• Published 21st Mar 2013
  • 1,350 Views, 19 Comments

Pinkie Pie Rising - PonyTom

Get a glimps into the past of Pinkie Pie, as she takes a journey that changes her life... FOREVEEEERRR!

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Pinkie Pie's Positively Perfect Party Plan

"So, tell me, sister, why did you decide to bother me at work?"

The two ponies sat just outside of a fancy restaurant; the place that Octavia was employed at, of course as a bus-filly. Much like Vinyl, Octavia required more mundane work as she waited for success to come her way, for a chance to be noticed, a chance to be seen... but unlike Vinyl, her success could not be found quite as easily. In fact, she had performed for a few ponies already; some of which were very decently placed... however, she had yet to receive calls for any of them.

Any day now.

Pinkie grinned big towards her sister. "A party!"

Octavia stared silently for a minute, as if registering that she had just been pulled away from her job to hear so simple a thing. "... A party."

Pinkie shook her head. "No no no! Not just -A- party! -THE- party! The biggest, bestest party in all of Ponyville! The party that brings this town together, and lightens the hearts of Ponyvillians, and makes everything end A-Okay!"

Octavia blinked a few times. "... Pinkamena... as... noble as your intentions sound, I don't think you understand how things work... "

Pinkie shook her head. "I really don't! I know that! But I do know this... there's a lot of angry, stressed ponies out there! The club showed me that ponies are happiest when they let the worries of the world go - even if only for a little bit!"

Octavia rolled her eyes. "Pinkie... you do know getting the entire town into a party is going to be difficult, if not impossible, right?"

Pinkie shook her head. "Maybe I can't get the whole town to party... I just need enough! I just need enough ponies to come to my party to make it count! If I can do that, then it succeeds!"

Octavia shrugged. "Well... whatever, Pinkamena... I'll be glad to help any way I can... but I hope you actually plan things out better... if your plan remains as simple as it is now--"

"Oh! My plan is simple, but I haven’t told you it yet!"

Octavia quirked a brow. "... And why not?"

Pinkie grinned. "'Cause, silly! This plan is for one pony to know, and everypony else to find out!"

Octavia felt that little hypothetical tumor with Pinkie's name on it grow in her brain. As she stopped imagining the imaginary lump, she shook her head. "Right. Of course. Can I get back to work now?"

Pinkie nodded. "Please do!" Without so much as another word, Pinkie began to bounce away, leaving Vinyl to return to her duties with a greater headache than she had anticipated.


Over the course of the next few days, Pinkie had continued to plot and plan and scheme her amazing party. It had to go just right; any little deviation from her positively positive party plan could potentially pop her preconceived planning potential for parties! ... Or something like that! Still, Pinkie was fairly convinced she was doing well enough. She had to get phase one dealt with first, however. Phase one was probably the most important phase of all phases!

And so, here she was. Staring at two bakeries. Each one holding a pony she wanted to see. Each one holding a pony happy to see her. And each one holding ponies who could go the rest of their lives without seeing one another.

She trotted into the first one.

"Hiya, Mister Cake!"

Carrot smiled. "Why hello, Pinkie! I haven't seen you for a week! How've you been? How's Octavia?"

Pinkie giggled. "Octi's fine, thanks! Also, Applejack probably didn't say anything to you, but the Apples are grateful for the treats you sent them!"

Carrot waved a hoof. "Ah, it was nothing... I was friends with the old farmer. Well... acquaintances, really, but he seemed nice enough!"

Pinkie nodded. "Yeah! Hey, I got a bit of an odd request, and I know you won't like it at first, but PLEASE hear me out?" Carrot seemed a bit unnerved at first, but he gestured for her to go on. Pinkie nodded. "You see... ever since I came to Ponyville, I had one dream; to throw the single biggest party this town has ever seen! For the past few weeks, I've been researching, I've been partying, and I've been talking to friends, and I think I can do it! Thing is, I need help..."

Carrot smiled. "I see! You need the best bakery in Ponyville's help? I'd be glad to--"

Pinkie held up a hoof. "Before you commit to anything, there's something you should know!" Carrot Cake stared as Pinkie took a deep breath... then released. "... Cup Cake is going to be there."

