• Published 29th Jan 2012
  • 2,964 Views, 7 Comments

Junior Speedsters Flight School Revelations - EzeFilly

Dash and Gilda despise each other, until an incident one day changes everything.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Authors Notes:

First off I would like to say that this is my first story ever, and that english is not my primary language.
With that said I hope you enjoy!
Oh and you know how it goes, if you are not allowed to read stuff like this I cannot be held responsible if you do.
Picture will also of course be taken down should the artist wish so.


By EzeFilly

There had been a brewing tension between the two since the very first day of the Junior Speedsters Flight School. Even as they waited restlessly for the flight instructor to come out and welcome them there was bad air between them.

With a frown the griffin recalled the way the cocky rainbow-maned pegasus had showed off her lame little tricks for everypony. The other pegasus ponies would watch their rainbow-maned idol, cheering and clopping their hooves together in excitement. The tricks weren't even that hard to perform-- a flier just had to have a bit more skill at flying than, say, your average rock. So why the buck wouldn't the little foals shut up about the cyan mare?

Gilda had been the only griffin in the entire class; finding herself surrounded by pastel coloured ponies. The griffin had put them in place right from the start; during the very first day a group of pegasus ponies had gathered around her. Almost poking her with their little curious hooves as they had never seen a griffin before.
What was this, kindergarten? With a roar from the frustrated griffin they scattered before her. Frowning amongst each other the way all ponies do when they are chased off.
Fine, she did not care about their friendship anyway.
But that rainbow-maned pegasus, called Rainbow Dash, "What a dweeb," Gilda thought. Her ears flicking in annoyance as she heard the cyan pegasus boast in front of her crowd. "What a complete loser." The feathered student rolled her eyes and she made sure to mention it to the young adolescent mare as soon as she was within earshot.

”What did you just call me?” Rainbow Dash went immediately from showboating for the other pegasus ponies to confronting the upstart griffin, her magenta eyes open wide. The other ponies gasped at the insult from the griffin female.
”That you're just a stupid dweeb getting off on showing off in front of these losers,” the griffin shrugged nonchalantly and smirked at the furious pegasus. Ponies were far from as tough and brave as griffins; Dash would never have the guts to try anything. They are all talk and no buck.

Gilda raised her head to look contemptuously down her beak at the little blue filly. Yeah, like she was going to try anyth--! The shocked griffin's head rocked back as Rainbow Dash sent a lightning quick hoof slamming into Gilda's face. The griffin grunted as she fell backward, landing in the clouds with all six limbs askew.
The fight was on in mere seconds. A crows of ponies gathering around the two contestants with mixed expressions of horror and excitement.
The first task on the elderly flight instructors agenda for his class would be to break up the fight and give both troublemakers a long scolding lecture.


The bruises on Gilda's beak had long since faded, but even after five months the humiliation still burned bright in the griffin's heart; their first fight still lived within her mind as if it had been yesterday. She soared through the air like a bullet; the memories fuelled her rage, her wings ached, the wind brought tears to her eyes and even a few of her large brown feathers were torn off from her chest due to the extreme speed.
Gilda made a sharp turn at one of the many corner clouds, strategically placed clouds along the race track for sharp turns. Her eyes fixated upon that devilish blue pony rump belonging to a certain cyan pegasus that raced just in front of her; her arch enemy.
”I'm gaining on you, better watch out dweeb!” the griffin shouted out loudly enough for Rainbow Dash to hear, hoping that she could break her concentration.
Rainbow Dash was fast, unnaturally fast, especially for a pony. The mere thought of how many times she had won because of that lame talent made Gilda clench her claws and pick up more speed from sheer resolve. "Everypony can become that fast, it's just training... Or in her case, luck."

”Hey!” Rainbow Dash tossed a glance over her shoulder. Gilda was right behind her, her talons grasping at her chromatic tail. "Hey!" Dash shouted angrily. ”That's cheating!”
"Shut up, dweeb!" Gilda retorted. She beat her wings faster. The muscles screamed for her to stop, but she grit her beak against the strain. She was so close to grounding that little blue shit she couldn't stop now.

