• Published 24th Apr 2013
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The Prince of the Crystal Empire - Prince_Dark_Bane

King Sombra's son has awakened from a spell that turned him to stone.He is not happy with his father in peices and the empire that he once called home taken from his family and filled with love.He will do what ever he deems right to take the wor

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Chapter 10: The Night's Song

Right after Nightengale was left alone with her personal shadow ponies:
Nightengale was looking at the two ponies her daddy made for her. Her first thought of them was that they were lame. She didn't know why her daddy wanted them to be around her, especially the servant. She under stood that maybe having her own guard was a good idea since the Equestrians and those orders wanted to take her from her loving mommy and daddy or could do worst to her.
"Why would Daddy make you, Miss Elegance?" Nightengale asked as she hurt the feelings of the servant. (Dark Bane can do many things with them, and Sombra's control is slipping so more of Dark Bane's true nature is coming back.)
"I was made to make sure that you are were well educated." Classic Elegance answered with a look that showed she wanted to cry. (Dark Bane can't make it so they can cry.)
"Oh. Ok." Nightengale replied as she tilted her head not understanding why the servant looked sad.
"Do you need anything, Princess Nightengale?" Sword Shine asked as he looked at his young ward.
"I want friends!" Nightengale demanded as she looked at her secondary caregivers. (Dark Bane and Trixie are still her main since they are still around since they won't leave the castle for combat.)
"You can always make friends with other servants or guards." Sword Shine replied as he was to make sure she was safe at all times.
"But I want them 'yawn' now, and I want them to 'yawn' to be my age." Nightengale stated as she through a temper tantrum and was trying to fight off sleep.
"Well I'm sure your father will help you meet children your age, but I think it's time for you to go to bed young mistress." Elegance stated as she started to lead the young alicorn up to her room.
"But I want to go to bed with Mommy or Daddy." Nightengale whined as she still followed the servant to her room since Mommy told her to behave.
"Do you want a story read to you?" Sword Shine asked as he looked at the young princess of shadows.
"No. I'm to tired." Nightengale answered and almost fell but was caught by Sword Shine's bright blue magic.
"Then we need to get the young princess to bed." Classic Elegance stated as she lead the guardain to the young alicorn's room.
After the two shadow ponies placed the young alicorn in her bed, they left the room so Classic could get some books from the library to help her in future lessons she's going to have with the young royal. After five minutes, Nightengale openned her eyes and looked around her room to make sure no pony was around her. (Dark Bane had caught her past her bedtime in the guardens looking at the stars 3 nights ago.)
"Goodie. No pony in sight. I'm getting friends tonight." Nightengale stated as she jumped out of her bed and walked towards the door but felt Sword Shine just outside her door.
Nightengale was cursing her luck and was wondering what to do. She thought she could use her magic, but her dad hasn't taught her anything yet. Although her mom has taught the basics of some spells like levitation and teleportation.
"Maybe I can teleport to Ponyville." Nightengale thought to herself as she walked over to her window to see the top of Ponyville Town Hall. (Dark Bane has a spell over the castle to hide it from others' eyes. You'll only find it at a distance of half a mile or if you have the sixth sense spell Night Veil made. Trixie taught Nightengale the same day Blizzard went to Ponyville Elementary.)
Nightengale summoned her magic and imagined herself in the town square of Ponyville. She disappeared in the light of deep violet magic. The next thing she knew, she was standing in the square of the town closest to her home to see the clock tower showing it was 9 at night.
"Time to get some friends." the young alicorn said out loud as she looked at the town.
Her horn started to glow and she started to hum a tuneless song as she looked towards the library without realizing it. She walked towards the home of wisdom as the humming was empowered with magic.
Golden Oaks Library, same time:
The Mane Six, Vinyl Scratch, Snake Eyes, and Clockwork where talking about the six kids that were sleepying in Twilight's last spare room for the night. (Night Veil was at one of the castles but no pony knows that, and couldn't watch the CMC so Blizzard is at his first sleep over ever.)
"I'm not sure I can let Wolf Bane join this group known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I have heard that they tend to get into a lot of trouble." Snake Eyes stated as he asked other members of the town about them.
"I agree. I can not in good mind let Silver Shield join this group. Not to mention he has responsiblities to the order." Clockwork stated as he looked at the mares with a look that showed he was not ready to let the order to get any bad intention at the moment.
"I don't blame you for not wanting them in the little club, but when it cames down to it, it's all up to them." Twilight replied as she intivated everypony over to talk.
Right before any other pony could say anything, Eclipse walked into the room from the second storey with a focus look on her face.
"What seems ta be the problem there Eclipse?" Applejack asked as she looked at the unicorn.
"I feel something near by. Something that feels like Dark Bane." the shadow pony answered as she walked over to a window and looked out of it to try to see what it was.