He almost seemed to fall back, practically rearing. "W-What!?"

Pinkie nodded. "Oh yes. She agreed to come there. Truth be told, I asked her cause I didn't think you'd be willing to help! I was desperate! But I'm too nice a pony to just tell her otherwise, so I can't un-ask her to come! Will you still do it?"

Carrot Cake seemed to mull it over. He really didn't want to be in the same space as that pompous, stupid, talentless witch... but a party was good publicity. If she was going to be there, he might be able to show her up, and prove once and for all that he was the superior baker. He could finally prove it, indisputably!

He grinned. "Of course, Pinkie... but only because you're one of my favorite customers!" It was a lie, of course; in fact, he barely knew more than Pinkie's name. Still, she didn't have to know that.

Pinkie smiled. "Oh thank you thank you THANK you, Mister Cake! You won't regret it! All I ask of you is that you not fight with Cup Cake, please?"

Carrot nodded. "Scout's honor, Pinkie. Though, if she does anything, I can't promise I won't act accordingly."

Pinkie nodded. "Of course!" With that, Pinkie merrily trotted out of the store and to the side. What nopony noticed was she had trotted in a circle; around the back of the two cupcake stores, and back to the front, and entering Cup Cake's bakery.

"Oh, hello Pinkie! Good day!"

Pinkie smiled. "Hiya Ms. Cake! The Apples send their regards! The Cup Cakes were delicious!"

Cup Cake blushed and giggled. "Oh, it was nothing... poor family, that poor stallion... it was the absolute least I could do!"

Pinkie grinned. "Say, I have an odd request, and I know you won't like it at first, but PLEASE hear me out...?"


Phase one was complete.

Pinkie was trotting down the street, her mind racing with possibility. Things were going so smoothly! She had both bakers committed to her cause (even if she had to be a little dishonest with them, it was for the greater good) and ready to force their rivalry down just long enough to realize how well they can work together. Phase two could go either way. She just had to hope the Apples were feeling charitable in this, their time of mourning. It was a long shot, but maybe the promise of a lightened mood would help? Besides, she knew Big Mac and Applejack well enough; maybe that could work?

She gently, carefully... knocked her head against the door.

And slowly, it opened, revealing a Big Mac, holding a tiny, yellow-coated baby filly. Judging by her age, Applebloom's mother hadn't passed away any longer than a year ago. "Oh, howdy Ms. Pinkie. What can Ah do ya for?"


Big Mac quirked his brow. Pinkie gasped and shook her head. "I mean, ah, is Applejack here? I really need to talk to her! It's SUPER important!" The elder stallion gave her a concerned, even slightly crept out look before edging back in the house. Soon, the door opened again, with Applejack stepping out.

"Oh, Hi there Pinkie... what do y'all want?"

Pinkie grinned. "Well, I had a super fun great idea! I know your family has been having a tough time lately, and I know the last thing you probably want to think about is parties, but I was hoping you might be up for hosting a party?"

Applejack stared, almost as if the pink filly before her was crazy. "... Pinkie... Ah reckon yer heart is in the right place... but Ah think yer crazy..."

Pinkie frowned. "Please, Applejack? I was doing this for you! Well, for a lot of ponies, but you're a big reason! I wanted to throw you a party so you could cheer up!"

Applejack sighed. "Pinkie... mah dad just died... Ah dunno if ya've ever lost family, but that aint somethin' a simple lil' party is gonna wash away... one of the most important ponies in mah life is gone forever, an' so short after we lost ma..."

Pinkie gave her her most pleading eyes. "I know, Applejack! It's terrible! It's the single most horrible thing I've ever witnessed, and I can't even imagine how you must feel!" She gently took Applejack's hoof between her own. "That's why I want to throw you a party... so I can take at least a little of that pain away... I don't expect to make it go away... I just want you to see how many ponies care..."

Applejack stared at Pinkie for a bit.

"Ah think it's a great idear m'self!"

