• Published 27th Mar 2013
  • 1,017 Views, 21 Comments

I want one too. - tony3xx4

Spike, like the cutie mark crusaders, wants a cutie mark too.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Initiations part 1

Twilight exited the tree house, wondering how Spike's day would be as a Cutie Mark Crusader. She knew that they would all just have to wait for their cutie marks, but it was always fun to see foals have so much fun. She started her journey back to the library.

Spike was sitting outside the Cutie Mark Crusader's tree house, for they instructed him after Twilight left that they had a surprise for him, and to wait outside. Though he was eager for a surprise, he was also a bit upset that right when they allowed him to join, they kicked him out of the tree house.

He started twiddling his thumbs, waiting patiently, until he heard the door of their tree house open. He jumped up onto his feet, and started to climb the ladder to the top of the tree house. He saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders outside the door, smiling. He looked at them, and returned the smile. "Well? What's this surprise you wanted to show me?"

The fillies exchanged knowing glances before Apple Bloom entered the tree house. "Lead him in." she spoke in an almost ominous voice.

Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo each held back a small giggle, and tried to keep stern faces. They opened the door wider for Spike, and motioned for him to enter.

Spike, although very anxious for this surprise, was a bit worried of how she spoke. He walked into the tree house, which had gone through a few changes. The window was covered by a black tarp, preventing any light from entering. The only source of light were a few candles that were set around the tree house. The door behind him closed shut as Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo entered. Apple Bloom, who was standing at her podium, cleared her throat, and started to speak in her ominous voice. "Spike. You have proven ta us that ya show interest in gettin a cutie mark, but we ain't sure y'all are really dedicated."

Spike looked at Apple Bloom confusingly. "Y-Yeah, but I am!"

He could hear Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo whisper to each other behind his back. Apple Bloom banged a gavel on the podium to catch everypony's attention. "Now I know we said y'all can join, but ya must go through a certain initiation before ya can become a ranked member."

Spike looked more confused, and asked. "What's a ranked member?"

Apple Bloom pointed to a black board which had three different pictures of ponies taped to it. They were Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. They were on top of the board with the word, "co-leaders" next to them. There were also words like, member, rookie, and assistant under them. No ponies appeared to be next to those words. Apple bloom pointed to the top. "We here have ranks which specify how much control ya have in the club. We, of course, are co-leaders, but you haven't gotten a rank yet, cause we ain't got a clue how much y'all want a cutie mark." Apple Bloom, and her friends started to form a circle around Spike.

Scootaloo flew in front of him, which caused him to take a few steps back in shock. "We'll give you five tests! They'll be some of the most extreme, most hardest stuff we ever attempted!"

Spike backed up into Sweetie Belle, which also caused him to jump. "You'll get a rank depending on how much of these tests you pass. If you pass all five, you become a co-leader."

Apple Bloom stood in front of Spike. "These here tests are: Sky divin, bear wrestlin, bakin, foalsittin, and last, but not least, ya gotta t-"

Sweetie belle put her her hoof in Apple Bloom's mouth. She took it out, and walked up to Spike. "we're keeping the last one a secret for now." she started to giggle.

Spike's jaw dropped. "Are. You. KIDDING?!? baking, and foalsitting can't be that bad, but bear wrestling, and sky diving?!"

Apple bloom smirked. "I s'pose that means you quit?"

Spike looked worried. On one hoof, he gets a better chance at getting a cutie mark, but on the other hoof, he dies. "B-But...I mean..." he thought for a moment, and exhaled. "Fine. I'll do your tests."

The girls clapped their hooves together, and started to file outside. "Come on! We'll do baking first!" Scootaloo yanked him by the tail, and practically dragged him out of the fort.

Spike thought to himself. 'Alright, you can do this, you've baked before, easy peasy!' Spike didn't know what would befall him for today...

Author's Note:

I know this is a short chapter, but I did promise a chapter this week. Stuff came up, and I wasn't able to get the rest of this chapter done in time. It will hopefully be done in a week, or two. thanks for reading!