• Published 6th May 2013
  • 1,589 Views, 13 Comments

Rainbow Factory Alternate Ending - Alicornpony1234

another alternate ending to rainbow factory.

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when it started

Rainbow dash was at the balcony watching all the fillies getting thrown to the machine with a wide grin on her face. One by one they were getting thrown into the machine and the last filly was Rainbow dash's pupil in the corner of the room shaking with fear. Rainbow ordered the workers to throw her in the machine. The workers did as what they were told to do.
Scootaloo was grabbed and before they threw her in the machine,Scootaloo looked right into the monster that used to be
Rainbow dash and said " *why rainbow why* " and then was threw into the machine. As Rainbow watched scootaloo
being turned into a rainbow. A tear fell from Rd's eyes. she saw a light figure float out of the machine and witch looked like scootaloo. Rainbow dash started crying more and more she decided to commit suicide and jumped into the machine and turned herself into a rainbow. Dr. atmosphere was in the room and saw what happened. "Dang it rainbow dash why did she jump into the machine" he said *sigh* well time to find a new employee. Then he saw a flash color outside behind a young mare. " A sonic rain boom " he said " hey you two go get me that mare " "yes sir" said the two and flew off

"Awwwwww yeah, I just did the sonic rain boom " the two ponies saw the mare that did the sonic rain boom. "uh are you the one who did the sonic rain boom" one of them said. "Yes" said the mare. "can you please come with us miss" said the other stallion.

Meanwhile in twilights library

"Well thanks for helping me fix these books girls". said twilight "whatever you need sugercube we will be here" said applejack. "yeah we will I can even throw a party for this too" YAY. "speaking of you girls have you seen Rainbow, I haven't seen her in a while","cant say I have, I haven't seen her either" said the two ponies. "Well, I think we should look for her" said the lavender mare, "maybe we should" said applejack. "ok then lest go". they were disturbed by moaning coming from the side of the room. Everyone stopped and looked around and saw nothing. The three mares started getting scared when they heard the moaning again."Guys do you here that" said twilight "yes, do you hear it pinkie" said Aj, "yea
I do" said pinkie pie."Lets get out of here" said the three of them, then what are waiting for come on.

Mean while in princess Celestia's castle

CELESTIA..........CELESTIAA..........CCCCEEEEELLLLLESTTTTTIIIIIIIAAAAAA!!!....."Yes yes I can hear you Luna you don't haft to scream, well you should answer me,gosh it isn't my fault you know."Ok so im here so what do you want"said celestia,well I got this letter from twilight is says..........

Dear princess Luna and Celestia
I’m reporting Rainbow dash missing, we looked every where for Her but still no sign of here, after we found out she was missing we saw a sonic rain boom. I will also report moaning in my library. There was moaning when we were about to leave and we saw no one was there.

Your faithful student twilight sparkle

Well this is interesting said Celestia, yes it is said Luna, well should I call the guards to go look for rainbow dash said Luna,
No said celestia we shall go investigate. And at that moment they heard the same moaning that was heard in twilight's library."Celestia do you hear that said the purple mare","yes I do Luna""lets go celestia" Luna said "yeah come on lets go to twilights library", ok.

Why doesn't any pony realize im dead.im with scoots now so I don't care that im dead it was worth it im with scoots that's all that matters. Scootaloo do you forgive me about turning you into a rainbow said Rd, yea I do rainbow whatever happens you will still be my idol said scootaloo "Ok then lets get training then" said cyan mare, But were dead we cant.... wo....wo.......WOOOO, even if im dead I still love flying and plus you can still earn your cutie mark and your immortal, this way you have all the time you need,"you have FOREVER.Is that true"said scootaloo"Yup its true"said Rd, "YAYYYYY,YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY.......wo Scoots keep it down were no the only people dead, oh yeah I forgot Rainbow dash, yeah come on lets get training, ok.

where are we going asked the mare, were going to the weather factory said the stallion, uh oh ok.

a little while later

Sir we got the mare you asked for said the other stallion. Good bring her in said Dr. atmosphere, ok miss please come in said the two ponies, ok then said the mare. Ok miss first thing whats your name, uh my name is Lightning, Lightning fast.
Ok miss lightning I called you here for a opportunity said dr. atmosphere, what a job said lightning. Well the job is working in the rainbow factory where you'll be watch if they're doing it right and you will be paid lots of bits, said dr.atmosphere , well I do need more bits so I guess I will take the job said lightning. Excellent then we should get started I will show you where you shall work said dr.atmosphere. Here you are, this is where you will be working good luck miss Lightning. hehe
Ok so I just sit here and watch, ok seems easy enough ok get started she screamed. The workers came in with a first batch of fillies.

To Be Continue........................

Author's Note: