• Published 24th Apr 2013
  • 1,781 Views, 19 Comments

The Prince of the Crystal Empire - Prince_Dark_Bane

King Sombra's son has awakened from a spell that turned him to stone.He is not happy with his father in peices and the empire that he once called home taken from his family and filled with love.He will do what ever he deems right to take the wor

  • ...

Chapter 3: A Grand Change

Crystal Empire Castle:
The Mane Six, Spike, Shining Armor, and Candance where in the throne room of the Crystal Empire and Rainbow Dash was flying all over the room.
"I thought Princess Celestia said that Dark Bane was going to come here." Rainbow Dash complained as she fly through the air of the throne room.
"Rainbow Dash, Dark Bane uses strategy to make sure he will most likely win every time." Twilight replied while reading a dark red book with a black crystal heart with a large crack going from the top of the heart to the center of it.
"Twilight, where did you get that book?" Shining asked his sister with surprise.
"It was in the room you two put me in. In fact, it was on the night stand this morning. It has so much about the Prince of Shadows." Twilight answered as she looked at her brother.
"That book is Sombra's journal about his son." Candance stated as she flow over to her sister-in-law.
"Really. Well even though this book tells me a lot of things about Dark Bane, it seems that he didn't know his own son all that well on a personal level." Twilight stated as she looked at the book some more.
"What I want to know is, why Dark Bane doesn't like living here?" Rarity asked as she motioned the now expanded city allowing visitors to be in the barrier keeping out the cold weather.
"From what we've heard, the prince and the king weren't very close. In fact Dark Bane never know his mother." Candance answered as she looked at the others.
"That's so sad." Fluttershy stated as she was the only one to think that about the prince.
"So what does that there book say about Prince Dark Bane?" Applejack asked as she looked to Twilight.
"It says that if there was ever a fight going on in the empire that Dark Bane would be seen when he was here." Twilight read aloud as she looked at the book.
"Now that's weird. Hey maybe his talent is hoof to hoof fighting or maybe he's a professional wrestler." Pinkie Pie stated as she looked at her friends with a large Pinkie Pie smile.
"I don't think that's his talent Pinkie Pie." Spike stated as he looked at the pink earth pony.
"It says that his talent was magic, just like Sombra himself." Twilight stated so her friends and family wouldn't start to agrue.
"Any clue when he might attack?" Rainbow Dash asked as she looked out at the sky bored.
"No." everyone replied back to the pegasus.
Prince Dark Bane's Castle:
Trixie woke up to the song of an old pipe organ being played and from the sounds of activity she could hear, it was around eight in the morning.
(Sounds like this.)