Dash lashed out with a hind leg and broke free of her talons. Her hoof smashed into her pursuer's beak. Gilda screamed in frustration as she pursued, her eyes seething with rage.

The two lethally danced around the race course. For speed, Dash was unmatched and her bragging rights were well earned... but Gilda had agility on her side. The griffin cut sharply through each corner, her tighter turns letting her inch incrementally towards the faster, wider-swinging pegasus.

Gilda realized with creeping dread that she would never catch her. She crossed the finish line. The training instructor waved the flag to indicate the final lap. But Dash was far ahead of her. The griffin pushed herself forward in a renewed attempt to catch up with the pegasus mare; slowly getting closer with each strained flap of her wings.
"I can do this!" she thought with determination burning in her eyes as she shot after her prey, slowly closing the gap between them. Then just like as if it was nothing Dash picked up her speed again and sped away from the desperate griffin. “Fuck... Not again... FUCK!” Gilda cursed. Her confidence in her ability to beat Dash starting to break.
"I can´t do this... Bullshit..! Of course I can!" She had to catch her, Dash would be bragging for weeks if she lost again.

Gilda tried every trick in her dictionary; she simply could not afford to let the rainbow missile slip away from her. She had to win.
If only that cyan foal could crash into a cloud or make a wrong turn... "That would never happen, that is just wishful thinking". The griffin muttered, closing her eyes as she entered the next medium-length stretch and gave it all she had.
It was not enough.
”I have to do this!” Gilda grunted to nopony in particular as she gritted her beak, hell-bent on her task.
It was Friday, the last race of the week before the weekend, and she would not have Dash ruin it again with her constant bragging. Not one...more...time!
She would win this today, and she would win it now!

Gilda rounded the corner cloud. It was all or nothing. She mustered the last of her strength, beating her wings fast enough to shoot forward like an arrow in the sky. She squinted her eyes as she closed in on the last corner before the finish line.

“Ah shit!”

Gilda glanced over her shoulder as Rainbow Dash turned too tightly. The cyan mare burst through the cloud wall.
“Amateur,” Gilda smirked. Dash would certainly be penalized for that. The race was hers! She just needed to round this last corner and soar past Dash straight to the finish line. That would show that impudent foal to mess with her! She was finally going to show up that nasty flying piece of sh-AAHHH!

Gilda squawked in shock. Rainbow Dash was speeding right towards her; apparently attempting to fix her mistake. She was going too fast! The griffin could not turn fast enough to avoid the oncoming pegasus. This was going to hurt.

With no time to but to close her eyes, the speeding griffin collided right in middle-air with Rainbow Dash; emitting an audible bang.
Gilda squawked, the air rushing out of her lungs. They plunged into the safety blanket of clouds below, the racers’ bodies entwined in a mess of feathers and fur. Cyan and brown feathers heralded their descent.

Gilda groaned, her world was spinning. Her vision blurred, as if the sky was twisting around her. In her concussive bliss, it was quite cosy just lying there; everything was warm and fuzzy. Oh Dash was going to pay big time for this. Maybe she’d spike her drink again and get her into trouble with the instructors. She groaned, it hurt to think. She buried her cheek into whatever fuzzy thing she was resting on, thinking it was a cloud.

The first thing she noticed was the smell, and a wet patch soaking into her feathers mixed with the warmth of fur brushing against her cheek.

Oh fuck!

Gilda’s eyes widened in shock, she was staring right into Rainbow Dash’s crotch. The mare looked at her, utterly bewildered.

”Wow, and you call ME a dyke,” Dash snorted, but she couldn’t hide her blush.

Gilda recoiled violently, retching and clawing at her cheeks as if they were diseased. ”What the fuck?! You pervert! Why did you just let me lie there? What is wrong with you!?”

