• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 235 Views, 0 Comments

The Amber tides of Ukrein - TomradeM

Khaki Slack, a young archaeologist is embarking on an unfamiliar expedition in unfamiliar territory. He is plagued by unusually real dreams

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Departure day

At first it seemed like a dream, that horrible grating noise that felt eternal in Khaki Slack's mind, but as soon as it had come the nightmare was over. Khaki Slack Awoke the droning menace was that blasted contraption so called a modern alarm clock "But enough with you, little torture device! You have served well" said Khaki to himself as he switched it off. Twas a very important day for Khakitov Alexander Slack of Vanhoover, this was to be the day of a new and major archaeological expedition, Khaki would be going off to Hooviet Ukrein to search for secrets among the local nomads and farmers, as the Hooviet government had opened it's borders to researchers and scientists alike! Khaki arose from his modest bed with all due excitement, he even made the bed with a giddy grin. "The perfect day starts with the perfect tea!" he said as he opened his door.

"So I take it you are in the mood for coffee???" replied Flagstaff, his cousin and roommate with warm sarcasm.

"No my good fellow, it shall be tea, I will be drinking my finest Heylon today." "Aren't you a fancy one, Khaki?" said Flagstaff "Indeed old boy, what will it be for thee? green, ginger oolong?" asked Khaki, browsing his extensive tea collection.

"I won't be having any stated Khaki's cousin "I have been jittery for the past week, and yet I have to write an extensive paper for work on the Hooviet Union's new science policies. In other words what you will be right in the middle of." He said, Flagstaff certainly chose a career basically worth his name as a political scientist for the Equestrian government. His name came from his woody blonde coat, the flag part came from his unusual black and white mane that bears resemblance to the flag of Equestria. Politics played a big role in Flagstaff's life he had in fact discovered his special talent early boasting his cutie mark, a white star on a black disk, a universal political symbol, this almost resembled a flying cutie mark, Khaki always found it funny seeing as Flagstaff, like the rest of the Slack family were all proud earth ponies.

"Toss me that canister on the top shelf, will you Flag?" Khaki clucked, which was met with a coordinated lob of a tea container "And now to brew!" it was always surprising how coordinated Flagstaff could be considering he has had poor sight from birth, a trait Khaki really admired. Khaki Slack being the resident 'lethal chef' loved cooking and got to preparing breakfast with haste, it was 'healthy and unusual' for today coconuts, mango and cactus pears, a lot of knife work.

"that's going too far, hombre!" Flag commented from the kitchen table, just as Khaki was on the verge of eating the cactus skin Khaki replied with the usual.

"Nopony understands my exploratory ways!" with humourous drama, as Khaki readied the fruit at the table the Tea pot erupted in a harsh hiss as if to foreshadow the knock at the door "No worries, I'm up" khaki assured as he bolted for the door "So the Tea pot was right!!!" Khaki cried as he opened the apartment door on his sister Vinyl with his youngest cousin, Tacky.

"Talking to inanimate objects and effects I see, brother, why am I not surprised? I brought your apprentice here seeing as this day is of utmost importance" stated Vinyl in her usual dry, sarcastic tone, Khaki Slack thought to himself as he poured the boiling water into a cup, of every pony in this little village here Khaki's sister was probably the least relatable and unfriendly being in general existence, and she was quite happy with that fact. Tacky on the other hand was a very likeable little colt and acts almost as Khaki Slack's little brother, he is a ball of blue energy and from a young age has reflected Khaki's exotic, out of the blue attitude. The colts combined quirkyness knows no end and has lead to minor dismay of the Slack family.

"Old Khaki is going on a trip to save the known world, right Vinyl?" the young colt chortled to which Vinyl lifelessly replied.

"let's hope he never comes back, Tacky" suddenly her tone became a scornful groan "You know, your love for other cultures and countries is going to get you killed I swear. I am honestly worried for your life",

"Oh of course you are" injected Tacky.

"Well he knew the job was dangerous when he took it" Flagstaff shouted from the kitchen.

"Well I love you to sister dearest but to be honest I'd rather die adventuring than live a static life of boredom".

"suit yourself, I am hungry... Brother, none of your food is edible" the aqua mare growled brushing her magenta mane out of her glum face. "I am so bored" and in a flash she was reclined on Flagstaff's chair, Flag didn't seem to notice as he was devouring breakfast.

Khaki was sipping the tea as he heard "so do you have any zebra pharaoh head dresses?" from his little cousin in an expecting tone.

"Not yet, all we actually could keep was some old hat, but I have something better!" Khaki said with a glint in his eye, "it's on the table in that closet by the front door" the colt entered the closet excitedly and instantly popped his gas masked head out.

"Thissssss is sssso coowl" Tacky managed to breath through the filter.

"I bought it for hazardous work, but my job isn't actually that type of hazardous, I thought you would look cute in it" Khaki said in a peppy voice.

"Well you have made our cousin a soldier, good job!" Vinyl yawned from the living room.

"he ought to be in the trenches like the ponies from back when Equestria had that series of conflicts with the gryphons, his cutie mark may even involve war!" flagstaff chuckled through a mouth full of coconut , suddenly another series of knocks hit the door.

"I think that is your mother, Tacky, wait till she sees your new mask! let's hope you can even see her." chirped Khaki excitedly.

Tacky opened the door to a cream coloured pegasus, with blue eyes and a distinct pair of glasses, Tacky bolted out of the closet and innocently asked "is that you mommy???" to the mare, her glasses dropped to the floor to reveal a look of shock and awe on her face, it looked like she was about to take off when Flagstaff cracked up from the table, coconut bits dropping from his mouth.

"Good morrow Qemma! sorry for the scare, my cousin really had you there, eh?" Khaki said to his esteemed colleague "keep that mask on she will be here soon" said Khaki, Tacky saluted and marched outside to play. Qemma began to ask

"is this some kind of going away part.." as an umber unicorn with an orderly bumblebee mane walked in "I assumed you would be doing paperwork, but hey that is nothing like our social butterfly".

"Don't you worry Bee, I have done my homework!" added Qemma.

"Too bad I cant introduce you to my family, ladies but we have to get to the sky port soon" Khaki said in a hurried manner.

"we should have a intellectual discussion session when your partners have more time here, Khaki" Flagstaff said as he approached the crowd.

"There are too many other ponies in here, I feel unclean. Shower time!" Vinyl groaned as she entered the bathroom.

Khaki hugged his little cousin goodbye, quickly dawned his mustard work jacket and familiar black leg bandages, he quickly took a look at his cutie mark, a gold lined, red sun disk with a crack, this is a symbol of many cultures and histories, his very core values and always a reminder of his exotic and adventurous attitude. "Onward to discovery!" he said as he and his two comrades, Qemma and Bee set off into the mists of Vanhoover for a new adventure.

it would be a remarkable test, for a remarkable trio...

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