"I think she might be right." Fluttershy stated as she looked through another window and saw a filly standing outside and motioned the others to take a look at this.
"Who is that?" Rainbow Dash asked as she looked at the filly.
"I don't know, but she needs to get inside." Rarity replied as she looked at the strange filly.
"Is she singing?" Pinkie Pie asked as she started to hear what sounded like a song.
"Ah gonna ta check up on the kids." Applejack asked as she wanted to make sure they were all right.
As Applejack walked the stairs, the others left the windows to see what to do about this unkown filly when they heard loud, quick hoof steps. Applejack came down the stairs quickly with a terrified look on her face.
"The children are gone!" Applejack almost yelled as she had no idea why they were gone.
"What has happened to those darlings?" Rarity asked as she fell onto her magically appearing couch.
"How did she get that couch here?" Clockwork asked as he had a confused look on his face who was joined by Snake Eyes.
"Don't question it. It's kinda like Pinkie Pie's Pinkie Sense." Vinyl asnwered as she gave the two unicorn stallions a serious look.
"Ms. Pie's Pinkie what?" Snake Eyes asked with a WTF face joined by Clockwork.
"Oh, it's an ability of mine that allows me to see the future or if something is happening." Pinkie Pie answered as she looked at the two leaders.
"Is that it?" the black unicorn asked sarcasticly as he looked at the pony that some how through a party in their temple the night his order finished building it.
"Well, I was told not to tell anypony, but I can break the fourth wall and talk to the author." the party pony answered as she looked at nothing and waved. [Pinkie Pine stop that!] (I had to do it.)
"What?" the time gazer asked as he started to get a headache from this strange pony that through a party at the temple the day after his order finished it.
"Just don't ask." Rainbow Dash stated as she got ready to charge out of the door with the other mares and was soon joined by the the stallions.
"Can we please just see where the kids are?" Twilight yelled as she glared at the others.
"What do you mean by that Twilight Sparkle?" Luna asked as she teleported into the library with saddle bags that seemed to be stuffed with books, scrolls, and other texts.
"Princess Luna, the Cutie Mark Crusaders have disappeared." Twilight answered as she was less worried now that the protecter of dreams was now here.
"Who ever is the cause of their disappearous will suffer." Luna stated as she was enrage at the thought of somepony kidnapping children.
"Oh, no worries. They're just with that strange filly we saw earlier." Pinkie Pie stated as she turned around from the window in the door.
"What?!?" every other pony replied as they ran or flew to a window to see all seven kids.
Outside Golden Oaks Library:
"Yah! I now have six friends." Nightengale stated with joy as she looked at the zoned out faces of the CMC.
"Stop right there!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she flew up to the kids then dropped her mouth out of shock.
"What's the matter Ms. Dash?" Snake Eyes asked as the rest of the group joined her and was answered as the cyan pegasus pointed her left front hoof at black filly.
"Is she an alicorn?" Rarity asked as everypony looked at this young alicorn.
"It can't be." Snake Eyes stated out of disbelief as he took a step back.
"I'm not an it, I am Princess Nightengale. Daughter of Prince Dark Bane and Princess Trixie Lulamoon. Granddaughter of King Sombra." Nightengale replied with a frown on her face.
"You were once a part of me. So you must know that I can't let you take these children." Luna stated as she walked up to the smaller alicorn with an emotionless stare.
"I remember how alone we felt. I remember how we craved the love that could only come from family. I also remember how we longed for Daddy's love." Nightengale replied unfazed by the stare Luna gave her and the enjoyed the shocked look she had as she told her what she remembered when they were one.
"You are nothing more but a corrputed shadow of her majesty Luna!" Snake Eyes yelled as he over came his shock and sent magic to his horn.
"If you hurt me, Daddy will burn this town like how he did to that first village he attack at the beginning of the Crystal War." Nightengale stated in the voice of a promise. (I call the fight between Equestria and the Crystal Empire the Crystal War.)
"How do you know about that war?" Luna asked as she looked at the young filly.
"I still remember somethings from when we were one. Although for me it's like watching a dream." Nightengale answered as she started to send magic to horn and a magical circle appeared around her and the CMC. (Blizzard, Silver Shield, and Wolf Bane was with the girls. They sercetly joined so no one could say anything about it.)
"What do you think your doing with those children?" Luna asked as she readied her magic.
"They're my friends and I'm taking them home." Nightengale answered as she had a smile that seemed to be from Trixie herself.
"You're not takin' mah little sister any where." Applejack state with a glare being joined by Vinyl, Snake Eyes, Clockwork, and the rest of the Mane Six.
"Not your choice." Nightengale replied with that same smile and right after she finished what she said her and the CMC disappeared in a flash deep violet light.
"No, give me back my niece and her friends!" Vinyl yelled as she ran to the spot the children had been.
