• Published 26th Apr 2013
  • 308 Views, 0 Comments

Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns: Silver Shine Tales - Warcow1992

Silver Shine is a new student to be attending Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, and weather or not he like it {he doesn't) time is of the essence.

  • ...

Day One


*sigh* the alarm... i need to get up...

My name is Silver Shine

and today is the first day of the new school year and i can't be late.

you see i have been accepted into Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, and orientation is about to start in 30 mins....

I shouldn't have stayed out so late last night with my friends... I don't think i will be seeing as much of them any more...

“Dear! hurry up you're gonna be late!” yelled my mom up the stairs to my room.

“I know mom! I will leave right now!”

I didn't even have time to take a bath I have to go NOW!

I did my usual hair style as quickly as i could. took a good second to stare into the mirror and I smiled. I knew today was gonna be a good day.

I bolted out the back door and petted my dog on my out the alley fence. “Bye darlah” i said to her as i turned and ran out to the main street.

The sun was shining brightly today, celestia must be as excited about today as i am. I ran through the town square and around the corner to main street, and thats when the warm smell of donuts from joe’s hit me. those donuts are the best in all of canterlot I had to have one... I wouldn't be too late if I stopped for just one would I?

so I ran into his shop and jumped up onto a stool and i yelled “Hey Joe! i’m in a hurry can I get a jelly glaze?

“yea hang on a minute” he said as he came out of the back room.

“just one jelly donut, silver?” he said

“Yea im in a hurry I start school today!” I replied

Joe put my donut into a wax sleeve and put it on the counter.

my eyes must have been as glazed as that donut, i couldn't wait to eat it.

“wouldn't School have started by now?” joe questions.

“school... Oh darn, i got to go joe! bye!” I said as I plopped 2 bits onto the counter and ran out the shop door.

“Wait! you forgot your donut!” Joe screamed.

“Oh right!...” i ran back in and grabbed it then resumed my marathon to the school.
“Thanks again joe!” I yelled as I ran on.

** I hope i'm not that late. I didn't know what time it was but it was probably time i got a watch.

** “hey! narrator! no! bad! no jokes!” I said to myself.

** i know, i know i'm sorry... i'm just trying to add some comedy.

** “well don't! just let the dang story tell itself!” I said again.

** ok

** moving on...

I knew I was getting close, I could see the tall spire atop the main hall of the school.
I was here 2 weeks ago for a tour so I think thats where i’ll meet my class for orientation, if I haven't missed it yet.

finally I reached the front gates.

“OH NO! there locked!” I gasped.

This can't be happening, I blame my friends! we shouldn't have been out so late catching lightning bugs!

I have to get over this wall.

I looked over and saw a conveniently placed trash can.

I had to do it. I dragged it over to the side of the wall and hopped up and grabbed the ledge of the wall.

just as i got my hooves over the edge of the wall my hind leg slipped and the trash can fell out from under me.

this was a precarious situation indeed.

** “you think!” i shouted to myself **

** ... yea. **

I heaved and hoed and managed to pull myself up and over the wall.

That was before i fell off the other side and landed in the bushes.

“oof” I pained

That hurt..

I shook my head and came out of the foliage.

I saw the path leading to the main hall and i made extra haste. “I can still make it” I thought to myself.

Totally ignoring the sign on the grass that said “Girls entrance this way”

I reached the big tall doors and i cracked them open enough so that i could fit through them.

The other students were already assembled in the auditoriums seats, i ducked my head and went along the wall and sat in the rear of the room.

I was trying not to be seen, I didn't want to start the new year with a bad record. Not like my last school.

I looked up and saw a girl sitting in the front of the class

A pretty purple filly with purple striped mane, she was nice to look at, one of the other student called to her “Twilight!-...” they were having a conversation.

her name must be Twilight.

“Twilight...” I whispered to myself.

It was then that her majesty Princess Celestia entered the room.

Everyone fell silent.

I looked up and my eyes opened wide

She was so magnificent, so radiant. I wonder if she was going to be our teacher.
She began to speak

“ Greeting Fillies! and welcome to the first day of the new school year. I look forward to getting to know each of you and evaluating your progress throughout this next year. And with that please follow me and we can proceed to the annual rejuvenation ritual.”

“Fillies?” she must not have seen me, I wonder if i'm the only colt this year.

Everypony got up and followed the princess out the door and I followed after them.

We were walking up a curvy path up to what seemed like a plateau near the side of the campus.

I could hear the fillies in front of me whispering things to each other

“I wonder what new spell I will learn at this year's ritual!” “ i hope i get a love spell” “ooh yea that would be cool” they said to each other.

“New spells?” I thought, what is this ritual stuff about anyway?

