barely able to make out the dark figure that lay motionless inside. ‘There’s a pony in there!’ she suddenly realized gasping and releasing her magic.

The metal plates fell with a ground-shattering dong, their reverberations shaking the entire building again. Rubble continued to periodically fall from the ceiling as Luna cautiously moved towards the pod. Her hoofsteps sent dark blue cracks across the ground with every step, the excess magic physically dripping off of her and disintegrating the earth in small craters. She watched as the pony struggled his way out of the pod, panting and gasping for air.

“What are you doing here?” Luna stood resolute with a stalwart expression on her face.

The stallion looked around him uneasily before staring up at the alicorn.

“Well? Are you mute?” The princess growled, slightly annoyed at the lack of response. She ruffled her wings as she glared down at the stallion, still awaiting a reply. “ANSWER ME!” she bellowed suddenly, startling the stallion enough to send him reeling onto his back. Disgust flooded through the princess as she noticed the unruly sight between the stallion’s legs – his repulsive throbbing member. “What is the meaning of this?!” the air around the alicorn became filled with her magic and the ground shook with a heavy defiant hoof. The fissures beneath her grew into deep crevices that tore through the earth like rampant tree roots. “Do I turn you on? Do you wish to defile me and have your way with me? You pitiful little stallion. You are not even worthy to gaze upon my glorious presence.” Luna hissed. “And yet you lie there, aroused, ready to plant your seed. You are brave, if nothing else.” She looked the stallion up and down. “Brave indeed.”

It was obvious the stallion had no idea what to do. His blank expression skipped about the devastation that had unfolded before looking back up at the princess cautiously. The glowing chasms beneath him began to spread as the alicorn’s fury escalated, ripping apart the earth until he found himself beginning to sink down. Even with the threat of the chaotic magic pulsing below him, he dared not move. The princess’s petrifying gaze pinned him down, searing through his very soul, until he would rather plummet to his death than risk the absolute obliteration that would ensue from her wrath.

The ground heaved and quaked one last time before hurtling the stallion down below. He tried to scream out but his voice caught in his throat. Warm air rushed past his head, whistling through his ears and whipping up his mane. Dark blue filled his vision from the unsettling aura of magic below him before it blinded him completely. Even the unique smell of magic, the smell that only unicorns that worked very closely with magic knew, flooded his senses until he was sure it was the end. But the whistling in his ears had stopped. He no longer saw the tendrils of brown hair snapping in front of his face from his mane. Something had stopped him.

The glowing around him began to fade, growing dimmer and dimmer as he felt himself being lifted uncomfortably into the air. His body felt limp beneath him like some sort of ragdoll as his vision slowly returned. There was still the familiar glow of dark blue around him as he moved upward. He struggled to look up, his neck straining to look over his chest. A look of utter confusion and horror flashed through his blue eyes as he came to float at the hooves of the regal alicorn. It wasn’t the random act of being saved that confused him. It wasn’t even the fact that the princess of the night still glared at him with the same contempt that she had before. Most likely it was because he was being levitating before the fearsome eyes of the dark alicorn, suspended by his own dick.

Luna looked the stallion up and down as she held him there for a few awkward moments. The only part of him that moved was his head, still struggling to peek over his chest at the impressive pole that was being held straight up and down by the outline of sparkling blue magic. Luna watched curiously as his legs began to flail back and forth in a vain attempt to see what was holding him. With a firm tug, the princess branched out her magic just enough to overtake the small orbs that dangled beneath his shaft, compressing them against his body. A startled yelp escaped the stallion, prompting a harder jab at the delicate area with her magic. The alicorn wore a wry smile as she dominated him, relishing in the control. Every movement he made, every sound he struggled to withhold, just gave her an excuse to punish him.

The area around the stallion’s legs began to grow red and tender, she could feel the blood steadily pulsing and rising to the surface of his skin after every disobedient act. Then something caught the princess off guard. She could feel something pressing against her magic. It was so strong that it broke her concentration for a moment, dropping the stallion before grabbing him in midair by his cock again. This erupted another pained yelp and yet another punishment. Luna grinned as she thought of a new way to make him squirm. This time she pulled back with her magic, stretching the flap of skin to its limit.

There was no yelp this time, only a deep, throaty groan that echoed through the desolated chamber. Something pressed against her magic again, pulsing against it with an unhindered strength. The princess’s expression became stubborn, constricting down on whatever was daring to resist her control. The stallion’s eyes rolled back into his head as another groan escaped his lungs. Luna grew more and more determined as her magic continued to be fought against. The more she tried to confine the throbbing member the larger it grew.