"Who's playing that thing at this time in the morning?" Trixie asked to herself as she got out of her bed and then brushed her hair.
That's when there was a knocking at her door, and then a maid came walking in with a tray with breakfest levatating above her head. The pony used the levation spell to place the tray on a little table.
"Thank you for bringing my food. Is there anything that Prince Dark Bane wants of me?" Trixie asked before she started to eat her breakfest.
"Lord Dark Bane, wants you to be at the library after your finish you breakfest, and he will lead you to the library." the maid stated as she motioned to an earth pony butler standing to the side of the door.
"Ok." Trixie replied as she was finishing her breakfest.(Speedy little eater I have made her.)
After Trixie finished eating her breakfest, the butler began to take her to the library, and all the while that music was still playing.
"Hey, what's with this music?" Trixie asked as she looked at the very life like doll.(In bases that's what all of Dark Bane's minions are.)
"That is Prince Dark Bane playing his prize pipe organ. Before he disappeared, he would play it every morning. I can only image how much pain he was in when during those thousand years." the elderly sounding earth pony stated as he lead her to two large wooden doors with a dragon eye shaped gem was inbedded in each door and it was also where the music was coming from the loudest.
"I take it that this is the library." Trixie stated as she looked at the earth pony.
"Yes. You will be able to find him at the back of the library. Just follow the pipes. His pipe organ is contacred to every part of the castle so everypony can hear his song." the elderly pony stated as he opened the door for her.
"Thank you." Trixie thanked as she walked in.
"You are welcome General Trixie." replied the elder pony with a bow.
Trixie had almost forgotten that she was now a general in an army and turned back to the earth pony and told him to go tell her troops to start pratrolling the inside of the castle. He obeyed and Trixie entered the library. As she walked through the well of knowlegde, she saw books that every library in Equestria would want to have, and a certain unicorn that would love to read every last book in here. After about 5 minutes of following a pipe that was on the roof, she found the very unicorn that she wanted. The prince was still playing that song. It seemed every time he finished the song, he would play it again. She walked up to her teacher, prince, and hopefully lover.
"She has finally arrived. Now is the time to see if she has any patience." Dark Bane thought to himself as he contunied to play on the musical instrument with years of experince.
"Does he not sense me?" Trixie asked herself as she sat in a position that looked like she was bowing to him.
Trixie waited for 10 minutes before she stood up and approached her lord. As soon as Trixie was about a yard away, Dark Bane turned his head to look at her.
"10 minutes, impressive I thought you where only going to last 5 minutes." Dark Bane stated as he walked over to her and moving a strand of hair out of her face when she looked up at him.
"Why is that impressive my lord?" Trixie asked as she looked deeply into his eyes revealing everything he needed to know about the mare's feelings for him.
"Your first test was to show that you have patience, and you passed. Now I need you to read this book with in three days." Dark Bane answered as he brought out a book that was about as thick as a unrolled newspaper.(In other terms it was a small book. It was a book that could be read in about a hour really.)
"My lord, it will only take me a few hours to read all of this." Trixie stated as she looked at the book to reveal that it was a book on black magic.
"Then read and memorize it." Dark Bane stated as he looked at her and then went back to playing his beloved pipe organ again.
Trixie started to look through the book of magic to discover that this single book only had one spell. It was a resurrection spell and it was a complicated one.
"What the hell? Why does he want me to know this? This type of magic has been forbidden before even the princesses, and from what I've read, this only brings back a family member as long as you have something from them when they where alive or a bone of some kind. Wait, it says here that only family can use it to bring somepony back, but it takes at least two unicorns to do it and they must be related! Weather by blood or by marriage!" Trixie thought to herself as she was reading along the pages and then seeing the seal used with it.(In fact the pages that showed how to make the seal took up half of the book and it was now sunset. She really wasn't expecting the introctions to be well detailed.)
Dark Bane has been using Loki to watch Trixie as she looked over the spell book and noticed that her face kept changing from surprised, to confused, to terrified, and then to flabbergasted. He was smiling as he watched her looking back and forth from the book to her prince.
"I take it that you have gotten to the last of the instructions since you keeping staring at me, and yes I know what it takes to perform this spell. I already have the seal ready in my garden." Dark Bane stated as he turned to his his student.
"But that would mean you need help from your family. Do have any living family members at all, and when did you have the seal made?" Trixie asked her prince as she looked at him with pure confusion on her face.
"My mother died shortly after my birth, I'm an only child, and I have no relatives, because mother and father where the only child in their families. That only leaves me one option, I have to get married. Do you haveany idea who I believe would be my perfect bride?" the Prince of Shadows asked as he walked so close to Trixie that she backed up into a wall as he moved his head so his lips where by her ear.
"One of the princesses, or maybe one of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony." Trixie guessed as she was was pinned up against the wall with her prince's lips close to her own.
"I was thinking of an ex-show pony who's talent is magic. In fact, said pony needs to have fur as blue as the sky during the day, and a mane and tail a teal. From what I have seen of Equestria, there's only one pony like that." Dark Bane stated as he moved closer to her causing her to blush and breath a little harder.
"Do you mean me, Prince Dark Bane?" Trixie asked as her expression changed to that of love.(You know the face that is used for those cheesey love sceens where the couple end up making out shortly after that.)
"Yes my little princess." Dark Bane answeres as he placed a kiss on Trixie's lips causing her to melt from his touch.(Yes I know but it had to be done.)
Dark Bane pulled away from her causing her to give a soft moan of displeasure. Trixie looked into his eyes with more than just love, but complete and total lust. Loki came flying down and landed on Dark Bane, but that's when Dark Bane whispered something to the bird and Loki then flow off as if it was obeying an order.
"Dark Bane, please keep kissing me." Trixie begged as she was panting.
"Follow me to our room." Dark Bane stated as he started to leave her.
"Dark Bane!" Trixie wined as she chased him through the castle and into their room.
"There's a little ritual that I know that will make us of one family." Dark Bane stated as he sat infront of the fire place.
"Then lets do it, please." Trixie begged as her eyes where pleading to him.
Loki came flying over to his master with a red crystal flask in his talens. Loki placed the crystal flask on a table as his master made one appear in between himself and Trixie.
[Warning: This part gets a little dark and graffic in my point of view. If you are wanting to skip this part look for this {[]} in the middle of the page.]
Dark Bane used the magic he inheritted from his father, to summon a dark bladed dagger and then stuck his front right leg above the crystal flask. Trixie was looking at the sceen with a sence of panic at what was happening. Dark Bane then proceed to cut himself with the dagger causing blood to fill the flask half way from two or three drops. He levitated the blade to a now very alarmed Trixie.
"This crystal flask is encanted so it turns the blood into a potion that will bide us together. In other words my future princess this little flask can wed us." Dark Bane explained as he looked at Trixie who was hyperventilating a light bit.
"But I can't do this." Trixie answered as she looked at the dark metal blade of the dagger.
"Calm down. The blade is enchanted so all you have to do it place the blade to your leg and the magic will pull the amount of blood needed for this without you getting hurt or feeling any pain." Dark Bane stated as he looked at how scared she held the blade with her magic.
"Ok." Trixie replied as she moved her left front leg over the flask and then did as Dark Bane instructed and she was releaved that he was right.
The three drops of blood fell into the flask and the rest of it was filled by the blood red potion. Dark Bane lifted the flask into the air and moved it towards Trixie as he gave her a nod that said it would be fine. Trixie closed her eyes while she opened her mouth and then tasted what seemed to be a sweet taste that couldn't be compared to anything. Trixie opened her eyes when she felt the flask move from her lips and saw that now Dark Bane was drinking the rest of the potion.
"So we're now married?" Trixie asked as she looked at Dark Bane as he walked up to her.
"Yes we are." Dark Bane answered as he made the flask vanished and then got into their bad.(After he took off his armor. Want to know what Dark Bane's cutie mark is. It is a black crystal heart with a large crack going from the top of the heart to the very center ot it.)
Trixie walked over to their bed and got in with her new husband. As soon as Trixie was in the bed, Dark Bane wrapped his front hooves around his wife and made her face him. Trixie saw he had a smile on his lips and then to give her a passionate kiss.
"We aren't done quite yet." he stated as both of them smiled after he said it. (I'm not going to go into detail of what happened but I'm sure you know what happened.)

Author's Note:

Me: Hope you liked it.
Both Trixie and Dark Bane standing in front of me on fire from rage.
Me: I need to run now so leave a comment if something needs clearing.