• Published 10th Apr 2013
  • 1,895 Views, 8 Comments

It's A Chaotic Life - Coyote Mustang

Applejack has something she needs to tell Twilight. Twilight thought she wanted to visit and read with her. How will they react when the two clash over something that was supposed to be simple?

  • ...

But A Wonderful World

The snow came down quickly as ponies made their ways back to the homes on this cold winter day. Many ran with the groceries they had purchased for the coming days, not knowing how long the snow would continue. Several passed the library, each too busy to notice the orange mare that stood out front, her hoof hovering over the buzzer.

Applejack stood in front of the library door, her mind fighting tooth and hoof for her to stop what she was about to do. Her mind wrestled for control of her body, a stubborn limb that fought against her. Applejack’s ears rang louder than the church bells in the steeple, her mouth grew dryer then the deserts around Appleloosa and her eyes watched in horror as her hoof touched the buzzer to Twilight’s door. The soft fall of hoof steps could soon be heard, and with a soft click the front door opened. Twilight stood by the door with a soft smile as Applejack walked into the nightmare her mind had been trying to avoid.

“Geez, Applejack, how long have you been standing out there? Celestia, you must be so cold,” Twilight spoke as she closed the door behind the two of them.

Applejack gave a soft shake to knock the excess snow off her fur, leaving a rather large pile of snow on the library floor. Twilight gave a soft cough, and as soon as Applejack noticed her mistake she blushed. Twilight gave her a soft sigh, her magic glowing as she lifted the snow off the floor and into the kitchen sink.

Twilight turned back to face Applejack, a little annoyed that she would do something so stupid. She came face to face with a shivering Applejack, the remainder of the snow slowly dripping off her frame. She reminded her of Rarity on a bad hair day. Applejack’s mane stood on ends in some places, and others stuck to her sides like glue. Twilight couldn’t help but laugh at the situation as she made her way past Applejack.

“I must admit Applejack, I was shocked when you wanted to come over today and read with me,” Twilight said as she walked to the closest closet and removed a towel from it. Using her magic, she passed it to Applejack who kindly accepted.

“Yah, Twilight... Me too,” Applejack replied as she dried off, her eyes scanning the library. She had been in here before- the numerous sleepovers, the strange experiments Twilight conducted. But as she looked around the library this time, her eyes fell on the small corner by the fireplace and to the single large pillow that had been laid out. Applejack frowned as she looked back to Twilight, as her name was called.

“Applejack, are you OK?” Twilight questioned as she walked over to her side. The look of worry on her face gave Applejack pause in her speech, but she soon found the words.

“Yah, Twilight, ah’m fine.” Applejack gave a soft smile to Twilight, and she soon made her way to the cushion already warmed by the fire’s heat.

Twilight seated herself next to Applejack and slowly levitated a book between the two of them. Twilight soon found herself engrossed in the material of the book, commenting on passages as well as taking notes on them. Applejack had answered back with ‘Oh yah’s’ and ‘Mhmm's’, but she really wasn’t paying attention to the book at all. She was focused on telling Twilight about the newest addition to the Apple Family.

“Hey Twi’, can you take a break for a minute. I need to tell yah something.”

Twilight scanned the page to the book for a few more seconds before closing it and turning towards her friend.

“Yes, Applejack, what is it?’ Twilight questioned.

“Twiligh’, Ah’m...” She began before she grabbed her stomach.

A sharp pain surged through Applejack’s body, derailing her train of thought. She involuntarily gave a small kick for the pain, but held her voice so not to startle her friend. It passed quickly, allowing Applejack to return to her conversation with Twilight. Applejack turned back to Twilight and found her in tears.

Twilight grimaced in pain as she clutched her side. Applejack had kicked her, and she couldn’t believe the power it had behind it. Twilight knew of Earth pony strength, but she hadn’t fully anticipated the full extent of it. She looked her friend over in the throes of pain and only had the breath to ask, “Why?”

Applejack’s mind betrayed her in blankness for an excuse, leaving only the truth to answer with.

“Ahm sorry Twi’, the pain was just too much. It was an accident,” Applejack answered as she extended a hoof to comfort Twilight.

Twilight brushed her hoof away as continued to clutch her side in pain. She began to prod her ribs for damage, but soon found that the only damage was the bruise that Applejack had left her with.

“I’m alright Applejack, It’s nothing,” Twilight questioned as the pain subsided. “What about you though? If you reacted with a kick as powerful as that, you must be in severe pain.” Twilight gave a look of worry to her friend. Knowing that Applejack, her friend, was in pain was something she couldn’t ignore. “Applejack, did you hurt yourself at work today?”

