• Published 1st Apr 2013
  • 1,165 Views, 16 Comments

Dinky goes to school - jojijijmz

Dinky Doo goes to school with the CMC and class, what will become of the unicorn filly? why are the two rich ponies so mean to her? find out in Dinky goes to school

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Chapter 5

Twilight Sparkle stood dumbfounded at her door, it was hailing, during summer! She looked down at the exhausted teacher below her, wondering whatever situation was assaulting the teacher’s stamina.

“W...what happened?”

“I don’t know! I was grading papers, and Dinky Hooves was having a magical, whatever it is, like nothing i’ve ever seen before. I think it had something to do with Diamond tiara though.” The name sparked a keen interest in Twilight.

“Diamond tiara, that’s the one that Applejack keeps hearing about from Applebloom, she’s the one who keeps bullying those three about their cutie marks.”

“Really, I’ve never caught wind!”

“You should probably have more parent teacher confrences.” Twilight said, before realizing that there was a worse issue at hand.

“What’s going on with Dinky?”

“Something bad happened, and her magic is freaking out, she’s hovering in the air and her eyes are bright white.” Twilight’s eyes nearly fell out of her skull in surprise, she felt a sense of vertigo, a dizziness unparalleled.


“Yeah it’s rare, what’s so special about it?”

“Rare! It’s not only rare, it’s only ever been seen in one other pony in all of equestrian history, she has incredible magical talent, talent beyond anything most unicorns could comprehend!”

“Wait, who else had this, starswirl the bearded, Celestia?”

“No...” She gulped down, her stomach churning at the very thought.

“Me.” Cheerilee nodded, her sopping wet mane dripping on the warm wooden floors as her eyes widened.

“Oh... well, you know how to stop this, right?” Twilight only nodded, sighing as she was sucked in her deep contemplation. However, she was happy, but still immersed in deep thought. She knew this untamed power had to be harnessed for the good of equestria, just like hers many years ago. Without a word, she rushed out of the door, mud splashing her purple coat as she ran towards the school. Meanwhile, she began to feel bruises and jolts of pain continually assaulting her. He sighed, summoning a purple bubble around herself. She relaxed, no longer pelted with sharp globs of ice. But soon her ears were instead assaulted with an incessant pounding. She continued on her run, the thatched hooves of ponyville slowly falling victim to to the maelstrom. Soon, she reached the schoolhouse, where she was met with the sight of a celestial light bleeding from the filly. She looked up, stricken by the briuses and cuts adorning the filly’s body.

“Hmmmmm...If she was hurt, that would have triggered a response in her nervous system, opening the magical boundaries in her bloodstream, she truly does possess immense power.” She gazed up again, and tapped the filly’s hoof, calmly stroking her wet velvety fur. The blinding light receded, and the filly’s eyes began to revert to their original colour. Twilight sighed, smiling kindly as she floated down to the ground. The pounding on Twilights shield stopped, and the temperature immediately reverted to normal.

Dinky retained her consciousness, finding a wet-maned librarian gazing down at her. She felt weak, all of her muscles were sore, her head was splitting, and she could barely hear Twilight over the loud pounding in her ears.

“W...what?” She muttered weakly, confused at the events that just took place. Twilight smiled, and slowly receded from her shaky vision, and was replaced by her mother, tears streaming down her red face. She took up her daughter, crushing in warm embrace. THis sent tendrils of sharp pain through Dinky’s weak body as she gazed up at her mother. Ditsy let go, kissing her daughter.

“Oh Celestia, was so worried about you little muffin!”

“M...Mom? What happened?” She muttered again weakly.

“I’ll tell you later, we have to get you to the hospital Dinky!” Her mother said worriedly, handing the rough plastic stretcher she was currently laying on. They loaded her into the ambulance, and Dinky felt vertigo overcome her as she was lifted. Up and down became muddled, her vision spinning wildly, she became overcome, and drifted once again as the cascading sirens crescendoed into nothingness along with her vision.

