• Published 17th Feb 2013
  • 323 Views, 4 Comments

The Chaos Factor - Mr Jelly

Cyburst may not be as alone as he thinks he is in Equestria. When Luna gives him a strange message, he needs to find the host of the so called "Animal" before it can fully awaken.

  • ...

Cyburst spills some irrelevant beans

“Stay away from me!” Rain shouted, stomping out of the house.

“What’s your problem?!” Apple Seed asked, chasing after her.

Rain Whisper stomped past Cyburst, looking up at him with discolored eyes, then turning back to wherever she was heading.

Cyburst just stood there for a moment, thinking about what he just saw. He walked up to Rain Whisper.

“Was there a lover’s quarrel?” Cyburst asked, winking.

“I DON’T love her!!!” Rain Whisper shouted with a slightly disembodied voice.

“So, how do you feel right now?” Cyburst asked, looking straight into her eyes.

“Angry.” She said, staring back.

“Is that it?” Cyburst said, putting a hoof under Rain Whisper’s chin.

Rain Whisper snapped at Cyburst’s hoof with sharp incisors. “Yes.” She said with tears welling in her eyes.

“Sorry.” Cyburst said, pulling his hoof away.

Rain Whisper’s red eye glowed, turning the other the same color.

The small mare pushed past the stallion with tremendous force, leaving a red aura trail behind her as she walked.

“Oi, I’m not done with you!” Cyburst said, trotting after her.

“I’m done with you.” She said, sitting down on top of a large hill.

“Sorry,” Cyburst said, “But does this hurt?”

Rain Whisper felt a sharp searing feeling down her back. She looked back to see Cyburst holding his sword in the air.

The mare jumped back and hissed at him, the red aura that surrounded her grew brighter.

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’.” Cyburst said, looking at the sword, “It’s not supposed to.”

“Get that thing away from me!” Rain growled.

“Why?” Cyburst asked, “I only touched you with the back of the blade.”

The mare backed away in a stalking motion, watching Cyburst carefully.

Cyburst teleported on top of the mare and pulled up her cheeks, revealing her large canine-like teeth.

“Now, that makes sense.” Cyburst said, examining Rain Whisper’s teeth.

“Stop!” Rain Whisper said, struggling against the pony, “Get off of me!”

“Okay.” Cyburst teleported back in front of the mare, “Can I ask you a question? A really personal question?”

The mare stayed in her laying position, the aura died down and her purple eye returned, engulfing the red one.

“Have at it.” She said, calming down a bit.

“Which one are you?” The stallion asked.

“What do you mean?” The mare asked, acting innocent.

“Oh, come on.” Cyburst said, sitting down, “You can tell me.”

“Fine.” The mare said, looking around. “I- I’m a Lycan.”

“There we go.” Cyburst said, standing back up, “Do you want me to explain how I figured you out?”

“My dad and mom think I’m a vampire though...” Rain said, avoiding the question.

“That’s irrelevant.” Cyburst said, “It’s a simple yes or no.”

“Sure.” She said, glaring up at him.

“Good.” Cyburst said, unsheathing his sword, slowly, “As you might’ve already guessed, this sword is made of silver, hence the name, Silverbolt. I touched you with the back of the blade, which would only be cold for a regular pony. Thus, figuring out you’re supernatural.”

“So you named your sword, and you talk to yourself?” Rain said, standing up and circling him. “Who is it you talk to? You have an animal inside that I should know about?” She asked.

“First, everypony names their sword.” Cyburst said, closing his eyes, “Second, two animals, I talk to. Third... That doesn’t really matter.”

“I told you.” Rain said, getting back in front of him. “Now you tell me.” She demanded.

“Fine, I guess you’re right anyway.” Cyburst sighed, then chuckled, “I guess we all have our secrets.”

“We do.” Rain said, sitting down in front of him.

