• Published 7th Feb 2012
  • 19,595 Views, 724 Comments

Embracing the Darkness - BlueAzura

Twilight Sparkle is left with a scar that will permanently change the rest of her natural born life.

  • ...

Chapter 13

To those that were patiently / impatiently(you know who you are) waiting for this update. You will find the reason below in the comment section.

*I own nothing, but the experience and story*

*Ponies go to Hasbro*

Embracing the Darkness

By: BlueAzura

Chapter 13

“Thanks again, Rarity… I just wish I can make it up somehow.”

“Now now, Twilight, I’ve already told you that I wanted to do this for you haven’t I?” The snow-white unicorn stepped out of the library, wearing a small band aid around one of her legs. “Please understand that I am willingly giving you this so you won’t have any health problems, darling.” Still seeing the guilty frown on her purple friend, Rarity rolled her eyes and said, “If you really want to make it up to me…”

“Yes?!” Twilight’s eyes lit up, leaning forward in anticipation.

The fashionista rolled her eyes again. “Drop by the boutique later so I can fashion you up a dress for when we go to Pinkie’s party.” She pressed a hoof to her chin. “Hmm… I say around three o’clock tonight?”

The librarian gave a happy grin. “I’ll be there!” She was about to turn back into the library, but stopped when she heard the fashionista giggling. “What’s so funny?”

“Oh!” The snow-white unicorn pressed her lips together, trying to stop the laughter from escaping. “It’s nothing, my dear! *snicker* It’s nothing at all!” She turned and quickly ran away from her confused friend. ‘She’ll realize her mistake later…’ Rarity smiled to herself, as she made her way towards her home. ‘For such a smart pony… she sure is easy to fool!

Twilight watched her giggling friend disappear into the crowd. Shrugging, the librarian retreated back into her sanctuary and closed the door with a smart snap. ‘It must’ve been a personal joke or something.’ She took one look at main room before turning her attention to the basement. The familiar buzzes of the machines around her were quickly pushed out of her mind when she reached the newly added refrigerator at the end of the room. Gripping the handle with her magic, Twilight opened the refrigerator to happily gaze at her friends’ generosity. ‘I still can’t believe my friends did this for me…

To a common pony, it’ll look like the refrigerator was simply cooling a few medical bags filled with donated blood. But, to Twilight… it was as if the cooler was holding her friends’ very soul, immeasurable in value and impossible to replace.

Twilight lifted an eyebrow. ‘Is it strange to think like that?’ The unicorn quickly shook her head. ‘Of course I should think like that! … My friends went through a great deal of trouble to help me and I should treat their gift with respect!

The librarian’s thoughts were interrupted when she suddenly felt a familiar burning sensation in her throat. ‘Hmm… I can test to see if the artificial blood will work now…’ The purple unicorn used her magic to summon an already filled glass towards her. It didn’t take long for the usual look of disgust to appear on her face. “Bleh!” Twilight shuddered. ‘Never could get used to that…’ She stood rooted to the spot, as she waited for the fake blood to cool her throat. After waiting for over two minutes, Twilight could still feel the awful pain. ‘… As I thought…’ She sadly lowered her head. ‘It looks like I’ll have to drink real blood from now on…’ The unicorn turned her attention back to the cooler. ‘I might as well get this over with…

After she floated the cup into the sink, Twilight realized something as she opened the refrigerator. ‘Wait… who’s blood do I drink first?’ The vampony stared at the medical bags, feeling completely lost. ‘Do I drink Pinkie’s because she was first one to donate blood to me or do I start with Rainbow’s because she always wants to be first?’ The unicorn nervously chewed a hoof, panic slowly rising. ‘Rarity was really forceful when she wanted to give the blood… and I can’t simply forget Fluttershy because that would be rude…’ She threw back her head in frustration. “Gahh! Who do I choose?!”

After giving much thought, too much thought honestly, into the matter… Twilight couldn’t take it anymore. “That’s it! I’ve had enough!” She reached in and grabbed… all of them! “They’ll all be the first! There!” The unicorn carried the bags over to her lab table and began hooking them so they will all funnel into a single tube. When she was finished with her work, the vampony was left with a glass filled with the thick red liquid. Twilight smiled and momentarily lifted the cup above her head. “Here’s to all of my friends.” The unicorn closed her eyes when she felt the liquid running down her throat, immediately feeling the burning sensation disappear. What she didn’t expect was the feeling of her horn suddenly erupting with magic, flinging the surprised unicorn straight into the roots of the tree.

