• Published 24th Apr 2013
  • 456 Views, 5 Comments

Legends of Harmony Season 1 - AlphaOmega

There will come a time when evil will rise, but never a time when good will fail.

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Chapter 6

Elements of Harmony Season 1 Chapter 6

By AlphaOmega

Firefighters were all over the place. The blazes were intense. The servants were running around trying to put out small fires. The princesses and Mane 6 were now at a safe area of the castle, the princesses shelter in case of emergencies. Celestia, who was now laying down next to her sister, contemplated what just happened. It happened to quickly none of their magic could contain the blast.

It had been her birthday again. The day had begun with the most frightening of things.

A nightmare, a sealed scroll broken, and an explosion. She new what it meant. HE was returning. She should have seen the signs. After she had lost connection to the elements, she began to feel a nagging at the back of her head. As if something was coming for her. Her suspicions were confirmed with these events. Now it was only a matter of time before he came for her. Very few people knew her birthday considering she was older than Luna, who was trapped in the moon for 1000 years. However, only one pony could have known this info and lived so long.

Darlem. It was an ancient pony name for "Honor". And he had tons of it too. However, honor is sometimes taken too far. And when one is betrayed, it can lead to feelings of revenge. He had returned from the land of the dead and had brought an army.

Just as he promised he would.

The other ponies gathered were checking to see that they were all okay.

Fortunately, Fluttershy was good with medicine and got them patched quickly. However, they were still in high spirits. It truly was a surprise that this group of friends had stayed together this long. Most ponies today were spread out. New territories had been discovered which lead to more jobs. However, these ponies were always so close even when spread apart.

Celestia checked their supplies in case she needed to fetch more. Luna had passed out on the spare bed. As she stood up the other ponies looked at her for guidance. Normally she was prepared for such a thing. However, in this case, she was not ready to tell them. But they were ready to know.

"Sit down my little ponies. I know this was a very pressing moment. I did not know-"

"Princess, what is going on?" Rainbow Dash dared interrupt. Normally, the multi-colored pony was respectful with the princess but right now she had lost patience having come so close to death by frosting.

The princess just sat down and sighed. "I own you the truth. It all began again with my student. He was making great progress. However, he began to use horrific experiments. Ponies were disappearing. It seemed almost like magic. It in fact was. When we found him, he was carving up my captain of the guard. I could bare it no longer." She was now shuddering and shivering at the memory of that moment. But she continued.

"His name was Darlem. I sealed him away in a scroll using the Elements. However, this was not just any seal. It required..." Celestia paused at the though of what she had done.

Twilight spoke up "You used the blood seal spell...didn't you."
Celestia was silent for a moment before speaking. "I had no other choice. Yes, I used the blood seal."

Tired of not getting anywhere, Applejack spoke up. "What is this spell? I assume there had to be..."

"A sacrifice."

The group turned to a serious Fluttershy. She was surprisingly calm. She seemed almost unfazed by the news that the princess had sacrificed a pony to doom another pony to eternal damnation. However, she knew of sacrifice. There were times when she had to operate on animals and many uneasy choices had occured that would perhaps frighten another pony. But not her.

Celestia sobbed. "I know I have always tried to do the right thing. But i was so consumed with anger I cast the curse. My sacrifice was too high. The captain was already missing limbs.....so.....(sob)....I put him out of his misery. And with his blood, i saved Equestria for many centuries. However, this was the second time I had used the elements to punish another pony. I was becoming drunk on power. Thus, I hid away the Elements. I vowed to only use them when absolutely neccessary. Fortunately, the need did not arise. But now I fear the time has come to get the Elements."

Rarity spoke up "But your highness. The Elements are with us, remember?" The rest of the group remembered in their minds where the Elements were kept in each of their hiding spots.

"No Rarity. Those are merely a little taste of the true element. I hid the Essences of the Elements of Harmony all over the world, not just in Equestria. I set up powerful spells and curses to deter all races from ever discovering them. But i could not just throw away the most powerful instruments in the world. Thus, I created the Elements by taking a portion of the original Essence." Celestia explained.

"Well we can just get it then right?" Asked Applejack. "If you hid it then surely you could remember and we can go get them!"

