> Evolvion > by Ramboom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prolog > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I never new my parents and I was always referred by the scientists and You or Her but the people who brand me food, entertainment and clothes called me Ezzy. I just had a little room bed, bathroom, desk ect. In a week I was going to get a drug that will speed up the evolution till our next stage. I was scared because of what might happen to me after they are done. Ok. I will run away from here. What else am I meant to do? "Hey Ezzy" said Amy Hi Amy, what do you have for me this time?" "Paperwork, saying about the effects it it does not work, and what will happen to you after we are done." She starter tearing up at that part. "Ok, Is the drug ready?" "Yes they just need to get it into you." "Will it happen sooner?" "Yes" "Oh, I don't want it to happen sooner" then I started crying. Then we just stood there with me in tears. Amy was the one to break the silance, "I better go now, I have to help get them shuttle ready." "Ok" The papers said that I could die and that when there where done with me they would send me into space, I have to get out of their when their are doing the tests. I look at the ships plans. It was to put me in suspension and orbit the earth for 1000000000 years. I will be able to leave the subs pension for 2 hours every 100000 years. I can't stop thinking that I might die. After they do the test or in space where no one can here you scream. > The drug > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 days passed then someone yelled at me "Hey You wake up, it is time for your needle." I knew they didn't want me to talk so I followed them as they lead me to a large room with a silver table. "Sit on there" he said then he left with me climbing onto the table. And I saw a caveman in a cage. At least I knew what was coming to me. Some people that I never saw before came in and pinned me down on the table. The scientist came back with a HUGE needle in his hand. I started skierming hoping to get into the ventilation. Then he come down and stabed me with the needle in my thigh. Then pushed down the plunger. I could feel the fluid flowing to every part of my body. Then it started I screamed as loud as I could, it felt like my insides where being brned then tone out by knives. Then someone said that chunkes of my flash where being torn out of my back and dangling by a vein or artery. I screamed louder and they just flipped me onto my back and reviled a place for my head to slip into. They strapped it down and then I started kicking. Then smeone that eather cared for me or hated me hit me on the the head with something really hard then Amy said "I am sooooo sorry I just couldn't bear this." Then I blacked out. I woke up to I patting on my back, And a voice telling me to wake up. I tryed to role over then a sharp pain shot throw something I had grown on my back."what hapened to me?" I asked then Amy helped me up and I saw I was in a room full of mirrors. I saw that I grew a pair of blue wings with white tinted top I was dragging them as I walked. "You look so buitiful" Amy remarked. But I just couldn't stop staring at myself. Amy then bent down to one of my wings and tried to help me get some feeling into my wings after an hour of thus I could fold them and flap them gently. After a long time I asked "have they done the tests?" Amy just nodded then told me that I would have to go into spenshion soon. I started to cry. Their was no escape now. "Are outher people going to get the drug?" I didn't want another soal to go through what i went through Amy said "no because of the pain you went through. I am the one that gave birth to you." I just stood their staring at her, trying to see what she in thinking. Then a scientist said to me "Come on, you need to get ready for the launch. You will be put in supsion during the launch then taken out for your first 2 hour break." I just knocked and flowed him out of the room. Then he gave me a set of serial suspension clothes. I put them on. Then he helped me into the container and set the timer for remote opining then he told me that I would have to set the timer on the ship. Then he closed the container I had 3 minutes before I start to go to sleep. I saw the ship in the elevater I tryed to fight the chamber to see the ship all the way up but then I fell asleep halfway up. > The ship > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up then fell a rush of warm air, I climbed out on the chamber then I hurled a yell "You your going off course, we cant control it!" A floated over and saw a gravity leaver and turned it in I crashed to the ground and groaned. "Ezzy, I put the ship on a different course, after I found some logs of another human that headed for the planet you are on I also found videos of the planet, constructed like episodes. I programmed the chamber to show you the episodes when you are asleep. Take care" My thought was dry so I went over to a tap and drank out of that. There where maps everywhere so I,found the kitchen and it had some cookies, I ate them as they wouldn't last. All that I could do now was set the timer and go back but I set it for 1 year. When I woke up I had watched the first season. I found the cockpit and saw that it would take only 100 more years,to go there so I set my chamber for 50 years. I had watched session 2 now, I could wait to go their. I disliked to cook something, it was burnt but I felt so proud of myself. 50 years to be, then I just realized who lets a 13 year old in a spaceship all alone. I look through the entire ship and found nothing but an AI. Or AB(artificial babysitter) t got so board but wanted to be awake for a bit longer so I brushed my teeth and found a bunch of language books. I ignored them then went to find equipment to test air and food, I probably wasn't going to use it. I turned the gravity off then started doing backflips and all this outer stuff. I then went to sleep in the chamber. I awoke to the sound of the AI/AB blaring "instance heat, hull melting, crash in 10 minuets." Repeted I rushed to the nearest map their was no escape pod, of coerce, a 13 year old meant to be orbiting the earth and they have no escape pod! I rushed to the Cockpit and braced for impact. The minets flew by in secends. I started to cry. This is not how I wanted to die. CRASH!! > Equestria?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke in a hospital bed, it was dark, my left arm,right leg and left wing where in casts. I herd a regale old voice yell "IS THY ALL RIGHT" I sunk beneath the covers, and said "Yes I am ok" I said "Where am I" this time I was slowley pulling down the cover with my good arm. I jumped out of my skin when I say Princess Luna? "WHAT IS THY NAME" "I have no name but some people call me Ezzy, what is your name" "Our name is Princess Luna" "Ok... how long have I been out?" "About 2 days" "When can I get out of the hospital?" "Twomrow then thy will come back to the castle with us" "Bu-bu- but my ship!" "That? Why would you want to go back there?!" ."for a lot of stuff!" "Fine you can go after you are let out." I slouch back into the bed. Then went to sleep, I dreamed of what would happen to me if I stuffed up. When I woke up I was let out and my casts taken off before a princess could come and get me. I ran for it, then I rembered about my wings, then tried flying but it ended in a face-plant. Then a say a cyan pegasus laffing at me. "Hey what are you looking at" I yelled at her "You" she said in between lafes I grouled "we'll this is my first time flying" "Oh really" "Yes it is called a Evolvion, a drug that gave me wings, then I was in space, then in