“Are you enjoying this?” the pleased expression on the alicorn’s face faded as she watched the stallion writhe in silent ecstasy. She sent a wave of magic up and down his cock to test the claim, gripping it tightly in her grasp as she did. His suspended body shuddered with the sudden pleasure that radiated through him, a guttural moan shaking the silence there had been.

Luna frowned, considering what to do to put the stallion in his place. Gripping his member tighter, she squeezed with all of her might, only managing to make his leg twitch and jerk. The harder she squeezed the more he kicked until he was thrashing back and forth while stifling his compulsive moans. Suddenly an idea crossed her mind.

With a sly grin creeping across her face, the alicorn brought the stallion in close with her iridescent magic, levitating him only a few inches away. “So you like this, do you?” the princess smiled wickedly.

The stallion looked at her with an unsure expression plastered across his face.

“Well let’s see how you like this.” she breathed, the warm air from her mouth rolling over his pulsating pole. She continued to breathe heavily on his member until his moans of pleasure turned into moans of agitation. Luna smiled as he stirred uncomfortably in the magic that was holding him up. But then suddenly he stopped. She could feel him going soft in her grip. “Oh no you don’t.” the alicorn tightened her grip on his cock again but this time there was no resistance. No matter how much she moved and stroked the fleshy rod it would not come back to life. To the stallion’s surprise, the princess quickly darted out with a course tongue and gave his sagging member a quick lick. He was hard in an instant but she could still feel him beginning to wane in her grasp. Without a second thought she thrust her neck out again to give him a quick lick.

And again. And again.

Even with all the effort she was putting in to tease him he still began to go limp. The stallion stared uneasily as the alicorn shot him an annoyed glance before suddenly taking the head of his member in her mouth. His unbridled moan startled the princess, but not enough to make her flinch. Instead, she took a deep breath and let her mouth slowly sink more onto his cock. Then she took another deep breath and sunk down even more.

And more. And more.

Soon she reached the point where she couldn’t breathe anymore but still she took him deeper. His pole throbbed against the back of her throat until it threatened to explode. Just when she was sure he was about to finish she pulled away. The stallion groaned in disapproval, his muscles clenching in a desperate attempt to finish himself off, but the princess still held him firmly in her magic. Her smile returned as she watched the tortured figure struggle again.

“That’s better.” She chortled.

The stallion was not amused by her antics and eventually gave up the battle for his ecstasy again. Luna, still grinning, took his cock to the back of her throat again to rile him up. This time, however, he did not move or moan. Even though she could feel the entire rigid length of him inside of her, he still showed no signs of being pleasured.

The princess pulled away with a begrudging “Hmph”, a thick strand of saliva still connecting her to his member, before yet another idea crossed her mind. It certainly didn’t have to be all about him.

Sitting back on her haunches, she brought the stallion down to hover a few inches above the ground so he could he watch. Luna smirked as she brought a hoof to rest against the dampness between her thighs. The delicate flesh was hot to the touch. She forced the most erotic moan she could muster, stirring a rise out of the stallion who stared on wide-eyed. The slippery sensation against her hoof began to spread all around the inside of her legs. She could feel the warm fluid beginning to run down the crack of her ass until it collected in a pool underneath her. Suddenly a shivering breath escaped the princess’s lips despite her best attempts of holding it back. Beads of sweat formed all along her body while the heat inside of her grew. Her breathing became heavy as she spread the folds of her flower apart, exposing it to the open air. A surprised gasp filled the air as a cool breeze suddenly rushed between her legs, chilling the glistening mound that had just been opened to the world. Despite the cold, the warmth between her thighs continued to grow, arousing another trembling breath from the alicorn.

Targeting the elusive bead hidden among her lips, she began to roll her hoof in little circles until the feeling had spread across her entire body. She closed her eyes as her hips began to systematically sway to the rhythm of her hoof. A heavy moan grew from her labored breathing before she ground her hips harder into her hoof, forcing the pleasure through her. The heat burned her insides, rising to the surface of her skin so that the delicate kiss of the cold breeze sent shivers down her spine. Finally she could sense the end was near. She could feel the release ready to burst forth and envelope her in its promises of physical enlightenment. It was so close.


The unexpected noise broke the princess out of her trance, shattering the buildup of ecstasy she had worked so hard for. The stallion still hovered in front of her, his cock rock hard again. The display the alicorn had put on had more than aroused him to the point of him being ready to explode at the slightest touch. Even the gentlest whisper of air could have fulfilled his desire. Unfortunately his ecstasy instantly withered with the cold glare of the princess. The agonizing fury mirrored through her eyes but it couldn’t overcome the need for release that still teased her body. She needed something inside of her. She needed to be filled. She needed completion.