The purple unicorn jerked awake by the yells of a baby dragon. “W-what? S-spike, is that you?”

The scaly dragon gave one final tug, successfully pulling his confused older sister out of the clutches of the tree. After patting some dirt out of the unicorn’s mane, Spike asked, “What the heck made you think smashing yourself into the library was a good idea?!” He began looking over the unicorn to see if there were any cuts that needed to be taken care of, but was surprised to see that the unicorn didn’t show any signs of injuries. “I heard a huge explosion coming from the basement, only to find you stuck inside the roots.”

Twilight shook her head to dislodge even more dirt out of her mane. “I honestly don’t know what happened… one minute I was drinking blood and the next my horn suddenly overloaded with magic.”

Spike lifted an eyebrow. “But, you never lost control of your magic before…” The dragon began scratching his head in confusion. “The only time you did lose control was during that exam of hatching me, right?”

The purple unicorn nodded. “That’s correct, Spike, I’ve been very careful on how much magic I use and only go beyond the norm whenever there’s an emergency.” She pressed a hoof to her chin. “I wonder what caused such a strange phenomenon…” Her attention suddenly shifted to the clock on the wall. “Wait! What time is it?”

Spike, already cleaning up the mess the unicorn had created said, “Almost three, why? Do you have something to do, Twilight?” He didn’t get a response. Instead, he was sent spinning when the purple unicorn dash past him in a blur. Still trying to hold his lunch in, Spike muttered to himself, “I guess that’s a yes then…”

“I’m so sorry I’m late, Rarity!” Twilight burst into her friend’s boutique, sweat covering her brows. “There was an incident at the lab and I didn’t realize that I lost track of the time!”

Rarity was still slightly surprised when she said, “Oh, it’s quite alright, darling.” She quickly floated a fresh towel to the purple unicorn. “You really didn’t have to come in such a rush, Twilight.”

The librarian graciously accepted the towel and began dabbing her forehead. “I know… it’s just that I really don’t like being tardy in anything…”

The fashionista nodded. “I understand what you mean, darling…” She clapped her hooves together. “But, now that you’re here… we could start on that dress of yours!”

The purple unicorn let out a sigh of relief. “I’m just glad I could pay back somepony!” Twilight threw her hooves into the air. “I tried to convince the other girls that I wanted to do something for them, but they all refused!” The thought just dawned on her. “Wait a second… if I’m here to get a dress for... myself…” The librarian slowly turned her head in the direction at the alabaster unicorn, wide eyed.

Rarity gave an awkward grin, coughing into her hoof slightly. “Ahem! ... Yes, well… shall we get started, dear?” She floated a long measuring tape over to her frozen friend and began taking notes. The more the fashionista worked, the more she realized that something was off. “Oh my…”

“What?” Twilight snapped back into attention. “What’s wrong, Rarity?” The snow-white unicorn didn’t reply, instead she started vigorously measuring her entire body again. “Rarity?”

The fashionista took a step back and began glaring, with a critical eye, at the unicorn. “It doesn’t make any since…”


The snow-white unicorn jumped at the sudden noise, looking at her friend in surprise. “Yes, dear?”

Twilight couldn’t take the suspense any longer. “What the hay going on… I’m going crazy over here!”

Rarity blushed when she realized that she didn’t explain anything to her friend. “Ah, yes… Forgive me, Twilight…” She placed a hoof to her chin. “But, it seems that you’ve gotten bigger, dear…”

The librarian could only stare. “Are you saying that I became fat?”

The alabaster unicorn quickly waved a hoof. “Oh no, no, no! I didn’t mean getting fat bigger!” She pointed at the unicorn. “No, you grew!”

The purple unicorn raised an eyebrow. “That’s not possible because I already…”

“Yes, yes, I know, Twilight.” Rarity interrupted. “That’s why I wanted to make sure that your measurements were true or not.” She brushed a stray hair aside from her face. “Hmm… I wonder if you being a vampony would have anything to do with this.”

Twilight’s ears flattened at the thought. “I really hope that isn’t the case because how am I going to explain this to everypony?”

The snow-white unicorn tried to give a comforting smile. “The growth was very little and I’m sure they’ll accept you just the way you are, my dear.” Rarity grabbed her friend and began dragging the saddened unicorn to the back of the room. “But, enough moping around… I’m sure you’ll feel much better after trying on some of my new dresses!”