Dash staggered to her hooves, her legs wobbling. She put on a brave face, fighting down her embarrassment as Gilda hurled every insult she could think of. Was it really her fault? She didn't exactly try to stop her. It had felt... “Gross! What’s wrong with me?”

“Hey you landed on me!” Dash retorted. She looked angry but it had just been so... exciting? And yet so wrong..? Her worst enemy right there between her legs...

“If you weren’t cheating so much I wouldn’t have flown into you! You cost me the race!”

Gilda’s eyes narrowed dangerously, a deluge of insults ready to pour from her foul mouth.

“Dash! Gilda!”

The two racers looked up at the concerned flight instructors. “We’ll settle this later, Dash,” Gilda hissed.


There was an uncomfortable silence in the air later while in the changing room. The last two roughed up members of the Junior Speedsters entered without a word. Gilda was still furious and had relished for a chance to confront the cyan pegasus as soon as they got out of earshot from the instructors. But now when she had gotten the chance she did not feel like it. Perhaps the scolding Dash got by the instructors for stopping in the middle of the race track was enough. And that she had to put bandage over her sprained hoof. ”I could always rough her up later...” The griffin thought with a frown, feeling very odd. It was uncanny enough that she did not feel like jumping Rainbow Dash right now and teach her not to mess with her. But there was something else bothering her as well; a weird knot in her stomach serving only to make her feel uncomfortable.
But why was it there?

Rainbow Dash acted strange as well; the other pegasus ponies flocked around her and asked about the nasty mid-air crash. But the rainbow-maned mare only answered briefly before trotting off into the shower, leaving her pony friends looking at each other in confusion.
Meanwhile Gilda was having an inner battle with herself, ”Why do I feel this way..?” she thought in slight despair, she felt like she wanted to be angry. To scare the other ponies away or smash a table, or why not both? Truth was that she had never been that close to another griffins nor pony's privates before. Close enough to smell, to touch, to feel. It stirred unknown emotions within her; both those of a more primitive nature and...
It was so hard to remember now, it felt so distant for some reason even though it happened less than half an hour ago. The warm cyan fur against her cheek, that funny smell, the ever so slight moisture she had felt on her cheek afterwards. It was... Gross? Why was it suddenly so hard to answer such simple question? It had been...

Gilda sighed loudly and glared annoyed at the group of pegasus ponies who had gathered a tails length away; staring at her as she was standing all lonely by herself deep in thought. They scattered of course as ponies always do when she bared her claws at them. They packed their few items under irritated whispers into small baskets that they carried in their mouths as they trotted out of the changing room; tossing brittle glances at the grumpy griffin.

Only Dash still remained in the shower room; the noise of the shower water ringing loudly in the griffin's ears as everything else was now silent with the absence of all the other noisy ponies.

That strange feeling was all over Gilda now, like sticky tar that refused to go away. Why did she not feel like going in and taking her shower at the same time? Or rather, why did it feel like she could not? It had never bothered her before, she always showered with the other students, ignoring them, and if all showers where occupied she would just pull one random unfortunate pegasus mare out of the shower and steal her spot, they never complained, they did not dare to. Well, except for Rainbow Dash. The first and last time she had tried did not end well for both of them.

It was not like she or the other ponies were embarrassed about their privates either, that would just be silly, ponies and griffins barely ever wear clothes at all anyway.
Gilda could not care less about the laughworthy meek little slits between their hind legs, and she would just rough up anypony who cared about how she looked, so it was a win-win situation.

But still she could not go into the shower room as long as Rainbow Dash was in there. The griffin was feeling too weird.
This entire situation was too weird.
It was actually Gilda that had originally started the rumours of Dash being a dyke but what the hell, was she becoming one now instead?
All kinds of different thoughts whirled around her head as she attempted to explain her own emotions.
"No way, only ponies are dykes, griffins prefer real studs" Gilda thought, it made her feel a little better at least.

