• Published 28th Feb 2013
  • 677 Views, 7 Comments

Fallout equestria : Eternal sleep - Port Raptor

When a gamer pony has to save his friends from the equestrian wasteland, what does he do? Become a merc. Because friends can wait

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Chapter 2: Off to a good start

Fallout Equestria: Eternal sleep

Chapter 2.

“ Celestia damn, I hate bugs”
I stared out over the ridge, taking in my new surroundings. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. How did this happen? This isn’t real. Just yesterday Equestria was buzzing with life. Everypony seemed happy. In fact, it didn’t even seem like there was a war going on. And now…Equestria looks like it’s dead. There was no sign of life. Everything was bleak; there weren’t even any buildings.

I started having flashbacks to yesterday in ponyville. Everypony was excited for this vacation. Our parents weren’t going to bother us. We didn’t have any rules, except the obvious don’t kill, don’t steal, etc. And Kami and I were going to race trough the skyscrapers one day. It was going to be fun as hell. And now…everything is gone.

As I sat there, wondering how this could’ve happened, I remembered something. My friends somehow got out of the Stable and are probably out here. “Fuck.” I muttered to myself. I had no idea where they went, hell I didn’t even know why they left. Come to think of it, why did they leave without me?

“There’s no point in asking questions right now.” I said out loud. Since there was nopony around, I might as well have SOMEPONY to talk to, Even if it was just myself. I’m weird like that. “Unless the dirt can magically talk. What do you think dirt?” The dirt didn’t respond. “Thanks for the help dirt.” Well what did you except, I thought to myself. Its fucking dirt, it never was alive.

After mentally facehoofing, I decided that I needed to think of what to do next. Even though I still couldn’t believe that Equestria changed into…whatever this place is, I knew that I needed to survive out here. Although that didn’t look like that was going to happen. I had no job, no bits, nowhere to go, no food, no water, no friends- oh right my friends. Geez I suck at prioritizing.

“Alright, first objective, find friends. Second objective is to get a job. Third objective is to find a new place to live. Now if only I had a list to remember this.” Then I remembered that I had a computer attached to my left hoof. “Oh right, this thing. I might as well see what this is.”

I lifted my hoof towards my face and looked at the computer screen. The screen was colored green and it had buttons on the bottom. I decided to press to button labeled STATS, and it brought up a picture of me. It showed the conditions on my limbs, and that’s it.

“Well, this is a interesting device. It knows about my body, and I just realized that sentence sounded weird as hell.” I have the tendency to do that. I just say really weird shit out load. But enough about that.

I then realized I haven’t even named this thing. I started to think of names in my head. The Super computer of doom, the device of death, the controller, the thing to protect my face with, etc. I was never good at naming items. Then I looked towards the left hand side and saw the words PIP-BUCK 3000 on the side of the device. “Oh,” I said out loud, “That makes things easier.”

As I looked at the pip-buck some more, I realized I’ve spent a lot of time looking at a blank screen. I then flipped over to the DATA button and saw a bunch of other options flood the bottom of the screen. There was a local map, hat would be very helpful, a world map, even more useful, and a TO DO LIST tab. Well this device is pretty much Celestia out here, I thought.

I flipped to the to do list tab, and saw that all my objectives were in order. Find friends, get a job, and find a place to live. I switched to the map tab and saw the location STABLE 13 labeled on the map. Well, I thought, at least I know where I’m at. Now I just need to find out where to go.

{GRUMBLE.} I heard my stomach growl loudly. Ok, I thought. New objective, find some veggies to eat. I started to look through my bag when suddenly I heard gunshots behind me. I then remembered I had psychopaths chasing after me. I then ran away from the gunshots.

After running for about 5 minutes I stopped to catch my breath. I never was the athletic type, but turns out that being shot is a great motivator. After I calmed down, I then realized I really had nowhere to go. I went to check my map in hopes that a new location popped up. Alas, one didn’t seem to appear.

“Well this is just fucking great.” I started to yell out loud, since nopony was around. “All of my friends are gone, I got shot at AGAIN today, I just KIILED somepony, and I have no fucking place to go. Fuck my life! Fuck my life with Luna’s horn!” I looked for something to buck, but since there was nothing in sight I just bucked the ground in frustration. I looked like a fucking idiot, but I didn’t care. And then, for some reason I decided to look at my map again. It still showed nothing new.

I was about to try and throw the pip-buck, but then something caught my eye. I looked a little closer at the map. “Wait a minute,” I said out loud, looking southeast a bit. “I know this area. The ruins and Dodge city are near here.” I was never good at survival skills, but for some reason I could read a map pretty damn well. I don’t know where I got that skill from, but right now I was glad that I had it.

I sighed. I had two options. I could either go to the ruins, which could have monsters that my parents told me in stories when I was a colt, or I could go to a city that probably had nice ponies that could help me find my friends. Hell if I’m lucky enough, my friends could be there. Then we could journey to fillydelphia together.

“Well,” I said out loud, since I have the tendency to do that, “Off to Dodge City.” I’ve never been to Dodge City, but from what I heard, it’s a nice place. Better than going through the ruins and possibly getting crushed. Or eaten. Or maybe getting shot at.

I looked at my map and started to head southeast towards to city. I then remembered the psychoponies behind me, and checked to see if they were still following me. Thank Celestia they weren’t. Either I flew really fast, or these ponies were lazier than me. Either way, they were gone and I was alone again.

