• Published 2nd Apr 2013
  • 1,678 Views, 25 Comments

Dovahkiin in Equestria - Burnt Juice

The hero of Skyrim finds himself in the happy, heart filled, pony inhabited, Equestria.

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Enter the Dragon

"It's time to burn the dragon." Wait, what the hell was that, thought the Dovahkiin. He mentally decided that that was the worst one-liner he had ever said in his life. Unfortunately he was pretty sure it was the only one he has ever said, making it his best as well. He proceeded to sprint at the dragon, in order to begin an epic showdown to the death.

--------------------------------------------------------What the Dovahkiin says happened---------------------------------

Dovahkiin's POV

I charged at that evil beast at, like, a million miles per hour. It noticed me as its worthy foe and brought all of its attention on to me. As it was about to send a burst of deadly flame upon me, I dove out of the way just in time. I quickly regained my bearings and continued my charge. As it inhaled in order so send an even greater burst of flame my way, I jumped forward, latching on to its soft underbelly. Before it had time to react, I shoved my bare hand into its stomach, tearing its flesh apart. It sent out an otherworldly cry and managed to knock me off, but the damage was done. Blood sputtered out of its stomach, landing in great pools at its feet. Some of its internal organs were partially visible, as I looked upon my handiwork. I looked back, noticing the remaining ponies looking on with horror. I guessed that they were not accustomed to the amount of blood and gore splattering across their roads. But alas! The dragon still lived, angered at the attempt on its life more-so than hurt. It rammed the few buildings around it and sent them crashing to the ground. Luckily, nopony was underneath them. I charged again at the dragon, sliding at the last second under its legs. I grabbed hold of its tail and pulled myself onto it. I then scaled its scaly body up to the head. I grabbed onto the scales on its head, ripping them out with my bare hands. Blood poured out of the soft flesh beneath the scales. I jabbed my hands into its head and cracked it open, skull and all. I then tore out its brain and ate it on the spot, because i am just a complete badass. Unfortunately dragon brains do not agree with me, and I vomited them up and passed out on the spot.

--------------------------------------What Actually Happened---------------------------------------

Twilight Sparkle's POV

I stood back as the idiot with the funny accent recklessly ran forward at the dragon. He obviously did not know the pony way of making relatively peaceful agreements. I mean, I could have just gotten FlutterShy to yell at the dragon and give it The Stare. I broke out of my train of thought as I heard screaming. I looked up to see the Dovahkiin on fire and rolling around. It appears that the dragon breathed fire at him but he did the wimpiest roll ever and got caught in the flame. It took him a solid five minutes to stand back up and regain his bearings. By that time the dragon had wrecked even more havoc. Even more buildings had crumbled to the ground. With the Dragonborn up and his stamina meter once again full, he charged the dragon once more. The dragon inhaled and set fire to the air in front of it again. the Dragonborn had jumped a moment before and was caught in the flames in mid-air. He caught on fire and crashed into the dragon's soft underbelly. The dragonborn, dazed, simply slid off. As he did though, a piece of his armor caught on the dragon, giving it a little gash about an inch long. The dovahkiin stood up once more and admired the minor injury he had involuntarily inflicted upon the dragon. The rest of the ponies still at the scene, along with myself looked upon the Dragonborn with horror as he stood there, still on fire. The smell of burning flesh did not smell delightful in the least. The Dovahkiin took no notice and charged once more at the dragon. He attempted a pitiful slide underneath its legs but hit his head on its knee in the process. While dazed he shot out his hand and grabbed its tail. The dragon apparently did not like this sudden tug on its tail and threw the Dragonborn against a rather tall building. The sheer force of the impact toppled the building, somehow in the exact direction of the rampaging dragon. The building landed right on top of its head, cracking the dragons head open to the brain. A chunk of the building had somehow dislodged the brain and it landed next to the stunned Dovahkiin. He looked at it and threw up. He then proceeded to pass out.