It was late in the afternoon when Pinkie Pie’s party finally ended and Twilight was slowly making her way towards her tree-home. Only the sound of her hooves and her new dress could be heard, as she made her way through the town. ‘Trixie looks as though she finally turned over a new leaf.’ She smiled at all the achievements her magician friend had earned. ‘There was the town apology, where she publicly apologized to the whole town and agreed to help with the town’s restoration.’ She remembered how it brought a tear to her eyes when the whole town graciously accepted her apology, even setting up her own lodgings. ‘There was the time at the party when she apologized to my friends…’ The unicorn could still feel the warm sensation in her heart when Rainbow Dash shook the azure unicorn’s hoof. ‘Rainbow still has the look of unease around Trixie, but I’m sure that will pass soon enough... Frankly, Trixie's attitude still needs a little work, but time will simply iron that out as well.

Do you ever stop talking?!

Twilight flinched at the harsh voice in her head. ‘Well, for your information, I was just simply thinking to myself. You’re the one listening to my thoughts.’ The purple unicorn knew that this was going to a problem later.

Yeah? Well… I don’t really have a choice here unfortunately. All I can do is sit here and listen to an annoying unicorn talking about her so called friends!

Twilight ignored the voice and entered her home. Making her way towards her bedroom closet, Twilight slipped out of her dress, hanged it, and finally flopped onto the bed with a sigh. ‘I’m going to have to find a way to get rid of this voice in my head.

I heard that!

… or at least stop it from hearing my thoughts…

Twilight could feel her eyelids growing heavier by the minute, only to have them snap wide open when she felt a sudden chill run down her back. ‘W-what was that?’ Her sudden chill was replaced with a wave of happiness, only to find out that it wasn’t her own. ‘What are you doing and why are you so happy all of a sudden?

The voice didn’t reply, but instead began speaking to itself, “She’s here! She’s here! My Master has finally arrived, but wait…” The voice paused. “Something’s wrong…

The purple unicorn had already jumped out of the bed and was in the middle of running downstairs when she asked, ‘Wrong? What’s going on?!’ The unicorn yelped in surprise when she tripped over something soft at the bottom of the stairs. Shaking her head to dislodge the stars out of her vision, Twilight found herself staring face to face with the unconscious form of the goddess of the night herself. “N-n-nightmare Moon?!” Taking a few frantic steps away from the still alicorn, Twilight could feel the fear already welling up inside her. “W-what is she doing here?!”

Get a hold of yourself, Twilight!” The voice inside snapped. “Can’t you see that our master needs help?!

The librarian could only stare in surprise. “Help? She doesn’t need-” She gasped when she finally noticed a hilt of a golden knife, sticking out of the goddess’s back. Blood slowly leaked out of the sides of the wound, filling the whole library with the stench of iron. “W-what happened to her?”

Oh, for Equestria’s sake!” The voice was almost screaming at this point. “Get over there and stop the bleeding!

Twilight felt completely lost, as she frantically rushed over to the fallen goddess. When she saw how bad the wound looked up close, the unicorn found herself slipping. ‘O-okay okay, uhh… I read at least fifty different books on how to medically treat a w-wounded pony… uhh… umm…’ The librarian started to hyperventilate with the stress. ‘Ah ha! Uhh… c-c-chapter one… w-what was chapter one again? …AHHH! I don’t know what to do!

Twilight, calm down!” The voice was able to momentarily snap the unicorn back to reality. “Just listen to me and follow my instructions, understand?

Twilight shook her head briefly, taking large deep breaths. ‘O-okay, I’m listening!

After several minutes of intensive stress and gut wrenching moments, Twilight was finally able to stabilize the fallen mare. Taking a deep breath and expelling it with a sigh, the purple unicorn slumped onto a chair. ‘I’ve never done any kind of intensive medical applications to another pony… I’ve read all about it in books sure, but when it came down to the real deal…’ The librarian shivered slightly. ‘If the voice didn’t help me at the time… Nightmare Moon could’ve died and it would’ve been my entire fault…’ All she received for her thoughts was silence, which confused the unicorn. ‘Hello?’ She glanced around the room, in the hopes to confirm the whereabouts of the voice, but found nothing. ‘That’s strange… where did-


Twilight leaped ten feet into the air before realizing that the noise came from the guest bedroom but more importantly, the place where Nightmare Moon was currently resting. Teleporting into the room with a flash, the unicorn found that the goddess has indeed awakened.