a crash then in hospital soooooo, I didn't get a chance to use them yet." I bragged then out of nowhere came a pink blob bouncing everywhere that I recognized as pinkie pie then I realized the pegisus was rainbow dash. "HiIhaventseenyoubeforesoyoumustbenewandifyouarenewthatmeanesyouhavenofriendsandifyouhavenofriendsthenyoumustbesadIknowiwillthroughyouawelcometoponyvillparty!" It took about 3 seconds for my brain to register what she just said. Then I said "I came from another world" then the pink blob said "theniwillneedtothroughyouawelcometoeqqueatriaparty!" "Oh nononono" I said "What'swrong"said Pinkie Pie "Princess Luna is what is wrong!" I yelled my wings flapping lifting me off the ground. "I need to get back to the crash NOW" then I took off then about 100 meters from the crash o face planted agean "What's up" said Rainbow Dash ."The sky." I said looking and picking up what I could salvage. A bag, clothes, blanket, hand gun, bullets, camo gear and some food. "Want some help?" "No I am good" I said slipping on my camo gear over my shirt and shorts. "What's this?" Said rainbow dash picking up a shot gun. "DROP IT NOW!!!!!!!" I yelled at her. Then I picked it up, loaded it and tested it, I knew how to use these as long as I could remember. Then a timber wolf came out of nowhere. I shot it dead. "Did you just KILL it!!" "Yep" "Princess Celestia" Rainbow dash said bowing "Come on Ezzy lets go back to the castle." Princess Celestia said "No I want to stay in Ponyvill" I said tring to show that she couldn't tell me what to do "Well I will give you bits so you can stay here, just go and see Princess Twilight before you get steeled in." I did't know what I was getting myself into. > No..... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As we walked over to Twilight's house a thought of every posible question I could get. I had 2 backpacks of what I could salvage including a small box that I oped up on the walk it had an IPod in it I turned it on and the first song come on. It was techno music. The first that I lisened to ever. By the time the song ended we where there. Celestia nocked at the door. Twilight saw her and opened the door fully, then she saw me and she started blabbing about questions. I shoved my fist in her muzzle and said "ONLY the important questions and to save time, My name is Ezzy I a human, well sort of I was a human 101 years ago I had a drug that had me grow wings. It is possible I a somewhere between a human and a pony. I am an omnivore but I only eat chicken and pork. These (festering to the guns) are weapons, I am meant to use them if their are Hostile creachers or if I have no food left from a crash. Did I miss anything? Twilight replied "Your age?" I did a face palm I remembered to explain the guns and my diet but not my age "I am 13 years old; Ok I will be going now." Twilight yelled after me" WAIT DON'T YOU WANT SOME BITS?" I asked "Is that the Currency?" Twilight just nodded and went inside. Celestia said "I must go now, I hope you settle in well." Twilight returned moments later with a drawstring bag and saying something about Rainbow Dash and house. But I just wanted to get out of there. I flew away, with a face plant or two one on the ground and one on a CLOUD!? This was impossible but the clouds must have diffrent chemicals in them. Ah forget about it now to find Rainbow Dash or Pinky Pie. Then I saw Pinky pie bouncing through a cloud, saying stuff that I couldent understand apart from sauagercube corner. I tried to land but fell the last 3 meters, good enough. I walked and couldn't find anyone/pony then I rembered about the episode where the zebra, Zacora was it, came into town. They must be scared of me two. After 10 minutes of walking I found sugercube corner. When I walked in it was dark and unshore on what to do I said "hello, anyo- I mean pony in here?" Somepony turned on the lights and everypony and I mean EVERYPONY yelled "SURPRISE!!." I was shocked then started to giggle, then Pinky came out on nowhere and blurted out "HeydidyoulikeitiknowItoldyoubutdoyoulikeititisyourwelcometoequestriaparty youmustnothaveanyfroendssinseyouleftthemallbackwhereyoucamefrombutnowyouhavelotsonfriends" All I could do was smile as I never had a party or friends befor and I resided that I needed to tell pinky "Pinky Pie, I should tell you I never had friends for 13 years of my life and I am 13 years old, so I apresate it sooo much. Thank you Pinky." I started to tear up as I realized for this long I had never been able to call someone my friend. Pinkey just said "Iwillbeyourfriendthen!" I smiled and slightly shock my head at this. I wondered of To see the good and picked up a cupcake and bit into this, it was so sweet! It must have such a high sugar content, or at least be the natural state of their food. Don't question it. At the back of the room there was a DJ I walked up to him and asked for a look at his decks. I found a way to plug in the iPod and started looking for a song. And what came on was a song called firework. So I attempted to make a remix of it and people started to pay attention to me. I smiled it was a bit strange at some points. I saw 3 fills, which I recognized as the cutie mark crusaders a smiled at the and I made a mistake and hoped they didn't notice. At the end of the song people started to stomp their hooves in the ground.i did a quick curcy and stepped away then the DJ asked if I wanted her to teach me how to use the decks. Of coarse I said yes! Rainbow Dash came up to me and said "that was so COOL!" I blushed and said "really that was my first time." The DJ said "No, that can't be right, if it is your a natural, anywey , my name is Vinal. When do you want to start?" I said "when do you want me to start?" Rainbow said "YOUR going to work at Vinal's CLUB" I said "Yeh why" Vinal stepped in "My club takes weeks to get on theWATING list to get on the list that let's you enter when you want." My jaw dropped,mand Vinal just said "Do up you want to come by the club after the party?" I just nodded. I turned to rainbow dash and said," well the house I was meant to stay in is destroyed so is their any complications about having a cloud house?" Rainbow shock her head I signed relived. Hours after party I flowed Vinal to her club and Rainbow dash was hovering above us trying to not been seen until I said "Hi rainbow what are you doing, do you want to see the club? You could have just asked." Vinal nodded in agreement and I smirked at her. Vinal let all of us in and my jaw dropped it looked so cool! I put on a straight face and said "So where are the decks?" After a wile in the club it was starting to get dark so I asked to rainbow "It is to dark now to start building my house so could I stay the night at your house?" Rainbow saw the opotunity to take advantage of me and said "Only if you can get me on the entry list." I signed and nodded. Rainbow cheered and I started to fly off but less then 2 minuets later I failed at flying. I got up, brushed myself off and flew to Rainbow's house. I crashed landed on Rainbow's porch. She started laffing at me. I just went inside and fell asleep in the floor. > First day of work. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I woke up I saw the sun starting to rise, I got up off the floor where I steeped. I stretched and then flew off, I saw pegisi kicking clouds trying to get rid of them, I flew up to them, not crashing YAY, and asked if I could use some of the clouds to build a cloud house they nodded and I got to work 2 hours later I finished the cloud house it was bubpey, small and only had 2 rooms, but I made it and I felt proud of it. Then I relished that I left my bags at the club. I flew down with a crash landing. I opened up the club using the key that I saw Vinal get out the night before I found my bags and picked them up. I thought I might as well get some practice in. I walked over to the decks and plugged in my iPod luckley when it was plugged into the decks it charged itself. It turned onto a song called E.T I smiled when I saw the tital as I was an E.T. I I started to remix it but this time nearly flawless. Some ponys outside came in then I realizedthat I left the door a crack open. I shooed them away telling them that they where not meant to be in here. Then Vinal came in and said "You want to be the DJ for a little wile at the club tonight?" I replyed "Really? I would love that!!" Vinal smiled at me and left me to practice wile she did some work on the lights. After a wile I left to get some sleep befor the club opened. On my way home I saw pegisi placing clouds down around my house so I pushed the house up a few meters to make it easer for them. I walked into my house and put my bags down, luckley they didn't fall. I flopped onto my bed, then lying on my side sleep soon found me because it was soooo soft. It was dusk so I grabbed a tin of meat and ate it then I went down looking for wher I could find an apple. All the shops where closed. I wish one was opened, I walked over to the club and walked in past the bodyguard who stopped soo many ponys I saw Rainbow Dash in the cue and I signed for her to come over and told the gard that she was with me. He let boath of us in. Rainbow Dash turned to me and "oh thanks for getting me in, he didn't know I was the best flier in Equestria!" I just said "I better go to Vinal and ask when do I start, and this club really is a BIG deal. What is the youngest you can be to get in here?" I asked "12 but only around the dance floor, 18 for full area axcess, but the staff area." I was relived that I wasent braking any laws. I saw Vinal on the decks and walked over to her. "HEY."I yelled so she would hear me. "YOU WANA TAKE OVER FOR A BIT?" Vinal said to me. I nodded as it would be clearer. She said in my ear "try the track you where doing this morning." I nodded then pluged in my iPod and selected E.T and did something similar to what I did this morning. [youtube=m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=NkRmsU8j7H0&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DNkRmsU8j7H0] Everypony started to bob their heads to the beat. I fumbled up a bit at the end but it all worked out in the end.i smiled and laffed a little at this. Luckley no one could here me over the noise. I wanted to keep on going, but the song had to end sooner then later. When I finished it went on auto with the songs Vinal recorded before, probably to rest up. She signaled me to come with her. I went into a soon with a couch and one way glass looking into the club. She looked at me sexily I backed away saying "I'm a mare. A MARE" She locked the door with her magic and just said "there are 5 times more mares then colts here." I look around and ran away from her. "Just try it or... I will ... Fire you. " I said back "I was about to quit, and if you don't let me out, I would LOVE fresh MEAT to eat." She eyed me "you wouldn't, you said you never ate pony!" I smirked "First they don't talk and second their is a first time for EVERYTHING." She opened the door and yelled at me, "Your FIRED!!" I walked out picking up my iPod then Vinal said "This is company property, so it is mine now" I ran up to her and put hr in a headlock and cut of her airway after a few minutes. She stop levitating it and dropped it I walked away and said "Thank's for the parting gift. And in freanch, vous plus tard vous poney fou voir" (see you later you crazy pony) I turned back and said "Oh I have a heap of bits soooo I think I will start up my own club." "You wouldn't." "Yes and one rule would me no Vinals" I smiled and said "Ta Ta" When I got home and unpacked Rainbow crashed into my house and yelled at me "WHY IN CELESTIA'S NAME DID YOU QUIT!!" I relaxed and said "She tryed to force me to have sex with me. Then clamed that my iPod was hers!" She eyed me "your lying" "We'll I am going to start my own club." "That's original, all outher clubs went bankrupt." "Yes but none where ran by me." "Fine, do you want me to help?" "Yes, why wouldn't I!"my tummy grouled, "I think you should go home, before I eat some..." Rainbow Dash left FAST. I sureged and tucked in to some chicken. After I got out a note book and found a pen. I wrote a list of what I have to do 1. Get better clothes and go hunting 2. By a club 3. Name the club 4. Write some songs for it 5. Open the club 6. ? 7 profit (literally) > The clothes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up and looked over my list. I went over to my bags, I had enouth meat to last 2 Weeks so clothes first. I turned the page and sceced what I would like for the club. It was a purple dress with a fanned out short skirt thing with random purple gems the top section was a deeper purple and was full of little gems. I flew out the window with the drawstring bag around my wrist. I clang onto my notebook and looked around for the dressmakers. I saw it and walked in. "Welcome to - oh my dear what ARE you whering!" Said a mare who I recognized as Rarety "What this? Well good that I am here then. Could you make me something like this?" I showed her the notebook. She took it with her magic. "Well I would make some adjustments to your design, but ok." "It is for a club I am planing on starting." "What about Vinals?!" "She fired me." "So you weren't good enough?" "Oh no I was TOO good" I smiled as I didn't want to many ponys to know what really hapened."I was outshineing her." She nodded not quite believing me "Come tomorrow and check up on it, ok?" "Thanks, how much do I oue you?" "Nothing for your first time since you always where clothes." "You know I have more clothes that survived the crash." I said the clothes was a white jumpsuit and a orange one that I hated. "What was that?" "Nouthing" not wanting to pay for the dress. Next stop... The realastate I looked around and after a LONG time I found one. I walked in and I was met buy a green green with a yellow mane. "Hello madam, what are you looking for today?" "I am looking for somewhere where I could run a club. Do you have a place?" "One, fully functional 50 bits, I don't think you would last long agenst Vinal" "Hmmm I survived flesh being torn out of my back and 13 years without any friends, a crash, and this long with talking ponys, I can take on ANYTHING!" "If you are shore then, come with me." After a little wile of walking we came to a club with a neon sign outside saying GOOD TIME. He took me inside and turned on the lights. I raised my eyebrows. He told me "It is so cheep because we can't get somepony to by it. I smiled and said "I will take it!" "Are you shore?" "Yep" "We will go back and do the paperwork" After the walk back I did the paper work and said in pony years I was 18, but I didn't know. It took a few minets of negotiation untill he let me have the club. After I flew as fast as I could and found Rainbow Dash. "COME ON, I have something no somePLACE to show you!" She groaned "did you really do it?" "Of coarse I did" "We'll your bucked" "You promised to help me how HELP ME set this place up!" She rolled of the cloud she was on and I flew to the club. I walked inside and turned on the lights. "Wow why dosent Vinal have this place?" Rainbow remarked "The neon sign, hers says her name in big bold lights." "Can I get my friends to help?" "Shore we need all the help we can get." After 10 minets exploring she came back. "There are one the way!" I smiled and wated 2 more minets." They came and the city mark crusaders yelled "cuty mark DJS" I shock my head. "We need to get this place cleaned up first but then I will let you all have a lesson ok?" "YAY" they yelled "Let's get cracking!" I looked around and saw AJ, Rarity, Twilight, Pinky Pie , Fluttershy and her animals Bu dusk the place was working and set up. "I can't thank you enouth. But I am going to stay here and I'm starving, and you might not like what I have to eat... Sooo, you might want to leave." Everyone but Rainbow and AJ nodded. I understood rainbow but Apple Jack! She looked at me "Why might we want to leave?" I came out clean "I am an omnivore. I need to eat meat and plants." AK was about to leave not wanting to see me eat meat. She instead just didn't look at me. After I started to think about the song that I should right, "Good time, Good time..." I mumbled. After a couple of minets I gave up. I noticed that Rainbow and AJ left. I locked the door and walked to look at Vinal's I noticed that the line was smaller then usual. I smiled and went home when I got home I realized that I left my iPod there, it would be safe. I climbed into the bed and sleep soon found me. > 1 day till it openes! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up on the floor I must have rolled out of my bed I woke up and changed into the white jumpsuit. I flew down to the ground and got a bit distorted until I saw Rarity's shop. I walked over to the shop. As I walked in I said "Rarity how is my dress coming along?" Somepony sighed and then she came up to me from behind. "So could I see it?" I asked expecting her to say no "Of course darling, come with me." I flowed Rarity up some stares and into a messy room. I raised my eyebrows, my place wasn't nearly as messy. As I looked at the mess my eyed drifted over to a dress, it looked like my dress, "Wow Rarity this is so buitiful!" Rarity blushed "oh it nouthing" "Then I would like to see something!" I looked out at the sun. "Oh I have to go now, I want to look at the crash sight before somepony cleaned it up." And with that I ran out to my house I wanted to put the dress back so it didn't rip, Rarity would KILL me. When I got there I mover some sheets and flung another wok supply of meat, meds, a first ade kit, a tent, camping (I mean FULL ON camping like chemical burning stove) gear, Some song notes, a bag, axe, as I was about to leave when a pack of timber wolves bounced up on me. I swang my axe at them, killing one of them, then I chopped the second one in half I saw there was meat under all of the bark, not much but some, the third one ran away. I walked back to the club trying to hide the axe. When I got back I layer out the notes and found the iPod. There was 2 songs that I liked Stronger and Good Ttime, I looked through the songs and only found Stronger. I walked over to the microphone neer the decks, there was also a drum set and a gatar. I tried to sing the song it was ok. The second time was good. I went over to the drums I played it and I might have nearly broken it. Teehee. It recorded the song, I then did a similar thing with the gater it also recorded. I then calapesed on the floor I felt like something was getting sucked out of me. When I got up agen I felt different, pure. It must just be me. I practiced more on the microphone. I hope it will be good enouth. I found a bathroom. I went in with my axe planing to clean it before I went out, so nopony sees the blood. I really should have a good scrub later. I feel so grimey. I went out to see the there was a storm on the way. I flew above the clouds. There was a spare cloud. I took input into the house and hit it with my fist. It started to rain I washed under that warm water. It felt good to finally get clean. I dryer myself with the cloud. I dressed in my white jumpsuit. And sat down to listen to my iPod the clouds where nice and fluffy. I went outside and found rainbow dash working with the clouds I waved at her and she waved back then did a sonic rainboom, for some reasion. I saw Apple Jack on the farm "Hey Apple Jack!" "Howdy" "Would you live some help?" "Nah it's ok" "Ok" and then I flew off the sun was setting and I saw a line in frount of Vinal's I walked across the line and told them that I am opening a club tomorrow. Most of the ponys looked exited. I was too. By the time I was done I joined the line to go in, the club opened and I maneged to sneak in. I saw Vinal and went up to her "hey crazy you might want to know I am opening a club tomorrow sooo yeah. Bye" and with that I left the club and flew home spreading wht word as I flew. When I got home I fell onto the floor. I crawled over to my bag and ate some meat, more then I can in a day. Hoping that would stop it. I didn't know if it would. I hope I am ok for the opening tomorrow. I felt a little better. I went over to my dress which was on my bed and tried it on. It looked more buitiful on. This will make an empression on the ponys. I walked around and then sat down and some music started randomly playing. It was the normal firework. I layed down n my bed. Then I took off the dress and put on the orange jumpsuit. I curled up and fell asleep. I dreamed of a monster. It called itself discord and said "Thank you for giving you power. I was reformed but now I will rain chaos all over this land." I woke up with a start. I was asleep for Many 3 minutes. I flew to the top of the roof. I looked at the stares. "When will he come?" I asked my self. I closed my eyes and layed down I wondered what earth is like. I would never know... Sleep soon tock over my body with the stares twinkling above me and a gental brease. > Club > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up on the roof. Looking up at the clear blue sky. I got up, realizing that I should get on better with Twilight, since she could have me locked in a dungeon, with a harmonica. I smiled at this thought. I flew down as my stomach growled. I walked about the town and brought a apple form Applejack "Hi Applejack" I smiled at her and walked along to the club. I opened the door and tested the lights. Then I saw a duster old book in a corner of the room. I picked it up and started to read what I could, the outher pages where illegible. On the day that discord chayous rains a 7th element will be found, the only clue is FACE in the heart and the number 114, they will need this element to defeat discord all terror will rain forever, all this is a legend no pony believes this not even Princess Celestia. I grow week and I am saddened by age, have put a spell on this so it will last longer Starswirl the bearded Face face that rings a bell with a squiggle... Oh we'll I will find it out later. But now I have an chance to get to know Twilight. I walked over to the library with the book in my hand. I entered, "Twilight? I have something that you might want to look at." I asked. Twilight trotted down from her room. "Hi it is a diary that I found" I opened the book to the page I was reading, I watched Twilight's face as she read. "WHERE DID YOU FIND THIS" Twilight seemed VERRY exited "At the club, I mean look at this!" I ran my finger over On the day that discord chayous rains a 7th element will be found, the only clue is FACE in the heart and the number 114, they will need this element to defeat discord all terror will rain forever."That means discord is no longer reformed just waiting for the right moment." "Don't be silly, there are only 6 elements." "What about what Starswirl said? And I have been alive for 114 years! Wait Face, it is notes F, A, C, E! The bace notes in the spaces! So music... What does that have to do with harmony?" "I don't know, Maybe there is a book on this!" I started to pace around the room. "Here it says that a harmony is music of