• Published 28th Feb 2013
  • 675 Views, 7 Comments

Fallout equestria : Eternal sleep - Port Raptor

When a gamer pony has to save his friends from the equestrian wasteland, what does he do? Become a merc. Because friends can wait

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Fallout equestria: Eternal sleep.

Hello there. My name is Port Jumper. I am a pegasus from Ponyville. I used to live a normal everyday life in Ponyville. I didn’t have a job, but I lived with some friends, and tried to help out as best I could. I loved living in Ponyville. Everypony knew each other and everypony was happy. I kept hearing that Equestria was at war, but I didn’t pay attention to it.

Then the bombs fell. I remember the day second by second. I was on a bus going to Fillydelphia. My best friend Kami, a dark blue pegasus like me, with black mane and light brown eyes, was talking to me about anime. He always talks to me about anime. Hell he has a ninja mask as his cutie mark. He got it by trying to break into somepony’s house for some unknown reason. “For the lolz” he said. He actually got to watch quite a bit before the unicorn caught him. After that, he came up to me and said, “Let us never speak of this again.”

Anyways, while he was rambling on about some anime I’ve never heard of, I was staring out the window of cart and started thinking about the war. As a sophomore in Ponyville High, I really shouldn’t care about it, I should just go out and have fun since I was young. But I thought about everything that happened. Big Macintosh dying because he took a bullet to save Princess Celestia, the massacre of the children at Little Hoof, and the ministries going crazy.

While I was thinking, my friend Shokka was keeping Kami busy. Shokka is definitely the oldest of everypony going on this trip, so he’s the one paying for it. Also he is the only unicorn that came with us. He has an orange coat and black mane, and his cutie mark was a quill, because he was a writer, but he mostly wrote stories for anime, sometimes just for Kami.

As they were talking about their anime of the week, I went back to thinking about the war, then I felt a hoof on my shoulder. It was my friend Trebly. She patted my back as if saying, don’t worry, we’ll be fine. I gave her my smile. She was always good at making me feel better. She was grey, with a dark brown mane. She was probably the most optimistic of the group, and was considered the most fit. She was also arguably the most immature out of the group.

“Hey port” Shokka said, “look over here.” As I looked outside, I saw that we we’re nearing Rambling Rock Ridge. Yay, I thought. We’re halfway there.

"Well, at least we’re making good time” said Trebly, staring out the window as well. Kami was being unusually silent, just looking at the floor and messing with his glasses. Well since we were the only four on this train car, which I don’t know why, I asked if everypony was okay if I played some game music. They said they didn’t mind, so I decided to play something random on my ipony. Turn’s out it was pineapple smash crew. Fuck yeah. Love this them.

“Awwwwwwwww yeah” Shokka said.

“Did you just channel your inner Rainbow Dash” I said.


“I freaking knew it.”

Suddenly Kami exclaimed, “When we get to fillydelphia I call sleeping in the bathtub” Everypony stared a Kami. “What? You guys want beds don’t ya?"

I facehoofed. “That doesn’t mean you sleep in the bathtub. Dear celestia what if Trebly has to piss?"

“Well I’ll just get up for a sec and wait for her to be finished and then go back in”

“Damn it Kami” I said quickly “Why do you always plan this stuff out”

Before Kami could say anything, we heard a announcement over the intercom


“Great” I said, rolling my eyes. “Just when I thought we’d be there by tonight.”

Trebly looked at me. “Well think of it this way,” she said to everypony “at least we get to look at something else.”

“What a pile of rocks?” Kami said. He seemed almost as annoyed as I was, although he didn’t try to hide it.

“Hey I’m the one paying for most of this,” Shokka said, standing up “and I think this is a good way to get the most out of our bits.” Then the train stopped.

"Well we’re here.” I said, looking at the ridge. “We might as well look around since we’re here.” We all stepped out of the car. “Well,” I said, “lets go look at some rocks.” But nopony else moved forward.

I decided to fly up to see what was keeping us. Then a shot rang out, nearly hitting my wing. I saw a unicorn hovering his rifle with smoke coming out of it. Everypony gasped, including me. Somepony had almost shot me, and it wasn’t even a zebra

“Stay down civi. If I see anypony else move from this line, I won’t miss” I flew back down in line

“Who does that pony think he is.” Kami said. “I should go over there and-.”

