• Published 3rd Feb 2012
  • 1,615 Views, 20 Comments

Voices. - Appledash

Twilight finds a book from an old soldier

  • ...

Chapter 2 Curses


Chapter 2 Curses

Twilight collapsed on the floor, held her hoofs around her head and yelled, “STOP IT! JUST... JUST SHUT UP!”

Spike was home at the moment and heard how Twilight shouted, he went into the main library room where Twilight laid on the floor.

“Twilight! Twilight calm down! What is it?”

“They wont shut up! Please make them stop! I can't take this anymore!”

Twilight's head was filled with ghostly voices, but when Spike entered the room one voice became clear as thunder. “KILL HIM!”

Twilight slowly turned her head towards Spike. Her horn started to glow and out from the kitchen levitated a knife. Spike noticed the knife just in time and jumped away. It only cut a little slice of his back.

He looked at Twilight with a confused and scared face. When he saw Twilight's face, he almost got frozen by fear. Her pupils was almost as small as dots and her hair was a total mess. Spike made it to one of the rooms and locked himself in. He stood and blocked the door with his body.

“Twi...Twilight..Are you still there?”

He heard a small chuckle and then he felt a cold sting in his back.

He took a few steps away from the door and felt his back. When he looked at his hands again, they were full of blood. He looked back and saw the trail of blood from the door to the puddle where he was standing. He heard the door opening and Twilight entering the room, still with that weird look on her face. His vision became blurry and he felt dizzy.

With a thud he hit the ground.

Twilight snapped back to her real self when she heard the loud thud and saw Spike lying on the floor bleeding and the knife she was levitating in front of her. She quickly dropped the knife and ran to spike.

“Spike! Spike! I'm so sorry! I... I wasn't myself! Please! Wake up! Just Wake UP!.. please...”

Spike didn't move, he was just laying there lifeless. Twilight was laying over him and cried out loud, she didn't care of all the blood she got on her. She just wanted Spike back. Suddenly everything went completely black. Twilight didn't notice it at first but when the feeling of somepony watching became clearer, she needed to look around the room. Twilight saw multiply eyes staring at her. She just closed her own and shouted.

“Leave me alone! Just go AWAY! You made me do this! Just leave me alone...”

Twilight fell asleep of exhaustion over Spike's body. When she woke up there were only a skeleton left, and everything was burned. She stood up and looked around, chains were hanging from the ceiling with big bloody hooks in the end. Twilight quickly looked away she didn't wanna know what they were used for.

She walked to the burned door in the end of the room. When she touched the door knob to open it, it just collapsed. The main library room was a total mess. Books were scattered everywhere. A few of them was burned and unreadable, and the rest was just burned on a few places but still readable.

But something was strange about one book. The red book. Nothing had happen to it, no burn marks or anything. Twilight slowly approached the book. When she was close enough to take it somepony or something shouted at her. She turned around and in the shadows stood a figure looking at her. It started to walk towards her, and Twilight backed away only to back into a corner between two bookcases. The figure got closer and closer, Twilight closed her eyes and started to cry and whispered to herself.

“This is not real, this is not real! Just go away! Leave me alone...”

She opened her eyes in hopes that she had woken up.

But right there in front of her was the most horrific sight she have ever witness. A face of what seemed to be a pony, a strong stallion. But something was wrong with his face, only half of it where still there, the other half seemed to be blown away or eaten. Twilight let out a gasp and the creature opened its mouth and shouted with the most ear piercing sound, lifted its right hoof and scratched Twilight on the chest. The pain from the wound was enough to wake her up. She was quick on her hoofs and looked around the room, she saw the surroundings and she let out a sigh of relive. A burning sensation began to build up on her chest. She looked down and saw the scratch that the creature had made, three scratches, just like the book cover. She glanced down and saw Spike's corpse, a pain in her heart began to build and and tears stared to well in her eyes.

“I'm so so sorry Spike” She said with a quiet voice and sobs.

She picked up the bloody knife that was lying on the floor and walked to the kitchen, she didn't noticed that the front door was opened.

While she was in the kitchen and washed the blood of the knife she heard a loud familiar scream.

In panic she exited the kitchen and saw the front door wide open and noticed a shadow from the room where Spike's corpse was laying, she quickly ran over to the room and saw a familiar pony.

The one in the room was Fluttershy who was here to borrow a book. But she wandered of into the wrong room.

When Twilight saw Fluttershy the Voices came back.

“Everything is her fault. Kill her now before she tells anypony..”

Before the voices could continue to talk to Twilight, Fluttershy turned around and looked Twilight right in the eyes. With tears running down her cheeks she inspected Twilight and saw the dried blood on her coat. Fluttershy let out a quiet scream. The voices in Twilight's head faded away when she heard Fluttershy's scream. Tears started to well in her eyes when she saw Fluttershy standing there crying.

“It wasn't me, you must trust me Fluttershy I wasn't myself. Please just believe me when I'm telling you this.”

Fluttershy manage to nod with her head, as sign that she was listening.