diffrent pitches all played or sang at the same time. That must be the wrong harmony." I looked out of the window and saw the sun setting. I turned around "I have to go now, see you later!" And with that I ran out and flew up to my house to get changed. All I could do was look at myself. I quickley put on some tight, black shorts and flew down to the club. there was a que forming to get into the club, there wasent many ponys though. I opened the door and everypony raced to get in. I felt my nerves building up. I put on some backing and picked up the mic. Grew up in a small town And when the rain would fall down I'd just stare out my window Dreaming of what could be And if I'd end up happy I would pray Trying hard to reach out But when I'd try to speak out Felt like no one could hear me Wanted to belong here But something felt so wrong here So I pray I could breakaway I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly I'll do what it takes ‘til I touch the sky And I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change And breakaway Out of the darkness and into the sun But I won't forget all the ones that I loved I'll take a risk, take a chance, make a change And breakaway Wanna feel the warm breeze Sleep under a palm tree Feel the rush of the ocean Get onboard a fast train Travel on a jet plane, far away And breakaway I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly I'll do what it takes 'til I touch the sky And I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change And breakaway Out of the darkness and into the sun I won't forget all the ones that I loved I gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change And breakaway Buildings with a hundred floors Swinging 'round revolving doors Maybe I don't know where they'll take me but Gotta keep moving on, moving on Fly away, breakaway I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly Though it's not easy to tell you goodbye I gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change And breakaway Out of the darkness and into the sun But I won't forget the place I come from I gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway. Some of the ponys there stomped there hooves then ALL of them, all I could do was blush. Then the cheering came. I saw Vinal and walked over to her. "So you like my song, I have a few more up my sleeve for you." I pocked her nose and walked up to the stage. And played some songs from my iPod on my decks. "Here is a song I have been writing to suit the name of the club Good Time." I said then screamed came. Then I saw the building falling down like if it was made out of cards. Then I saw Discord. "Well well then Ponys, do you know who brought me back to my good old self?" I flew up to him."The presence of a human, or me..." "Why yes, how did you know?" "I saw you in one of my dreames!" "Oh and the elements won't stop me this time!" The crown and the neckless shatted, you can't remake them, you need a seventh!" "My FACE! Ohhhhj I outsmarted you!" "Your face won't do anything!" "Oh no I mean F A C E or ABCDEFG" "What letters?" "No notes" "Unless you become something that will stop you. For good!" He clicked his fingers and I blacked out. > Aqua > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up at Twilight's house on my back. I saw the elements and Luna where there. "What did he tu - am I old?" "No, you are not old. Why did you ask weather you where old?" Luna asked helping me up " I was in supenchion, a state where you body doesn't age and the mind is frozen at one time. Whoever is asleep feelers like they just where asleep for a blink." I said "If I was put into a new form I would age 101 years. Well I should have aged." I walked over to a mirror and saw that I had wings and a horn! I was a light aqua color with a blue, aqua and green mane with deep blue eyes. I stood there looking at myself for a good minuet then turned around "Is discord gorn? I now know what the book means, but it is to hard to explain twice." And with that I galloped out of the room to find discord. I found discord. "Hey, why did you do this to me I could have DIED!" He smiled "That was the point!" "You made a big mistake!" Yeah eh yeah yeah I can feel a phoenix inside of me As I march alone to a different beat Slowly swallowing down my fear, yeah yeah I am ready for the road less traveled Suiting up for my crowning battle This test is my own cross to bare But I will get there It's never easy to be chosen, never easy to be called Standing on the frontline when the bombs start to fall I can see the heavens but I still hear the flames Calling out my name I can see the writing on the wall I can't ignore this war At the eh-end of it all Who am I living for? I can feel this light that's inside of me Growing fast into a bolt of lightning I know one spark will shock the world, yeah yeah So I pray for a favour like Esther I need your strength to handle the pressure I know there will be sacrifice But that's the price It's never easy to be chosen, never easy to be called Standing on the frontline when the bombs start to fall I can see the heavens but I still hear the flames Calling out my name I can see the writing on the wall I can't ignore this war At the eh-end of it all Who am I living for? I can see the writing on the wall I can't ignore this war At the eh-end of it all Who am I living for? At the end, at the end Who am I living for? At the end, at the end Who am I living for? Heavy is the head that wears the crown Don't let the greatness get you down Heavy is the head that wears the crown Don't let the greatness get you down, oh, oh yeah I can see the writing on the wall I can't ignore this war At the eh-end of it all Who am I living for? I can see the writing on the wall I can't ignore this war At the eh-end of it all Who am I living for? At the end, at the end Who am I living for? At the end, at the end Who am I living for? At the end of the song my my eyes went white and a streem of magic went for discord hitting him in his hands, he coulden't move them. I flew up to him "ha! Well that wasent the elements, but music is in them. The music inside their hearts. One alone is not enough, but you need friends to make a song, the song of friendship. This is a song that only they can make. This song sings from the soal before you realize that they would be your best friends forever." I looked over at the group. I saw that some shards where shaking. "Even though I don't know them as much as I would like to I call these ponies My friends!" The shards lifted of the ground and surround me. All I could see was aqua. Then a rainbow came out of the outer ponies and me. Discord was cristilised in diamonds. All I could do was blink. I wasn't turning back with everything else. "Why am I still a pony!? I should be a human." Twilight spoke first, "Your a pony because you are an element of harmony now" "I don't want to be a princess, I want to just be a Pegasus. I don't want to be immortal." Rarity said "Alicorns are graceful, and wise." "I never had a proper chance at a childhood!" I started to cry. "I want to be as normal as I can here! Not a princess or something that there only was 4 of!" I started to weep. Applejack spoke next "I can't think of anything." I flew off. To my crash sight. I hid under a bit of what I think was a table. Rainbow found me first. She tried to comfort me then she sat there with me on silence with her hoof over my back. "Does Twilight HAVE to tell Princess Celestia?" I asked knowing the answer Rainbow nodded. My heart sank deeper Into me. I got up. "Let's go, it will happen sooner or later." I moved the plate with my nose. We then walked out. We walked to Ponyvill. I saw the outer elements "Hi" I was