The two fillies turned to face an elderly green mare, sitting in a rocking chair, smiling at them. "Ah think we've grieved long 'nuff, Applejack. Yer pa was a great stallion, n' the world is a worse place without 'em... but that's why Ah think y'all should do it! Show mah boy that th' Apples're strong, n' when we get knocked down, we get right back up again! Not only will it make y'all feel better, Ah suspect it'd be a kick in the nethers fer th' stallion what killed yer pa, knowin' his family aint lettin' him win!"

Applejack looked down at her hooves, deep in thought. She had so many reasons to say no... and really very few to say yes. But few as they were, the reasons to say yes seemed far more justified, even if she wasn't too comfortable with them herself. Applejack smiled a bit, shaking her head. "Fine... Ah guess we can... long as y' keep th' party in th' barn an' let ponies know th' house is off limits."

Pinkie's grin was so big, Applejack could swear her face would fall off if it grew any bigger. The pink pony hugged her with a great deal of strength. "Ohhhh thanks Applejack! Just you wait, you'll be happy and smiling in no time! It'll be the best part EVER!" Pinkie sat Applejack back down, who re-adjusted her hat on her head. "Ah.. eh... thanks Pinkie Pie... Ah guess..."

With that, Pinkie turned and trotted away, down the path out of Sweet Apple Acres.


"Wow... you really have THAT much done?"

Pinkie and Octavia were trotting down the street, towards home. Octavia had just gotten out of work, and was being regaled by Pinkie's tale. In just the span of a few hours, Pinkie had earned the help of the bakers AND of the Apples. It wasn't much at first glance, but it was still more than she had expected, what with the bakers hating each other and the Apples' recent loss.

"Yup! I didn't even have to break out the big guns and offer to pay them! They seemed willing to do it all for free!"

Octavia shook her head. If there's one thing she had to admit, her sister was surprisingly as resourceful as she was resilient. "Well Pinkie, color me impressed. I still think it's a crazy idea, but with the seeming ease you've pulled everything off so far, you might just be able to do it..."

Pinkie nodded, grinning. "There comes the next part! I'll need help from you and Vinny!"

Octavia quirked her brow at her sister. "Me? Why me?"

Pinkie hummed. "Well, I'll need tables, punch, cups for punch, a punch bowl, confetti, streamers, balloons, party stuff!"

Octavia grimaced some. "Pinkie... I don't know if we have the kind of money to pull all that off right now... until you and Vinyl find work, things will be tight until her father sends her next check..."

Pinkie scrunched her nose a bit. Octavia stared at her sister. "... Pinkie?"

Pinkie smiled sheepishly. "Uh... what if... he's no longer going to be sending her money...?"

Octavia's jaw fell. It was silent for a few minutes, before she shook her head. "P-Pinkie... those checks were the only thing holding us over. If Vinyl's father isn't funding her anymore, we won't be able to pay next month's rent... we'll be kicked out of our home and into the streets!"

Pinkie frowned. "Oh? Oh... huh... guess that is a bit of an issue..."

Octavia shook her head. "P-Pinkie... I don't think we can afford anything... I... I dare say, that commission I got from Rarity a few days ago may have been too much--"

Pinkie gasped. "Ooo! You bought something from Rarity!? What!? Can I see!?"

Octavia shook her head. "She hasn't finished it... truth is, I was going to go to her place to get a fitting once I was done with work... but..."

Pinkie shrugged. "Nevermind. I can make due! After all, a party doesn't NEED balloons and confetti - they're just nice to have! Besides, that gives me more time to make the invitations!"

With that, Pinkie zoomed off without so much as a goodbye. Octavia sighed, shaking her head at her younger sibling's impulsive, chaotic nature... and now she had a new fear to dread at night. Truth be told, the home she and Vinyl had now was a steal; if they couldn't afford it, then they might have to move out... and to where? Best case scenario, Vinyl's parents might agree to let Octavia stay with them for a bit... actually, that could work... but there would DEFINATLY be no way they'd take Pinkie, if half of what Vinyl said was true.