A few more minutes passed before Rainbow finally stepped out of the shower. She must have been moving awfully slow since it took her another good two minutes to finally peer around the corner of the shower room into the changing room.
Gilda's tired look met with Dash's and they stared at each other for a few awkward seconds. Not a word leaving their lips as it felt like time itself had briefly stopped to observe.
Then Dash let out a short cough. Her eyes darting around as if she was looking for some kind of threat before trotting up to her things on the bench in the changing room.

The silence was like a new form of torture, yet none of the two students spoke. Gilda just stared into the wall as Rainbow slowly packed her items into the little basket. A wave of embarrassment shot through the griffins spine as she caught herself stealing a glance at the well built behind of the athletic adolescent mare. "What the hell am I doing?" The griffin thought in despair as she felt incredible ashamed at herself. "This is the worst day ever..."
”Uh... Haven't you showered yet?” Dash finally broke the heavy mist of silence, pulling the feathered student out of her silent cursing at her own behaviour.
”What do you care dweeb?” Gilda snapped back, making a poor attempt at keeping her voice calm and dominant. Without lingering another second she hurried into the shower room.

Her heart was pounding but she did not know why, this was all becoming too crazy. The frustrated griffin waited until she could hear the soft clopping of Rainbow as she eventually trotted out of the changing room. With that she instantly turned on the shower water, it was ice cold and she cursed loudly to herself as she cranked the heat regulator. "Too hot! Too hot!" She cranked it too much. With a yowl of irritation Gilda pulled the handle so roughly it broke, a stream of steaming hot water shooting right into her face scolding her beak. "Fucking great..."

Taking a few deep breaths she relocated to the neighbouring shower instead and turned it on. Too cold! "What the bucking hay?! Are these dweeb ponies masochists or what?" This time she bit down on her tongue, slowly cranking the water to the perfect temperature. "Much better!"
Tomorrow everything will go back to normal. Or at least that is what the griffin told herself as she quickly showered attempting to forget today's events; telling herself her actions were the cause of getting too much sun directly to the forehead.
Gilda even forgot to use her expensive soap -Beak´N Feathers - carefully manufactured for even the toughest griffin wings!-. that drove the school mad and had them threatening her about future student grants.
The griffin's ears lowered and she let out a sigh; she really did not want to think about all of this now. Perhaps it was time to just call it a day.


Gilda eventually finally found herself slowly flying from the shower building back to her dorm room. She shared room with a small colt whose name she could never remember that never said a word around her. Never did anything to annoy her. Almost to the point that his mere existence of not annoying her annoyed her.

There where only a few ponies scattered about inside the dormitory; chatting excitedly with each other about the week that had been and the coming weekend. All of them were wise enough to stay out of her way.
There where a lot of fun stuff to do during the weekends since the Flight School was just barely an hours flight from Cloudsdale; the pegasus capital in Equestria.
Well, fun stuff for them; Gilda usually only went there to buy snacks and magazines and then either return back to her dorm room or chill on a cloud devouring snacks and skimming through her newly acquired magazines in peace.

The grumpy griffin found herself drawing a sigh of relief as she could not spot Rainbow Dash anywhere in the dormitory corridor. The cyan pegasus usually hung out over by the scoreboards and excitedly looked over the race tabs for the past week. But not today, which was extremely rare and yet another sign that something was amiss. Gilda thought about it and did not know whether she should be happy or worried by this.
A note that was taped to the door of her dorm room caught her attention. But the griffin already knew what it probably said. She sighed and after a closer look it was exactly what she had expected it to be. Just a reminder from her lovely flight instructor that she and Dash had failed the race and that they would not receive any points for it. Fucking perfect...