still upset. Twilight spoke up after a long silence "Celestia is coming soon - there she is now!" I looked up to see a gold carriage. A tear rolled down my check. Then after a wile the carriage landed. Everyone around bowed to her. Only me and Twilight didn't bow. "Hello Princess Celestia" I said sadly "Hello Celestia!" Said an overexcited Twilight. "I see we have a 5th Alicorn with us." Celestia said looking at me. I remained silent. "Are you ok?" I turned away."listen to me this is a fate that you couldn't avoid. Please just accept it." I sighed "fine just, leave." And with that I walked away. I flew up to the house and fell asleep sobbing. I didn't want this fate, could it have been different? I started to fall asleep. Then it hit me, I have been asleep most of my life. I curled up on the cloud and gave into sleep. > The castle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up with Twilight sleeping next to me with her wing over me. I stayed there until she woke up. Then 10 minutes past "when will she wake up!" I mumbled. That woke Twilight up. "Hi Twilight." I said a bit nervous about what the wing would mean. "I know you are upset of being an Alicorn but it is not all bad when you start." "I guess so, but Applejack couldn't find something to say." "Come on, come down to my house and I will teach you magic." "What about my name? Don't I need to change it?" "To what?" Twilight relished that Ezzy wouldn't cut it. "I don't know, maby?" I jumped off the cloud and glided down to the town. I then walked through the town a few ponys bowed down but most just looked at me. Then I realized I haven't taken my element off. It was two green quavers on a matching gold band. I saw scoutaloo bowing down I smiled and said "You don't have to bow down, I am not a princess yet." I raised her head with my hoof. And smiled at her. "I was Ezzy." Everypony in earshot relaxed. I trotted along down to the library. Twilight was behind me. "Why did you tell them to rise Ezzy I mean Melody?" "Don't you? Anyway I am not a princess yet! And I might never be one." "I guess so, lets start with levitation." Twilight went and got a book. Focus on the book and Imagine it lifting above the ground. I closed my eyes and my horn started to tingle. I opened my eyes and saw the book covered in a ever changing aura a good 2 meters off the ground. I was overcome with pride. I left and wanting to go to my club to record some music. Then I saw Princess Luna. "Hello Luna" I smiled at her. "Hello Ezzy or should I say Melody." "So why are you here?" "We need to talk about your coronation." "Oh" "Come with me." "It the sun is setting soon! And my club!" "We won't be long." Luna replied I flew behind Luna. In about 10 minutes we where at Canterlot Castle. Wow that was a fast flight. "Me and my sister want a room set up for you." "But won't I be staying in Ponyvill?" "Twilight is only staying in Ponyvill for her friends. And the seventh element is not an element of harmony. Only it is used to get it started." "So music is not as important?" "No it is more important Melody" "How can it be more important?!" "Friendship rests with all ponies, but music with a few" I was confused and Luna lead the way to a room. It was white with music noted covering the floor. And black carpet. There was a cloud bed shaped like a music note. There was instruments all over the place. "I will leave you to settle in, a taler will be coming in soon to make you a dress for your coronation." "Thanks." Luna left and I felt like I was trapped. A sleeped on my bed then a taler came in. I jumped off my bed and she showed me a design for my dress. "I will look like a cake." I said. "One nopony would want to eat" "I will think of a new design then Miss." He bowed then left the room. I left the room looking for the kitchen. I bumped into a maid she spoke up "oh sorry Miss!" She bowed "What is your name?" I said with a smile. "Dusty Miss." "Please don't call me Miss, call me Melody." "We are not allowed to call you by your name until the coronation." "Forget rules now where can I get some food!" "Come with me Miss ops I mean Melody." We walked to the kitchen and started to eat some cookies. When I stepped outside the room a cool breeze hit me. The moon was up and I saw Luna flying down from raising the moon. I went inside and I saw that I was being called to Clestia's dinner and Luna's breakfast. I went into the dining room and sat down on a aqua pillow. I was served some flower salid. I was a bit nervous about eating flowers but it turned out to be very yummy. After I curled up on my bed. And found a book to read. It was a Dearing Doo. It was fairly interesting, I will try to find the next book tomorrow so I don't have to look for it later. I finally fell asleep with the book near my hoof. I woke up in the middle of the night. I walked out onto my balcony and flew off. I flew to Ponyvill and curled up into a small ball on a cloud. Then I saw my old house. I picked up the bags and carried them to the Canterlot Castle. When I got back I dumped the stuff on the floor and went through the stuff. I found a suicide needle, I wish I could use it now. I noticed that the notes on the wall where moving. I sighed and curled back into the bed. It was warmer but not as soft as the bed at home. I miss the club. I wonder if Twilight new about about this. I fell asleep on the bed. > Boredom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up to a maid cleaning my room. "Hello miss, did you sleep well." "Yeh fine" "The taler has a new dress design for you." "This looks ok, I gess." "This is high end Canterlot fashion!" "Could Rarity make it instead?" "I will send a letter right away." And with that she left the room. I walked over to the dinning room and saw Celestia and Luna there. I sat doon on the pillow I was on before. "Good morning Princess Celestia and Princess Luna." "Good morning Melody. How did you sleep?" Luna asked. "Good." Started to eat breakfast, it was really good, but didn't have any satafactary feeling.it was going to be a never ending pattern.then it hit me, I wouldn't die NO MATTER WHAT. I walked up and was about to leave "Where are you going?" Celestia said. I stopped "To explore." And with that I left the room. After an houre a gard found me, "Miss Melody, Lady Rairty is here to show you the dress. She started to work on it already, she is in your room." He bowed and walked away. I went back to my room after several dead ends. "Hello Rairty." I spoke as I walked into my room. I saw a dress, it was a light blue skirt with a green top. It had a aqua held encrusted with emeralds and blue gems which I didn't know the name of. "Oh hi Melody. Do you like this dress, I am open for new ideas." "This is buitiful Rarity." "Oh it's nouthing." She said blushing, "Then I would LOVE to see something!" "Did you hear that the Wonder Bolts are looking for a new team member, Spitfire is thinking about leaving. Rainbow Dash is over exited, but there looking for royal recommendation." "I could try and get her in. I will talk to Luna as soon as I can... Do you want me to leave?" "If you don't mind, but I don't really care." And with that I left Rairty to work on my dress. I found out that the coronation was in 1 day. I felt really nervous. I walked over to have lunch and ate in silance, Luna and Celestia where at court. It was just as good as breakfast, I ate it quickley then walked off. I drifted off to sleep, and sleeped throughout the rest of the day and night. -----------------------------------------------------------–––––––––--------------------------–-------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up and was shoved into my room to put on the dress. I put it on it was