Celestia just sighed. "It sounds that easy but i did not make it that simple. I was connected to the Elements when I cast the spell. Now that I am no longer connected to the Elements, I do not possess the power to deal with the challenges and curses I set. I still remember the locations, but that is all."

It was Pinkie Pie's turn to speak. "Princess, while I have no problem going, this is a dangerous mission. Do you think we should go?"

"I would not ask you if I did not believe you could do it."

Pinkie smiled. "Then let's turn that frown upside down! If anything scary comes, I'll cheer up with my party cannon!" She pulled her cannon out of nowhere and shot a few streamers and balloons.

"I guess I go too. " Applejack added. "Applebloom can take care of the farm until I get back. Besides, your gonna need some strength on this trip."

Rainbow Dash huffed. "PLEASEEE Applejack. I think I can handle myself and the group."

"You couldn't win a hoof-wrestle with me. How ya gonna take care of all our friends?"

"Girls. That's enough for now." Fluttershy spoke as she separated the two strength-obessed ponies. "I will join as well. Discord can handle things. I taught him myself!" She smiled. "Also, we may need a healer or someone to talk to animals for servailance.

Rarity sighed. "Well, if I am going I will need to pack some clothes for "roughing it". Perhaps something green?"

Celestia laughed. "Don't worry Rarity. I will outfit you all with the best armor, weapons, and escort that I can get. Twilight?" The lavender mare looked up to see her friends. They were all so strong and confident.

Silence fell upon the room. The mane 6 each knew of the elements well. They were best suited to get the Essences. But the dangers they would face were unlike anything before. They looked at each other. They had been friends since day 1. To lose one of them now would be almost unbearable, if it were not for the other 5 to support each other. However, they had always faced danger. They had stopped Nightmare Moon together. They stopped Discord together. They could do anything together, as long as they had the support of each other.

They all thought these in their own minds. They looked at each other as more than friends. They were practically family. Everyone would support each otehr in the coming days. Their strength was undeniable and unbeatable.

Princess Twilight Sparkle spoke up. "How do we find the Essences?"


As the others stood by the fireplace warming up, Twilight requested an audience with the former princess. The two met in a private room.

Twilight was the first to speak. "Celestia." The princess of the sun as shocked. While Twilight was not required to call her Princess, she usually did. However, her town and voice were not for regal talk. This was an important matter.

"I know this is a very important mission. You have outlined the cautions to us many times tonight. But I am not 100% convinced." Twilight leveled a glare at her mentor. "You and I both know that the Blood Seal spell requires more that just 1 sacrifice. Now you know I always trust you. But they don't know what they're getting into. If you had to use a spell like that, there was much more to this than meets the eye." She was almost out f breath at her anger.

Celestia just sighed. "Twilight. You know I always do what is best and right for Equestria. But that was centuries ago. It was a mistake Twilight. I did not want to do it but it had to be done. But you must believe me. I had to use that spell." She was near tears. Lying to someone who was probably one of your only real friend was difficult and it was tearing Celestia.

Twilight shook her head. "I don' know what to believe anymore. But let me tell you this Princess." Celestia suddenly looked up from the ground and shame. "If ANYTHING happens to my friends or brother, I will never forgive you. I know there is more to that spell. I don't want to know what you did, but I will find out sooner or later. I dont know how many deaths are on your mind, but if ANY of my friends are on that list..." Twilight let the threat hang.

As Twilight walked back to her spare bed, Celestia stared at the moon through the window. She had gazed upon the moon once and saw her sister. She had been out late on nights like these with Darlem. She had so many lies, so many things she had done. Her sins.

She spoke to herself. Do not worry Twilight. Everything I have done was for the good of Equestria. If keeping the truth away is what will win us this fight...I am sorry.

As Celestia went to sleep, the birds in the Everfree Forest flew away. A great evil was stirring and even the animals could sense it. However, they could not see it. In a cave in the deepest part of the Everfree, a shadow played along the walls. It created nightmares that would scare even Nightmare Moon. In this cave, he plotted for years to take his revenge. And now the time was close.

At night, in the dark, his magic was strong. He snuck into dreams and planted nightmares. But tonight, he had one less target. Celestia's own guilt would bring the nightmares for him.

He smiled to himself. Well, this will be fun.

Author's Note:

as always please notify me of mistakes. Thanks!