Applejack shook her head ‘no’, her mind stealing the words she wanted. She turned her eyes to stare at the floor, her face red with embarrassment.

“Did you hurt yourself on your way here then?”

Again Applejack shook her head ‘no’, her eyes still not leaving the floor.

“Applejack, what’s wrong? Is someone hurting you?”

Applejack lifted her gaze to meet Twilights. She sighed deeply, and with a small smile she answered.

“No Twilight, Ahm in pain cus’ I’m pregnant.”

Twilight’s jaw fell open.

“You’re what?” Twilight exclaimed in pure shock as she looked her friend over.

“It’s what ah was tryin’ to tell you earlier, but I was interrupted,” she answered with a small laugh.

Twilight’s mind was throwing her through a loop. She didn't notice her display any signs when she entered, nor had she even mentioned she was dating somepony. Twilight’s expression evened as she thought about it more. Twilight wasn’t so much angry as she was betrayed at her friend’s secret special pony. Twilight soon found tears beginning to form on Applejack’s face due to her silence and she pulled her face into a big smile.

“Applejack, that’s great news. We should celebrate this occasion. Do you know how far along you are? Is it a colt or a filly? Who’s the father?” Twilight questioned with an overly happy tone.

Twilight watched as Applejack winced at the last question, as even the thought of it caused her physical pain. This was what Applejack was afraid of, how would she react when she learned the truth.

“Applejack, you do know who the father is right?” Twilight prodded, worried by her friend’s silence.

Applejack could only nod, her face as crestfallen as somepony who had just lost a loved one.

“Well, who is it? Is it that Soarin’ fella you met at the Gala?”

Applejack shook her head ‘no’, her eyes never leaving the hardwood floors of the library.

“Was it Caramel?”

“It’s Discord’s,” Applejack answered as she looked Twilight in the eyes, her own clouded with tears.

Twilight's eyes grew large as she took in Applejack’s confession.

“Discord is the father? The true embodiment of chaos, the harbinger of cotton candy clouds and chocolate milk rain, the one who took Ponyville and literally turned it upside down, that Discord?” Twilight yelled as she looked back at her friend, indignant and utterly angry.

Applejack could only nod as her friend yelled at her. She knew it was a bad idea, but she had to tell them before the due date came. She continued to cry as Twilight ranted at her about his evil nature and everything that could go wrong with the pregnancy and everything else she could think of.

“How far along are you?” Twilight questioned as she took a breath from her rant.

“Five months.”

“Good, then there is still time,” Twilight said as she made her way to the kitchen. Applejack could hear the sounds of magnets being moved from the fridge, the shuffling of pages, and what sounded like a phone being pulled off the hook.

“Time for what?” Applejack questioned as she watched Twilight return with the phone and an address book in her magical grasp.

Twilight handed over the book for Applejack to read, and what she saw chilled her blood quickly.

Sunny Days Adoption Services


Applejack looked back at her friend and replied to Twilight’s implication in force.

The pain in Twilight’s side paled in comparison to the smack she had just received from Applejack. Twilight’s head spun as she righted herself from the impact. She swiftly moved her hoof to her jaw and gently began pressing against it to feel if anything was broken. The pain intensified with each probe of the hoof, but soon she determined that Applejack hadn’t fractured anything. Her anger took over her again as she looked back at Applejack.

“What was that for?” Twilight questioned angrily.

“For even suggesting somethin’ like that. This is mah foal and it will be raised as an Apple. You may not think it Twilight, but Discord and I have a lot in common.”

“A lot in common? Applejack, he’s not even a pony!” Twilight screamed.

“Twilight, Spike and Rarity have been dating for four years. He’s not a pony and they seem to be happy with each other.” Applejack answered back sternly, keeping her voice in check.

“Hey, I raised Spike in the pony society, just because he’s different on the outside doesn’t mean it’s the same on the inside. He knows he’s not, but he makes it work. Discord’s insides are identical to his outsides, a mass of chaos and hatred.”

“Twiligh’, he’s changed. You just neglect to see it in him,” Applejack spoke back, her voice growing louder.

“Changed? Applejack, He still can’t change a light bulb without making it fly off the screws, how has he changed?”

“He loves me, Twiligh’, and that’s all I need in mah life” Applejack answered angrily.

“Applejack, he doesn’t love you. He’s just trying to separate us from our elements so he can take over. His love is meaningless.” Twilight yelled.

Applejack couldn’t believe this. Her friend of so many years has so vehemently against her love that she would call it meaningless. Her rage exploded in her head as it dug deep and found a trump card.

“At least ah found a special someone that’s male, you damn fillyfooler,” Applejack yelled back, her tears fueling her rage.