With her eyes still closed and franticly wrestling with the bed sheets, Nightmare Moon cried, “You’ll never have my head you treacherous fiends!” Twisting her wound onto the mattress, the goddess cried out in pain.

Fearing that the alicorn will hurt herself even further, Twilight gently placed a hoof on the mare’s shoulders and said quickly, “It’s alright, Nightmare Moon, nopony is going to hurt you anymore!”

The goddess of the night flinched at the touch. “Wait… That voice…” The alicorn opened her turquoise eyes to stare into the unicorn’s purple ones. “T-twilight Sparkle?” She narrowed her draconic eyes dangerously. “Are you going to betray me like all the others?”

The librarian was taken aback slightly. “N-no… the thought never crossed my mind.”

Nightmare Moon grimaced when she sat up from the bed and tried to flutter her wings, realizing that she was wrapped in bandages. Staring at the white fibers in complete surprise, the alicorn looked up and asked, “Y-you’re the one that saved me?” The goddess leaned away slightly. “You have enough power to defy your own transformation and yet you decided to assist me?”

It was Twilight’s turn to be surprised. “You mean… you never found out?”

The goddess of the night narrowed her eyes again. “Found out about what exactly?”

The purple unicorn suddenly felt nervous. “I uhh… Well…” Feeling extreme stage frightened at the moment, Twilight decided to just blurt it out in a rush. “I-drank-and-finished-the-transformation.”

Having caught a piece of what the unicorn said, Nightmare Moon raised an eyebrow. “Come again? I could’ve sworn that you said…” Her eyebrows slowly met in the middle in concentration, as she spoke under her breath, “But… that’s impossible…”

Without so much as a warning, Twilight felt her body being lifted towards the night goddess. ‘Oh no, not this again!’ She slammed her eyes shut in the hopes of this experience to be a little more bearable. But after several seconds of uneventful floating, the unicorn decided to try and take a small peek at what the alicorn was waiting for. The librarian soon found that the queen of darkness wasn’t sinking her sharp fangs into her neck. No, instead Nightmare Moon’s face was mere inches from her own. Blushing slightly on how close they were at the moment, Twilight flicked her eyes upwards to see that their horn tips were almost touching. “Uhh… Nightmare Moon?”

Receiving only silence from the dark alicorn, the purple unicorn decided to try and see if she could free herself. The very first thing she did was move her head a little, just to see if she could even move her body. She immediately regretted when the two horns touched, because she was about to feel an unbelievable amount of pain.

Thousands, if not, millions of different images suddenly flooded into her mind, like a fire hose turned up full. At first it seemed impossible to make heads or tails of it, but the images slowly started to make a pattern and it filled Twilight with an immense amount of dread and sadness. The poor unicorn couldn’t handle the amount of information and was reduced to curling up into a tight ball, in the hopes for the images to stop.

Meanwhile, the goddess of the night opened her eyes once more. ‘Well, well, well… it seems this unicorn wasn’t a complete waste of time, but… how odd…’ As her vision refocused, Nightmare Moon soon realized that she was staring at a trembling ball of purple fur. “Oh my goodness! Are you alright?” Panicking, the black alicorn quickly casted a soothing spell and gently placed the shivering unicorn on top of a pillow. “Please tell me you didn’t touch my horn while I was feeling for my magic within you!”

Taking short gasps of air, Twilight shakily raised her head off the soft pillow. “W-what was that all about?” The unicorn was a bit intimidated by the facial expression on the goddess’s face. ‘Why does she look so worried about me and when did she even start caring?

Still staring at the unicorn as if she’s the most fragile thing in Equestria, Nightmare Moon asked, “How much did you see?” Seeing the look of confusion on the unicorn, she pressed on, “Did you understand anything from the visions?”

Twilight lifted a hoof and began massaging the side of her head. “I… What?”

The alicorn was losing her patience. “Your vision!” She pointed at her own horn, an angry frown appearing on her face. “When you made contact with my horn, you were briefly given a vision of the future.” Nightmare Moon grabbed the unicorn’s shoulders and stared deeply into her purple eyes. “I need to know whether you saw the end of Equestria or not!”

The librarian was stunned. “I-I didn’t see or understand any of that!” She wrapped her hooves around herself in a hug. “There were so many things… so many images… I couldn’t focus on anything.” The unicorn felt tears running down the side of her face. “I don’t know why…but it makes me feel so sad…” 'And what did she mean by the "End of Equestria"!'