"Ms. Scratch, yelling will not get the children back." Luna stated as she walked up to the emotional unicorn.
"I just lost my little sister's baby girl!" Vinyl stated in a near shout.
"Ms. Scratch, yelling will only wake up those that are sleeping." Snake Eyes answered as he walked over to the emotional unicorn.
"Blizzard, I hope you're alright." Fluttershy stated to no one as she was worried about her great cousin.
"If you like Vinyl, you can help us find out how to defeat Dark Bane." Rarity stated as she looked at the other white unicorn mare.
"I think I'll just go home." Vinyl replied as she teleported home and went to bed with tears in her eyes.
"May you sleep well Ms. Scratch." Clockwork stated as he bowed his head.
Castle of Death, war room:
"By having the Legion of Shadows attacking the north gates keeping the guards distracked, the Children of Nightmare will come from the south gate and then we will storm the castle taking the Elements of Harmony." Night Shade stated as the map made the plan he told appear in front of the planing ponies.
"No." Dark Bane stated as he seemed to glare at the plan that was shown to him.
"What seems to be the problem, Son?" Sombra asked as he looked at his son with a raised eye brow.
"Yes Honey, what's wrong with the plan?" Trixie asked as she was by her lover's side.
"I would lose to many of my legionairs. We will instead came from the crystal caves that ran through the mountain. We will swarm the city." Dark Bane stated as the map showed both of the armies coming out of the sewers and other opennings that came from the mountain, but then he looked away and seemed to be trying to look at something.
"What now?" Night Shade asked as he looked at the lord of rage.
"There are six new souls in the castle, and they're are at...Nightengale!" Dark Bane stated as he felt the six ponies in his daughter's room.
"My baby!" Trixie yelled as she and Dark Bane used their magic to teleport to Nightengale's room.
When the two dark magic users got to their daughter's room, they saw she was wide awake with six foals around her age. While Nightengale had a guilty look the other foals had a zoned out look.
"Nightengale, who are these foals and why are they in your room?" Trixie asked as she gave her daughter a glare that only a mother that was angry at her child could do.
"Well I don't know their names yet, but they are my new friends." Nightengale answered as she gave her parents an over sweet smile.
"Lord Dark Bane, is everything alright?" Night Shade asked as his image, King Sombra, the members of the Children of Nightmare, and three squads of the Legion of Shadows with Sword Shine came bursting into the room to see the group of ponies before them.
"Children. They sent children to end us." Sombra stated as he looked at the kids with a look that if allowed would cut paper and flesh easily.
"Blizzard! What are you doing here?" Night Shade asked loudly as he saw his son here in the room of the very alicorn they worshipped.
"What? Dad, what do you mean? I'm at Golden Oak Library with my friends. Aren't I?" Blizzard replied as he shook his head and looked around to see through the blurry vision.
"You are in my daughter's room." Dark Bane stated as he got into the view of the young colt.
"What's going on?" Sweetie Belle asked as she started to come back to her sences.
"Ah don't know Sweetie, but it feels alot different then Twilight's library." Apple Bloom replied as she shook her head to clear it.
"I feel like I just crashed my scooter into a tree while I was going my fastest." Scootaloo stated as she wobbled from side to side with her eyes closed.
"I feel like I'm back at the temple." Silver Shield stated as he rubbed his head as his head felt like it was split in half.
"I know what you mean Sun Shine." Wolf Bane stated to the earth colt as he kept his eyes shut out of the thought that the room was spinning.
"Well I must say, for it being their first time teleporting, none of them threw up, but what I want to know is how you know how to teleport?" Dark Bane asked as his voice caught the attention of the CMC.
"Dark Bane!" Wolf Bane yelled as he took a step back from seeing him.
"That's Prince Dark Bane. Remember it, and it's a good thing my daughter seems to like all five of you." Dark Bane replied with a growl and a glare at them.
"Um, don't you mean six?" Sweetie Belle asked as she took a step back from the dark unicorn.
"No he means five." Blizzard answered as he lowered his head knowing that any chance he had with being friends with them has just ended with this unwanted trip.
"What do you mean Blizzard?" Scootaloo asked as she looked at her opposite. (He's the opposite gender and he has over sized wings, so yah he's her opposite.)
"I see you came close to making some friends, my son." Night Shade stated as his image moved to the side of his youngest.
"You're a member of the Children of Nightmare!" Wolf Bane yelled as his horn light up with magic and his mane and tail started to move to an unseen wind.
"He's not just a member. He's the youngest of the leader of the Children of Nightmare." Night Shade replied as he motioned the members there to move up to protect Nightengale and Blizzard.
"I never asked for a cult following or this guard. I just wanted friends to spend time with and to have Daddy to teach me some of the magic he knows." Nightengale stated as she sent a glare at the cult members with a pout on her face.
"Can somepony tell me how my daughter knows how to teleport." Dark Bane growled as he sent a glare at the cult members.