That weird uncomfortable knot in her stomach returned as she saw Rainbow Dash's name on the note; making Gilda feel extremely silly and uneasy.
I'm only feeling this way because of how disgusting she was earlier, luckily I can take that kinda shit cause´ I'm a griffin. A pony would be scarred for life for sure.
The griffin Speedster student muttered her thoughts under her breath as she ripped down the note with her claws before entering the empty dorm room. "Good, better that way."
Gilda slumped on the bed and pulled out a magazine about her favourite music band; Grifallica. Attempting to think about what she usually thought about in a normal day; music, racing, annoying ponies she just wanted to smack, and -not- of a certain cyan pegasus.

It worked for nearly half an hour before the thoughts came back. Pecking at the edge of her mind constantly reminding their host of their presence. Gilda grunted despondently; angry with herself. She had never felt more awkward in her entire life. And now even when she was alone her was mind going to ruin her favourite past time?
Throwing the magazine to the side the griffin went up and locked the door. Her roommate would have to go to the instructors office for the key. Serves him right. Somehow she felt a little better having something else to think about. Even if only for a minute...
No, this wont do, Gilda threw herself onto the bed, she was not tired, but she did not feel like doing anything. Her eyes wandered over the Grifallica and Peter Griffin posters before she closed her eyes. A drawn-out sigh leaving her beak.

It was still only late Friday afternoon, a perfect chance for any student to do anything except for studying and racing, instead getting some free time. But not for Gilda the griffin who soon drifted off into an uneasy uncomfortable sleep.
"Everything will go back to normal by tomorrow..."

Comments ( 7 )

Excellent writing. Very well paced. Vulgarity is not overdone but adds to the characterization of Gilda. Shipping is never really my thing, not sure why i clicked on your story, but i am not sorry i did. Try to be a little more lucid in the feelings in the characters other than "weird" and "awkward" (the black tar covering Gilda was an excellent metaphor), but otherwise it is rockin' and rollin'. Keep it up!

I would say this is certainly one of the better Gilda x Rainbow Dash or even shipping one-shots that are rather common on Fimfiction and other fanfiction sites. The story does in the first few sentences tell rather than show that there's tension but the rest from the flashback to the description of the uneasy air between them and Gilda's own thoughts explains this adequately. Gilda particularly is very much in character especially with her dialogue in the series consisting of 'dweeb, loser,' etc. and thinking lowly of any pony. I imagine that Gilda just plain doesn't like ponies judging from her appearance in the cartoon and it makes sense that one would have to struggle to earn her friendship or at least get her grudging respect for her to think of them as anything other than a nuisance. The race was described reasonably well, but you did use a few repeated words, fortunately that's easily fixed. The inner thoughts of Gilda when she is struggling to catch up with Dash and her inner dialogue are again very in character and quite humorous. When they finally crash, it is good that while the situation they land in is awkward but not downright vulgar, especially since most fics that would have such a situation would immediately go into clopfiction territory. It is also good to see that the awkwardness of that situation isn't lost on the characters either, particularly when Gilda can't stop thinking about it and how being near Rainbow Dash feels even more uncomfortable than before, continuing until Gilda finally tries to get her out of her head and the story ends. It is a bit of a shame that there is no real conclusion explaining how Gilda and Dash become friends rather than enemies but considering a one shot for practice that is forgivable and I think the reader can assume what goes on from here.

Overall I would say this was a solid effort with decent sentence structure and writing, and certainly one of the better shipping one-shots :3

You sure that English is not your first language? You write better than some first-language English writers I've seen.

I feel bad that I cannot write as well of a review as the first two comments, but I love that this is coming from Gilda's point of view. Most GildaDash fics just have her portrayed as a bitch, but with this I can understand her personality. Kudos on that. I would love to read more on this and/or other works from you.

AUGH Peter Griffin, really? You jerk.

I loved it, trackin.

Great work. I hope your planning on continuing this story, it seemed like it ended too soon.

awesome story, but I need MOAR! Gilda is best pony.

>>Ventaus75 Gilda isn't the best pony. She's not even a pony. She's a griffin. She can't be best pony because she's not a pony.
Gilda is best griffin. :rainbowwild:

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