• Published 5th Mar 2013
  • 622 Views, 26 Comments

Different Dimensions - MidnightInk97

There are more worlds than just Equestria... Somepony from one of those different worlds is transported to Equestria and her whole life is flipped upside down.

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Unicorns and Pegasi?! Oh My!

I was tossed around and pulled, like I was clay being molded. I panicked and let go of my breath to find that I could breathe and it was pitch black. I then saw a small pinprick of a light through the silk blackness. It grew until it was a blinding blob of light. Water started to surround me when I saw what I thought was a blue sky
‘Is this what dying feels like?’ I thought to myself. Something brushed past my hoof, startling me. I sucked in a mouth full of water and I kicked upward to what looked like sky when at last I finally broke through the surface. I greedily gulped in the fresh, cool air as I looked for land. I spotted a small beach and started swimming.
I laid on the beach taking in as much oxygen as my lungs would allow. But when I had climbed onto land I hadn’t noticed a white mare sitting with her foal next to the water. They rushed to my side. “Mommy is she okay?” the little grey foal asked. Then there came another splash as the other filly that was in the cage popped out of the water, gagging.
“Stay here.” The mare told the little pony as she galloped into the water. The little foal looked down at me with wonder. I tried to say hi but I couldn’t find my voice so I am glad that the filly wasn’t talkative. The white mare stepped back onto shore dragging my companion gently with her teeth. I got up only to get light headed and fall back down. The grey filly put a hoof on my shoulder and shook her head. I got the message and let my head fall to the sand as I drifted into sleep.

I woke up who knows how much later in a bright living room. I sat up and looked around, the filly from the cage was next to me on the couch sleeping and the grey filly who had saved me was pouring water into a shallow bowl. Then I noticed that the filly wasn’t using her teeth or hooves to hold to pitcher but it was just floating into the middle of the air. My eyes widened when I saw that she had a horn and it was glowing a soft blue. I had only heard of unicorns in stories that my mama had told me when I was little, I didn’t think that they existed.
The unicorn filly noticed me staring, “Hi” she said with a sheepish smile. “My mom and I are glad that you’re okay.” She started towards me using her magic to float a glass of water along with her. I looked at her too shocked to say anything. She glanced at the rope burns left from when I was ponynapped and said with concern, “We aren’t going to hurt you. Oh, and my name is Fire Bird and my mom is Silver Charm.”
I shook my head, hoping that it would loosen some of the knots in my head. I didn’t work. “Where am I?” I ask in a raspy dry voice.
The pony cocked her head like I was crazy. “You’re in Ponyville, in Equestria.” My mouth dropped. It had really worked, I was in another dimension. Something then stirred next to me as my cell mate started to wake. Her eyes flung open as she jumped up with a scream, pushing herself against the back of the sofa we were on.
Just as her muscles begun to tense, ready to sprint, the same soft glow appeared around my aquatince and she layed back down with her chest heaving. I looked to Fire Bird whose horn was glowing and eyes closed in consentration. “What did you do to her?!” I squealed, glancing from Fire to the other pony. Fire opened her eyes, “I calmed her down with my magic, its my special gift.” She said her confusion doubling. “You look like you have never seen a horn even though you are an Alicorn.”
“What are you talking about? What’s an Alicorn?” I asked worriedly.
“Seriously?” Fire asked raising her eyebrow. Fire pulled out a mirror with her magic and held it up to my face. I looked at my reflection to see that I not only had a horn now but wings as well. I lifted my hoof to see if it was just a hallucination but sure enough I felt the horn atop my head. I felt my jaw drop, “This can’t be possible! I am a regular old pony!” I stammered.
“An Alicorn is a pony that has a unicorn horn and Pegasus wings.” Fire explained, “They are more powerful than any unicorn.”
I sat, unable to form any words. The portal must have made us into Alicorns. This was too much for me to take in. I wanted to run back to the pond that had brought me here but another part of me wanted to stay and learn more from Fire Bird.
“Where are you from?” She asked.
“I’m from Saddlewood Acres in Animalas.” I stated. Fire’s eyes widened at this statement but only for second. She tapped her hoof on her chin. “I have never heard of Animalas before.” She admitted.
I contemplated telling the pony about the secret science experiment. Maybe she could help us get back to our families. But what troubled me was if I could trust her. I mean she did save me and the other pony maybe she can find someone that can get me back home. Home. Thinking of it made my eyes water and no one would be able to help me if I didn’t tell somepony.
“Back in my land there is an evil ruler named King Cerberius. He and his scientist were working on a portal or something that could send ponies to different dimensions. He ponynapped me and the other pony and sent us through.” I explained. “That’s how we ended up in the water.
Fire Bird sat there amazed at what I had said. “When we got thrown in, it must have somehow given us wings and horns.”
Fire nodded and thought for a second. “Well the only ponies that I know of that are Alicorns are the royal princesses that rule this land.” Fire stated. “They might be able to get you back home.” She finished.
This gave me hope. Hope for me and the other pony. But if Fire was right about Alicorns being the most powerful ponies then other pony and I could defeat King Cerberius. I thought about this and laughed at how ridiculous the thought was. Two little fillies defeating a pony twice our size, that’s absurd!
I looked over at the other pony laying on the couch next to me, watching her small chest rise and fall gradually. I really wanted to help her out but I was just as weak as her and a minute later I was drifting into the darkness again.