• Published 24th Apr 2013
  • 456 Views, 5 Comments

Legends of Harmony Season 1 - AlphaOmega

There will come a time when evil will rise, but never a time when good will fail.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Legends of Harmony

By AlphaOmega

It was a slow day. Not many animals were coming in injured. It wasn't that she had so many animals around. It certainly not that she was annoyed with them. She didn't care that they didn't pay her for healing their injuries.
No. It was much worse.

Fluttershy's clinic was near the edge of the Everfree forest. She was now one of the largest medical facilities in all of Equestria...for animals. From all over Equestria, they came to receive the world class service of Dr. Fluttershy. Due to her natural talent, she had beaten most other competition. Of course, beating out the rivals meant that they went out of business. Despite Angel's attempts (if you call had gestures a form of speaking) she had re-hired the competition. Now they all worked for Fluttershy.

Some were very good but lacked the hospitality. Some had a good heart but couldn't perform CPR. Fluttershy taught them quick. She taught how to act with kindness and how to help animals feel better. Her fame quickly spread throughout all of Equestria. Eventually, to try and get funds (it's a business, not a charity; despite what Fluttershy wanted) to keep the clinic running. She eventually came out with her on book. It sold out in the first days and a few weeks after. In medical schools, it was used as a basis for proper care. It was the core manual for veterinarians.

Being the best clinic had its difficulties too. Since she was the head, she was often on duty and rarely saw her friends. It meant she couldn't go off picking flowers or enjoying the outdoors as much. Sometimes she just wished she hadn't started a clinic. But she steeled her mind. This was her destiny, and nothing would stop her from completing her mission.
But for today, the mission was slow. There was one case of a cat falling from a tree and landing head first. That required stitches. But that was the most exciting of them all. Nothing else.

Fluttershy was worried, however. Animals were often brought in because they were sick. And when she said often, she meant at least thirty visitors throughout the day. If they weren't sick, they might be...

She waved the idea away. Nah. It wasn't that. She had kept a close eye on the Everfree to make sure that all animals were behaving. And she was pretty sure Discord was just messing around if he was the cause behind this...but then again...

"Discord." She turned to her companion. The Lord of Chaos was currently cleaning up around the house. He had re-arranged certain parts but most were intact. The floor was the ceiling, Fluffy had wings, and some animals had mysteriously changed color.

"Discord, you know better." Fluttershy chided.

He merely shrugged. "Don't worry kind Fluttershy. It is only temporary...except for Fluffy (Fluttershy gasped). He might be permanent...but not worries! I can change him back later."

Fluttershy sighed. "For sure?"

"Mmmmmmayy....MMMMaaaaaaabbBBBBBy." Discord found it funny to keep Fluttershy unsure. Her complete innocence compared to the King of Disharmony should have corrupted her into a complete jerk, but instead, he was the one defeated. The little pony was so kind hearted. Discord had learned many things in his time. One of them was the ability to read souls. This one's soul was pure and innocent....and contagious. Celestia thought it was even good enough to reform chaos, which it did (slightly).

"Please please! Mares! Please come in and join me and Fluttershy for Tea." Discord announced.

"We're watching you Discord! You try anything and we'll have you in stone faster that Rainbow can run from Equestria to Cloudsdale!" Twilight warned. Rainbow dash looked hurt as she realized that she was slower than turning someone to stone. "Oh for Pete’s sake Dash, it was an expression."


"My little ponies please do not worry. Fluttershy has redeemed me with..."

Dramatic pause. (At least in Discords mind)


Silence. Even the crickets that were currently in Fluttershy's care didn't chirp. Discord frowned. "I'm trying to reform okay? At least show some enthusiasm."

Fluttershy quickly flew over and assured him. "Don't worry Discord. They are just... (loss for words)...Looking at the new style of the house!"

The "style" was indeed something to look at. The walls were painted different colors. The table was long and could fit several more ponies than 6. Teapots, brooms, and other household objects were waltzing around and spraying this on that. But, shockingly, overall it was clean. The floors reflected Rarity's dress. The silverware and table were prepped for tea time. Even some of the penguins (Long story) had put on a bowtie and were playing harps. The birds chirped loudly, but in a beautiful, Discord-way.