"Sorry about that honey, but I told her the basics of levitation, teleportation, and some other basic spells, but I thought I didn't go into enough detail for her to actaully use them." Trixie answered her husband who had a shocked look on his face.
"Mommy, I was once a part of Luna. I remember some things she knows. You helped fill in the blanks." Nightengale stated as she jumped onto her bed and started flapping her wings.
"Right. I forgot about that." Trixie replied as she placed her right front hoof on her forehead.
"Nightengale." Dark Bane stated as he looked at his daughter.
"Yes Daddy?" the young alicorn asked as she looked at her father with her dragon like eyes.
"You're grounded, and your magic lessons begin tomorrow. Do I make myself clear?" the lord of rage told his daughter as he gave her a stern look.
"Yes Daddy. You made yourself clear." Nightengale stated as she lowered her head in shame.
"I hope you learned your lesson young lady." Trixie stated as she looked at the filly.
"Can my new friends learn with me too Daddy? Please." Nightengale asked while doing the biggest saddest puppy eyes ever seen by Trixie or any of the CMC.
"That will never work on my son." Sombra thought as he sent a glare at the six new souls that are in the castle.
"Very well, I will treat them as my guests, but if they try to escape or to slow my progress of my conquest of Equestria, then they will be placed in a cell by Bloody Merry." Dark Bane answered surprising everypony in the room except for a now very happy alicorn filly.
"If we're guests, Ah hate to see what happenes to his prisoners." Apple Bloom stated as she looked at the dark prince.
"I have a question for you." Scootaloo stated as she walked right up to Dark Bane with a stabborn look on her face.
"You are a brave little one, so I will let you ask me a question." Dark Bane replied as he looked down to the small winged pegasus.
"Why did you save me from Bloody Merry?" the orange filly asked as she looked right into the eyes of a unicorn that could kill her with little more than a thought.
"I simply wanted that stallion. Saving you came from my rage towards that stallion. I simply wanted him to suffer." Dark Bane answered as he turned around and with a mental command had a group of his legionairs form around the three fillies and the two colts.
"Daddy, what are you doing?" Nightengale asked as she looked at the soldiers with a slight glare.
"I'm having them placed in rooms. I will not have them stay in your room no matter what you say." Dark Bane answered the young alicorn as he turned to leave the room.
"What about me, my lord?" Blizzard asked as he looked at the larger stallion.
"You will also be in a room." the dark unicorn told the large winged pegasus colt.
"He better not be in the same room as any filly, or so help I'll..." Night Shade started but a single look from the lord of rage.
"Or you'll do what? I'm keeping them all separated when it comes to sleeping, and I advise you to never over step your place ever again." Dark Bane stated interrupting Night Shade as he sent him a glare at the cult leader that could most likely melt ice.
"Under stood my lord." Night Shade replied as he lowered his head out of fear.
"You are becoming soft my son." Sombra stated as his son lead the troops and the children to their rooms.
"You may say that Father, but remember this. As long as they follow my rules they are under my protection." Dark Bane replied to his father with a glare that surprised a lot of the ponies there.
"Watch your tongue my son. One might misunderstand what you say." Sombra stated as his son left the room with the six young ponies.
Dark Bane kept all the children on the same floor as his daughter but had a guard at each door to watch over them will while they where in their rooms. (Sword Shine and Classic Elegance would watch over them then and he had the same type of shadow pony guard them while they are in their rooms.) After Dark Bane got them in their rooms, he went back to the others and that maybe it would be better for them to retire for the night.
"You know you are going soft. They are the young of the enemy. Have you thought about what would happen if they escaped?" Trixie asked as she looked at her husband with narrowing eyes.
"I have told them what would happen if they tried to and I'm not worried about them. I'm more worried about that magical pegasus that also uses potions, and then there's the fact that do to this little foalnapping, Celestia and Luna will be getting ready for war." Dark Bane answered as he remembered what one of the green pegasus's potions did to his legionairs and the fury the two alicorns would use on his army.
"You are a great unicorn Honey, and you are a great father." the unicorn mare replied as she placed her head into her husband's neck.
"I need to increase the stock pile of my potions to fight off that pegasus and that zebra." the prince stated as he returned the affection back to his wife.
"I have an idea." Trixie replied as she moved her lips to her husband's ear and whispered something to him.
"You are as wise as you are beautiful Trixie Lulamoon." Dark Bane replied as his emerld magic light up and teleported him.
"Soon he'll be paying Celestia a little visit." the mare said to herself as she yawned and went to her and her husband's chambers.