The goddess of the night sighed weakly. Reaching forward with her hooves, Nightmare Moon pulled the crying unicorn into a stiff, but still tight, hug. “I’m sorry you had to see all of that… there are some things in this world that a pony should never see.”

Twilight couldn’t explain it, but she suddenly felt protected and snuggled into the onyx colored coat with a happy sigh.

Remembering just who was holding her at the moment, the unicorn yanked herself away from goddess. “Okay! Just what the hay is going on with you?” She pointed at the alicorn with a hoof. “Why are you suddenly acting so nice and caring towards me? Don’t you hate me or something?” Watching the goddess carefully, the unicorn’s mind went into overdrive. ‘The first thing Nightmare did was teleport into my house with a knife in her back.’ *cringe* ‘Next, she wakes up and starts yelling at me… now she’s giving me a hug?’ Twilight felt her head was starting to spin. ‘She’s confusing the hay out of me with this rollercoaster-like attitude of hers…

Nightmare Moon lifted an eyebrow. “Hate you? Why would I hate my own subjects?” She began pacing around the room, wincing whenever she would turn and aggravate her wound. “I may have been impatient and rather rude to you, however I would never hate my own children.” She whirled around to face the unicorn. “But, enough of this! We have a much bigger problem to deal with at this time!” The goddess pointed a hoof towards the window. “Do you not see that monstrosity rising in the distant?”

Following the pointed hoof, Twilight turned to see a mixture of orange and yellow light off in the distant. Confused on just what the alicorn was implying, Twilight asked, “Are you talking about the raising moon in the distant?”

The alicorn gave the unicorn a blank look. “That isn’t my beautiful moon you little foal…”

Twilight lifted an eyebrow. “If that isn’t the moon then it can only mean…” The unicorn gasped, rushing to the window. ‘Could it really be true?’ Opening the window with a bang, Twilight stared out with her jaw hanging open. Sure enough, it was indeed the bright sun rising in the far distant. ‘Princess Celestia… you truly have returned...

“I wouldn’t stand in the light for too long if I were you, child…”

The purple unicorn turned and gave the goddess a quizzical look. “Why, what’s going to-” She couldn’t finish her question because she found herself falling to the floor with a loud thump. “Ugh… guh… what?” Twilight slowly lifted herself slowly off the floor. “Wha… what happened?” As she was busy lifting herself back up, the unicorn didn’t realize that doing so will place her head directly into the sunlight and she immediately felt her legs grow numb again. “What’s happening to me?”

Nightmare Moon gave a tired sigh, as if she already given the explanation multiple times already. “As I already mentioned to you during the summer sun celebration, you are now a vampony and with it… comes with a few… complications.” The alicorn gave a small nod at the direction of the sun. “I did say to you that the sun will make your body much weaker should you stand in it.”

Twilight pulled herself slowly back up again, carefully avoiding the yellow rays of the sun. “If the sun can do something like that to a vampony… then why are you perfectly okay with it?” She pointed at a spot on the alicorn. “The sun’s shining right on you and you look perfectly fine.”

The goddess glanced down to see a patch of light is indeed on her neck. “Do not let this fool you, child.” She lifted a hoof into the light, gazing at the hoof solemnly. “I am only capable of doing this because I have trained… and made myself stronger against this bothersome light.” The alicorn dropped her hoof back to the floor. “You will be able to deal with this eventually…” Making her way towards the door to the main part of the library, Nightmare turned her head and said, “But enough talking… it is time.”

The librarian timidly followed the goddess, hoping that her number one assistant wouldn’t wake up and find a god walking around the library. “Time? Time for what exactly?”

“To leave of course!” The alicorn gazed at the unicorn as if she was crazy. “Wasn’t a knife in my back a big enough hint for you?” Nightmare Moon tried to flutter her wings again, only to let out a frustrated grunt, when she realized that she couldn’t at the moment. “Celestia’s army is probably making their way towards Ponyville as we speak! We must be away from this place before all shadow is consumed by the light.”

Twilight’s jaw fell open. “Leave?! But, I can’t just leave my home and friends behind!”

One of Nightmare Moon’s eyes twitched. “There is no time to argue with me right now, child!” The alicorn gave an angry stomp. “If they find you, they will have your head!”

The unicorn instinctively placed a hoof to her neck and gulped. “B-but Princess Celestia will never give the orders to kill another pony!”

