• Published 15th Apr 2013
  • 505 Views, 22 Comments

More than just a pet. - SkyStorm

Applejack had agreed to let Rainbow use the space above Sweet Apple Acres to try out a new trick, and it goes horrible wrong, causing her to crash into the barn and severaly injury her pet Winona. Can Applejack forgive her?

  • ...

Time for you to sleep.

"Let go of me Twi!" Rainbow yelled, struggling against Twilight's magic. She ignored her, and continued out of the barn and onto the dirt path leading out of Sweet Apple Acres. Twilight slowed and turned to her friend,
"I'll let you down when you have calmed down,"
"I AM CALM!" She protested, continuing to struggle.
"What's with all the ruckus?" Came a voice from near the house, followed shortly by Granny Smith poking her head out of the door frame and glancing around.
"Sorry granny Smith," Twilight said still continuing down the path.
"Where are you two off to?" She asked coming fully out of the door frame and very slowly making her way towards Twilight.
"Sorry granny Smith, I don't have time to explain. I have to Get Rainbow out of here before she seriously hurts somepony." And with that, Twilight broke out running, continuing to carry Dash out of fear that she'll return to the barn. Granny Smith watch as Twilight disappeared over the ridge of path out of Sweet Apple Acres.
"Mares these day's," She sighed to herself.

Just as Granny Smith turned around to head back to the house, she noticed the rather large hole in the barn, at first she thought that it was her old age causing her to see things, but after rubbing her eyes she discovered that it was real.
"Oh sweet Celestia," She exclaimed to herself.
"APPLEJACK, BIG MAC!" She shouted as loud as her old lungs would allow. Big mac emerged from the paths leading to the eastern orchard, bringing along his cart full of apples as he had just finished his share of work.
"What's wrong Granny Smith?" He said in his usual low toned voice, continuing to make his way towards her.
"GET OVER HERE!" She cried, raising her hoof slightly then pointing it straight down to the space in front of her. Big mac knew, from years of living with granny Smith that when she did that, it was either because she was mad or because something was wrong. He didn't waste anytime in hurrying towards her, leaving his cart next to the house.
"What happened to the barn?!" She proclaimed, pointing to the hole. Big Mac followed her hoof direction and noticed the damage to the barn.
"I-I didn't do it granny Smith, honest," He said, cowering slightly.
"Maybe it was Applebloom and her friends trying to get there cutie marks," he continued, trying desperately to avoid eye contact with her.
"APPLEBLO-" She would have called out her full name, but was interrupted by a sudden coughing fit. Applebloom had heard her, and poked her head out of her bedroom window,
"What is it granny Smith?" She said, rubbing her eyes with her hoofs whilst looking half asleep.
"Did you or your friends do anything to the barn?" Big mac asked, as granny Smith recovered from her coughing fit.
"No, none of the Crusaders have been out today. Sweetie Belle is cat-sitting for Rarity and Scootaloo's off in Canterlot with her parents." She replied, "Why anyway?" She asked. Big mac then extended his hoof out pointing at the barn roof, but since Applebloom couldn't see the roof she climbed back inside the window and ran downstairs and outside. Even though Applebloom was stood next to Big mac, she couldn't see what he was pointing at. She let out a grunt of annoyance.
"I bet you could see it inside the barn," granny Smith said, having recovered.
"Great idea granny," Appebloom said, running towards the barn followed by the others.