Dark Bane's potion lab:
The lab was large enough to have three large stallions in it at ounce, with large shelves full of herbs, flowers, roots, bugs, and other ingeriants used for potion making stood at the dark walls. A medium sized work table stood at a wall with a window above it letting natural light. Around the table were two shelves with bottles with different colored liquids in them behind glass doors. Some bottles gave off some light the same color as the liquid inside them while others seemed to give off a sickly glow, and to the sides of the completed potions shelves were chests. Theses chests were made from nearly black, dark oak wood and seemed to be less important but gave off uneasiness.
"I need something that can kill, but I don't what it to be to powerful." Dark Bane said to himself as he skimmed through the bottles of potions and poisons he made.
After looking through all of the large glass containers for what he wanted but wasn't able to, he growled as started to look around the shelves again from top to bottom hoping for the perfect brew for what he needed. After about a minute, he stopped and looked over to the chest to the left side corner. He walked over to it and openned it to see small viles filled with glowing liquids being held by what looked to be test tub holders and it seemed the chest could up to fifty viles but only had thirty in it. Some were golden while others were green or blue, but the prince only frowned at them as he shut the chest close. Before he moved away from the chest, Dark Bane used his magic to burn the shape of a medical cross on it and gave the symbol a bit of red coloring telling him that the potions were used for healing. He then walked over to the other chest and openned it. He saw viles of the same size being held the same way as the ones in the other chest and it looked like it was full at fifty, but the liquid in these viles gave off a sickly glow. Dark Bane looked over each vile as his magic light each one up but didn't move any of them. As his magic moved across vile after vile, he magic stopped on one that gave a dark near black like purple glow, but went back to a vile that gave off a venomous yellow glow. Pulling the vile out, Dark Bane pulled the cork out and gave the mixture a quick sniff. Quickly putting the cork back into the vile, Dark Bane closed the chest and used his magic to burn the shapes of a unicorn's skull over crossed bones with the shape of pegasus wings on the sides on it and giving them a pale green coloring to tell him this chest held the poisons he made in small amounts.
"This should be powerful enough for the ponies to worry about their sun goddess." Dark Bane stated as he used his magic to teleport himself again.
Dark Bane appeared in an armory with sets of his legionairs' armor with sets of the armor woren by the members of the Children of Nightmare, but standing by what looked to be actual war armor for him with its heavy looking plate armor was a set looked to be made for stealth instead of combat. Before Dark Bane could move his hoof, two guards came rushing through the doors with their weapons ready. The guard on the left was a unicorn stallion member of the Children of Nightmare while the one on the right was a pegasus member of the Legion of Shadows.
"My lord, what are you doing in here at such an hour?" the unicorn asked as he lowered the spear in his magic.
"I'm surprised you're a guard while my Legion of Shadows don't need to sleep or eat." Dark Bane replied as he started to take off his royal wears and drop them on the floor.
"It is fine with you, some of use like to make sure these mindless droins aren't in control of everything." the cult member stated as he looked at the legionair.
"I control them all, so there for I control everything in this castle." the prince stated as he grabbed the stealth armor and put it on.
"Where are you going my master?" the shadow pony asked as he spoke the first time in front of the cult member.
"I'm paying a visit to Canterlot castle. Have my royal wears cleaned and taken to my chambers." the dark magic user answered as he pulled up a hood and mask hiding most of his face.
While the shadow pony ordered a servant to do as the prince commanded, the cult member watched the lord of rage and hatred used his magic to grab a knife that was five inches from tip to grip, and curved giving it a longer cutting edge that could kill easily enough if it hit the right spot or went deep enough. The prince put the knife into a sheath that was made into the armor's back. The Nightmare unicorn then saw the dark magic user put a vile of venomously glowing yellow liquid into a breast pocket. As the dark unicorn turned around showing the armor fulling to the cult member, the Nightmare unicorn saw that the prince was now wearing dark brown leather armor that seemed to be folded into place. The hood hid almost all of his upper head and hid all of his mane, but his thorn of a horn poked out of it was able to make a shadow making his eyes stand out more and seem even more terrifing. The mask covered Dark Bane's jaw and nose hiding his sharp fang like teeth if he talked or smiled. The rest of the armor seemed to be able to take anything as big as a sword the guards used at Canterlot castle, but anything bigger could most likely pierce it and it let his tail out causing it to be seen and for it to be grabbed.
"When I return, be ready to march to battle at any moment." Dark Bane ordered as he sent a glare at the cult member and then teleported away.
Canterlot castle, around 10 at night:
Dark Bane teleported into the empty throne room of the castle with the stained glass windows of great or important moments of Equetria history. He looked around the room with his eyes showing great hatred. He moved through the room finding a door leading further into the castle. The dark unicorn moved carefully through the halls to keep himself from being detected by the guards, but after about thirty minutes of moving through the castle, Dark Bane found a door painted a darker shade of pink making it look more like purple with a sun painted at the top of it, and having two guards standing in front of it. Using his complete fouce, Dark Bane was able to put the guards under a spell of unawareness making them seem like statues as long as they didn't hear anything or something touching them. (Basicly they see the same thing before the spell is placed on them but can be brought out of it from hearing something or being touch.)
