• Published 21st Mar 2013
  • 1,348 Views, 19 Comments

Pinkie Pie Rising - PonyTom

Get a glimps into the past of Pinkie Pie, as she takes a journey that changes her life... FOREVEEEERRR!

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Rebirth of Mirth

"Oh man, that party was EPIC!"

The door creaked open slowly as Vinyl pushed on it with her hoof, gently looking into the house. All the lights were already out; a fact that made sense, seeing as the day was over and almost everypony (save the late-nighters) was in bed right now. Truth be told, Pinkie couldn't recall the last time she had been up so late! There was a strange thrill to being awake when she should be sleeping! It was like seeing the world for the first time, like experiencing life! The two ponies stepped inside, Vinyl making sure to close the door once Pinkie had stepped in. They both spoke in hushed words, in case Octavia was asleep. Or awake. Or present. Or Octavia.

"I know, right? I mean, I was all 'awww' because of what happened earlier, and then I met those two other ponies, and then we went inside with your help, and then Rainbow Dash said she wanted to see a Wonderbolt, and then I was all 'awww' again, and then Fluttershy wanted to hang with me, and then we hugged, and then we hugged Rainbow Dash, and then-"

"Okay, okay Pinkie! I get it!" Vinyl chuckled a bit, shaking her head as she lit her horn, giving slight illumination to the house. She trotted towards a lamp and tugged on it, lighting the room a bit more. "Right. Good thing your friends waited for us. I'da felt bad letting them wander around town this late at night."

Pinkie tilted her head. "What? Why?"

Vinyl stopped herself. She could remind Pinkie that there was a killer on the loose, one so brazen he attacked a farming family in broad daylight, and bring her night down... but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Pinkie was so happy, so cheerful... tonight, she deserved to forget. Tonight, she deserved joy, happiness...

... a sly grin crossed her features as she realized the best way to end this night, AND finish up on the statement she had made.

"Oh... haven't you heard?"

Pinkie's reaction was expected. "Heard of what?"

Vinyl felt a smidge of evil deep inside of her. "Oh!... I thought Octavia would have told you... about the Headless Horse..." She looked back at the pink filly to be sure her story was taking effect; Pinkie certainly seemed curious and mortified.

"Headless Horse? How could a horse survive without a head? Are they like chickens?"

Vinyl shook her head. "Oh... oh no... the Headless Horse isn't really alive... but not quite dead, you see..." The DJ unicorn turned to face Pinkie. "They say it was once a member of the royal guard, who had been protecting this very village... when one day, he wandered too deep into the Everfree Forest..." Vinyl took a few steps towards Pinkie. "Nopony knows why he did... some say he was beckoned there by unknown forces... some say Nightmare Moon herself willed him there... others say he was just curious... but one constant was... that in that forest... he was attacked by a Manticore, who smashed his head with its powerful hoof!" Vinyl emphasized her point by stomping the floor with her front hoof, causing Pinkie to gasp loudly, throwing her hooves over her mouth to silence herself.

"... and nopony heard from him again. In fact, for fifty years, he was considered dead... forgotten even... until one night... a mare... much like you or I... was simply enjoying a late evening stroll..."

Vinyl trotted closer to Pinkie, who backed up a bit.

"... she heard a clopping noise.. 'clip clop, clip clop'... and when she turned around, she saw nopony. Thinking it was her imagination, she continued..." Vinyl stepped even closer. 'And so did the sound... clip clop... clip clop... she turned around again... once more, no sound, and no pony... and then, when she turned around... there stood a pony, with coat black as night, armor rusted and covered in dirt and grime, and in his hoof the spear he wielded upon his death... he reared up, whinnied out loud, swung his spear and--"

It was just then Vinyl noticed something. Pinkie was tearing up, her jaw hanging open, her hair seeming less poofy, though not entirely flat. She scolded herself internally; in an attempt to spare Pinkie the pain of knowing a killer pony was on the loose, she had unwittedly set upon the path of traumatizing her with a story about a ghost pony that chopped off ponies heads.

But then she had an idea... it was silly, stupid, and she would hate herself for it... but it was for Pinkie.

"... and then he slammed a pie into her face."

Pinkie's tears stopped, she blinked in obvious confusion, closing her mouth a bit, though still seeming a bit worried. Vinyl looked around with no shortage of awkwardness. "Uh... because... he was a prankster pony in life. Did I forget to mention that? Kinda important. He didn't get in one last prank, so he pranks Ponyville every night!"

Pinkie rubbed the tears away. "Th... that doesn't sound scary..."

"And they're mean pranks, and they make ponies feel bad, and he never apologizes!"

Pinkie tilted her head.

For what seemed like the longest time, the two ponies stood there in silence, staring at each other. Suddenly, Pinkie fell to her back, bursting into a fit of giggles and snorts. Vinyl smiled a little, feeling she might have to apologize to her kid cousin for ruining one of her favorite scary stories later; likely, she would have a book full of them shoved in her face, and a lecture be given to her by the admittedly smarter, younger unicorn.

"Twilight'd have a heart attack if she knew I just butchered that story..."

Pinkie was too busy laughing to hear the comment as she slowly got back to her hooves, her mirth winding down as she rubbed some (laughter) tears from her eyes. "That... that was the *smirk*... that was the greatest joke ever! You told it pretty good, Vinnie!" Vinyl couldn't help but tell herself in her head that that was nowhere near funny, or good. It was horrible, and any other pony would have rolled their eyes. But here, this pink filly was happy, laughing at the terrible, mutilated tale of a beheaded ghost pony.