Dinky awoke with a start, sweating profusely and gasping for breath in her empty lungs. Her gaze shot around the sterile, white room as she felt the soft sheets enveloping her. She sighed, tired and sore, as she laid back, gazing at the white ceiling. She sighed, the hospital, she was okay. She gazed about, finding a desk and several machines beeping to the rhythm of her heart. She gazed at her torso to find several white sups attached to wires, they stuck to her with a odd-feeling adhesive. It tickled her chest as she moved, and she felt as if some kind of slime was stuck to her. She giggled, but was interrupted by the invasive creaking of the wooden door. A white earth pony walked in, smiling as she saw the filly. She began to adjust dials on one of the machines and gazed back at the confused filly.

“Hello dear, it’s good to see you up.”

“Ummm...Hi? How long was I...um...out?”

“Several days, it seems that your body was overexerted to them maximum, you were so strained after your amazing little feat that you fell into a short coma.”

“Wait...What did I do?” Nurse redheart cocked her head in vexation, but remembered what Twilight had told her.

“You see, while you were exerting yourself, you were unconscious, and primal magical ability took over.”

“What happened, One minute, I’m cowering from bullies, the next, I wake up with a librarian examining me!” Nurse Redheart nodded and finished adjusting the Cardiograph. She turned to Dinky, sighing.

“I’m afraid I cannot tell you, you’ll have to wait.” At that, she briskly trotted out of the room, and came back a moment later with Twilight and Ditsy trailing her. Ditsy ran towards the bed, crushing her daughter.

“Oh thank celestia! You were out for two whole days, do you know how worried I was!” Pain invaded DInky again, and she cringed. Ditsy let go, seeing her daughter’s blight. She wiped away her tears, flowing like fierce rapids down her gray cheeks. Twilight stepped forward, smiling kindly at this heartbreaking sight.

“Dinky, you have a very special gift, Do you know what you did back at the school?” Dinky frowned, shaking her head.

“That’s what I expected, now, what happened before you got knocked out?” Dinky preceded to tell Twilight all about the events of that day, and before. Twilight nodded slowly in realization, but her eyes widened when she told about Diamond. Ditsy leaned forward, eyes angry as she heard of what the Filly had done to her precious little muffin.

“That little monster! I swear, I’ll give Filthy a piece of my mind!” She sighed, realizing she had interrupted her filly.

“Go on.”

Dinky continued, her story ending when when blacked out.

“You see, Dinky, your incredible dormant powers activated, and you changed the weather itself, as well as the temperature, this incredible feat of magic tired you, and used your body as a catalyst.” Twilight turned to Ditsy, who was shaking her head in disbelief.

“Now, Ditsy, do you know any incredible magical outbursts when Dinky was a filly?” Ditsy cringed, her memory going back to rears ago. She nodded, turning to Twilight.

“Her eyes would glow when something happened that came as a surprise, but not only that, sometimes weather would, change. I thought it was just regular magical bursts, sot anything special. Once, when her favorite book was missing, she floated into the air, and the entire house was lifted off the ground.” Twilight gazed in surprise at this revelation, but nodded slowly.

“This is certainly an...interesting case, however, her raw abilities must be harnessed for the good of equestria, I ask, may I teach her not only magic, but also in the same subjects she must study now, I would send her to princess Celestia’s school, but it is the middle of the year, and entrance must be at the beginning of school. I would also hate to see her leave you, Ditsy.” Twilight turned to Ditsy, a serious gaze blanketing her face.

“Will you allow me to teach your daughter?” Ditsy Nodded vigorously, happy as could be.

“Yes! I’ve always wanted somepony to teach her magic, she felt so left out, and I couldn’t help her!” Dinky also wore a bright smile, and nodded, still too weak to speak. She nodded off again, fading slowly as consciousness drifted from the filly.

Comments ( 2 )

This is an awesome story I :heart: it so much:yay:


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