"This should give me enough time to set Trixie's plan into action." Dark Bane thought to himself as he walked to the door without making a sound and then entering making sure the door didn't squeek from openning of closing.
After Dark Bane soundlessly closed the door, he turned around to see Celestia sleeping peacefully on her round bed with a fire blazing in her fire place. The steady raise and fall of her chest showing she was deep into her sleep. Dark Bane looked around to see if her pet phoenix was around and thought it was strange for not to be near its master. Deciding to take this blessing from what ever god was giving him, Dark Bane pulled the knife out slowly as to not make a sound and almost paniced when he saw Celestia stir in her bed. Dark Bane calmed down when Celestia had only roled over causing her back to be towards the evil prince. He then used his magic to bring the vile of poison out and carefully pulled the cork out. Making sure that nothing was about to walk in on him or that the solar alicorn was going to wake up, Dark Bane started to pour the poison onto the knife and walked over to the slumbering princess. He was right by Celestia's neck when Philomena came flying through the window shrieking loudly waking Celestia, causing the guards to came bursting through the door with their weapons at the ready, and forcing Dark Bane to take a step back from the taller and older pony.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Celestia demanded as she used her golden magic to create a sword of arcane energy.
"You already know who I am, and I'm here to kill you." Dark Bane answered as he looked at the golden blade with the pattern of fire going from the tip down the two feet to the hoof guard in the shape of the sun, but knowing that it could easily kill him.
"Dark Bane, then you have come here to die." the oldest alicorn stated as she readied herself to kill if she must.
"It's Prince Dark Bane, Princess Celestia. If I use your title you could at least use mine." the dark unicorn growled as he took a step back.
"You have no right to be called a prince." the alicorn of the sun replied as she readied her blade.
"If you kill me, my father will not stop until all of your precious civilians are turned to dust." the dark magic user countered as he changed his grip so the blade of the knife was away from his boby. (Basicly holding it back handed style.)
"I will make sure that never happens." Celestia stated as she charged at the unicorn with her sword pointed straight for his heart.
Dark Bane used all of his strength and speed to dodge to Celestia's right and to cut her with his knife as he passed her leg. The cut was not very deep more like a cut she would get from a thorn on a rose bush, but the instant the blade left her flesh, Celestia gave off a thunderous scream of pain and suffering that it could be hear any where in Canterlot. The pain was so great that she lost her focus causing her sword to disappear and drop to the floor. Knowing that the princess was now in far more danger then thought of, the two guards rushed to her side. One took to standing in front of the in pain alicorn, while the other went right at Dark Bane and was able to knock his knife out of his magical grip. Knowing that he couldn't take on these two elite guards alone, Dark Bane used his power over dark magic to teleport back to his castle. Right after Dark Bane fleed, more guards flooded the room to see what was causing the noise.
"WHAT HAPPENED TO PRINCESS CELESTIA?!?" a unicorn guard asked as he came running into the room.
"Princess Celestia was attacked by Dark Bane, but her highness only got a scratch from the weapon he used." answered one of the guards that saw it happen.
"Where is the weapon he used?" asked the same unicorn guard with a worried look in his eyes.
"Over here Captian!" yelled a pegasus guards as he picked up the knife and showed it to the captian.
"THIS KNIFE HAS POISON ON IT! PRINCESS CELESTIA HAS BEEN POISONED!" the captian yelled as everypony understood right away.
"We need to get her to the medical wing now, and bring that knife too. We might need a sample of that poison." the captian ordered as every guard did as was told.
The guards moved as quick as the Wonder Bolts while getting Celestia to the medical wing of the castle, and all the while seeing that she was suffering a great deal of pain and was now sweating from the toxic liquid. When they got her to the medical wing, doctors and nurses moved with a single mind to find out how to cure their princess of this toxin, slow its progress, or at the very least easy the pain for their beloved ruler. But what no pony saw was the slight glow caming from Celestia's closed eyes as she started to cry out in pain as the poison started to attack the pain resepters in her body at random times and intencities. The pain was so bad that the doctors had to have the guards hold Celestia down so she could be stapped down and put a magic cancling ring on her horn to keep her from hurting herself or others in her current state of mind.
"What do we do? She has never even been sick before Doctor Stitches." asked a worried earth pony nurse with green eyes, a white coat (Her fur.), had a blond tail and mane in tight buns, her cutie mark looked like a first aid kit with a heart on the top, and was wearing a white nurse's outfit with the hat, while she had her front left hoof to her mouth.
"I don't know, Nurse Aid. But we have to calm her down or she could hurt herself and others." answered a unicorn doctor with a sea blue coat, gray eyes, with a green mane and tail kept tight together with hair bands, has a cutie mark that looked like a sewing needle with thread tied around the loop of the needle, wearing a bleach white doctor's coat, had a stethoscpe around his neck, and had deep blue rimmed glasses on, while he was using his magic to fill a syringe with a relaxative drug.