And she was pretty happy about it.

"Right! Well, let's go to bed now, Pinks. Try to be careful, you don't want to wake Octi up." Pinkie nodded enthusiastically and turned to trot up the stairs. She suddenly stopped, however, doing an about face.

"Oh, Vinnie?"

"Yeah, Pinkie?"

Pinkie Pie smiled. "Thanks for cheering me up."

Vinyl could only return the smile. "Anytime, kid."

With that, Pinkie returned to her journey up the stairs. Vinyl turned around to look out a nearby window. There was some sort of strange sense welling up in her now... something she wasn't used to. Vinyl was a good pony, but she seldom had to go out of her way or comfort zone to do anything for anypony else, and yet tonight she had helped a sad Pinkie Pie get into a dance club, brighten up, and made her laugh.

It was a warm, fuzzy feeling, one she normally only associated with making good music.

She smiled a bit. She had no idea what that feeling was... but she liked it.

Vinyl's jaw stretched wide as she let out a very lengthy yawn. She hadn't even realized how tired she was! Deciding now was as good a time as any, Vinyl used her magic to turn off the lamp, trotting towards, then up the stairs herself, ready to throw herself to her bed and drift into dreamland.


Pinkie Pie slipped quietly into the bedroom, giving herself some time to allow her eyes to adjust to the darkness. The energetic pink pony looked about, barely being able to make out shapes in the small room. She did, however, notice Octavia's sleeping bag had a lump in it - the mare likely having fallen asleep a while ago. Pinkie gently tip-hoofed towards the bed, and climbed into it. As she did, ever slowly, the torturous sounds of the springs and material creaking under her weight dug into her like knives. It's not that she was afraid of her sister; she just didn't want to wake her from whatever amazing dreams she might be having! Once she was all the way in, she pulled the covers up and over herself, and laid her head onto the pillow.

"Hi Pinkamena."

Pinkie froze.

"H-hi, Octavia."

Octavia shifted around in her sleeping bag. Pinkie's eyes had adjusted just enough to see this much, as her elder sister turned to face her. "Did you have fun with your friends tonight?"

Pinkie nodded a bit. After a little silence, she realized Octavia may not have noticed. "Yeah. It was really fun."

Pinkie could swear she heard the smile in Octavia's voice. "That's good... so, what did you three do?"

Pinkie would love to tell her sister about the truth. About how they had gotten into that club, about the energy that seemed to fill the entire room, about the life, the carelessness, they passion and power of the party... but her sister followed rules. She loved her sister too much to tell her that her younger sibling had broken any rules to have fun, especially with two accomplices.

"Oh, we just hung out. Hanged out... is it hung or hanged?"

Octavia smirked. "Hung... and that's good." She could see well enough now to see that Octavia had sat herself up somewhat, on her elbow mostly, and was looking up at Pinkie. "I can't say I approve of your choice in friends... but considering my best friend is a major pain in my flank, I see no reason to complain." The two sisters had a fun little laugh at the comment.

"... They're really nice..." said Pinkie Pie. "... Rainbow Dash seemed a bit hard-headed, but she seemed pretty loyal to me. She gave up a chance to meet a wonderbolt just to hang out with me... and Fluttershy was super duper kind! She was really shy, and kinda the last pony I expected to speak up for a pony she had just met..."

Octavia nodded. "I see... sounds good.... so.... how was the club?"

Pinkie smiled. "It was fun...."

There was a silence for a few minutes. Slowly, the connections in Pinkie's mind were made, and she stared wide-eyed at her sister. "Uh... that is... I mean..."

Octavia chuckled a bit, shaking her head. "Its okay, Pinkie... its okay. I should be mad, yes, but I'm just glad you're feeling better and that you've made some friends..." Octavia looked up towards her sister. "You DO feel better... right?"

Pinkie nodded, looking at her hooves. "Yeah... I'll admit... I'm still very sad... I'm still very upset about what happened to that stallion and the Apple family... but..." Pinkie hummed a bit, trying to think about the words she wanted to use carefully. "... I... that party... there were so many ponies, who just didn't care... who were too busy having fun to care... and it made me realize..." Pinkie looked down at her sister, smiling. "... that... even though I'm sad... I shouldn't let that sadness hurt me as much as I was letting it..."

Octavia stood up from her sleeping bag and moved towards her sister, wrapping her forelegs around her into a hug, and Pinkie returned it happily. The two sisters held each other for a few seconds before breaking the hug. Pinkie wasn't sure, but she could have sworn she'd seen tears in her sister's eyes (which was weird considering it was still pretty dark) even though she was smiling at her.

"I'm glad you feel that way, sister.... so... do you still intend to go home tomorrow?"

Pinkie shook her head. "No... I mean, I'm not saying I'm sure I want to stay out here.... but I want to experience more of the world! I want to go to more parties, I want to meet more ponies... and... Maybe it's too much... but I'd like to make a difference in the lives of ponies..." Pinkie giggled some, smiling towards her sister once more. "If I could change one pony's life for the better... I think I'd be happy."

Octavia chuckled a bit, shaking her head. "Oh Pinkie... leave it to you to want to make a difference..."

Octavia laid back into her sleeping bag, pulling it over her. "Well, sister, I think we've both had a long day. What say we pay the Sand Stallion a visit?"

Pinkie blinked a bit. "Wha...? Can't we get some sleep and visit him tomorrow?"

Octavia smirked, shaking her head at her sister. "Oh, Pinkie..."