Twilight’s eyes narrowed as Applejack finished her comment. She and Applejack had agreed that ‘that’ subject was off limits in all conversation. She just stoked her smoldering anger to a full blown wildfire rage.

“Don’t... You... Dare bring my relationship or my sexuality into this. She and it haven't nearly destroyed Equestria,” Twilight roar back indignantly. The two mares squared off against each other, neither wanting to give an inch. They hurled insults and names at each other, the tones escalating until a loud crash rippled through the library.

Applejack turned back towards the noise she had heard and found her hoof had collided with an oak statue Twilight kept. Twilight could only stare as the statue fell over, its base completely fragmented, the shrapnel embedded in the walls of the library. Applejack brought her gaze around to meet Twilight’s, and the fury Twilight was suppressing wouldn’t be held for long.

Applejack pursed her lips, pinning back her own anger. She knew she hadn’t done it on purpose, it was simply in frustration. Applejack took a deep breath in through her nose and slowly and calmly spoke to Twilight.

“Now Ah know this is a hard thing to wrap your head around Twi’, But Discord and I are in love. We have been datin’ for close to two years now and despite his previous actions in this small village, Ah can assure you he has changed. Ah have never felt this happy before, Twiligh’, and I intend to keep the child we will bear and raise it as an Apple.

“Now ah came here to tell you the good news for Discord and I, but as I feared you won’t accept the blessing he has given me. It’s obvious you can’t let go of the past to see the future for one of your friends. Twiligh’ if you can’t get past this grudge, ah’m afraid we may not be able to stay friends anymore,” Applejack finished as she began to tear up again.

She pointed her body towards the door of the library and began to make her way out. Applejack paused in the doorway, the blizzard that lay outside having strengthened over the time that she had spent there. Applejack gave a single glance back, one that asked silently for Twilight to stop her from walking out, to stop her from losing a friend. Her eyes met with Twilight’s, the fire in her eyes only pushed her further out. Twilight turned her back on Applejack and ascended the stairs to her room. Applejack moved her head back around and with a deep sigh, stepped outside the library and shut the door behind her.

She reached her home at Sweet Apple Acres after an hour of walking in the driving snow that surrounded her. She opened and swiftly closed the door to keep the snow out and again shook off the snow that remained on her coat. Discord sat by a fire of purple flames, sipping a small glass of apple whiskey and reading a book. His eyes met hers and immediately he stood to comfort his beloved.

Applejack accepted the embrace with reckless abandon, her tears flowing quickly into the fur on Discords chest. Her voice broke as she related Twilight’s reaction to the news. Discord could only comfort her in this time and slowly he stroked her mane in quiet love.

Applejack took a few minutes to calm, her eyes remained bloodshot as she looked up at her lover.

“You’d never leave me, right?” She asked as her tears soaked into her coat.

“Not for all the power in Equestria,” Discord answered with a small kiss on the nose.

He brought her over to the fire he had going, her coat dripping with water. They both sat and watched the purple flame dance as they lay close to each other. It wasn’t long after that the two had fallen asleep in each other’s embrace.

A rough pain returned to Applejack, startling her out of her slumber. She looked down at her stomach and with a smile, rubbed it and talked softly to it.

“Only a few more months and you will meet your family, little one.”

Discord placed his hands on her stomach as well and smiled.

They laid there enjoying the closeness of one another, giggling at the kicks the pony gave in Applejack as they came. The night came and went for the two of them, each enjoying their time together as the sun rose on the next day.

Applejack was helped to her hooves by Discord, as well as having a soft kiss planted on her head. Applejack approached the stove to the house with Discord in tow; her famous apple pancakes the first thing on his mind. The burners had just been lit when the sound of knocking came from the front door. Discord excused himself to answer it, leaving Applejack to prepare the frying pan. A few moments passed as she prepared the batter, slicing the apples to the correct thickness to crisp well, but not burn on the pan. Discord arrived a minute later, his face one of shock and worry.

“What is it Hun, did you scared the mailpony away again?” Applejack questioned jokingly as she placed the first of the pancakes on the pan.

“Applejack, we have a guest,” Discord announced, causing Applejack to turn on her hooves.

Twilight stood in the doorway to the kitchen, her head facing away from Discord’s presence. Applejack was startled by her appearance, causing the pan she held to fall out of hoof and fall towards the ground. The sounds of clanging never came as Applejack looked down to find the pan resting a few inches above the wood floors, held up by a red glow of magic. Discord gave another snap and the pan reseated itself on the stove.