It was then she realized she was already at the front door of the home she had made her way to. Gently tapping her hoof against the door, Octavia waited until it was answered by the very mare she wanted to see. "Oh! Hello darling, glad to see you made it!"

Octavia smiled. "You said to come back here for a fitting?"

Rarity nodded. "Oh yes, dear, yes, do come in!" Rarity led Octavia into her home; it was a nice place. Obviously her family did not want for anything; the house was very tidy, neat, and very well built. On the wall was a painting of a unicorn with a long, silver mane, wearing a dress; no doubt related to Rarity herself. Below it were some photos, though they were much too distant for Octavia to identify. Just then, Rarity returned with a piece of paper.

"Alright, I wanted your opinion on this before I did anything. It's bold, in my own opinion... but.. it seems to fit what you wanted... at first, I thought of making you a nice, simple black dress... but when you said you had wanted to present yourself as a musician, I rethought my idea... and I came up with this."

Rarity handed the picture to Octavia, who simply looked over it.

"... It's... not much, I know, but it seems to fit you, from what you've told me. Simple... yet elegant, beautiful, and sophisticated. It draws attention, without outright begging for it, relying instead on grace and beauty."

Octavia stared, jaw hanging loosely at the picture. "... I.... I love it... oh my goodness, this is exactly what I need..."

Rarity visibly beamed and almost squealed in delight. "Oh YES! I knew you'd love it! It's simple enough that I can finish it in the next few days! Oh, do promise me you'll wear it often?"

Octavia smiled a bit. "... If you make this for me, I will probably wear it everywhere I go, Ms. Rarity." Rarity nodded. Her magic wrapped around the sketch, depicting a collar with a bow sketched on it. "I only need a few measurements to do this one, and I'll return to you some of the bits you offered since it's such a simple project!"


"... and.... you..... are..... the light..... in..... the..... night.... sky...."

A grey coated stallion with ice blue eyes and a white mane stared at a piece of paper as he wrote. He dipped his quill into an inkwell, resuming to his righting momentarily. Suddenly, he heard a knock on his door and jumped. Looking quickly to his letter, he was relieved to see he hadn't ruined it. He had to burn a few copies already; he didn't want to lose his perfect writing, his soul unleashed. He gently set the quill in the inkwell and trotted towards the door, peeping out of the peep hole.

Standing there was a pink filly with a poofy mane.

He opened it a bit, the door stopping when it was a crack open. "Yeah? What do you want?"

Pinkie tilted her head, looking into his eye. "Oh! Uh, I was just passin' out invites to a party to everypony in town, and everyone in Ponyville is appreciated, so everypony in Ponyville is invited!" With that, Pinkie reached behind her into a wagon that had piles of probable invites in it. She pulled up one and almost pushed it toward the door.

"No, no invites, I'm not going to your party. Beat it."

Pinkie frowned a bit. "Wh... what? B-but, everypony is invited..."

"I said no. Now get lost."

"B-But, the party is gonna be at Sweet Apple Acres, and the Cakes will be selling cakes, and, and--"

"Wait... Sweet Apple Acres?"

Pinkie grinned. She had a bite! "The one and only! My good friend, Applejack, will be hosting the best party in Ponyville history! Why, we're hoping everypony will be there! There'll be cakes, and music, and fun times to be had by all! What do you say?"

The pony on the other side of the door was quiet for a few minutes. "... Alright. Gimme an invite." Pinkie squealed in delight, and shoved an invited between the cracks, and it was quickly snatched from her.

"Well, we can't wait to see you there!"

"Yeah yeah... have a nice day."

With that, the door shut. The sound of various locks and latches could be heard. Pinkie blinked a few times, shrugged, and bounced on her marry way, dragging her wagon behind her.

Inside, the stallion stared at the invite. He blinked a few times, looking at it suspiciously. It could only be coincidence, right? Surely she couldn't know? He smiled a bit, returning to his desk. He took his quill from his inkwell, and resumed writing. Soon, he finished, and then he folded his letter, placing it in an envelope. Licking the edges, he sealed it, and turned it around, smiling proudly at the letters on the front.

To: Applejack
From: Your Secret Admirer