As I started to walk southeast, I remembered my growling stomach was still unsatisfied. I seriously needed something to eat, but I didn’t have a bag with me. I left it in the stable, along with all of my food. Shit, I thought, I really should have gotten that. I even left the gun that I killed that one stallion with. I seriously forgot his name. What was it? Shithead, Asswipe, Fuckwad- Oh yeah it was Fuckwad. That guy was a prick.

Damn it, I thought. I’m rambling to myself again. Bottom line is that I needed to eat. Unfortunately for me, there was no grass in sight. All I saw was dirt. And I’ve never eaten dirt. Well except that one time when I was a foal. Ah memories.

“Well,” I said aloud, “since there’s nothing to eat, and there’s no sign of life within 20 miles, lets get back to walking.” For some reason I couldn’t explain, I didn’t feel like flying. Maybe it was because I was paranoid, I don’t know.

As I continued on the dirt path, I started to feel alone. I was just one pony in a big giant wasteland. There was no sound except my hoofsteps. It felt genuinely creepy. I thought something was going to jump out and attack me at any moment.

I walked for hours and hours. I looked up towards the sky and realized it was almost night time. I need to find somewhere to sleep, I thought. I started to look around and saw that there was nothing except a speck in the distance. I decided to walk towards the speck

The speck was definitely father than I expected, because my hoofs were hurting like hell. Despite being a Pegasus, I really enjoyed walking. I used to walk all the time in ponyville. I never walked this much in one time. Once I reached the speck (which happened to be a shack) I felt like collapsing. I was fucking exhausted.

I opened the shack and saw that nopony was inside. I went in and saw that there was a bed, and some Sparka-cola. Then I saw a picture of a pink mare with poofy pink hair.

“I think I’ve seen that mare before,” I thought out loud. I remember a mare just like that welcoming me to ponyville when my family and me arrived. She was so energetic, and she talked to me a lot. Or tried to anyway.

“Derp” I said out loud, realizing how stupid I was. “That’s Pinkie Pie.” How could I have forgotten Pinkie? She was my first friend in Ponyville. She was everyponies first friend in Ponyville. Everypony loved her parties, even the elders. But for some reason, she stayed my friend. Even during the war, she would write to me occasionally, even when she was busy. She also introduced me to Trebly, who introduced me to my best friend Kami, then Shokka, etc.

I pretty much owed Pinkie a lot, because she introduced me to all my friends. And her cupcakes were great. I started to think where she would be right now. I hope to Celestia she is okay, I thought.

I checked outside to see if it was dark out. Sure enough, it was. I saw that the moon was bright outside. “Wow,” I said out loud “Luna, you never cease to amaze me.” I went back inside and closed the door. It felt kind of eerie being the only pony out here. But, I really didn’t care much.

I sat down on the bed, and started to look around the shack some more. I saw a locker, which was locked. I saw a pair of saddlebags, which were about my size. They seem like survival bags more than saddlebags, but looked easy to lift. I decided to pick them up. They turned out to not be heavy at all. Yay, I though, I have a bag now.

There was also a pistol similar to Jerry’s pistol (Fuck it, I’m calling the stallion Jerry from now on.) I decided to pick it up, since now I’m going to be hunted down, I might as well have a means to defend myself. There were about 10 clips of ammo near the gun, and the clip in the gun was full. There was also a bat nearby. I decided to take that as well.

After looting the shack, I yawned very loudly. I decided to go to bed right then, and slumped on the bed. As I was drifting to sleep, I heard a strange sound near my shack. It was a crawling noise. Bugs, I thought. Dear Celestia not bugs. I despised bugs with a burning passion. Especially spiders. Oh Celestia do I hate spiders.

I opened my eye, and saw a giant leg. OH SWEET LUNA, HELP ME. I reached opened my other eye and saw the creature. I stopped breathing. It was a roach, one of my more despised insects. But it was massive. Almost as big as Jerry. And there wasn’t just one. There were 4 or five of them, and a couple of them were crawling through the window.

I slowly moved my eyes away from the bugs, and I was looking for the bat I saw earlier. I saw it on the other side of the shack. I slowly reached my hoof towards the bat. Out of the corner of my eye and saw that one was crawling on the roof.

I lost my mind. I ran towards the bat, stepping on one of the roaches in the process. I grabbed the bat in my mouth, and swung it towards the bugs. “DIE” I yelled with the bat in my mouth. “DIEDIEDIEDIE FUCKING DIE!!!!!!” I kept swinging the bat until I opened my eyes and saw the bugs all squished. There were bug guts everywhere. If there was anything in my stomach, I immediately lost it. I ran outside and started vomiting. I vomited until I just had gag reflexes.

“Dear Celestia, why did it have to be bugs?” I started to say, after my stomach was empty. “ I hate guts to begin with, but why?” I went back inside to the bug gut painted shack. I was tired, I just vomited, I got shot at, and now I was hungry. I just wanted to sleep.

I went back to the bed, not caring if it was covered in bug guts or not. Luckily for me it wasn’t, and I drifted to sleep. All my hunger was gone, my loneliness, my concerns. Just sleep. Peaceful, beautiful sleep.

(Thanks to Luckybreak for the cover art. I greatly appreciate it, bro.)

Comments ( 1 )

Ok. Thanks for your help. I was debating on putting links in there, so that way people could "hear" the music in my character's head, but I'll probably take them out now. Also, looking back, I should have fleshed the characters out more in the Prologue. In terms of the grammar mistakes, some of them I just tell myself "Ok I missed some capitalization. Not a big deal, I'll just fix it." But then there's some like the wrong "There" that I face palm at. Again, Thank you for your time in reading this, and criticizing my fic. Hopefully I'll improve. :pinkiehappy:

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