The barn door had been left open by Twilight, so as the three edged closer to the barn the sounds of crying could be heard.
"Is everypony ok it there?" Applebloom said peeking in through the door frame. To her shock she saw her sister crying into Rarities shoulders, with a completely still Pinkie Pie, who's mane had stopped being poofy and was completely straight. Applejack looked up from out of Rarities shoulder and looked at her little sister. Her thoughts were plagued by how Applebloom might react when she told her about Winona.
"What's wrong Applejack?" Said Applebloom, running towards her sister. Granny Smith and Big Mac then entered the barn. The two looked around the barn, noticing the wreckage, as well as Applejack. Rarity let go of Applejack as Applebloom got closer, allowing Applejack to wrap her hoofs around her little sister. Again, she began to cry.
"Why are you crying Applejack? You know I don't like to see you cry..." She said, looking at her big sisters back. All she could respond with was "Oh Applebloom..."
"Everything alright deary?" Said Granny Smith, slowly entering the barn, followed closely by Big Mac. Rarity began walking towards them, her eyes locked onto the floor.
"I'm afraid I have some bad new granny Smith...." Rarity said, stopping a few feet in front of her.
"Bad news?" Said Applebloom, still within ear range of Rarity.
"No Rairty, don't....I'll tell them..." Said Applejack, finally standing up.
"Tell us what?" Asked big Mac, being his usual quite self. Applejack looked into the eyes of her different family members and remaining friends.
"I don't really know how to say this y'all..." She paused, and sighed deeply.
"But our little Winona..." pausing again to try and swallow the lump in her throat,
"...Might...d-d-die...." She finished, wrapping her hoofs around Applebloom.
"D-die..." said granny Smith, in an unusually monotone voice. Big Mac remained silent. he just stood there, looking at the pile of wreckage. Rarity could tell that the words had affected him.
"Are you ok Big Mac?" She asked, slowly moving towards him. He just looked at her, then back to the wreckage. Applebloom had wrapped her hoofs around her older sister, trying to comprehend what she just said.
"Might...die..." She said to herself softly as Applejack began stroking her hair. Applejack could feel a warm stream running down her back, her sister couldn't hold hear tears back.
"W-where is she now?" asked granny Smith.
"Fluttershy has taken her to the vet." said Pinkie, finally deciding to speak. Without any hesitation, big Mac turned and began leaving the barn,
"Hey, where are you going?" yelled granny Smith. He didn't reply, he just marched out of the barn. Granny Smith soon followed after him as she was not used to being ignored. The mares noticing that everyone was leaving the barn, all decided to leave, but Applebloom had to drag Applejack out of the barn, as she was quite contempt to sit there crying. When they finally got out, big Mac was half way down the dirt path out of Sweet Apple Acres.
"Hey mister, when I talk to you, you will answer me!" exclaimed granny Smith and big Mac continued to walk.
'Where do you suppose he's going?" asked Applebloom, still in the hoofs of her sister.
'The vet's. Said Twilight walking towards the group. Rarity and Pinkie seemed somewhat relieved to see her.
"How'd you know that Twilight? Asked Applebloom, wiping the tears from her eyes.
"Because, Applebloom, I was here earlier when it happened..." Twilight said looking down towards the ground. Applebloom nodded in acknowledgement.

"You three should probable head to the vet's, you know, see how Winona is doing." Twilight said, walking closer to her friends. Applejack sighed deeply, and looked up at her Twilight.
"She'll be ok..." Said Twilight attempting to comfort them. This seemed to catch Appleblooms attention,
"You think so Twilight?" She asked hopeful.
"Of course I am..." She said.
"C'mon Applejack, let's go!" Applebloom said, tugging on her sister's hoof. Applejack first looked down to her sister then up to Twilight.
"...Ok...Lets go..." Applejack said, wiping her eyes dry.
"what about you granny Smith, are you coming?" Applejack asked.
"No...I-I don't think I will..." granny Smith said, edging towards the house.
'W-Why not!?" Applebloom yelled.
"I just-I just don't think I can take it..." she said, turning and walking towards the house.
"Granny Smi-" Applebloom was interrupted by her sister covering her mouth and preventing her from running after her.
"She made her choice Bloom..." She said looking at her sister.
"Will you guys be coming?" Applejack asked, looing around at her friends.
"Yeah, we'll come. You go on ahead. We'll catch up." Twilight said.
"Fair enough sugarcube..." Applejack said, turning and begging to make her way out of Sweet Apple Acres towards Ponyville.