"You can't be serious Doctor? We don't know how it would react to the poison already in her blood stream." Nurse Aid asked as she looked at the doctor with worry.
"Nurse First Aid, if we don't calm the princess down soon, she could hurt herself or others given her state. Hopefully there won't be any reaction." Doctor Stitches answered as he pointed at the princess with his right front hoof.
"Understood Doctor. We need help to keep her still!" First Aid called out as she used all her strength on the larger and stronger pony.
"We'll help!" replied a guard as he lead some others over to the princess and started to try to keep her still.
"Don't worry Princess Celestia. Just calm down and everything will be all right." Doctor Stitches told Celestia as soothenly as possible as he brought the needle closer to her front right leg.
Seeing the needle getting closer to the part of her body that hurt the most, Celestia started to panic and try to escape the straps harder and the ring on her horn, but couldn't get enough of her strength to break free. As soon as the needle pierced her skin, Celestia gave off a silent scream, but as the drug was injected into her blood stream, she started to feel drowsy. Soon the alicorn was placed hopefully into a painless sleep. After putting the alicorn to sleep the doctors and nurses started to find a way to cure their princess of the poison, or slow its progress to get help from somepony that knows how to cure her. They took samples of the poison from what was left of it on the knife, from what was left on the actually deeper then thought wound, and hopefully any from blood samples that they were going to need. But no pony saw that for half a second that Celestia's eyes glowed purple, and they didn't know that Celestia was going to have the worst dream of her long life.
Celestia's dream:
Celestia was walking across what seemed to be a dried up dessert without any of her royal wears, while it was noon. For what seemed to be an hour, she walked without seeing any plants, animals, or even ponies to talk to so she couldn't find out where she was, but the strangest thing was that the weather was strangely hot and no matter how hard she tried the sun wouldn't move. She soon spotted a town in the distance and thought it might be Apple Loosa or Dodge City. After what felt like thirty minutes, the solar alicorn saw that the town wasn't right for Dodge City, and it to large for Apple Loosa. Needing to know where she was, Celestia took flight and flow all the way there but fear at what she might find. As she started to land, she closed her eyes until she felt ground under her hoofs. What meant her eyes were crumbling or burnt out buildings with the skeletons of her citizens of the lovable town Ponyville in them. Celestia almost broke out sobbing when she saw the blacken skeleton of a foal that looked to have been the same age as those lovable fillies that made a club just to find their cutie marks. (She couldn't remember that they called themselves the Cutie Mark Crusaders.) Before she could break down crying, she turned her head to see the home of her most faithful student, more so than Sunset Simmer, Twilight Sparkle was crumbling and covered in black burn marks all over it. The alicorn almost broke completely down before she heard a moan coming from the destroied building. Rushing over to the ounce great home, Celestia used her magic to move and remove the debris as fast and carefully as possible. It only took her about five minutes before her magic grasped the body of a living pony. Carefully bringing the pony to herself, Celestia saw that the pony was Twilight, but she was covered with cuts, bruises, burns, dirt, dried blood, and ash all over her body.
"Twilight, what happened here?" Celestia asked as she brought the young unicorn mare into an embrace, but didn't care why she was trying to push her away.
"You don't remember what you did here." Twilight replied as she stopped struggling with the stronger pony.
"What do you mean?" Celestia asked as she looked down to see that Twilight had a large scar going across her left eye leaving it dead and useless to the unicorn mare.
"You did this to Ponyvilla and all of Equestria, Queen Terror Nova." Twilight answered with a glare as she used her magic to teleport to get some distance from the princess.
"I would never do this to my home or my citizens." Celestia countered with hurt in her voice as her eyes began to tear up.
"You stabbed your sister in the back, then you released Discord, used a spell to steal his magic and life force, and then you attacked Ponyville with Dark Bane. My orchards were the first thing you destroied with your fire. My family lies dead in the ashes of Sweet Apple Acres because of you, and now I'm never going to be able to see ma'h little sister grow up into a the great mare she was going to be." Applejack stated as she walked up wearing her hat even though it had burn marks all over it, her eyes looking empty, had burns all over her body with her mane and tail burned very short, and had a heavy dusting of ash over her body.
"I would never do that." the alicorn stated as she had to fight for control over herself to keep from crying.
"You did that, and burned my boutique while my sister and I where in it. I'm never going to be able to hear her anglic voice again in this life." Rarity growled as she walked up with a scar on her right eye like Twilight, had cuts and burns all over her body, had dried blood on her coat, but was even whiter from the ash that dirtied her coat, mane, and tail.
"I couldn't have." Celestia cried as she couldn't believe what the element bearers were telling her.
