• Published 22nd Apr 2013
  • 544 Views, 10 Comments

Evolvion - Ramboom

A human referred by her assistenes Ezzy, chosen at birth was chosen when she turned 13 to undergo a drug test to speed up our evolution.

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100,000 years pased of a boring rutene untill Melody's past came back.

I woke up in my bed and Twilight came running in. "Melody! I perfected a spell to allow you to go back and forth between your forms!"
"Really! Can I use it now?!" Twilight handed me a scroll, I preformed the spell that was on the scroll. I turned to the mirror to see myself agean for over 100,000 years. I was whering the purple dress, but it now had my cute mark, some music notes. I was about to take off when a gard came running in. "Twilight, more of the hairless apes entered Equestria. Wait is that Melody?"
"Yes it is me, Melody. I have to go, they have a chance of turning back, or we are all doomed." And I flew out of the window.

I found the ship, mush like the one I came in with. I flew up to the cockpit. "This air is breathable, I am Ezzy, the first test subject for the drug Evolvion. We need to talk, I am representing this land." A door opened and a man flew out I backed away to give him more space.
"I am Scott, we need to land the ship." I noted that Scott did not have any wings but instead a jet pack.
"Come with me" I took him to a empty clearing.

"Why haven't the humans evolved?"
"The atmosphere is to polluted to live, so we can't evolve."
"Oh. That's why you came here." Scott nodded
"You can set up bace camp here, and by my ship crashing here, I had some bad side affects..." I preformed the spell agen. Scott gasped, and I said "I'm not that uggley am I? It won't happen to you, the trigger had already been eliminated."
"I never expected that."
"How old are you?"
"Ok, quick lesson, Alicorns are the rules of the land, I am one, and they are immortal. So I am 100,015 years, I think."
"My ship was launched 100,001 years ago, and I crashed. We will need to take the issue to chort. Will you represent the humans? I will be nuteral,I know what you can do, but I also want to help." I looked up and saw the sun setting. "I have to go." I flew off heading to Canterlot.

When I came back I toled the outher Princess what I knew, "they are not hostile yet, but they could be, we will host a chort twomrow. I will bring the leader, Scoot over to be judged."


The next morning, I flew down to the bace. I saw that they had defenses up so I changed into my human form, I saw Scott in a tent, I walked over to him, "We need to go NOW. No weapons."
"What what?!" In response I changed forms and lifted him on top of my back then flew off before any guards could react.
"This is not your world, I earned my trust, you will have to see if your worthy enough to stay and by what terms."
"Fine, but where are you taking me?"
"To Canterlot. The Capitol here... Where nearly there." I saw Canterlot come into view. I landed near the door. I opened it with my magic and walked in. A swarm of ponys surrounded us I changed forms to make Scott more comfortable. I walked to the chort and told Scott to wait.

I found Luna and Celestia in there rooms, Twilight might be morning. We all walked into the chort and saw Scott passing. We sat down. There trials where different. I stood up and expend what they needed and what they could do. In the end, they where allowed to stay. I felt in my heart that this would end very badly for ponies.

I curled up reflected on my past then started to scribble down ideas for a song. I haven't written a song in a long time as the proper pony princesses didn't like them. I hated the songs and found myself on a leash. I had to stand up. I saw a snowflake fall down, and I looked out of a window and saw a cyan pegasus flying around a tear fell down my cheek. I stood up and took a deep breath in, only time would show if I was right inside my heart.

I flew out and caught up to the pegisus. I looked at her. "What is your name?"
"Color streak."
"Do you know about the elements of harmony and the ponys that used to represent them?"
"Not much, I know the names."
"You remind me of loyalty, Rainbow Dash, or Dashie." The mare blushed. "I want to sing one of my songs for you, Dashie liked this one" I sat down on a cloud and sung firework. I thought for a moment and flew off.

I saw the settlement and saw guns, I flew down changing to my human form. I saw Scott comming up to me, "leave the ponys and join us-"
"Wait, WHAT! They let you in with open armes, and this is what you do?!"
"We where always going to attack, you can join us, and live, or stay with the ponys and die, or become a slave."
"I should have known." I sat down on the grass, "I would rather die then join the people who destroyed my life, before it started!" I stood up, and Scott spoke up, "can you sing?"
I turned around, "what? Why would you ask that?!" It hit me, he already had scouts checking the capital.
"If you won't join us I will keep you as a pet." I turned into a pony and charged my horn, a pice of metal was put around my neck. He looked at me, "And to think I had a crush on you." I charged up my horn and then I was given a shock that made me fall to the ground. I snarled at him, "I will NEVER talk."
He smiled at me, "I don't want you to talk I want you to sing." I charged up my horn so much so fast the shock knocked me out.