Twilight told Fluttershy all about the book and the voices. And how she just snapped when Spike entered the room.
Fluttershy was frozen on place with fear and didn't say a word.

Twilight continued. “The voices told me to.... Well they told me to kill you too, but somehow you made me resist them. I don't know how. But please Fluttershy just leave and tell everypony else to come here tomorrow.”

Fluttershy just nodded her head and left the library with a speed Twilight never seen before

Twilight let out the cries she had held back the whole time she was talking with Fluttershy.

With her horn she conjured up a spell so she could move Spike's corpse, she didn't know where do put him right away so she just wrapped him up with a rug, until she had time to bury him.

She levitated the wash cloth and a bucket with water to the room where Spike had died and washed up all the blood, she managed to hold in the body fluids and the cries.

When she was done in the room she started to think about where to put Spike's body until she could bury him in the cemetery.

While she was thinking about that her coat stared to itch, she looked down and remembered all the dried blood.

“I need a shower first” She said to herself.

She entered the bathroom and started the shower. And now she couldn't hold it in anymore. She sat down on the floor in the shower and cried out loud. She had never cried this much in her life.

Memories with Spike started to haunt her mind, memories she never want to forget.

But now they were only a pain to remember.

She sat in the shower about an hour or so. It was late now and she was tired. While she was walking from the shower to her bedroom, she felt that somepony was watching her. She turned her head and behind her stood the black figure again, with his bright white eyes. She thought that this was the creature from her dream. But this one was acting strange, he didn't move the same way the creature from the dream did. And now it started to talk to her with a ghostly voice.

“Please... give... it.... back...”

“Wh...What do you want?” Twilight asked

“The...” He disappeared before he could finish the sentence.

Twilight felt chills go down her spine, but she knew that this was just a ordinary ghost and he didn't want to hurt anypony he just wanted something back. But what?

That night Twilight didn't have much sleep. She just lay in the bed and cried.

Early next morning Twilight was searching for a special book, she didn't have Spike around anymore to help her so she had to find it herself.

“Yes! I found it!” Twilight shouted when she found what she was searching for.

“Ghost and the paranormal” The label read.

She opened the book and began to read.

She flipped the pages and found and interesting chapter.

“Chapter 5 Ghost and Objects.
When a pony dies when protecting something or having something important beside or on his or hers deathbed the spirit of that pony can stick with that object. But if the object moves the spirit will become insecure and think this object is lost, and forever searching for it, until she finds it. For a spirit to take form so that the blind eye can see her, she needs very much energy and energy can be many things, if you feel cold or get colds chills down you spine that means the spirit is using your energy to manifest herself and to make contact with you. If you feel dizzy and nausea the spirit is using almost all of your energy to manifest and make clear contact with you. If the spirit does so she thinks you have the object. The only way to give the spirit its object is to replace it where it original belongs.”

“This is very interesting, I might as well read on” Twilight said.

“Chapter 6 Evil Spirits.

It is very unlikely that a spirit is evil or want to hurt you. If the spirit was tortured or killed in a brutal way when he or she was alive, he might get angry in the spirit world but never hurt anypony badly. But there is always evil, even in the spirit world. If you somehow managed to invite a demon in you house. You can get hurt badly or even get possessed by this evil. And you want to get this out as fast as possibly. You can read more on how to do that in the book Demons and Exorcist”

Twilight was quick on her hooves and started to search for that book. She didn't find it, by that point she knew she did not have it in her library. Maybe in the Castle library.

“Knock” “Knock”

Twilight let out a sight and walked to the front door.

When she opened it she was greeted by five angry, sad and confused faces.

“Twi, we need to talk!.”

Twilight explained everything to her friends and told them that they needed to travel to the castle to find a very important book.

“So you mean; ever since you found that book in your basement, you've started to hear voices in your head? And they told you to kill Spike?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“yes, but that's not the strangest part. They told me to kill Fluttershy too but her voice made me resist them. Why didn't Spike's voice do that?”

“I have no idea, we need to find somepony or in this case zebra who does this kind of things for a living.” Rainbow Dash quickly replied.

Now the only hard part was to walk through the Everfree Forest and to Zecoras hut.

Twilight told everypony to pack up for the trip and meet her at Sugar Cube Corner in half an hour.

Everypony left the Library and walked home to pack, Twilight on the other hand got a feeling she needed to do something about the red book.

She though about what she had read, “Put it where it original belongs.”

She levitated the book from the coffee table and went down to the basement. Walked to the big old dusty bookcase and placed the book where she found it.

When she came back upstairs she saw something on the coffee table again, It was the book.

“But.. How the.... Well I guess I need to take it with me then”

Twilight packed her bags and arrived at Sugar Cube Corner just in time.

“Well are you ready everypony?” Twilight asked.

“Yes! But are you sure you are capable for this Twilight darling? You look a bit stressed and tired.” Said Rarity with a insecure voice.

“Don't trust them! They've going to betray you! Be on you guard!”

“Erm... hehe yes, I...I'm fine! Now let's go!”

The six ponies started to walk towards Everfree Forest, to begin the most horrific and dangerous adventure in their lives.

End Of Chapter 2