Back to 3rd person POV

The Dovahkiin awoke about 5 hours later in Twilight's library. His head hurt and he felt sick to his stomach. He remembered the events of the dragon attack and smiled at his so-called heroics. He stood up and stretched his sore limbs. He walked around the library looking for skill books, as he never got a chance prior to this. Unfortunately for him, this isn't Tamriel and reading books for 2 seconds does not actually improve combat or magic capabilities. While searching for the ever valuable skill book he felt a sudden burst of pain on his head. He fell down, clutching his injured cranium, and heard laughter. He looked up to see the purple dragon, referred to as Spike, run out of the room in giddy laughter.

The Dragonborn did not pursue his mortal enemy and decided to see the town. He looked out a window and saw dozens of ponies rushing around the town, making repairs. It looked like they were experienced in this as Ponyville was coming along splendidly. Most of the rubble formerly littering the roads has been cleared and some of the residential houses have been completely rebuilt. He pondered how it was even possible to make repairs in a measly five hours and decided that ponies had a better work ethic than humans, as this would take weeks or months in the unproductive region of Skyrim.

Remembering (and feeling slightly guilty) that he had caused a lot of this damaged, he decided to take a selfless action and help with the rebuilding effort. He walked outside and saw a rather interesting spectacle. Woodland creatures, bears, bunnies, and all, were helping. Upon seeing the bears he coward slightly against the treehouse door. He hated bears as they had a damn high amount of strength and were the cause of many painful deaths and inconvenient loads. But he then realized that the bears were peaceful he relaxed slightly. "They must be under an illusion spell, and a high level one at that." He reassured himself. They appeared to be under the command of a soft spoken, yellow, pink maned, pegasus mare. She little more than whispered her commands, but the woodland creatures followed her. And, he thought, she was pretty freaken cute. He could not help but letting out a low "D'aaawwwww." Dammit, he quickly thought, I am losing my emotional detachment. He considered crying about his loss but scolded himself about the thought of that.

He then quit his procrastination and helped with rebuilding the town.

Nothing like some manuel labor to build up some strength. He had leveled up three hours in and had increased his stamina by 10 points. He also dug into his magical menu (he still wondered about how it could exist and be usable even though it didn't exactly physically exist) and got a perk in one-handed weapons. That perk is completely useless as he has no weapon whatsoever at all.

Throughout the rebuilding, he had met the rest of the mane six (he laughed at that obvious pun). He had talked to Fluttershy and asked her about her how she controlled the animals. She had quietly explained to him how she did not control them per se but that she was able to speak to animals and they understood each other. She showed her cutie mark and told him that the tatoo on her ass (flank, sorry) signified her talent with animals and that every pony has a special talent that their cutie mark signifies. The Dragonborn had zoned out for half of the conversation because Fluttershy is just so damn cute.

Later while moving the little rubble that remained he met yet another one of Twilight's friends by the name of Applejack. Like Pinkie Pie, Applejack was an earth pony with no wings or horn to speak of. She was quite strong and was able to move much more rubble than the Dovahkiin. This hurt his pride. Outdone by a mare, he thought. Little did he know she could beat him in just about any physical competition (GO APPLEJACK! FTW!).

He had five of the mane six but never really saw the other one. He learned she was completely anti- manual labor and was in her fashion boutique, nonchalantly making clothes while every other pony was busting their flank working. He decided not to pay her a visit as he doubted they would get along (also the writer is just being lazy).

The town was restored to working order in only a little over a day. The Dragonborn felt better about himself, having helped out, but dreadfully wanted to return to Skyrim. He has decided to pay a visit to Princess Celestia, whom he had learned of through Twilight, in order to find a way home.

Author's Note:

This is probably my least favorite chapter. I suffered the horrible effects of writers block in many parts and didn't have much time to work on it anyways. This was kind of half-flanked as all I wanted to do was be done with this chapter. Sorry, but I promise that the following chapters will be better done.