• Published 20th Mar 2013
  • 730 Views, 5 Comments

Tale of Nightingale - Shadow Veil

(Only some gore, so relax) My first story, the story will follow the life of my OC, a very gifted dragon, who will come to be known as Nightingale. This is the story of his life of trials in an abusive clan to a fresh start.

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Chapter 2

Small, silver eyes fluttered open only to slam shut at the blinding light of the sun. The hatchling felt around, his hands darting around the rough surface he found himself on. He wriggled around like this for several moments before he pushed himself to his hind legs. The hatchling nearly fell back to on his rear, but something caught him. After being picked up and thrown moments after he hatched he had a very high fear of others, and thus panicked. He squirmed as he was slowly lifted from the ground, a pair of hands wrapping around his body.

He could hear someone speaking to him, a female from what he could tell. He could feel her grip changing, becoming more of a cradle as the hatchling’s resistance ceased. “There, there, little one.” he heard, a hand brushing gently over his head. “You won’t be harmed here, I will keep you safe, I promise.”

The hatchling opened his eyes, the color shifting once again to a sky blue. He was staring at a female dragon of bright red with yellow markings that decorated her scales. He looked into her hazel eyes as she cradled him, both enjoying the company they now had. “I am Spines, little one. What may I call you?” the hatchling tilted his head in response, some of the words escaping him. “Nod if you like the name, Ok?” he nodded once and Spines smiled. “How about, Fang?” a shake, “Talon?” another shake, “Knight?” the hatchlings eyes widened, showing his fondness. Spines thought for a moment, trying to make the name unique. Those ponies put two parts to their names, perhaps, “Night Fall?”

The hatchling nodded furiously, though he didn’t know why he loved the name so. “Night Fall!” he squeaked, a smile spreading rapidly across his face. “Night Fall!”

Spines laughed as she hugged her new friend close, praying they would remain together for the years to come. “Alright then, Night Fall, let’s get inside and get some food.” Night Star nodded as he licked his lips, hunger growling in his stomach.

Several hours past as Night Fall played with a sapphire that was lying on the floor. He laughed as the gem shimmered in the pale light of the moon. From time to time he would stare out to the mouth of the small cave where Spines sat. He would wonder for a second what she was doing, but the light of the gem was hypnotic to his young mind. He giggled as the shimmering surface cast spots of light all over the interior of the cave.

Spines sighed, knowing that she had taken on a task she couldn’t accomplish. “I can hardly fend for myself, how will I protect him?” she turned her head to the sky, the light of the moon calming her addled mind. “He is like me, I won’t leave him to fend for himself. Not while I still draw breath.”

A crimson form landed before the cave mouth, causing Spines to leap to her feet, her claws extended as she glared at the brute before her. “Still alive, Wench?”

“My name is Spines,” she growled, “and you know that, Crag. Now, leave, or I will kill you.”

“Really? A weakling like you wouldn’t last a second against me.” as Crag spoke several of the dragons that had cheered for Night Fall’s death landed behind him with a lack of grace. “Just hand over the Whelp and we will leave you to die alone.” the other dragons cracked their knuckles and chuckled at the frightened female before them.

“I won’t let you harm Night Fall!” Spines roared, flame leaking from the corners of her mouth.

“Wha… oh, you mean the Whelp.” Crag’s laughter drowned out Spines’ roar and growls. “You have to be joking. That little twerp is a stain on my good name, and I am going to remove that stain.”

A single hour had passed before Crag and his group took to the skies, a warning blood splattered on the walls of the cave. Night Fall was leaning on the body of Spines, his tears returning as she refused to stir. Night Fall pleaded that she be spared, that he be taken in her place. He blamed himself for Crag’s aggression and Spines injuries. He didn’t want her to go. She had promised to stay with him, she wouldn’t lie to him. Would she?

Night Fall began to bawl his eyes out as he placed himself next to Spines’ heart and closed his eyes. He didn’t notice a glow come from his tiny hands and weave itself around the wounds. Nor did he notice a slight shimmer in the air that danced around Spines’ still form. His tears blocked forming small pools on the cave floor as the glow worked around the wounds. Blood dried and disappeared as the wounds began to shrink into nothing.

Air began to circle in Spines’ lungs, coughs escaping her as she retched in pain. She looked down to see that her major wounds were gone and a ball of blue that lay down by her heart. “Night Fall,” she whispered, not wanting to startle the little one, “are you ok? Did they hurt you?”

Her answer came in the form of a pair of wide silver eyes that were quickly buried in her neck as Night Fall wrapped his tiny arms around her neck. “Don’t leave.” he said, he voice rough from the crying. Night Fall continued to repeat this over and over, as if those words would keep Spines there.

“There, there, little one,” she comforted, petting him gently. “I am not going anywhere.”

Night Fall torn himself away to face Spines, his eyes taking on a twinge of red. “I fight.” Spines protested, insisting that he didn’t have to fight, but the little dragon was determined. “They hurt you. I fight them.” for the first time in Night Fall’s short life, he stood tall, his resolve unwavering. “I will protect.”