“Come here.” She ordered levitating the stallion over so that he didn’t have a choice in the matter. The wilted fleshy rod still hung limply in the air as the princess set him down in front of her and moved over him. She stood over him, the juices from her lonely orifice running down her back legs, her lust filled eyes staring through him, until she couldn’t take it anymore. Ever so gently she began to sit back, carefully guiding her hips towards the object of her desires. The stallion’s cock snapped to attention immediately, smacking the drenched slit with the undeniable sound of flesh on flesh contact. A fresh torrent of liquid flooded down his cock as the connection was made. The alicorn moved her hips back up to position the entrance of her mound to the tip of his spear.

Steadying herself, she slowly began to press down on his member. She could feel the pressure as it prodded against her tight hole, threatening to break through her at any moment. The stallion let out a raspy groan as his cock slowly bent under the weight of the princess. For some reason it wasn’t slipping in. Luna pressed down harder, swiveling her hips as an overflow of slick lubricant continued to pour out of her until suddenly it gave way. His thick cock pierced through her, spreading her inner folds apart and impaling her down to the innermost depths of her body.

The two bodies were locked together in a silent scream, motionless, as they adjusted to the new intrusion and environment that had been introduced. A shiver ran through the princess, her eyes closed and her mouth agape, until the throbbing in her womb subsided and the only throbbing came from the other body inside of her. She looked down with a lustful expression at the stallion who had just taken her and for the first time was unsure of what to do. She felt out of place on top of him. The feeling of being filled excited her beyond all measure but she couldn’t help but wonder how she had gotten on top of him. Staring deep into his blue eyes, she began to sit up, sliding the cock that had been implanted in her before sitting back again. Her sparkling mane hung down from one side of her head as she gave the stallion an unsure smile before continuing on. Soon she had developed a rhythm that she followed to mash their bodied together, the slimy squelch of her ass bouncing up and down stirred the tiny orbs beneath her until she reveled in the flapping against her backside. She took his member almost completely out so that her tight flesh stretched across only the head before burying the entire length of him in her again. The burning desire that flowed through her and made her legs weak eventually turned into a burning soreness that slowed her movements.

The stallion looked up at with unbridled lust still filling his gaze. Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead and collected in his brown mane as he finally took control and flipped the princess down on the ground. Luna closed her eyes as she lay on her back, her legs splayed up in the air while the stallion ravaged her. And she loved every moment.

Her consciousness drifted in and out of the ecstasy through every position the stallion forced her in. She went from being on her back to lying on her side with her legs closed but still allowing him access to her most private area. The steady thrusts never ceased as he rolled her over again onto her stomach, pounding her from behind and taking her deeper than she ever imagined. Her body slid against the cold floor and her mane jolted back and forth in front of her with each relentless assault until the breathing behind her grew heavier. She could feel her own nirvana approaching with his desperate drives towards completion. Her eyes grew wide as he pulled her body closer while at the same time thrusting with all of his might inwards. An exasperated scream pierced the chamber as the sensation sent her over the edge. Luna collapsed onto the ground, rolling over onto her side as the convulsions took her. An instant later she felt her insides being filled completely. The stallion slowly drew out of her with a deafening groan that echoed his pleasure. She could feel the hot spunk from his still throbbing member land on her flank, the heat nearly scalding the skin around her cutie mark. But her cutie mark had changed since they started – there were now the unmistakable two halves of the sun and the moon together on her flank instead of just the moon.

The stallion collapsed from exhaustion next to the mare with another satisfied groan as his body roughly hit the ground with a profound thud. Luna was still trembling in the aftermath of her orgasm when she felt the prick of the needle against her numb skin.


“So it is complete.” Celestia gazed down at the motionless alicorn from the top of the chamber. A giant black tinted window looked out over the spire of white pods, hiding the room from those on the other side.

“What is the next step, Your Highness?” the armored unicorn came to stand next to the dark alicorn while she looked out.

“We have everything we need to commence the growing process. See to it that this place never existed.”

“What of your sister?”

“Take what you need from her and then leave her outside. She has to live but not necessarily in a pleasant state. I’ll do the rest.” The alicorn’s cold words shook the air with an unknown disposition but the curator had no choice but to nod silently.

“Yes princess.” She turned to perform her given task.

“Please,” Celestia didn’t turn from her gaze down at the unconscious alicorn below but her dark words still managed to stop the armored mare dead in her tracks. The gravity of what was coming hung in the air like a pile of bricks.

“Call me Queen.”