silky and I put on a heap of makeup. I was shoved into a carriage and was flown above the clouds and weather teams where standing by. I was told that when we get the signal, the clouds will part reveling me in the carriage flying down. Cheering came down from below. I started to sing with a cup that was in the carriage if I needed a drink. I got my ticket for the long way run Two bottle of whiskey for the way And I sure would like some sweet company And I'm leaving tomorrow, what'dya say When I'm gone (2x) You're gonna miss me when I'm gone You're gonna miss me by my hair You're gonna miss me everywhere, oh You're gonna miss me when I'm gone I got my ticket for the long way run The one with the prettiest of views It's got mountains It's got river's It's got sights to give you shivers But it sure would be prettier with you When I'm gone (2x) You're gonna miss me when I'm gone You're gonna miss me by my walk You're gonna miss me by my talk, oh You're gonna miss me when I'm gone I landed and walked out of the carriage. The coronation was boring for me. I was taken out to the balkeny to say some words "Before I came to Equestria I never knew a world outside a white room. I was the only human in there. I was brought up to be experimented on with a drug nicknamed Evolvion. That changed my life along with small mistake. By you ponys my life has changed forever, so thank you." I stepped back and a chering overcame me. I walked back inside. I sighed, the wonder bolts will be coming soon for suggestions. I will talk about Rainbow Dash. I walked into the throne room, ready for the Wonder Bolts. Spitfire walked in, with Soarin, Rapidfire and Fleetfoot. Where do they get these names from? "Hi, So you must be the WonderBolts?" I asked "Yes, you heard of us?" Soarin said smugly. "No... Well not until I was told you where coming." I said trying to earn there respect. "Well I kinda was a alien and all..." "I thought that was just a myth." Fleetfoot said. "I'm board, I going to record some songs, oh and I put in Rainbow Dash." And I walked out of the room. I curled up on my bed and started to think. Oh stuff it i grabbed the mic and started to sing Good Time Whoa-uh-oh It's always a good time Whoa-uh-oh It's always a good time Woke up on the right side of the bed What up with this print song inside my head? Hands up if you're down to get down tonight 'Cause it's always a good time Slept in all my clothes like I didn't care Hopped into a cab, take me anywhere I'm in if you're down to get down tonight 'Cause it's always a good time Good morning and good night I'll wake up at twilight It's gonna be alright We don't even have to try It's always a good time (Whooo) Whoa-oh-oh Wha-uh-oh Whoa-oh-oh Wha-uh-oh It's always a good time Whoa-oh-oh Wha-uh-oh We don't even have to try, it's always a good time. Freaked out, dropped my phone in the pool again Checked out of my room, hit the ATM Let's hang out if you're down to get down tonight 'Cause it's always a good time Good morning and good night I'll wake up at twilight It's gonna be alright We don't even have to try It's always a good time (Whooo) Whoa-oh-oh Wha-uh-oh Whoa-oh-oh Wha-uh-oh It's always a good time Whoa-oh-oh Wha-uh-oh We don't even have to try, it's always a good time. Whoa-oh-oh Wha-uh-oh Whoa-oh-oh Wha-uh-oh It's always a good time Whoa-oh-oh wha-uh-oh We don't even have to try, it's always a good time. Doesn't matter when It's always a good time then Doesn't matter where It's always a good time there Doesn't matter when, It's always a good time then It's always a good time Whoa-uh-oh Wha-uh-oh Whoa-oh-oh Wha-uh-oh It's always a good time Whoa-oh-oh Wha-uh-oh We don't even have to try, it's always a good time Whoa-oh-oh Wha-uh-oh Whoa-oh-oh Wha-uh-oh It's always a good time Whoa-uh-oh Wha-uh-oh We don't even have to try, it's always a good time. I noticed Spitfire in my room, "Why hello, you like my song?" "Ok, I gess." I jumped off my bed and trotted off with my head held high. It was turning to dusk. I walked over to the closest club. It was called, Blue Saffire. When I walked passed ponys bowed to me, at the club I toled me to treet me like any normal pony. They all just got back to talking. After a little wile I flew back and sleeped on the ground of my room. > Overrun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100,000 years pased of a boring rutene untill Melody's past came back. I woke up in my bed and Twilight came running in. "Melody! I perfected a spell to allow you to go back and forth between your forms!" "Really! Can I use it now?!" Twilight handed me a scroll, I preformed the spell that was on the scroll. I turned to the mirror to see myself agean for over 100,000 years. I was whering the purple dress, but it now had my cute mark, some music notes. I was about to take off when a gard came running in. "Twilight, more of the hairless apes entered Equestria. Wait is that Melody?" "Yes it is me, Melody. I have to go, they have a chance of turning back, or we are all doomed." And I flew out of the window. I found the ship, mush like the one I came in with. I flew up to the cockpit. "This air is breathable, I am Ezzy, the first test subject for the drug Evolvion. We need to talk, I am representing this land." A door opened and a man flew out I backed away to give him more space. "I am Scott, we need to land the ship." I noted that Scott did not have any wings but instead a jet pack. "Come with me" I took him to a empty clearing. "Why haven't the humans evolved?" "The atmosphere is to polluted to live, so we can't evolve." "Oh. That's why you came here." Scott nodded "You can set up bace camp here, and by my ship crashing here, I had some bad side affects..." I preformed the spell agen. Scott gasped, and I said "I'm not that uggley am I? It won't happen to you, the trigger had already been eliminated." "I never expected that." "How old are you?" "20" "Ok, quick lesson, Alicorns are the rules of the land, I am one, and they are immortal. So I am 100,015 years, I think." "Impossible" "My ship was launched 100,001 years ago, and I crashed. We will need to take the issue to chort. Will you represent the humans? I will be nuteral,I know what you can do, but I also want to help." I looked up and saw the sun setting. "I have to go." I flew off heading to Canterlot. When I came back I toled the outher Princess what I knew, "they are not hostile yet, but they could be, we will host a chort twomrow. I will bring the leader, Scoot over to be judged." -----------------------------––_________________________________________________________---------______----------------------- The next morning, I flew down to the bace. I saw that they had defenses up so I changed into my human form, I saw Scott in a tent, I walked over to him, "We need to go NOW. No weapons." "What what?!" In response I changed forms and lifted him on top of my back then flew off before any guards could react. "This is not your world, I earned my trust, you will have to see if your worthy enough to stay and by what terms." "Fine, but where are you taking me?" "To Canterlot. The Capitol here... Where nearly there." I saw Canterlot come into view. I landed near the door. I opened it with my magic and walked in. A swarm of ponys surrounded us I changed forms to make Scott more comfortable. I walked to the chort and told Scott to wait. I found Luna and Celestia in there rooms, Twilight might be morning. We all walked into the chort and saw Scott passing. We sat down. There trials where different. I stood up and expend what they needed and what they could do. In the end, they where allowed to stay. I felt in my heart that this would end very badly for ponies. I curled up reflected on my past then