• Published 13th Feb 2013
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The adventures and times of Chestnut Nutsn’bolts - Darkskarr X

One ponies adventure to find out why a rainbow caused him to dicover his cutie mark, and more...

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A new beginning

Chapter 1- A new beginning
“A pony’s future is not just shaped by their cutie mark; it’s a matter of how they use their talent that shapes their destiny.”

My name is Chestnut Nutsn’bolts. I was born in a farmhouse just outside the city of Whinneapolis. My mother Pistachio and my father Hayseed owned the farm that I grew up on. They were so proud when I was born. My older sis’ Hazel was less impressed of me; she always complained that it would be “Too Crowded” on the farm with a little colt running about the place, but I think she got used to me being around eventually (probably because she was nearly old enough to leave the farm by the time I was old enough to know better.)

We grew all sorts of things on the farm; from tomatoes to turnips, carrots to cabbages. It was hard work, and I didn't really have the patience in me when I was a young colt to sit around growing crops. That’s why when my mother noticed this; she took me out every weekend into the city proper. I didn't like all the noise of the city much, compared to the farm, but I was fascinated by many of the magical contraptions that I saw around the city; the flashing stoplights that told the carriage drivers when to go and stop, the performing unicorns that used fireworks to dazzle and amaze the crowds and the whirring and clicking of the mechanic ponies working on broken carts and building new ones to sell to the noble ponies that lived in the centre of the city. I was entranced by how nimbly and precisely the unicorn mechanics used the tools they worked with. As an Earth pony, I could never hope to do such a thing, but still, I had inkling that I would be good at making and repairing things if I got the chance.

The next year I got my opportunity to try. I was working out in the fields one day during winter (Celestia knows why, nothing could really grow.), when I heard a commotion on the road. A carriage had overturned into a ditch (Fortunately, no pony was inside at the time.) The driver, a very strong, white Pegasus (I say very strong because he had managed to get the cart back upright onto the road.) was pacing up and down the road looking very worried, so I decided to go over and see what the problem was. As I got closer, I heard the pony muttering to himself “Oh, dear, oh no, I’m going to be late for the banquet, and I can’t keep the princess waiting, Shining Armour will have my hide for sure! Oh, what am I to do?!”

I nervously approached the Pegasus. I was still only a little colt at the time, but I had enough sense in me to know that this pony needed help. I timidly trotted up to the muscular Pegasus and asked “E-excuse me. But I was working in the field over there and noticed that you might be having some problem, and I was wondering if there was anything I could do to help.” The Large pony stood there for a moment, looking down at me. I was Quaking in my horseshoes. Then he replied “Oh, its awful little colt! You see, I was supposed to be picking up...” The pony contemplated his choice of words and then continued “Some very important guests for a party in Canterlot, but now the one of wheels on the carriage is broken and it won’t budge without all four wheels working.” The Pegasus sat down on this haunches and thought for a moment, and then asked,

“You wouldn't know where I could find a mechanic unicorn around here would you?”

The nearest Unicorn mechanic was in Whinneapolis, but the wagon was in no shape to even budge from where it had been heaved back onto the road. Then, I had an idea. A crazy idea, but a good idea!

“There’s no mechanics around except in Whinneapolis” I replied nervously. The Pegasus looked panicked by what I just said so I quickly added “But I've seen my Dad fix the wheel of the old wagon that we have, maybe I could fix it for you.”
Normally, any rational pony would have scoffed at the thought of young foal like me being able to fix anything, but this pony was clearly distraught with worry and reluctantly replied “If you think you can help, I see no harm in you giving it a try.”
I remember jumping up and down happily and replying rather excitedly “Yes sir! Chestnut’s my name and helping is my game! I’ll be back with my dad’s tools real quick!”

I remember being so excited. I was actually going to try and do what the unicorn mechanics could do! And I was going to help some pony by doing it! I rushed back to the site of the carriage as quick as my little hooves could carry me to see the Pegasus still pacing around. When he saw me, I gave him a little nod (It’s kind of hard to talk when you have a toolbox in your mouth) and he nodded back, saying “Thank you for doing this, little Chestnut. My name is Blizzard, by the way.” He smiled, looking a little less panicked now that I was back. I put my dad’s toolbox down and opened it up. Then my heart froze.

I couldn't do it!
I had no idea what tool fit where, what I was doing or how I was even going to lift the big heavy tools. Blizzard was looking on nervously, and then asked “Is something wrong?” I replied rather hastily “No, no! Everything’s fine! Don’t worry; I’ll have you on your way soon!” I tried to hide the panic in my voice. I was scared, I didn't want to let Blizzard down, and I didn't want to look silly in front him either. I put my head in my hooves and looked up in the cloudy sky, hoping for Celestia to come down and hug me and tell me everything was going to be okay...

