• Published 21st Apr 2013
  • 533 Views, 12 Comments

Musicnotes story - Musicnotes

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Musicnotes cutie mark

In the few years after Mr. and Mrs Veggie found Musicnotes they raised her as she was their own. They told her that they weren't her real parents and she accepted that. They told her that they found her and that was it. Mr. and Mrs. Veggie didn't want to tell her about the storm figuring she might end up hating her real parents. Musicnotes enjoyed living on the farm and got really use to it. She helped her with the chores and helped sell the crops, she hummed to herself as she did theses chores. Musicnotes and her the ponies she calls her family had so many good times. There was one Nightmare Night that Musicnotes was dressed up as a princess. Her gown was hooved stitch and was made out of sparkly pink fabric and she had a toy crown. She looked at Mrs. Veggie calling her by her first name. "Dandelion look I finally am a princess just like everypony says I should be since I'm an alicorn." Mrs. Veggie smiled at her. "My little Musicnotes, with or with out the costume you are my princess and even if you weren't an alicorn you would still be my princess." Musicnotes at the time smiled and went off to get some sweet candy.

Over the years Musicnotes was well know in New Saddle because of the fact she was an alicorn,most of the fillies at her school thought she would be able to do all kinds of magic but sadly Musicnotes was never all that good in doing magic. She had no clue why but it just made her who she was. She would rather fly then do magic, she learned to fly easily. It all started one day when her and her unicorn friends were practicing doing some spells. Delilah was going first, she was a red unicorn with white and silver mane. She did a levitation spell and levitated a rock. The rest of the group followed her example except for Musicnotes. When Delilah saw that she wasn't doing it she went up to her. "Musicnotes come on and do it. It should be easy for you come on." Musicnotes spoke softly in her reply. "Um...Im not that good you know that." Delilah gave her a just do it look. Then Musicnotes went up to a rock and tried the spell. The group of ponies laughed at her for what was a few minutes but to Musicnotes it seemed like hours. She felt disappointed in herself because she failed, she could never do magic when she wanted to sometimes. There were times when she wished she never had any magic.

Then the school bell rang and everypony went inside the white school house ready to do some learning. The class hurried to their seats, Musicnotes sat in the far back corner away from most of the classmates. When she sat down the teacher passed out flyers to all the students for the upcoming talent show. Musicnotes looked at it. "A talent show, that sounds fun." When she said that all her classmates turned to her. "So Musicnotes what will you be doing? Most of us have been talking about this since we all got our cutie marks." Musicnotes looked down at her flank it was bare she didn't have hers yet she was the only filly in her class. She looked at her classmates. Some of them had sports cutie marks, some had cheer leading, magic, and cooking. She didn't really care if she didn't have it yet. It was fine to her. "I...don't ...know...maybe I will sing." She said nervously. One of them said, "You sing? We hardly even hear you speak, this will be a fun then." Musicnotes guessed that they wanted to see her mess up.The school day went on with everypony practicing for the talent show.

Musicnotes went home to the farm after school and showed Mr. and Mrs. Veggie the flyer. Mr. Veggie said, "This should be very good. What will you be doing my little Musicnotes." Musicnotes smiled. "I think I will sing." Mrs. Veggie smiled at her. "You will do wonderfully, I just know it." Musicnotes went outside to get some work done. She harvested some carrots when she saw three little bunnies, two of them were black and one was white. They were very hungry. "You three must want some carrots." Musicnotes said in a kind voice. She counted the carrots and saw that she had more than enough so she grabbed three carrots and gave one to each of them. They ate them very quickly. Musicnotes smiled and said, "You must be very hungry do you want to come with me home, there are tons of carrots there." Musicnotes started to walk back home and saw that her bunny friends followed her. Musicnotes begged Mr. and Mrs. Veggie to let her keep them. "Please may I keep them, I promise I will take good care of them." It took a little of discussion and they agreed. They went to her room and sat on her bed. "Do you three want to hear a song I wrote for the talent show." Musicnotes looked at them and they nodded. Her voice was very soft as she started. "Im different but I don't care. I got wings, horn and kindness to share." Her song went on from there for a minute. Then she stopped. The bunnies gave her a group hug, she took that as a job well done. In a minute she knew that it would she would have to go to the talent show. She was pretty nervous she only sang songs when she was alone, she hoped she would do good.

When they got there Musicnotes went back stage when and saw all her classmates ready to rock in what ever they were doing. She saw a few doing a group magic show, some were doing cheer routines, and some were dancing. Musicnotes was going to be last so she got to watch all the others go first. She looked out of the ruby red curtain and saw Mr. and Mrs. Veggie in the second row. There were a bunch of parents with cameras ready to take pictures and she saw ponies she didn't know. She went back to the other fillies and watched them practice some more. Out in the audience a pony wearing a hood went up and sat by Mrs. Veggie. She put on a smile and asked. "Which one is yours?" Mrs. Veggie turned to her and saw the hood, she figured that the mare was wearing it because she was cold. "Mine is Musicnotes, she is going to be singing, is yours in the show too?" The mare replied. "Yes. My little one is in it too." The mare walked back to where she was before and waited for the show to begin. Musicnotes watched as all her classmates went before her she had no clue if she would preform as good as them. Then she heard the teacher call her on stage. She also heard sever of her classmates say things like. "Break a leg blank flank literally..." and "Looks like some ponies will turn deaf."

Music walked up to the microphone and used her magic to lift it up. "Hi..everypony..my name is Musicnotes and this is a song I wrote for tonight." Musicnotes was about to start when she heard somepony said,"Really you can sing since when." She had no clue were she heard it but took a deep breath and started to sing. Her voice was soft at first but it got clearer and louder as she continued. As she was singing she heard ponies whisper, "Wow she can sing" "Who knew." She just smiled and continued. When she finished all the ponies gave her a huge round of applause. She was proud of herself and then she saw a small flash of light. She looked at her flank and saw a yellow double eight note. Musicnotes smiled and took a bow. She received a metal and walked off stage with a gigantic smile on her face. But she wasn't the only one with a smile. In the shadows the brown hooded pony from before was with a taller pony with a brown hood also and they smiled. The Taller pony said, "You were right she can sing now lets go we don't want them to know we are here." The smaller pony nodded and said, "Fine, at least we do know that our little filly is well." They left in the shadows and disappeared.