started to scribble down ideas for a song. I haven't written a song in a long time as the proper pony princesses didn't like them. I hated the songs and found myself on a leash. I had to stand up. I saw a snowflake fall down, and I looked out of a window and saw a cyan pegasus flying around a tear fell down my cheek. I stood up and took a deep breath in, only time would show if I was right inside my heart. I flew out and caught up to the pegisus. I looked at her. "What is your name?" "Color streak." "Do you know about the elements of harmony and the ponys that used to represent them?" "Not much, I know the names." "You remind me of loyalty, Rainbow Dash, or Dashie." The mare blushed. "I want to sing one of my songs for you, Dashie liked this one" I sat down on a cloud and sung firework. I thought for a moment and flew off. I saw the settlement and saw guns, I flew down changing to my human form. I saw Scott comming up to me, "leave the ponys and join us-" "Wait, WHAT! They let you in with open armes, and this is what you do?!" "We where always going to attack, you can join us, and live, or stay with the ponys and die, or become a slave." "I should have known." I sat down on the grass, "I would rather die then join the people who destroyed my life, before it started!" I stood up, and Scott spoke up, "can you sing?" I turned around, "what? Why would you ask that?!" It hit me, he already had scouts checking the capital. "If you won't join us I will keep you as a pet." I turned into a pony and charged my horn, a pice of metal was put around my neck. He looked at me, "And to think I had a crush on you." I charged up my horn and then I was given a shock that made me fall to the ground. I snarled at him, "I will NEVER talk." He smiled at me, "I don't want you to talk I want you to sing." I charged up my horn so much so fast the shock knocked me out. > Outcast > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was forced to become one of them... If not i was put in jail, I spent most of my time in there writing songs. I was pulled up to the frount of the mess hall and whipped, I winced then a booming voice told me to sing. I cringed then took a deep breath in, and just sang. Days like this I want to drive away Pack my bags and watch your shadow fade 'Cause you chewed me up and spit me out Like I was poison in your mouth You took my light, you drained me down That was then and this is now Now look at me This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no Throw your sticks and stones Throw your bombs and your blows But you're not gonna break my soul This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no I just wanna throw my phone away Find out who is really there for me 'Cause you ripped me off, your love was cheap Was always tearing at the seams I fell deep and you let me drown But that was then and this is now Now look at me This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no Throw your sticks and stones Throw your bombs and your blows [ From: http://www.elyrics.net ] But you're not gonna break my soul This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no Now look at me, I'm sparkling A firework, a dancing flame You won't ever put me out again I'm glowing, oh woah oh So you can keep the diamond ring It don't mean nothing anyway In fact you can keep everything Yeah, yeah Except for me This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no Throw your sticks and stones Throw your bombs and your blows But you're not gonna break my soul This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no Throw your sticks and stones Throw your bombs and your blows But you're not gonna break my soul This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no The hall stayed silent, I wasn't counted for, then a little girl claped, she walked up to me and patted me, she said, "I hate my life, you must love yours." "There is a light at the end of every dark tunnel, you will find yours one day." I was pulled away and taken to a livestock room, they put a bridle and rains on me. I young adult came to me and sat on me, they put me in so much pain so I bucked them off. I was pulled into a fancy room and I saw Scott come in I snarled at him, he told the gards to leave, I saw an open window in the room, as soon as the gards left I yelled "UNTAMIBLE!" And jumped out of the window and flew off, about 100m away I was given an electric shock that made me fall to the ground. I started to twitch. I realized that there would be no escape, I scribbled down on a pice of bark, humans are coming to kill ponies warn the princess they are keeping me hostage, Melody I blew it off with my wings then they came just as it was out of eyesight. I was taken to the jail, and started to wright a song, but I scratched it. I saw a gard walk by. "Hey, do you think this is right?" I saw a clip on the ear, I poked the clip off with the tip of my horn. He calapsed to the ground, he then got up rubbing his head, I then understood. I looked up at him. "Can you get me out of here?" "What are you..." "Never mind that, who is Scott?" "A madman, destroyed our earth." "He is going to destroy my planet now! You have to help me!" "His vision..." I saw his eyes turn to worry. He unlocked my cage, "his vision is us living on another planet, using the natives as slaves, killing the leader." "That can't be good," I pointed to the clip, "that clip must be a mind control clip, we need to get them of everyone. Oh this might creep you out." I transformed. And he just shrugged. "What is your name?" "Mitch, yours?" "Melody, procreator of music. I sent out a note, it might not be much help, can you get this off?" I pointed to the band around my neck, he smacked some wires and it fell to the ground. I looked at him, "we need to go to the castle. I can get a army." I transformed back into a pony and used my magic to lift him onto my back, I flew off, not without attracting people. > Till death I will fight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I flew up to Canterlot. I landed near the throne room. I sped in yelling, "An invasion is coming!" I lifted Mitch off my back, he looked cautious. I walked up to Twilight, "You have to believe me." She shock your head, "Your past must still haunt you." Mitch stepped up "Scott is planing to overthrow you and keep your people as slaves. You are doomed if you don't believe her." Celestia looked at up unapproved "Then let us be doomed it is not going to happen! You are unfit to be a princess if you believe this." She took my crown and broke it into a million bits. I looked at her, "we'll NOW we are doomed."I walked out and went into the armory. Every princess has armer and a weapon. I grabbed mine and new that I was going to die. But if it got the message through it would be worth it. I found Mitch and left. "I will do an attack that will kill me. Goodbye. " I flew off and the flight seemed to last forever. When I got to the ship I was bombarded with bullets wiz zing past me. I dogged most of them... Most. I was hit in the lung. I dropped and knew I was going to die, I let out my final spell that would destroy my soal. With my final breath I cast it. It hit 7 pregnet mares. They would give birth to the saviors of avengers of this world. They would grow up faster then any outer filly of colt known. They will become the new elements of harmony, now that twilight had failed. As the years past, the humans and ponies lived in harmony. A mormorial for me, as a human was built in the royal gardens, I was called harmony, in the heart and in sound. The 7 young ponies where the orignal 6 elements of harmony then the 7 was harmony, actual harmony. The end of one life in this timeline meant a new one in another.