• Published 3rd Feb 2012
  • 1,614 Views, 20 Comments

Voices. - Appledash

Twilight finds a book from an old soldier

  • ...

Chapter 1 The red book.


Chapter 1 The red book.

Twilight Sparkle was as usual in her library going through her books. She used her magic to pull them out and read the labels on them, but she didn't find any book that she wanted to read now; she wanted something more interesting and exciting. She didn't find what she was searching for upstairs so she decided to go down to the basement. She went by a big old dusty bookcase.

“This bookcase hasn’t been used in years it seems.” Twilight thought for herself.

She pulled out books and read the labels, “How to make amazing cupcakes”, or “How to win at chess” and other useless books. Twilight let out a sigh and tossed them away. She lifted another book, and before she could read the label something red caught her eye. She dropped the book she held at the time on the floor, and picked up this red colored frame. By the size of it, it wasn't a complete book; there were only about fifty pages. Twilight spun the book around and searched for a label, but there wasn't any on it.

“Well, this is interesting.” Twilight said out loud.

She blew away the dust and saw three small scratch marks on the front. She didn't know what it was so she didn't care so much about it. She went upstairs again and put the book on a small coffee table. She went into the kitchen to get some snacks and something to drink to later cuddle up in a big armchair and have a nice read.

While she was in the kitchen she started to hear strange noises from the other room. She leaned her head out and looked around, nothing unusual. She just shrugged and went back to the kitchen.

While she was doing some small pick snacks she started to hear the noises again, this time it sounded like voices. She leaned her head out once more and looked around.

“Spike?” She asked with a small tone of fear in her voice.

She then remembered that spike was at Rarity’s house and helped her with something important.

She turned back to the kitchen and finished her snacks, walked in to the other room and made herself comfortable in her armchair. She put the tray beside the book on the coffee table.

With her magic she picked up the book and a cracker and began to read.

She opened the frame and saw the first words. “A Soldier's Diary.”

And under that some words that were hastily written, “I need to get out of here, they're driving me insane!”

Two seconds after she read those words she heard a voice that whispered but was as clear as thunder.
“Kill them all...”

This gave Twilight chills down her spine; she looked around the room just to make sure she was alone.

She was alone, and it was quiet in her library.

Almost too quiet.

She glanced down the basement staircase and though she saw a figure of somepony standing there.
But in a blink it was gone.

Twilight just shook her head and said to herself. “Keep it together Twilight, you are just tired of all that hard work at Sweet Apple Acres this morning.”

She began to read the first page in the diary.

“Day 13: Tomorrow we will hit shore in enemy territory, and march for thirteen minutes and then set up camp. I'm used to this, but not so far from home. When our ship left home shore I instantly got a feeling that something was wrong. I didn't know what, but the sight of our home shore fading away slowly just gave me nausea.”

The voices came back again to Twilight, louder this time but she couldn't make out what they said yet.

She lifted her head up from the book and looked at the basement staircase again, no figure this time but she could feel that somepony or something was there.

Twilight started to read again and got lost in time. When she realized that she had been reading for an hour she was on day 25 in the diary.

“Day 25: The ship is still out of orbit. It started seven days ago. The captain started to mumble something about victory and the end of all resistance in this war. His eyes was focused straight forward and he didn't move a muscle, but still his arms kept turning the rudder. And people on this ship is creeping me out, mumbling about some voices they hear. I don't know what they are talking about. I can’t stay to write much more. My mate is calling me; something is going on the dining room.”

Twilight flipped the page, but there was no more. She turned every page until the end. And there were a few words written in what seemed to be dried blood.

“The voices... They're driving me insane... Need to stop them... need to KILL THEM ALL!”

Twilight remembered the voice she heard before she started to read, and she got a feeling to turn her head and look at the basement staircase again. And there it was. A black figure, and she could make out its details; it had an army helmet, jacket and boots and bright white eyes that stared into Twilight's. It started to move, slowly towards her.

She could feel how she started to faint.

It came closer and closer.

Twilight's vision became blurry and unfocused; she could feel how she struck the floor.

The last she remembered was Spike's faded voice before everything went completely black.

Three Days Later.

Twilight woke up in Ponyville Hospital, with a splitting headache and an unforgiving pain in her body. She looked around and saw Spike sleeping on a chair next to her.