When Applejack was far enough away, and granny Smith had gone inside. Pinkie was the first to ask something,
"Where's Dashie? she asked, her mane covering one side of her face.
"Rain-Rainbow Dash left Pinkie..." Twilight said bowing her head. Pinkie's face lost what emotion it had left.
"L-l-left..?" She whelped. "Where did she leave to Twi?!" Pinkie screamed, tearing up slightly and stomping her right hoof.
"I don't know Pinkie..." Twilight replied.
"You... don't know...?" asked Rarity, curiously.
'Yeah, you see, as I was dragging her away I told her about how much trouble her little stunt had caused, and how much it will hurt the Apple-family to possible loose a pet..." Twilight began explaining.
'I could see my words meant something, because as I told her she resisted my magic less and less. Until I allowed her to walk, where the instant I let her down she shot off into the air. She went straight up above the could, so she could have gone off in any direction." Twilight finished explaining, although it didn't seemed to help Pinkie that much, who began sobbing at the thought of loosing one of her many friends.
"Aww c'mon Pinkie, we'll find her sooner or later. You know Rainbow Dash." Twilight said veining a smile to try and calm her. Pinkie didn't want to listen, and ran down one of the various paths into one of the orchards.
"No, Pinkie. Come back!" Twilight shouted, she was about to give chase but Rarity stopped her,
"Leave her Twilight, I think she needs some time alone..." Twilight sighed and nodded.
"You want to catch up Applejack?" Rarity said, pointing towards Ponyville.
"I'm pretty sure there already at the vet's. I'll just teleport us there," Twilight said as her horn began glowing magenta, and with one white flash there were gone.

Twilight was correct, because just as the two reappeared inside the vet's clinic, Applebloom and Applejack were sat down on the waiting chairs next to Fluttershy.
"So, how is she?" Twilight said, looking at Fluttershy. She looked up at her, and buried her face into her hoofs crying.
"I wasn't fast enough!" She squealed from between her hoofs. her face lost all emotion,
"You...mean...s-she's.." Twilight was stopped by Fluttershy letting out loud moan of sadness echoing down the halls.
"She's just barley alive Twi..." Said Applejack, rising from her seat and onto the floor. This made Twilight feel somewhat relieved.
"But the doctors told me that...she won't make it..." Applejack said with no emotion in her voice. Twilight was just about to comfort her, when she began again,
"The doctors said that they can save her, but she would be in a state of constant pain. S-so I decided that the best course of action...Is to have her put...to...sleep..." Applejack could barely finish her sentence before she let out a cry of despair.
"Have they...already done it...." Twilight asked, fighting back tears of her own. Rarity took the opportunity to go and sit next to the weeping Applebloom in an attempt to comfort her.
"Not yet..." Applejack replied. " I asked him if I could say one last goodbye to her before they did it..." She said, trying to cover her tears. Twilight was about to ask if she needed anything, but a nurse called out for Applejack, and flagged her towards a room. She began making her way towards the nurse knowing that when she entered that room, it would be the last time she ever saw he beloved Winona.

She entered the room, it was filled with various medically equipment and in the center of the room was a operating table with Winona lying on it. She was her pet not moving and took a deep breath and edged closer to the table, the nurses all gathered around doing checks and preparing to inject her. She kept perfect eye contact with her pet, not looking away for one second. When she reached the table, she could see the various cuts and breaks that occurred earlier that day. She didn't react, she just wanted to say goodbye. She slowly reached her hoof over to the top of her head, and slowly began lowering it down hear body and back up. This was her favorite place to be stroked, apart from on her stomach, but that was too full of tubes to stroke. The nurses signaled to one another and one asked
"Are you ready, Applejack"
She looked up at the nurse and nodded.
"Mind if I stay with her...you know until she's...gone..." Applejack asked, continuing to stroke Winona.
"Of course..." The nurse said, signaling the nurses to start the procedure. Applejack stood there, stroking her as the nurses first turned off the heart measuring device, then while one produced a needle and the other, a veil of a clear liquid. The nurses then filled the needle with the liquid,
"Applejack, I'm afraid your going to have to move," said one of the nurses, Applejack choose to the ignore her. Instead she crouched slightly next to Winona's face and stared into her eyes, still continuing to stoke her head. The nurses looked at one another and decided that they would inject her elsewhere to no disturb Applejack. As the needle pierce Winona lower back, and the fluid began to take it's effect, her body began to twitch , especially her legs, giving the illusion that she was running,
"There you go girl....you run back to your parents....it's time for you to sleep baby...." Applejack said as a tear escaped her left eye and landed onto Winona's head. It was done. She would feel no more pain...

Comments ( 2 )

A bit sad story But its great :D! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:


Oh, thank you. I didn't really expect you to read mine, but thank you none the less. :pinkiehappy:
This story isn't done yet, still along way to go yet. Plus, I'm working on another story right now so this one has been left on hold for now.

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