"All of my animal friends were killed by you when you blasted my home with a blast of magic. All of them are gone. All of them because of you." Fluttershy growled as she walked up with her left wing missing, had scares all over her body, and was covered with dried blood of her animals or her own.
"No." Celestia stated as she couldn't believe theses lies.
"Because of you, I'm never going to be able to teach the squirt how to fly now, and her aunt killed herself because of her niece's death. They were both bright lights to everypony around them. I don't even want to talk about what you did to Cloudsdale." Rainbow Dash growled walking up with her right wing missing, while she was covered with cuts, bruises, dried blood, and ash.
"Why would I do any of this?" Celestia asked no pony as she was about to break down crying.
"Yah, Queen Terror Nova, why did you do all of this? You killed everypony that got in your way. We couldn't stop you because you gave the Elements of Harmony to Dark Bane. You made him unstoppable. And now thanks to you, the Crystal Empire is going to be destroied like Equestria and then the rest of the world. You brought doom's day to the planet. I hope you're happy. Was it worth it to be by not only Dark Bane, but your secret husband. I bet you're proud of your son." Pinkie Pie almost yelled as she walked up making a circle around the alicorn, while covered in burns, bruises, cuts, scars, ash, dried blood, and her mane and tail completely deflated.
"What?" Celestia asked as she looked at each member of the Mane Six with tears in her eyes.
"Your son Dark Bane, talked you into destroying everything." all six answered shocking Celestia to the core all while walking closer with murder in their eyes.
"He's not my son. I never loved Sombra. I would never do this." Celestia all but yelled as her eyes were the start of small rivers on her face.
"You ended all freedom and most likely life on this planet!" the six younger mares yelled back as they where now to close for Celestia's comfort.
"No! Stay away from me!" Celestia yelled as she started to panic with fear.
"What's the matter Terror Nova? Scared." all six replied as they were now only a couple of steps away from her.
"I said stay away from me! Go away! Go! Away!" Celestia yelled as she used her magic to unleash a blast of magic that looked to be made of fire while her eyes were closed.
The magical blast from the alicorn struck the mares and seemed to burn the flesh from their bodies and blackened their bones. When the alicorn openned her eyes, she saw that she had just killed all six of them and had destroied the town even more in her panic.
"What have I done?" Celestia asked as she looked at the detruction she had unleashed.
"You killed the last beings that would be a threat to us my love." answered the voice of Sombra making the alicorn turn around to see the unicorn with his son, daughter-in-law, Nightmare Moon, and legions of ponies wearring their armor.
"What?" Celestia asked as she looked at the large amount of ponies with her jaw openned slightly.
"Mother, what's wrong? This was all a part of your plan, and I love how you took your true form for this." Dark Bane asked as he looked at her with worry.
This caused Celestia to remember that the younger mares had called her by a different name than her own. Using her magic to summon a mirror, Celestia saw that she now had a red coat, her eyes now dragon like with the whites replaced with a light purple, and that her tail and mane now looked to be made of fire. But what made her want to scream was the dark golden armor she wore. It looked so much like the armor her sister wore when she was Nightmare Moon. The armor that Dark Bane had given her when they were almost lovers, making the older alicorn look like the day's equivalent of Nightmare Moon.
"Soon my wife, the world will be ours to do with what we want." Sombra stated bringing her out of her thoughts.
"And when I have summoned the Elements of Nature, we will control all." Dark Bane stated as he gave a dangerous smile as Trixie nuzzled herself into his neck.
Celestia was hoping that this was all a nightmare and that her sister would soon come to save her from this, but then the world started to turn dark and Celestia lost herself to the darkness.
Castle of Death, guardens 11 at night:
Dark Bane was smiling to himself as he felt Celestia's will and mind giving way to the pain his poison was putting her though, and the nightmare he created for her.
"Soon you will be my ultimate weapon Celestia. You will be Terror Nova." Dark Bane laughed as he used his magic to send his assassin armor back to the armory and gave an order for it to be cleaned and put away. He then teleported to his chambers to be with his wife to sleep.

Author's Note:

Me: Well this was one hell of a typing. I hope you like it.
Prince Dark Bane: Why am I trying to turn Princess Celestia into a weapon?
Me: I had you do that with Princess Luna.
Prince Dark Bane: But why Princess Sun Butt?
Princess Celestia: Excess me.
The Great and Powerful Trixie: You have an amazing gift for making everything wanting to kill you.
Prince Dark Bane: Shut up.
Me: Well at least Pinkie Pie, Nightengale, or Flame aren't here.
Said ponies: Did you want us?
Me: Stay in the story!
Pinkie Pie: No way I love being here.
Me: I'm ending this.
Pinkie Pie: But I haven't done anything yet.
Nightengale: I think that's what he's hoping for.
Me: Please leave a comment.