“Applejack, darling, Why don’t you let me handle breakfast today. You and Twilight have something to discuss. I’ll bring out the pancakes when they are ready,” Discord called as he made his way to the stove. Applejack could only nod as she surrendered the cooking utensil and made her way past Twilight to the living room.

Twilight stood stiffly by the couch as Applejack settled in on the couch. Her gaze never leaving the decor of the home, she began to talk softly to Applejack.

“Applejack, I came here to apologize for yesterday. What I said was inappropriate and it never should have been said.”

Applejack scanned Twilight’s actions and gave a loud snort. Twilight looked over at her reaction and found Applejack’s face holding a scowl.

“No, Twilight, You meant absolutely everything yah said yesterday. Ah may not be the best of liars, but yah may have just taking mah place as the worst with that load of pony-feathers,” Applejack said with a venomous tone.

“No, Applejack, I really am sorry for what I said. I needed to trust you in making this decision and I didn’t support it. Can you please forgive me?” Twilight pleaded with her, desperate for her smile.

Applejack couldn’t believe how far her friend’s lying would go simply to get her back.

“Twilight, ah can never forgive you as long as you lie to me. Ah don’t want to be friends with somepony that would lie to keep her friends. Now ah would like you to leave.”

Twilight wanting to say more, but the look Applejack gave her stopped her protest in its tracks. The glare of a broken hearted friend was more than Twilight could bear to see.

Twilight could only sigh; having been caught in her lie it was all she could do. Applejack was right; she hadn’t meant any of it. She still hated the fact that Discord was the father and that Applejack was pregnant with his foal. She hated it so much she thought that lying to Applejack’s friendship was the only answer. She turned to walk out of the house, her head hung low. Applejack noticed that before she left she pulled something out of the bags she wore and left it on the small dry sink in the front room.

The soft click of the door brought forth a wave of emotion to Applejack. She began to cry deeply at her own words, her actions, and her own harshness to her caring friend. Applejack continued to cry loudly, signaling Discord to appear and comfort his marefriend. He comforted her until the sounds of her tears faded under the sounds of the smoke alarm in the kitchen. With a puff of magic, he teleported to the stove and flung the burning contents into the sink. Applejack gave a soft laugh before taking over the cooking duties.

They ate what was left of the pancakes, enjoying the soft caresses they gave each other. As they finished, they shared in a small kiss, before Discord left for the Town Hall and his work for the day. Applejack saw him off, giving a small wave as he left. She turned back to her kitchen, a mess of dishes lay stacked next to the sink. With a huff she began to make her way towards it when a small white card fluttered off the dry sink in front of her.

Applejack lifted the small card, wondering where it had come from. Thinking back to earlier, she reasoned it was what Twilight had left for her. Half of her wanted to tear it up and never think of it again, but the other half wonder why she had left it there. She gave the card a small glance, quickly reading the first line of text.

April Shower’s Party Supplies

Specializing in Weddings, Bridal and Baby showers.


Applejack held her breath; she had never expected this from Twilight. She smiled at the card and soon called the number. She made arrangements to have supplies for the baby shower sent to Pinkie pie’s home, knowing Pinkie’s tendencies with that sort of thing. She placed a coat on and left for the day, stopping by each of her friends home to tell then the news as well as invite them.

Her last stop of the day would be the library, to tell Twilight of the party as well as thank her for the card. Although she knew the two of them would never fully see eye to eye on her choice of husband, Applejack knew that she would at least try to like him and see the change. She walked the path home with a small sway to her step, happy that for once, chaos was a good thing to have in her life.

Comments ( 8 )



CHEESE FOR EVERYPONY~! HOOFTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM~! :pinkiecrazy: *headbangs repeatedly*

fighting tooth and hoof

I see what you did there.

As for this, awesome, still never found a Discojack story or painting, so this must have been rough.
|Time for FUN!|
Me: Duel to the death vs Twilight... And I'm a Berserker.
I want all my money to go to my family, and friends.

Now this for some reason made more sense than I thought it would.

Nice story. Odd and rushed at times, but still nice.

All I can say is: MOAR!

I can't quite believe I'm saying this but....moar?:pinkiehappy:

This was really cute and touching. I found myself really sympathizing with the characters and would honestly like to read more.

My main problem with this is, as alexanderhunt88 said, that it feels a bit rushed. Very, very interesting idea, though. If more was done with it I'd be quite interested to see it.

A good fic!^_^

Really great story!^_^

I liked it!^_^

I'm relieved that the object Twilight left behind was a card, I thought it was a bomb.

I'm kinda surprised that when AJ told her Twilight suggested adoption instead of abortion, given how much Twilight seems to hate Discord here in this fic now.

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