• Published 21st Apr 2013
  • 533 Views, 12 Comments

Musicnotes story - Musicnotes

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Ponyville pt 1

After Musicnotes flew out of the Everfree forest, she decided to stop at near by town known as Ponyville. Once she landed she started to walk around and take in the scenery. She looked and saw several ponies working or the little colts and fillies playing. Bubble popped her little pink head out of Musicnotes's bag. Her stomach growled. Musicnotes smiled. "You hungry Bubble?"

Bubble nodded and pulled out the little bag that had all of their bits. She flipped it upside down showing them they had nothing.

Musicnotes thought she had some bits in it. Was it possible she wasted all of them already. "I thought I had some in there." She said as she was walking. After a second of looking at Bubble, Musicnotes bumped into another pony. She turned and saw a pale yellow pegasus mare with a light pink mane. Her cutie mark was three butterflies. "Oh..I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you."

The pegasus moved her hoof back and forth on the ground not saying anything. Musicnotes was about to say something else when she saw a white bunny stood by the pegasus.

"You have a bunny too?" Musicnotes said as Bubble jumped out of her bag and looked at the white bunny.

The pegasus smiled and spoke softly. "Yes, this is Angel and I am Fluttershy." She looked at Bubble. "I never seen a pink bunny before."

Musicnotes smiled back. "Its nice to meet you Fluttershy and Angel. I'm Musicnotes and this is Bubble."

Fluttershy nodded looking at Bubble. "May I call you Music?"

She nodded. "Yes you may."

Fluttershy smiled and watched the two bunnies talking. She looked at Musicnotes. "So Music, you new here in Ponyville?"

Musicnotes nodded. "Yes. I was just in the Everfree Forest looking for a pendant I lost and I thought I might look around here."

Fluttershy looked at the ground, still speaking in her soft voice. "The Everfree Forest, that place is dangerous. There is so many dangerous beasts like timberwolves and parasprites."

She nodded remembering the timberwolf that attacked her and Bubble in the Everfree. "Yes I know but I did find one good thing there besides my pendant." She pointed her hoof at Bubble as her and Angel were talking in their animal language.

Fluttershy smiled at Bubble. "Hmm..it seems like Bubble is telling Angel what she did with all your bits while you were looking for your pendant."

Musicnotes raised her eyebrow at her troublesome bunny. "Oh really now? What did she do then."

"She left a trail of them in the forest so you would know where to go." Fluttershy explained. "I guess it seems that you were so focused on finding your pendant that you didn't notice what she was doing."

Musicnotes chuckled in response. "I guess your right. How did you know?"

The pegasus petted her bunny Angel. "My talent is speaking to animals."

She nodded. "Thats a good talent, must come in handy a lot."

Fluttershy nodded. "Yes it does."

Musicnotes stomach rumbled. She hadn't eaten for a while. She giggled. "I guess I'm kind of hungry."

Fluttershy giggled as well. "Would you like to come with me to Sugarcube Corner?"

Her stomach rumbled again and she nodded. "That sounds great but I don't have any bits to buy anything as you apparently learned from my bunny."

Fluttershy smiled at her. "It's alright. I'll take care of it." Her and Angel started to walk toward Sugarcube corner.

Musicnotes couldn't stop from making a small smile at the thought of somepony just offering to buy her something even if they just met. She knew that as soon as she got some bits she would have to replay her new pegasus friend. "Thank you for you kind offer." She looked at Bubble and they both followed her and Angel.

They soon get to a tanish building with a pink door, brown roof that looked like it had sprinkles and white frosting on it and what looked like two cupcakes with pink frosting stacked on top. She could see windows on one of the cupcakes so she guessed there was a room up there. Musicnotes and Bubble followed Fluttershy and Angel inside.

They walked up to the counter where a light blue earth pony with a pink colored mane was standing behind. "Morning Fluttershy, Angel. Who are your friends?"

Fluttershy pointed to Musicnotes. "Mrs. Cakes, this is Music and her bunny Bubble."

Mrs. Cakes smiled. "Its nice to meet you."

"Its nice to meet you as well." Musicnotes replied after the introduction.

"So what can I get for you girls? " Mrs.Cakes asked them.

Musicnotes looked at Fluttershy and decided to let her do the ordering. "You can order for us Fluttershy."

She nodded. "Alright. May we please have two cupcakes and two carrots." She set the bits on the counter and Mrs.Cakes took them.

Mrs. Cakes nodded. "I'll bring them right out girls take a seat at a table."

Musicnotes nodded and her and Fluttershy sat down each of them with their own bunnies by them. After a few minutes Mrs. Cakes came back and brought out their food. The bunnies nibbled on their crunchy carrots. Musicnotes smiled and started to eat her cupcake.

Fluttershy ate her cupcake and looked at Musicnotes. "So where are you from Music?"

Musicnotes swallowed her bite of cupcake. "Im from New Saddle. Its a small town a lot like Ponyville."

She nodded as Musicnotes spoke. "It is nice."

After a second a bubbly pink earth pony with a poofy dark pink mane came jumping in. She saw Musicnotes and Bubble and smiled widely and spoke fast. "Oh my gosh its a new pony. Hi I'm Pinkie Pie. Who are you? When did you get here? Thats a nice pet bunny. I have a toothless alligator his name is Gummy."

Musicnotes chuckled. "I'm Musicnotes but some call me Music, this is my bunny Bubble. I just got here today."

Pinkie pie smiled. "We should totally have a PARTY! It can be welcome to Ponyville party and we can have streamers, cake, balloons, games, punch and I can bring out my party cannon."

Bubble started to bounce around after she finished her carrot and liking Pinkie's plan for a party. Musicnotes giggled. "Looks like Bubble likes it but you don't have to plan a party. I don't even know if I'm staying here yet so I wouldn't want to cause you any trouble."

Fluttershy looked at her. "Its no trouble for Pinkie at all."

Pinkie pie nodded. "Yeah its no trouble. I'm going to get started to plan it right now." She walked out the door and quickly went off to plan the party.