“That may be true…” Nightmare Moon stared directly into the unicorn’s eyes. “But, we are not ponies anymore, remember?” Ignoring the stunned look on the unicorn’s face, the alicorn cough slightly and said, “My last injury has significantly drain my energy and I will need to feed. I have already looked into your mind and know that you have some of your friend’s blood in store.”

“Y-you read my mind? But-” Twilight tried to speak but was interrupted.

“You will bring me blood to drink this instant! We must hurry and be away from this place posthaste!”

Still with a dazed look on her face, Twilight stumbled her way to the refrigerator in the basement. She was about to pull a random bag out, but then the unicorn suddenly remembered. ‘Wait a minute! I’m not going to just hoof over my friend’s blood to somepony like her!’ The librarian gritted her teeth. ‘I may be sworn in to serve and be loyal to her… But, this is just one thing that I cannot let her take!’ Her eyes flicked around until she spotted a lone cup on a table. ‘I guess it’s my turn to donate for the cause!

After impatiently waiting for that troublesome unicorn, Nightmare Moon finally spotted said unicorn emerging from a door. “It’s about time you arrived…” The alicorn tapped her hoof impatiently. “Quickly, we are running out of time!” Ignoring the look of annoyance on the unicorn’s face, the goddess yanked the floating cup away with her magic. “This shall aid me restoring my powers quicker.” Her face was full of smug confidence before taking a large gulp from the cup.

Nothing could’ve prepared the two when the goddess suddenly exploded with energy. Arcane lightning lashed out from Nightmare Moon’s body, striking the floor and ceiling. Thankfully the house was already enchanted so it could never catch on fire. However, the books weren’t so lucky. Twilight cried out when book after book was struck by the raging storm, a few of them even disintegrating upon impact. ‘I have to stop her from destroying everything!’ Thinking quickly, the unicorn summoned a large bubble shield around the alicorn. ‘What in Equestria is going on with her?!

After several minutes of waiting, the torrent of electricity finally disappeared. The sudden disappearing caused the unicorn to faultier, dropping the goddess and shield onto the floor. Shakily raising herself off the floor, Nightmare Moon coughed and weakly asked, “Wha-What did you do to me…?”

Trying to put out the burning books around the library, Twilight quickly replied, “I didn’t do anything to you, Nightmare Moon. Now help me put out these fires… My precious books are burning!”

The goddess suddenly lunged straight for Twilight, pinning the unicorn to the floor with her hooves. “Lies!” Her whole frame shook when a small electrical discharge ran over her body. “You placed something inside the blood didn’t you?” Nightmare Moon’s eyes flashed red with anger. “Answer me or I will squash that tiny, insignificant, life of yours into oblivion!”

If Twilight wasn’t afraid of the goddess… she was now. “I-I-I didn’t want to g-give my f-friend’s blood to you… so I-I gave my own blood!” The unicorn turned one of her legs to show a band aid. “S-see?”

Nightmare Moon leaned away slightly. “Your own blood? But, what could possibly cause such a-”


“Gah!” The alicorn pressed a hoof to her chest, moving off of the unicorn at the same time. “This feeling…! I’ve felt this before…!” The goddess let out a cry of pain, curling up on the floor and taking deep breaths. 'This could only mean one thing!'

Twilight scrambled to her hooves, wondering what the hay is happening to the god before her. “Nightmare, are you-” She gasped when she notice the alicorn was changing before her very eyes.

Nightmare’s onyx colored coat slowly took on a deep shade of blue. Her long flowing mane and tail retracted, braking apart into normal, azure colored, hair strands. Finally, her sharp fangs began to dull and flatten back to their respective places.

With one of her eyes a normal pony's and the other still stuck in its draconic form, Nightmare Moon spoke, “So… this was your plan all along sister?” The goddess’s horn lit up with magic, producing a misty ball of light. Grunting with fatigue, the alicorn summoned a glass vial and filled it with the unknown substance. Closing the top off with a cork, Nightmare Moon shoved the vial into the unicorn’s hooves and said, “You are the only one with any sort of chance of making it out of here now…”

Scrambling and nearly dropping the vial onto the floor, Twilight asked, “What? But… what about you? What’s going on?!”

With her breath growing shallower by the minute, Nightmare Moon pointed at the glass vial and said, “There isn’t much time to explain-” *Thump-thump* “What you now hold… will explain everything to you!” She pointed towards the library’s exit. “Go! You must be the one to escape or all hope will be lost!” The changed alicorn spoke her final words before slipping into unconsciousness, “The night… must live…on.”