“Okay, first things first, I can’t tell you about one of the ponies I talk to.” Cyburst looked into her eyes, “Sworn to secrecy, mind you. The second... animal I talk to isn’t really an animal at all. It’s a very advanced computer program that was created to fight another very, very strong computer program. The name of the computer program I have inside me was originally named Falzar, but it goes by Phoenix now.”

Rain Whisper stared at Cyburst, “You have a very... odd secret.”

“And you’re incredibly overpowered, you can’t even imagine how much power you have.” Cyburst said, pulling Rain Whisper close, “You may not even be able to access it all right now.”

Rain Whisper acted like she was embarrassed, “My parents never let me go out when there was a full moon, I’ve never even seen myself as a Lycan.”

“Now that... May or may not be good.” Cyburst said, his cheek touching Rain Whisper’s.

“Should I try it?” Rain asked, acting like it may be a good idea.

“I’m... Not sure.” Cyburst said, “The longer you don’t see the full moon, the stronger you’ll be, but you’ve had what... nineteen years of not-seeing-ole-Cynthia, you may already be too powerful to be stopped.”

“When is the next full moon?” Rain asked, bouncing happily and not listening to Cyburst’s warnings.

“Hmmm? Oh, about...ten days, I think.” Cyburst said, looking up, “I’ll just say it’s your decision, but be warned.”

Cyburst got nose to nose with the mare, holding her shoulders.

“If you go berserk,” Cyburst said, “ I’ll do everything I can to stop you.”

“I’m not gonna go crazy.” Rain laughed, “And why did you call the moon Cynthia? Do you talk to the moon as well? Can you make it become full faster than ten days?” Rain bombarded the stallion with questions.

“You just don’t get it, do you?” Cyburst said, turning around, “You don’t control the beast, the beast controls you. Oh, and I can’t talk to the moon, but I can make it full faster.”

“If you promise to make the moon full, I’ll promise to contain myself.” Rain said.

“That’s not a promise you can make.” Cyburst sighed, and lay on his back.

“Oh, come on,” Rain said, laying beside him, looking at him with puppy dog eyes, “Please?”

“No!” Cyburst said, Getting back up, “It’ll eventually happen, even I couldn’t prevent it. You’ll just have to wait for ten days.”

Rain Whisper crossed her forelegs, blowing her loose hair out of her face, “Fine.” She said.

“Plus I want to see you squirm with anticipation!” He said, jumping on top of her.

“That’s no fun.” She said, “I’ll just ask Luna then.”

“She’ll say the same thing.” Cyburst said, trying to find Rain Whisper’s weak spot.

“I’m not ticklish.” Rain said, “You can ask Ocarina.”

“Now that’s really no fun.” Cyburst said, flicking her nose.

Rain Whisper felt a light pressure from his hoof under her neck, and squirmed just enough for him to notice.

“Oh, you cheeky little liar!” Cyburst said, softly poking the same spot.

Rain giggled a little, but tried to stifle it. “It- It hurts!” She lied, “It doesn’t tickle.”

“Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight.” Cyburst said, starting to poke it faster.

Rain chuckled loudly, trying to squirm out from under him. “Stop it!”

“Oh I haven’t had this much fun in ages!” He said, showing no signs of letting up.

“Someone’s gonna think the wrong thing though!” Rain tried, laughing every time he touched that spot.

“As much as I hate to say it, you’re right.” Cyburst said, getting off her.

As Rain looked around, she saw a rabbit in the distance, looking at them wide eyed.

“Heh, heh...” She said, turning around and starting back to the house.

“Rain...” Cyburst said behind her.

“What?” She asked, turning around.

He was face to face with her again.

“Be careful.” Cyburst said, “It’ll be harder to stay inside at night the closer the full moon comes.”

“Don’t worry,” Rain said, turning around to hide a grin, “I’ll stay in.”

“That’s not what I’m trying to say.” Cyburst said, “Make your own decision, but make sure it’s YOUR decision.”

“Okay.” She said, moving faster back towards the house.

Cyburst sighed.

“Two mares,” Cyburst said, “One’ll threaten the world, one will stand by watching.”

“The only problem is I don’t know which one’s which.”