"Don't you just love it?" Discord interrupted the silence. "It took me forever to get this place perfectly disharmonized."
"I don’t think that’s a word..." Twilight said aggravated at the improper grammar. The rest of the mane 6 decided to let it go, mostly because Fluttershy seemed to want to let it go. They took their respective seats at the table. A walking plate and several teacups along with a tray of colorful confections. Once everyone was seated, Discord changed into some butler clothing and proceeded to pour tea for the group. Everything was moving quite civilized until Rainbow blew a gasket.

"Oh c'mon! How can you all just sit there like that?!" She burst out in anger. "Discord is serving us tea! Chaotic Tea! Who knows if this house is rigged to explode!?" She turned to Fluttershy. "How could you let him serve us tea?! You can't trust him!"

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight interrupted as she comforted a now crying Fluttershy. "Have some respect! Fluttershy is trying her hardest and Discord has not pulled one prank since we got here. Now look what you've done!" Fluttershy had run out the door while Discord just stared at the door. His only friend had just run out due to the selfish feelings of the Element of Loyalty.

"I didn’t mean...” Rainbow started. Discord interrupted. "Oh just wonderful! You are making my job of separating you all much easier!" He said with a confident smile. However, the rest of his draconequs body disagreed. His hands were rubbing against each other more out of anxiety than happiness. His feet shuffled at the shame he felt for not going after Fluttershy. Finally, his eyes shot daggers at Rainbow dash. All of this, however, was oblivious to Discord's heart.
"I’ll go after her." Applejack said. "And YOU (she grabbed Rainbow Dash) are coming with me!" Rainbow went without much enthusiasm. She knew her words had hurt Fluttershy badly. She had to go apologize.
She just hoped she hadn't hurt Fluttershy's trust and love of Rainbow Dash.


Ahh. Good times. Discord sighed. These days he was a bit of celebrity among the animals. They treated him with respect because he often helped them if they might have taken a serious injury that requires a lot more than some bandages. He often did surgery as well. He even delivered Fluffy when Angel was pregnant. Sometimes he wondered if it was worth it to give up so much chaotic power just to have one friend in the world.

He realized he wouldn't want it any other way.

As he continued to work around the cottage, Fluttershy was busy looking at some memoirs of past adventures. She saw
her picture taken during the Young Fliers competition. There was even one from when she had visited Appleloosa. Finally, at the long end of it, she saw her friends all gathered together for Twilight's coronation. It was such a happy time. There were less worries and life moved at an even pace. Now that all her friends were busy fulfilling their destinies, they didn't see each other often. Sure she could see them anytime she wanted, but she was still shy as ever.


"Mr. Discord? Please see who is at the door. I have to make a quick letter to Twilight. It's about the...disappearances."
Discord didn't need to open the door. The pink pony just burst in and fired her cannon.


"And how may I help you today?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Oh I would some cupcakes. One dozen of them." The pony said.

"Alright! Anything you particularly want in them?" Pinkie asked.

"Oh yes! Please put lots of vegetables and greens in them. But make it sweet!"

Pinkie just thought about the strange request. While she was often an eccentric pony, she did think her actions
through...sometimes. She often had a few weird customers, thus she decided it would be fun to try and guess what kind of
event they were gearing up for. When she thought she had it she asked.

"Are you having a party?" Pinkie questioned.

"Nah. But trust me there will be plenty of leftovers if you want some." The pony just licked his lips. He himself was pretty interesting. He had a sleek black and red coat with a very interesting horn. It was somewhat lopsided, kind of like when Twilight and her friends had run into poison joke.

Something seemed suspicious. Her pinkie senses weren't tingling, but she could just tell something wasn't right about the pony in front of her. She shrugged it off. It was an order and she had a duty. She gave the pony a receipt and proceeded to create his order. She moved to the back to get some flour. She diced up some vegetable. The sound of the chopping quickly dispersed from her mind as she fell into her "trance". She had grown so accustomed to working alone; she often receded into her mind to think on her life.