Shokka interrupted him mid sentence. “I’m pretty sure pissing off the pony with a gun ISN’T a good idea.”

“I’m gonna have to agree with Shokka.” Trebly said, looking at me “but first, are you ok Port?”

I sighed. “Yeah I’m fine. Just startled a bit.”

Then the pony that shot at me got on a speaker. “Alright everypony listen,” he said in an actually calm voice. “Everypony stay calm and follow me and these troops. We are taking you to Stable 35. You will stay there until the area is clear. Nopony say a word. Let’s go.” And so everypony moved in a line with the troops.

“Hey Kami.” I whispered.


“Guess you aren’t sleeping in the bathtub after all.” I said with a smirk. Kami facehoofed.

“Damn it your right.” Then we approached a tunnel.

“So this is stable-tec’s way of protecting us,” Trebly said.

“I guess so.” Shokka replied.

“Well this gives me a lot of hope.” Trebly sighed.

“Meh. Its not so bad.” I said trying to be the optimist.

Suddenly an alarm went off in the tunnel. Everypony turned to the noise. Then we heard a grinding metal sound. Then a door flew open and we saw inside the inside of the stable. As we marveled at the inside of the stable, the army pony ordered everyone inside. Then he started handing us papers. I got mine first. It read SECTION 14, CAPULSE 1. Then Kami got his, then Shokka, then Trebly. As we looked at each other’s, we found out we all have the same sector. Then we made our way to section 14, as we heard the stable’s door close.

As we were making our way there, Kami said “I wonder if this section has a bathtub.”

I looked at him annoyed. “Are you still on about that?”


I smiled. There was something about Kami that made him my best friend. We were two completely different ponies, yet we got along perfectly.

“Well, it couldn’t hurt if he slept in the tub.” Shokka said. “I don’t care either way.” Once we entered the section, all we saw were capsules.

“Well, looks like you aren’t sleeping in the bathtub Kami” I said smirkingly.

“Awwwwwwwww” Kami said, with a sad look on his face.

Then an intercom came on in our room. “Welcome to Stable 35, pony. You are in section 14. If this your designated sector, please go stand by your capsule.” We all looked at each other.

“Well we might as well do what it says,” Shokka said. So we all stood by our own capsule. The voice on the intercom came back “You will now open up your capsule and step inside of it, after that you will sleep until an administrator disable’s the capsule or until your designated time is up. Every capsule in section 14 has automatic wake up period 200 years from now. Thank you and enjoy your stay”

“Well Shokka,” I said, “you’re pretty much the one paying, should we go in”

“Hm……………” Shokka was in deep thought.

“I think we should go in,” Trebly suddenly piped up. “It shouldn’t be that long until the war is over. We might as well go in and make it quicker.”

“That’s, actually a good idea” Shokka replied. “What do you think Port?"

I looked at them and replied, “I don’t care, whatever you guys want to do. As long as we’re all together I’m fine with whatever we do.” “

Alright,” Trebly nodded. “And what about you Kami?"

There was no answer.

"Kami? Kami? Where in Celestia did he go?"

Then we heard a capsule open. We saw Kami about to enter it, but before he did he said, “I don’t know about you, but I’d rather sleep than get shot. I’m going in. Good night guys.” Then his capsule closed.

“Well fuck it. I’m gonna go ahead and go into mine now. See you guys when we wake up” Shokka said as he entered his capsule, leaving Trebly and me alone.

“Well, I guess we’re going in” I said.

"Yep.” Trebly replied. “Hopefully this works out well, and if things go bad, we at least have each other.” I smiled. That mare could make me happy even when I was in my most depressed mood. “Well here’s to a successful sleep” I said. We both brohoofed before we entered our separate capsules. The last thing I remember is that sonic colors final boss phase 2 was playing, the world becoming dark, and Trebly smiling at me. Then darkness washed upon me. And I slept. And slept. And slept.

Author's Note:

Well here it is. The result of me being in a Fallout mood. I really don't know how this will go. I hope everyone likes this, although i know some of you won't and thats ok. I just wrote this for fun and to practice writing. anyways thanks for the read, have a cookie *hands reader cookie*, and have a nice day.