• Published 2nd Apr 2013
  • 1,678 Views, 25 Comments

Dovahkiin in Equestria - Burnt Juice

The hero of Skyrim finds himself in the happy, heart filled, pony inhabited, Equestria.

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"New Quest"

It was decided. The Dovahkiin was to go to Canterlot to meet with princess Celestia (sorry Luna). Twilight was to accompany him as she could get him an audience with the princess. Also, despite her external attitude towards him, she had actually grown to like him. Not in a romantic way, but as a sorta-kinda-friend-type-sorta-person.

Twilight and the Dovahkiin left for Canterlot by train as soon as possible (1:00 PM two days after the dragon attack). There were an unusually high amount of ponies going to Canterlot that afternoon, so the train was very crowded. Unknown to Twilight, or any other pony for that matter, the Dovahkiin suffered from extreme claustrophobia. All those caves and tombs he has explored as really eaten away at his mind. This ride was almost too much to bear and the Dovahkiin had to use an extremely high amount of will power (especially for a level 2) in order to keep from going absolutely ballistic. For the majority of the train ride he remained face down in his seat, silently sobbing.

The train arrived in Canterlot at 2:26 allowing the extremely relieved Dragonborn to exit the train. He basked in the sunlight and open air. Twilight had to slap him again in order to get his attention. She seemed to do that a lot lately and it was starting to really aggravate him. She thinks she can simply slap the savior of Skyrim! Why she is nothing but a midget horse! He caught himself before making a rude comment in which he would be sure to regret. She still is able to perform advanced magic while he was able to punch stuff... kind of unfair to say the least. He also could not buck up this opportunity to see the princess and find possibly find a way home. Upon thinking "princess" he thought to himself, If she is the princess, and her sister is also a princess... who the hell is the king or queen? Princess is not the highest level of royalty! He then remembered that this was a land filled with colorful, talking ponies capable of using magic. Their society obviously works differently and it is best not to question it. It would make one go crazy, maybe, possibly, depending on one's mental state and preexisting conditions. Damn, this is off topic.

As if sensing his off topic-ness, Twilight bitch-hoofed him back into reality once more. The Dovahkiin continued onward with Twilight through the streets of Canterlot and into the royal castle.

While walking the Dovahkiin felt quite homesick. He was reminded of his old home and the cities it bore. Everything felt so similar, except for the fact that there were ponies instead of people walking around. Speaking of ponies, they gave him odd stares as he walked by. A sense of curiosity and fear hung so thick, you could almost cut it with a knife. The Iron Sword of Epic Badassery could probably cut it. The Dragonborn wished he had it with him as he was beginning to feel uncomfortable.

They approached the castle gates and were let in by some pony guards. They looked like extremely cute imperial soldiers. The Dragonborn let out a chuckle as he walked past.

The castle was fairly large. Larger than most of the castles in Skyrim even. It was even more impressive since it was built by ponies that lack the use of opposable thumbs. But then again it was built in a city full of magical unicorns so obviously it was built by magic.

The Dovahkiin, proud of his deduction, followed Twilight to the throne room. Upon the throne sat two ponies, much larger than any pony he has seen thus far. They had Ethereal manes that flowed beautifully. Also, unlike everypony else he had seen, they had both horns and wings. Twilight whispered to him that they were alicorns, with characteristics from all three types of ponies. These were obviously the princesses in which he seeked. One was black as night and the other, light as the sun. He Initiated conversation with the light one, Princess Celestia.

"Hello Dovahkiin," Greeted Celestia. She had been told of his sudden arrival in Ponyville by a letter from Twilight.

"Greetings Princess," he replied, "I have come to learn of what has brought me to your realm, and how I may return home."

"I have suspected as much, but I'm afraid I am unable to help you until you do something for me."

"What is it you'll have do Princess. I will go on any quest in order to return to my homeland."

The Princess thought a moment before answering. "I need you to to find the ancient band of FireSky, deep in the Everfree forest."

"Will this band of FireSky help me return home?" The Dovahkiin questioned.

"Umm...sure, yeah lets go with that"

The Dovahkiin then went into the strange menu and found that a quest has been added. "Retrieve the Band of FireSky from the Everfree Forest." He also looked in his map and found that it has been updated with the locations of Ponyville and Canterlot. Unfortunately when he tapped the map he was unable to fast travel. This also made him question how he tapped the map considering it isn't a physical object. "Damn you menu and your mind tricks!" he yelled. Everypony in the room stared at him. His face grew red from embarrassment and he pretended nothing happened.

After receiving his new quest, the Dovahkiin and Twilight made their way back to Ponyville. Twilight had to use her magic to drag the Dragonborn back onto the train. She scolded him for being such a baby and magically tied him to a seat. He thought the last ride was bad this one was... actually not as bad. It wasn't nearly as crowded and Twilight eventually untied him. However, he was still relieved to exit the train when they arrived at Ponyville. It was about 11:00 PM and the Dovahkiin was very tired. He missed Skyrim, where he could find himself staying awake for months at a time. Sleep was irrelevant there. As soon as he arrived back at Twilight's house, he went to sleep on "makeshift bedroll".

He awoke the following morning to the smell of breakfast. "Come on Dragonborn!" yelled Twilight from the kitchen, "Spike made pancakes!" One thing that the Dragonborn liked about Equestria was pancakes. There were no pancakes in Skyrim. Such a perfect food covered in delectable syrup. It is the best thing to ever exist! Once he returned to Skyrim, breakfast would never be the same. He almost cried at the thought, but remembered that there were pancakes within his grasps at that very moment. He rushed to the kitchen and chowed down.

He finished his pancakes in record time. Savoring each bite in the 1/2 second between chewing and swallowing. He had managed to make more of a mess than Twilight and Spike combined (well they are actually very clean eaters). Hot syrup and bits of pancakes were splattered along the table. He even found himself covered with the gooey substance. Twilight simply disposed of the mess with magical ease. Though he would miss the glorious pancakes, he had to continue on his quest.

He and Twilight set off on the quest before them, to the forefront of the Everfree Forest. Twilight stole a glance backwards, but the Dragonborn stared straight ahead, determined to find the Band of Firesky. They both entered, with the Dragonborn at the lead, since his magical compass with the same properties of the mysterious menu showed the way to the item. They were finally on their destined path, for better or for worse.