Pinkie Pie was pretty busy these days. She was working almost every day! It was certainly different then when she had a part-time job living in the guest quarters of the Cake residence. Speaking of the Cakes, they had packed up and moved out a few years ago. After the foals had gotten older, the couple decided they would move the main business to Neigh Jersey. It had a nicer climate and had a more diverse crowd for the Cakes to immerse themselves in society. Not to mention the business. They were still cake bakers but wanted to expand all over Equestria.

Meanwhile, Pinkie had saved up money working for the Cakes and just renting an apartment. Sugar Cube corner was pretty popular in the relatively small town of Ponyville. She quickly made enough money to actually buyout the store from the Cakes when they put it up for auction. It was worth it. Now she owned one of her favorite places, doing something to help ponies everywhere when it came to having a good time. What better way to fulfill her destiny?

She had done little to change the shop. It was still as colorful as ever with the walls and columns looking like they were edible. Pinkie did add some streamers to make it look a little more festive but decided she wanted to keep it the way she had remembered almost her whole life. She could almost picture her friends and her having a blast here. They would eat cupcakes and have parties and everyone had a huge smile on...

Her smile wavered a bit. They were all gone now, doing their part in the destiny of the world. Rainbow was a Wonderbolts now. Applejack's business was booming. Twilight had many responsibilities now as a Ruler of Equestria. Despite herself, Fluttershy was now running a now well known care center for animals. She was always good with them. Rarity was the only one Pinkie saw often. After all, they both lived in Ponyville. She would bring Rarity some cakes and confectionaries from time to time. Rarity would make Pinkie some dresses to wear for any galas or weddings that Pinkie had to cater for.
She had now finished dicing up the veggies and was blending it with the cake batter. As she stirred, she thought over the memories of her life. She remembered when AJ had tried to help make cupcakes. The results were less that satisfactory, but it was those moments with friends that Pinkie wanted to remember. She remembered one particular memory well about their friendship.


The Cutie Mark Crusaders burst through the doors.

"Hey there pipsqueak." Rainbow Dash told Scootaloo. "I heard you were looking for me and my cutie mark crusader story."

"You have no idea!" Scootaloo told her as she sat down, exhausted. Pinkie had gathered them for a little party that day.

She wanted to try out some new recipes and decided the best people to try it were her very best friends. They all listened intently as Rainbow told her "epic" story about how she received her cutie mark. Naturally, the others sighed good-heartedly as Rainbow added some cocky remarks. She "won by a landslide" and that the crowd "went nuts with excitement". Then she got to the part about her Sonic Rainboom.

"I had done it. I realized that the only thing I loved more than flying, was winning! On that day, my cutie mark appeared and I've been flying ever since." She smiled as her #1 fan just stared at her with big eyes. However, Pinkie Pie was much more excited.

"Hey Rainbow! When I was working on the rock farm, I saw a blast of rainbow that taught me how to smile!" Pinkie suddenly burst forth.

"Oh my gosh! When I was feelin' home sick, I saw a rainbow pointing to home!" Applejack joined in.

"When the great rock burst open, a rainbow also flew by too!" Rarity exclaimed.

Twilight just shook her head in pure disbelief. "This is uncanny! I was about to fail my test when the rainbow burst for my
true power. Could it be....?”

"It has to be true darling," Rarity cut in on her train of thought. "We really have been BFFs forever." Pinkie Pie was so happy. She loved seeing her friends having a good time. She always was the closest to each one. She wanted a party for everyone, to get everyone to smile and spread the joy. Naturally, seeing her friends realize that they were all meant to meet each other gave her a happiness she would never forget.


Pinkie couldn't help but cry tears of joy. She missed them so much. They had all come such a long way from when they had each gone their separate ways. She missed the parties and the laughs they shared. Rainbow Dash's pranks, Fluttershy's kindness. Rarity's glamour, even AJ's hard work style. But most of all, she missed Twilight. The experiments they used to do together. The times they shared. All were now just a distant memory.

I will fix that.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long. Please speak up if there are any mistakes =)

This is the last of the "Catch up" chapters. we are now up to speed. The next few chapters will see our heroes meeting with Celestia and a few surprises.