Finally we reached the top of the hill and we all made a circle around a large runic inscription in the middle of the floor.

Princess Celestia stepped out into the middle and began to speak.

“Ok my little ponies, are you ready for the rejuvenation ritual? I bet you all are looking forward to some exciting new spell!

She smiled brightly

Many of the the fillies were excited and answered back with a collective shout “yeah!”

There was one bouncing and excited filly who jumped higher than the others, it was Twilight.

“ Ooh ooh Princess! pick me pick me I want to go first!” she squealed

“OK twilight, you go first” said the Princess

“ok every pony stand back” warned the Princess

Princess Celestia’s horn began to glow and the runic circle under Twilight feet began to glow.

There was a bright blinding flash.
As our sight returned, Twilight was floating in air.

She came back to the ground and skipped off happily

“Yay I did it” she squeed

I gulped, this didn't look safe and I wondered if i was even supposed to be here.

My thoughts were interrupted when I was pushed out from the back of the group to the center

I couldn't speak. I was terrified.

It was the Princess! She was pushing me with her front leg. She pushed me into the center.

I sat there in the middle of the circle of fillies staring at me.

“uh...” I still couldn't speak.

Thinking back on it... I don't think the Princess was even paying attention to me.

She placed me in the proper location and cast her spell

Again a bright flash of light.

But this time, after the light faded, there was only gasps of horror from the crowed.

My head was dizzy and I fell to one knee. I couldn't see much and my head was spinning.

I did hear Princess Celestia gasp loudly as she said “OH NO!”

Something must be wrong why are they so shocked?

I looked up and I saw Twilight walking toward me slowly.

“how... how are you feeling? do you feel alright”

I look into her eyes and i was speechless. I collected my thoughts and a second later I tried to stand up but i fell back down.

I looked back to her and said “I’m ok I just can't stand”

I was shocked to hear a different voice when I spoke. Whose voice was this coming out of my mouth?

Did the spell change my voice?

I squinted and forced my front hoof out from under me and I stood up.

Trying to gain focus on the world I asked “What happened? why did my voice change?”

I could hear twilight say “oh no...”

“more than just your voice has changed” she said in a low voice, I almost didnt hear what she said.

That was when the princess's head reached my level.

“Oh me, there seems to have been a terrible mistake” she said

“A mistake?” I asked.

Twilight spoke “It appears you're in the wrong class. This is the little fillies class, and you're not... well... you were a colt”

“were?” I questioned.

Princess celestia spoke

“Oh my... this hasn't happened in a long time”

“What hasn't happened” I asked.

“Well usually the rejuvenation ritual endows the the disciple with a new magic that they can study, and... well, its not ment for colts” said twilight.

“Not meant for colts? what does that mean?”

“It means your a Filly now dummy!” said one of the fillies from the crowd.
The crowd began to giggle.

“A FILLY!?!? no it can be true! i'm a colt!” I yelled back.

“Look it will be ok we'll talk to your parent and...”

“ NO! this is NOT OK! whats happend to me?! Turn me back now!” I screamd as i cut off the princess

“... Please calm down, this sort of thing happens now and again. I'm sure the spell will wear off in a years time” she said

“A YEAR!?” I yelled.

I couldn't be stuck a filly for a whole year, what would my friends think, what would my parent say, “What would Donut Joe think!” I started thinking out loud again.

“Donut Joe?” the princess asked puzzledly.

“Sorry I was thinking out loud again” I replied.

“What happens now” I asked the Princess

“Now, we go tell your parents” She said Smiling.

“Oh cotton balls” I cursed

“Come along now class we can resume the ritual tomorrow morning its time for the first lesson” Princess celestia trotted off down the hill.

“awww but i wanted to learn a love spell” whined one filly as they all followed the Princess down the hill.

I sat there looking down at my hooves thinking “what am i going to do I can't be a filly”

Twilight walked over to me and looked at me with a smile as she said “It will be alright, this sort of stuff happens all the time around here, you'll be ok.”

I wanted to smile back to her but I couldn't. I just said “This sort of thing never happens to me”
“what did i do to deserve this?” I cried.

“I don't know but you can't let the things life does to you get to you, you just have to deal with it, one day at a time and hope that one day it will get better” she said

I don't know what it was but her words got to me. they made me smile. I said to her “Your right, things will get better”

She looked over to me and said “My name is Twilight Sparkle. Whats your name?”

I told her My name is Silver Shine”

“Silver Shine, thats a nice name” she said

“yea” I mumbled.

“We better go we don't want to be tardy now do we?” she smiled and pranced off down the hill

I followed behind her and said to myself “No no we don't”

***End Chapter***

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