But instead I saw, and heard something else. At first I thought it Blizzard had let off a party popper or something, but I knew it wasn't that when my eyes saw a rainbow in the sky. Not like a normal rainbow, this one was moving, and fast! It shot straight over me in a beautiful arc of color. Now, I don’t know what it was about that rainbow, even today, but something about it filled by head with ideas. First all at once, like reading a book really fast, and it made me dizzy for a while, I recall falling back on my haunches and landing on my dad’s toolbox, spilling the contents all over the road. The images in my head began to slow down; I could make sense of them now. Then, I saw it! I knew how to fix the Carriage! I looked at Blizzard and asked “Can you hold the center of the wheel over the axle? I can fix it if you hold it there” Blizzard was stunned by my sudden focus on the task then nodded and proceeded to pick up the wheel in his teeth and held it against the axle. I remember looking at the toolbox and grabbing the washers and bolts in my teeth and quickly putting them in the holes of the carriage’s wheel. Then I proceeded to grab the screwdriver between my teeth and carefully turned my head to tighten up the bolts of the wheel. Afterwards I tapped each of the bolts in the axle to check if any were loose, and none of them were.
I turned to Blizzard and remarked excitedly “Done!”

Blizzard was just sitting there muzzle agape. He then shut his muzzle and proceeded to rub his eyes in disbelief as to what he had just seen. Blizzard then proceeded to shake his head and find his voice again. Stammering slightly, “I-I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes... Y-you actually did it!” He got up on all four of his hooves and laughed and jumped around like he was a little colt again. He the realized what he was doing and stopped looking a little bit embarrassed. He then turned back to me and said “I have to say kid, you've got talent” He paused for a second and looked up to the sky and said to himself “I mean, for a unicorn, that would've taken all day to fix. Darn near impossible without their magic,” He turned back to face me “But you, well, you’re something special.” I smiled with glee then I noticed a small flash of light coming from my left flank. But before I could look, Blizzard remarked “Well I’ll be!” He said strapping himself back into the carriage harness and continued “Looks like your cutie mark seems to have surfaced kid! Certainly suits you.”

I didn't understand. At that time, I didn't have a cutie mark. How could he... I looked at my flanks, and, sure enough I saw a washer and two bolts imprinted on each side! My cutie mark! I was astonished; I didn't think I would ever get a cutie mark like this! I thought I would always get one of a type of nut, like the rest of my family! Then I thought about it, and it made sense, a washer it a type of mechanical nut!

“Anyway,” Blizzard said, snapping me out of my trance about my cutie mark “I’d best be off; wouldn't want to keep princess Cadence waiting.” Suddenly realizing what he had said, his fore hooves shot up to his mouth, making him fall over in the process. He moved his hooves away from his mouth, looking rather embarrassed. “Its okay” I replied “I heard you muttering about a princess when I first came to see what was wrong.” Blizzard looked less embarrassed then and we both laughed. He got back on his hooves and flapped his powerful wings and took off. He stopped only for a moment turning to yell “If I ever need another carriage fixed, I’ll know where to come! See ya around kid!” He took off into the cloudy sky carriage in tow. I waved to him as he went, but he was too far away. I remember thinking to myself “Gosh, I hope get to be that strong some day!” It was on that day, I realized there was more for me to see out there...

As the years past, I thought long and hard about the rainbow I had seen on the day I got my cutie mark. Where had it come from, what caused it and why did it make me see all those ideas and images in my head as it passed? I was determined to find out.

“Are you sure about this son?” My dad Hayseed asked me as I began packing essentials, “Your mother’s awful upset to find that her son is up and leavin’ the stable on his 14th birthday.”

“I’m sure dad,” I responded, packing the tools I had acquired over the years into my saddle pack. “Besides, I need to know where that rainbow came from.”

“Oh, you mean the one you saw the day you got your cutie mark?” Dad asked calmly

“Yeah,” I replied trying to concentrate on packing supplies for the journey ahead

My dad gave a hefty sigh “ OK, If that’s what makes you happy...” he turned to leave the door of my room only turning his head to say “you just make sure you write to us often, OK? Don’t want your mother kickin’ up a fuss about not hearing from you.” He shut the door behind him, going downstairs to console my mother, who was crying in the kitchen. She wasn't too happy about me leaving home at 14. She wanted me to stay until I was at least 16, but she knew how impatient I was, and finally conceded under great duress (and a little persuasion from dad.)

It was time. The day I left home was a clear, sunny day on the farm in summer, like the Pegasi had changed the weather just for this day. The tomatoes were just starting to ripen in the fields. Dad and mum were standing just inside the doorway as I left the house for the last time. My mum was in tears as I waved goodbye to her and dad, trying to hold back the urge to run back to them, focusing instead on where I was going to go to find the source of the rainbow I had seen all those years ago. The only lead I had was that the origin of the mysterious rainbow had come from the direction of Cloudsdale and Ponyville. It would be a long trek, but I was determined to find out myself what had caused me to be so good with machines and inventing.

I put one hoof in front of the other and started my epic journey that would eventually lead me to find the tablet that would change my life. But, that’s much later in the story of me. And we’re just getting started...

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