“Ungh.. Spike..? Spiiike..?”

Spike woke up and flickered his eyelids to adjust his eyes to the light. It took a few seconds for him to realize what was going on. He finally saw Twilight laying there in her hospital bed and looking at him with a smile.

“Twilight! You're awake!!” Spike Shouted and hugged Twilight.

“Ohh I need to tell the others!” He said and ran towards the first door he could see, opened it, entered the room and closed the door.

A few seconds later he opened the door again and with a blush on his face he said:

“Woops, wrong door.. That was the bathroom.”

He exited the room and entered the hallway where Pinkie pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy were waiting.

“She's awake! Come quick!” Spike shouted.

Everypony and Spike busted through the door to Twilight's room.

“Ohh Twilight! We were so worried about you! How do you feel darling?” Said Rarity.

“I'm just fine, I just have a terrible headache and some body pain, but otherwise it's fine.”

“No wonder you have a headache. You hit your head quite hard on the table when you past out.” Said Spike.

“Don't trust them...!”

“What?” Asked Twilight, “Did you say something?”

Everyone looked at each other, “No…? Why?”

“They're not worthy...!”

“There it was again. You're sure you guys aren’t saying anything?”

“Yes Twi, we're as silent as a book.” Said Rainbow Dash

“Book.... The book! Spike did you see a red book when you entered the library?”

“Erm... No I don't think so, why?” Asked Spike confused.

“It... Was...” Twilight started to feel dizzy and the room started to spin, her head suddenly became heavier and she couldn’t keep it up. Once again she fainted.

The last thing she heard was Spike calling for nurse Redhead and a strange voice. “You're mine now. Mine forever!”

Twilight woke up with a gasp. She was still in the hospital. But something seemed strange this time.
She looked to her right expecting to see Spike sleeping on the chair beside her bed, but there were no Spike there, and the chair was just ash. She looked around the room and noticed that the chair was not the only thing that had been turned to ash. It seemed like everything in the room except her bed had burned down. She left the bed. Her headache was gone and so was the pain in her body. When she started to walk to the main door to her room, she heard something in the bathroom. She slowly opened the door to the bathroom and saw something hanging from the ceiling in chains. It was too dark to see so she quickly conjured a spell with her horn and produced a spark that lit up the whole bathroom. When she saw what was hanging from the ceiling, she wished she didn't do that spell. Tears started to well up in her eyes as she inspected the purple and green colored corpse in the bathroom.

“Spike.... No...” Twilight sat down and started to cry.

In between the sobs she heard a cracking noise; she looked up and saw that Spikes corpse was moving. His head got lifted up and stared at Twilight.

“Sp... Spike..?”

“Hello Twilight, recognize me? I bet you do. You couldn't resist reading that book could you? Even with the warnings I gave you. If you just left the book where it was, nothing of this would have happened.
But now you have unleashed a demon from the past, a demon that not even an army could stop. So I wish you good luck and we will meet again sooner or later, in this world or yours; that I don't know.
Ohh and one more thing… Look behind you.”

Twilight turned her head and in the doorway stood the black figure with the military clothes and the white eyes staring at her, staring into her very soul.

Once again Twilight woke up with a gasp. Fearing that everything was burned down and turned into ash she looked around the room. To her relieve everything was normal. Even her headache was back. She slowly left the bed and went into the bathroom, no corpse was hanging from the ceiling. She laughed of relieve and left her room and went towards the cafeteria to get something to eat.

She entered the cafeteria and saw five ponies she immediately recognized. They saw her enter and with big smiles on their faces they rushed towards her. They hugged her and everypony started to cry, not tears of sadness but tears of joy.

“Redhead said that, if you woke up today you can go home!” Said Rainbow Dash.
“That sounds really nice! But first I really need something to eat; I'm starving!”

Everypony bought some food and had a good time chatting about things Twilight had missed while she was in the hospital, and they talked about what they were going to do the rest of the day.

After a full day of fun with her friends Twilight got home to her library. She had forgotten all about the voices she had heard and the dream. But that was to change. When she entered the library a book fell from one of the bookcases. She walked up to it and saw what book it was. It was the red book that she had found a couple days ago. The voices began to come back once more; clearer this time. “Don't trust them... They're all lying! KILL THEM ALL!”

To Be Continued.